
Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed

Reviving The Spirit of Ramadhan

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Reviving the Spirit of Ramadhan

Electronic Edition ISBN 978-981-07-6962-8

Publication date June 2013 AD Ramadhan 1434H

Published by Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed

Editor Dr. Mohammed Borhandden Musah (Sultan), Ghana [email protected]

Cover Design Muhammad Hilmi, AbuHaziq Design, Singapore [email protected]

Version 1.0 ©Copyright 2013 Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan




Contents .................................................................................................. 3

Du'a ............................................................................................................ 7

Dedication ............................................................................................... 9

Acknowledgement ............................................................................ 10

Introduction ........................................................................................ 11

Part 1 .................................................................................................... 13

A Pre-Ramadhan Visit to Rasulillah… ............................................ 14

Our first impression ............................................................................................. 15

A Lesson in psychological preparation for Ramadhan ......................... 15

A Lesson in spiritual preparation for Ramadhan .................................... 18

A Lesson in physical preparation for Ramadhan .................................... 20

The farewell ............................................................................................................. 22

Conclusion… ............................................................................................................. 24

… and Du’a ................................................................................................................ 25

The Significance of Nisfu Sha’baan ............................................... 27

Welcome Ramadhan!.......................................................................... 30

6 Virtues We Should Attain in Ramadhan .................................. 36

1. Let’s fast extra-ordinarily ....................................................................... 36

2. Let’s take the needy amongst us into consideration ................. 37

3. Let’s take another look at our Taraweeh ....................................... 38

4. Let’s make our Fridays in Ramadhan more special ................... 40

5. Let’s prepare for Lailatul-Qadr in advance ..................................... 42

6. Let’s celebrate our Eid together......................................................... 56

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 57

Part 2 .................................................................................................... 58

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



10 Habits We Must Avoid in Ramadhan ..................................... 59

1. Don't Overeat .............................................................................................. 60

2. Don't Oversleep.......................................................................................... 62

3. Don't Lose Control Over Your Gaze .................................................. 63

4. Don't Make TV Your Ramadhan Buddy ........................................... 65

5. Don't Lose Control Over Your Tongue (1) ...................................... 66

6. Don't Lose Control Over Your Tongue (2) ...................................... 68

7. Don't Contaminate Your Earnings ..................................................... 70

8. Don't Be Objectiveless ............................................................................ 72

9. Don't Argue, Unnecessarily .................................................................. 72

10. Don’t Smoke!............................................................................................... 74

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 75

8 Secrets for a More Rewarding Ramadhan ............................. 77

1. Reading Al-Qur’an ..................................................................................... 78

2. Constant Remembrance of Allah (Zikr) ........................................... 79

3. Giving Sadaqah ........................................................................................... 82

4. Being Helpful and Kind ............................................................................ 82

5. Observing Solat in Congregation ........................................................ 83

6. What About the Sunan (the Optional Prayers)? .......................... 85

7. Al-Kalimah Al-Tayyibah ............................................................................ 86

8. Doing a Small Da’wah to a Non-Muslim .......................................... 87

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 89

7 Etiquettes of Ramadhan ................................................................ 90

1. The Prophet Urged for Iftaar to be Taken Early .......................... 91

2. The Prophet Urged Us to Take Dates for Iftaar, If Possible ... 91

3. The Prophet Took His Iftaar at Two Stages .................................. 92

4. The Prophet Wouldn’t Sleep Immediately After Iftaar .............. 93

5. The Prophet Urged for Consistent Sahur ...................................... 93

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6. The Prophet Urged for Sahur to Be Delayed, as Possible ...... 94

7. Let’s Seek Perfection in Our Ramadhan ......................................... 95

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 95

4 Inspirations From Ramadhan ...................................................... 97

Inspiration 1: ........................................................................................................... 98

Inspiration 2: ........................................................................................................... 98

Inspiration 3: ........................................................................................................... 99

Inspiration 4: ........................................................................................................... 99

9 Important Ramadhan-Related Issues .................................... 102

1. The Essence of the All Deeds; Intention ....................................... 103

2. Kissing and Hugging One’s Spouse ................................................ 105

3. Waking up in the State of Impurity ................................................. 106

4. Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding .......................................... 108

5. Using Siwak… and Toothpastes in Ramadhan ........................... 109

6. Wearing and Smelling Perfume in Ramadhan .......................... 111

7. Injection in Ramadhan ......................................................................... 111

8. Taking Out Blood or Making Blood Donation in Ramadhan . 112

9. What About Eye, Ear and Nose Drops? ....................................... 112

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 112

Part 3 ................................................................................................. 113

Post Ramadhan Reflections... 7 Observations From

Ramadhan ............................................................................................ 114

First Observation ................................................................................................ 115

Second Observation .......................................................................................... 116

Third Observation ............................................................................................... 116

Fourth Observation ............................................................................................ 116

Fifth Observation ................................................................................................ 117

Sixth Observation ............................................................................................... 117

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Seventh Observation ......................................................................................... 117

6 Virtues We Should Cherish Until Next Ramadhan ........... 119

What after Ramadhan? The Fast Continues… ...................................... 120

What after Ramadhan? Remain Attached to the Qur’an… ............. 121

What after Ramadhan? Maintain the Qiyaamullail… .......................... 122

What after Ramadhan? Don’t Forget the Less Fortunate… ........... 122

What after Ramadhan? Let’s Keep the Mosques As Lively… ......... 123

What after Ramadhan? Cherish the Patience, the Strive and the

Sacrifice… .............................................................................................................. 123

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 123

Qiyaamullail in Ramadhan... Lessons & Experiences... ........ 125

The beginning.. Being humble at the wrong time... .............................. 125

The first two mornings of the Qiyaam ....................................................... 126

The remaining mornings of the Qiyaam ................................................... 126

The lessons ........................................................................................................... 128

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 129

Mutual Etiquettes and Values to Make Our Eid Visits Merry

................................................................................................................. 130

When we are the Host... ................................................................................. 131

When we are Visitor... ...................................................................................... 131

Things we should avoid by all means ......................................................... 133

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 134

Feedback, Comments and Suggestions are Welcome...135

About the Author ........................................................................... 136

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan




بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمي

ل إ وب ن الذ ر ف غ ي ل و ،ريا ث ك ما ل ظ ن اس ف ن أ ن ام ل ظ ان إ م ه الل ور ف الغ ت ن أ ك ن إ ا،ن ح ار و ،ك د ن ع ن م ة ر ف غ م ن ال ر ف اغ ف ،ت ن أ

يم ح الر

،و الع م ل ال ذ ي ب ك ي ح م ن ،و ح ب ح ب ك أ ل ك الل ه م إ ن ان س ن ا، أ ن ف س ن ام ن إ ل ي أ ح ب ع ل ح ب ك ،الل ه م اج ي ب لغ ن اح ب ك

ال م اء الب ار د ل ين ا،و م ن .و أ ه

ق ل ث بت الق ل وب .وب ن اع ل ىد ين ك ي ام ق لب

،ن ب ر ح ت ك ق ي وم ي اح ي ي ا ت غ يث و لك ل ه ن ن اش أ ن ال ف أ ص ل ح س ن اإ ل ات ك ل ن نط ر ف ة أ ن ف س ع ي

الن ار ر ة ح س ن ة و ق ن اع ذ اب اآلخ ن ي اح س ن ة و ف الد ر ب ن اآت ن اف

الع ال م ي ...آم ي ...ي ار ب

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

O Allah! We have done a lot of great injustice to ourselves, no one forgives sins except You, so

grant us a forgiveness from You, and have mercy on us, for You are Most Forgiving, Most


O Allah! We ask You for Your love, the love of anyone who loves You, and the deed that will lead us to Your love. O Allah! Make your love

dearer to us than ourselves, our families, and the cold water.

O Allah! The Controller of the hearts! Make our hearts firm to your religion.

On You Who is Everlasting, who sustains and protects everything, we seek assistance

through the means of Your Mercy, correct for us all our affairs and do not entrust us to

ourselves, for the moment of a blink of an eye.

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment

of the Fire.

Ameen… O Lord of the worlds…

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan




بسم هللا الرمحن الرحميIn the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

My Dearest, Mum and Dad, who have and still do love me, unconditionally, for being your son, to you…

My Role Models; My Teachers, who have selflessly taught me to appreciate every Ramadhan, and to celebrate it, as if it’s

my final Ramadhan; I will forever and ever remain indebted to you, and to you; I dedicate this humble work, as a sign of practising the knowledge you’ve imparted to me, to you…

My Dear Readers of GSalam.Net, without your constant following of new articles when they are published on my

humble blog, this book would have not come to see the light of today. Thus, to you too…

… to you all, I humbly dedicate;

Reviving The Spirit of Ramadhan

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan




I know you can’t wait to get to the Introduction, but allow me, to acknowledge…

…the support, which my wife, Ummul-Izz, Sayang (My love) has always rendered me, as I write and blog.

Special appreciation goes to Hajji Borhan Said, for consistently providing me with personal feedback, anytime I write a new article on my blog. In fact, he inspired many of

what I’ve written.

… I thank my brother and dear friend, Abdul Rauf Hussein, for his honest suggestions, which triggered me to include Chapter 5, and eventually, Chapter 7 and 9 emerged.

…I also thank Dr. Mohammed Burhandden Musah (Sultan) for the precious time he has devoted in reviewing and editing

the book, for twice.

My course mate, Brother Jetmir Abdija, thanks for your suggestions, which have clearly made the layout of the book


Thank you all for being there. May Allah continue to bless you.


Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan




Alhamdulillah infinitely, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, Who has prescribed fasting the month of Ramadhan on us, just as He prescribed it on those before us, so that we may guard ourselves against evil. No god but Allah. We seek His Forgiveness at all times; and to Him alone we repent. May His Peace and Blessings be upon the best person who ever appreciated and celebrated Ramadhan, to the best it should be; Habibi Muhammad, His household, his companions and all those who follow his guided path, till the Day of Judgement.

The idea of this book, Reviving The Spirit of Ramadhan, was inspired by the kind readers of Gsalam.Net, who never fail to suggest to me ideas and comments that helped me come out with articles, and the process continues, insha Allah.

The book therefore, contains articles that were initially published on Gsalam.Net, with exception of Chapter 5, 7 and 9, which emerged as I was in the process of editing the first drafts of this book.

This book consists of three parts. Each part consists of various chapters. Part one, Preparing for Ramadhan, has four chapters and it motivates us to get prepared for Ramadhan earlier.

Part two, During Ramadhan, comes with five chapters, and it takes us through Ramadhan in reality, while we take a look at “things we must not do” in the month, as well as we observe some etiquettes of Ramadhan.

As for Part three, What After Ramadhan, it consists of four chapters and it escorts us to observe the attributes we develop in Ramadhan, to the farthest time possible, after Ramadhan, until next Ramadhan, in a way that, makes our days after Ramadhan, extension of Ramadhan, in our spirituality and interactions.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



I appreciate, in advance, anyone who will draw my attention, to mistakes that I may have unintentionally made in the book, or bring my attention, to issues, I’m supposed to have included, but have overlooked. I also say “Ameen” to all your sincere du’a.

Allahu Hafiz

Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed GSalam Writer Singapore 12/6/2013

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Part 1

Preparing for Ramadhan

Part 1 aims to motivate us to prepare for Ramadhan. It consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 1 – A Pre-Ramadhan Visit to Rasulillah Chapter 2 – The Significance of Nisfu Sha’baan Chapter 3 – Welcome Ramadhan!

Chapter 4 – 6 Virtues We Should Attain in Ramadhan

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 1

A Pre-Ramadhan Visit to Rasulillah…

It's Ramadhan! I mean, Ramadhan is round the corner. It's only a few weeks that set us apart from the month, which every Muslim eagerly awaits. But, let me be (secretly) honest, with you; I'm confused.. and lost! I’m lost in the process of preparing myself, to welcome the month of Ramadhan, despite being so excited about it. SubhanAllah!

I’m confused, because I find celebrating the ’Eid (as many of us do, today) before the arrival of Ramadhan itself, is not the right thing to do, to welcome Ramadhan. Likewise, thinking and discussing about the different recipes of foods that will be prepared and served in Ramadhan don't seem, either, to serve the purpose, for which fasting the month of Ramadhan was prescribed.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



So, I decided to humbly invite my dear brothers and sisters, readers, to join me in a pre-Ramadhan visit, to Habibi Rasulillah; to revive his noble Sunnah, and to learn how, righteously, we can prepare ourselves, psychologically, spiritually, and physically (which will all reflect socially), for the month, which comes along with a night, which is confirmed to be better than 1000 months combined; that night is none other than Lailatul-Qadr.

