  • Vr Tho KNUIJIUKIl it published twico a weok, generally, nml throe time*.a weok (luring the session of tho State Legislature,— Price, tho same its hoietofnre, Five Dolhtis |iwi annum, payable in ud- vunco. Notes of ohartorotl, specie plying lianks (only) will ho to cuivuil in payment. Tho Killtnrs will guuruitlen the safety of remit- ting them hy until; the postage of nil letters being paid by tho writers.

    OCn No paper sviII ho discontinued, but at the discretion of tho Editors, until all arrearages have heeu paid up.

    Whoever will gu uuiitco tho payment of nino papers, shall have tho tenth grutis.

    TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One square, or loss, first insert inn, 75 cents; each continuance,

    50 cents. No advertisement inserted, until it haseitJter been pnidfol, *> assumed by some person in this city or its environs.

    5 EW ADVERTISE ill EI¥XS. ALL PERSONS having claims against tln> e-tatc ol James Gatewood, docM., late of Caiolino county, will mako them known to tho Subscriber so that he may make early arrangements to settle them,—and those in- debted to said estate, will please come forward and pay olf, as long indulgence cannot be given.

    March 12. [101—3t] W.M. A. MONCURE, Administrator of James Gatewod, dec'll.

    INQ WILLIAM LAND FOR SALE. —Theplans tation called Cownes, belonging to tho estate of Plulip Aylett, dec. lying between the Herring creek ami tho Mattapony river, and about two miles above Aylett’s W ire-house, will be publicly sold at Aylett’s Ware-house, on Saturday the 25th of May next.—This tract contains, 550 acres of land; about one-thin! of which is creek and river low grounds, and the balance of very good high land. The improvements on the tract are amply sulli- ciout for all farming purposes, and the comfortable ac- j couunodation ol a family; and (bo land will bo shown to | any person wishing to purchase it, any time before the day ot sale, by the subscriber who lives near the premises. Tho terms ol sale are, §2000 to ho paid on the lirst day of January next, and the balance on tho first day ol Janua- ry, 1835. The purchaser of this land will have the privi- lege of seeding wheat upon it next fall, and entire pos- session will be given on his making the first payment.

    P. AYLETT, Ex’or of P. Aylett, dec. Montville, March II. 101-wtds

    Tu BASURY DbPA RTMRNT, ) March fiih, 1833. \

    C'iONGRESS having by an act passed on the 2d instant, J authorized tho Secretary of the Treasury to lend on interest the instalments under the Treaty of indemnity concluded at Paris, on the fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, between the United State*' of America, and his Majesty the King of the French upon a pledge of the Stock of the United State*, or of the Hank of tho United State*, or to the Hank of tho United State*, subject nevertheless to ho fepaid to tho public Treasury whenever the Commissioners appointed under the said Treaty shall by their award direct to whom the said luml with the accumulated interest shall be distributed

    In pursuance thereof. Notice is now given, That Proposals will he received from the Hank of tho United States or other iucorportcd institutions, or from individuals, until the 20th instant, for borrowing the same, if from the Hank of the United Stales without any pledge of stock, and if from others upon a pledge of Slock ol the Hank of the U. States at par to an amount equal to (he sum bor- rowed, for the entite nett proceeds of the first instalment under the said Treaty, amounting to $961,210 30 or for any part thereof not less than §100,000, to be repaid agreeably to the provisions ol the said act.

    LOUIS Me LANE, Secretary of the Treasury. March 12. 101— 20thMh T HI HE subscriber has just received at his Druggist store,' A lately purchased of L. II. Uancrolt, a square above the Swan Tavern, Richmond, an additional supply of Medicines, Drugs, lJaints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Garden

    Seeds, ftc. comprising a general assortment of tho articles usually called for; among which are

    Calomel refined (English) Denarcotised Laudanum Sulphate and acetal ol morplnum Extract* of Henbane of Hemlock, of Helladonna, &c. Castor Oil, fresh from the press Cheltenham Salts Seidlitz powdefs, powders (English) Rest Rheubard Croton Oil, and Sulphate of Quinine (French) Carpenter’s Extract of Sarsaparilla Piperine, White Ginger Tamorinds, Oat Meal, &c.

