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Page 1: Rocks and their Meanings

Rose Quartz has a gentle vibration of love for the owner. It gives inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love in all its forms. Rose Quartz opens the heart to love. It also helps as a rejuvenator to the skin. It is a lovely stone for a young person. This is a stone of warmth and love, as it heals emotional wounds and pain with it's gentle calming salve. Opens the heart to the beauty within and all around us, and will begin its healing by reducing resentments.

As Amethyst is to the Spirit, so Rose Quartz is to the Heart.

Self-Acceptance, Self Love, and Personal Worth

Enhances all forms of love: self love, mother love, caring, kindness, platonic and romantic love.

Kindness: Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance.

Attracts: Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle, non-judgemental love into our lives.

Color:Translucent PinkPhysical

Believed to prevent wrinkles and encourage a beautiful complexionRose Quartz meaning is about love.... as it is a stone that epitomizes the vibration of love. This love is all encompassing ... love for yourself, your partner, your children your community and the whole world! Love of your country and your fellow human beings is encompassed within this stones influence.

Rose QuartzRose Quartz is also a stone whose powerful love will resonate to the whole body and heal all chakras.

This has a powerful effect to aid your emotional healing... and helps heal relationship problems.

The presence of this lovely pink love stone will send a soothing vibration throughout the room where it is located.

It will bestow a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist in healing of the heart... by dissolving anger and resentment. This may be why this stone is symbolic of the energy of love, peace and calming energy.

As all quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, this stone will resonate out the love energy into its surrounds. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity.

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One of the facts about Rose Quartz Crystal that is very important is its effectiveness at healing personal relationships.Rose Quartz Crystal resonates Goddess Energy and is one of the foremost stones representing the Feminine Principle.Where does it come from

Deposits have been found in Madagascar, India, Japan and Brazil ... as well as in South Africa and South Dakota in the USA. Rose quartz crystal colors range from very pale pink through to deep pink.

It may be translucent or transparent, although most pieces are fairly opaque. It is less often available as crystals... but is more commonly available in the massive form. All types have excellent healing qualities. The deeper colored stones are now called Strawberry Rose Quartz.Rose Quartz Healing Effect

As all quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, this stone will resonate out the love energy into its surrounds. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity.

The presence of Rose QuartzRose Quartz will send a soothing vibration throughout the room where it is located. Quartz crystal healing using rose quartz will heal you on both a physical and emotional level.

Rose quartz crystals are excellent to use during your daily crystal meditation as they will enable you to heal old negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy ... from past experiences.

Learn easy meditation techniques so you can be freed from these feelings. You may find that you feel less restrained... and that you can unlock your imagination and discover how to be happy.

It is a stone for the heart chakra... and the higher heart chakra and as the vibration of the heart chakra is all about the concept of 'loving' you can understand why this would be. This concept is about love not only on the physical level but on the deeper emotional and spiritual levels.

Holding a piece of Rose Quartz in your hand will enhance the power of positive affirmations ... and will bestow a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist in healing of the heart... by dissolving anger and resentment.Why Would You Use It

It is especially powerful to heal the upper chakras above the heart chakra. It can stimulate the thymus chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra... and

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bring their vibrations into line with the heart's... as they beat as one... with the vibration of love and compassion... and you begin living from the heart.

All quartz is easy to fashion into carvings... and a Rose Quartz Crystal Skull or other carving made from the stone... is also another very special way of using this stone.

Rose Quartz

All areas of the home will benefit by putting rough rose quartz stones in each corner of the room. Even eating areas can benefit from this soft sweet energy... and it may improve your digestion too.

Of course as it is a heart chakra stone its major impact is in the area of the heart. It is able to also assist in physical problems as it has a lovely balancing energy on the heart chakra organs.How To Use It

These stones are a variety of quartz... so that they have an amplifying effect... and any use that you put them too will be heightened by the quartz vibration. That is why using a Rose Quartz pendulumRose Quartz Pendulum is so powerful... as it expands the energy available while using it.

These are also lovely stones to wear. If you are able to obtain one of the beautiful rose quartz gemstones, you will appreciate the quality of this lovely stone.

