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Table of Contents �

�RKYV # 23 {April 2009} RKYV ONLINE LOGO - David Marshall {current} Virtual Cover # 23 - Art by Mike Grattan - Layout by David Marshall Interior Art - By Roger Davidson, Engin Korkmaz, Jonathan Biermann, Stan Nelson, R.J. Paré, Nadide Paker Gurcuoglu, Joey Goyit, Ian Amyot, Mike Grattan Editorial Column - “At the Outset: A Few Thoughts from the Editor” - By RJ Paré Health Column - “Tom’s Therapeutic Tidings” - By Tom Rossini Sports Column - “Rossini’s Ramblings” - By Tom Rossini

Featured Artist Review – Mike Grattan - By R.J. Paré Short Fiction - “Day and Night – Part 2” - By Nathaniel Baker Poetry - By Stephen Campbell, Anna Gehmacher, R.J. Paré Indie Music - By R.J. Paré Family Life - “Drunken Dragon Tavern” - By Christina Marchetti Pop Culture - “Comic Book Review” - By Brad Bellmore - “Raised on Saturday Morning Cartoons” - By Pauline Paré


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At The outset A few thoughts from the editor – By r.j. pare’


Welcome one and all to the 24th issue of RKYV ONLINE! Now those of you who have been around these parts for awhile probably won’t be surprised by that statement. Others, perhaps, will be getting ready to visit one of our social network pages and point out that my math is lousy.

RKYV ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook: Bebo: Xanga: Blogger: ISSUU: Google Groups: Well, there are two things I would like to point out about that:

1. When we re-launched RKYV two years ago Dave and I had no idea if we would maintain a monthly schedule; bi-monthly schedule; quarterly schedule; or even a whenever_we_damn_well_felt_like_it schedule… Heck we certainly had no idea how many folks, from all over the world, would take an interest as readers and/or collaborators.

2. The second issue we released was a Tribute Issue honouring the Death of Captain

America [in Marvel Comics]. The significant part about this is that the issue was NEVER numbered. By the time we had settled into a monthly schedule the THIRD issue released was # 2, and so on…

[Now there’s a little tidbit of RKYV ONLINE trivia for ya.]


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For those who may not know, several of us here @ RKYV participate in a collaborative comic book creator’s studio: Speakeasy Primates. Facebook Comic Con Page for Speakeasy Primates: A few weeks ago, on the weekend of April 17 – 18, Speakeasy Primates were gathered in Columbus, Ohio, manning a table @ S.P.A.C.E. [small-press-alternative-comics-expo] & launching our first few completed books, posters and buttons.

Myself, Nathan Baker [writer] Nathan, Pauline & Lee Roy Lopez [artist] & my wife Pauline on Day 1. on Day 2. The experience was a blast! We learned an awful lot from other creators [a welcoming community of independent writers and artists]. We also made numerous, valuable, contacts that may come in handy as we continue to build the studio and plan the launch of our website! For more info on S.P.A.C.E.:


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Now, before you ask, no we haven’t begun an all-new segment on questionable leather wear. Rather, the creative chap in question is this month’s featured artist, Mike Grattan. Mike is a talented writer and artist living in the U.K. [not to mention a frequent RKYV contributor, as well… :) THX mate!] The author and illustrator of the delightful children’s novel “Raymond Thursday’s Suitcase” is a multi-talented artist [a master of photo-based acrylic paintings] with a wonderful sense of whit and humour that permeates much of his work. I hope everyone enjoys Mike’s talents and skills at interpreting pop culture figures as I’ve had reviewing them. Columnist Tom Rossini drops by this month with some valuable advice on the current Swine Flu epidemic. Tom also does double duty with our first ever Sports Column this month as he brags on and on about his Dead [oops] I mean Red Wings. [Note: I am a lifelong Montreal fan]. We also launch our first ever Music Column this month reviewing the Indie band, Burning Candy. If you or someone you know has a band you’d like a little more exposure for… contact me, [email protected] and I’ll write up a review and include some links for folks to learn more about the band. Brad Bellmore, our comic book review columnist, takes a look at a burgeoning new medium this month – motion comics. This exciting development is well worth looking into. So let’s get to the mag… click or scroll to the next page and proceed to be entertained by the content I’ve clued you in on… and so much more! Poetry, art, pop-culture… the goodness that is RKYV ONLINE is yours to discovery in every page. Therefore, enough of my blathering, I will rap some more with ya next month. R.J. Paré

Bunch of Ink drawings from last night at Steamers – By Stan Nelson PAGE 4PAGE 4PAGE 4PAGE 4

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Health Tom’s therapeutic tidings – by tom Rossini

Swine Flu – Should you be Worried???

First of all, I must preface this article with the fact that even though I am a Registered Nurse, I had no knowledge of the Swine Flu prior to all the media attention the last week or so. I only became more involved with this topic as the media started to invoke fear in its viewers. The last few days we have seen the Swine Flu in the media and even the CDC has raised a flag to this possible pandemic.

Cuba has closed its borders to Mexico and the World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the worldwide pandemic threat to level 4. Level 4 is characterized as a sustained Human to Human Sustained Transmission of the Influenza Virus. Level 5 and 6 is Widespread Human to Human Transmission of the Influenza Virus.

[Editor’s Note: After Tom wrote this article and prior to the release of this issue of

RKYV, the WHO has indeed raised the pandemic threat level to 5]

To go along with this, over the weekend, I received an email from corporate stating that if you have the flu virus to go home immediately and if anyone at home has the flu virus to report this to corporate immediately. Management was to notify Corporate of this. I therefore have taken a great interest in this health issue.

So what exactly is the Swine Flu?

According to Medscape, Swine influenza virus (referred to as SIV) refers to influenza cases that are caused by the Orthomyxo viruses endemic to pig populations. The Swine Flu is transmitted similar to that of the seasonal flu virus. It is spread either by direct transmission – touching the virus and then touching your eyes etc., or by being sneezed or coughed upon. Signs and Symptoms include lethargy, fever, decreased appetite, coughing, as well as sneezing, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.


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So what is being done about this??? As of this morning there are 64 cases of Swine Flu Infection and soon there will be many more. [Editor’s Note: By the release of this issue, this number had more than

tripled] The CDC is currently preparing for a community level outbreak with this possibly leading to a pandemic. But what we need to do is take some basic precautionary measures.

1) Frequent Hand-washing – hand-washing is a highly effective means of controlling the virus.

2) Use tissues and dispose of properly.

3) In public use sanitizing hand gel and disinfectant wipes.

