Page 1: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

Body Composition Losing weight is one of the biggest challenges faced by the world today with over 65% of people qualifying as overweight according to medical measurement standards.

The reason most people can’t lose weight is because surveys show that over 70% of people try the “go it alone” approach. Dr Heber’s research tells us that this is the least successful method of losing weight. The body is a very complex machine and the guidance and assistance of a professional coach AND a scientifically sound programme is proven to increase success by over 300%.


The biggest reasons for failure on a weight loss program are hunger and energy loss. What Dr Heber and his fellow scientists discovered is that protein helps weight loss candidates to control their hunger. He also observed that most people have a diet that’s deficient in protein and that causes them to lose lean muscle mass and to crave food all the time. Because they don’t know exactly what kind of foods to eat, they invariably eat the wrong things that are high in simple sugars or carbohydrates such as fast foods, cakes, pastries or sweets and they end up putting weight on. The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy

proportion of fat

! Men need 5-18 % body fat for good health & women need 15 – 25 % body fat for good health. Excess fat results in fat around your organs and a higher disease risk and/or lower body fat on the hips and thighs (mainly in women) which is for child bearing

! The older you are, the harder it is to lose the fat around your organs

! Fat is lighter than muscle but takes up more volume

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the information provided this week: LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 2: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs Why Is Fat So Hard To Burn?

Fat is for survival, for times of famine – it helps to keep us alive for longer during periods during these periods of distress. Think back to when we were “hunter gatherers” and there wasn’t a store on every corner for us to ‘pick up something on the way home’. If food was in short supply, we basically went hungry – often for long periods of time and our bodies developed a ‘survival’ mechanism that enabled us to sustain life for sometimes, long periods of time.

Three Ways We Store Fat:

1. In times of famine or ‘poor nutrition’ the body stores fat for survival. 2. If we eat too many carbohydrates that convert to sugar quickly in our blood stream and we

do not ‘use’ them by burning them off with exercise then we will ‘wear them as fat’. 3. If we ‘skip’ meals and do not give our bodies regular meals then not only does the body turn

to protein for energy but it will also store everything you eat as fat to survive if the protein runs out.

Why Cutting Calories Doesn’t Work!

Cutting Calories Will ‘Lose Weight’ Only For A Short Time...Your body will then adjust to the low energy input by slowing its metabolism down and by using protein (your muscles) for energy. This will result in decreased muscle which will result in decreased metabolism and as a result decreased health and any extra calories which then are consumed will be stored as fat. When storing fat and / or cutting calories, the challenge then is when you go back to eating ‘normally’ the body continues to store fat, your lean muscle mass has reduced (your engine that burns the fat) and you are likely to yo-yo back up to twice what you were in the first place because you are still storing fat, and you don’t even have the same sized engine that you started out with and therefore your ability to burn fat is reduced!! So How Do We Lose Fat Healthily?

a. Starve the body of easily converted sugar in the form of processed starches and simple carbohydrates.

b. Increase the amount of protein we take in to keep our lean muscle mass healthy and growing – every 1 kg of muscle burns 28 calories – sounds like a GREAT reason to ensure that we have the right amount of lean muscle mass to me!!

c. Increase our daily intake of good nutrition to get our bodies out of starvation/survival mode.

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 3: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs Why Can’t We Do This Successfully With Our Regular Lifestyles? a. We have fast food diets high in fat and low in nutrients. b. Overly processed convenience foods. c. Sedentary lifestyles – we are not burning the calories we are eating. d. Deficiencies in our nutrients – eg fibre and protein. e. Deficiencies in our food due to long storage and transportation of foods. f. Lack of proper rest. g. Fast lifestyle which does not allow for regular meal intake.

In order to effectively burn fat, we must use it as a source of fuel. To do this in a healthy way, we need to decrease quick sugars and increase protein and good nutrients. This will keep the body working at optimum and help steady and increase metabolism.

a. Energy IN via the food we eat. b. Energy OUT via the processes in our bodies that require energy, and

through work and play.

we wear the excess energy as FAT!

This Process Is Called Our Metabolism: Resting metabolic rate is the amount of energy you burn at rest

! Normally for women it’s around 1500 calories

! Normally for men its around 2500 calories

If your resting metabolic rate is low for you then it is usually due to either medication, yo-yo dieting or age. The trick is to balance our caloric intake with the amount of fat, carbohydrates and nutrition that we take into our bodies. For example, you could eat 4 chocolates per day and 1200 calories for energy but you will not get any protein and will not get many nutrients for healthy workings of your organs and hormones and chemical processes. This Concept Is Called ‘Empty Calories’ We eat the energy (the chocolates) but it has no nutritional value and therefore we have major deficiencies and land up storing it all as fat! Due to the poor nutritional value of many of our foods through fast growth processes and long transportation, many of our calories are empty.

