Page 1: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

Nurul Adillah Jumaddi

Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam


Malaysia's 13th General Election was an intense contest between the ruling National Front, Barisan Nasional (BN) and the opposition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR). The National Front had won 133 seats in the 222-member parliament, falling well short of the two-thirds majority that Prime Minister Najib Razak had aimed to capture in 13 th General Election. The three-party opposition alliance, Anwar Ibrahim rejected the result because the country's Election Commission (EC) had failed to investigate evidence of widespread voter fraud. Anwar had accused the coalition of flying up to 40,000 phantom voters, including foreigners, across the country to vote in close races. The government says it was merely helping voters get to home towns. In significant, Ethnic Chinese parties allied with the National Front suffered heavy losses in 2008 General Election and were punished by voters again on 2013 General Election. The National Front's ethnic Chinese MCA party won just five seats, down from 15 in 2008. That leaves the National Front dominated more than ever by ethnic Malays, who make up about 60 percent of the population, increasing a trend of racial polarization in the country. This research compares on way of mainstream media and publication from the opposition party portray on this issue in their newspaper. Mainstream media such as Utusan Malaysia newspaper will be compared alongside with one of publication from the opposition parties which is Suara Keadilan newspaper through a content analysis. A comparative study of the news articles on both publications throughout the campaign period (1 May - 6 May 2013) will be studied. Utilising the theoretical framework of Agenda Setting, Utusan Malaysia and Suara Keadilan will be tested to see the extent of the dominant role played by the Agenda Setting theory in deciding the articles that are published.

Keywords: Agenda Setting, General Election, mainstream media, opposition publication


Malaysia's 13th General Election was an

intense contest between the ruling National

Front, Barisan Nasional (BN) and the

opposition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR). The

National Front had won 133 seats in the

222-member parliament, falling well short

of the two-thirds majority that Prime

Minister Najib Razak had aimed to capture

in 13th General Election (Stuart and Al-

Zaquan, 2013).


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While support for the ruling coalition from

the country's majority ethnic Malays

remained solid, ethnic Chinese who make

up a quarter of Malaysians continued to

desert the National Front, accelerating a

trend seen in the previous election. Ethnic

Chinese have turned to the opposition,

attracted by its pledge to tackle corruption

and end race-based policies favouring

ethnic Malays in business, education and


The National Front won 140 seats in 2008,

at the time it is worst-ever showing. The

opposition won 88 seats this year,

according to latest results; it is up from 82

in previous election. The National Front

also failed to win back the crucial

industrial state of Selangor near the capital

Kuala Lumpur, which Prime Minister

Najib Razak had vowed to achieve.

Meanwhile, the three-party opposition

alliance led by former deputy Prime

Minister Anwar Ibrahim had been

optimistic of a historic victory, buoyed by

huge crowds at recent rallies.

However, it became clear that the restless

opposition would be unable to unseat one

of the world's longest-serving

governments in Malaysia's history. The

three-party opposition alliance, Anwar

Ibrahim rejected the result because the

country's Election Commission (EC) had

failed to investigate evidence of

widespread voter fraud.

Anwar had accused the coalition of flying

up to 40,000 phantom voters, including

foreigners, across the country to vote in

close races. The government says it was

merely helping voters get to home towns

(Stuart and Al-Zaquan, 2013).

In 2008 previous general election result

signalled a breakdown in traditional

politics as minority ethnic Chinese and

ethnic Indians, as well as many majority

Malays, rejected the National Front's brand

of race-based patronage that has ensured

stability but led to corruption and

widening inequality (Stuart and Al-

Zaquan, 2013).

Ethnic Chinese parties allied with the

National Front suffered heavy losses in

2008 general election and were punished

by voters again on 2013 general election.

The National Front's ethnic Chinese MCA

party won just five seats, down from 15 in


That leaves the National Front dominated

more than ever by ethnic Malays, who

make up about 60 percent of the

population, increasing a trend of racial

polarization in the country.

More than 13 million Malaysians went to

the polls on May 5. This is the first time


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that the ruling party has gone through the

full five-year term before dissolving

parliament. There are some critic claims

that the ruling coalition has lacked

confidence to face the electorate on several

contentious issues.

