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We all have a relationship with food, we eat it every day, three

times a day, sometimes more. But how often do we question our

relationship with food. Often I catch myself thinking, what shall I

eat, or I would like to eat that – but it is not often that I ask myself

why I eat this?

What we choose for our daily munch literally changes our bodies

and affects the world, yes, you heard me right, THE WORLD!

Like it or not, unless you are a yogi breatharian living in the

depths of the tropics, food will influence our lives, brains, and

our future!

The food we choose to purchase affects how farmers grow it,

how our land is treated, how industry packs it, how people

are paid, how animals are treated, how economies grow and

how countries are shaped. That limp sandwich you hold in your

hand literally has the power to influence farmers in different

countries, the lives of employees in a plastic factory abroad and

furthermore, your own feelings and emotional responses.

The effect of food on our feelings is well known, a high carb

diet can make us sleepy, and sugary treats can make our brain

operate faster. Therefore, is it true, that what we put in us, changes

our personality and therefore our choices, our relationships and

our lives?

My old kung-fu instructor certainly thought so, he would say that

we can even feel the vibrations of who cooked our food and

where it is from. Could eating animals that live in cramped or

killed in a fearful environment affect our mood? When we cook

our food, will it feel better to eat if we are mindful of what we

are making?

Personally my relationship with food has changed quite a bit

over the last 5 years, from my college drinking, kebab munching

days, toward a more whole food organic existence. I had no

real desire to change my diet, I did it for a bet, a bet with a guy

that I fancied, become a vegetarian for a whole year. Why not I

thought, it may even get me laid.

It was an insane experience that has changed the way I am

affected by food forever. If I ate now what I ate then, I would

be able to see the effect on my feelings immediately. If I go out

drinking now, I am slower the next day. The other day I ate an

enormous slice of sugary chocolate cake with icing and I was off

this planet. It is weird as previously I would not have noticed a

change in my behaviour.

This personal experience has led me to wonder what the effect

of what I am eating is on my day to day life. By monitoring my

behaviour or feelings and correlating them with the food I am

eating, I am trying to adopt an eating lifestyle that allows me to

live well. I think this is different for each individual, but for me a

whole food vegan diet is great at the moment. This choice is not

only for my personal benefit, and took place after watching the

film Earthlings, I believe the way animals are farmed is harmful

to their lives, and I do not wish to harm them. Luckily for me, my

body is happy on a vegan diet.

This journey into the world of food led me to raw food. Previously

the closest I would get to raw vegetables would be some grated

carrot on my ham sandwich, so the change has been quite

radical. I have to say, though it sounds odd, raw food desserts

are absolutely incredible. The chocolate avocado mousse (with

its three ingredients, cacao, avocado and dates) blows my

mind. The savoury food is just as delightful, couscous made from

cauliflower, zucchini pasta, beetroot pie. Though the thought of

raw food initially sounded disgusting, the taste and the way it

makes you feel can only be described as amazing. It’s kind of

like a foot massage, I mean really, when you first have one – you

don’t really expect it to be good.

Our relationship with food can affect many areas of our lives

and those people around us. So next time you are out on the

hunt for a quick snack or browsing the shelves for your next

meal, think – why am I choosing this?

Learn and taste 10 simple recipes

that are made from whole food

ingredients, and are also gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free. ROAR FOOD will be at Revolution on Saturday 20th October from 1pm to 3.30pm (NSW dst).

Call (07) 5587 9011 to book your place.

relationshipsBy Suki from Roar Food


For more information you can visit

or email [email protected].

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Learn and taste

10 simple raw food recipes

in 2 hours

RAW CHOCOLATE MOUSSEINGREDIENTS: 2-3 avocado10 dates ¼ cup cacao

DIRECTIONS:Blend all of the above ingredients until smooth. Cut apples, or any seasonal organic fruit in half, spread mousse on top and enjoy topped with dehydrated nuts, seeds or coconut. This great simple recipe is a hit at any party! Source:



WHEN Saturday 20th October TIME 1pm – 3.30pm NSW DST COST $65


The ladies at Revolution kicked off their heels for a night in with the girls

to party in pink and raise funds for Breast Cancer Research last Friday

12th October. A few hundred dollars was raised by over 20 members that

attended the evening which will be donated to the Cancer Council’s Pink

Ribbon Charity. Everyone had a blast for a good cause with games, food

and lots of laughs.

Karin (featured in the photo below with Helen) has had her own personal

experience with Breast Cancer and was touched by the evening and

all of the supporters that attended the night. “Fantastic night, so many

laughs. Thanks girls,” she said. Our facility manager Larissa also attended

the evening and wanted to extend a big thank you to all who attended,

“My stomach and mouth were sore from all the laughing! Thanks for an

entertaining night ladies!”.

RAPID BIOSCAN @ REVOLUTIONRapid Bioscan sessions measure body fat, muscle mass and training progress. Cost is just $20 per session for members. Book in your session on the next available dates:

Saturday 20 October 7:30am - 9am (NSW EDT)Saturday 17 November 7:30am - 9am (NSW EDT)Saturday 15 December 7:30am - 9am (NSW EDT)
