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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of convention of Real media products

Front CoverMy media product used forms and conventions of a real media product by using a barcode and price. I have also used competitions in circles which are placed in a corner this is very similar to what real media products use. They have a main image of artists and they are giving a slight pose for the type of genre they represent. They also have cover lines along the sides of the front covers which I have also done along the right. There some forms of convention used in real media products that I did not use, for example most magazine covers are known enough, and have enough readers that they can cover most/ some of the logo/name, and still not jeopardise Loosing any readers, I have not done this, I have the logo in the top corner away from main image. Compared to anotherMagazine I have my artists name along the left hand sideas I thought it was more important so I placed it along the leftthird. Comparing My Magazine to a issue I have seen on the internet, I have placed my puff in the bottom right.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of convention of Real media products

Contents Page

My product uses modern form of conventions from real media products by having the pagenumbers sectioned off from the artists, also having the page numbers in a different colour, my contents page is similar to a Q magazine as there is nota lot of text on the page, but the writing is sectioned to the left, my reasons for placing my writing to the left is that Iwas following the rule for the front cover, that all important things go along the left third. My main is similar to a issue f Q’s main image, but the only difference is that I have use a medium close up to show more of an effect with the hand and facial expressions. I have placed my secondaryimage in a similar way to how Q places their image, thereasons for placing it at a slight angle is to give in the effect of being less formal

Page 3: robert pieper as media evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of convention of Real media products

Double Page SpreadMy Media product uses modern forms and conventions from real media products as my main image takes up half of the double page, this is very similar to most products, some magazineslike Q tend to use the whole A3 page with a main image, but when they do that they tend to only have the smallest paragraph of text., they also put some text over the image, this is what I have done, to a certain extent, but the only text I put on the main image was who the artist were. What is not a form of convention is that I have typed out 3 different interviews and labelled out what artist was being interviewed at which time. I have not used italics to give an effect to the interview either. Also because my text is not in paragraphs, I have not startedevery sentence with the first letter really big, I have started the beginningof each name, on my contents, witha larger letter.

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How does your media product represent particular social group?

My media product represents young people between the ages of 16 and 21, this is shown through the images that are shown through-out my product, the brand of clothing used also tells a lot for the type of people used. My product is mainly targeted at males, this is because of the genres that are used through-out the magazine. the genres that are used are Rap, Grime and R’n’B. Rap and Grime is not liked by many females, but R’n’B is liked by females, this is why I included R’n’B, so it appeals to them, plus I now have a bigger market to appeal to, and to sell issues of my magazine. This product doesnot specify to any certain ethnicity as it is jus for the people who liked this genre, that is why I have used a mixture of races in my product, to show that colour is not important but it is if you like that music that is important

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What kind of Media Institution might distributeyour Media Product and Why?

the possible media institutes that might distribute my media product would be a local newsagents, this would be because the genres that are used in the magazine are not very popular, and supermarkets only tend to have popular music magazines where they know thatthey are going to make profit and quickly!, but with a local newsagents, the tend to take a bit longer in selling certain issues of there magazine. it is possible that the internet could be used to market, and sell, my product. For my preliminary task, the market would be different to what I needed to appeal to in my main product.

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Who would be the audience for yourMedia Product?

The audience for my media product would be both males and females, but mainly males. The age group that would read my magazine would be between the age of 16and 21, as it is too old for younger teenagers due to the explicit lyrics. This magazine is not designed for any specific ethnicity, it is for the people who like this genre andwho would pay money for it.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I used a puff, twice, to try andattract my audience with competitions, because I used my research from my textual analysis, which people sad they purchased a magazine for appeal

My selling line was designed to appealto readers that live in thesouth of England, as it hasbeen designed in the southof England

These cover lines were designed to address the audience as they are not real names and have been made up. The brand new was put in capitals to appeal to the audience to say that we are an exclusive magazine with exclusive artistsI used my audience research to appeal to my audience and that is why I have made a price that is not too cheap so people think that it is not good quality, but cheap enough for people to afford and know it is good quality.

I have used this main image to attract my audience by the brand of clothing that is used, through the way the clothing is being used and the hand signals, to show that his is a thug type music magazine!

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I used my main image to address the audience by than hand signals and facial expression, as the facial expression is serious.

My secondary image has purposely placed at an angle to address my audience to show that it is not a formal magazine, and that it does not matter if every detail is in place.

I used large page numbers attract the reader to take their eyes straight to where all the information is. The white lettering was used so it is easily readable over the black but not over powered by the blue.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

The main image addresses the reader, once again, through the brand of clothing, the use of clothing, e.g. hood up. the facial expression and the hand signals. This is used because of the thug style of music.

The EXCLUSIVE attracts the reader because of the colour pattern, mixing from white to black half way through. Alsojust seeing exclusive addresses the reader becauseif they know that it is exclusive, they tend to purchasethe magazine justso they know the information beforeanyone else

The names of the artist also addresses the reader, because the lettering is bold and big so, for example, if the like Tempa T but not Joe Grind, they can then skip the Joe Grind interview and go straight to Tempa T’s

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Studio Photo Shoot

For the photo shoot I had 3 models, these were Me, Michael Brown and Denzil Bailey. the camera I used was a Kodak 12.2 megapixel. I had to change my colour settings to tungsten because if I was to leave it, the back ground would of came out orange due to the colour of the lightning, and tungsten just makes the original colour of the background show.PhotoshopThe version of Photoshop which I used was Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0, there were only a number of tools in this program that I used, these were: custom shape tool, clone stamp tool, eraser, crop tool and text tool. The custom shape tool was to make my margins along the side, clone stamp tool was to replace colours so that combining images had the same lighting colour. The eraser was to delete anything that needed to be on the top layer but couldn’t hang over outside the needed areas, the crop tool was to make any images smaller that were too big, and the text tool was used for every piece of text within my product.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I have learnt that the most important things go along the left third, on my school front cover I have not got any cover lines or puffs or anything that should be along the left third. I only had the one main image on my preliminary as well, which on my main product I had 2. Also for my preliminary task, instead of having a selling line I had The Bulmershe School. which should have been placed below.

Front Cover

Contents Page

looking back my contents for my preliminary task, I had an overload of images but not enoughcolour or text, I also did not have it organised so it looks informal which in fact it was meant to be formal, for my main media product it is informal, but that is how I intended the outcome would be. My photographic skills were still the same from my preliminary task, as they were in

my main media product, I also learnt to use different colour schemes to make the colours match and make things stand out, that I needed to stand out.
