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Be seen, Be Authentic, Be More Successful!

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2020: THE YEAR OF CHANGE• We took this photo on the first day I left

my house to go outside after the pandemic hit. Everything was closed, people were afraid…I probably don’t have to tell you how it feels.

• I was feeling so grateful that I’d built a strong online presence and also hurting for those in my community who hadn’t.

• This is the year for deep change, and you can either resist it, or go with the flow. This journey you are about to take with me will help you find the best way for you to move forward, even in this unknown time.

• Together…we rise.

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• Use my 20 years of professional and social media success building, to show you what works now. This will help you clarify your own leadership style and translate it into social media in a DIY way you can begin, today.

• You can use this blueprint for yourself or for a studio or company. It will work either way.

• Help you organize your mind and time to envision, structure, and better serve your brand goals: the Why, as well as the How.

• Save you time and energy so you won’t post randomly, and see random results.

• Support you to harness your unique skills to direct the personality, tone, and content of your social media. Your audience will be more engaged, focused, and directed to your bigger picture items.

• Guide you to become more authentically and creatively yourself online so you will enjoy offering within this environment.

• Get you started from envisioning content to actually posting the right way for your business—the foundation of any successful social media page.

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WHY BE ONLINE?: • 75% of clients now want to study at home, and

growing because of the pandemic. Will you meet them there?

• The internet is only cold, impersonal, or overwhelming if you make it that way. What if you could use social media to help the world? You can!

• Your competitors are online. Why not you, and/or why not get even better at it than you have been?

• This year has shown us how important it is to have a way to build an audience and revenue streams that don’t rely on in-person training. This will likely not be the last time we need it, and it’s good to be prepared.

• You want freedom. Freedom to work when & where you want, and create high value for your clients and/or company. Freedom from financial worries, stress, and having to always show up physically to make a living or to streamline & gain higher volume sales with less work.

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• 165k Facebook Followers

• 123k Instagram Followers

• YouTube -millions of viewers

• Growing by 500 -1000 a week.

• Online courses sell up to $1.5 million a MONTH.

• I live in 3 places online: Facebook & Instagram: @SadieNardiniOfficial

• Fit & Fierce Club: Online yoga + HIIT studio:

• Deeper Dive Courses at

• a partner for other e-courses.

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• Size doesn’t matter…in the way you might think.

• We get blinded by the celebrity culture numbers. PS- they (most times) pay to boost their followers.

• My numbers aren’t high compared to, say, Lady Gaga’s, but people are going where I ask them to, and purchasing my online items. They click the link or they share the post. They engage. That is precious.

• A hundred real, dedicated followers are worth more than a million viral or paid-for likes.

• Imagine that you have a hundred people in this room who are interested in what you do. That’s pretty good! Now a thousand—or a quarter of a million. That’s me!

• You can build this, too, by following a few simple guidelines—your way.

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• FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM. Hands down the best for relationship-building and sales.

• Facebook: Over 2 Billion People.

• Main audience 35-55

• Disposable income.

• Superior sales ability compared to other platforms.

• Instagram: owned by Facebook. Sales ability and linking improved.

• Younger-skewed audience (20s-40s) but disposable income audience catching on.

• NOTE: These techniques will work for other platforms as well like YouTube, Twitter etc, but those are not currently great for sales.

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WHAT’S OUT:• Worrying about mythical algorithms.

• Hard-sell style language and slick, sales-y videos/posts.

• Paying a ton for marketing and digital ads instead of attracting your right audience through your value based pages and partnerships.

• Posting only about your events/classes/online offerings.

• Making your posts overly about you or your business.

• Posting infrequently or inconsistently.

• Posting what you think other people want over your own passions.

• Hiding from your true personality.

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WHAT’S IN:• Things you can’t buy: being real, and really connected to real people. Social media algorithms (especially

Facebook) reward “meaningful social interaction”.

• Giving valuable content for free, within reason. Bite-sized things people can use that lead to bigger-picture items. This will organically bring more people to you.

• Interactive and live videos that engage and help your specific audience, and keep them in connection to you.

• Your audience sharing your videos to their own pages.

• Boosting successful posts to your existing audience.

• Partnering with complimentary companies or influencers to do giveaways and drive more followers and awareness.

• Simplifying your post boosts to specific audiences and people who follow you.

• Gently leading people to your bigger picture items if they want to learn more. Leave space for choice.

• Let’s dive deeper into all of this.

