Page 1: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Conquered provinces had

a Roman governor and soldiers

• Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens

• Built capital cities in new provinces

• Did not try to force people to change their lives; let people keep beliefs and traditions

Page 2: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Latin was official language

of empire• Pax Romana – period of

peace when Roman Empire was at its height

• Romans were engineers and architects (builders)

• Created arch, which could support a wall over an open space

• Invented concrete, mix of stone, sand, cement and water that was used in buildings

Page 3: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Built great aqueducts that

carried clean water long distances into cities

• Colosseum – greatest of Roman buildings; held 50,000 people; site of contests and fights for sport

Page 4: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Roman citizens were

proud of being a citizen and had many rights

• Every 5 years male citizens had to be counted by registering for the census

• Women, free slaves, girls were not counted as citizens; they gained status by their relationship with a male citizen

Page 5: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Wealthy Romans lived in

fancy houses in city, or on land in the country called villas

• Poor Romans lived in small apartments and seldom had enough to eat

• Poor would riot• Rome had to provide

wheat & grain for the poor so they could have bread

Page 6: Roman Empire Conquered provinces had a Roman governor and soldiers Locals mostly remained free; many were made Roman citizens Built capital cities in new

Roman Empire• Created “circuses”

(arenas) where people could see free shows

• Circuses were often violent

• Used gladiators who fought to the death

• Often fought against slaves or animals