Our first impression

Our visit has begun, and we have just arrived in Madinah; the City of Habibi Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, The first place we can go, out of respect and love, is straight to the ‘haram’ of Habibi Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, Immediately after we set our feet in the mosque, each one of us offered their Tahiyyatul Masjid (mosque greeting) quickly. Afterwards, we joined the ‘Halaqah’ of Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam. The Sahabah are in a big circle, around Habibi Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam. The adab (good manners) which they portray in listening to Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, is so amazing. Yet, they never fail to ask, if they don’t understand; even in issues that may be very sensitive or even shying. In fact, these include questions, which may be critical.

Our visit takes place in late Rajab. So, most of the questions posed by the Sahabah, to Rasulillah are regarding fasting the month of Ramadhan. Every one of them seems to be very excited about Ramadhan. And Rasulullah hesitates not, in guiding them, with smiles and cheers; that can be seen all over his noble face, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam.

A Lesson in psychological preparation for Ramadhan

As if he knew why we came (all the way from where each one of us is reading this chapter). Yes.. he knows we came in search for motivational factors, that will encourage us to

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



look forward to Ramadhan, and live Ramadhan righteously. So he said [in a Hadeeth that was narrated by Sahl Ibn Sa’ad, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and was authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim]:

It means, "In Paradise (Jannah), there is a gate, called, Al-Rayyaan, through which only those who observe fasting will enter, on the Day of Resurrection. None else will enter through it. It will be called out, "Where are those who observe fasting?'' So they will stand up and proceed towards it. When the last person among them enters, the gate will be closed. And then, no one will enter through that gate.''

Subhana Allah! When Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, saw the excitement on our faces, while listening to his noble teachings, he added, what made us even more excited and happier. [Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth, which was also authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, in which] He salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, "Every slave of Allah who observes fasting for one day, for the Sake of Allah, Allah will draw his face farther

ه ن م ل خ د ي ،ان ي الر ه ل ال ق ي ابا ب ة ن يالج ف ن إ ،م ه ر ي غ د ح أ ه ن م ل خ د الي ،ة ام ي الق م و ي ون م ائ الص

د ح أ ه ن م ل خ د الي .ون وم ق ي ؟ف ون م ائ الص ن ي أ :ال ق ي H دح أ ه ن م ل خ د ي م ل ف ،ق ل غ واأ ل خ اد ذ إ ف ،م ه ر ي غ



ه الل د اع ب ال إ ،ه الل يل ب يس اف م و ي وم ص ي د ب ع ن ام م يفا ر خ ين ع ب س ار الن ن ع ه ه ج و م و الي ك ل ذ ب



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



from Hell-Fire to the extent of a distance to be covered in seventy years.''

Also, Rasulullah knew that some of us have some worries with regard to the bad temper that we may show during the fasting month, when we are irritated (“a hungry man is an angry man”), and also, that some of us have worries with regards the bad breath, which we may produce, when our abdomens are empty. So he, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, relieved all of us when he narrated a Hadeeth Al-Qudsi [which was narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Imam Muslim]:

It means, "Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa, said: “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, except for fasting. That is exclusively for Me, and only I, shall reward him for it. Fasting is a shield. When any of you is fasting, he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice; and if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him, he should say: ‘I am fasting.' By Him in Whose Hand the soul of Muhammad is, the breath of the fasting person is sweeter, to Allah, than the fragrance of musk. The one who fasts,

الل ه ت ع ال ى ،يل ه ن إ ف ،امي الص ال إ ه ل م آد ن اب ل م ع ل ك :ق ال ك ذ إ ف ؛ة ن ج ام ي الص و .ه يب ز ج اأ ن أ و الف م ك د ح أ م و ص م و ي ان ا

ين إ :ل ق ي ل ف ه ل ات ق و أ د ح أ ه اب س ن إ ف .بخ ص ي ال و ث ف ر ي م ائ الص م ف وف ل خ ل ،ه د ي ب د م ح م س ف ين ذ ال و .م ائ ص ان ت ح ر ف م ائ لص ل .ك س الم يح ر ن م ه الل د ن ع ب ي ط أ

هم و ص ب ح ر ف ه ب ير ق ال ذ إ و ،هر ط ف ب ح ر ف ر ط ف اأ ذ إ :ام ه ح ر ف ي



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



experiences two joys: the joy he experiences when he breaks his fast (at sunset). And he will be joyful by virtue of his fast when he meets his Lord.''

Note: when I use the term ‘psychological’ here, I assume it doesn’t give the impression, that Rasulullah gave empty promises to the Sahabah (and to us), of what does not exist or not going to happen. The entire of the above mentioned are going to happen; simply because, whatever Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said, is a divine revelation that was revealed, to him. Also, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, would always use Hikmah in delivering the message of Islam.

It means, “…Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed.” [Surah Al-Najm, 53:3-4].

A Lesson in spiritual preparation for Ramadhan

After Rasulullah has said the above Hadeeths (Ahaadeeth), he took us, in his noble teachings, to another level, which is equally important as the psychological preparation, or even more.

So, he shared with us, the imaginary (yet unseen) ambiance of Ramadhan, and its connection to the Heavens… [Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth which was agreed upon by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, in which] He salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



It means, "When Ramadan begins, the gates of Heavens (Jannah) are opened, the gates of Hell-Fire are closed, and the devils are chained.''

Now, the question which some of us may ask, is: If the devils are chained during the month of Ramadhan, why do we get tempted to committing sins and disobediences? Let us be honest to ourselves, at least for a moment; although Ibliss (Satan) and his family (the devils) will do everything, in order to engage us in disobedience, we are also responsible, and should have sense for that. No one will commit sin against his own will. I mean no one will commit any kind of sin unless he are convinced and are pleased beforehand. All the devils can do, is to converse with our inner persons and get them convinced. Thereafter, the devil will leave us alone, for us to take charge of our crime, be it moral crime, physical crime or religious crimes (which are all Islamically sinful). Otherwise, why would we be punished for our wrongdoings and not the devils alone? So, instead of accusing the devils for our misdeeds, it’s about time that we take responsibility towards our deeds (the good and the bad alike), for human devils remain unchained, neither in Ramadhan, nor outside Ramadhan.

In fact, even if the real devils are unchained, they hold no responsibility of our mischiefs. On the Day of Judgment, they will deny having any affair with their followers. On that, the Qur’an says, in Surah Ibrahim, 14:22:

،ة ن الج اب و ب أ ت ح ت ف ،ان ض م ر اء ج اذ إ ين اط ي الش ت د ف ص و ،ار الن اب و ب أ ت ق ل غ و



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



It means, “When the Judgement has been passed, Satan will say to them, "Allah made you a true promise; I too made you promises, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Do not now blame me, but blame yourselves! I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I reject your former act in associating me with God." The wrongdoers will have a painful punishment.”

A Lesson in physical preparation for Ramadhan

Now, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, is taking us to another level, which is physical preparation for the month of Ramadhan. The first thing he said in this level was a word of encouragement; to fast most of the days of Sha’baan.



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



This is because; it’s not easy to start any intensive course, without an advance warm-up. You won’t go for a 10km jog without a warm-up, for your muscles, to get ready for the long distance.

The same thing applies to fasting the month of Ramadhan. I assume most of us know that, the first day one fasts, after a long break (approximately eleven months), is going to be challenging for them. Even some may wish they did never initiate the fast. And some may regret doing it. However, when they fast for the second day, they may find the pressure and the ‘mental torture’ less. Thus, the more one fasts, even with intervals, the easier the days of subsequent fast days become for him. All this; provided they have the appropriate ‘Sahur’ (dawn meal) for the day (See Chapter 7. P.75).

That’s why; Rasulullah himself would fast in the month of Sha’baan, more than he would, in any other month, except Ramadhan, because it helps to prepare the body system for the one month marathon fasting period ahead, which is usually done amidst heavy ‘ibadahs and other commitments. So, he encouraged us, also, to do the same, as he encouraged the Sahabah too, to do.

[Sayyidatuna ‘Aishah radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth, authenticated by Imam Al-Bukhari, which says]:

ح ت ىي ص وم -م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه الل ص ل ى-اهلل ك ان ر س ول ،و ي ف ط ر ح ت ىن ق ول :ن ق ول :الي ف ط ر الي ص وم ،ف م ار أ ي ت م ل-م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه الل ص ل ى-اهلل ر س ول ت ك ر اس ي ام ش ه ص

ي ام ام ن ه فيش ع ب ان إ الر م ض ان ،و م ار أ ي ت ه أ ص ث ر H ك ad


Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



It means, “Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, used to fast until we say: ‘he doesn’t break his fast’, and he would refrain from fasting, until we say: ‘he won’t fast (anymore)’. I have never seen Rasulallah salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, fast a full month, other than Ramadhan, and I have never seen him fasting a month as much as he did in Sha’baan.”

However, he also pointed out that, for one to appropriately prepare his body system for Ramadhan, he should refrain from fasting, in the second half of the month of Sha’baan. This is the last 14 or 13 days before the arrival of the month of Ramadhan.

For that, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said [in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Al-Tirmizhi]:

It means, "When there comes the middle of Sha`baan, do not fast.''

The farewell

It was a short visit. How we wish we can stay longer! But we also understand that, Rasulullah prefers those who spread the message of Islam, over those who choose to stay home, even if they are in his noble company. So, we have to go, to reach our places in time, and also enjoin our families back home in the knowledge Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, imparted to us.

As we are leaving, after seeking permission, he emphasized to us, on the importance of Ramadhan. Thus he said [in a

ان ب ع ش ن م ف ص ين ق اب ذ إ H واوم ص ت ال ف



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Hadeeth narrated by Sayyidina Abi Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim]:

It means, "He who observes fasting, during the month of Ramadan with Faith while seeking its reward from Allah, will have his past sins forgiven.''

I strongly believe, that each one of us, would like their sins to be forgiven.

It means, “Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Surah Al-Nour, 24:22].

In addition to that, he reminded us of what he had told the Sahabah, earlier before our visit. He reminded us of the importance of engaging our wills in the process of fasting. Thus, we should not only refrain from food consumption and sexual intercourse. We should also watch our mouth and manners. So, he said [in the Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, and authenticated by Al-Bukhari]:



ابا س ت اح و انا يم إ ان ض م ر ام ص ن م H ه ب ن ذ ن م م د ق ات م ه ل ر ف غ



س ي ل ف ه ب ل م الع و ور الز ل و ق ع د ي م ل ن م ه اب ر ش و ه ام ع ط ع د ي ن يأ ف ة اج ح ه ل ل



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Meaning: "If one does not avoid lies and false witness, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his drink.''

Also, because there will be poor people in any community at any time, including during the month of Ramadhan, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, also advised us to take care of the welfare of the needy and the poor amongst us. For that, he said [in the Hadeeth of Zaid Ibn Khalid Al-Juhani, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, reported by Al-Tirmizhi]:

It means, "He who provides a fasting person something, with which to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.''

Providing a fasting person food and drinks for breakfast entitles one for greater rewards, as stated in the Hadeeth above, but its social impact is equally great.


Based on the lessons learnt from Habibi Rasulillah, sallah Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, during our pre-Ramadhan visit to him, we are undoubtedly granted the Jannah. But, each one of us has to successfully pass through a transit. This transit is called death. In order to successfully pass through this transit, we are required to ensure that all our deeds are righteous. The period of Ramadhan is one of the seasons; in which any small righteous deed earns one of us endless rewards and points.

ه ن أ ر ي غ ،ه ر ج أ ل ث م ه ل ان ك ،ما ائ ص ر ط ف ن م H ء ي ش م ائ الص ر ج أ ن م ص ق ن ي ال



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Also, we have no excuse not to welcome the blessed month of Ramadhan the way it deserves. Let’s not forget: "Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Decree) is better than a thousand months".

One last thing we should remember is; last Ramadhan seems like it has just passed yesterday. How fast time has flown, it’s going to fly the same way, this Ramadhan. That would be in a way; to pass a gentle reminder to us that our ages are actually running faster.

So, let’s prepare appropriately for the month we all await, so we may carry out the deeds of Ramadhan righteously, and deserve the rewards which Allah has always reserved for those who fast the month of Ramadhan righteously and successfully.

… and Du’a

Yaa Allah! Truly our efforts, no matter how much put in, do not entitle us for Your Rewards and Forgiveness. But Your Love for Your hopeful servants, who put in their best, encourages us to seek Your pleasure and Forgiveness.

O Allah! We know we do not deserve Your Kindness; due to our mischiefs and wrongdoings, but the presence of children, the elderly, the sick amongst us, are all factors that give us the hope, that You will certainly shower us with Your Mercy, Forgiveness, Blessings, Wealth, Tranquillity, Happiness, and that You will fulfil all our needs.