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Our Bodies Are A Balance Of Energy

If energy IN is MORE THAN energy OUT

Page 4: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

The Challenge is to get the best form of nutrition including complex carbohydrates, protein and fats & all the micro nutrients you need for survival for the lowest caloric value. To achieve this, you will keep your body performing by giving it all the nutrition and protein it needs. You will also burn fat by not giving it quick sugars and starches and you will be getting all this for less calories than you burn which will ensure good quality Weight reduction (fat loss). 3 Ways To Make Your Body A Fat Burner:

1. Eat enough nutrition. 2. Eat enough protein. 3. Starve your body of the ‘quick sugars’ found in starches and processed foods.

So What Does All Of This Mean? The cheapest, healthiest way of getting all the nutrition, protein and energy you need for the day for the LEAST amount of EMPTY CALORIES is in the form of a scientifically measured amount of food. Whether you want to lose fat or just maintain good health, the best advice we can give you would be to introduce a high quality, high protein and high nutritional programme to your routine to ensure you start your day with exactly the right amount of macro- and micro- nutrients required for healthy living...

TIP: Don’t obsess with the scale. Instead, look at/focus on your cm loss and the fitting of your clothes as what matters. W hat your measurements will tell us is how your resting metabolic rate and fat percentage are responding to your changing habits. You W ILL ‘eventually’ lose ‘weight’ if you are burning body fat.

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 5: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

THE WATER FACTOR – What’s the Big Deal? ! Your Body is 70% water!

! We absorb around about one litre from our food per day - the rest we need to drink.

! It’s the second most important substance for life.

! It’s a solvent for all nutrients in the body.

! It’s the basis of all biological processes in the body - mainly for the digestive system.

! It balances body temperature.

! It flushes out impurities in the skin leaving your skin looking younger for longer.

! It assists in digestion and absorption of food as well as transportation of nutrients.

! Digestion of solid foods requires large amounts of water.

! Water aids the kidneys in eliminating the waste from our bodies – not enough water, and you poison your body as the toxins stay inside your body.

! It lubricates the body’s joints – cartilage needs to be well hydrated.

! Water stored in your spinal disc core supports about 75% of the upper body’s weight!

! It aids in muscle action as well as muscle tone.

! Muscles ‘work’ better.

! Finally... 85% of the brain tissue is water!

! Depression and chronic fatigue can be linked to dehydration.

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Did You Know? Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Lack of water can lead to ov er - eat i ng, t hi s i s be c a us e y o ur b r ai n d oe s n ’t di f f e r e nt i at e bet ween hunger and thir st, s o when you thi nk you ar e f eeling hungry, chances are, your body really needs water, so drink a large glass of water before you eat. In most cases, you will probably find this will satisfy what you thought were hunger pangs. Ask yourself (“Is my tummy grumbling?” If its not – you’re probably NOT hungry – more likely that you are thirsty!)

Page 6: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs Water Is Your ‘Secret Weapon’ To Aid Fat Loss ! Liver metabolizes Fat. (breaks it down into its manageable compounds)

! Liver also picks up the slack of the kidneys.

! If kidneys do not get enough water, the liver has to pick up the slack and therefore does not metabolize fat efficiently

! You are being ‘unfair’ to your liver and yourself by storing fat!!

! If you don’t drink enough – your body goes into survival mode.

! The more water you drink, the more your body gives up the stores of water it has been collecting in your ankles, knees and even around your belly.

! If you feel bloated you may not be drinking enough water.

! If it knows it’s going to get a regular amount of water from you drinking then it will start working properly!

! Water improves muscle tone and makes your workout more effective!

! Helps to create a feeling of fullness and suppress appetite for the wrong things!

Bored With Water? If you struggle with consuming the right amount of water…there ARE solutions! Below are some alternatives to plain water that do not have added sugar, preservatives or calories & some that have vitamins added too!