    Among the Perfumery anil miscellaneous articles, are, Milk ot rose*. Macassar oil, bear’s oil Cologne water, ink powders, crayons, indeliblo ink Lavender water, (French,) Magic and Lucifer matches, cork wood Orange (lower water, Florida water Soaps, different kinds, flesh brushes, paint brushes,

    and other kinds Host Tobacco and Snuffs, different kinds Kegs of white lead, turpentines, dry paints, &e. Garden Seeds, tho usual assortment: Peas, 8 varie-

    ties; Cabbage, 8 do.; Beets, Heans, Carrots, See, March 12. [100— It j JAMES BLAIR, M. D.


    NOTICE.—Failing in my aflorta to purchase the only convenient residence for sale, near to my wife’s fa- ther’s, in consequence of his refusal to sell me a small piece of wood-land necessary lor the support of the place, although l had offered him more than a liberal price for the same; and finding }t to my interest to remove to the western country—i have ascertained with deep mortifica- tion, Jhat my wife, Catharine Tandy, is not only unwil- ling to accompany me, but positively refuses to go and associate with ine as a wife. She voluntarily takes her- self away from my bed and hoard, although wo have had no difference on any other occasion, ami I have always supported her in the hest style which my condition would justify, and would still do so if she would associate with! me as a wile.—Under these circumstances, yet with great ; reluctance, I am induced to give this public notice, that I will not be responsible for any debt which my said wife, Catharine, may contract. no one trust ber on my account, for I will not pay for any article which may be furnished to her; in short, I will pay nothing for her, while she voluntarily absents herself from ine.

    JOHN TANDY. fJoochland, March 7. f)f)-w Iw

    1TPWAKDS of 15 years ago, William Thompson, son J ol Robert Thompson, ol the county of \melia, Virgi- | nia, removed to the western States, and it is said, had a wile and children. If the said Win Thompson or any of his family are living, they arc requested to apply to ine with tile proper evidence ot their connection, as thero i* in my hands, a small legacy, to which they are entitled. My residence is Farinvillc, Virginia. Editors in the west will confer a favor by giving this a few insertions.

    JAMES MADISON, him'or. of Robert Thompson, ilee'il.

    F«h« 23._ m—wSw (BLACK WARRIOR l’lijs Horae will ■ m Stand the ensuing year at Taylor’s (’reek, and Ne- gro-foot, in Hanover, and at the X Roads in Doochland, on the following terms:—$12, discharged bv 10, if paid with-! in the seas,,,,; t»,o single leap, and $20 lo insure a mare to he. in foal, with 2.rets. to the Urooin in every instance._ Tho season will commence the 1st of March, and termi- nate on (he 15th July.— Pedigree:— He was go( by Tariff,' datn by old Sir Alfred, put of Mexieon, by the celebrated’ horse Dungannon, and he by old Bedford, out of the Over- ton Filly. JOHN D. MORRIS.

    March 5. 38-Gt

    v 3 4 ft HE" AIM),—Kan away (coin the subscriber' B. ™ W about the 1st ot November last, my min Kill, lie is about 30 years of age, 5 lect 5 or G inches high, dirk complexion, small head, eyes and ear«, bis ears stand erect; lias » limp in bis walk, with bis |ert I timed out, and one ol his f.»ro upper teeth out. Said negro has been accustomed to work in the farm, and is quite igno- rant I have no doubt, but he was seduced off by some villain, and sent out of the Slate and sold; or else kept se- cretrd.— I will give (he above reward, if taken in the county—fifteen dollars iPtaken in anv other county in this State; or thirty dollars if taken in any other State, and se- cured, so if,at l get hitn again, living in Nottoway county State of Virginia. THUS. E. UL\KKE

    February 2G. rW^HK subscriber respectfully informs hi* friend* and

    «. the public, that lie ha* taken charge of the Union Tavern, m Port Royal, and that he will use hi* br*t exer- tion* to accommodate all persons who may favour him with their custom.

