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Julian Arcila Bueno


• Roma it is the capital of Italia. it is also the country's largest and most populated in the European Union by population.

Situated of interest

•St. Peter's Basilica •Sistine Chapel•The Colosseum

•the Roman Forum •The Trevi Fountain

St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter Basilica of the Vatican gets up on the tomb of the Apostle San's Pedro.At which artists have been employed of first as Maderno's front, Michaelo Ángelo dome, or Bernini Plaza they are only in the world.

Sistine Chapel

• The Sistine Chapel is the most famous chapel of the Vatican City. Originally it was serving as chapel of the strength vaticana, It is famous for his architecture, and his decoration to the fresh air.

The Colosseum

The Roman coliseum is undoubtedly the most representative monument of the city of Rome and symbol of the whole former Roman empire. Designed as sand to see to fight in the sand both to gladiators and to beasts.In spite of the fact that now he is in ruins, due to the hurt caused by earthquakes and thieves of stone, the Coliseum has been seen from always as an icon of the Imperial Rome and today it is one of the principal tourist attractions of the city.

the Roman Forum

Roman forum Is the place where the whole civil life was developing in the former Rome. It was the heart of the City and it is loaded with recollections of the principal protagonists of his History.

On the valley of the Forum the hill of the Court one appears, where they find the ruins of the imperial residence, begun for August and enlarged spectacularly for his successors.

The Trevi Fountain The Fountain I gave Trevi it is the most monumental source of Rome and one of the most beautiful of the world. The history of this source goes back to the times of the emperor Augusto.The monumental source that today we admire was constructed in the 18th century by an almost unknown man.

Typical food

Slices of domestic bread toasted to the gridiron, with a bit of garlic, and ingredients of the most varied thing above: tomato (the most typical), cheese, vegetables ... quite watered with olive oil and salt. It is one of the most traditional inlets of the Italian kitchen, there are specialized restaurants, called bruschetterías