It faces growing anger due to rising racial

and religious tensions, allegations of

corruption involving its leaders directly or

indirectly, the rising cost of living, police

brutality, continued detention without trial

and the awarding of scholarships to

students based on racial quota and not


The United Malays National Organisation

(UMNO), which has controlled Malaysia

through coalition governments since

independence in 1957, faces a formidable

opposition that promises to end corruption,

cronyism and authoritarian rule. Under

UMNO, multi-ethnic Malaysia became a

regional economic success story while

enjoying relative harmony between

majority ethnic Malays and its sizeable


On the other hand however, the opposition

led by Anwar Ibrahim or also known party

as Parti Pakatan Rakyat has won support

with pledges of clean, transparent

governance and respect for civil liberties,

enjoying unprecedented freedom to get its

message past state-controlled mainstream

media via the Internet.


2.1 Recent General Elections in


According to the Election Commission, 85

per cent cast their votes for parliamentary

seats while 86 per cent for the state

legislative assembly seats. This was the

highest number of votes cast in any

general election in the country’s history.

Many researchers have referred to this as

the “people’s election”. With the recent

global events from the Arab Spring to the

Occupy Wall Street movement have given

the world unexpected glimpses of the

power of citizen participation; where

demonstrating masses with the means of

the Internet as a tool are able to play a

significant part in the overthrow of long-

standing regimes or in spreading the cause

of a movement to many parts of the world.

So basically, Malaysians went to the polls

for the country’s thirteenth general

elections. The results are now in, with the

Barisan Nasional government get by its

narrowest ever parliamentary victory of

133 seats to Pakatan Rakyat’s 89 seats

(PRU 13, 2013).


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2.2 The Role of Mainstream Media in


The mainstream media in Malaysia has

been in existence since the British Colonial

administration. In print media, major

newspapers include three English

languages dailies, two Malay language

dailies, five Chinese language dailies and

two Tamil dailies (Kenyon and

Marjoribanks, 2007). In Malaysia,

mainstream media focuses primarily on

positive stories for the benefit of the

political elite (Anuar 2000: 184).

This outcome appears to be related, in part,

to newsroom culture in Malaysia, where

close links between political leaders,

editors and publishers make it difficult for

journalists to investigate political leaders

(Anuar, 2005).

Open-minded journalists did not have a

chance to bring their message to the people

because of the well-honed and vigilant

apparatus of the government while

political opponents face limited reporting,

particularly over calls for political reform.

The media in Malaysia are confronted by

the possibilities for change as civil society

organisations increasingly mobilise new

media technologies to seek information.

2.3 The Opposition's Voice

One of the opposition voices is Suara

Keadilan. It is a newspaper published by

National Justice Party (Parti Keadilan

Rakyat). As the opposition publication,

most news publishing news are not to

praise the Barisan Nasional Government.

Their purpose is to expose the weakness in

the government.


According to Netto (2002), mainstream

media coverage of government policies is

usually uncritical while political opponents

face limited reporting and particularly over

calls for political reform. The role of the

media is most evident in the run-up to any


Although online media proved to be a

turning point in recent general election but

mainstream media role also has been

evident in every election.

Mainstream media is accessible to a large

segment of the populations as medium of

information, although the mainstream

media is perceived as echoing the voice of

the government, not giving a balanced

coverage of issues and ignoring the

Opposition's point of view.


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However, the researcher wants to know the

way mainstream media set the agenda for

their reader in ensuring its continuous

success in the election.

Meanwhile although Opposition

effectively and essentially relied on online

media to counter the National Front

however they still depend on their

publication Suara Keadilan to reach their

supporter. So it is showed that traditional

media still remained a critical factor in

ensuring their campaign message is spread.


The aim of this research is to bring to light

on how the mainstream media and also the

opposition use discursive strategies to

portray political parties' campaign

messages. Both publications have different

way of injecting their agenda to the

reader's mind.


The research uses content analysis as a

method of investigation. The data is

subjected to a detailed analysis to pull out

the underlying issues presented.

According to Holsti and Stone (1969),

content analysis is any technique for

making inferences by objectively and

systematically identifying specified

characteristics of messages.

On the other hand, according to

Krippendorff (2004), content analysis is a

research technique for making replicable

and valid inferences from data to their


Basically, content analysis is a technique

of gathering and analysing the content of

text (Neuman, 2003). According to

Neuman (2003), the content refers to

words, meanings, pictures, symbols, ideas,

themes, or any messages that can be


A number of analysis attempts to relate

certain characteristics of the score of a

given body of message content to the

characteristics of the messages that are


For this research, a latent coding method is

used. This method is also called as

semantic analysis. Here the underlying

implicit meaning in the content will be

analysed (Babbie, 2004). The coding

system is based on the issues mentioned

below to guide the interpretation of the


According to Neuman (2003), this method

is best used for tapping underlying

meaning of communication because people

communicate meaning in many implicit


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ways that depend on content, and not just

in specific words.