    He ha* provided a suitable conveyance for traveller* upon very moderate term*. I.VWSON I Ntlt'l

    Port Royal, Feb. 2Ith, 1*3.1. fls 4'j

    rip RUST SALK of valuable property in Richmond._ -M. Hy virtue and in pursuance ol a Deed of Trust, ex- ecuted tous l>y George \V. Trueheart, bearing date the lltb day ot July, 1828,and admitted to record in tlie of- fice ot the Hustings court lor the city of Richmond the 17th day ot December, 1828, made to secure the pay- ment of u debt therein mentioned: we, the subscribers, or one ol us, on the 13th day of March, 18:13, if fair, if not on the next lawful fair day, at or upon the land and tenement afWmentioned, will' sell at public auction, for ready money, all the property and estate conveyed to u* by the said deed, that is to say, all the right, title, inter- est, ami estate of what kind, nature, drgreo or quality soever to, in and ol a certain three storied brick tenement, and the land thereof and thereto adjoining, lying and be- ing situate on the South-Eastern side ol 14th street, and between E and F streets, in the city of Richmond, and particularly between the house formerly occupied as the otlice of Discount and Deposit of the Hank of the United States in the said city, and the Tobacco Ware- house, on the said 1 tlh day of July, 1828, in the oecu- j patien of Garland II. Mitchell, with all and singular, the appurtenances to the said land and tenement bo- 1 longing, all as conveyed to us by tho said Deed._ Acting as trustees, we will convey to the purchaser only such title as we have by virtue of the said deed, and with- out warranty by us; although hy such conveyance, we believe, the purchaser will acquire a perfect and complute title to the premises in fee simple, subject to Mrs. Truc- heart s claim ol dower, which she has not yet relinquish- c‘l- FLEMING JAMES,

    JOHN FORBES. Richmond, Dec. 13, 1832. G l-3ni

    rflRUST SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. „*» — H>' vlrtuo ot a Deed of Trust executed to William B. Matthews and the subscriber, by John W. Iloomes, I lor the purpose of securing the payment ol a debt due to Austin Ihockcnbrotigh, and of record in King William County Court, I, as surviving Trustee, shall, on the 2*ilh of March next, or on the first lair day thereafter, sell at public auction, on the premises, for cash, that valuable tract of laud now owned by the said John W. Iloomes, l\iog in the counties ot King \\ 111 it m and Hanover, on the Pamunky river, which runs through a part thereof, eating only a small part in the latter county, containing by estimation, about seventeen bundled acres more or less, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to raise the sum ol money in the said deed mentioned, with the costs and charges attending the execution of the said Trust, and also, a certain other sutn of money, to secure the pay- ment ol whirh, to \\ inter Bray, the said Iloomes execu- ted a prior deed of trust to Lawrence Muse and the said IV illiiim I). Matthews on the same laud, and which isidso i uf record in King William County Court, and has been as-1 signed by said Winter Bray to said Austin Hrockenbrough. I his very fertile tract ol land and the line improvements j on it, are too well known to require a further description, i I ho title is believed to be unquestionable, but acting as trustee, I shall convey with special warranty. Til. GRESHAM, surviving Trustee. Feb- 21-__ 93-wow I A DVERJISEMEN I. \\ ill be sold at public auction,

    im and to tbc liighest bidder, at Blenheim, the late re- sidence ol Joseph Hobson, deceased, (near French’s Ta- rern, in Powhatan county,) on Tuesday the 2Gth day of Ibis month, (March,) if lair, and it not, the next fair day thereafter, all tIke stock ol every kind, belonging to that estate say iiorses and colts, cows and calves, ten yoke of Dxen, sheep and hogs, household furniture, (amongst which are some very valuable articles,) kitchen furniture, farming utensils ol every kind, wagons, horse carts, and ox ! earls, a carriage, single chair and carryall, (with harness 1 lor each,) carpenter’s, blacksmith’s, and shoemaker’s tools, patent balance, to weigh 2,3001b., the crops of corn, fad- ler, oats and hay, with many other articles too tedious and i unnecessary to mention bore. The day afier this sale is finished, a similar one will be made at a plantation of tbc leceaffed, called Markham*, in (he same county, on An- f """•»!?* n,- Crump. For all sums not x< ceding ten dollars, cash must be paiil—tor larger amount tvclve months credit will be given, and a bond with appro- ! | •ed security, required, to carry interest from the date, if lot punctually paid. THOMAS L. HOBSON, Jldm'or.