Yaa Allah! Please grant us, in this Ramadhan and the days to come, obedience, respect, patience and kindness towards our parents and the elderly. Grant us affection and mercy for our spouses. Grant us love, care, and sense of ‘Amanah’ towards our children. Please make us faithful followers, diligent workers, responsible citizens and above all, good Muslims.

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Yaa Allah! Heal our patients, and the patients of Muslims. Grant recovery to our challenged ones, and those of Muslims. Clear our worries and those of Muslims. Take care of our anxiety, and those of Muslims. Settle out debts and those of Muslims. And set free our prisoners and those of Muslims.

Oh Allah! Some of Your servants were looking forward to your Blessings this Ramadhan, but You have chosen them to be by Your Side; and no doubt, that is better for them. Please grant them multiple of Your Rewards, Mercy and Forgiveness that You would have granted them if they were still to be with us.

Yaa Allah! Please grant us Your Guidance and bring us back to the good practice of Your Religion. Please be in the aid of our brothers and sisters who are oppressed around the world, simply because they embrace and practise Your Deen.


Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 2

The Significance of Nisfu Sha’baan

I had to write this piece in response to the same question, which I’m asked every year, 15 days before Ramadhan, regarding the significance of the mid of Sha’baan (Nisfu Sha’baan).

I seized the opportunity to share what I know regarding the mid of Sha’baan, so I could have reference for myself, and for my beloved readers. I’m sure there’re many people out there, who also have the same questions, or are unclear with regards to the subject matter. And because the issue of Nisfu Sha’baan is only revived two weeks before every Ramadhan, I found it wise to include it in this book.

Sha’baan is one of the blessed months, indeed. Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, would fast most of the days of

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Sha’baan, and would refrain (or advise his Sahabah to refrain) from fasting in the second half of Sha’baan. Find out more in our Pre-Ramadhan Visit to Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam in Chapter 1, p.14.

That's with regard to the month of Sha’baan as a whole.

As for the night of the mid of Sha’baan specifically, it's narrated by Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Ibnu Majah, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said:

It means, "Allah looks in the night of the mid of Sha’baan, and forgives all His servants (slaves), except for the one who associates others with Him ('Mushrik'), or the one with hatred against others.”

This Hadeeth, however, is not an invitation for special celebration or special 'ibadah in the night of the mid of Sha’baan, or fasting on the day of the mid of Sha’baan. Otherwise Rasulullah would have done it, or would have instructed for it, accordingly.

An evident that Rasulullah would have been the first to do it, should there be any ‘call for action’ is how he made use of Lailatul-Qadr, and encouraged the Ummah to hunt for Lailatul-Qadr and the blessings that it brings along. To the extent that he said:

ش ع ب ان م ن ل ة الن ص ف إ ن الل ه ل ي ط ل ع ف يل ي ن م ش اح أ و ر ك ل م ش ل ق ه إ ال خ ل ج م يع H ف ي غ ف ر



ت س ابا ، و اح انا ر إ يم ل ة الق د ق ام ل ي من ل ذ ن ب ه غ ف ر ه م ات ق د م م ن H



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It means, "Whosoever performs (coincides) Qiyaam during the Lailatul-Qadr, out of faith and in the hope of reward [from Allah], his previous sins will be forgiven.''

Remember that Lailatul-Qadr is a night in Ramadhan, just like Nisfu-Sha’baan is a night in Sha’baan.

In other words, the amount of authentic Hadeeths (Ahaadeeth) said by Rasulillah salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, regarding Sha’baan is sufficient to indicate to us, that if any extra acts of worship (‘ibadah) were required, Rasulullah would have stated it clearly, done it or instructed the Sahabah to do it.

Other than the above mentioned Hadeeth (of Abu Musa), scholars of different eras agree that, there's no one known single authentic Hadeeth that authorizes special 'ibadah or celebration in the night of the mid of Sha’baan or fasting on the day of Nisfu Sha’baan.

I hope this chapter provides answer(s) to our Muslim brothers and sisters who are not sure of what we are supposed to do, on this ‘special night and day’. I also hope that, it reinforces and ensures the authentic teaching of Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, is conveyed.

Whether or not you agree with what I’ve outlined above, remember, that differences in opinions (especially in non-fundamental issues) should not separate the Ummah.

Allah knows best.

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Chapter 3

Welcome Ramadhan!

Ramadhan is here once again! But only the lucky ones are given another opportunity to enjoy it. No doubt, you are one of those lucky ones to live this Ramadhan. However, no one knows, but Allah, whether or not, you will live to see the next Ramadhan.

Fasting in the month Ramadhan is just one of the many ways we as human beings and Muslims, demonstrate our obedience to the Almighty Creator, as it is an obligatory ‘ibadah’. It is also a platform for us to express our gratefulness and gratitude to Allah for opening wide, the doors of His Mercy and Blessings, to forgive our sins and purify us, in order to bring us closer to Him, subhanahu wata’aalaa.

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Sometime ago in Ghana, a non-Muslim lady was seen outside her house at a time past midnight. Her neighbour, who is a friend of mine, was going to the mosque to lead 'Tahajjud' prayers when he met her. He asked her "what are you doing here at this time, Mm?" Her response was, "This month is so safe, that I don't have any fears". SubhanAllah! The happiness, tranquility, safety and blessings brought by Ramadhan are even felt by non-Muslims. Do you remember when you used to be happy (in your childhood) during the month of Ramadhan for no reason? Can you see how happy and excited your kids, nephews and nieces are in welcoming the month of Ramadhan? That happiness and excitement are not because of the food going to be available during 'Sahur' or 'Iftaar', but it rather reflects the few of the many blessings brought along, by Ramadhan.

Ramadhan may be just another dietary exercise for some, but for the majority, hard work, sacrifice and extra honesty with Allah are needed in order for them to embrace a day of Ramadhan without food and drinks. This applies to our brothers and sisters around the world (who have no choice, but to) whose jobs require a lot of physical energy.

During Ramadhan, we know that a Muslim who is fasting will be required to refrain from consuming food and water, as well as sexual intercourse, from dawn to sunset. But what we sometimes forget is that, Ramadhan also requires from us to abstain from all kinds of misdeeds, no matter how small it may be.

Allah, Subhanahu wata’aalaa, says:



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It means, “…and you think it (the wrongdoing) is insignificant while it is tremendous, in the sight of Allah”. [Surah An-Nour: 24:15].

Some examples of these misdeeds include telling lies, gossiping, occupying others’ rights, victimizing others and setting eyes on the 'Aurah' of others.

This is one of the secrets behind the following Hadeeth Al-Qudsi, which was narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, in which Allah says:

Which means, “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting; it is for Me and I shall reward for it…”

People may bow (Ruku’), prostrate (Sujud) and give charity for the sake of gods and idols other than Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa. But for fasting, it has always been purely done, solely for the sake of Allah.

The companions of Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, and the first generation of Islam used to welcome Ramadhan with joy. They also bid the holy month farewell with sorrow to the extent that some of them (if not all) wished the whole year to be Ramadhan. This tells us how they looked forward to perform the ‘ibadah’ and to show their gratefulness to Allah, subhanahu wata’aalaa.

Today, let us welcome Ramadhan with happiness and intention (Niyyah) similar to that of the companions (Sahabah). Let us spend our Ramadhan in the mosques, give

م ف إ ن ه ل ي، الص و آد م ل ه إ ال اب ن ك ل ع م ل ز يب ه ...و أ ن اأ ج



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charity and do good deeds; not in the night markets and in front of TV sets.

Let us bid Ramadhan farewell with sorrow as the companions did, and not with happiness of going back to food consumption 24/7.

Food should not be something we crave for in Ramadhan, as we will eat, Insha Allah, during and after Ramadhan. The blessings that come with Ramadhan are meant to be achieved and received only in Ramadhan. Allah, subhanahu wata’aalaa says:

Which means, “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months”. [Surah Al-Qadr: 97:3]. The Night of Decree is agreed to fall an odd night (21,23,25,27, or 29) of the last ten days of Ramadhan.

Our Holy Prophet, Habibi Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, also said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari:

Which means, “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadhan out of faith and in the hope of reward [from Allah], his previous sins will be forgiven.”

He, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, also said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Imam Muslim:



ص ام ر م ض ان إ ي م ل ه م ن غ ف ر ت س ابا و اح انا ذ ن ب ه H م ات ق د م م ن



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Which means, “Whoever spends the nights of Ramadhan in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward [from Allah], his previous sins will be forgiven.”

Yaa Allah! Truly our efforts, no matter how much put in, do not entitle us for Your Rewards and Forgiveness. But the fact that You love Your servants who are hopeful, encourages us to seek Your pleasure and Forgiveness.

O Allah! we know we do not deserve Your Kindness due to our mischiefs and bad deeds, but the presence of children, the elderly, the sick are all factors that give us the hope that You will certainly shower us with Your Mercy, Forgiveness, Blessings, Wealth, Tranquility, Happiness and that You will fulfill all our needs.

Yaa Allah! Please grant us, in this Ramadhan and the days to come, obedience, respect, patience and kindness towards our parents and the elderly. Grant us affection and mercy for our spouses. Grant us love, care, and sense of ‘Amanah’ towards our children. Please make us faithful followers, diligent workers, responsible citizens and above all, good Muslims.

Oh Allah! Some of Your servants were looking forward to Your blessings this Ramadhan, but You have chosen them to be by Your Side; and no doubt, that is better for them. Please grant them multiples of Your Rewards, Mercy and Forgiveness that You would have granted them if they were still to be with us.

ل ه ق ام م ن غ ف ر ابا ت س و اح انا ر م ض ان إ ي م ذ ن ب ه H م ات ق د م م ن



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Yaa Allah! Please grant us Your Guidance and bring us back to the good practice of Your Religion. Please be in the aid of our brothers and sisters who are oppressed around the world, simply because they embrace and practise Your Deen.


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Chapter 4

6 Virtues We Should Attain in Ramadhan

As much as we are excited for the arrival of the most awaited month; Ramadhan, we thank Allah for granting us another opportunity to live, to see and to experience it, this year.

This is a highlight of 6 virtues, which I strongly believe we should achieve in Ramadhan. It must be the basics of our observation for Ramadhan.

1. Let’s fast extra-ordinarily

Understandably; there’s no Ramadhan without fasting from dawn to sunset. I mean; the Muslim may not feel the significance of Ramadhan, if they are unable to practically observe fasting, regardless of whether or not, they have excuse for not fasting. Any other ‘ibadah that is observed in

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Ramadan comes as an additional to fasting, and the otherwise is not true.

In addition to that, every matured Muslim fasts, but those who really fast meaningfully are those who are able to take their fasting to the extraordinary level.

The objective of fasting goes far beyond refraining from food and sexual intercourse, to instilling self-discipline and developing higher level of human compassion. Thus, if one is able to control his desire over food and sex, and even over backbiting and extending his eyes, he is expected to be able to control his desire over other prohibited acts, i.e. injustice, lies, false speech, double standards (hypocrisy), etc.

Imam Al-Bukhari reported a Hadeeth which was narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, "Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah will have no need of him giving up his food and drink."

2. Let’s take the needy amongst us into


Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa, has bestowed His Favours upon you, by making your means of living easier, so to see how much appreciative you can be. One of the ways we can show our appreciations and gratefulness towards the abundant favours of Allah, on us, is by sharing those His Bestowals, with those who are less fortunate than we are.

الز ور و ال ع م ل ب ه ف ل ي س ل ل م ي د ع ق و م ن ي د ع ط ع ام ه و ش ر اب ه ل ل ه ح اج ة ف يأ ن



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Do you have the sustenance for your family and you, for the next two or three months? Believe it or not; there are dozens of your neighbours (living next to you) who didn’t have daily sustenance for the past two or three months, and only Allah knows how they are going to sustain for the next two or three months.

So let Allah be pleased with you, by sharing His Bounties on you, with others, on top of fasting extra-ordinarily.

The one who goes to sleep with filled stomach while his neighbour goes to bed emptied stomach, is ranked low in Iman, what more about those who neglect their needy neighbours in Ramadhan?

3. Let’s take another look at our Taraweeh

Here, I’m not going to discuss about the number of Raka’ahs supposed to be offered in Taraweeh. I leave that to you to decide. Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, himself did not impose specific number of Raka’ahs, on his Ummah.

Rather, l would like to say, that although Taraweeh is Sunnah, it should be done with full of sincerity and concentration. The Muslim Ummah is matured enough, and thus has to stop the old argument, which repeats itself every other year, ineffectively.