So, for this research, the researcher

attempts to analyse the strategies used by

Utusan Malaysia (mainstream media) and

Suara Keadilan (opposition media) to

present the issues raised by the various

political parties during the campaign

period of the 13th General Elections in May


The period of analysis is before the 13th

General Election, during the 13th General

Election and after the 13th General

Election. The local daily, Utusan Malaysia

has been selected because it has the largest

circulation in term of local Malay dailies

in Malaysia.

A total of three news articles from Utusan

Malaysia were analysed which based on

the period of analysis (before, during and

after 13th General Election).

Meanwhile, Suara Keadilan was chosen as

the opposition newspaper as it offered

opinion and belief from the other political

parties regarding this 13th General Election.

To be fair and equal, a total of three news

article from Suara Keadilan were also

been analysed which based on the period

of analysis (before, during and after 13th

General Election).



This research utilising the theoretical

framework of Agenda Setting, two

different newspapers, Utusan Malaysia

and Suara Keadilan were tested to see the

extent of the dominant role played by the

agenda setting theory in deciding the

articles that are published.

The theoretical framework provided by the

agenda setting hypothesis serves as the

basis for discussion against the

background of the role of the media, and in

this case for both the print media, Utusan

Malaysia and Suara Keadilan.

Basically, the term agenda setting was

coined by McCombs and Shaw (1972). It

refers to the power structure issues in the

media in such a way that people think

about what they are told, but at no level do

they think what they are told.

Meanwhile, Crossberg et al. (1998) stated

that the idea behind agenda setting is quite

simple, whereby he explained that the

media over time, by featuring some issues

more prominently and some issues less

important and still other issues not at all,

gives us a sense of what issues are

important or the salience of the issues,

namely the amount of political or public

importance a particular issue possesses.


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In simple word, it refers to the media’s

capability, through repeated news

coverage of raising the importance of an

issue in the public’s mind. Besides that,

this theory further supports a statement

made by David and Pavlik (2003) that the

news media may not directly affect how

the public think about political matters, but

they do affect the subjects that people

think about.

So, in short, they set the agenda for those

political matters that people consider

important. It is all about in telling its

reader what to think about, rather waste

time in telling what to think.



On the analysis of Utusan Malaysia, it was

apparent that Malaysian government works

on a 'Strict Father' mode (Lakoff, 1995).

This is to show that the ruling government

acts as the absolute head of the country

and makes decisions that are good for

them. Articles analysed can be seen in

Table 1.

Table 1. Utusan Malaysia- Report Card: Achievement and Blue Print for a New Future

Category Headlines Date


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Report Card:

Achievement and Blue Print

For A New Future

PM lakar sejarah rentas

Jambatan Kedua Pulau


Janji tingkat taraf hidup


Kolej Han Chiang naik taraf

kolej universiti.

Tiga kampus baharu UiTM

bakal dibina di utara

Semenanjung bagi

perkasakan pendidikan


Mukhriz dilantik MB Kedah

jika BN menang.

Proses pilihan raya dikagumi

pemerhati luar.

BN menang kekal mandat

tadbir negara, tawan Kedah.

BN menang majoriti mudah.

Sarawak kekal kubu kuat


Barisan Nasional rampas












7.1 Report Card: Achievement and Blue

Print for a New Future

In analysing the articles in Table 1, it is

evident that Utusan Malaysia is used as a

propaganda tool of the ruling alliance. The

ruling government's report card is

displayed flamboyantly by Utusan

Malaysia to impress voters on its plans.

Besides that, in portraying the impressive

track record of the ruling government,

Utusan Malaysia prints articles such as

"Janji tingkat taraf hidup pekerja"

signalling that it was a strategy for the

ruling government to help their worker

increase their life standard and it is also in

conjunction to Labour Day that fall on 1st

of May.


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Besides that, the ruling government also

showed that they also concern about other

races whereby an article "Kolej Han

Chiang naik taraf kolej universiti" have

been printed in Utusan Malaysia four days

before the Election Day.

"Mukhriz dilantik MB Kedah jika BN

menang" have portraying nothing but

victory is to be expected. "Tiga kampus

baharu UiTM bakal dibina di utara

Semenanjung bagi perkasakan pendidikan

negara" elaborate that ruling government

has a concrete list of plans on how to

govern the country with the best interest of

the voters in mind.

Moreover, after winning the ruling

government win the election, Utusan

Malaysia prints articles such as "BN

menang kekal mandat tadbir negara tawan

Kedah", "BN menang majoriti mudah",

"Sarawak kekal kubu kuat BN", "Barisan

Nasional rampas Kedah" portrayed that

the ruling government have managed to

convince the voters while showed that they

still in power.