    of Joseph Hobson, deceased. John Hobson will at the same time sell, at Blenheim, on j lie same credit, and for similar bonds, a remarkably fine laddie horse, a fine blooded brood mare, and two of her j •olts—one three years old this spring, and (lie oilier one— md another very fine colt two years old this spring, a ha- j •ourhe and harness, a well-selected library, a hath (of best

    in), &.c., &e. [March 5.] 98—tds

    BRIMMER.—This thorough-bred horse, s beautiful bay ot good size and great power, will stand from die l!)tli inst. to the 10th of July, in the county ol Gooch* and, at the mills ol Mr. John Watkins, IS miles above Richmond, and at the storo ot Dr. \\ in. 31. Anderson, 5 miles below Goochland Court House,-I days out of 9 all lie latter, and 5 days out of 9 at the former place—to co- ver at 15 dollars a mare, discharged by 12, if paid by the | lir-t day of October next—S dollars the single leap, paid | it the time of service—23 cents to tbc groom. Mares fed it the usual price. Pasturage gratis. Care will tie taken to prevent accidents and escapes, but no liability tor any. I Information can bo obtained from 31r. I. Watkins and Dr. N M. Anderson. Brimmer was got by Herod, he by |)i- Dined, he by Flori/.cl (in England,) he by Herod (do.,) lie !iy I artar, lie by Croft’s Partner. Briinmer’s dam was got by Robin Red Breast, his grand dam by Shark, g. g. dam ^y, Clive, g. g. g. dam by Leith, g. g. g. g. dam by Bay- lor s Fearnought, g. g. g. g. g. dam by old Janus, g. g. g.

    g. g. dam by Whitington, g. g. g. g. g. g. g. dam by old , JOHN GOODE, Senr. Powhatan, February 8th, 1333. 89—w8w*

    A. F« I A \ LOR, will continue her school i#H the next year, commencing (lie !5th January, and lermiuating the 15th December, with a vacation ol one mouth in the summer. She teaches Orthography, Read- j tig, Writing, Engli-h Grammar, Arillfmetic, Geography, | "id History, plain Needle Work, and Theorem Painting, i Board and tuition seventy dollars, for all except Painting,! which will be an addition of five dollars. 3!y residence

    is in a very healthy and agreeable neighborhood.— 3ly Post Office, Pottiesville, Louisa county, Va. JOHN L. COLLINS, Beech Hill.

    December 22. 68_wlOt”

    WAS committed to the .fail of Augusta County, Vir- ginia, on the 2Sih day of September last, as a Kuna- way, a Negro Man, who calls himself William Jackson. He is live feet, six and a half inches high, about 21) years r>l age, between a yellow and a black, has a wart a little above his left ancle, and complains of his left eye. lie had on, when committed, a mixed woollen coat, and a pair Of tow and cotton pantaloons, a light calico striped vest, a cotton shirt—all very much worn. He talks very slow— sometimes says he is free, ami sometimes says he belongs to William Munford, of Norfolk.

    January 8. [71 — wliw'J JACOB KURTZ, Jailer. I^TOTICK.-Was committed to the jail ot Powhatan

    county, on the 15th of September last, a negro man calling himself (Icorgc, five feet anti hall an inch high, daik complexion, about 35 or 40 years old, with a black matk extending from his hair down between his eyes, ami was described in the commitment as the propeity ol a Mr. Smith ol (>corgia ; he however, now says that he belongs lo a Mr. Collier, of the city nl Richmond, and was purchased by him of a Mrs. Kurke, in the county ol Han- over. 'I lie owner ol said negro is requested to come lor- ! ward, prove hi« properly, pay charges, and take him away, or he will he dealt with according to law.

    K M. LAYNE, D. S. lor Win. Crump, Sheriff. December $. to wi2w* f 0^1 * TOBAt t ONI«TB. -The subscriber offers or sale

    Itis I on agco Factory, situated on Cumberland stieet, in the Borough ol Norfolk. The building is fit) feet by 30, w ith three screws and fixtures eomp'ele, lor pulling up strip*; in Iron! is apaeiotts yard, and on the adjoining lot, which will he sold with it, i* a Sweat House, capable of containing one hundred keg« of Tobacco. It is located in a healthy part of the town, where there are few temptations to entire the laborers employed from their business. For terms app'y to

    March, f*. [ S- B- B- S- g- grand dam Miss Caldwell. [See stud look.]