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DAVID SAYS: • He was asked, “so are you an artist, or a


• Bowie replied, “When it comes to creating the music, I’m 100% artist. When it comes to selling it, believe me, I’m 100% businessman.”

• You can and must be both if you want to create success, financial freedom, and get your own message out to the world.

• Marketing isn’t icky. It lets people know where they can find your brand of awesome. Those who need it will be happy you told them how to find it. The rest can choose not to partake.

• So here are my…

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With me, Sadie Nardini, social media world-builder.

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RESISTANCEQ: What fears or resistances arise when you think about

putting yourself or your business “out there” on social media?

• Pro Tip: Figure out what’s stopping you and correct it. Take “anti-action” now; do the opposite of what your fear is telling you to do.

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COMMON FEARS:• I don’t have enough time.

• My team is not tech savvy.

• What if I fail?

• I don’t have anything unique enough to offer.

• I don’t understand the technology.

• Other people are doing it better.

• Everything’s already been done.

• I’m unclear about what to offer.

• I’m uncomfortable about putting myself out there.

• I don’t want people to steal my content/ideas.

• I need to study more to appear more professional.

• I have to perfect my on-camera ability before I post something.

• I don’t like the idea of selling myself, or my work.

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Your Why is:

• Not your “story”-which is a poignant tale that exemplifies your Why.

• Your Why is bigger than that. It is:

• The vision umbrella over all your actions and creations, whether yours personally, or the grander mission of your business.

• What you were born to express.• What drives your passion. • Who do you need to be each day in order to feel fulfilled? • A necessary first step to all you’ll create! • I call your Why your “Core Message” -what soul fuels all the

specific projects you make. • When you get clear on this, marketing and finding your place

in social media becomes more effortless—and magnetic!

• Pro Tip: Post a “3 Words” question on your socials: Ask them for 3 words that describe why they follow you.

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• This is a distillation of my drive to connect to my own truth and express it out into the world creatively and in ways that are of service to others finding their authenticity and voices, too.

• My Why has become:

• Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga®

• The Yoga Shred®

• Rock Your Social Media E-course

• My online personal courses Fit & Fierce Over 40/Core Chair Yoga/HIIT Yoga

• My whole fierce female empowerment social media message and vibe.

• My band Sadie & The Tribe and the music we create.

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SO WHAT’S YOUR WHY?• Q: What do you think

you/your company’s Why is?

• This should be your point: why people will want to come to you instead of the studio, class or professional next door.

• My point: Get fit. Get fierce. Be brave. Share your true voice. Rock YOURSELF as I rock ME, together as a tribe.

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• It’s a common pitfall to try and make your ‘thing’ accessible to everyone, which can dissipate your message and clarity.

• This goal (which comes from the positive place of wanting to gather the biggest clientele possible), actually allows anyone who is even remotely similar to you to become your competitor.

• Instead, make your message clear —and targeted towards the most clearly defined audience. Claim your niche strongly, and let the outliers come closer if they want (…they will!).

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• Pitfall: Most people make their core clientele too broad, even when they actually have more than one.

• If you have more than one Core Client type, you must market to each one distinctly, even if on the same social media pages!

• Sticking with the “Anyone! Any time!” mantra will dilute the message and the power of your social media. I hear so many people tell me, “We are here for EVERYbody!” Usually, not true. For example, if you’re a yoga instructor, you don’t teach prenatal, postnatal, gentle, therapeutic, power, children’s yoga.

• You may welcome everyone, and MIGHT attract them, but who you should focus on will be a more contained audience.

• My Core Client is women between 35-55 who want to become their own version of fit & fierce in every way. When I go outside that, I dilute my power.

• Q: Who is your soulmate Core Client?

• Pro Tip: Create content and posts for each specific Core Client audience. This also avoids unmet expectations from other populations.

• Less client turnover = more tribe.

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• Facebook: Deeper expertise/leadership/value.

• 5-10 minute useful videos.

• Live videos.

• Hot articles on your topic.

• Value-based infographics people can share.

• Instagram: Mini quick tips, videos and images.

• Beautiful photos.

• Memes and infographics

• Engaging Instagram Stories to show more of your life and personality. These push to Facebook if you want.

• 1 minute max videos on main page / Use Story Slicer app to create “swipe left” video segments on your grid.

• Instagram Lives or co-lives to build connection and cross-market.

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Here’s how to connect authentically with your

specific Core Clients, who will become your loyal Tribe.