Most of the articles portray a host of cues

the salience of the ruling government

report card and confidence and with

continuous repetition of articles over

period of time, the agenda sets the

priorities of the voters into believing that

voting the ruling government is the only


Table 2. Utusan Malaysia- Opposition Weakness

Category Headlines Date



DAP tidak endah Pas

Sikap monopoli DAP bukti

Pas, PKR diperkudakan.

Pas sanggup gadai matlamat

demi jaga hubungan dengan


Pembangkang dalang

gerakan 'Malaysia Spring'?

Pemimpin Pas jadi dalang.

"Dr. M penyelamat ekonomi

negara, bukan Anwar







Page 10: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

JPN jelas isu status 'Bangla'

tersebar di Facebook.

54 warga asing disahkan





7.2 Opposition Weakness

From an analysis of the articles in Table 2,

it is evident that Utusan Malaysia is being

used to paint a negative picture of the

Opposition parties. The Opposition parties

were mostly given a large number of

articles reported them in a negative light

such as "DAP tidak endah Pas- Makin

ramai pemimpin tolak Pas secara

terbuka", " Sikap monopoli DAP bukti

Pas, PKR diperkudakan", " Pas sanggup

gadai matlamat demi jaga hubungan

dengan DAP", and "Pembangkang dalang

gerakan 'Malaysia Spring'?".

From the evidence, it can be drawn that

Utusan Malaysia portrays the Opposition

parties that have a fair number of internal

problems and making it clear that National

Front is the only preferred choice. This

accomplished by indicating (a) weakness

and lack of credibility among its leaders

and (b) the Anwar Ibrahim factor.

(a) Weak and lack of credibility among its


The National Front, using Utusan

Malaysia as a political media instrument,

has depicted the Opposition as

incompetent. Article such as "Sikap

monopoli DAP bukti Pas, PKR

diperkudakan" and "Pas sanggup gadai

matlamat demi jaga hubungan dengan

DAP" exhorts the readers that the

Opposition can do nothing right and hence

it is of no use to vote them, thus setting the

agenda in the readers mind.

(b) The Anwar Ibrahim factor

This is perhaps the strongest and most

influential factor in the National Front

propaganda against the Opposition. The

article such as "Dr. M penyelamat ekonomi

negara, bukan Anwar" portrayed that

Anwar Ibrahim are certainly untrustworthy

and unreliable to be a leader and the

country will be ruined if Anwar becomes


Page 11: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

prime minister. The agenda setting by

Utusan Malaysia is obviously displayed of

anti-Anwar reporting, a clear intention of

smearing his name.



Suara Keadilan is run by opposition leader

Anwar Ibrahim's Keadilan Party. Most

issue in the publication reported about the

negative side of ruling government besides

that as the opposition publication, most

news publishing news are not to praise the

ruling government however their purpose

is to expose the weakness in the


Table 3. Suara Keadilan - Hot and Critical Issues

Category Headlines Date

Hot and Critical Issues Pengundi hantu mula

diseludup? PRU 13: BN di

ambang kekalahan.

Halang pengundi hantu tapi

jangan sampai guna


Sarat keraguan dan penipuan,

Pakatan Rakyat tolak

keputusan PRU

Pakatan menang undi

popular, tapi BN jadi


Kenaikan tarif elektrik

hadiah pertama BN kepada


'Tsunami Cina': Najib tunjuk

rasis hari pertama jadi PM.







8.1 Hot and Critical Issues

An analysis of the articles shows in Table

3, Suara Keadilan has used the economic

situation and racist issue to its advantage.

Article such as "Kenaikan tarif elektrik

hadiah pertama BN kepada rakyat" and

"Tsunami Cina': Najib tunjuk rasis hari

pertama jadi PM" portray that although


Page 12: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

the National Front won the election, they

still burden the citizen by increasing the

price of energy while does not care about

other races feeling.

This exhorts the readers into believing that

the Opposition is far more credible and

understanding the need of the citizen while

the current government leaders is selfish

and insensitive with other races.

In addition, Suara Keadilan prints articles

such as "Pengundi hantu mula diseludup?

PRU 13: BN di ambang kekalahan", "

Sarat keraguan dan penipuan, Pakatan

Rakyat tolak keputusan PRU" and

"Pakatan menang undi popular, tapi BN

jadi pemerintah" portraying the unfair

process of the general election and the

National Front won the election because of

phantom voter.

Thus using these hot and critical issues

Suara Keadilan attempts to influence the

readers and hence agenda sets to vote for

the Opposition because they more credible,

reliable and accountable.