! Aloe Concentrate

! Put lemon or lime into your water to enhance the flavour

! Lift Off for energy and added vitamins, especially during exercise

Some fluids work against hydration. Coffee and traditional teas contain caffeine, which produces increased urine output and is therefore a dehydrating agent. The more you drink, the quicker water will pass through your body Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners in place of sugar. These sweeteners send confusing messages to the brain that food (energy) is on the way to the stomach, but because sweeteners contain no calories, no energy arrives, so the brain sends out hunger messages until food finally arrives. People who drink diet sodas on a regular basis therefore tend to eat too much. We generally think of fruit juices as being good for us, but in reality they are ‘sugar water’. Fruit is always far healthier when eaten in its whole, fibre and nutrient-rich form. If you do Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition

Choose your Source of Fluids Wisely


! Instant Herbal Beverage

! Green Teas

! Drink your water hot and cold for variety

Page 7: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

drink fruit juice, dilute 50/50 with water to reduce the sugar content. Beware of fruit cordials/squashes, which are usually sugar-saturated or contain artificial sweeteners – check the labels!

Food As A Provider Of Water. Think of a grape in its dehydrated form – a raisin – the size difference demonstrates the original water content. All foods contain water in varying degrees, but many of the foods we eat have a low water content or the water is lost during cooking or processing. Fresh fruit and vegetables have a high water content, if you eat plenty on a daily basis you can obtain up to one litre of water. Water obtained from fruit and vegetables also provides a rich and healthful mixture of easily absorbed micronutrients.

Are you one of those people who rarely drinks water because you just don’t like the taste…? A good idea would be to Build the bridge and get right on over it!! It is a health decision and in order for you to be healthy and attain your weight loss goals YOU need to make the decision to get that particular job done! So Learn to Love it!!

Tip: Even a 5% drop in Body Fluids will Cause a

25-30% loss of energy in most people.


Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 8: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

Is Stress Making You Fat? Stress isn’t just something you feel in your head. It’s something that trickles all throughout your body. Under stress, your body produces two hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline is like lighter fluid, and cortisol is like charcoal. Adrenaline quickly burns off the immediately available sugar in your blood, so you can fight or flee whatever is stressing you. Cortisol continues to fuel the fire, pumping more sugar into your blood so you have the energy to burn. The problem is that excess sugar coursing through your blood is meant to help you flee the sabre-toothed tiger or battle the wild boar. It’s made to be burned off quickly as you either escape or attack. When the stress comes in a more modern form like a pressing deadline or a stack of unpaid bills, you can’t literally fight back or flee. And without that burst of physical activity, you don’t have the chance to burn off that extra blood sugar. Instead, it gets stored in your belly as fat. Every time you feel anxious over those bills or deadlines, there’s more mush added around your middle.

Stress and Weight Gain: How Stress Can Affect Your Weight From Elizabeth Scott, M.S., Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Steven Gans, MD

Can Stress Make You Fat? There are several ways in which stress can contribute to weight gain. One has to do with cortisol, a stress hormone. When we’re under stress, the fight or flight response is triggered in our bodies, leading to the release of various hormones. Whether we're stressed because of constant, crazy demands at work or we're really in danger, our bodies respond like we're about to be harmed and need to fight for our lives (or run like heck). To answer this need, we experience a burst of energy, shifts in metabolism and blood flow and other changes. If you remain in this state for a prolonged amount of time due to chronic stress, your health becomes at risk. Aside from a host of other dangers, chronic stress can also cause weight gain. Chronic Stress And Cortisol Can Contribute To Weight Gain In The Following Ways: Metabolism -- Do you feel like you're prone to putting on more weight when you're stressed, even if you're eating the same amount of food as you always have? Too much cortisol can slow your metabolism, causing more weight gain than you would normally experience. This also makes dieting more difficult. Cravings -- OK, you're stressed. Do you reach for a nice salad or a ½ a pkt of Chocolate biscuits? I'll bet on the latter. People experiencing chronic stress tend to crave more fatty, salty and sugary foods. This includes sweets, processed food and other things that aren’t as good for you. These foods are typically less healthy and lead to increased weight gain. Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 9: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

Blood Sugar -- Prolonged stress can alter your blood sugar levels, causing mood swings, fatigue, and conditions like hyperglycemia. Too much stress has even been linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of health concerns that can lead to greater health problems, like heart attacks and diabetes. Fat Storage -- Excessive stress even affects where we tend to store fat. Higher levels of stress are linked to greater levels of abdominal fat. Unfortunately, abdominal fat is not only aesthetically undesirable; it’s linked with greater health risks than fat stored in other areas of the body.

Stress And Weight Gain Are Connected In Other Ways: Emotional Eating -- Increased levels of cortisol can not only make you crave unhealthy food, but excess nervous energy can often cause you to eat more than you normally would. How many times have you found yourself scouring the kitchen for a snack, or absently munching on junk food when you’re stressed, but not really hungry?

