Page 1: RIMP Tool_Step By Step Guide For Using It

Step by step guide to use the tool

Routine Immunization Microplanning Tool

Page 2: RIMP Tool_Step By Step Guide For Using It

Index Background

What is the need of RI microplanning tool?

Will this tool replace manual planning process?

Which formats are generated by tool?

Salient features of RIMP tool

Initial steps for using the tool

Navigation sheet

Input sheet - 1

Input sheet - 2

Features of subcenter/health post planning sheet

Output sheets (how to generate)

RI microplan compilation tool (for district use)

Click on buttons to reach specified slides. To return back click on home button at upper left corner.

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• Microplanning for routine immunization services is an essential prerequisite for the delivery of quality RI services to any community.• Availability of updated and complete microplan at a planning unit (rural or

urban) is indicative of its preparedness for delivery services.


• RI microplan consists of a set of standard formats, develop through bottom up planning approach, and facilitates implementation at relevant levels

Source: Immunization Handbook for Medical Officers, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Third Edition, 2016 Figure: Bottom up planning from subcenter/UHC level to district level

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• The RI Microplanning (RIMP) tool is an MS-excel based customized application, developed for use at sub-district (PHC/UHC/Taluk) and district levels.• The RIMP tool has been designed to fulfill the following purposes:• Consolidate subcenter level plans, in standard format, in an electronic form• Compile beneficiary count generated on basis of head count surveys• Provide flexibility to change vaccines and their dosage to guide logistics estimation• Prevent manual errors resulting from calculations and repeat entry of information

in different formats• Provide auto-generated summary sheets and detailed formats for:

• Vaccine and logistics requirement (as per the immunization schedule)• Alternate vaccine delivery plan for service delivery outside the facility• Catchment area details, immunization calendar etc.

What is the need of RI Microplanning tool?

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• NO, the planning process at sub-district level will be done according to the steps and procedures as outlined in the national guidelines*.

Will this tool replace manual planning process?

* Immunization Handbook for Medical Officers, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Third Edition, 2016

The RIMP tool will be utilized from step 4 onwards in the planning process, for:• Consolidation of subcenter microplans• Development of final block PHC plan

(with standard formats)• Compile block level plans at the district

level to generate district plan

Step 1• Block PHC/UHC meeting – sensitization and review

of existing microplans

Step 2• Sub center level planning for head count survey

and training of ASHA/AWW/Link worker/surveyor

Step 3• Conducting head count survey at village/ward

Step 4• Review of all survey forms & consolidation of sub

center microplans

Step 5• Finalization of sub center plans and development

of final block PHC plan

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• National RI microplanning guidelines recommends essential components of microplan that should be available at different levels.• Linkage of these recommended components with RIMP tool is given below:

Which formats are generated by tool? (1 of 3)

Sub center / Urban Health Center

Map of area NO, will have to be developed by health worker/s manually

Demarcation map NO, the tool has no inbuilt mapping feature

Master list of the area YES, list of all the areas for which planning has been done

Estimation of beneficiaries YES, session wise as well as cumulative for subcenter and PHC

Estimation of vaccine and logistics YES, cumulative for subcenter and PHC

ANM workplan (and mobilization plan) YES, in form of immunization roster (but no mobilization plan

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Which formats are generated by tool? (2 of 3)

PHC / Urban Planning Unit

Map of PHC with SC demarcation NO, the tool has no mapping feature; to be done manually

RI microplans from all SC YES, SC wise plans in electronic form can be generated

AVD plan (and route map) YES, but route map need to be mapped manually

Supervision plan NO, compiles information of staff, plan to be prepared manually

Cold chain contingency plan YES, in summary form (microplan summary)

Immunization waste disposal plan NO, this need to be integrated with facility waste disposal plan

IEC and social mobilization NO, to be developed manually as per the provisions

Training plan NO, to be developed as per the budget and provisions

Budget LIMITED, only for alternate vaccine delivery

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Which formats are generated by tool? (3 of 3)


Map of district with PHC demarcation NO, the tool has no mapping feature; to be done manually

RI microplans from all PHC YES, PHC wise plans in electronic form can be generated

Supervision plan for district officials NO, plan to be prepared manually (integrated monitoring plan)

Latest penta 3 coverage NO, tool does not compile reported coverage

Distribution of vaccines, cold chain YES, PHC wise formats generated

Activities for intensification of RI NO, to be developed manually as per the provisions

IEC and social mobilization NO, to be developed manually as per the provisions

Training plan NO, to be developed as per the budget and provisions

Budget LIMITED, only for alternate vaccine delivery

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• The tool has been developed in MS Excel (2016 version) and uses VB script for automation.• The tool is compatible with older

versions of MS excel, but in case of using it with older versions the features will be limited.