    The dam of Young Empress was Old Empress by Haro- iet, oneot the best runners of his day, in England, and was wiuncr of the famous Oak stakes. [See English stud book.] Her dam by Old Messenger, grand dam by Snap, g. grand lam by Old Spark, g. g. grand dam by Queen Mab, g. g. (. grand dam, Miss Caldwell. [See stud book.] Old Empress was one of the best runners ot her day, and >eat Mr. Bond’s First Consul four mile heats, jit three rears old; and she was considered equal to Miller’s Darn- 'd. The dam of American Eclipse, Young Empress, ■vas never raced owing to the law prohibiting racing, prior o her being put to breeding; but from her high form and (ret substance, thero is no doubt had she been tried, she

    Certificates.—Tho above peifigroo noreny certiiy 0 he correct, and extracted from original documents in ny possession.

    CHARLES HENRY HALL, of New York. Extract of a lefier from Mr. Hall to Mr. Samuel Laird

    >f New Jersey, of whom Col. John L. White purchased Lance. Dear Sir :—In compliance with your esteemed favor, 1 have copied ol! the pedigree of Lance, by which you

    v i 11 perceive ho is one of the best blooded horses in America, and all of his crosses of true running strainers. In haste, yours truly,

    CHARLES HENRY HALL. AVe, the undersigned, do certify that the hay horse Lance, the property ot Samuel Laird ol Monmouth conn- I

    y, State ol Now Jersey, is a sure foal-get'.or—we having ared Irom him, amMiud his colls promising. GEORGE A. FORTIES, TUNIS VAN DERIVER, shearman, AVM. || AIGHT, WILLI AM TILTON, Colt’s Neck, N. J., July ISth, 1H31.

    1 have the originals of the above pedigree, letter and certificate in my possession; and will shew them with pleasure to any one who may wish to see them, as 1 leel satisfied I now offer to the public a line horse, and trust breeders will do me the favor of calling and examining for themselves. \V. \V. HURT.

    Halifax* Feb. 16. «)1_ J "ill- following c ipital St.illions will >tdiul llie ensuing H season : Janus at Charlotte Court House. with Major Rice, at Farmville. Black Warrior in the County ok Campbell. Peacock at Mr. Travis Kroock's, in the County of Charlotte, near Moseley’s Kerry. Wildfire at Col. Wm. Woods’s, in the County

    of Albemarle, And Gascoione near Petersburg. Particulars in the hills. Gascoigne will bo let to any thorough-bred mare, or any breeder oi a winner gratis. Unexceptionable testimony will be required as to the blood of llie marc in every in-

    stance ; and the expenses of any such mare Irom a dis- tance out of the Slate will be paid.

    Janus also will be let on the same terms to any of the following mares : Merino Kwe—Ariel—The dam of Sir Charles—Reality —The dam of Clara Fisher—The dam of Collier—Sally Hope or her dam—Kale Kearney. None of these horses w ill cover higher than twenty five dollars, dischargeable with twenty, if paid within the sea-

    son, which will commence on Valentine’s day (February I I,) and end on the same day of the month in July._ Mares may be fed, if required, with corn, at twenty live cents a day, and no charge will be made for servants sent with them. The pasturage near Charlotte Court House and Farmville is of the liist quality, very extensive and well watered, and the public may be assured that no at- tention will lie spared on the part of Mr. Cardwell or Ma- jor Rice. The other agents named are believed to be equally responsible, but we shall not hold ourselves liable for accidents or escapes. Marcs insured il required—the money to be paid in every instance when the marc is co- vered, to be returned in case she shall prove not in foal

    JOHN RANDOLPH of Roanoke. January 23. 82—tf

    "Xfent with mares boarded gratis. Sepal*.rte grass, rye, and wheat lots for mares and rolls, with stable* to protect them Iroin b id weather, and led, it required, according to order, or without limit as to grain, at 23 cents a day. No liabi- lity lor accidents, but every necessary attention to prevent them.