Fast Food -- Experts believe that one of the big reasons we’re seeing more obesity in our society these days is that people are too stressed and busy to make healthy dinners at home, often opting to get fast food at the nearest drive-thru instead. Too Busy to Exercise -- With all the demands on your schedule, exercise may be one of the last things on your to-do list. If so, you’re not alone. Australians live a more sedentary lifestyle than we have in past generations, yet our minds seem to be racing from everything we have to do. Unfortunately, from sitting in traffic, clocking hours at our desks, and plopping in front of the TV in exhaustion at the end of the day, exercise often goes by the wayside. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reverse the pattern of weight gain and actually reduce your stress level and waistline at the same time.

Reduce Stress and Weight at the Same Time! When stressed, many people tend to put on more weight for various reasons. Fortunately, there’s something you can do to curtail weight gain and even get more fit while reducing stress at the same time. For staying fit when stressed, I recommend the following:

Relaxation Techniques: You can stop the damage caused by chronic stress with the regular practice of relaxation techniques. These can trigger the relaxation response, which stops the cascade of changes that can occur when you’re stressed, including changes that contribute to weight gain. Some of my favourite relaxation techniques include yoga, martial arts and laughter. Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 10: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs Healthy Munchies: When stressed, many people tend to eat more, and crave foods that are high in salt, sugar and fat. If you find yourself prone to the munchies when you’re feeling the crunch of stress, if it seems too hard to control your cravings, you can really help yourself by switching to more healthy fare for snacking. The following have worked for many: ! Carrot sticks have a satisfying crunch, and are good for you, too. Dipped in low-fat Tsatsiki,

they’re packed with flavour and aren’t too bad for your body. ! Edamame, a type of snackable soy bean, is delicious, healthy, and fun to eat, if you get

the variety that’s still in the pod ! Soy Nuts (try sodium-free and low fat varieties for better health) have protein and

nutrients, and are pretty yummy. ! Rather than popping open a can of soft drink, which is packed with empty calories and sugar,

which can send you on a downward spiral of mood swings later, opt for sparkling water; you’ll feel like you’re getting a treat, and your body will, too.

Eat At Home: Another reason busy, stressed people tend to gain weight is that they more often eat fast food; after a busy day running around, you may not have time to come home and cook something from scratch. But meals you make are usually much better for you. And cooking at home can save you money, too, which may indirectly decrease your stress level by putting you under less financial strain.

Work Activity into Your Life: Do you want to work out, but find yourself short the extra hours a week it would take to go to the gym? You may be able to remedy this with time management techniques, or you can work exercise into your life by finding simple ways to move more. Taking the stairs rather than the elevator, for example, or going for a walk during your lunch break are easy ways to do this. You can also park further away from wherever it is you go; forcing yourself to walk a little more before you get to your destination. You can even stop, drop and do a few sets of push- ups every hour or two to keep your blood moving and slowly build muscle. You can get more exercise at home by doing active housework, playing active games with your kids. Turn Off The TV: Or at least be selective. Rather than chilling in front of the tube because you’re too exhausted to do anything else, only to look up hours later and realise you’ve wasted most of your evening and didn’t get much lasting benefit from the experience, see if you can unwind with some soothing music. Chances are, you won’t spend as much time listening to music as you would flipping from show to show, and you might end up doing something more creative or productive with your time, like journaling, calling a friend, or spending quality time with your kids or spouse. (Next time you think about things you wish you had time to do, remember the time you Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition 10/17

Page 11: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

could free up with less television!) If there are shows you really don’t want to miss, at least record them ahead of time, so you can watch them at your convenience, fast-forward through commercials, and then turn the T.V. off. Once you incorporate some or all of these simple strategies into your life, staying fit when stressed should be much less of a challenge. And, best of all, you can experience less stress and better health in the process!