Salient features of RIMP tool

• It has 2 input sheets (in which information is to be entered); and 8 output sheets, which are automatically generated. • Output sheets cannot be visualized on screen. They are saved in PDF format

for reading, sharing or printing.• Different formats generated by the tool are adapted from templates

recommended in the microplanning guidelines.

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Initial steps for using the tool (1 of 2)

Step 2• Enable the active content (as shown in the security warning),by clicking on

“Enable Content”. • Some operating systems and software versions may require additional

permissions to run macros/VB script. Allow the features accordingly.• This application is safe and will not harm system in anyway.

Snapshot when the file is opened

Step 1• Open the excel tool file received as

E mail, or from the storage device• Figure shows the snapshot of

screen when the file is opened.

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Initial steps for using the tool (2 of 2)Step 3• After opening the file, and enabling necessary permissions, save the file in a

separate properly named folder. Example: “RIMP tool_2016” etc.• Location of saving the file (address of folder) can be decided by the user.• REMEMBER: the file must be saved with “.xlsm” extension only. This is

important to retain automating features. Saving the file with any other extension; e.g. “.xlsx” or “xls” will compromise these features.• The folder in which the file is saved will be the “Destination Folder”, and all

output sheets will be saved in this folder. • It is important to save the file in this folder (Destination Folder) before starting

to use it, so that the output sheets are saved in previously defined folder only.

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Start using the tool

Understanding the structure, features and use of different input and output


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This is the first sheet to appear on the screen after opening the tool

This sheet is to be used by the user to get access to input sheets and also to generate the output sheets

Best resolution to view is 100%

Navigation sheet

Snapshot of Navigation or Home sheet

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Navigation sheet

There are 2 Input Sheets1. Enter information on the

immunization schedule, cold chain inventory and staffing details

2. Enter profile of health facilities in the sub-district catchment area and session details

Clicking on this button will copy key information about the sub-district level planning (entered in the input

sheets). This can be pasted in District level Microplan Compilation Tool to get district RI plans

There are 8 Output Sheets• Select the output sheet to be saved

from the dropdown list.• Click on Save icon, given on right of

dropdown icon.• The selected sheet will be saved as

PDF file in the destination folder

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Input sheet 1Clicking on this button will give access to first input sheet.

Best resolution to view is 100%

This sheet is to enter information about1. Immunization schedule2. Cold chain inventory3. Staffing details

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Input sheet 1: immunization schedule

There are two sections: first for vaccines of pregnant women and adolescent age group; and

second for vaccines of infants and children

User can enter/change or update the details of immunization schedule, like doses required,

vial size, wastage rate etc.

Instructions for information to be entered will appear as soon as user select any cell

open for entry

• There are rows for 4 vaccines in the first section and 12 in second section. Some vaccines are entered as default, these can however be changed as required.

• New vaccines can be added in blank rows, or can be substituted in rows of existing vaccines.• Data on type of syringes, route of administration, and reconstitution etc. is for estimation of syringes

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Input sheet 1: cold chain details

In this section of input sheet 1, data on of cold chain inventory (like make, size, storage capacity, and, units available and functional) is to be entered/updated.

Vaccine Refrigerators(ILR)

Non-electrical equipment (cold boxes

& vaccines carriers)Deep Freezers Voltage Stabilizers

There are different rows for equipment of different makes

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Input sheet 1: cold chain details

In this row, user has to enter range of number of doses of mixed antigens that can be stored in per one litre of storage volume.

This will help in estimating whether available functional storage volume at a cold chain point is adequate to store required number of doses (with wastage and buffer stock) for one month

Information on functionality of equipment is to be used to calculate sickness rate.

