
Road Maintenance Visual Guide: Introduction

ONRC Visual Guide Page 2

The One Network Road Classification (ONRC) was born from the opportunity for a better and more transparent way to plan and invest in maintaining and operating New Zealand’s road networks. The ONRC classifies networks across New Zealand in terms of usage, and groups Customer Outcomes as Access, Amenity, Resilience, Safety or Travel Time Reliability. This guide provides assistance with five of the performance measures; four safety measures, and one amenity measure. Each of these measures requires a sample of the network to be inspected and the level of compliance recorded. The data should be entered into the ONRC Performance Reporting Tool. This will enable consideration of the performance levels with other performance measures or outcome measures, as well as similar road networks. It is intended to provide guidance and direction for:

a. Anyone involved in managing a state highway and/or local authority roading network. b. Anyone involved in developing road maintenance contract documents and/or operational performance measures for a local authority.

The guide is not intended to cover every asset, condition or situation that may arise on the network. It is intended to be used as a guide to ensure a consistent interpretation of what is deemed acceptable, marginal and unacceptable with regards to the performance measures requiring auditing in the field. Marginal items could require further site-specific analysis. This is a living document that will be updated periodically. If you have any feedback regarding this guide, or you have photos that will help improve this guide, please feel free to contact [email protected]












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Safety (How road users experience the safety of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 3

Technical Output Performance Measure 3: Sight Distances Sight distance (including hazard warning devices) are not obscured by vegetation or by unauthorised obstructions (advertising signage, etc) Measured by an inspection of 10% of the network annually; the target is 100% compliance.


Sight distance well maintained through

vegetation control Sight distance to sign slightly obscured

by overgrown vegetation, however sign still visible and legible

Slight distance to sign slightly obscured by overgrown vegetation, however

sign mainly visible and legible

Sight distance to sign obscured by overgrown vegetation

Sight distance around curve and to edge marker post obscured by

overgrown vegetation

Sight distance well maintained

through verge mowing

Reasonably long verge grass although sight distance not affected. Long

vegetation growing on sight

Long vegetation growing on sight bench affecting forward sight distance

around curve

Sight distance to sign obscured by overgrown vegetation

Sight distance to sign obscured by overgrown vegetation

Sight distance maintained through vegetation growth on sight bench

Reasonably long verge grass although sight distance not affected

Sight distance to edge marker post slightly obscured by overgrown


Sight distance to sign obscured by overgrown vegetation

Sight distance to sign obscured by overgrown vegetation

Safety (How road users experience the safety of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 4

Technical Output Performance Measure 7: Surface Faults (page 1 of 2) Number of maintenance related faults (such as rutting / depressions, shoving, potholes, corrugated length, edge break (in lane), and ponding water) that are likely to affect driver behaviour, e.g. requiring a reduction in speed or evasion Measured by an inspection of 10% (arterial and higher) or 5% (collector and access roads) of the network quarterly with the number of deficient locations recorded per 10km.


Small potholes on a straight, will not

affect driver behaviour

Isolated small pothole, unlikely to affect driver behaviour

Medium size pothole, approx. 150mm in diameter. May affect driver behaviour

Large potholes near wheel path, will affect driver behaviour

Large pothole in wheel path near curve exit. Will result in driver taking evasive


Small pavement deformation on a

straight, will not affect driver behaviour

Isolated pavement deformation on a straight, unlikely to affect driver


Medium size pothole, approx. 30mm in height. May affect driver behaviour

depending on location

Large pavement deformation in high speed environment, will affect driver


Large pavement deformation at approach to intersection, will affect

driver behaviour

Slight edge break into sealed shoulder,

will not affect driver behaviour Significant edge break, confined to sealed shoulder. Unlikely to affect

driver behaviour

Edge break encroaching into the edge line. May affect driver behaviour

Edge break encroaching into the trafficked lane. Highly likely to affect

driver behaviour

Edge break encroaching into the trafficked lane. Will affect driver


Safety (How road users experience the safety of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 5

Technical Output Performance Measure 7: Surface Faults (page 2 of 2) Number of maintenance related faults (such as rutting / depressions, shoving, potholes, corrugated length, edge break (in lane), and ponding water) that are likely to affect driver behaviour, e.g. requiring a reduction in speed or evasion

Measured by an inspection of 10% (arterial and higher) or 5% (collector and access roads) of the network quarterly with the number of deficient locations recorded per 10km.


Small potholes in low speed

environment. Highly unlikely to affect driver behaviour

Potholes in low speed environment. Unlikely to affect driver behaviour

Potholes in mid-speed environment. May affect driver behaviour

Potholes in reasonably high speed environment. Likely to affect driver


Large potholes in high speed environment. Will affect driver


Minor ponding water in urban (low speed) environment. Will not affect

driver behaviour

Water running across road. Unlikely to affect driver behaviour

Small area of ponding water. May affect driver behaviour depending on


Water ponding in wheel path in high speed area. Likely to affect driver


Water ponding in lane at approach to intersection. Will affect driver/cyclist


Small corrugations in low speed

environment. Highly unlikely to affect driver behaviour

Corrugations in low speed environment Unlikely to affect driver


Corrugations in mid-speed environment. May affect driver


Corrugations in reasonably high speed environment. Likely to affect driver


Corrugations in high speed environment. Will affect driver


Safety (How road users experience the safety of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 6

Good Practice (not a formal performance measure): Guardrails and Barriers All traffic restraining devices such as bridge side rails, guardrails, wire rope barriers and crash cushions are maintained in an effective operating condition.

Measured by an inspection of 10% (arterial and higher) or 5% (collector and access roads) of the network quarterly, the target is 100% compliance.


Guardrail in effective operating

condition Guardrail superficially damaged but still in effective operating condition

Guardrail damaged, needs inspection to determine if in effective operating


Guardrail damaged, not in effective operating condition

Guardrail significantly damaged, not in effective operating condition

Slight damage to bridge rail, still in

effective operating condition Damage to bridge rail, still in effective

operating condition Guardrail not attached to block out

post, although may still be in effective operating condition

Guardrail missing block out. Unlikely to be in effective operating condition

Guardrail damaged, not in effective operating condition

Bridge rail in effective operating

condition Damage to bridge rail, still in effective

operating condition Guardrail damaged, needs inspection to determine if in effective operating


Guardrail damaged, not in effective operating condition

Bridge rail damaged, not in effective operating condition

Note – this is indicative and to be used as a guide only. Guardrails, wire rope barriers and crash cushions should be installed and maintained as per the manufacturers standards

Safety (How road users experience the safety of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 7

Technical Output Performance Measure 10: Roadside Obstructions Roadside safety zones are maintained free from unauthorised obstructions and the development of new hazards

Measured by an inspection of 10% (arterial and higher) or 5% (collector and access roads) of the network quarterly, the target is 100% compliance.


Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Small, unauthorised signs at

intersection. May be an obstruction Sapling allowed to grow, will become

an obstruction in the future Car abandoned beside road

Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Excess aggregate left in roadside

verge. May be an obstruction Car abandoned beside road Sapling allowed to grow, will become

an obstruction in the future

Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Roadside maintained free from

obstructions Saplings allowed to grow, may become

obstructions in the future Large unauthorised sign beside road Installation of new power pole close to


Amenity (How road users experience the aesthetic aspects of the Journey)

ONRC Visual Guide Page 8

Technical Output Performance Measure 2: Aesthetic Faults No more than X defects per 5 kilometre sample length of aesthetic maintenance related faults (such as litter, damaged or non-functioning equipment or furniture, graffiti, vegetation, etc.) that are likely to detract from the customer’s experience

Measured by an inspection of the network and reported on number of defects assessed by sample length. This covers activities such as graffiti, vegetation control, rest area facilities etc. The compliance target differs by road classification.


Rest area furniture in good condition.

Nothing that will detract from the customer's experience

Random sticker on traffic sign. Unlikely to detract from the customer's


Rest area table in good condition, however grass marginal. May detract

from the customer's experience

Graffiti on bridge end. Likely to detract from the customer's experience

Graffiti on traffic sign. Likely to detract from the customer's experience

Rest area furniture in good condition, vegetation well maintained. Nothing that will detract from the customer's


Litter within road reserve, however is not visible to motorists. Will not

detract from the customer's experience

Rest area table in marginal condition, minor visible litter. May detract from

the customer's experience

Damaged rest area table. Likely to detract from the customer's experience

Graffiti on traffic sign. Likely to detract from the customer's experience

No litter, graffiti, overgrown

vegetation. Nothing that will detract from the customer's experience

Well maintained roadside landscaped area. Nothing that will detract from

the customer's experience

Minor items of litter visible to motorist. May detract from the

customer's experience

Multiple items of visible litter. Likely to detract from the customer's


Multiple large items of visible litter. Will detract from the customer's