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RELATIONSHIP RULES:• Facebook and Instagram are now rewarding meaningful social interaction. When they see that you’re

creating actual interaction (not paid likes), they will allow you to reach more of your community. Other than that, you can forget about any mystical “algorithm”. It changes all the time and you’ll never figure it out. But you don’t have to:

• Just post valuable content that attracts real likes, real shares, & real comments.

• You can’t buy this. Get your followers into conversation and tell them in your post to share and let you know what they think! They will.

• To do this, you also have to be a real person, having a real personal connection with your social audience. You can’t be too slick, or act like you’re not a human, even if you’re promoting a business.

• No one loves a logo, or a brand. They can relate to a story, and a why. They can love people. Let them into your true heart and reason for doing all of this, and they will be attracted to whatever you offer from there.

• Q: What kind of relationship do you want to offer through your social media?

• PRO TIP: Post content that helps your Core Clients look better on their own pages—give them things they will want to share and become more knowledgable by watching.

• Add to some of your posts after the title: “NOTE: Press “share” (FB) / Bookmark or share this (IG) to keep this video in your own page’s video library!” This helps create relationships with your audience’s audiences, too. Free marketing!

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• Regular Facebook feed videos: shot on your phone or camera, then posted on the main page. Benefits: videos on Facebook engage far more followers than image posts. They are archived in your video section so new visitors can see what you’re about instantly and your audience can keep engaging with you.

• Facebook live videos: created live with your phone (get the Facebook Pages app for easier page management). Here you can interact with your audience if you choose. Benefits: all of your followers are notified, unlike any other post type. This strengthens the relationship. Connect with your people live, or afterward in the comments.

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VIDEOS ON: INSTAGRAM• Regular Instagram feed videos: shot on your phone or camera, then posted on the

main page. Benefits: a good way to break up your photos and add value.

• Instagram live videos: allows you to interact “live” with your audience. Benefits: your audience gets notified, and strengthens relationship.

• NOTE: You can co-lead your Instagram Lives with another influencer, expert, or company to boost views and co-market. This is a great way to cross-market and it will stay in their Story feed and yours for 24 hours.

• Instagram stories: videos or photos you create that are saved for 24 hours. You can save or highlight them as well. Benefits: good for swipe-up links, added hashtags, tagging people, & GIFs.

• You can also ask for & share stories about you posted by your audience.

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• Out of all the areas you could post about, decide which few you will post about regularly. This will become your “living brand”, and help preserve your sanity.

• Q: What 3-4 aspects of your expertise will you focus on now? This will become the reason people are drawn to your social media and other offerings.

• Pro Tip: Rock concert, and 16 tee shirts vs 6. When it comes to posting, avoid throwing in all possible areas of expertise, lifestyle, personality and the kitchen sink. Less is more when it comes to honing your brand and attracting your Tribe.


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• Relationships thrive on attention. Not constantly, but consistently. Show up for them, and your followers will show up for you.

• Consistency, not luck, is the magic ingredient for success. I post between 3-4 times a week plus Stories.

• Q: What time can you schedule in, right now, to begin to envision & implement your social media shifts consistently for your audience? How often will you post?

• Pro Tip: The best times to post in your area is when your Core Client is likely to be online. This will vary from company to company. Insights in FB and IG can tell you the best times/days for your audience.

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Are useful to your Core Client.

Engage them in conversation.

Are magnetically honest, not in “sales speak”.

Show that other people are getting results from your offerings.

Help your clients have a relationship to your (or your businesses) actual reality and personality.

Solve a problem, or answer a question they have.

Pro Tip: When you share an existing article, write something informative, fun, or extra-valuable on it, so people share your post instead of just clicking on the original article and sharing that.

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THE CORE OF “VALUE”• How do you know what value people want?

• Humans all want similar core benefits: safety, security, health, wealth, happiness, etc. They want respect from the tribe and personal guidance.

• Q: Which core benefits are you most likely to offer?

• PRO TIP: Speak to one or more of these core benefits & aim the language and images towards your core client whenever you create your posts and videos.

• 2 Formulas:

• #1) I/We will help you to get_____ by______. + cool video or photo and link.

• Example: This multitasker cardio workout will help you get fit at home in less time.

• #2) Or Here’s how to_________. + cool video or photo and link.

• Example: Here’s How To Age Fiercely! (video of face yoga).

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• Q: What exactly do you or your company do that adds value to your present and future client’s lives?

