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Road to SOA Suite 12c Upgrading SOA Suite from 11g to 12c

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Danilo Schmiedel Solution Architect | Oracle ACE Director OPITZ CONSULTING Deutschland GmbH

Road to SOA Suite 12c

DOAG Conference + Exhibition | November 2014

Upgrading SOA Suite from 11g to 12c

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1. SOA / BPM Evolution

2. Upgrade Strategy

3. Upgrade Results

4. Oracle‘s Strategic Implementation Program

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Important Milestones for SOA / BPM

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

BPEL Process Manager

Web Services Manager & BAM

Service Registry

SOA Suite 10gR3 BPA Suite 10g

Weblogic Aqualogic BPM Aqualogic SB

SOA Suite 11g BPA Suite 11g

SOA Governance 11g

BPM Suite 11g OSB 11g

SOA Suite PS5

BPM Suite 12c

SOA Suite 12c

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Product foundation changed to Weblogic Server

Introduction of Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Oracle Service Bus & Mediator instead of OESB

From 10g to 11g Why it was not just an „upgrade“?




10g 11g Metadata


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No fundamental changes in the underlying platform

Same architecture (SCA) and same container

Evolution of existing products & components

From 11g to 12c Evolution instead of revolution

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1 Upgrade Strategy

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Upgrade Strategies

• 1) Migration tool with manual re-work, or • 2) Redesign and deploy to 12c

BPM 10g to 12c

• 1) Migration to 11g and in-place upgrade to 12c, or • 2) Redesign and migrate to 12c

SOA 10g to 12c

• 1) In-place upgrade, or • 2) Migration

SOA / BPM 11g to 12c

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SOA / BPM 11g to 12c | Overview

• Defining an upgrade strategy • Performing pre-upgrade tasks • Installing 12c software


• Create / Upgrade Schemas • Domain (Re-) Configuration Upgrade

• Post-Upgrade Tasks (such as reappling customizations, copying custom XPath classes, reapplying EDNTopic, delete tmp-folders)

• Verify success Post-Upgrade

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2.1 Pre-Upgrade

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In-Place Upgrade Migration

Defining an upgrade strategy

Schemas and domain directory upgrades are performed "in place" (updates existing 11g files)

Oracle Home binaries are upgraded "out of place" (binaries are installed in a new directory)

No need to redeploy composites after upgrade

Long running instances resume after upgrade

New installation of schemas and domains

New deployment & configuration of the existing 11g projects

Suitable in stateless & short-running scenarios

Adequate if the targeted sytem architecture should be diferent than with 11g or if the current topology is not supported

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Performing pre-upgrade tasks (in general) Execute a complete backup of your 11g environment Apply recommended database parameters Save copies of customized start scripts, configuration files,


Is your database supported? Infrastructure Database must be a supported Oracle 11g or 12c Database

Is your operating system supported? Upgrading from a 32-Bit to a 64-Bit Operating System

Is your JVM supported? 64 Bit JVM

See Upgrade Planning Guide and Interoperability and Compatibility Guide for pre-requisite details

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Pre-upgrade tasks for the in-place approach Do you regulary clean your

SOA Repository? Purge unused instance data

(upgrade will upgrade all open instances)

Can your version of SOA be upgraded? Starting points are: (PS5) or (PS6)

Is your topology supported? 11g and 12c Oracle_Homes located on same host but in different directories Domain is not integrated with non-12c products (OSR, OER, WebCenter) OPSS to use DB or LDAP based policy store (note that Audit Store does not

support re-association through EM) SOA/BPM is running on WebLogic Server

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Installing 12c software

Install 12c FMW Infrastucture Distributions

Install 12c SOA Suite

Install other components as needed

New and Deprecated Terminology MW_HOME (11g) => ORACLE_HOME (12c) PRODUCT_ORACLE_HOME => PRODUCT_DIR Oracle Fusion Middleware farm (used in 11g to

refer to a container for a WLS domain) => term is eliminated in 12c

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2.2 Upgrade

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In-Place Upgrade Steps 1. Create DB schemas for 12c

via RCU

2. Execute Upgrade Assistant to upgrade 11g Database Schemas

3. Reconfigure the 11g domain using Reconfiguration Wizard

4. Execute the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade SOA Suite 11g

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2.3 Post-Upgrade

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Post-Upgrade Steps

Verify file permissions

Re-apply customizations to scripts and configuration files setDomainEnv script (e.g. JVM memory settings, Truststore, etc.) config.xml

