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The Marriage of East and West

Course OutlineThis workshop we will explore the integration and deepening of our relationship to the masculine and feminine principles expressed in the daka/dakini of the Tantric tradition and the anima/animus in Jungian psychology. Understanding these more deeply can bring healing to our own emotional wounding and also begin to open up our experience of the archetypal roots of our nature. During this workshop we will work with guided imagery as well as meditation practices to integrate what we are exploring.

Masculine and Feminine PrinciplesFrom both a Tantric and Jungian perspective our potential wholeness is expressed as a union of the masculine and feminine. Jung saw the gradual awakening of our natural masculine and feminine sides as an important part of the process of individuation. He also saw that when the animus and anima, as he called these sides of our nature, are unconscious they are projected into our relationships where they can become powerful forces at the heart of romantic love. It is the unconscious nature of these polarities that can then be most problematic as they have so much power over us.

To awaken and integrate the anima and animus is a gradual process that evolves through our lives. Once they are lived more consciously they enrich our experience and deepen our relationships freeing them from some of the unconscious projections and often painful struggles that commonly occur. The union of animus and anima then become a natural play that is expressed in much of our life whether in our spiritual journey, our work, our creativity or our close relationships.

Daka and Dakini In the Buddhist tradition the essential nature of our innate Buddha potential is a union of bliss and wisdom symbolised by the union of the male and female deities of Tantra. Within the Tantric tradition the daka and dakini represent different levels of the innate male and female qualities within us. As an energetic

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experience they are the male and female vitality in our body experienced in our passionate and sexual nature. On an archetypal level they are a reflection of the interplay of form and emptiness in the creative manifestation of our lives. Awakening the qualities of daka and dakini matures our psychological and emotional balance in a similar way to Jung’s anima and animus. This natural union is then embodied in all that we do in our lives.

Union of Jungian and Buddhist UnderstandingThe bridge between Jungian and Buddhist understanding of these archetypal polarities of anima/animius daka/dakini brings extremely valuable insights into the way in which we as Westerners can begin to awaken to our innate nature. It can help liberate us from the psychological and energetic wounds that inevitably become part of our experience of our relationship to our gender, our sexuality and our body. Psychological integration of these qualities enhances every aspect of our life and will enable a far deeper understanding of the ways in which Tatric practice can benefit us. It will also begin to open us to the relationship we have to the natural world where the masculine and feminine energies are intrinsic to the vitality of life itself.

Workshop StructureDuring this retreat/workshop we will look at the nature of our masculine and feminine qualities in order to help bring about a greater awareness of their presence and importance in our lives. We will explore this within guided imagery as well as meditation practices and work in the natural environment of Holy Island. There will be periods of artwork and dialogue in small groups to deepen and integrate the process. Some elements of this work may be painful or challenging but the process can enrich our experience of wholeness as well as enhance our relationships and how we engage with our lives and the natural world.

The Marriage of East and West


The Holy Isle


Dates: September 13, 2012 - September 19, 2012

Course Leader: Rob Preece

Cost: £482 singles, £416 twins each, £368 dorms. All inclusive rate.