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Input sheet 1: staff details

• In last section of first input sheet, details of staff members involved in immunization program is to be entered/updated (posted against sanctioned in different cadres of supervisors and vaccinators).

• Important contacts is also to be updated in this section (designation and contact no.).• User can change cadre or designations (tasks), and can add/replace additional posts as required in

different states, districts, blocks or facilities.

These designations, tasks and names can

be changed if required. New ones

can be added.

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Input sheet 1• This completes the data to be entered in first input sheet.• This data is not required to be updated every time planning is done, but only in

case when there is any change in schedule, cold chain inventory or staff.• The information from this sheet will be utilized for generating output sheets.

To access navigation or home page after entering the information (or when required), click on the HOME icon placed on upper left corner of the sheet.

User can navigate back to home page ONLY

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Input sheet 2Clicking on this button will give access to second input sheet.

This sheet is to enter information about1. Profile of planning unit2. List of subcenters/UHC in the area3. Subcenter/UHC plans

Best resolution to view is 100%

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Input sheet 2: profile of health facilityEnter the names of state, district and block/urban ward in the specified cells.

Same names will appear in the output sheets and also in the file names of saved output sheets.

Specify type of health facility (e.g. CHC, PHC) and planning year (e.g.2016-17). Select from the dropdown list whether the facility

is a designated delivery point and cold chain point.

Enter birth rate and infant mortality rate of the state/district. This will be

used for estimating beneficiaries.

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

If head count survey has been completed in a particular subcenter/health post, specify the period.

Example: Oct 2016

Next section of this sheet is to enter names and details of all subcenters (rural), health posts (urban) or other kind of facilities falling under the catchment area of planning unit.

Select from drop down list whether - the facility is rural or urban; head count has

been done; staff is available

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

If staff is available at any SC/HP, enter their details like name, designation (e.g. ANM, MPW etc.) and contact numbers. Maximum 3 staff members can be entered for every subcenter/health post.

Name of first staff member will be taken as lead staff and will appear on SC/HP planning sheet.

On this input sheet there is provision for entry of maximum 50 subcenter/health posts. In case there are more sub-facilities in any planning unit area, user can open another tool file for remaining

facilities, and may segregate them on basis of type, area etc. in two different files.

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

If staff is available at any SC/HP, enter their details like name, designation (e.g. ANM, MPW etc.) and contact numbers. Maximum 3 staff members can be entered for every subcenter/health post.

Name of first staff member will be taken as lead staff and will appear on SC/HP planning sheet.

On this input sheet there is provision for entry of maximum 50 subcenter/health posts. In case there are more sub-facilities in any planning unit area, user can open another tool file for remaining

facilities, and may segregate them on basis of type, area etc. in two different files.

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

Birth rate (CBR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are generally specific only for states. In some states, demography cells use district specific rates, while in very few districts, block specific rates are used.

What rates are to be used should be clearly clarified from district health office before planning.

BR and IMR are used to estimate beneficiaries (from population) and logistics requirement.As per guidelines, only head count gives the correct number of beneficiaries. Therefore, in this tool logistics

calculation is done both by estimated and head count numbers (latter only to be followed).

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

The tool has been designed for planning of maximum 8 sessions per SC/HP per month. However, in case, more sessions are required in any area, then segregate that SC/HP into

two sub-units and enter details on separate rows of this sheet. See Example…

Name of same subcenter (Radheypur) has been entered as first and second to accommodate planning of more than 8 session in a month. Rest all details are same.

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Input sheet 2: details of subcenters/health posts

Similarly, if sessions are to be distributed among two health workers posted at same SC/HP (demarcation done by mapping), the plans can also be separated and developed by

entering name of same SC/HP in two different rows.See Example…

Names of ANMs have been changed on two rows. One of them is lead staff in one area of subcenter, while another is lead staff in the another area of same subcenter.

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Input sheet 2: accessing SC/HP planning sheet

To access navigation or home page after entering the information (or when required), click on the HOME icon placed on upper left corner of the sheet.

At the beginning of each row in profile sheet there is button titled as “PLAN”. Clicking on this button will give access to planning sheet for that SC/HP.

User will have to ensure to click on correct button (placed before a particular SC/HP).