    Sir Charles was never in finer health, and there never was a surer horse. He will be lti years old this spring, and has been so often advertised, and is so well known, that it is only necessary lo say that some of his colls have won the following races within the last year:

    ^ ho Jockey Club purse at Columbia, -1 mile heats; the §5000 match race at Charleston, 1 mile heals; the jockey club purse at Charleston, 1 mile heals §:000; the club pursent Petersburg,-1 mile heats, the two mile day there; the jockey club purse, §1000, at Tree Hill; the 2 mile day there; the 2 mile day at Fairfield; the best 3 in o there; the ‘-4 mile race at Baltimore, §2500; thu 3mile day there, at Nor- folk the 1 mile and the 3 mile days, the 2 mile day at Broad \ Rock, the -I mileday ami the 2 mile race at Lawrenkcvlllo; the 2 mile race at Jerusalem; the club race at Gloucester Court-house; the club and mile day at Winterfield. Fall 1832 —The Jockey club purso at Broad Rock, the club purse, I miles and repeat at New Market; the 2 mile day there; at Baltimore the §3000 stakes, 4 mile heats; and the jockey club purse, 4 mile heat* there; one day at Win- terfield; the 2 miltf race at Norfolk; the jockey club, 4 mile heals, at I roe Ilill.slOOO; the club Jorusa- i h*m; tho club purse at Now Hope; tho jockey club, -and the proprietor’s purse at Liberty; the club race at Milton; the 3 mile club race at Halifax, Virginia; the 3 mile day, the 2 mile day, and the best 3 in 5 day at Christiansvill,-; the club race at l-rankliii Court-house; the club race at Wythe Court House; one day at Wheeling; the sweepstakes at Beach Bottom; the race at Elizabeth- town; the jockey club, 4 miles, at Wheeling; the 2 mile day there, and at Elizabethtown, and the race at Zanesville,Ohio, where the field was distanced. All these Races were won by Sir Charles’s get in 1832. 'J'hesc fads speak for themselves, and recorded facts they nro.

    W. R. JOHNSON. Chesterfield, February 23. 95_tf

    sikm l\ < i. WAKEHOl SE To Tobacco Plantihi. f £M 11E subscriber begs leave respectfully lo inform the -H- Planters anil others shipping tobacco to this market, that lie has completed a new fire-proof building on the scite where Shockce Warehouse stood, and that Irom the

    increased area and improved plan of the house, much lias been added to the facilities ol despatching business at the establishment. lie will remind the Planters, that from its situation in the midst ol the Counting-Houses ot the Dealers, this Warehouse will always have a full attendance even in the worst weather.

    RANDOLPH HARRISON, Jr. In conscqucnco of the death of Mr. William Young,

    one of the former Inspectors at this Warehouse, Benjamin j Sheppard, one of the subscribers, h as been appointed to fill his place, who will continue to receive tobacco belonging J to Planters and others, as he has formerly done, the sale ol which will he generally attended to by Mr. Robert C. " illiainson.— Mr. Williamson has been long in the tohac- i co business, and is a gentleman that wo can recommend i with confidence, as a competent salesman. Tobacco com- ! inn down -lie Canal, and intended to- Shockce Warehouse,: will be taken 11*0111 the Basin I re o of drayage; and w'c as- "'J'..®il',® Hand others who may send tobacco to this ) with our duty, to give general satisfaction and despatch to their business.

    MOSBY & SHEPPARD, Inspectors. Tho subscriber having located himself at Shockce Ware- house, tenders his services to the Planters and Farmers ol Virginia, as an Agent, lor the saleot country produce.! He hopes that an experience lor a scries of years in the tobcacco trade, a general acquaintance w ith the tobacco dealers, added to a wi.-li to give general satisfaction to those persons who may confide their business to his care, will entitle him to a share of public patronage. His charges for th» sale of tobacco w ill be the same, as that heretofore ! made by Capt. B. Sheppard.

    ROBERT C. WILLIAMSON. Proceeds of sale of produce will receive such a direc-

    tion as consigners may order. R. C. W. January 2!). 83_wSt

    VBOANOKG STAGE LINE IIh- Subscriber lias U established an accommodation line of Post Coaches, From Warrenton, N. C. via the Rail Road lo Petersburg.! Virginia. Passengers by this line will leave Warrenton ••very Monday, \\ odnesday and Friday mornings, at 5 0 clock, A. M. and arrive at Beltield same days at 4 o’- clock, and leave Beltield next mornings, and arrive at Petersburg by 2 o’clock, I*. M.