4) See your Doctor immediately if you feel as if you have the flu and remember that

the virus is susceptible to prescription antiviral drugs like Oseltamivir and Zanamivir.

For further information and to be kept up to date please visit: The CDC at Or visit the Canadian website

Thomas Rossini RN


U.S. Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection (As of April 28, 2009, 11:00 AM ET)

State # of laboratory confirmed cases

California 10 cases

Kansas 2 cases

New York City 45 cases

Ohio 1 case

Texas 6 cases


64 cases 13 cases - mild

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Sports Rossini’s Ramblings – By Tom Rossini

The snow has melted, the leaves are beginning to awake from their winter slumber, and the sky is blue … this can only mean one thing its time for the Stanley Cup Playoffs to begin. This year though, there is a different atmosphere in Detroit with regards to the playoff and many see the Stanley Cup as the Holy Grail, a lifeline, a symbol of hope and prosperity. From the Detroit Lions dismal 0-16 record, to the Tigers less than stellar Bullpen, to the Pistons lack of drive, a team playing for the

Stanley Cup represents, for many, our last sense of hope in this failing economy. As the Red Wings advance, every single home game will bring people to a town that is struggling. Filling up hotels, keeping the businesses downtown open and by dumping approximately $1 million tourist dollars into the local economy with every home game… Last night the Red Wings Defeated Columbus 6-5 after a controversial penalty was called against the Blue Jackets. This resulted in “debris” being thrown on the ice and the Coach of the Red Wings – Babcock being stuck in the shoulder and hurt. This is not something the Wings can control but rather the Officials with consistent, accurate calls on the ice. Whether or not I feel the call for too many men was correct or not is not the point. What bothered me were the fans of Columbus and their lack of etiquette. Sure the Red Wings have been guilty of throwing stuff on the ice – primarily Octopus but nothing gets thrown at a player or a coach. One of the linesman called a bench minor against Columbus for too many men on the ice. On replay it was clear that they did have too many men on the ice. The player being substituted became involved with the play on the ice while the player coming off the ice was still on the ice and in fact a good 10 feet from the bench. Question is… Was this a good call to make with 1:34 on the clock, game 4 of 7, Columbus is down 3 games to 0 in the series and the score tied at 5-5. Of note as well, there were several obvious other infractions that should have been called but were not. So, I decided to get the opinions from other sportscasters around the nation. Following the game, I watched game reports and summaries from various national news stations, including ESPN, CNN, CBC, local Detroit stations as well as various online articles and it seems as if everyone hates the Red Wings because “they bought the Stanley Cup” or “They play dirty” or in some cases

the stations and the sports casters could care less about their games!!! PAGE 7PAGE 7PAGE 7PAGE 7

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I was still shocked that there was no real discussion about this play. I expected Don Cherry and others to analyze this play 500 times. But, all that was said was the Wings advanced to the next series as they defeated the Columbus Blue Jackets in 4 straight games. This caused me to think deeper and reflect on why this was the case. While looking for this answer and possibly some debate on the officials call, something that caught my attention was the post game show on the CBC. While I know they are biased towards the Canadian teams and Don Cherry has a genuine dislike of the Red Wings organization, I was perplexed to see the post game back drop to have a Pittsburgh player on one side and what appeared to be a Flyer on the other side holding the Stanley Cup. I could understand why they would not have the Red Wings on the back drop if instead they had the last Canadian team that won the Stanley Cup on the back drop. But, then we would have to go back to the Montreal Canadiens in 1992-1993. And before that we would have to look to the mid to late 1980’s when Edmonton, Calgary, and the Canadiens dominated the NHL.

So if not a Canadian team why did they have Pittsburgh and the Flyers??? Why did they not just have a generic backdrop with the Stanley Cup etc?? I could total understand why they would display the Canadiens, Toronto etc as they are the most successful and teams in history. The Canadiens have won the Stanley Cup 24 times, Maple Leafs 13 and the Red Wings 11 times. So why is there hatred toward the Wings??? Could it be because that the Red Wings are a good, well oiled and disciplined team? Is it because they have been in the playoffs every year for the last 20 years? Or that they have won the Stanley Cup 4 times in the last 10 years or so? Maybe it’s because Lidstrom has the Norris trophy locked up for this year again and requests have been made to rename the trophy as the “Lidstrom.”

Regardless of the reason it is amazing that the NHL players, who participated in an unofficial poll, voted that the Red Wings will win the cup again by a total vote of 37%. You may not think that this is a high percentage but then next closest was Boston at 28%. The rest of the teams in the Stanley Cup were significantly lower. Next Month Article – THE WINGS WIN THE CUP!!!!

[Editor’s Note: As of this writing Detroit now trails Anaheim 2 games to 1 in the

second round series. Hee hee.] PAGE 8 PAGE 8 PAGE 8 PAGE 8

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Superman [© DC Comics] – By Jon Biermann PAGE 9PAGE 9PAGE 9PAGE 9

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Featured Artist Review Mike Grattan – By R.J. Pare’

BIO: Mike Grattan: I was born, January 1957, in the shipyard town of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. I probably doodled in the womb... to this day if there's a blank piece of paper in front of me I'll attack it with a pen or paint. Over the past five years I have concentrated on painting pop art which coming from a graphic design background I really enjoy. I’m not very good at rabbiting on about myself so I'm afraid this will have to do!

1. R.J. Paré: Have you always known that you wanted to be or, rather, were an artist?

MG: My Mum and Dad both drew and painted and spent a lot of time with me as a child doodling. I always think it's like growing up in a musical family, where everyone plays an instrument. But I think it must have been in me to a degree as they spent as much time with my brother and three sisters and they never went on to be particularly artistic.

Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Jimi Media Used: Acrylic Size: 40 X 30 RJP: The mercurial guitarist at the

height of his U.K. stardom, playing

the R.A.H. and seen here strutting

around in a Sgt. Pepper style jacket.

He even opened one night [with the

Beatles in attendance] with his own

fiery rendition of Lonely Hearts

Club. Mike captures the mystique

of this figure perfectly.

And looking at him now, you can really see the influence, not only his music, but his image

has had on popular music. It is fairly easy to look at this picture and imagine artists like

“Prince” wearing almost identical clothing and hairstyles in tribute to their fallen hero. PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE 10101010

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Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Audrey Media Used: Acrylic Size: 40 X 40 RJP: The immortal “Funny Face” Audrey Hepburn, many years after her passing, still entices the memories and imaginations of millions of fans. Mike’s piece portrays Miss Hepburn in a moment of delightful whimsy. The choice of background palette seems to place the time period in the early 1960s. 2. RJP: Did you study or major in art while in school? MG: I studied Graphic Design at Lancaster College of Art.