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Input sheet 2: SC/HP planning sheetOn clicking “PLAN” button for any SC/HP, following sheet will appear on the screen

This information on upper right corner of planning sheet will

indicate the number of SC/HP being

planned, and whether it is rural or urban.

Name of district, block, SC/HP and planning year will

appear from information entered

on profile sheet.

Name of first staff member entered in profile sheet will be

taken as lead staff and will appear on this


Names of sector medical officer and supervisor of this

SC/HP area is to be entered on top.

User can navigate back to HOME sheet or profile sheet by clicking on respective buttons on upper left corner

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Features of SC/HP planning sheetThere is separate sheet for

every SC/HP entered in profile sheet (maximum 50)

One sheet is for one SC/HP. More can be used if required

(as specified earlier)

A sheet is to plan monthly 8 sessions. Additional sheets can be used as specified.

Similar structured sheet is to be used for both rural and

urban areas.

Entries are allowed only in yellow shaded cells. Other cell are locked for editing.

Specific cells have drop down lists to select options. No other entry is allowed.

On selecting any cell a

“Help box” will appear to guide about

the information to

be entered.

Information entered for

SC/HP will be consolidated and will be

populated in the output


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Entries in SC/HP planning sheet

This enlarged section shows the information and entries to be made for

each session planned in SC/HP area

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Entries in SC/HP planning sheetEnter name of village, hamlet or tagged area/community in rural area OR name of locality, mohalla, lane, slum or tagged area/community in

urban area, where session is being planned.

This row/cell can also be used in specially planned

sessions like for brick kilns, migrant population, island,

forest etc. In these cases the names of those locations can

be entered.

Enter population of rural or urban area catered by the planned session. If more

than one session is planned in any area,

specify the population covered by each session in different columns (session


In case of tagged sessions or in bigger areas where more than one session is

to be planned every month, required number of sessions can be spread over different columns.

In these cases, population base also need to be split according to geographical area covered and entered in respective columns.Population here will be used for estimating the beneficiaries.

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Entries in SC/HP planning sheetSelect type of

area/terrain from the drop down list

Enter number of pregnant women and infants identified from head count survey in the area for which the session is

being planned.

These numbers will be used for estimation injection load and logistics (vaccines and


Select the type of session

being planned from the drop

down list.

Specify the address of session site. Example: anganwadi center etc. In case of special sessions, names of brick kilns, location of migrant

population, or building under construction must be specified.

Any additional information, e.g. tagging or bimonthly

session or quarterly session can be entered in this cell.

Select from the drop down list if

the area for which session is being planned falls into any of

these categories.

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Entries in SC/HP planning sheetSelect weekday on

which session is planned from dropdown list

Select week of the month from

dropdown list in which the session has been planned

Mention time at which session will be organized. In case of tagged sessions

or mobile teams, note down time after discussing with other team members

Enter names (and contact no.) of the support staff at session site. This includes ASHA/mobilizer (or

USHA In urban areas) and anganwadi worker. There is one additional row in which user can

change the designation and enter details as required.

Example: influencer, teacher etc.Enter name of person who will deliver vaccine to the session sites.

User may mention vehicle no. as well. Also enter amount that would be required for vaccine delivery.

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Help boxes in the SC/HP planning sheet

These help boxes will appear on the screen when user select any cell, and will provide guidance regarding the information to be entered.

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SC/HP planning sheet - Tips• One planning sheet is to prepare plan for one subcenter or health post.• More than one sheet can be used if number of sessions planned for a

particular SC/HP is more than 8. in this case information will be entered in the profile sheet as explained earlier.• Prepare complete plans for all SC/HP entered in profile sheet.• The session wise information entered in this sheet will be visualized in output

sheets. Complete and consistent information is necessary to have good quality microplans.• These plans will be saved as one of the output sheet. SC/HP wise prints can be

provided to health workers for ensuring implementation. • Blank copy of this sheet can also be used as a standard template for giving to

health workers to prepare their plans manually.

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Output Sheets• User has to enter information into these input sheets only.• After completing entry output sheets can be generated and used.• There are 8 output sheets that can be generated. These are

1. Micro plan Summary2. Health Worker Work plans3. RI session details (rural/urban)4. Health Worker Roster5. Session wise beneficiary details6. Sub center/Urban Post: Profile and Staffing7. Sub center/Urban Post: Beneficiaries8. Vaccine delivery plan

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How to generate output sheets?Step 1: Navigate to HOME page by clicking on icon placed at upper left corner

of input sheets

Step 2

Step 3: After selecting the desired output sheet, click on SAVE icon

Step 3

Step 2: Click on dropdown icon to view list of output sheets

Step 4: Tool will process and a message box will appear specifying that output sheet has been saved in the destination folder. Click OK

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How to generate output sheets?• The RI Microplanning (RIMP) tool is an MS-excel based customized application,

developed for use at sub-district (PHC/UHC/Taluk) and district levels.• The RIMP tool has been designed to fulfill the following purposes:• Consolidate subcenter level plans, in standard format, in an electronic form• Compile beneficiary count generated on basis of head count surveys• Provide flexibility to change vaccines and their dosage to guide logistics estimation• Prevent manual errors resulting from calculations and repeat entry of information

in different formats• Provide auto-generated summary sheets and detailed formats for:

• Vaccine and logistics requirement (as per the immunization schedule)• Alternate vaccine delivery plan for service delivery outside the facility• Catchment area details, immunization calendar etc.

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Routine Immunization Microplan Compilation Tool

Step by step guide to use the tool

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What is district microplan compilation tool?

• This is an additional application to compile sub-district level RI microplans and generate district RI microplan.• This tool is to be used at

district level only.

• Similar to RIMP tool this is also MS Excel (2016) based application with VB script to automate the processes.

• Initial steps for using this tool are same as that for RIMP tool i.e.• Opening the file from source• Enabling active content (and other permissions)• Saving a copy in destination folder with .xlsm extension

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How to use this compilation tool?• As first step district user has to customize the tool in line with the instructions

given to sub-district level facilities.• This will include updating the immunization schedule and other additional

information, similar to block microplanning tool.

Clicking on this button will give access to sheet to update immunizations schedule

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How to use this compilation tool?Step 2• After updating the immunization schedule, navigate back

to HOME sheet by clicking on icon situated at upper left corner of the sheet.

• On HOME sheet, click on next box titled “compile sub district microplans”

• This will give access to compilation sheet.

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How to use this compilation tool?Step 3• Open the sub-district microplan file and open the HOME sheet of the file that

is to be compiled• Click on the button titled “Copy to compile”• A message box will appear specifying that relevant data has been copied.

Click OK

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How to use this compilation tool?Step 4• In district compilation tool, on the compilation sheet, select relevant cell for

that block/facility in column “C”

Step 5• Right click mouse in that cell,

click on “Paste Special” and then “Values” in the window appearing.

• This will result in pasting the relevant information in district compilation sheet.

Select next row for compiling next block level plan, and so on.

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How to generate district RI microplan?

• Navigate back to HOME sheet (by clicking home icon at upper left corner)• Click on button titled “Generated

Consolidated Plans”

• Tool will process the output and a message box will appear after successful generation. Click OK

• The output plan will be saved in destination folder in pdf format• The name of file will have the name of district and date of generation.• The consolidated plan have 7 standard templates incorporating required

information from sub-district level facilities.

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How to delete data?If user want to delete data for a particular block and re-paste revised data then

deleting the entry in cell is not sufficient.Following steps need to be followed to erase data completely.

• Click on “X” marked box in column A, before the name of block whose data is to be deleted.

• This will delete the data for that particular block. Repeat as required for other blocks

• For erasing data for all blocks and resetting the compilation tool, click on button titled “DELETE ALL DATA” placed on top of the sheet.

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In nutshell..• RIMP tool (and compilation tool) are designed to support program managers

compile operational plans to develop consolidated RI microplan.• This is not meant to replace manual bottom up planning process, rather

strengthens it by facilitating consolidation process.• Tool is developed in MS Excel (2016) and some features may get compromised

if used in older versions (but still functionality remains).• The tool requires some permissions when opened for ensuring automation.• Output sheets are not displayed on the screen and are saved in PDF format in

the destination folder.• No tool can be complete in itself, and cannot fulfill widely variable

requirements of users. Therefore user must exercise flexibility and enter information in existing formats and cells.

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Step by step guide to use the tool

Routine Immunization Microplanning Tool