Start Servers Admin Server Node Managers Managed Servers Other components…


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3 Upgrade Results

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Components in use As part of the 10g to 11g migration all long-running processes

have been replaced with scheduled short-running processes

All processes are implemented in BPEL 1.1 / BPEL 2.0 (no SB / OER / BAM)

Usage of: Component Properties, DB Adapter, XSLT, Calls to external Web Services, Fault Management Framework, Business Rules, DVMs, File Adapter, FTP Adapter, EDN

Environment with one Admin Server and one Managed Server SOA (configured as a cluster for scalability reasons)

Approx. 100 SOA composites in production

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Upgrade Results | Our first composite tests

First testcases with approx. 40 composites completed successfully (without any manual rework)

Database Adapter for stored procedure calls performed well

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Upgrade Results | Configuration Changes

Successfully transferred the following config changes JTA Transaction Timeout Transaction Timeout of BPELDeliveryBean SyncMaxWaitTime

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Upgrade Results | Composite Availability EM shows list of

composites with start-up issues

Extended deployment pre-validations e.g. wrong File

Adapter configuration

Start-Up issues we identified: Composites with EDN Embedded Java with

non-supported API calls

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Upgrade Results | Auto Purge Purging of

instance data is an important part of SOA Suite maintenance

It can now be scheduled through the enterprise manager

Auto Purge is enabled by default (only) for new installations; for upgrades it is not enabled by default

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Upgrade Results | EDN Composites

Error with EDN Composites: “… Unable to create Topic producer due to JMSException …“

Usually EDN 12c comes with a set of JMS administered objects for WebLogic JMS type JMS topic JNDI: "jms/fabric/EDNTopic“ JMS Adapter with a set of 4 connection factories

If the EDN topic does not happen to be provisioned, automatically after upgrade, you can manually provision it (already fixed in the next release)

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Upgrade Results | setCompositeInstanceTitle

Embedded Java used to set the Composite-InstanceTitle

In 12c the EM no longer displays what setComposite

InstanceTitle sets

EM 12c displays the newly added Flow Instance Title which is set using the setFlowInstanceTitle(...) method (logged in 18310693)

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Upgrade Results | Server Start SOA Server started only in ADMIN mode

Clean-up of the server-cache directory helped to solve the problem Solution was already documented under Doc ID: 1330224.1

Additionally check that the changes from the previous environment were

reapplied to the 12c domain. Compare the setDomainEnv file from 11g to the new 12c setDomainEnv file and then add any custom changes after the upgrade.

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Upgrade Results | Composites in EM Composite Definition in EM not available (not critical – new feature)

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Upgrade Results | Composites in EM Composite Definition in EM not available (not critical – new feature)

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Design Time | Opening 11g project in JDev 12c

Migration Assistent starts to migrate the project

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Design Time | Project Structure

Project folder structure has slightly changed

*.componentType files have been removed (content is now part of composite.xml)

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Design Time | MDS Import First

Import MDS artifacts into Design Time MDS first, then open the project

Check library dependencies

Check and modify settings in adf-config.xml (if needed)

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4 Oracle‘s Strategic Implementation Program

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Program Overview

Oracle will provide Executive Sponsor from customers region Customer’s Oracle SC Contact point in Oracle SOA Development EA PM

Access to Oracle Development in exchange for customer reference support Upgrade Development best practices Tuning and Troubleshooting Deployment Architecture assistance

Proactive weekly or bi-weekly status calls

Recommended patches/fixes and bug alerts

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Technical case study

publishable on OTN

Testimonial video

Pod cast

Reference forums

Advertising campaign

Oracle Open World panel or presentation

Feature story

Use of Company name and logo

Supporting quote

Reference calls with prospects

Press activities press release or interview

Analyst interviews for research

Customer success snapshot/profile

Customer Reference Commitment

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Overall we are happy with our first 12c upgrade results – we didn’t expect a zero touch approach

Pre-upgrade steps are the key point of success

Documentation about changed config parameters as well as a proper test concept is important

Blogpost: Best Practices for SOA 11g to 12c Upgrade



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Danilo Schmiedel Solution Architect Oracle ACE Director

OPITZ CONSULTING Deutschland GmbH Tempelhofer Weg 64, 12347 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 173 7279001 Mail: [email protected] Twitter: @dschmied Blog:
