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- Matthew T

Page 2: Right to Play

These days, there are many different organizations vying for peoples support in society. Helping many different countries with environmental, social, and economical problems. Each organization is different but I believe that Right to Play is one of the best choices.

Right to Play is a non profit organization based around helping children and the community through sport. Sport is the strongest way to empower children and people around the world. Sport promotes healthy living, gender equality, and education.


Right to Play programs catch the interest of youth anything is possible, these newly educated children can grow up to live fully and prosper whereas parents and others before them never had the chance.

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The Red Ball

The Red Ball is the logo, and symbol for Right to Play. On the ball it reads Look after yourself, Look after one another. The ball stands for everything important about sport, teamwork, fair play, and respect.

The ball embodies what Right to Play is doing and everything that the organization strives for. As soccer is the largest sport in the world, the ball is a global symbol that anyone can understand.

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background history, Leaders, and what they do today.

Johann Koss is the Leader and CEO of Right to Play. The organization came out of Olympic Aid in 2000 from fundraising and a large athlete following. Olympic aid raised millions of dollars for UNICEF and helped over 800,000 women with vaccinations.


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Right to Play has athlete role models from over 40 countries, these athletes help children get excited about sport and meet people that know about sport and can inspire many.

There are many athletes from Canada from many different sports; some athletes include Donovan Bailey, Jon Montgomery, Wayne Gretzky and our very own Clara Hughes.


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Follow Right to play on Facebook, and Twitter.Start clubs, Donate Money, Plan Fundraisers and Promote any way you can!

Get Involved!

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Right To play today, works in 20 different countries including Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, and Lebanon.

The organization itself is based out Toronto. Many plans to expand right to play are always on going and recently they have been testing a pilot project with aboriginal people in northern Ontario.

The Future of Right to Play

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Right to Play is a great organization to get into, there are many studies done that shows sport and its positive effects on children and others in developing countries, and all over the world.

check out Right to Play at their website at
