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Road Rage Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims to examine people’s thoughts about road rage. You will be asked to

respond to questions which deal with how you feel and react towards road rage. All

information gathered will be confidential and will only be used for educational purposes.

Only the researcher will have access to the answers gathered in this questionnaire. Also, all

the information gathered in this questionnaire is completely anonymous.


Sex: Male Female

Race: White






Please select a response that best describes your thoughts and feelings and answer all the

questions to the best of your ability.

1) I yell verbal abuse or insults at other drivers when they drive slow or overtake me in traffic.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

2) I feel exhausted and irritated after being stuck in traffic for a long period.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

3) I do not mind if other drivers drive faster than me.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

4) I tailgate slow driver’s to make sure that they move out of my way onto the next lane.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

5) I try to get to my destination in the shortest time possible or else I’ll feel unsettled and tense.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

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6) When I feel upset or angry for some reason, I step on the gas pedal and this helps me to blow off some steam.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

7) I do not mind driving slow behind a large vehicle (such as a truck or lorry).

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

8) I remain relatively calm when other drivers accidently overtake me to switch lanes.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

9) In traffic I gap-close to prevent other drivers from entering the lane in which I am driving in.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

10) I speed up suddenly to ensure that I make it past the yellow robot light.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

11) I deliberately drive reckless to make sure that other drivers do not get in my way.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

12) I get upset if other drivers steal the parking bay that I have been waiting for.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

13) I feel a great sense of power and competition upon driving faster than other drivers do on the road.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

14) I fantasize about acting aggressively or violently towards drivers who make me angry or irritated.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

15) My mood for the day is not dependent on how badly other drivers drive on the road.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

16) I honk my horn to make sure that slow drivers speed up or otherwise move across to a different lane.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

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17) I experience headaches and chest pains as a result of driving in traffic.Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

18)I believe that pedestrians should not have the right of way when crossing a pedestrian/zebra crossing especially when there are many cars that are waiting.

Never – Seldom – Sometimes – Often – Always

Thank you for taking your time to respond to this questionnaire. Your responses are greatly appreciated!

I swear a lot more in traffic than I do elsewhere. I regularly have critical thoughts about other drivers. There are few things that make me madder than a driver in a parking lot who tries to steal the stall I've been waiting for. I fantasize about using guns or blowing up cars who get in my way. It's just a harmless way of venting, letting off steam. I'm ordinarily not a hostile person, but when drivers do something really stupid, I blow my stack, and rightly so. It's good to get your anger out because there are violent feelings inside all of us that naturally come out under stressful situation. When I'm upset for some reason, it's such a relief to stomp on the gas pedal. I'm proud of being a road warrior, making my own rules on the highway. In crosswalks, pedestrians shouldn't have the right to walk slowly when cars are waiting. Pushy drivers make me nervous so I bad mouth them to make myself feel better. I tailgate whenever someone drives too slow. I try to get to my destination in the shortest time possible or else it doesn't feel right. If I stopped driving aggressively others would take advantage of my passivity. I feel a sense of loss when someone beats me to the traffic light. I feel gratified by the sense of power and competition I experience while driving. I become more hostile when I drive through certain sections. Once in a while I get so frustrated in traffic that I begin to drive somewhat recklessly. Some drivers make me feel that I'm expected to break the speed limit, so I do. Sometimes I feel that I'm holding up traffic so I start driving faster than I feel comfortable. I would feel embarrassed to get stuck behind a large vehicle on a steep road.