The bottom line is; the minimum of Taraweeh is 2 Raka’ahs, whereas the maximum is up the amount one can afford! Does this mean that Taraweeh can be offered more than 20 Raka’ah? The answer is: YES! Can Taraweeh be offered less than 8 Raka’ah? The answer is also YES!

Instead of arguing on the number of Raka’ahs offered by Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, it will be wise to reflect on the quality of those Raka’ahs which he offered. It’s not about quantity. It’s rather about quality; spirit and sincerity. Unless it’s otherwise instructed by Islam.

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The Taraweeh of the one who offers only two Raka’ahs, with better concentration, sincerity and focused communication with Allah (supplication), is better than that of the one who offers twenty Raka’ahs, in 20 minutes.

Whether we decide to offer eight Raka’ahs, more or less, it’s very important that one person does not be the cause for an entire mosque to offer only 8 Raka’ah, in accordance to his desire or wish. One can always leave after 8 Raka’ahs, and allow the Taraweeh to continue. There’s nothing wrong with doing that.

Also, if we decide to offer 20 Raka’ahs, The decision should come after we have ensured we are going to do it with heart. There’s no need for us to offer 20 Raka’ahs in 30 minutes. Solat, even if offered as Sunnah, reamins ‘ibadah. ‘Ibadah (of various kinds) has to be offered with respect. Rewards are granted in accordance to the amount of sincerity and respect shown.

It means, "Allah loves, when one of you does something, for Him to do it well.” ~ Hadeeth.

Rasulullah also said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Imam Muslim:

م ك د ح أ ل م اع ذ إ ب ح ي ه الل ن إ ه ن ق ت ي ن أ ال م ع



إ ن الل ه ط ي ب االن اس أ ي ه ب ل إ الط ي ب ا الي ق



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It means, “O people, Allah is Good and does not accept anything but that which is good."

The common sense in effective Taraweeh is that we remember to be moderate in our consumption of food and drinks, during Iftaar (breakfast). Therefore, we can make it a point to break our fast with light meals, have sufficient fluids after Maghrib, and enjoy our Taraweeh, accordingly.

One is unlikely to retire from Taraweeh after 6 or 8 Raka’ahs if they feel fresh. To stay fresh and active during Taraweeh, let us not fill our stomachs during Iftaar.

Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Muslim:

It means, “Whoever spends the nights of Ramadhan in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward [from Allah], his previous sins will be forgiven.”

4. Let’s make our Fridays in Ramadhan more


Rasulullah did encourage us to make our Fridays special, as he himself lived Fridays in a spiritually special way. We too can make our Fridays special, by increasing the amount of ‘ibadahs we observe in them. Such ‘ibadahs are reading Qur’an (Surah Al-Kahf, basically), reciting more Solawat (sending greetings) upon Rasulillah salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, going to our Friday prayers earlier, giving charity, being 'extra' kind to humans, animals, plants, etc.

غ ف ر ابا ت س و اح انا ق ام ر م ض ان إ ي م م ن ذ ن ب ه ل ه م ات ق د م م ن



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Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a Hadeeth of Abi Hurairah, reported by Imam Muslim:

It means, "Whoever masters his Wudhu (ablution), goes to the mosque (for Friday prayers) and listens silently, will have his sins between that time and the next Friday forgiven, with additional three days.

Reading Surah Al-Kahf on Friday entitles us for brightness. Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a Hadeeth:

It means, “Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, will have a light that will shine for him from one Friday to the next.”

Every Solat we send upon Rasulillah entitles us for Solat upon us, in multiples of 10s, from Allah Himself. Rasulullah said:

ت م ع س ن الو ض وء ث م أ تىالج م ع ة ،فاس فأ ح ت و ض أ م ن ن هو ب ي ن الج م ع ة وز ي ادةث الث ة أ ي ام ل ه ماب ي ،غ ف ر و أ ن صت



ة ع م الج م و يي ف ف ه الك ة ور س أ ر ق ن م ن ي ت ع م الج ن ي اب م ور الن ن م ه ل اء ض أ



مالج م ع ة ، ي و أ ي ام ك م أ فض ل إ ن م ن م ن الص الة ف يه ل واع ر ث أ ك ف ي



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It means, "The best day among your days is Friday, so send more solawat upon me, in them."

All the above are achievable in our normal Fridays. When it comes to Ramadhan, they are multiplied in 10s and 100s, even 1000s, or up to what Allah wills.

5. Let’s prepare for Lailatul-Qadr in advance

Every moment in Ramadhan is precious. Every night in Ramadhan is significant, and is unlike any other night. But the most significant night of all in Ramadhan is Lailatul-Qadr (the Night of decree).

Allah said with regards to this special night in Surah Al-Qadr, 97:3-5:

It means, “The Night of Destiny (Decree) is better than a thousand months; on that night, the angels and the Spirit (Jibril) come down by the permission of their Lord with His decrees for all matters; it is all peace till the break of dawn.”

The night of Lailatul-Qadr is a one night, that occurs once a year, in Ramadhan only. It falls on odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadhan, which can be the night (evening) of 21, 23, 25, 27 or 29 of Ramadhan.

Due to the importance of this night, each one of us is encouraged to prepare our wish-list, which we will be



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presenting before Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa. All wishes and requests are granted, as well as sins are forgiven, except those unprepared nor presented or sought forgiveness for.

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth, which was authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, "Whosoever performs (coincides) Qiyaam during the Lailatul-Qadr, out of faith and in the hope of reward [from Allah], his previous sins will be forgiven.''

They (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) also reported another Hadeeth, that Sayyidatuna 'Aishah, radhiya Allaha ‘anha, said:

It means, "When the last ten nights (of Ramadhan) would begin, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, would keep awake at night (for prayer and devotion), awaken his family and prepare himself to be more diligent in worship."

Sayyidatuna 'AIshah radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, also said in another Hadeeth reported by Imam Al-Tirmizhi:

،ابا س ت اح و انا يم إ ر د الق ة ل ي ل ام ق من ه ب ن ذ ن م م د ق ات م ه ل ر ف غ



اذ إ م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه ىالل ل ص ه الل ول س ر ان ك ل ي االل ي ح أ ان ض م ر ن م ر اخ و ال ر ش الع ل خ د

ر ز ئ الم د ش و د ج و ه ل ه أ ظ ق ي أ و



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It means, "I asked: "Yaa Rasulullah! If I realize (coincide with) Lailatul-Qadr, what should I supplicate in it?'' Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, replied, "You should supplicate: Allahumma innaka `afuwwun, tuhibbul-`afwa, fa`fu `anni (O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me).''

In the last 10 days, most of us supplicate to their fullest, something that is obviously good. It is important to know one can say their du’as in their language of convenience; in the language that they can easily break down (into tears) to show their humility before Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa One can preferably recite those du’as said by Rasululla, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, during these days.

ة ل ي ل ة ل ي ل ي أ ت م ل ع ن إ ت ي أ ر أ ،ه الل ول س ار ي :ت ل ق و ف ع ك ن إ م ه الل :يول ق :ال ا؟ق يه ف ول ق اأ م ،ر د الق

ين ع ف اع ف و ف الع ب ح ت



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Some Dua’s of the Prophet


There’re translations made for the original form of

each du'as.

When the original du'a is in the first person plural form, I left it as it is, without 'downgrading' (changing) it to first person singular form.

Du'as in the brackets are pluralized forms of the original du'as.

Any du'a in first person plural form is in bold

ر ة ح س ن ة ،و ق ن ا ن ياح س ن ة ،و ف ياآلخ الل ه م آت ن اف يالد الن ار .ع ذ اب

O Allah, grant us good in this world, good in the

Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of hellfire.

و الغ ن ىال ال ه د ىو الت ق ىو الع ف اف أ ل ك .ل ه م إ ن يأ س و الغ ن ى( ال ه د ىو الت ق ىو الع ف اف أ ل ك .)الل ه م إ ن ان س

O Allah, I seek from You guidance, piety, chastity

and wealth.

ال ه د ىو أ ل ك اد الل ه م إ ن يأ س .الس د

اد ) ال ه د ىو الس د أ ل ك (.الل ه م إ ن ان س O Allah, I ask You for guidance and guidance to the

right path.





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د ن يو ع اف ن يو ار ز ق ن ي ل يو ار ح ن يو اه .الل ه م اغ ف ر ن او ) ل ن او ار ح م د ن او ع اف ن او ار ز ق ن االل ه م اغ ف ر (.اه

Oh Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me,

bless me and grant me wealth.

ق ل وب ن اع ل ىط اع ت ك ص ر ف الق ل وب .الل ه م م ص ر ف O Allah, the Controller of the hearts turn our hearts

towards obedience to You.

الش ق اء ،و س وء د الب الء ،و د ر ك ج ه م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك اء .الق ض اء ،و ش م ات ة األ ع د

الش ق اء ،و س وء ) د الب الء ،و د ر ك ج ه م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك ات ة ال ع د (.اء الق ض اء ،و ش م

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from effort scourge, low

level of misery, ill of the destiny, and gloating of





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ل يد ن ي ع ص م ة أ م ر ي،و أ ص ل ح ل يد ين يال ذ يه و ل ح الل ه م أ ص اي ع ل ر ت يال ت يف يه ام ع اد ي،و اج ل يآخ ل ح ي،و أ ص ال ت يف يه ام ع اش ك لش ر ة ل يم ن ر اح ال م و ت ع ل ي اة ز ي اد ة ل يف يك لخ ري ن،و اج .ال ح

ة أ م ر ن ا) ع ص م ل ن اد ين اال ذ يه و ل ن اد ن ي ان االل ه م أ ص ل ح ،و أ ص ل ح ع ل ر ت ن اال ت يف يه ام ع اد ن ا،و اج ل ن اآخ ال ت يف يه ام ع اش ن ا،و أ ص ل ح ك ل ر اح ة ل ن ام ن ال م و ت ع ل ال ح ي اة ز ي اد ة ل ن اف يك ل خ ي ر ،و اج

(.ش ر O Allah, secure for me my religion which is the protection

and perfection of my life, secure for me my world (dunia) in

which my living lies, secure for me my Hereafter, in which is

my return, make life an increment in all good for me, and

make Death comfort for me from all evil.

م ال م أ ع م ل ش ر ،و م ن م اع م ل ت ش ر م ن .الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك م ال م ن ع م ل الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ) ش ر ل ن ا،و م ن م اع م ش ر م ن (.ك

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have

done, and the evil of what I have yet to do.



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، ل ،و الب خ ،و ال ج ب ،و ال ه ر م ز ،و الك س ل الع ج م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك ي او ال م م ات ن ة ال م ح ف ت م ن الق ب ،وأ ع وذ ب ك ع ذ اب م ن .وأ ع وذ ب ك

،و ال ج ب ن ) ز ،و الك س ل م ن الع ج ،الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك ،و ال ه ر م ن ة ف ت م ن الق ب ر ،ون ع وذ ب ك اب ع ذ م ن ،ون ع وذ ب ك ل و الب خ

ي او ال م م ات (.ال م ح O Allah, I seek refuge in You from disability, laziness,

cowardice, ageing, and avarice, I seek refuge in You from

the torment of the grave, and seek refuge in You from the

turmoil of life and death.

إ ل الذ ن وب يظ ل ما ك ث ريا ك ب ريا ،و لي غ ف ر ن ف س الل ه م إ ن يظ ل م ت الغ ف ور أ ن ت ن ي،إ ن ك ،و ار ح م ع ن د ك ل يم غ ف ر ة م ن ،ف اغ ف ر أ ن ت

يم .الر ح إ ال) الذ ن وب ب يرا ،و الي غ ف ر يظ ل ما ك ث يرا ك ن ف س الل ه م إ ن يظ ل م ت

الغ ف ور أ ن ت ن ي،إ ن ك ،و ار ح م ع ن د ك ل يم غ ف ر ة م ن ،ف اغ ف ر أ ن ت يم (.الر ح

Oh Allah, I have done a lot of great injustice to myself, no

one forgives sins except You, so grant me a forgiveness from

You, and have mercy on me, for You are Most Forgiving,

Most Merciful.



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ر اف يف يأ م ر ي،و م اأ ن ت ل ي،و إ س ل يخ ط يئ ت يو ج ه الل ه م اغ ف ر ن ي،ا د ي،أ ع ل م ب ه م ديوه ز ل ي،و خ ط ئ يو ع م ل يج لل ه م اغ ف ر

ع ن د ي ،و م ا.و ك ل ذ ل ك و م اأ خ ر ت ل يم اق د م ت الل ه م اغ ف ر م و أ ن ت ال م ق د ن ي،أ ن ت أ ع ل م ب ه م ،و م اأ ن ت و م اأ ع ل ن ت ر ر ت أ س

،و ءنق د ير ال م ؤ خر ع ل ىك لش ي .أ ن ت ( ر اف ن اف يأ م ور ن ا،و م اأ ن ت ل ن ا،و إ س ل ن اخ ط ان ان او ج ه الل ه م اغ ف ر

ن ا، د ن اوه ز ل ن ا،و خ ط أ ن او ع م د ل ن اج أ ع ل م ب ه م ن ا،الل ه م اغ ف ر ن ا ع ن د ل ن ام اق د م ن او م اأ خ ر ن ا،و م االل .و ك ل ذ ل ك ه م اغ ف ر

ال م ق د م و أ ن ت أ ع ل م ب ه م ن ا،أ ن ت ر ر ن او م اأ ع ل ن ا،و م اأ ن ت أ س ء ق د ير ع ل ىك ل ش ي ،و أ ن ت (.ال م ؤ خ ر

Oh Allah, forgive my faults and ignorance, carelessness in

my life, and whatever You know more than I do. Oh Allah,

forgive my serious and humorous ways, my mistakes and

intentions, for those are characters I possess. Oh Allah,

forgive me what I have advanced and what I have delayed,

what I have concealed and announced, and whatever You

know more than I do, You are the Advancer and the

Delayer, and You have power over all things.


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،و ف ج اء ة ع اف ي ت ك ،و ت ح و ل ن ع م ت ك ز و ال م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك س خ ط ك ،و ج يع .ن ق م ت ك

(، ع اف ي ت ك ،و ت ح و ل ن ع م ت ك ز و ال م ن الل ه م إ ن اأ ع وذ ب ك س خ ط ك م يع ،و ج (.و ف ج اء ة ن ق م ت ك

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the demise of blessing,

change of good health, the sudden revenge of You, and all

the wrath.

ن ة ا ف ت م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك الغ ن ش ر الن ار ،و م ن لن ار ،و ع ذ اب .و الف ق ر

( ش ر الن ار ،و م ن اب ن ة الن ار ،و ع ذ ف ت م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك (.الغ ن ىو الف ق ر

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the temptation of

hellfire, the torment of hellfire, and the evil of wealth and


ر ام و اإل ك .ي اذ اال ج الل O Lord of Might and Honour.




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و اء ،و األ ه ،و األ ع م ال األ خ الق م ن ك ر ات م ن .الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك (، ،و ال ع م ال ال خ الق ر ات م ن ك م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك

و اء (.و ال ه O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evils of ethics,

actions, and desires.

ش ر ب ص ر ي،و م ن ش ر ع ي،و م ن س م ش ر م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك م ن يي ش ر ق ل ب ي،و م ن ش ر .ل س ان ي،و م ن

ش ر ور أ ب ص ار ن ا،) اع ن ا،و م ن م ش ر ور أ س م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك ش ر ور م ن ي ن ا ش ر ور ق ل وب ن ا،و م ن ن ت ن ا،و م ن ش ر ور أ ل س (.و م ن

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my ears, the

evil of my eyes, the evil of my tongue, the evil of my heart,

and the evil of my sperm.

ي ن ف س ش ر ن يم ن د ي،و أ ع ذ ن ير ش .الل ه م أ ل ه م ن ا) ش ر ور أ ن ف س ن ام ن ن ا،و أ ع ذ د ن ار ش (.الل ه م أ ل ه م

O Allah, inspire me to guidance, and protect me from the

evil of myself.




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ق ل ب يع ل ىد ين ك ث بت الق ل وب .ي ام ق لب ق ل وب ن اع ل ىد ين ك ) ث ب ت الق ل وب (.ي ام ق ل ب

O Allah, the Controller of the hearts, make my heart firm to

your religion.

و اك س ع م ن ،و أ غ ن ن يب ف ض ل ك ح ر ام ك ع ن ف ن يب ح الل ك .الل ه م اك ( ع م ن ،و أ غ ن ن اب ف ض ل ك ح ر ام ك ع ن ف ن اب ح الل ك الل ه م اك

و اك (.س O Allah, give me satisfaction with your 'halal' that will keep

me away from 'haram', and spare me with Your Grace from

anyone else.

ء ،و س ي ام ،و ال ج ذ ،و ال ج ن ون الب ر ص م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك ق ام .األ س

ء ) ،و س ي ام ،و ال ج ذ ،و ال ج ن ون الب ر ص م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك ق ام (.ال س

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from leprosy, madness, and

bad illness




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،و ع ذ اب و ال ه ر م ل ،و الب خ ز و الك س ل الع ج م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك اأ ن ت .الق ب يت ق و اه ا،و ز كه ن ف س الل ه م آت ز ك اه ا،أ ن ت م ن ي ر خ

.و ل ي ه او م و له ا ق ل بن لي ن ف ع ،و م ن ع ل من م ن الل ه م إ ن يأ ع وذ ب ك ا ل ه ت ج اب د ع و ةنلي س ب ع ،و م ن لت ش ن ف سن ش ع ،و م ن .لي خ

ز و ) الع ج م ن ،الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك و ال ه ر م ل ،و الب خ الك س ل الق ب ر .و ع ذ اب م ن ر ي خ اأ ن ت ن ف وس ن ات ق و اه ا،و ز ك ه الل ه م آت

ا و ل ي ه او م و اله ال.ز ك اه ا،أ ن ت ع ل م م ن الل ه م إ ن ان ع وذ ب ك الي خ ش ع ،و م ن ق ل ب ف ع ،و م ن ة الي ن د ع و ب ع ،و م ن الت ش ن ف س

ا ل ه ت ج اب (.ي س O Allah, I seek refuge in You from disability and laziness,

miserliness and the ageing, and the torment of the grave. O Allah,

grant my soul its piety, you are the Best Who purifies it, You are

its Guardian and Master. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the

knowledge that does not benefit, the heart that does not focus

properly, the soul (self) that does not get satisfied, and the call

(du'a) that is unanswered.


Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



ح ب أ ل ك ،و الع م ل ال ذ يي ب لغ ن يالل ه م إ ن يأ س ب ك ي ح م ن ،و ح ب ك ل ي،و م ن ي،و أ ه ن ف س م ن إ ل ي أ ح ب ع ل ح ب ك ،الل ه م اج ح ب ك

.ال م اء الب ار د ،و الع م ل ال ذ ي) ب ك ي ح م ن ،و ح ب ح ب ك أ ل ك الل ه م إ ن ان س

ن ا،ي ب ل أ ن ف س ن ام ن إ ل ي أ ح ب ع ل ح ب ك ،الل ه م اج غ ن اح ب ك ال م اء الب ار د ل ين ا،و م ن (.و أ ه

O Allah, I ask You for Your love, the love of anyone who loves

You, and the deed that will lead me to Your love. O Allah, make

your love dearer to me than myself, my family, and the cold


،و الس الم ة ،و ع ز ائ م م غ ف ر ت ك ر ح م ت ك ب ات م وج أ ل ك الل ه م إ ن يأ س ا ن ة ،و الن ج ب ال ج ،و الف و ز ك لب ر ،و الغ ن يم ة م ن ك لإ ث من الن ار م ن .ة م ن

(، ،و ع ز ائ م م غ ف ر ت ك ر ح م ت ك ب ات م وج أ ل ك الل ه م إ ن ان س ،و الف و ز ب ال ج ن ة ، ك ل ب ر ،و الغ ن يم ة م ن ك ل إ ث م و الس الم ة م ن

(.و الن ج اة م ن الن ار O Allah, I ask You for the entitlement for Your Mercy, the wills

that lead to Your forgiveness, safety from all sins, treasure to all

righteousness, success to heaven, and escape from the hellfire.



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م ح م د ص ل ىالل ن ه ن ب ي ك م خ ري م اس أ ل ك م ن أ ل ك الل ه م إ ن يأ س م ح م د ص ل ى ن ه ن ب ي ك ت ع اذ م م ااس ش ر م ن ع ل ي ه و س ل م ،و أ ع وذ ب ك و ل الب الغ ،و لح و ل ت ع ان ،و ع ل ي ك ال م س الل ع ل ي ه و س ل م ،و أ ن ت

.ق و ة إ لب الل خ ي ر م ا) م ن أ ل ك م ح م د ص ل ىاهلل الل ه م إ ن ان س ن ه ن ب ي ك م س أ ل ك

م ح م د ن ه ن ب ي ك ت ع اذ م م ااس ش ر م ن ع ل ي ه و س ل م ،و ن ع وذ ب ك الب الغ ،و ال ت ع ان ،و ع ل ي ك ال م س ع ل ي ه و س ل م ،و أ ن ت ص ل ىاهلل

و الق و ة إ الب اهلل (.ح و ل O Allah, I seek from You the best of what Prophet Muhammad

[Peace be upon him] asked You, and I seek refuge in You from

the evil of what Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon him]

sought refuge from, You are All-Helping, and You have the

notice, and there is no strength except in You.


Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



6. Let’s celebrate our Eid together

Eid marks the happy moments of successfully accomplished Ramadhan. We are allowed to celebrate it in any righteous way that our respective cultures approve. But not in any way accepted by our cultures and disapproved by Islam.

SubhanAllah.. In Eid, children are excited by default, and so does every Muslim. This excitement is usually translated into the various activities we do and the new clothes we wear.

However, not everyone among us will have the privilege to celebrate it equally with us. If you really don’t believe this, think of the children of Palestine, the children of Syria, the children of Iraq, the children of Afghanistan and the children of Somalia. That’s if we think far. If we think near and look around, those you don’t expect to be suffering are the ones suffering. Share with them your happiness, or take away some of their sorrow. This is why Zakatul-Fitr is imposed. So don't forget to pay your Zakatul-Fitr on time, generously. Zakatul-Fitr is imposed to ensure the less fortunate are provided with something to eat on the day of Eid. You may, however, donate more to ensure the children can afford new clothes too.

Failure to take Zakatul-Fitr seriously has some serious negative impacts, socially. Children of the needy, unconsciously grow hatred, in addition to their sorrow for being less fortunate, towards the rich and the middle class individuals in the society. By giving Zakatul-Fitr, we attain Allah’s Great Rewards, and buy the love of less fortunate in our societies, insha Allah.

On the day of Eid, as we go out for the Eid Prayers, Allah will be proud of us, in front of his angels. And He would bestow upon us His Presents. And insha Allah, we look forward to be more pleased in the Hereafter.

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You are granted Jannah! But you have to make a successful transit to reach there. This transit is made through death. In order to successfully pass through this transit, you are required to ensure that all your deeds are righteous. The season of Ramadhan is one of such; in which a small/one righteous deed earns you endless rewards and points...

Last year, we may have not welcomed the blessed month of Ramadhan well. So, this year, let’s seize the opportunity and welcome our Ramadhan appropriately and bid it the farewell it deserves. "Lailatul-Qadr (The Night of Decree) is better than a thousand months".

Ramadhan ends the moment it starts. Let’s ensure by the time it passes, we don’t regret for wasting any moment of it.

Are we prepared? Yes we are!

Allah knows best.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Part 2

During Ramadhan

Part 2 takes us through Ramadhan in reality, while we take a look at the following chapters:

Chapter 5 – 10 Habits We Must Avoid in Ramadhan Chapter 6 – 8 Secrets for a More Rewarding Ramadhan

Chapter 7 – 7 Etiquettes of Ramadhan Chapter 8 – 4 Inspirations from Ramadhan Chapter 9 – 9 Important Ramadhan-Related Issues

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 5

10 Habits We Must Avoid in Ramadhan

It's Ramadhan again! The spirit of Ramadhan is activated, I suppose. At the time that everyone is looking forward, as usual, to welcome Ramadhan, in his own way, this chapter comes with 10 habits we must avoid in Ramadhan. They are avoidable. But only you can make the decision to achieve that.

As much as we strive to attain rewards, which will eventually bring us close to attaining the Pleasure of Allah, we are expected to observe the boundaries of Allah, by abstaining from some acts, for they may invite to us, the Anger and Displeasure of Allah, Subhanahu wata'aalaa.

So, what are the habits, we, Muslims should avoid in Ramadhan?

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1. Don't Overeat

They say, if you are able to control what enters your stomach, you shouldn’t therefore, worry much about your health. That statement is true, unless Allah wants to test one of us in his/her health. The same statement applies to the amount of food we consume, on daily basis.

It's unfortunate, that many Muslims perceive Ramadhan as an opportunity for consumption of the biggest variety of food flavours, as possible.

Although we eat only twice in the days of Ramadhan, most us consume amount of food, more than they do outside Ramadhan. Eating excessively will not protect anyone from any possible hunger in the days of Ramadhan. We are supposed to have had enough experience, with this regards; that the more one eats, the more likely they will be taken by severe hunger.

One of the objectives of fasting, is to reduce the amount of calories and fats in the body. It’s also to also develop contentment after breakfast. We can’t develop contentment if we choose to overeat after sunset.

Here, I’m not advising you to go on diet. All ask is to be fair to your body, in the amount of food you consume in Ramadhan. Allah says, in Surah Al-A’raaf, 7:31:

It means, “… and eat and drink, but do not be wasteful: Allah does not like wasteful people.”

We become wasteful, regarding food, when we leave the food to spoil without consumption. However, eating and drinking can be wasteful too, if it exceeds the need of the



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body. That happens in two ways. First, the food goes wasted in the body. Second, the energy of the individual also goes wasted.

Overeating doesn’t only keep us unhealthy, unfit, and hence unproductive, it also has some negative implications, in addition to the above mentioned. This is to say; if we are able to control our desire towards food, and eat moderately, we are likely to be able to control our desire to cheat, our desire to oppress, our desire to kill, our desire to break laws, etc. This is why, we tend to be more disciplined and Allah-conscious in the month of Ramadhan, or when one fasts.

So, if we succeed in getting rid of such desires during day time (in Ramadhan), we shouldn’t activate or revive it, after breakfast.

Rasulullah has given us guidelines with regards to how to be moderate, in our consumption of food, either or not in Ramadhan, when he said, in a Hadeeth reported by Imam Ahmad and Al-Tirmizhi:

It means, “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is enough for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls to keep him going, but if he must (fill his stomach), then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for air.”

If we are able to practise this teaching of Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, it will lead us to have healthy, light and active bodies, for lifestyle that will save us lots of pains

آد م ي آد م و ع اء ش ر م ام أل اب ن ب ط ن ؛ب ح س ب ام ن ال ة ف ث ك ان الم ح ن ص ل ب ه ؛ف إ ن ي ق م أ ك الت ل ث ه ل ن ف س ل ش ر اب ه ،و ث ل ث ل ط ع ام ه ،و ث ل ث



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and regrets, in our old ages. The lighter one’s body is, the easier ibadah becomes, for him, and obviously, the lesser he sleeps, insha Allah. Remember, less (or moderate) sleep in Ramadhan means more time for Ibadah. Isn’t it?

Do you know something? If we manage to overcome the bad habit of overeating, in Ramadhan, we can tackle the next ‘Don’t’; Don’t Oversleep!

2. Don't Oversleep

To some, oversleeping happens, as a result of stress and anxiety. But oversleeping happens as a result of overeating, I believe.

As long as we choose to overeat, it’s unlikely that we’ll be active and be productive. Missing lunch doesn’t justify excessive eating during breakfast (after Maghrib).

Fasting in Ramadhan doesn’t give us the ticket to oversleep after Fajr prayers, and then go to our workplaces late. Taking in less amount of meal, and having enough fluids should be enough to keep us energetic, insha Allah, unless one has been doing Qiyaamullail, all night, then it becomes a whole different story, all together. In fact, Qiyaamullail provides you with some kind of energy that make you even more productive. It doesn’t necessarily cause one to oversleep.

In order to sleep less or moderately, we must have objective in life, be it in Ramadhan, or outside Ramadhan. Set targets to achieve in the Holy month. Keep track of your progress towards achieving such objectives. Such objectives can be committing one’s self to memorizing a certain number of pages, chapters or parts (Juz’s) of the Qur’an, or a number of Hadeeth.

Ramadhan is meant for ibadah, more than it’s meant for anything else. This is although, every action of a Muslim is

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regarded as an ibadah, provided the person has a genuine intention behind such actions.

3. Don't Lose Control Over Your Gaze

Eyes is one of the greatest blessings Allah has bestowed upon His Creatures. It’s therefore entrusted upon as an Amanah. With eyes, we are able to appreciate other blessings of Allah, in a better way. No doubt, it’s meant to help us to worship Allah excellently.

However, eyes is one of the most critical organs in human body, after the tongue. It determines what we choose and how we react to happenings surrounding us. We unlikely fall in love to something we haven't' seen, even when we are told about it. Unless it's described in a creative way, that grants us virtual vision of the described objects.

When we talk about lowering one’s gaze, it’s not only applicable to particular gender. The requirement for Muslims to lower their gaze is applicable to males (Muslims) and females (Muslimahs). This is because, males and females share the same self-desires (Shahawat), which requires the use of eyes in achieving it.

Allah says in Surah Al-Nour, 24:30-31:



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It means, “Tell the Believing Men to lower their gaze and remain chaste. That is purer for them. Allah is aware of what they do. Also, tell the Believing Women that they should lower their gaze and remain chaste…”

The two verses above, evidence that both men and women are held great responsibility in keeping our communities clean from immorality, that arise through eye contact.

I believe, that we can help ourselves in lowering our gaze and remaining chaste, when we develop the sense of responsibility towards the way we dress. I mean, we must learn to dress modestly. Each of us should tell him/herself, when he dresses: I am responsible to dress modestly, so not to cause any kind of fitnah to a Muslim/ah outside there.

The way we dress determines the way we behave. And the way we behave determines the way we are treated.

If we achieve that, even when we bounce into someone who fails to dress modestly, the fact that we are conscious of modesty and chastity, will remind us of constantly checking on where to set our gaze.

I came across the following list of advice from the Islam Q&A website ( I’m highlighting some of them here (after rephrasing them, for the benefit of this book), in the hope, that we find them useful, and that they may guide us in the process of constant lowering of our gaze:

1. One has to bear in mind that Allah is watching him/her: Allah sees him and is with him wherever he goes. It may be a secretive glance of which your neighbour is unaware, but Allah knows of it.

2. Let’s seek the help of Allah: Beseeching Him and calling upon Him (du’a).

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3. Constant conscious that eyes is a blessing and an Amanah, entrusted upon us: Blessings require us to be thankful for them, and trusts (Amanah) requires us to be responsible caregivers.

4. Practice makes perfect: We can train ourselves to lower our gaze. With time, one will perfect in doing so, insha Allah.

5. Remember that lowing our gaze instills great pleasure in one’s heart: “Whoever leaves something for Allah’s Sake, Allah will compensate him with something better.” [Hadeeth].

6. Surround yourself with good company: “Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you, whom you are.” Good company will advise you, remind you and guide you.

7. Do yourself a favour: Avoid places where you feel you are likely to be exposed to the temptation of raising your gaze. This includes TV, websites, forum pages, window shopping (going to shopping malls just to spend time, not for specific need) and sitting in the street.

4. Don't Make TV Your Ramadhan Buddy

Devils are chained during the month of Ramadhan, but human devils are still at large. Most of them use the media to keep us away from activities that are more pleasant to Allah, Subhanahu wata'alaa. Devils who claim to possess Muslim identity can be even more dangerous, with regards to this, than non-Muslims.

Don't let TV series, telecasted just during Isha prayers, targeted to Muslim audiences, take you away from the great rewards of Taraweeh, and congregational prayers. We shouldn't make an excuse that we can pray our own congregational prayers at home, so to create convenient

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excuses to stay home for TV series. What makes it even worst is when such series are Korean Drama, or the likes.

Besides fasting, Taraweeh is the most significant act of worship a Muslim experience in any Ramadhan. On the other hand, the probability of TV taking away that significance, to earn us sins is 99.99%.

For our sisters, who are housewives, please don't spend your time watching TV all day long, just because you are fasting. You have so much to do, without TV, how then can you include TV in your 'already packed' to-do lists? When you become tired of reading Qur’an, do Zikr. When you become tired from doing Zikr, think of Allah's creations. Remember that Allah is present with you, and He’s observing you, when you are online.

5. Don't Lose Control Over Your Tongue (1)

In my book, "How to Memorize the Qur’an in 10 Years, Regardless of Age and Profession", I mentioned about this, and how important it is, for anyone who wants to memorize the Qur’an has to make it a point to put a stop to backbiting.

Here, let me repeat it for the sake of this book, and for the fact that it relates to our subject matter.

Nothing has hurt man as much as the tongue has done. Nothing has created separation and violence among people, as much as the tongue did. Nothing has created ‘Fitnah’ as much as the tongue has created. The tongue is known to be a weak and very sensitive organ, yet the sharpest and the most harmful.

The only way one can control their tongue is to be able to control their emotion and observation of Allah. This is where they can choose to refrain from uttering words that can be considered undesirable to men of wisdom.

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Someone who is busy with Qur’an (fasting in this case) should have enough to engage them from backbiting.

The truth is, until today, I’m yet to meet someone, so far, in my life, who does not backbite others. Not even the closest person to me is safe; and the closest person to me is myself. Lutfak… Yaa Allah! (Your Mercy… O Allah!)

Backbiting usually starts when we don't have anything to share, or when we want to boost that we are better than others.

In Surah Al-Hujurat, 49:12, Allah commands us to abstain from backbiting, when he said:

It means, “And do not spy on one another and do not backbite. Would any of you like to eat his dead brother's flesh? No, you would hate it. Fear Allah, Allah is ever forgiving and most merciful.”

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a Hadeeth narrated by Sayyidina Abi Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, that:



ل م أ خ والم ل م الم س ل ه .س ذ ذ ب ه و الي خ .الي خ ون ه و الي ك ح ر ام ؛ع ر ض ه و م ال ه و د م ه ل م ع ل ىالم س ل م ك ل الم س



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It means, “A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He should not alarm him nor lie to him, nor disappoint him. The honour, property and blood of every Muslim is unlawful to another Muslim.”

So, don’t eat the flesh of your dead brother or sister. I’m sure you are not going to do that. Don’t take away or temper with the honour, the property or the blood of your Muslim brother or sister.

6. Don't Lose Control Over Your Tongue (2)

Today, telling lies has become a common phenomenon, to the extent that, some only find their comfort and peace only when they tell lies.

It means, “Woe to the one, who lies when he speaks, to make others laugh...Woe to him ...Woe to him.”

Telling lies comes in different forms. The worst is to lie, and pass it on to your child, spouse, co-worker, classmate or friend, to lie on your behalf. Sometimes, some parents ask their child(ren) to pick up the phone and respond that they are unavailable. This is unfortunately a lie, in an ugly presentation. Some friends pass messages to their friends to tell their teachers that they are sick, when they are not. This is also a lie. A boss may hide in his office, and ask his secretary/worker to lie that he is in the middle of an important meeting, whereby he is probably engaged in facebooking or playing Angry Birds. This too is uncivilized and professionally unacceptable.

ب ه ك ل ي ض ح ذ ب ف ي ك و ي ل ل ل ذ يي ح د ث م و ي ل ل ه...و ي ل ل ه ...ال ق و



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Telling lies is forbidden in Islam, even, if it doesn't seem to have an impact. Allah says, in Surah Al-Taubah, 9:119:

It means, “O you who have believed. Fear Allah and be among the truthful.”

In the Sunnah, the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said in a Hadeeth authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that:

It means, “Beware of lying, lying leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell.”

Telling lies also can include false witness, where one testifies for what did never happen, or for an incident he did not attend or witness. The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, says in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Al-Bukhari:

Meaning: "If one does not avoid lies and false witness, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his drink.''



د يإ ل ىالف ج ور ، ي ه ،ف إ ن الك ذ ب إ ي اك م و الك ذ ب د يإ ل ىالن ار H و إ ن الف ج ور ي ه



ل ل الز ور و الع م ل ب ه ف ل ي س ل ل م ي د ع ق و ه م ن ي د ع ط ع ام ه و ش ر اب ه ح اج ة ف يأ ن



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7. Don't Contaminate Your Earnings

Fasting is one of the acts that can't be judged by others. Only Allah knows who fasts genuinely and who isn’t. However, one can nullify his fast when he fails to purify the source of his earnings, with which he provides for his fasting.

One may contaminate his earnings by cheating, stealing, and engaging in corruption. Perhaps, Ramadhan is a good opportunity for us to take courageous decisions, and stop this kind of bad acts, once and forever.

Stealing is obviously obvious enough to be given much emphasize here, but cheating and corruption are equally stealing. One cheats when he deals directly with the victim, or there's a possibility that he may deal with the victim. The same thing applies to corruption to some extent.

Such acts do not only damage the image of societies and break the trust individuals have for one another in their respective communities, it also deny blessings (Barakah) on the actor and unfortunately, on his household and offspring, as well.

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Imam Muslim:

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It means, “O people, Allah is Good and does not accept anything but that which is good. Allah enjoins upon the believers the same as He enjoined upon the Messengers. He says (what means): "Messengers, eat what is wholesome and do good deeds: I am well aware of what you do". He also said (what means): "Believers, eat the wholesome things which We have provided for you". Then he mentioned a man who travels for a long distance and is dishevelled and dusty, and he stretches forth his hands towards heaven saying, ‘O Lord, O Lord,’ but his food is haram, his drink is haram, his clothing is haram, he has been nourished with haram. So how can he be responded to?!”

Here, it’s important that we remember, that our flesh is refreshed from what we consume. So does the sperm which we release in the process of procreation. If the source of our flesh, and the foundation, on which we raise our children are from unlawful sources, how then, do we expect our deeds to blessed?

الي ق ب ل إ الط ي ب ا،و إ ن الل ه أ م ر إ ن الل ه ط ي ب االن اس أ ي ه ب ه ال م ر س ل ين ،ف ق ال اأ م ر م ن ين ب م ك ل وام ن :ال م ؤ ي اأ ي ه االر س ل

و اع م ات ع م ل ون ع ل يم الط ي ب ات اإ ن يب م ي اأ ي ه ا:و ق ال .ل واص ال ح م ار ز ق ن اك م ط ي ب ات ك ل وام ن الر ج ل ي ط يل .ال ذ ين آم ن وا ث م ذ ك ر

ي ه إ ل ىالس م اء ي م د ي د أ غ ب ر ع ث أ ش ي ار ب "الس ف ر ،!"ي ار ب ،و م ط ع م ب ال ح ر ام ر ب ه ح ر ام ،و م ل ب س ه ح ر ام ،و غ ذ ي ه ح ر ام ،و م ش

؟ ل ك ل ذ ت ج اب ف أ ن ىي س



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So, we shouldn’t allow the desire for temporal enjoyment, which one may make from overriding others’ rights, to blind us from the eternal happiness, which can partially be attained in this life, and fully attained in the Hereafter.

8. Don't Be Objectiveless

It will be such a waste, if Ramadhan comes and passes us by, without us have set objectives to achieve within the blessed month.

Such objectives, can be to recite a certain number of pages from Qur’an, and/or reciting and reflecting upon Hadeeth, on daily basis, to commit one's self to praying all Taraweeh in congregations, to perform all obligated prayers in congregation, to give charity on daily basis no matter how little it may be, to perform Dhuha prayers throughout Ramadhan, and there are several more of such objectives which one can set and easily achieve, insha Allah.

Some of the objectives which one can also set is to strengthen the bonding between him and his household, not only at the dining table, but also at the spiritual level. You can come to an agreement, to go Taraweeh together, and ensure that, you are all committed to finish with the Imam, and not to leave half way, unless there's necessity to do so.

9. Don't Argue, Unnecessarily

Some of us tend to lose focus on the purpose of seeking knowledge. Thus, anytime they learn something new, they would like to test that “new knowledge” on someone, who may be busy and more knowledgeable that they are. This is applicable to those of us who attend a few religious classes, and become obese with a particular opinion, out of many.

On the other hand, some spend significant amount of time arguing which football team is better than which; which player is more handsome than which, which celebrity is

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more charming than which, which chef provides better recipes than whom, which (Hollywood, Bollywood, Noniwood, Korean, Chinese) movie or drama is more worth to be watched and which is not.

In Islam, arguing on issues that are worth arguing for, is not encouraged, what more about issues that are meaningless, in the character building of a Muslim and his household?

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has made a great promise, to the one who gives up arguing, according to the Hadeeth, narrated by Abu Umamah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Imam Al-Tirimizhi, and authenticated by Shaikh Al-Albany. He says:

It means, “I am a guarantor of a palace around Heaven, for the one who gives up arguing, even when he’s right, and [another palace] in the middle of Heaven for the one gives up lies, even if he is joking, and [another palace] in the upper part of Heaven, for the one with good manners.”

In this Hadeeth, clearly, we are discouraged from arguing in righteous topics, even if we are right. What more when we spend our precious time, in precious days, in a precious month like Ramadhan, arguing on topics and issues, which possess no significance to us, as Muslims, who have Hereafter (Akhirah) in mind?

ك ان الم ر اء و إ ن ت ر ك ن ة ل م ن الج ف ير ب ض أ ن از ع يم ب ب ي ت ت ر ن ة ل م ن الج ف يو س ط ق ا،و ب ب ي ت إ ن م ح و الك ذ ب ك

ف يأ ع ل ىا ح س ن خ ل ق ه ك ان م از حا ،و ب ب ي ت H لج ن ة ل م ن ad


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10. Don’t Smoke!

Did I say, “Don’t Smoke!”? Yes. You heard me! That’s exactly what I said, and I mean it. If you are already a non-smoker, you may not react to what I’ve just said. But believe me, I know; every smoker who may be reading this, might have already said in his heart, “Do you think it’s that easy?!” Yeah. I know it’s not easy, when one doesn’t have the strong will to quit any bad habit, including smoking. I do also know, that it’s very easy to quit any kind of bad habit, including smoking, once one develops a strong will for that purpose.

I know people who have tried to seize the opportunity of Ramadhan, to quit smoking, but have failed. I also know people who have seized the opportunity of Ramadhan to quit smoking, and have succeeded.. Alhamdulillah. The difference lies in how one has mentally prepared himself for the challenge of quitting smoking, and what kind of alternatives he or she has in hand to console himself or herself, for the cigarette they are going to miss, so dearly.

Allah commands us no to kill ourselves, in Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:195:

It means, “…and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction. And do good, for indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.”

Allah also orders us; not to kill ourselves, in Surah Al-Nisaa, 4:29, as He is the Most Merciful to us:





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It means, “And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.

I know, some of us who smoke, activate that “sense of guilty” whenever they fire their cigarette, however they can’t help themselves, but to burn it, to infect their lungs, and to pollute the air. Since there’s “sense of guilt” whenever the cigarette is lighted, why don’t we consider giving some meaning to that sense of guilt, so to say, we don’t fire the cigarette in the month of Ramadhan, at all, until Ramadhan is over. In the meantime, we pray hard, to Allah, during the month, that He assists us to overcome our nafs and quit smoking, once and forever.

Here, I pray, that Allah helps anyone who intends to quit smoking for good. May He also abundantly reward that person for the courage and willingness to quit smoking for His Sake. Ameen.


We all (or most of us) know, that the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, which was authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim that:

It means, "When Ramadan begins, the gates of Heavens (Jannah) are opened, the gates of Hell-Fire are closed, and the devils are chained.''

Yes, the gates of Heavens are open (in Ramadhan) and the gates of Hell are closed, and on top of that, the devils are chained. However, human devils remain unchained. Our

ن ة ، الج أ ب و اب إ ذ اج اء ر م ض ان ،ف ت ح ت الش ي اط ين الن ار ،و ص ف د ت أ ب و اب H و غ ل ق ت



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souls are attracted to disobedience, as in following our human desires. With the absence of devils in action, during the month of Ramadhan, we have no one to blame, other than ourselves, if we fail to observe our manners during the holy month of Ramadhan.

We can achieve Allah's Pleasure, more if we succeed in avoiding the bad deeds highlighted above in this chapter.

The “Don’ts in Ramadhan”, highlighted in this chapter are not specifically for Ramadhan alone. They are avoidable in Ramadhan and outside Ramadhan. I however, tagged them to Ramadhan, based on the fact that, many Muslims seek perfection in Ramadhan, more than they do, outside Ramadhan. Thant’s why many choose to pay their Zakat in Ramadhan, even if are supposed to pay them before or after Ramadhan.

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Chapter 6

8 Secrets for a More Rewarding Ramadhan

I’m assuming: It’s Ramadhan today! Please allow me to wish you and your loved ones a blessed fasting experience. May any good deed you carry out in this most awaited blessed month be accepted unconditionally, and may it be rewarded handsomely. May you be honoured to consciously witness the ‘Night of Power’ (Lailatul-Qadr). Ameen.

This chapter complements Chapter 5, which I assume you have read by now. If you’ve not read it yet, I would advise that you consider reading it first. The points outlined there are considered as the primary framework of Ramadhan, whereby the points I'm presenting in this chapter come as decoration for that framework, insha Allah.

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So, what are 8 Secrets, which can make our Ramadhan more rewarding?

1. Reading Al-Qur’an

Ramadhan is the best time for reciting the Qur’an. I mean, Ramadhan is the most rewarding time for reading the Qur’an.

One of the facts that make reading the Qur’an in the month of Ramadhan unique and more rewarding is that, the entire Qur’an was descended from the Lauhul-Mahfouzh (the Preserved Tablet) to Baitul-'Izzah (the House of Pride) in the lowest heaven, in Ramadhan, in the Lailatul-Qadr (Night of Decree). It was then separately revealed to Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, over the period of 23 years.

Also, reading the Qur’an consists of various acts of worship (‘ibadah) at a time. Such ‘ibadah include communicating with Allah, supplicating to Allah, remembering Allah, and purifying one’s soul and heart. In addition to that, any time spent reading the Qur’an, is a time well spent.

Reading Al-Qur’an also ensures spiritual and physical healing to our countless sicknesses.

Engaging one’s self with Al-Qur’an in Ramadhan (and outside Ramadhan), may come in different forms. Such as reading the texts of the Qur’an, memorizing it, or learning its meaning and reflecting upon it. Whichever form one chooses, it’s blessed, insha Allah.

However, people are more familiar with reading or reciting the texts of the Qur’an in Ramadhan more than relating to it in other forms. So, if, let’s say, one intends to read the whole Qur’an in Ramadhan, what they can do is to ‘simply’ read 20 pages a day, in a way that will enable

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them to recite the whole Qur’an (604 pages) by the end of Ramadhan.

20 pages can be read at one go. It can also be spread over different times of the day. One of the best methods, which I sometimes follow, is to divide the 20 pages into 5, and read 4 pages during each prayer time; 2 pages before and another 2 after prayers, that means 5 minutes before Solat, and another 5 minutes after Solat.

2. Constant Remembrance of Allah (Zikr)

Allah promises those who are Allah-conscious through any form of Zikr in Surah Al-Ahzab, 13:35 with forgiveness and greater reward:

It means, "Surely and women who are ever mindful of Allah, Allah is ready with forgiveness and an immense reward for them."

Rasulullah said in a Hadeeth reported by Imam Al-Turmuzhi, that Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa said:

It means, "Whoever remembering Me engages him from asking me, I will grant him the best of what I grant those who ask."



أ ل ت ي؛ م س ر يع ن ش غ ل ه ذ ك م ن ائ ل ين H أ ع ط ي ت ه أ ف ض ل م اأ ع ط يالس ad


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Zikr is one of the powerful tools for attaining inner-peace in a Muslim’s life. People who are consistent in Zikr are given brightness in the face, light hearts, and acceptance in the hearts of good people.

It means, "Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah, surely in the remembrance of Allah hearts can find comfort." [Surah Al-Ra'ad, 13:28].

Examples of Zikr which we can familiarize ourselves with, and recite frequently are:



ه الل ر ف غ ت س أ "I seek forgiveness

from Allah."


يم ظ الع ه الل ان ح ب س ..ه د م ح ب و ه الل ان ح ب س "High, glorified and praised is Allah...

High and glorified is Allah, the Great."


ه الل ب ال إ ة و ق ال و ل و ح ال "[We have] no ablility nor power, except

with Allah."


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The above are just a few from many forms of remembrance that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, taught his 'Ummah". One can repeat them at uncountable number of times, at any time of their convenience. They are simple in words, but they carry powerful impact. You should try them out!

يل ك الو م ع ن و ه االل ن ب س ح "Allah is sufficient for us. And the best

trustee is He."


ه الل ال إ ه ل إ ال "No god [deserves to be

worshiped] but Allah."


د م ح م [ان د ي س ]ىل ع ل ص م ه الل "Oh Allah... Send praises and blessings

upon [our Master] Muhammad."


ك م ه م ح ار و ي د ال و ل يو ل ر ف اغ ب ر يرا غ يص ان ي ب ار م ا"My Lord... Forgive me and my partents, as they

raise me up from childhood."



ين ع ف اع ف و ف الع ب ح ت و ف ع ك ن إ م ه الل "O Allah! You are Forgiving; You like

forgiveness, so please forgive me."


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3. Giving Sadaqah

'Sadaqah' means ‘charity’. One of the virtues we can attain to maintain happy mood in ourselves, at all times, is to give Sadaqah on regular basis. We don’t have to wait to become millionaires before we give out charity. We should give charity according to our capacity. What one may regard as little is a lot to another. Those who wait to be rich before they give, are unlikely to give once they become rich.

Show Allah that you wish you could give more if you had it, by giving part of the little you have. He will give you more, so that you too, can give more.

If you give Sadaqah with the end reward in mind, then rest assured that Allah is the Only One who fully fulfills His Promises. For your reward, He says in Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:274:

It means, “Those who spend their wealth night and day, both privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.”

