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ST. DOMINIC SAVIO Roman Catholic Community

24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME September 11, 2016

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11 (Sunday Mass


Clase para el Bautizo (Español)

viernes, septiembre 16 (7:00 p.m.)

Bautizos (Español) sábado, septiembre 17 (10:00 a.m.)

RES Begins Saturday, September 17

13400 Bellflower Boulevard, Bellflower, CA 90706 · (562) 920-7796 ·

A Pilgrimage Church of the Door of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016

We are a parish that evangelizes, a school that prepares for life, a home that welcomes, a playground for recreation, and a place where friends can come together.

Somos una parroquia que evangeliza, una escuela que prepara para la vida, una casa que acoge, un patio de recreo, y un lugar donde amigos se pueden reunir.

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September 11, 2016


PARISH INFORMATION 24th Sunday In Ordinary Time When religious people complained that Jesus welcomed and ate with sinners, Jesus challenged them to change their image of God. Imagine God as a shepherd, abandoning ninety-nine obedient sheep to seek the stupid one who got lost. Imagine God as a distraught woman (could religious men imagine that?), losing something and turning the house upside down to find it. Imagine God as an unconditionally forgiving father granting an unworthy son an undeserved feast. Then Jesus added a character whom religious people might imagine, even recognize, all too well. The elder son stayed home; obeyed the father’s will; then exploded with rage and judgment and refused to join his brother’s welcome-home feast. This Jubilee of Mercy asks, which half of Jesus’ audience do I belong to? How do I imagine God? How can I become like the searching shepherd, the sweeping woman, the forgiving father? How else can I expect a welcome to Jesus’ feast of forgiveness? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - Because Moses interceded,

the Lord relented and did not punish the people (Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14).

Psalm - I will rise and go to my father (Psalm 51).

Second Reading - Paul expresses his gratitude for being appointed to the ministry (1 Timothy 1:12-17).

Gospel - There is great rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents (Luke 15:1-32 [1-10]).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

ST. DOMINIC SAVIO CHURCH 13400 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706

(562) 920-7796 (562) 920-0149 (FAX)

PASTOR Fr. Chinh Nguyen, SDB

Ext. 201


Fr. Francisco Muñoz, SDB Fr. Kristian Laygo, SDB

PERMANENT DEACONS Dn. Joe Lumsdaine Dn. Willy Arban


Coordinator of Youth Ministry Taaj Lewis

Business Manager Myriam Rodriguez

Secretary Laura L. Martinez

PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday

9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with a 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. break

Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

with a 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. break Sunday

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


5:30 p.m. English (Piano/Cantor) 7:00 p.m. Spanish (Mariachi)

Sunday 6:30 a.m. English (Piano/Cantor)

8:00 a.m. Spanish (Children’s Choir) 10:00 a.m. English (Children’s Choir)

11:30 a.m. English (Adult Choir) 1:00 p.m. Spanish (Adult Choir) 5:30 p.m. English (Young Adult


Stewardship Corner September 4, 2016

Envelopes: $ 5,992.39 Loose: 7,960.00 Total: $ 13,952.39

Thank you!

¡Gracias a todos!

24o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Cuando algunas personas muy cumplidoras de los preceptos religiosos se quejaron que Jesús se juntaba y comía con pecadores, Jesús los desafío a cambiar su imagen de Dios. La imagen de Dios como un pastor que abandona a noventa y nueve ovejas para buscar a la más despistada que se perdió. La imagen de Dios en una mujer preocupada (¿podrían los hombres religiosos imaginarlo?) que perdió algo y pone “la casa patas arriba” para encontrarlo. La imagen de Dios como un padre que incondicionalmente perdona a un hijo indigno y además celebra su regreso con una fiesta. Luego Jesús añade a otra persona con quien las personas religiosas podrían de alguna manera reconocer y, también todos nosotros. El hijo mayor que estaba en casa, un hijo obediente a la voluntad de su padre, luego reaccionan con rabia y juicio y, se niegan a unirse a recibir en casa a su hermano. Sin duda que en este Jubileo de la Misericordia se nos pregunta ¿con cuál audiencia te identificas? ¿Cómo tú te imaginas a Dios? ¿Cómo puedo hacerme como el pastor y la mujer preocupados, el padre comprensivo? ¿De que otra manera puedo esperar una bienvenida a la fiesta del perdón de Jesús? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of

reconciliation. (2 Cor 5:19) En Cristo, Dios reconciliaba al mundo con él,

y a nosotros entregaba el mensaje de la reconciliación. (2 Cor 5,19)

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Parish Office · (562) 920-7796


DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday

6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturday 7:15 a.m.

Civil Holidays 7:15 a.m. only

HOLY DAYS 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon,

7:00 p.m. Bilingual


Mass every 24th of the month at 7:00 p.m.

CONFESSIONS Monday through Friday

7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Saturdays

3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


BAPTISMS Six-month registration is required before making any arrangements


BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Please send submissions to

[email protected] or deliver to the Parish Office.

Please submit information by the Tuesday before the publication date; printed as space allows.

Please reserve flier space at least three weeks prior.

Jesus and Mary will be my best friends…

Death rather than sin. - St. Dominic Savio


Over 290 Ministers took part in the JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY MINISTER APPRECIATION GALA ON SEPT. 3, 2016. We are so blessed to have so many people involved in Ministry at our Parish! Much thanks goes to Terri Alvarez and her husband, Marcelo and their "Team" of workers who made it happen without any work from the ministers that usually make these things happen around here. For this year’s event: MINISTERS INVOLVED IN MINISTRY FOR 35, 30, 25 AND 20 YEARS RECEIVED CERTFICATES AND A COMMEMORATIVE PIN. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OR PIN, PLEASE LET DIANNE LUMSDAINE KNOW! Thank you and God bless you for your service to the people of St. Dominic Savio.

ENDOW (ESPAÑOL) Se les hace la cordial invitación a recibir la Carta de San Juan Paulo II, Sep embre 16, 2016. Es un Programa de Estudio Endow Católico Dirigido a las Mujeres y Jovencitas adolecentes para ayudarlas a Entender su Dignidad. Como Don de Dios y Responder a la Urgencia Necesidad de Nuestra cultura de contar con una auten ca Precencia Femenina para Transformar cada aspecto de la Vida y la Sociedad. Muchas Gracias! Contactar a Maritza (909) 461-0382.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR DIVORCED AND SEPARATED Office of Family Life: Separated & Divorced Ministry

"HEALING HEARTS" Our group goal is to become a source of spiritual strength and wisdom to process the grief, to ease the pain, and to give comfort and hope to those recovering from separa on and divorce. Topics taken from the book: Rebuilding When Your Rela onships End star ng September 19, 2016. Please join our support group the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Room 5A. Where: Immaculate Concep on Catholic Church, 740 S. Shamrock Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. For informa on contact: Julie (213) 637-7249 or e-mail: [email protected].

A NOTE FROM THE PASTOR: Thank you to all the ministers of the community of faith at St. Dominic Savio and I hope that you have enjoyed an evening at the APPRECIATION GALA on Saturday, September 3rd. As we came together to give thanks to God for the extraordinary life of Mother Teresa of Calcu a (now a SAINT in the Church), I am invi ng all the ministers and guests from the Apprecia on Gala to drop a note to the Front Desk by simply wri ng a line or a word of your “experience and / or feeling” for the night. Many thanks and let’s con nue to serve God with joy and humility! Agradezco a todos los ministerios de Fe de la Comunidad de Santo Domingo Savio, mi deseo es que hayan disfrutado de la Gala con mo vo de agradecimiento a ustedes este pasado sábado, 3 de sep embre. Ya que nos reunimos para dar gracias por la vida de Madre Teresa de Calcuta (ahora una santa de la iglesia), invito a todos los ministros y sus invitados que asis eron a la noche de Gala, a que nos escriban unas palabras acerca de cuanto disfrutaron o como fue su experiencia esa noche de reconocimiento. Muchas gracias y con nuemos sirviendo al Señor con alegría y humildad!

A NOTE OF THANKS Cross Catholic Outreach wishes to thank you for the welcome you extended to Father Eloy Romero-Rojas on our recent visit to your parish. On behalf of the poorest of the poor, we thank you for having shared in their lives. May the Lord con nue to bless all of you for your love and support.

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September 11, 2016


MASS INTENTIONS Week of September 11, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016 6:30 AM Enrique Esparza III

(Birthday) 8:00 AM Petra Rico 10:00 AM Tim Graves 11:30 AM Ascencion y Epifania

Cuellar 1:00 PM Gabriel Isais 5:30 PM For all the people at Saint

Dominic Savio Church Monday, September 12, 2016 6:30 AM Juan y Martha Rodarte

(Anniversary) 8:00 AM Mrs. Jellerson 12:00 PM Irma Makalinao (Birthday) Tuesday, September 13, 2016 6:30 AM Antonio Quintero 8:00 AM Divina Misericordia 12:00 PM Pedro Velazquez, Jr. Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:30 AM Nap Jacob (Birthday) 8:00 AM Olga Wick 12:00 PM John Mussachin Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:30 AM Celerina Vallejo 8:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. George Dela Cruz 12:00 PM Porfirio & Ma. De Jesus

Peña Friday, September 16, 2016 6:30 AM Celerina Vallejo 8:00 AM Jan Moe (D) 12:00 PM Louis Meza Saturday, September 17, 2016 7:15 AM Ninfa Rios (Birthday) 5:30 PM Irene & Gregoria Ramos 7:00 PM Jhonny Covarrobias Sunday, September 18, 2016 6:30 AM Maria E. Aguila 8:00 AM Por todos los miembros de

Santo Domingo Savio 10:00 AM Consuelo Ramirez 11:30 AM Jose & Ann de Jesus

(Wedding Anniversary) 1:00 PM Jose Benito Trujillo 5:30 PM Joy Arenas (Thanksgiving)

Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

For any typographical errors, please call or e-mail the Parish Office

Invitación al Camino de la Fe R I C

A Eres un adulto o conoces a un adulto que:

¿Quiere ser bau zado? ¿Es bau zado en la fe Cris ana y quiere ser Católico? ¿Es Católico bau zado y necesita completar sus Sacramentos de Iniciación?

¡Permite Que Te Ayudemos! R.I.C.A. es el Rito de Iniciación Cris ana para Adultos. RICA se des na a los adultos que, al oír el anuncio del misterio de Cristo, y bajo la acción del Espíritu Santo en sus corazones, consciente y libremente buscan a Dios y emprenden el camino de la fe y de la conversión. Con la ayuda de Dios se les provee la ayuda espiritual para su preparación y para la recepción fructuosa de los sacramentos – Bau zo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación. Es un proceso que ene varios ritos, ceremonias y celebraciones con determinados esquemas y enfoques. RICA se reunirá los domingos de 1 a 4 p.m. en el salón de Formación empezando el 18 de Sep embre, 2016. Para más información, por favor de comunicarse con Susana Carrillo (323)422-7633 email [email protected] o con Raúl Vallejo (562)618-1549.

RCIA Kickoff Session - Accept the Invitation! -

Wed., Sept 14, 2016, 7:00pm · 9:00pm The Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA) is a process for adults who desire to explore the Catholic faith and to become fully ini ated members of the Catholic

Church. To learn more, come to an RCIA Kickoff session Wed., Sept. 14, from 7 to 9pm in the Forma on Room. Are you an adult who:

• Is interested in becoming Catholic? • Is a Baptized Catholic who wishes to receive the

Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?

Then RCIA is for you! If you are interested in learning more and/or star ng RCIA, please plan to a end. Beginning with this kickoff session, RCIA sessions will meet every Wednesday evening in the forma on room from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. For more informa on please contact: Maureen Sandoval (562)868-3095 or [email protected]

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Parish Office · (562) 920-7796


SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in

Ordinary Time; Patriot Day; Grandparents Day

Monday: The Most Holy Name of Mary

Tuesday: St. John Chrysostom Wednesday: The Exaltation of the Holy

Cross Thursday: Our Lady of Sorrows Friday: Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Saturday: St. Robert Bellarmine;

Blessed Virgin Mary READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10,

17; Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps

100:1-5; Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-

38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2,

16ab-17, 28; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 7:36-50

Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lk 8:1-3

Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15

Sunday: Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 [10-13]

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in their time of suffering and need, especially: Mike Golini, Roman Udabe, Joe Coyle, Eligio Marquez, Ana Rodriguez Duarte, Minda Pamuspusan, Connie Boenzi, Frank Coca, Susan Niethamer, Marc Garcia, Linda Abalos, Marcelino de Anda, Jeremiah Succar, Salvador Fletes, Moises Felix, Juan Ponce, and those who live alone. Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016

A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within

me. — Psalm 51:12

Annual Fall Fiesta

September 30, October 1& 2, 2016

Be Sure and Buy/Sell Raffle Tickets!! 10 FREE tickets with purchase of book of 25

Grand Prize - $10,000.00* 2nd Prize –60” LG Smart LED TV* 3rd Prize - His & Hers Apple Watches *

4th Prize - $250.00* *additional amount won if present at time of drawing

Discount Ride Tickets are available beginning Sept 11 after all Masses also available in Church office and after school

☺Buy Early and Save 20%☺

► Many Donated Items Needed! ◄ 2 Liter BOTTLES of regular or diet Coke or Pepsi

and regular Lemon Lime soda Pies & Homemade cookies, brownies, & cakes

(Please call : Yvonne/sweets booth for details – 562/544-6278 )


☺Please Help! Volunteers Always Needed!☺

Volunteers willing to work call: Julio Ascencio (562)900-9941 or email: [email protected]

Any questions call: Bill or Pam Parnell (562)864-3424

All Donations can be brought to the Church Office on or before September 30

!!! Promote your business !!! With your own Booth or Banner or Promotional Items

Become a SPONSOR of our Fall Fiesta For info call Bill Parnell 562-864-3424

New Items Needed for our Pick-A-Ticket Booth examples:

Gift certificates, Toys, Bikes, iPods, Stereos, TV’s, etc.