• Q: Brainstorm 3-5 videos you could make for social media that add that value in a bite-sized way.

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MARKETING 101 (AND 1001):• When you market, know that

people want two main things:

• To get something they want

• To feel better

• Always speak to that: What results will they get and how will they feel from engaging with your product or service?

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• Your marketing copy, posts, etc. will be more successful if you focus it on their story and needs instead of (only) yours.

• Example: What’s more interesting to you? Let’s say you’re a dog grooming business in Orange Beach. You post a stock or still photo of your storefront or a dog and text: “Our business is committed to serving the Orange Beach Community since 1971, and we love to offer high quality dog grooming services to owners everywhere!” (This is an informative post. They get a little information that you exist and what you offer. This is an okay post. Not thrilling).

• OR This text: “Check out our Top 3 Ways you can keep your fur babies looking and smelling great at home using items you probably already have in your fridge!” Make an engaging video of someone in your company and a dog (which shows off your business without saying a word), and then show 3 homey items/quick fixes, while the dog looks adorable and you talk to the dog about the items (adorable), and then under that, say “when you want a deeper clean and groom—we’re here for you, Orange Beach—and have been since 1971!” Or have the person say it or the owner of your company come in. (This is a fun, endearing and useful post. They feel better and get more cool tips here).

• Q: When brainstorming online content, ask: “How will your expertise & guidance help them in some meaningful way, for free, or give them a VIP discount or special experience? What core benefits will they receive?.

• PRO TIP: Whatever you post about, make your audience the center of the story, even if you indulge a personal anecdote. They are the Rockstar. You are the Guide.

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• Those who succeed in social media count their fans and followers like gold. Like rockstars! Here’s a pic of me with an actual rockstar- Dave Grohl from Nirvana and Foo Fighters. Yet he makes everyone feel like they are the stars.

• To help your community and future clients feel the same, post near daily (stories are a great way to keep in front of them without too many feed posts).

• Do the work yourself as a creative project or delegate it to someone who can help you.

• It’s better to post a little less but provide high-quality content instead of phoning it in or using lower quality video/photo posts to appear busy on the socials.

• Begin to view social media as an integral part of everything else you do. A digital calling card and way to serve the greater audience you can’t reach in person.

• Pro Tip: Comment back whenever possible. This is a crucial. When people hear from you, you’ll have fans for life who will reward you with their time, energy, and even money.

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HOW TO LEAD WITH VALUE (FOR THEM), TOWARD VALUE (FOR YOU)! • Now you need a call to action: Not on every post, but on the bigger value items. Don’t

hard sell it—keep it simple: “Want longer guided classes with me? Come rock it at my online studio, The Fit & Fierce Club free for a week! Link in bio”.

• Example: My Fit & Fierce Club online yoga/fitness studio. I just posted a new Core Strength Transformer Yoga Class there. What do I want? I want them to try it out and start a free subscription trial for 7 days. Why? They’ll get the class, and others for free for a week, then hopefully decide to stay for $9.99 a month.

• Now I envision a few smaller (but valuable) posts/content that highlight a smaller version of the bigger picture item I want to point them toward. I could post: The Best New Yoga Pose For Core Strength, or A Quick Core Strength Meditation! Or Here’s How To Finally Work Your Abs Without Hurting Your Back! These will be videos they can “share” to save on their own page and watch anytime, but also I include links to the longer class on the Fit & Fierce Club, if they want me to guide them through a whole workout.

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• BEFORE you post or even create the content, decide this:

• Q: Back it up to your ultimate goal: Where do you want to direct your audience with your main value-added posts? (This may change from post to post). This direction should benefit you in some meaningful way should they choose to engage with it.: sign up for your newsletter, check out an online course you have, or book a spot at your studio. Know this, and you can then do the pro tip below more clearly:

• Pro Tip: When you create your posts, envision them as a bite-sized version of the information and results they can get if they choose to take a deeper dive with you. Decide in advance where you’re sending them or what branding you want to maintain and this will direct your posting creation/inspiration more successfully.

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WHAT MAIN POSTS I’M DOING NOW: • Filming for courses, trainings or the Fit & Fierce Club (FFC) x 3/


• Film for IG- the same videos push to FB: Quick version of some aspect of what I filmed that day or another course/training I have. I will point them to the bigger item in the video description.

• Post x3 a week-choose from:

• Workout

• Meditation

• Pro tips

• Motivation


• IG Story posts about my life + some that point to courses, trainings or FFC.