    Leave Petersburg every Monday. Wednesday and Fri- day, at 10 A. M. and arrive at Beltield same days; leave Beltield every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morn- P^M *1 ,ur,ve at Warrenton by 3 o'clock,

    Tho .Subscriber ha« made this arrangement on account 01 the almost impassable situation ot theroads. As.soon as the roads permit, and the Bail Road Company receive I •heir other locomotive engine, a different arrangement will he made so as lo give greater expedition. The sub- scriber has procured splendid Red Troy Conches, rally- ing nine passengers inside, and live oiilside. This line \ forms a connexion with the Roanoke line Iroin Warrenton j to Danville, which departs immediately alter the arrival of j the accommodation line from Bellield.

    Fare Iroin Petersburg to Danville, jjjtlO Neals taken at the Olhcc ot the Rail Road Company, Petersburg; also at Mr. Bellamy’s Hotel, Warrenton. j Fare from Warrenton to Petersburg, .*5. March 2. [97—w4w] JAMES w’. JEFFREYS.

    971R E D E R ICRS BURG IRON AND lilt \>s FOUN- DRY.—The subscribers having associated them- selves together under the firm of Ktiason «V Jones, would

    : respectfully inform the public that they have nearly com- pleted building an extensive Iron and Bra«s Foundry, situated on the head of Commerce street, and will have it in operation by the 2nry and October, the (all terms of Dinwiddle on the 17th of .September, and ol Amelia on tho 17th of October.

    I ts. An art to revive the inspection of tobacco at the public warehouse at Buchanan in the county ol Botetourt

    Ilf). An art lo authorize the governor to ha*. e mounted two cannon of Iwpe calibre,

    I->tt. An srl in au'horizn Ihe appoi.dinsfd of two com- missioners of ihe revenue in llie county ol Tazewell, am! fixing their compensation.

    151. An act to exempt the inhabitants of C'hiriReieagne island Irom the operation within certain limits ol tt*- ■, rt. entitled, an act to prevent the destruction of oyster* in tin counties ol Noithamp on and Actomac, passed February 3d, 183:1

    152. An act to amend ilie act, entitled, an act establish- mi; a 'erry Irom tin- land ot Joiij* in Ilia county of Mason, across the Ohio river.

    15.1. An act to amend an act, entitled, nn act to amend an act, entitled, an act to incorporate the Chesterfield rail- roan company.

    151. An act to discontinue part of Fourth s'reet in tho town of Point Pleasant in the county ot Mason. 1.'>. An aet authorizing the common council of tho borough ot Norfolk to fill up tho Black Creek above bank Street bridge in said borough, to establish a public square, and tor other purposes.

    I5ij. An act Hi am-nd Iho act. entitled, an act to pro- vido for the building ol a m-w court-house, clerk’* office, j iil a nd bridge-, in the county of Ohio. 157. An act appropriating a sum of money from the re- venue ot the literary fund for the benefit of Margaret academy; appropriates the sum of $100 annually to said institution lor ten years, after which the legislature may withdraw ihe -am--, and one thousand dollars immediate- ly, h>r the repair of tin- said academy,

    15^. An act to authorize an inspection ol butler and laid in (ha city of Kirhmond Ldt. Aii act establishing a circuit superior court of law and chanc rv in and for ihe ho-engh of Votfolk; to bo held on (lie lmh ol June, an.) js-h November. Pol. Ail act to prescribe the inode of electing trustees

    "r the town of P Artnvi In in Ihe county of Prince Edward, ifti'l vesting them with corporate powers. ltil. An act incoijnna'iu^ Ih-r (ioochland and Loulra railroa 1 compary. lt'2. A ti act to amend the act, m illed, an act incotpora- di g 'he Danville nnd F*.van-ham tit*npike company. ICS. An act declaring ten mile cietk a public high- ltil. An act to amend the act, entitled, nn actio amend

    uni reduce into one act, all acts ami parts of acts to pre- cnt the destruction ol Oyster*; prohibits the hands or :rew of any vessel not owned by a resident ot the Slate, ir hv one who has resided at least twelve months therein, >r who shall have made a declaration of his intention to he- roine -a citizen according to law, and he an actual resident, Irom taking or catching oysters in Virginia, except in such waters as nre common properly to this and some other ^fatc; and prohibits tin- employment or use of any vessel not owned as aforesaid, in such soi vice, whether the crew la- citizens or not; and throws the onus proliandi as to ownership of the vessel upon ihe defendant, under tho -ame penalties ns are prescribed in the act to which it is in amendment.

    ltio. An ad to amend the charter of the corporation of Staunton.