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September 11, 2016


For more information on the Youth Programs at Saint Dominic Savio Church, visit our new Youth Ministry website at

PASTOR Fr. Chinh Nguyen, SDB, ext 201

ASSOCIATE PASTORS Fr. Avelino Lorenzo, SDB Fr. Juan Francisco Muñoz, SDB Fr. Kristian Laygo, SDB

DEACON COUPLES Dn. Willy and Carmen Arban Dn. Joe and Dianne Lumsdaine

OFFICE STAFF Dianne Lumsdaine, Pastoral Associate, [email protected] Myriam Rodriguez, Business Manager, ext 247 Laura L. Martinez, Secretary, ext 200

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHOOL (RES) Sr. Carmen Palacios, FMA, Director of Religious Education, ext 317

YOUTH MINISTRY Taaj Lewis, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ext 316


ST. DOMINIC SAVIO SCHOOL (562) 866-3617 Sr. Marie Gannon, FMA, Principal


Cathy Domondon-Hirshey, Chairperson

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Aracely Martinez, Chairperson

BEREAVEMENT TEAM - Penny Menendez (English), Miguel Aguirre (Spanish) FILIPINO MINISTRY - Minda Pamuspusan BOY SCOUTS - Bob Rodriguez GIRL SCOUTS - Cynthia Dondiego CUB SCOUTS - Erik Zandvliet LITURGY COMMITTEE - Bettyrae Reyes EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY - Norma Merino, Francisco & Teresa Padilla LECTORS - Bob & Linda Ramirez, Minnie Garza USHERS - Aracely Martinez, Juan Figueroa WEDDING FACILITATORS - Norma Merino, Mary Hobel MUSIC MINISTERS - Alfredo Ramirez, Angie Robillos, Francisco Violago, Arturo Meza, Maria Trujillo, Gerardo & Anabel Navarro ALTAR SERVERS - Bob & Linda Ramirez SALESIAN SISTERS - Sr. Sandra Neaves, FMA SAVIO PARENT ORG (SPO) PRESIDENT - Antonio Ocampo RCIA: ADULT CHRISTIAN INITIATION - Maureen Sandoval

SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE - Jeff Caudill MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - George & Virginia Hazboun, Maria Trujillo ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY AND FOOD PANTRY - Carlos Barillas, Mary Bourland HEALTH MINISTRY - Carmen Arban, Vickie Rapadas WELCOME COMMITTEE - Angela Manriquez CARE MINISTRY - Ron Manriquez SAVIO SENIORS - Carol Herr OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - Minda Pamuspusan RESTORATIVE JUSTICE OUTREACH - Carlos Porras BIBLE STUDY - Victor Osugi (English), Louie Velazquez (Spanish) GRUPO DE ORACION - Arturo and Bertha Ponce ASSOCIATION OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS (ADMA) DAMAS SALESIANAS - Ana Pastrano DBPAANA (BOSCONIANS) - Aurelio Alvero, Jr. EXALUMNOS SALESIANOS - Moises Diaz SALESIAN COOPERATORS - Mike Alvarez (English), Elena La Rosa (Spanish)

CONTACT DIRECTORY & RESOURCES Call the Parish Office for specific meetings dates, times, locations and for more information.

Did You Know? Pokémon Go and other popular cell phone games a ract kids and adults of all ages, but not everyone who plays is doing it for fun. Some predators use online games as a way to connect with poten al vic ms and find out where they’re playing. It is important to teach kids not to share loca ons online with anyone they don’t know in real life (anyone who is not a trusted friend, sibling, rela ve, etc.), and take steps to disable loca on-sharing features on cell phones and devices if possible. For more informa on, visit: h ps://

Los depredadores también juegan Pokémon Go y otros juegos populares en teléfonos celulares atraen a niños y adultos de todas las edades, pero no todos los que juegan lo hacen por diversión. Algunos depredadores usan los juegos en línea como una forma de conectarse con víc mas potenciales y para descubrir dónde estos están jugando. Es importante enseñar a los niños a no compar r su ubicación por Internet con alguien que ellos no conocen en la vida real (cualquiera que no sea un amigo de confianza, hermano, familiar, etc.) y tomar los pasos para bloquear las capacidades de compar r locación en teléfonos celulares y otros aparatos, si esto es posible. Para más información, visite a h ps://