3. RJP: Who was you biggest influence or source of encouragement, as a child, in pursuing art? MG: My Mum and Dad and my art teacher at senior school Mr. Mark Ainsworth, he gave me a lot of belief in myself and pushed me to go to art college. I come from a shipyard town, where absolutely everyone works in the shipyard as did my Dad, Grandad and Great-Grandad so it was a big thing back then for me to break that cycle. Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Elvis Media Used: Acrylic Size: 40 X 40 RJP\: Hail to The King, baby, Elvis Presley – thankfully rendered here in his early incarnation. No sequined jumpsuits just honest-to-goodness hillbilly rock. The 50’s microphone is just an awesome bit of nostalgic kitsch.


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4. RJP: What is your favorite media to work with? MG: All my pop art is done using acrylics, which I like to use, but I like to draw a lot too in ink. 5. RJP: Do you use any special tools and techniques to create your art? MG: Use sable brushes and acrylics, once got carried away and added Jack Daniels and cigarette ash to a rat pack painting to add a bit of authenticity... seemed like a good idea at the time!

Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Amy Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40

RJP: Amy Winehouse, is as talented as she is troubled. The mercurial singer is a performer who is a study in contrasts. With a voice that sounds like it was born in the blues and jazz clubs of an earlier generation, and an image that seems equal parts Hip-Hop Gangsta & Brit Punk, she defies our cookie cutter labels. Mike has taken this eccentric talent and portrayed her in a rare content moment. Seen here with a slight shrug of the shoulder; a small private smile – a moment when the tabloids aren’t snapping there latest ‘candid & revealing’ shots. The choice of palette for the background ‘softens’ our perception of this ‘hard-living’ performer and presents her in an unconventionally feminine manner.

6. RJP: What inspires you to create art? MG: I see an image I like and think I can make it a bit different...a bit more graphic and I get my brushes out! 7. RJP: How would you categorize your artistic style? MG: Well my paintings are of the Pop Genre, although I do water-colours too, of birds and wildlife, ink drawings, illustrations and cartoons.


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Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Caine Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40

RJP: Michael Caine has appeared in so many films I’ve taken to using his name for 50 % of my answers in Trivial Pursuit. While we, in North America, are more familiar with his more lighthearted work… this is a leading man who has played some tough guys as well. Portrayed by Mike, here, as he appeared in the film “Get Carter” Caine exudes a ‘gentleman-thug’ aura of the fictional Mafiosos only found on celluloid. The light blue sky, in the background, is a wonderful contrast to the dark and dangerous figure wielding a pump-action shotgun.

8. RJP: Would you say that there is a "message" or "unifying theme" in your work? MG: My art isn't that 'deep' it just wants to brighten up someone’s room.

9. RJP: Which famous artists or styles have influenced you? Why? MG: Andy Warhol is I suppose a bit obvious but I grew up with the icons of Marvel Comics Silver Age: Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Jim Steranko and the like… [I have] always been a huge fan of Robert Crumb too. Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Pacino Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40 RJP: Scarface never looked so good. The ultimate Pacino villain, seen here enjoying the excess of being at the top [if only for a short, violent, while]. The contrast of a black and white image painted with a vivid red background is bold and dramatic [fitting for such a bold and dramatic character].


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10. RJP: If you could meet any living or dead artist, who would it be? MG: Got to be Leonardo, he'd be an interesting chap to have a brew with. 11. RJP: What is the one question that you would ask him/her? MG: Hey Leo, lets build that helicopter. 12. RJP: What do you think of the term "starving artist"? MG: Not many people actually starve in Western Civilization these days. Thanks to the global credit crunch I was made redundant from my job last October and I have tried to survive on painting alone, more like a 'Struggling Artist'… Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: John Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40 RJP: This particular image of Lennon, more so than any other I have seen, truly captures the artist as he is frozen in our memories. Not the preppy pop-star of his early days but the counter-culture musician / poet / activist. The choice of colour seems to reflect the somber gravitas of John during this period [or at least our image of him]. 13. RJP: Do you feel more a sense of community with other artists or a sense of competition? MG: Artists are just like anyone else, some good, some bad, some completely up their own arses, some completely potty. [They are] just a normal cross section of society I don't feel any closer to them just because they can hold a HB pencil.


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Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Clint Media Used: Acrylic Size: 2 ft X 6 ft RJP: Where do I begin with this piece? Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry is captivating subject matter in and of itself. Throw in the forced perspective on the signature .44 magnum and you have a bold and striking image. I continue to be intrigued by Mike’s use of colour backgrounds for figures he has painted, predominantly black and white or duotone, the overall effect makes for a nice contrast while at the same time has the ability to comment on the subject and / or time period.

14. RJP: How do you market yourself? MG: Shops, galleries, internet. 15. RJP: Do you find it difficult to stay motivated / inspired? MG: No........I love working, find it hard to stop. 16. RJP: Do you create your art full time or part time? MG: Full time. 17. RJP: What other interests do you have, besides art? MG: I'm a big football fan or as you chaps call it 'soccer', lifelong Liverpool supporter, love cooking, love gardening (I have designed gardens for people, ok it's not a helicopter!) and while my knees still allow walking in the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District.


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Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Bruce Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40

RJP: The piece chosen for the cover of this issue, a dramatic, iconic image of the late Bruce Lee. Shown as he appeared in “Game of Death” Bruce has all the swagger, charisma and intensity in acrylic as he had in celluloid and continues to have in our collective memories. What young man, growing up in the 70’s did not have, or at least wish to have, one of his posters on their bedroom walls? I for one can even recall knocking myself a good one on the forehead playing around with a pair of home made nunchuks trying to imitate Bruce’s skill and speed. Mike has captured one of my childhood heroes with his brush and I am captivated.

18. RJP: What advice would you have for a young artist starting out today? MG: Do what you are good at. 19. RJP: Do you have any big plans or shows coming up in 2009? MG: Playing it by ear....had a few offers.


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20. RJP: How would you like your art, and by extension yourself, to be remembered? MG: He was a bloody nice chap and handy with a brush!


Artist’s Name: Mike Grattan Title: Pesky Wabbit Media Used: Acrylic Size: 30 X 40

RJP: A fine example of Mike’s talents apart from his wonderful pop culture figures. This long-eared, long-legged hare is brought to delightful, animated life in this painting. The texture of the mottled fur and the wide expressive eyes – these details accentuate a beautiful piece.

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Cover Art - by Roger Formidable, Logos & Lettering by David Marshall, layout by R.J. Paré Interior Art – by Roger Price & Drew Bird; Back Page Art by Jay Piscopo

Day and Night – part two By Nathaniel Baker

The walk to the warehouse must have been the longest walk she had ever taken. Every time she began to focus on her family, either one, tears would swell in her eyes. So she started focusing on Danny. She laughed at the thought, stumbling by empty alleys and trash cans. She pulled her arms closer to her. Realizing that she was still wearing the same black blouse and skirt she was wearing the night or two before. Another thought of how many days she had lost now. The wheels in her head whirled back to Danny and the thing she found most ironic about him. He reminded her of Deagan. From those eyes, to

the music the man could produce from that piano. PAGE 18 PAGE 18 PAGE 18 PAGE 18

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She kicked a rock off of the side of the sidewalk. “How is it that I keep getting in this? These shallow waters…” A song popped into her head, but before she could focus on it, it was gone. The warehouse on the corner of fourth and Lincoln stood out to her like some type of unholy beacon. This is where, for the first time since she joined The Program that she would get to test all of her abilities. Some of which she was still not sure she had. She leaned against the wall of the building that sat narrowly close to another. She let out a heavy but smooth breath, as her body once again slid through the wall. Voices began to fill the air, and as quickly as she was there, she wasn’t. Her body went from incorporeal to transparent in a snap. She kept her eyes closed for a few more minutes, listening, waiting. No bells or whistles, no dogs, or gun fire, just talking. One of the men threw his cards down on the small round table in front of him. “No more! Let’s get this done.” Vivian almost jumped to the sound of his scruffy voice, but she stayed perfectly still, not wanting to chance that her powers may still not be completely in her control. She slowly opened one eye, catching the glimpse of four men moving to a brown truck parked square in the center of the warehouse. She moved at first cautiously, not wanting to drop her guard, but she knew if she was going to do this, it was now or never. Before she could really put too much more thought to planning her ins and outs, the engine to the truck started to growl to life. The last two men standing outside were moving a large crate to the bed of the truck. She knew inside the truck there would be no room for her, but in the back, ya that should work. She moved in behind one of the men as he pulled a tarp over the truck. Vivian easily slid in under it as the two men began to fasten the edges to the sides. Before she could get the chance to slow her heart rate down the truck jostled forward, stalled, sputtered, and then kicked back to life with an angrier growl then before. The sound of the warehouse’s tin door rising and the sudden feel of the autumns air under the tarp told Vivian that this was it. Between the roar of the engine and the constant beating of the tarps, Vivian allowed her mind to just stop. Still she stayed very close to the cold bed of the truck, keeping her body wrapped against itself for warmth. Eventually it felt as if too much time had passed by. The truck came to a gradual stop. The engine died as she felt the weight shift inside the truck. The scruffy voice from before began to shout out orders. “Mickey, and Cole set up the ins and outs. Jon you stay with me, you got it?” The voices in an almost uniform style way all answered back with a “Yes sir.” Vivian closed her eyes, almost praying that they wouldn’t move the tarp and find her. She let out a slow smooth breath. Her body, effortlessly, molded with the truck bed below her. Before she could open her eyes again her body fell through the bottom of the truck, landing hard on the dirt road below it. A small grunt escaped her lunges before she could throw her hand around her mouth. Luckily enough for her, the scraping and opening of the crate above her was enough of a distraction to the four men above. The sound of cocks and clips reminded her of the company she had kept since her youth. She thought of the fact that since she had moved into Deagan’s home she was always surrounded by cut throats and somewhat malicious people. That is except for one.


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A year after she had lived with Deagan and Marie they decided it would be best for her to be home schooled. That’s where Miss Amanda Losa came in, someone that could have easily been Vivian’s Shannon in this new life. The warmth she carried with her, the passion to teach… It was enough to drive anybody to greatness. She was, yet another, person that Vivian had tried, so hard, to impress with her actions and choices. Vivian cursed the fact that she had lost contact with her when she graduated. She hated, not knowing, how her life had steered so far away from the first woman, that wasn’t family, that meant something to her. Scruff’s voice whispered now bringing Vivian’s thoughts back to the present. “Once inside you guys hang back and let me get Deagan. This has to go perfect or none of us walk away.” Vivian’s thoughts and heart began to whirl together. How can this be? A prison break! Schultz is sending in a group of four to get Deagan out. Not only that, but Coll wants me to sabotage their plans to save Marie. Perfect! This is just perfect! The sound of metal lightly rubbing against metal brought Vivian once again to the task at hand. She peered out from under the truck noticing the four men were already on the move to the inner prison’s wall. Why didn’t I ever think of this? Her thoughts began to fluctuate more and more as she raised herself from under the truck beginning to stalk through the slit in the metal wire fence. Just as she slipped through the fence several loud bursts of sound echoed across the compound. “Well I guess I know what was in that crate now. Guess there’s no need to be quiet.” She let out a hard sigh, her feet began to move through the grass, faster and faster. Flashes of light, yelling, and barking dogs began to fill the air. The smoke from the explosion filled the eastern wing of the prison. Vivian easily slipped in through the shattered wall and began to follow the echoing footsteps ahead of her. Rounds of gunfire and flashes filled the concrete halls every so often. Though from what she could tell these guys had this planned out more thoroughly then she could had ever hoped for. What are my options here? Her mind began to rethink her recent proposition. Deagan gets out I’m free from the Program. Mostly likely though none of us would have the time to get back to Marie, and that just isn’t an option. So I’m stopping them? No, I have to let this play out. I have to see Deagan, even if it’s just for a second. More then anybody he’ll know exactly how I should do this. Vivian came around another bend in the hallway. Before her, lay two men in black suits. She recognized them from her meetings prior to entering the Program. She knew the open doorway led to the cell they were keeping Deagan. She took another deep breath. As she entered the room the cell door at the end of it began to creek open. The two men she had followed in turned to Deagan as he exited the cell. Deagan’s mouth started to open with what was obviously a question when the bang and muzzle flash from Scruff’s pistol filled the room. His partner in getting in fell back to the floor with a very sick thud. Vivian’s eyes widened. This isn’t a break out. Her mind whirled as her body leapt forward. Instead of plans and actions pulsing through the constant spinning in her head it was colours. Her body moved, quickly, instincts driving her.


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She first moved through Scruff as he pushed Deagan back into his cell. The door latched, neither of them knowing Vivian was now between Scruff and the cell door.

Deagan looked over to the man. “Let me guess, Vincent?” Scruff just smiled as he raised the pistol up to his caged target. Vivian flashed out of her invisible state sending an elbow to Scruff’s face.

Then just as quickly as she had appeared she faded away again. Scruff fell back, grabbing at his swelling bloody face. Just before he had the time

to regain his composure, another flash and blow to the face. Scruff this time dropped to his knees. He raised the gun up above him.

“You’ll never escape this O’Hara.” Scruff’s voice shook with his wounds. In

complete unison both Vivian and Deagan answered the man’s retort. “I don’t plan to.” Vivian landed another blow across the man’s wrist causing his pistol to fall

beneath him. As the firearm hit the ground another flash and bang filled the room. Scruff’s body grew limp and his expression melted from pain to the sober stillness of death. Vivian fell back against the cells door. “No, no, no… Dad, tell me I just didn’t…” Deagan moved his arms around his daughter’s torso. Giving her the closest thing he could to a hug. “You need to go.” His voice was concrete and calm. Vivian’s eyes filled with the shame of what she had just done. Accident or not she felt her morality slipping in front of her. Afraid that some day she may come full circle to the very thing she wishes so much to fight. Voices began to echo behind her as the sounds of the room around her dimmed away. She felt the exhaustion filling her entire body. She saw Deagan’s face looking down at her as the blackness from before crept back in. The vision in her eyes blurred with the white light above her. She knew that there was some familiarity to the room around her, but her mind still seemed further exhausted then before. A voice began to fill the room, but its words or origins still escaped her. What felt like hours past before her vision finally adjusted to the light, and the voice gradually became clearer and more familiar.

“I’m very disheartened by your choices Miss O’Hara. I just hope you understand that.” The man who had kept some form of guiding eye on her and the other three members of the Program, over the past few months, now stood over her. She realized she was laying face up on a cot in a room they all called the Observatory.

“Why?” Her voice was raspy, and somewhat startling to her. The man stopped and cleared his throat before continuing. “Are you aware of the

consequences that you could face, the dangers that will be present on your endeavours?” Vivian shot back a very confused look to the slightly balding man in front of her. “Well I see you haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said. Miss O’Hara it is one thing to be

untimely, and unorthodox, but not listening? I thought I knew you better.” PAGE 21 PAGE 21 PAGE 21 PAGE 21

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She cracked a slight smile before giving back another raspy reply. “I’m sorry Doctor Kape, it won’t happen again.”

He cleared his voice once more, “I hope not Vivian. We have great expectations

for you here.” Vivian’s mind, suddenly, jump-started, recalling the events of the night before.

The panic in her eyes showed as she shot glances around the room. “Where’s Robbie?” Doctor Kape cleared his throat again, “Robbie, like you did a month ago, has

made himself less available to us. However, his services, as well as Rita’s and Connor’s will now be supervised elsewhere.” Vivian gave the doctor another seriously lost look. “Vivian what I’m about to tell you stays in this room.” Vivian gives the doctor a short nod as her attention fell on him completely. “We had hoped for someone like you in The

Program.” PAGE 22PAGE 22PAGE 22PAGE 22

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“There was always more intended for us to pursue, and now those options are before us. The only problem with our options is our methods. Vivian, we need morality, we need a heart to our system. If we falter in that we become just like the variables. Another statistic added to this damned city. The only thing is, our variables all possess super human qualities. Vivian….what I’m trying to say is. There are talks of starting a new program. This one will take precedence over the others. Sadly I won’t be present for the parts you will play in it… Still, what do you say?” No’s and fears echoed through her mind. Like so many times before she put all of the doubts before her and it weighed at her. Her heart knew all of the real answers though. Knew what it would take to keep Deagan as safe as possible. Her mind suddenly darted to Marie. “Doctor Kape, what happened to Marie… where’s my mother!?” Kape’s gaze dropped down. The expression in his eyes was enough for Vivian to know he had hoped to avoid the subject. Knowing that, she knew exactly what had to be done. “Yes, Doctor, I‘ll play my part and I‘ll dance down this path as long as I need to.” Time began to move quicker now. She knew where she was going. What she was becoming, but still her mind, her heart held onto the Vivian O’Hara that existed before that one long night. Her powers, now, were becoming more of a second nature; she could instinctively put them to use. Only at times did she find her self taking deep breaths, but for the most part she could just zone in on what she wanted done. This power and confidence, made it all so much easier for her to start fighting Coll at every turn. It only took time to finally corner him. Just like most of the nights that stuck out in her mind the cities sky was filled with a heavy downpour. She started at the speakeasy, following him and two of his cronies while they whistle and tug at passing women. Even in the slummiest parts of town these thugs were nothing more then over hyped obnoxious pigs… that happened to have some sort of perverted power in the Underworld.

Vivian smirked at the thought of Schultz cleaning house. Though, as many times as she let this moment play through her mind, nothing would prepare her for the voice that shouted out from behind her. “This is for my wife and daughter you fucking dog!”

Vivian spun around still invisible to any onlookers. Deagan stood only a few feet away from her as he moved his Tommy gun towards Coll and his two boys. The flashes from the barrel nearly dazed her. Bullets passed by her body, missing by only inches. The second barrage of bullets would have passed through her, but somewhere in the chaos she forgot where she was. Her image faded into sight as the last bullet landed high on her left arm. The faint scream and sudden appearance brought Deagan out of his rage.


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His face quickly went pale, dropping the gun onto the sidewalk beside him. “Vivian? Vivian! No, no, no!” Deagan moved to her side, dropping to his knees. “Talk to me angel!” Vivian looked up at her father. Her eyes almost shining from the lamp light above them. “Dad, I’m ok, it’s just a… scratch.” Her voice stammered, telling Deagan that she wasn’t only hurt, but a bad liar as well.

“You’re going to be ok Vivian.” She smiled, “I always am. How… how did you get here?” Deagan looked her in

the eyes. The day’s events played through his mind in a flash; the guards moving him to yet another prison; the truck taking him, suddenly, hitting the ditch hard; the man with the skull mask and the fire that encased his body. He knew he was, another… like Vivian, but above all else he knew that someone had to get rid of the Mad Dog running the streets. He burned, with sorrow and rage, at the memory of how that Mad Dog took away his first love. A tear ran down his face. “I had to…for Marie, for you.”

Vivian laid her hand onto his face.



Their eyes stayed locked until sirens could be heard in the distance. Until Vivian’s vision faded, and the crimson that had filled the streets began to glimmer under the same lamp light.