Table 4. Suara Keadilan - Ground Support

Category Headlines Date

Ground Support Kebangkitan rakyat paling

besar dalam sejarah.

Faizal Tahir, Yassin muncul

dengan kilp video 'Berani'

Lebih 15,000 hadir ceramah

Anwar, Nurul Izzah di

Lembah Pantai.

Ratusan ribu ke perhimpunan

bukti jelas rakyat tolak

penipuan PRU






Page 13: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

8.2 Ground Support

It is apparent from an analysis of the

article in Table 4 that Suara Keadilan is

used as a political tool by members of the

Opposition to portray a wholesome

squeaky clean image of its contestant.

Through this publication shows that the

Opposition attempts to weave into the

hearts of the voting public by displaying

its strength in showing care and

commitment. This is achieved by showing

strong support from the citizens.

Articles such as "Kebangkitan rakyat

paling besar dalam sejarah", " Lebih

15,000 hadir ceramah Anwar, Nurul Izzah

di Lembah Pantai" and " Ratusan ribu ke

perhimpunan bukti jelas rakyat tolak

penipuan PRU" portray the popularity of

the Opposition candidates.

Besides that, Suara Keadilan also sets the

platform in revealing how stars in the

music industry seem to express their

support to the Opposition. This can be seen

in "Faizal Tahir, Yassin muncul dengan

kilp video, Berani". Thus the impression

drawn is that the Opposition has shown a

great track record at ground level.

The articles have been well written to

conjure in the mind of the readers that the

great support given by the voters indicate

that the Opposition leaders are honest and

committed wholeheartedly to the cause of

providing for the citizen.

Thus by concentrating on this ground

support that the Opposition received,

Suara Keadilan attempts to lead the

readers into perceiving this support

showed the Opposition is more favourable

and trustworthy by the citizen, thus setting

the agenda.


This paper attempts to gauge the

effectiveness of two newspapers, which

both are the traditional print media. It is

obvious that both print media seek to set

the agenda for their respective readers.

Utusan Malaysia being directly owned by

the National Front attempts to set the

agenda in getting its readers to believe that

it is vital to vote for the National Front. On

the other hand, Suara Keadilan is

published not to praise the ruling

government however their purpose is to

expose the weakness in the government

while fill in the gap left by the mainstream

media reports the Opposition favourably

thus appealing to set the agenda for its


9.1 Quality of News Coverage


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It is evident that Suara Keadilan focused

on previously hot and critical issues. By

highlighting on the economic situation and

racist issue, they gained a lot of attention.

Plus with the issue regarding 'phantom'

voters and unclean voting process, Suara

Keadilan hit the right note among its

readers who were hungry for this kind of

information which was unheard of in the


To an audience that had only one source of

information which had been controlled by

the government, Suara Keadilan served as

an alternative medium of information.

On the other hand, evidence can be drawn

that Utusan Malaysia highlighted minor

issues such as the National Front's

candidates, competency and commitment,

how the candidates and the ruling

government were doing a good job, how

well they were liked and to ensure this, the

citizens were urged to cast their votes for

the National Front.

9.2 Differences in the Stance Taken

It is obvious that Utusan Malaysia

appeared to have taken a pro-government

stance, while Suara Keadilan appears to

have taken on the Opposition view. In a

country like Malaysia where there has

been heavy censorship of the traditional

media especially, public now turn to new


It is because new media bring freedom of

information and represented an outlet

which the public did not have previously.

Most new media is being used by the

Opposition as the alternative channels that

the public got wind of salient issues that

were otherwise not covered by mainstream



In conclusion, in Malaysia, it seem the

mainstream media such as Utusan

Malaysia is National Front's owned while

other alternative publication such as Suara

Keadilan reported the weakness in the

ruling government and not likely to praise

them instead. Both traditional print media

have differences stances and provide vary

in quality of news coverage based on their

agenda. Furthermore, both traditional

media are like chalk and cheese in a way

for them to set the agenda in the reader

minds when reading the news articles by

both publications. Moreover, in simple

word, it refers to the media’s capability,

through repeated news coverage of raising

the importance of an issue in the public’s



Page 15: Role of Traditional Print Media in the 13th General Election, Malaysia

Besides that, agenda setting theory further

supports a statement made by David and

Pavlik (2003) that the news media may not

directly affect how the public think about

political matters, but they do affect the

subjects that people think about. So, in

short, they set the agenda for those

political matters that people consider

important. It is all about in telling its

reader what to think about, rather waste

time in telling what to think.


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