They are a beautiful stone to wear as jewelry. They are a Taurus birthstone... so they are on the zodiac birthstones list... so you may easily find beautiful jewelry made from these lovely pink crystals.

Rose Quartz birthstone rings or pendants made from natural crystals come in a range of beautiful shades of pink... and they make wonderful jewelry.

Their soft sweet energy will resonate out into your whole aura, allowing you to see the beauty in the world... as your heart resonates to a new tune. If you are able to get jewelry... simply put a piece of Rose Quartz crystal in your bra... or in your pocket.

The main thing is to keep this stones' loving vibration close to you. You may find that wearing one will help you to feel more balanced emotionally... and that any relationship issues may be healed.

I love these lovely pink stones... not only for their physical beauty... but for the emotional healing they will bring to the wearer.Specific Meaning Of Strawberry Rose Quartz Crystal

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These stones embody a deep beauty and have a lovely vibration that is excellent to use in meditation. They will balance the energy of the etheric body and the physical and emotional bodies.

The vibration of the deeper Strawberry Rose crystal is quite similar to the lighter Rose Pink Quartz. Like all types of Rose Quartz Crystal they have a strong love energy. The major difference is that these deep pink strawberry colored stones embody an even stronger depth of love energy to help you to love yourself.

The Strawberry Quartz meaning strongly relates to their ability to be a strong aid to boost your self esteem, and bring harmony and a lessening of stress and anxiety. As well they are known to allow you to embrace the positive aspects of your life...and to allow joy and happiness to flow through you.

Strawberry Rose Crystal

They will help you to discover new aspects within your personal relationships as you begin to look at life differently... and Strawberry Rose Quartz Crystal is said to help to put romance into ailing relationships.

Deeper Strawberry Quartz crystals are said to have been used in ceremonies in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis... and many who are attracted to these darker rose colored stones have had past lives in this era.

If you continue to meditate with one of these stones... and keep the thought in your mind of finding out more about these specific past lives... these lovely stones are said to be strong aids to helping you to discover more about how those lives relate to your present incarnation.Who Should Use It ... How Will It Help You

Rose quartz crystalsRose Quartz Crystal will enable you to heal old negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy... from past experiences. Quartz crystal healing using Rose quartz will heal you on both a physical and emotional level.

As you are freed from these feelings... you may find that you feel less restrained... and that you can unlock your imagination and discover how to be happy.

Those of you who have old inner child issues associated with your father or other male relative may be healed by the energy of Rose quartz. Old stored feelings may be released and healing may occur. Rough rose quartz or tumble stonesare relatively inexpensive and are easy to acquire.

Simply place one of these wonderful healing stones in each corner of the bedroom and allow the energy to resonate out into the area where you are sleeping... to bring this lovely energy into any area where you locate them.

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In these stressful days we live in many of us are in need of emotional healing.... and by having a Rose Quartz crystal in the room a bonus is that you will also wake more refreshed.

You can buy lovely Rose Quartz gemstones... but if you find that they are not within your budget, a less expensive solution is to buy rose quartz tumblestones. These are easy to buy... and putting one or more in your pocket, or for the ladies... in your bra... is most advantageous.

If you are keeping crystals on you all the time... remember to methodically cleanse them. Quartz crystals are some of the easiest crystals to cleanse... so do it regularly for best long term results.Combining It With Other Stones

This is a stone with a beautiful energy that will combine well with many other crystals. The high vibration stones with strong crystal energy are powerful to combine with Rose Quartz.

Use Natrolite,Natrolite Scolecite and Phenacite... to assist you to use this pink stone as a window to Divine Love.

Combined with Moldavite... it assists you to bring about transformation.... using the energy of love. Any of the heart chakra and higher heart chakra stones will combine beautifully with this stone... and in particular the pink crystals.

Specific crystals from this group include the lovely pink stones Morganite, Pink Tourmaline, Kunzite, Rhodonite and Rhodochrosite... as well as Emerald Stones, Green Tourmaline, Variscite, Green Garnet, Green Diopside, Lepidocrocite and Blue Apatite. They also combine well with Clear Quartz Crystals.Have you a positive affirmation that you use every day? To share it with everyone, please go to What's Your Favorite Positive Affirmation? Thank you for sharing!