    1(;G. An act to enlarge the powers of the county courts ol Albemarle, Orange end Rockingham, for the purpose of opening a more direct road front Harrisonburg to Char- lottesville. "

    107. An art ceding to Iho United States, the jurisdic- tion over certain lands purchased hy them, in the county °* Norfolk; lor tho extension of the navy yard and dry dock. lf*S. An act divorcing Hannah Magee, from her hus- band Hugh Magee. 101). An act authorizing the president and directors of the James river company to convey certain interests to die Rivanna navigation company; authorizes a convey- ance ot their interests in a 'tract of land convoyed by mortgage from John II. Magrmler, as security lor his rendering good the navigation of the Rivanna river, from dm boat landing, above Sly falls, to the boat landing, be- low Adams’s falls. 170. An act incorporating the trustees of the Ilillsbo-

    borough academy, in the county of Loudoun. 171. An act changing a quarterly court in each of tho roulilies ol Llizabcth City, James City. York, and War- wick; directs the said couits to he held in the month of M •'.* 172. An act concerning returns of process to distant

    courts; prescribe* that it any sheriff or other officer, to whose hands any process shall come from n distant county fr'h’lII WiVW ttft.£!& corresponding to the endorsement on the process itself, ami place tho same in the most convenient post office, tifking he post master’s receipt, acknowledged before a justice ot ihe peace, and certified by him, such officer shall be pro- tected from line or penalty, for not returning the process.

    17.'!. Aii act to incorporate the Uotctourt cotton and wollcn manufacturing company.

    171. An act incorporating the Tnckahoc and South An- na company; tor constructing a rail-road or canal, from •nine point on the Tnckahoc canal, to *-01110 point on Ihe South Anna liver, with a capital ol thirty thousand dollais, to he raised by subscription.

    173. An act to’amend the act, entitled, an act to incor- porate the Staunton and Potomac rail-road company; ex- tend* ihe time lor the rommeneemrut of Ihe road.

    1/!>. An act to amend the act, entitled, an act to incor- porate the Fredericksburg aqueduct company.

    177. An act incorporating a company to construct a road Iroin Warrcnton to Thornton’s gap, with a capital of £330,001); nutlioiizes the board of public works to ruh- scribe for two hundred ml lorty shares.

    178. An act lor the formation of a new company of militia, in the county of Patrick. 17!). An act to incorporate the deal and dumb asylum,

    in 1 lie town of Staunton; incorporates the subscribers to that institution, with the usual powers ol corporations.

    180. An act to provide lor extending and enlarging Iho lunatic hospitals; diiccts an additional building lor the hospitals at Willi.-iinsbtiig and Staunton, to contain not more than forty lunatics in each, the expense not to ex- ceed $(>,01)0 lor each, and directs water to he conveyed into the western lunatic hospital, the expense not to ex- ceed $1,000.

    181. A-n act to incorporate the SkidmoVe and south fork of the south branch of the Potomac road company; with a capital ol $2,000, to he raised by snbsrrip'ion, to con- struct a road from a point on Skidmore’* fork in Rocking- ham, across the Nnrsli mountain, to a point ol the south fork ol Ihe south branch ol the Potomac river, in Peddle- ton county,

    182. An act imposing 'axes for the support of govern- ment; imposes the same taxes as were levied the last year will) the exception ol the 'ax on licenses to sell lotteiy tickets authouzed by this State, upon which a lax ol sixty dollars is imposed; id' the tax on bankers and pedlars, which is increas'd from twenty to twen’y-live dollars, ami the lax upon clock pedlars, increased to one hundred in- stead ot seven'y-live