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Superman & Wonder Woman [© DC Comics] – By Jon Biermann


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Poetry Anna’s Poems – by Anna Gehmacher 1. Tim, there's something I need you to know, and although you might never read this verse, I know I can't go on anymore carrying in me this sorrow. I missed you, Tim, and not just a bit I missed you so much that I let no man touch my heart and hurt my soul since the day I let you go I still miss you, Tim, even though now we're so close, even though now you're so near, even though now my fear of never seeing you again has disappeared I don't know what to do, Tim, because I never really believed this moment would arrive, because I never thought you'd come bursting back into my life Tell me, Tim, how is this going to end? Will we run off, frightened, because love is too big for us to handle, or will be hold each other in our arms like nothing ever happened? What do you want, Tim, another dysfunctional fling, some indefinable thing, caused by passion and too much drinking?

Or is it love you're looking for, something real to hold on to, something me and you once had but gave up on? If it is the latter then I will be there for you, I will give myself up for you, fight with you, all the way through, until we've reached what we want to If it is the first then don't even try, I know you too well, don't try playing games with my mind, I can tell when you lie Tell me, Tim and be honest with me, are we ready to face reality? You and I we could be fine if only we tried If only we tried! You and I you know it could work, it did once for a short time, until I declared our love was broke I'm sorry, Tim, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to leave you, I was such a naive fool! Will you give me one more chance Tim? I know I've had so many, but give me just one more, give me this last one,

and I promise I won't disappoint you ever again.

Stem N’ Leaves – By R.J. Paré PAGE 26PAGE 26PAGE 26PAGE 26

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2 What now Tim, where will this go? Another night, another drink, some more time to think, some more time to dream of how it could be, some more time to ignore reality? I'm not sure Tim, what is it that you want? Do you expect passion all at once, which can only end in frustration, once it's gone? Give me time, I need to breathe, just a little while is all that I need What is it with you Tim, I can't figure you out You say things have changed, you think it's good, we've both gone our ways like we knew we would

So what about tomorrow Tim, will we go on like this, casually talking about our lives, trying to ignore the passing of time, while we try to figure out and erase all doubts oh where we stand and how this might end You tell me Tim 'cause I haven't got a clue what it is we're getting ourselves into Are you being genuine when you say we'll se each other again, things will go a different way, it'll all be okay? Do you believe that Tim, or are you seeking reassurance Do you need to convince me that it'll be fine, that it'll work out, so you have some sort of insurance and if it all goes wrong you can say you thought so all along and I was the one that made it go on What now Tim, where will this go? Another call, another smile, another laugh, another night, another day, another chance?

Untitled – By Nadide Paker Gurcuoglu PAGE 27PAGE 27PAGE 27PAGE 27

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3 Can you help me Tim, are you ready for this? You tell me to take a deep breath and everything will solve itself But that's not how it works, it's not as simple as that, it's nothing I can ignore because every day I get laughed at You're back now Tim, but you weren't expecting this If you knew what it feels like, if you could see the world through my eyes you'd understand and see why it is so hard for me to tackle the problem and just get it over with, ask for some help and cross it off my to-do list

It's you that I need and nobody else because it was you that pushed me into this nasty little hell I'm not blaming you Tim, you surely hadn't planned this But now that it's happened I need you to help me As a friend, as a lover, as anything you want to be I can't do this any longer I can't go on like this, because every day my pain gets stronger and my biggest wish is to solve this with you by my side and as a part of my life You don't have to be scared Tim, 'cause together we can do this I'll take a deep breath and you will hold me tight and give me enough strength to make it through another night

Untitled – by Engin Korkmaz PAGE 28 PAGE 28 PAGE 28 PAGE 28

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Selected Poems – By Stephen Campbell

Bird Study – By Stan Nelson



Blossoms fall one day,

As towers of clay, and rocks Hurtling to the ground hit sunward gazing flowers Whose petals plummet. Their seeds fluttering,

Blown by the breeze, fall gently. They pound flatly Into an earthen mound, and trampled underground

They sleep: Memories of dead plants beneath cracked Concrete.


Holy booms shake holy steeples clear, From height tower crash amidst babblemen.

Holy shots shine out strike sickle here Amidst secured land strike sickle from hand.

By fertile lands cry - Amen.

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Pare’s Poetic Perspectives – By R.J. Pare’

‘Free’ Association

Door – Closed Store – Room – Roommate Take – Takeout Outdoors – Hiking – Price Hikes Hunger – Starving Weak – Servile Anger – Stand Up – Strike Back Thwart – Hurt Harm – Harmless – Hopeless Tired – My Job Hate It. Art all the way you go, Kid – By Stan Nelson

Comet – By R.J. Paré


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Che - Kerouac

You might call me an adventurer,

All my life spent, in a foreign country.

I’ll risk my skin to prove my platitudes, For moderation is a fault and indifference a crime.

Cruelty replaces cruelty,

And we are laughed at in this nightmare land.

My failure is my inability to control my passions, Even my silence, is defiant recrimination.

Great accomplishments cannot occur if you yield to popular opinion.

Change is the apple that will not fall unless you must make it.

My dreams, our dreams, are all that truly tie us together. Kill me, coward, and you only kill a man.

If I fall, carry on without me;

The path is hard and the road is life.

Old maestros and different tunes; And the beat goes on…

Ahmadinejad Cartoon – By Roger Davidson PAGE 31 PAGE 31 PAGE 31 PAGE 31

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Indie Music

Featured Band: Burning Candy - By R.J. Paré - Photography by Ian Amyot

Welcome to the first Indie Music Column of RKYV ONLINE. To get the ball rolling, we have an eccentric band from Toronto. ‘Burning Candy’ photographed by a friend of mine, the talented Ian Amyot, is a solid groove based rock band with a delightfully odd sense of humour. Their sound – rollicking energetic grooves with deep, measured vocals, to my ears, follows in the tradition Cream, Deep Purple, The Velvet Underground & more recently the Tea Party. Make no mistake; these aren’t 2 ¾ minute pop songs… Burning Candy plays headphone worthy Album Rock. I look forward to the eventual release of a CD from these fellas. For more info on Burning Candy and the chance to listen to some of their music, visit their MySpace page The following, in their words, is the band’s bizarre BIO / odyssey, fictional? Outrageous? Impossible? You decide.

< JJ Doyle

In the future Burning Candy is a group of graffiti artists who change the way the world looks at concrete. It is not for another 4 years before these [concrete perspective movement] pioneers really change how the planet views cement. I encourage you to Google ‘Burning Candy’. I also highly recommend purchasing some of their art. Since we are grateful for your interest in our band I also suggest looking into Algae and Hemp companies to invest in as well. We named the band Burning Candy to cash in on the copyright just in case the present day music fans don't dig the future rock songs we've decided to cover. As unbelievable as it sounds – Burning Candy is a time traveling cover band from the future.