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What better way to heal yourself than to use these wonderful pink crystals for self healing. Not only can you place these stones in the bedroom... but in any room where you would like the melodious and gentle energy to improve the atmosphere.

When you become truly loving... and live from your heart... your life will improve for the better. Simply use a Rose Quartz Crystal to assist you... a simple, inexpensive way to achieve your aim. Just open your heart and allow it to heal."Do what your heart tells you to do... and all the rest will fall into place".

Page 6: Rocks and their Meanings

Metaphysical Properties:

Smokey Quartz helps to set aside willfulness and headstrong behavior. Smokey quartz has the ability to transform negative energy, and is particularly effective in dealing with anger and resentments. It is a stone that helps you be right here, in the moment.

It clears up communication difficulties, and helps to dissolve mental and emotional blockages that can get in the way of perception or learning.

Calming - Smoky quartz is said to be excellent for alleviating panic attacks, anxiety, and nightmares.

Grounding - Help you to be right here, in the moment

Transforms negative energy

Protective: Forms a shield against negative energy around the user

Regulates: Can be used to regulate creative energy, allowing it to flow smoothly step by step

Finances: Helps one to make wise purchases, and mange money effectively

Meditation stone evokes effort and makes us able to cope with hard times.

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Adult ADD - This gemstone's gentle and focusing energy helps to alleviate confusion. Smoky quartz also gently cleanses clutter of the mind to bring focus to task as well as meditation.

Negativity: This gemstone also neutralizes negative energy as well as helps the wearer manifest dreams.

Smokey Quartz stimulates the cooperation of multiple energies toward a common goal. A wonderful stone for relationships, for people in a recovery program, or people who need to work in groups or be part of a larger group, whether it be work, hobby, a home group, business group, or association.

It is a gentle grounding stone that instills balance and harmony, and can help bring peace to you, enhancing quiet reflection during meditation without the interference of the thinking mind.

This is not a quick energy stone, like Clear quartz crystal, but it has intense staying power, to carry you over the long haul.

Combine Smokey Quartz with Clear Quartz for lots of positive energy towards obtaining your dreams and goals, and to energize them into being a reality.Color:

From gray to warm brown, light and clear to an almost "solid" looking black/brown.Physical -

Especially helpful with ailments of the hands and feet. Aids healing in the areas of back problems, dissolves cramps, alleviates pain and fortifies the nerves. Smokey Quartz Crystals are some of the premier grounding and anchoring stones.

They are strongly protective and are excellent stones for all of us to keep within our aura at all times.

If you are on a spiritual quest and have been working on any of your metaphysical or psychic abilities... it is possible you may have become ungrounded.

This stone is purpose built to solve that problem... as it will bring you down to earth quickly.Where Do They Come From

Smokey Quartz Crystals have been found in Africa, Switzerland, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia and the USA. Natural Black Smoky Quartz from Morella in Victoria AustraliaSmokey Quartz Morella Black Double Terminated... is a particular variety that is unusual as its color occurs naturally... (pictured at the right). Much of the other black Smoky Quartz is not natural but is produced by unnatural irradiation.

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The color of the natural Smoky Quartz crystal may vary... and it can be a light smoky gray, a browny gray color through to a dark Black Smoky Quartz. The lighter stone may be transparent and many have quite complex crystalline structures within the stone.

Why Would You Use Smokey Quartz Crystals

Because natural Smokey quartz is naturally irradiated... it is a helpful stone for those undergoing radiation treatment to keep close to them. It has the ability to amplify the healing outcomes for those who are receiving these treatments.

It offers protection from many types of negativity in the environment. If you are feeling unhappy or are in a bad mood and pick up one of these Smokey Quartz Crystals... you will find your good humor seems to return very quickly.

Smokey Quartz Crystals

These stones will absorb an enormous amount of negativity from many different sources... so they are particularly good stones to use for psychic-protection.