• Giveaways/pre-sales/VIP discounts. I partner with other companies for these.

• Live videos on FB and IG or co-lives on IG with other experts.

• Other posts that share moments in my life, memes, and motivational writing that I just post and don’t lead them elsewhere.

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FINAL REMINDER: • Whatever you create, create it for

you and/or your company’s Why (your soul mission) first. Meet your own core values and then branch out. If you don’t, none of this will ring true or work as well to drive engagement. And your life won’t be as passionate or fulfilling!

• Make sure you align your bigger-picture items, classes, etc. with what YOU love to create, even if that’s changed from what it used to be.

• If you’re excited to offer something, and you do it regularly, the right people will find you. Follow your bliss!

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• IG & FB: @SadieNardiniOfficial

• My online yoga and fitness studio:

• My online a la carte courses:

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QUESTIONS? Bring ‘em on!

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Cheers! Sadie

Now go out there and help me change the world for the better!

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FAQS• Do I need a personal FB page and a business page? If you have a business, you need a business page. It’s got

more perks, including unlimited follows and biz marketing tools.

• Should I make the pages my brand or use my name? It’s up to you. I encourage using your name when possible because it marks you as the expert. Even if your studio is Bendy Yoga, if that’s all you ever want to do, fine. But you can be the umbrella of your name for the multiple things (Ann Smith’s Bendy Yoga Or Ann Smith Founder, Bendy Yoga) you like to do, including Bendy Yoga, and then people can develop more of a relationship with you and your trainers.

• Do I still need a website? Yes. You still need a place to put your schedule, information about you and your trainers, links to all your social medias, contact info etc. This is a central hub you can always send people to for more info or for direct marketing/signups.

• What are some of the apps you use to make things easier? Facebook Pages to more easily post and navigate my business page, Canva to make awesome designs for posts, banners, flyers, anything on my desktop. Caption Writer for IG spacing and saved hashtag groups. Over to make cool designs on the phone. Story Slicer for “swipe left” video series on IG.

• What filters do you use to make your photos look better? I filter my photos in the Instagram app, then either post them or screenshot them, go back into my phone’s photos, edit the frame down to just the pic, and post on Facebook or Instagram Stories.

• How can I make my Instagram feed look more professional? Get a newer phone and use Portrait mode in iPhone or put them through filters on instagram. Do a photo shoot and use those over time. Look at feeds you love and use them for inspiration.

• What if I don’t have a photographer husband? @jjcobrandmanagement on Insta uses an iPhone tripod + bluetooth trigger for her photos. Video you can do yourself, and then edit.) I did my own stuff for years.

Page 44: ROCK YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA CANFITPRO 2020 PDF...Engaging Instagram Stories to show more of your life and personality. These push to Facebook if you want. • 1 minute max videos on main

FAQS PAGE 2• What if I make mistakes in my videos? Sometimes

the mistakes are endearing. People love it more when you show your humor and humanity. Things that are too distracting for the viewer like airplanes flying over or you stumbling too long over something, or needing to do-over a move you cued incorrectly should be edited out.

• How good quality do my videos need to be? Pretty good these days—but you don’t have to make a Hollywood movie. Too slick isn’t compelling, but neither is bad sound, lighting or framing. Find your middle ground, and make it look, sound and be framed the best you can. Look at what else is out there, and emulate what you like.

Page 45: ROCK YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA CANFITPRO 2020 PDF...Engaging Instagram Stories to show more of your life and personality. These push to Facebook if you want. • 1 minute max videos on main

EQUIPMENT WE USE: • Everything we do is to make things look and sound their best

without being too slick and detached, or people lose connection.

• Your iPhone or recent smartphone can totally work with the right lighting and sound environment.

• Natural light is awesome but read on for alternative lighting ideas.

• You can find equivalents for your smartphone but we use iPhones, so:

• iPhone lens: Sanmarc wide lens.

• iPhone mic: Rode VideoMicro mic.

• IF you want to shoot pro, we use Canon Rebel Series camera or competitor equivalent. ABOUT $500). We use a Canon EOS-R.

• Sound for our pro camera: Attached Rode Video Mic Pro Shotgun Mic. If it sounds great, it looks better too.

• We don’t recommend camcorder-type cameras. Sound and lens quality may not be as good.

• LIGHTS: 3 Fovitec Studio Pro Softboxes and 2 18-inch ring lights.