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[Editor’s Note: Burning Candy plays covers of hits from the future!] Jimmy Velour and JC Atlantis met in the late 80's. They played music together as teenagers and eventually drifted apart after college. Jimmy Velour and Cam Smiley became billionaires in the late 2010's when they took their internet advertising company public. When Smiley and Velour were in their middle 90's they decided, as old men, to travel back in time 10 years before they revolutionized internet advertising to start a rock band. After convincing JC Atlantis and Ace LeArok to join them on their mission to relive their lives they time traveled to 2008.

Jimmy Velour >

When you enter the time tube your body changes to what you looked like during the chosen time period but your memories of the future stay the same. Time travel is sorta how rich people try to stay ‘youthful’ or correct past mistakes. You relive your life knowing how you messed up your last one. Each band member set the time tunnel to a night in their past where their wives were away for the weekend. When they time traveled to their present day selves bedrooms, they rolled their present day sleeping selves into the time tunnel. It is unknown how their present day selves reacted to waking up and being old men but if they followed the instruction left for them, they should be enjoying a very wealthy lifestyle.

< JC Atlantis PAGE 33PAGE 33PAGE 33PAGE 33

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JJ Doyle became famous after he died in the year 2044. When the love of his life died in 2005 he moved to a cabin in the Northern Ontario forest. For the next 39 years he lived in the deep woods writing music in a little log cabin. While hiking one day a future famous recording engineer comes across JJ Doyle's life long collection of songs along with the skeletal remains of a man sitting in a chair with a guitar. When the sheet music is recorded the future famous recording engineer sells 120 songs to established future stars. Each song charts. All songwriting credit is given to JJ Doyle. He is known in the future as one of the most influential song writers of the 21st century - whom no one ever heard sing or perform.

Cam Smiley >

In the spring of 2008 Jimmy Velour, Cam Smiley, JC Atlantis and Ace LeArok load up a van with musical gear and head out in search of JJ Doyle and his log cabin in the Northern Ontario bush. They find him and after 1 month of jamming convince him to re-enter society.

< Ace LeArok


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Burning Candy is currently recording and gigging in Toronto. PAGE 35 PAGE 35 PAGE 35 PAGE 35

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Monster – By Joey Goyit - Custom Profile Pics


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Family Life

Drunken Dragon Tavern – By Christina Marchetti Hi folks, this is one of my favourite chocolate chip cookie recipes. They are rich and gooey and quite frankly quite huge if you divvy up the dough the way the recipe says, only four cookies per cookie sheet. Enjoy

1/2 lb of butter softened 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1 1/4 tsp vanilla extract. 3 cups all purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels

Preheat oven to 325. Cream butter and sugar then add eggs and vanilla. Sift dry ingredients and then add to wet. Mix together, then add chocolate chips and stir. Drop by 1/3 cup full on to parchment paper lined cookie sheet and cook 20 to 25 minutes.

At this size you should get approx. 1 dozen cookies. You can make the cookies smaller if you like. This recipe is taken from the Chocolate Snowball Cook Book. Tastefully yours Tina


Cheese and Butter – Medieval / Renaissance

Food Clip-Art Collection – By Cindy Renfrow

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Cover to ‘Ultimate Gotham Girls’ # 10 [DC2 fan fiction site © DC Comics]

– Colours by Jon Biermann & Pencils and Inks by Steven Howard PAGE 38 PAGE 38 PAGE 38 PAGE 38

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Pop Culture The Incredibles – By Brad Bellmore

Thumbs up Pixar is diving into the comic world through Boom! Comics. All of their titles will get into print, but the Incredibles leads the way with Mark Waid writing and Marcio Takara drawing. The comic has the feel of the movie, capturing the artistic style and the character voices that inhabit the minds of fans reading this. The art of this book isn’t astounding, but it is good. The ability to capture the characters and the setting of the movie so well in print is amazing. This book continues to bring us into the world that Brad Byrd and his creative team so meticulously designed for our viewing pleasure. See keeping with that cartoony look, we get the fun and the adventure displayed in each panel. Even the nuance of expression rises to the level of the movie, adding texture to the story told. The story opens with Futurion appearing at the zoo where the Parr family is visiting on a day off. He uses his technology to mutate the animals into dinosaur versions of themselves which takes all that the family can bring to the battle to defeat them without hurting them and ultimately overpower Futurion. Everyone gets in on it, including some fun Jack-Jack interaction. The tale is a little light in terms of the storytelling, aiming for a slightly younger audience. It seems a bit younger than the movie. That’s not to say it isn’t good. I enjoyed the story very much; it just came across a little softer both in intensity and complexity than I anticipated based on what the movie gave us. However, the core dilemma that our heroes face is quite intriguing and in attempts to avoid spoilers, I won’t go into that any further. I enjoyed this comic and recommend it. This will grow my list of books to keep up with monthly.


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I recently connected with Philippe Daveze, creator of Terik Ryder, a motion comic

available over the web. He has recently teamed up with Speakeasy Primates, adding

to their stable of talent and products.

Brad Bellmore: What is Terik Ryder about?

Philippe Daveze: Terik Ryder is the name of the leader of a rescue team named E.T.U., (Emergency Tactical Unit). This squad's job is to protect human life in the burning environment where they live. The E.T.U. squad existed before Terik Ryder became its chief and the current members benefit from centuries of knowledge and experience. Humans crashed to the bottom of this boiling ocean to escape the burning outside heat. A crown of suns surrounds the planet preventing them from leaving; the ships melt. Humans had no choice but to colonize the bottom of the ocean and build domes. Each dome has a specific use, ‘Amanis’ is for everyday life, ‘Guisphine’ is for commercial and industrial use were everything needed is manufactured, ‘Constalis’ is for entertainment, a kind of underwater Disney World. ‘Karagone’ is for agriculture and breading stock and the last one, ‘Outalium’ is for mining.

The whole thing is based on what we humans, do, that is place to live, food, work, consumption and entertainment. The squad relies on knowledge, training and high-tech material to react promptly and efficiently in all difficult and dangerous situations.

BB: Where did the idea for this story come from?

PD: In the first story, I wanted to show how hostile that environment was and the importance of the squad's presence. But I also wanted the first story to reflect the values I mentioned previously. Consequently, I created a scenario where help makes a difference, in the purest style of movies such as Tower Inferno or Earthquake.