Although these natural crystals may ground most of the negativity that they absorb into the earth chakra... it is still advisable to regularly cleanse the stones you are using... and fortunately cleaning quartz crystals is very easy.Benefits of Natural Smoky Quartz

If you are a spiritual worker such as a clairvoyant... you may take advantage of this stones ability as a stone of psychic protection, to both protect you from negativity and transmute the energy... by grounding it back down into the earth.

Natural Smokey quartz Smokey Quartz Morella Black Double Terminated is a powerful stone to use for physical healing. It is both a base or root chakra stone and an earth star chakra stone... and its strong energy will move down from the base chakra through the earth star chakra and will ground you to Mother Gaia.

One of the benefits of natural Smoky Quartz is that... being a quartz crystal, it has a strong ability to amplify the energy of not only itself... but also any other stones you may combine with it. Smoky Quartz is one of the seven stones that make up Super Seven or Melody's stone.How To Use Smokey Quartz

Smokey quartz crystalsSmoky Quartz Morella Black are base chakra stones...but as there are many stones that are Citrine Smokey mixes, they may be effective to heal all of the lower three chakras.

Although it is recommended as a base chakra and earth star chakra stone... it has been known to be an effective solar plexus chakra stone as well.

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Use this stone daily, as part of your crystal meditation, and afterwards keep it on your body. Spiritual grounding is a very important part of doing any spiritual work... so this is a very useful and wonderful stone to wear upon your body... especially if you are doing any spiritual work or healing.Who Should Use It

Smoky quartz crystals are excellent stones for Quartz Crystal Healing. If you are healing clients who are sick, so may be releasing a lot of negativity... it is recommended to wear one of these stones at all times.

Depending on your reason for buying them you may need to consider the attributes you require when selecting Smoky QuartzSmokey Quartz jewelry. Attractive Smokey Quartz jewelry is easy to buy... and the color of these crystals come in a range of shades... and make lovely jewelry.

These stones are on the Zodiac Birthstones list as they are a Capricorn birthstone... so lovely Smoky Quartz pendants and rings are often available.

Sometimes natural Citrine is sold as Smoky Quartz Citrine and it may be a lighter more yellowish color. Smoky Quartz Citrine may have the attributes of both stones, but you need to be intuitive when selecting the stone you require.

Natural Citrine crystals are wonderful stones for attracting abundance and prosperity... so they are powerful stones in their own right.

Smokey Quartz crystals can be obtained in many different sizes... and it is very easy to buy a piece that will suit you.

You can keep one of these natural crystals on you constantly, in combination with a few other powerful grounding and protective stones.

In addition having one of these stones in the environment is very helpful.

If you work on a computer, having one next to it will remove any of the electromagnetic energy that will be created in the room. Just make sure that you regularly cleanse your crystals... especially those which you are using to remove negativity... so that they will remain functioning at their best.Combining It With Other Stones

Both Jet and Smokey Quartz combine well with a naturally magnetic stone called Magnetite or Lodestone. Jet is excellent worn against the skin... as it will naturally build up an electrical charge... so Jet jewelry is an excellent asset.

Any of the spiritual grounding stones will combine well with Smokey Quartz... including both Black Obsidian, and a type of Obsidian called Apache Tears, Dalmation Jasper,Dalmation Jasper Black Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Fire Agate, Dravite aka

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Brown Tourmaline, Boji Stone, Goethite, Hematite Crystals and the stone that is a mixture of both Black Tourmaline and white or Clear Quartz... Tourmilated Quartz.

For spiritual transformation combine it with Moldavite. It is particularly powerful combined with Sugilite... which is a strong stone for both grounding and psychic protection. Use it with Spurrite to accentuate positive feelings and good humor.

This combination will strengthen the Smokey quartz energy so is real benefit. To accentuate the vibration of this stone within the Super Seven stone use them together for amazing metaphysical healing within all chakras.In Summary

If you are someone who is on a spiritual journey... and you want an increase in your overall spirituality and health, this stone could be a powerful adjunct to your life.

Whenever you are making decisions about which stones to use... if you are at all unsure try holding one in your hand. Once you feel the way that Smokey Quartz Crystals so easily seem to change how you feel... your decision may be much easier to make.

Protected by Copyscape Originality CheckerThe wise man is like a tree whose roots are fed from the earth ... while its branches rise towards the heavens.