Page 1: RFP 2014 Mini-Grant Application

Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave, Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703 Phone 608-890-3224 Fax: 608-890-3222

2014 Campus Election Engagement Project MINI-GRANT APPLICATION There are three sections to this application:



Provide the following information in this order, with these headings. Please limit your narrative to no more than two pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font. The cover sheet/signature page and budget attachments are in addition to the one-page limit. As you complete the narrative and attachments, refer to the Request for Proposal (RFP.) Eligibility Grant funds are available to all students, faculty or staff persons at Wisconsin Campus Compact Member institutions.

Background 1. Brief statement of applicant’s history, mission, overall goals and/or objectives; 2. Brief statement of applicant’s past experience successfully planning election or civic

engagement activities; 3. Brief statement of experience with managing other funds and/or grants; 4. Brief statement on qualifications of key staff who will be involved with this program.

Purpose of funding request

• Write a brief statement on the value of civic engagement specific to college and university students;

• Outline your process for creating/implementing a student engagement program for the November, 2014 elections and describe how the proposed program will promote increased voter participation and civic engagement among students on your campus;

• Identify outputs, outcomes and results expected (i.e.: number of volunteers/hours volunteered, voters registered, voters transported to the polls, etc.) Include methods for collecting data;

• Describe how the proposed activities will encourage political involvement and civic engagement beyond the November elections;

Page 2: RFP 2014 Mini-Grant Application

Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave, Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703 Phone 608-890-3224 Fax: 608-890-3222

Funding Options

Impact Grant – up to $500.00 This grant option is intended to support collaborative projects that offer a comprehensive approach to student election engagement by incorporating civic engagement with service learning. These service learning projects may include community-based research and projects that offer extended impact for students with regard to civic responsibility and social/civic awareness. Others may employ an inter-departmental approach with collaboration among various student, faculty, and staff groups on a project (or many small projects) that reach a large number of students and seek a profound recognition of the importance of civic engagement, both for the individual and the community. Some examples:

• Funds helped support an on-campus debate between local candidates (rental space, transportation, etc). The candidates also held an open forum to speak about student-related issues. Students, faculty, and staff collaborated on a list of questions prior to the candidates’ arrival.

Student Awareness/Engagement Grant – up to $500.00 This grant option is intended to support general awareness and/or engagement projects such as registration drives, promotion of issues/dialogues/debates, or any other event that will encourage students’ engagement in the election and awareness of pertinent issues and topics. Funds may cover transportation, materials/supplies, speaker fees, marketing, etc. Ideally, these projects will be employed by students in order to engage their peers. Interested students should apply via their Student Government (or some similar organization), a registered student organization, or as individuals with a faculty advisor. Some examples:

• Funds were used to purchase brightly colored rubber bracelets, which read, “Student

Government Association – GOTV 2008” along with the election date. The SGA handed these out to students at campus-wide events and in common areas.

• Funds were used to print registration forms and students were asked to complete the forms at New Student Orientation, at the same time they received their college ID card.

Attachment: (this does not count toward your proposal page limit)

• Please complete the budget form and provide a budget narrative that specifically explains the use of the mini-grant funds. Also, briefly explain how your organization or any other support funds will supplement the project overall.

Submittal Information

Page 3: RFP 2014 Mini-Grant Application

Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave, Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703 Phone 608-890-3224 Fax: 608-890-3222

1. Submit completed application via e-mail (Subject: “CEEP 2014 Grants”) to David Vines at [email protected]

2. Please mail the signature page to: Attn. David Vines Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703

Mini-Grant applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. All applications are subject to a comprehensive review process and funds will be awarded pending a complete and valid application. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to acknowledge receipt of your application. *Indirect costs may not be taken out of this award. COVER SHEET/SIGNATURE PAGE

Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________


Institution: Organization:

Street Address:

City: Zip:

Mailing Address (if different from above): City: State: Zip: Project Manager:

Title: Phone Number:

E-mail: (required) Institutional type (double-click on box to check all that apply): 4-year private 4-year public 2-year private Community College Research Professional Liberal Arts Student Organization Religiously affiliated/faith-based Minority Serving Other: Amount Requested: $______ (Proposed match is not necessary for this mini-grant. However, please briefly describe any other support funding for the project in the budget narrative)

Page 4: RFP 2014 Mini-Grant Application

Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave, Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703 Phone 608-890-3224 Fax: 608-890-3222


Date of Receipt:

Amount approved:

Processed By:

Disbursement Date:


Page 5: RFP 2014 Mini-Grant Application

Wisconsin Campus Compact 660 West Washington Ave, Suite 309 Madison, WI 53703 Phone 608-890-3224 Fax: 608-890-3222

Attachment: (this does not count toward your proposal page limit)

• Please complete the budget form and provide a budget narrative in the space provided. Your application will not be considered without a budget narrative.


Please provide a detailed budget of planned expenditures. The financial information should detail this grant request only – not the entire budget of your organization. All categories require tracking of receipts. Please briefly describe any other support funding for the project. Category

CEEP Grant Request

Matching Funds (Optional)


Cash In-Kind

Salaries and Benefits of staff # hrs/ week x $/hr. x # weeks

Volunteer Staff Time Travel and Meetings Materials/Supplies

Contractual and Consultant Services

Printing Other (specify):



Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis, pending completion of all of the application requirements. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to acknowledge receipt of your application.