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BB: Why did you choose motion comics? Why not traditional comics or traditional


PD: Animation has always been a passion for me. Because of my involvement with the multimedia I had the chance to do 2D animation on different DVD, Internet or CD-Rom projects. It seemed logical to use my knowledge in an artistic venture. There are many comics on the market and I wanted to do something different. I've seen many comics on the Internet, in particular on YouTube but, in general, the whole panel is animated, not some parts inside the panels. To get that result, the artistic production must be done in terms of the animation. In other words, for the most part, the drawings must be redone on an existing comic otherwise it is not possible to obtain the same result. I also wanted to preserve the spirit and the reading aspect of the comic instead of replacing the text by narration.

BB: How long does it take to create a motion comic? PD: Of course, we have our regular businesses to run also. I have my own multimedia company while Jean-Michel works for Lifemaker, a company specializing in make-up special effects. Terik Ryder was done on 'overtime', that is for two years our days and weeks were very long. But I must say that, for us, it is almost creative leisure and not work. When you like something and you are having fun, time flies.

BB: Do you work with a team? Or do you write, draw

and animate all by yourself? PD: I am the creator of this concept. Terik Ryder now is just like I imagined it in 2004. I have created the whole thing and all the components of that world, down to the money. I also did sound and animation and programmed the DVD.

Drawings by Jean-Michel Rossignol; unfortunately this is not one of my strengths so we combined my knowledge and his talent. Jean-Michel joined the project in 2006 and brought new ideas to my original script while incorporating my ideas into his drawings. We are a great team, each of us respectful of good ideas we might bring. Gisèle Gosselin in doing the translation and the group Montréal Isolate Cast offered an original music for Terik's theme; it is the intro of the DVD.

BB: Do you like any aspect of the work more? PD: I enjoy all aspects of the production of Terik Ryder. Each task brings its own challenges and satisfaction. The creation is a fantastic part; I love to invent and set a world that is completely imaginary. Jean-Michel's drawings bring life to my story while animation and sound make it even more alive. The thrill of seeing such a project come to life is incredible.


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BB: What process do you use? Do you use any special equipment? PD: Terik Ryder started as a classical comic. Like I said, I first assembled all the elements into a document. Then, we started searching for the graphics for the first story. At the same time, Jean-Michel was drawing the storyboard from the script because we had to define which elements we'd like to animate. There were two restrictions for the screenplay: first, the font size has a minimum in a video, and second, the number of pages had to be limited to 56 pages to fit in the box of the DVD. Once all the graphic elements to be animated were chosen, they were drawn on tracing paper on top of the motionless images. Then they must be scanned to be treated layer by layer with Photoshop. Once coloured, I had to take Jean-Michel's Photoshop work and insert it in After Effects, Adobe software. When animated, then I had to export them in Vegas, video editing software from Sony, for editing and adding music and sound effects. I have composed the music for the 50 animated pages with Acid, again a Sony product. Then, I exported the pages in Mpeg format for the DVD authoring done in DVD Architect, still Sony.

BB: Do you get your stories or images first? PD: I first wrote all the different aspects such as the characters, the vehicles, the domes and the socio-political context. Then came the images like the look and personality of the characters or the type of propulsion used by the submarines.

BB: What inspires you?

PD: Nowadays we are surrounded by violence and, with Terik Ryder, I wanted to promote good values such as courage, mutual support and honour. Many comics are violent and it seems nothing can be achieved without punching someone; I wanted to get away from that. The members of E.T.U. (Emergency Tactical Unit) sacrifice their own life to protect others. You won't find fire arms or a battle in the first story. Parents are always surprised and fully agree when I explain that. However, this does not hinder the rhythm of the story nor the fun of it. I also love to mix art and technology.

BB: Who or what are your influences? PD: Terik Ryder's general idea comes from the TV and not the comic books. When I was a kid I watched the Thunderbirds TV series; I loved the adventures of this brave team. I’m still fascinated by the precision of the sets. I was brought up in France so, on top of Superman and Spiderman, I also read European comics. I've always liked adventures, be it Tintin's or Bob

Morane's. PAGE 42PAGE 42PAGE 42PAGE 42

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BB: Do you use art or the creative process to discover or reveal yourself? Not really. I write for the creative aspect. Our goal is, that people watching Terik Ryder, have a good time. That was our only expectation when we started that project: offer entertainment based on values we view as fundamental. I could as easily write horror and murder or kids stories. I start from an idea and expand it. If all the stories I'm thinking of were reflecting my personality I would be a real challenge for the 'shrinks’.

BB: How can people get Terik Ryder?

PD: Terik Ryder is available on our web site at and in a few stores, in Quebec only. We do not have a distributor yet. On our web site we offer different purchase options such as downloadable PDF of the printed version and the viewing of the animated version. Moreover, if you buy a "virtual" version, the amount paid is applicable to the purchase of the DVD Collector. A cool way to discover Terik Ryder!

BB: What are you working on now? Is there a next project?

PD: Right now, the promotion of Terik Ryder is taking all my time. We attended two conventions in March and April in Quebec. Thanks to Speakeasy Primates for our first appearance in USA at S.P.A.C.E.. France is the next step. May 26th, I have a press conference in Marseille and the comic book convention in Lyon at the beginning of June. I'm the creator but the investor also and I have to know if Terik Ryder will get enough success to start volume 2. I don't want to release a new adventure if people don't like the first one. The format is quite new for the comic book fans and I want to give them time to get used to it. But our goal, for sure, is to produce the next adventure of Terik Ryder.


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Raised on Saturday morning cartoonsRaised on Saturday morning cartoonsRaised on Saturday morning cartoonsRaised on Saturday morning cartoons ---- By Pauline Pare By Pauline Pare By Pauline Pare By Pauline Pare’

S.O.S (Save our Shows)

The executives are in session, rating and deciding the fates of several programs on the various networks. It must be a difficult decision and one always runs the risk of being deluged by peanuts. I figured I could make things easier by providing these handy tips:

1. Listen to the fans. These are the folks who will buy all the seasons on DVD. The more rabid fans will send nasty letters and boycott your network for a time if you cancel their favourite show.

2. Cancel as many reality shows as you want… I mean, really… who will mind.

3. If something is quirky and different, that is a good thing. If you take all the ‘safe’

choices, you will be known as the Grandma and Grandpa network.

4. Don’t pick up a show based on a commercial (i.e. Cavemen). Max Headroom was a fluke. I might be tempted to watch that cute little gecko, however.


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5. More Sci-Fi please! And superheroes! ‘Nuff said. 6. Hire me to make the decisions. You will get a guaranteed viewership of me and

all my friends if you do… and I could really use the money.

7. Renew Terminator and Chuck… Please!!!!


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