Weight-Loss Help: How To Stop Emotional Eating Find out how emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss efforts and learn how you can regain control of your eating habits. Sometimes the strongest longings for food happen when you're at your weakest point emotionally. Many people turn to food for comfort — consciously or unconsciously — when they're facing a difficult problem or looking to keep themselves occupied. But emotional eating — eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, anxiety, boredom, sadness and loneliness — can sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Often, emotional eating leads to eating too much food, especially high-calorie, sweet, salty and fatty foods. The good news is that if you're prone to emotional eating, you can take steps to regain control of your eating habits and get back on track with your weight-loss goals. The connection between mood and food Major life events — such as unemployment, health problems and divorce — and daily life hassles — such as a stressful work commute, bad weather and changes in your normal routine — can trigger emotions that lead to overeating. But why do negative emotions lead to overeating? Some foods may have seemingly addictive qualities. For example, when you eat enticing foods, such as chocolate, your body releases trace amounts of mood- and satisfaction-elevating hormones. That "reward" may reinforce a preference for foods that are most closely associated with specific feelings. Related to this is the simple fact that the pleasure of eating offsets negative emotions. Food can also be a distraction. If you're worried about an upcoming event or rethinking an earlier conflict, eating comfort foods may distract you. But the distraction is only temporary. While you're eating, your thoughts focus on the pleasant taste of your comfort food. Unfortunately, when you've finished overeating, your attention returns to your worries, and You may now bear the additional burden of guilt about overeating. Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition


Page 12: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs How to regain control of your eating habits Though strong emotions can trigger cravings for food, you can take steps to control those cravings. To help stop emotional eating, try these suggestions:

• Learn to recognise true hunger. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're probably not really hungry. Give the craving a few minutes to pass.

• Know your triggers. For the next several days, write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you're feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see patterns emerge that reveal negative eating patterns and triggers to avoid.

• Look elsewhere for comfort. Instead of unwrapping a chocolate bar, take a walk, treat yourself to a movie, listen to music, read or call a friend. If you think that stress relating to a particular event is nudging you toward the refrigerator, try talking to someone about it to distract yourself. Plan enjoyable events for yourself.

• Don't keep unhealthy foods around. Avoid having an abundance of high-calorie comfort foods in the house. If you feel hungry or blue, postpone the shopping trip for a few hours so that these feelings don't influence your decisions at the store.

• Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie food, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip or unbuttered popcorn. Or test low-fat, lower calorie versions of your favourite foods to see if they satisfy your craving.

• Eat a balanced diet. If you're not getting enough calories to meet your energy needs, you may be more likely to give in to emotional eating. Try to eat at fairly regular times and don't skip breakfast. Include foods from the basic groups in your meals. Emphasize whole grains, vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat dairy products and lean protein sources. When you fill up on the basics, you're more likely to feel fuller, longer.

• Exercise regularly and get adequate rest. Your mood is more manageable and your body can more effectively fight stress when it's fit and well rested.

If you give in to emotional eating, forgive yourself and start fresh the next day. Try to learn from the experience, and make a plan for how you can prevent it in the future. Focus on the positive changes you're making in your eating habits and give yourself credit for making changes that ensure better health.

By Mayo Clinic Staff:

12/17 Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition

Page 13: Righting The Wrongs - Lose Baby Weight · The Skinny on Fat & Our Body ! Our body should be made up of muscles, skeleton, water, skin, organs and a healthy proportion of fat ! Men

Righting The Wrongs

SNACKS WITH 150 CALORIES OR LESS! 1. Herbalife Protein Bar with 1 cup of cucumbers 2. Herbalife soy nuts with salsa and 1 cup celery

3. Non-fat latte made with non-fat milk or low-fat soy milk 4. 1 apple with 1 serving 75% fat free cheddar cheese 5. 20 baby carrots (or carrot sticks), 2 tablespoons low fat dressing and 55g water-packed tuna 6. ½ cup berries with 1 cup non-fat plain yogurt & vanilla extract

(Do you only have frozen berries? Just blend ingredients in the blender and serve or store)

7. 1 baked apple with 1 teaspoon cinnamon/sugar mixture and ½ cup non-fat cottage cheese

8. 1 whole hard-boiled egg and 2 whites with 1 tablespoon smart balance/light Mayonnaise, and ½ cup chopped veggies of carrots, cucumbers, green or red peppers and red onion 9. 1 rye cracker with 2 slices of tomato and 2 pieces low-fat feta cheese 10. Three hard-cooked egg whites mashed with a little Dijon mustard and a

sliced tomato 11. Mini whole grain pita bread with a quarter of an avocado 12. 2 oz/55g non-fat cottage cheese with 2oz/55g blueberries 13. 1 oz/28g turkey slices with one slice rye cracker 14. One individual carton light non-fat yogurt with 1 tablespoon raisins 15. 1oz/28g tomato soup made with non-fat milk

Week 2 – Righting The Wrongs – Snacking & Water Source for the inform ation provided this week : LA Shape Diet – Dr David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D.,F.A.C.P.,F.A.C.N.,Professor of Medicine and Director, U.C.L.A. Center for Human Nutrition