4. Being Helpful and Kind

Any form of giving physical Sadaqah is considered as being helpful. We can also be helpful by offering our services at discounted prices or offer them for free to deserving parties. Giving advice in the right time to the



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right (deserving) people is among the best deeds that can earn us rewards for being helpful.

We can be kind in the way we give our Sadaqah, too...

I experienced seeing a person who would wind down his car’s window to give some money to the cleaner (not the beggar), with his left hand (when he could do that with right hand) and his face would be turned to the opposite direction (not looking at the person receiving the Sadaqah). In this scenario, the person has obviously given Sadaqah, but he should have shown kindness.

It means, “A kind word and forgiveness is better than a charitable deed followed by hurtful words: God is self-sufficient and forbearing.” [Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:263].

5. Observing Solat in Congregation

Performing the daily five times prescribed Solat is obligatory, but doing them in congregation (Jama’ah) is an “emphasized” Sunnah which many of us choose to neglect these days. We need to revive the spirit for observing our obligatory prayers in congregations.

The virtue of longing to offer prescribed Solat in congregation in the mosque is an indication of one's iman. Rasulullah said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Imam Al-Turmuzhi:



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It means, “When you see a man frequenting the mosque, testify that he is a believer because Allah says: `Allah's mosques are visited only by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day.'''

In addition to that, performing our prescribed Solat in congregation in the mosque is rewarded with extra rewards from Allah, subhanahu wata’aalaa Rasulullah said with regards to that, in a Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim:

ه ل واد ه ش اف د اج س الم اد ت ع ي ل ج الر م ت ي أ ر اذ إ ه الل د اج س م ر م ع ي مان إ :ل ج و ز ع ه الل ال ق .ان يم ال ب

ر اآلخ م و الي و ه الل ب ن آم ن م



ه ت ي ب يف ه الت ص ىل ع ف ع ض ت ة اع م ج يف ل ج الر الة ص أ ض و ت اذ إ ه ن أ ك ل ذ و ؛فا ع ض ين ر ش ع و سا م خ ه وق س يف و

ال إ ه ج ر خ ي ال د ج س الم ىل إ ج ر خ م ث وء ض الو ن س ح أ ف ،ةج ر د اه ب ه ل ت ع ف ر ال إ ة و ط خ ط خ ي م ل ة ال الص

ة ك ئ ال الم ل ز ت م ل ىل ص اذ إ ف .ة يئ ط خ اه ب ه ن ع ت ط ح و :ول ق ت ،ث د ح ي م ل ام ه ال ص م يف ام د ام ه ي ل ع يل ص ت ام ة ال ص يف ال ز ي ال و .ه م ح ار م ه الل ..ه ي ل ع ل ص م ه الل

الة الص ر ظ ت ان



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It means, "A man's Solat in congregation is twenty-five times more rewarding than his Solat at home or in his shop, and that is because when he performs his Wudhu' properly and proceeds towards the mosque with the purpose of performing Solat in congregation, he does not take a step without being raised a degree (in rank) for it and having a sin remitted for it, till he enters the mosque. When he is performing Solat, the angels continue to invoke Blessings of Allah on him as long as he is in his place of worship in a state of Wudhu'. They say: `O Allah! Have mercy on him! O Allah! Forgive him!' He is deemed to be engaged in Solat as long as he waits for it.''

6. What About the Sunan (the Optional


Optional prayers are of two categories:

1. Rawatib 2. Nawafil.

Rawatib are the emphasized Sunan which are encouraged and tied to the prescribed prayers, such as 2 Raka’ahs before Subh, 4 Raka’ahs before Zuhr and 2 after Zuhr, 2 after Maghrib, and 2 after Isha. Other "emphasized" Sunan but not tied to prescribed prayers include Witr and Eid prayers.

Nawafil include any other Sunnah prayers, such as 4 Raka’ahs before Asr, 2 Raka’ahs before Maghrib, and 2 Raka’ahs before Isha. Nawafil also refers to Taraweeh, Qiyaamullah (or Tahajjud), Solat Al-Istikharah, Solat Al-Hajah, Solat Al-Istisqaa, etc.

Abdullah Ibn Mughaffal radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth that was reported by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

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It means, "There is a Solat (prayer) between every Azan and Iqamah; there is a Solat between every Azan and Iqamah.'' (While saying the same for the) third time (he (salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam) added), "It is for the one, who wishes to do so.''

Sayyidatuna Ummu Habibah, Ramlah Binte Abu Sufyan, radhiya Allahu ‘anha, narrated a Hadeeth which was reported by Imam Muslim that Rasulullah said:

It means, "A house will be built in Jannah for every Muslim who offers twelve Raka`ahs of optional Solat other than the obligatory Solat in a day and a night (to seek the Pleasure of Allah).''

7. Al-Kalimah Al-Tayyibah

“Al-Kalimah Al-Tayyibah” is an Arabic phrase, which means, “good word”. Let’s spread good words, even when we are hungry and angry. A hungry man should not necessarily be an angry man. Just like an angry man is not necessarily a hungry man.

Saying that which is good ensures we say the truth at all time. Nothing can be worse than lies. Saying good will

..الة ص ن ي ان ذ أ ل ك ن ي ب ..ة ال ص ن ي ان ذ أ ل ك ن ي ب H اء ش ن م ل :ة ث ال الث يف ال ق .الة ص ن ي ان ذ أ ل ك ن ي ب



ي ت ن ث م و ي ل ك ىال ع ت ه ل ل يل ص ي م ل س م د ب ع ن م ام تا ي ب ه ل ه الل ىن ب ال إ ة يض ر ف ر ي غ عا و ط ت ة ع ك ر ة ر ش ع

ة ن الج يف ت ي ب ه ل ي ن ب ال إ و أ ة ن الج يف



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also ensure that we say the right things to others, insha Allah.

It means, “Tell My servants that they should always say what is the best.” [Surah Al-Israa, 17:53].

It means, “Whoever believes in Allah and in the Hereafter, he should say good, or let him remain silent.” [Abu Hurairah; Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

8. Doing a Small Da’wah to a Non-Muslim

I once the Taxi in Singapore, and happened to be lucky that the cabby can lecture (talkative). He claimed he had many Muslim friends, but through our conversation, I understood that he didn’t know that Muslims pray 5 times, on daily basis. This is despite being in a society where different religions “harmoniously” co-exist.

It’s either the cabby had said the truth, or we (Muslims) are not doing our part in inviting our non-Muslim brothers and sisters to Islam. We don’t have to ‘lecture’ them, in order to invite them to Islam. Our attitude and actions can be our best tool (not weapon) in inviting others to Islam. Moreover, we don't want the Jannah for ourselves alone. Do we?



،ر اآلخ م و الي و ه الل ب ن م ؤ ي ان ك ن م H ت م ص ي ل و أ را ي خ ل ق ي ل ف



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How can we invite somebody to Islam during Ramadhan? Each one of us can consider giving a simple present of a book, of simple introduction to Islam, to our non-Muslim colleagues or neighbours. Doing so doesn’t break laws, nor does it violate individuals’ personal privacies in any country, as I know. Remember to do this, this Ramadhan.

But before we present the book to the person, we should ensure we are in good relationship with them, and that we also possess past record of good character (Islamic values). We are not using the book to invite them, but our actions and characters.

A book of simple ‘introduction to Islam’, which one can obtain from the bookshop in their neighbourhood will be fine, insha Allah.

So, if we have a non-Muslim friend, neighbour or colleague, and we are in good terms with them, in addition to possessing past record of being exemplary Muslims, we can't give ourselves any excuse for not doing our part.

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, once said to Sayyidina Ali, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, in a Hadeeth reported by Imam Al-Bukhari:

It means, “If Allah grants someone ‘Hidayah’ (guidance) through you, that’s better for you than owning precious stock of camels.” [Al-Bukhari]. Camels were mentioned in an indication to wealth.

دا اح و ال ج ر ك ب ه الل ي د ه ي ن ئ ل H م ع الن ر م ح ن م ك ل ر ي خ



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This Ramadhan (in the year you are reading this book) is unlike any other Ramadhan which one has or shall experience. It's important that we take care of its uniqueness. Let your books of records, for this Ramadhan, make you proud, at least in the Day of Judgment.

Finally, Ramadhan Mubarak to you and your loved ones.

Allah knows best.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 7

7 Etiquettes of Ramadhan

It's Ramadhan! I assume that you are reading this, either a few days/weeks before Ramadhan, or in the first few days of Ramadhan.

This chapter aims to present some etiquettes, which despite been fine (easily neglected), the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, found it import to emphasize about them to his beloved Ummah. Therefore, it literally attains importance, if we choose to talk, share, discuss and live the spirit of Ramadhan.

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1. The Prophet Urged for Iftaar to be Taken Early

Fasting is undoubtedly an act of worship (Ibadah). However, the body looks forward to be refilled with the sugar it needs, in order to refresh its energy, and with water to satisfy its needs of fluids. The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, been the most caring about each one of us, more than we are to ourselves, he urged us, not to delay in providing our body its needs. To achieve that, he emphasized on his Ummah, to take our Iftaar, as earlier possible, once it’s time for Iftaar.

In a Hadeeth authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, “People will remain to be in good, so long as they rush for their Iftaar”.

It sounds familiar? Isn’t it? Isn’t breakfast outside Ramadhan, very essential for a healthier life? Similarly, in addition to the health benefits of breaking fast, as earlier as possible, it is also essential for a lively and productive night, especially, in preparing for Taraweeh.

2. The Prophet Urged Us to Take Dates for Iftaar, If Possible

Although dates can only be found in some specific regions (countries) of the world, the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, urged us to take dates for our Iftaar. He said so, in a Hadeeth, reported by Abu Dawud and Tirmizhi:

ر ي خ ب اس الن ال ز الي H ر ط واالف ل ج اع م



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It means, “Let one of you break his fast with dates, it’s a blessing. If he can’t find (afford) dates, let him take water, for it’s healthy.”

Dates consist of sugar, and it’s recommended that we take in sweet, after long hours of hunger and thirst. That also helps to better prepare our digestive system for big meals.

3. The Prophet Took His Iftaar at Two Stages

As much as we are urged to take our Iftaar earliest possible, when it’s time, we are also urged to ensure we perform our Maghrib prayers as early as possible. This is because, the time for Maghrib prayers doesn’t last for more than an hour, and it’s advisable to observe it the moment the Azan is said.

In addition to that, taking Iftaar in two stages has good impact on our health, generally. Having a short beverage (3 dates and a few sips of plain water) immediately when it’s time, and resuming with your meal after Maghrib prayers, ensure you don’t overeat, due to hunger, which your subconscious may be alarming you about.

Dates and water, which are taken before Maghrib, reduce the level of the hunger felt during the day. So, the tendency of overeating after Maghrib reduces. In other words, full meal taken immediately after breakfast misleads one, and causes him to eat more than his body needs. Overeating is one of the “10 Habits We Must Avoid in Ramadhan.” See Chapter 5.

ه ن إ ،ف ر م ىت ل ع ر ط ف ي ل ف م ك د ح أ ر ط ف اأ ذ إ H ور ه ط ه ن إ ،ف اء الم ف را م ت د ج ي م ل ن إ ،ف ة ك ر ب



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4. The Prophet Wouldn’t Sleep Immediately After Iftaar

The tendency of falling sleepy, after Iftaar, is high, especially for those who are engaged in hard work and tiring/exhausting activities, during the daytime. But sleeping immediately after meals is not advisable, be it in Ramadhan or outside Ramadhan. Also, you are likely to miss your Taraweeh, if you sleep after Iftaar.

Remember that, the month of Ramadhan is expected to be for performing Ibadah more than we do, in our normal times, outside Ramadhan.

To avoid sleeping immediately after Iftaar, we need to cut down on the amount of food we take, after Iftaar. We may have to avoid oily foods, because it will lead to excess consumption of fluids, and that may cause more laziness, and avoidance from Taraweeh.

The bottom line is, don’t sleep immediately after Iftaar.

5. The Prophet Urged for Consistent Sahur

The meal we take before dawn is called Sahur, in Arabic. Although taking Sahur is similar to taking breakfast in any ordinary day, which is essential for a healthy life, Sahur has additional attributes. The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said in a Hadeeth authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that:

It means, “Take your Sahur, for there is a blessing in Sahur.”

...وار ح س ت H ة ك ر ب ور ح يالس ف ن إ ف



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Taking Sahur, likewise breakfast, grants the body the energy it requires to undertake responsibility of the day, effectively. It also prevents from headaches, migraine, and severe thirst.

It’s wise to take Sahur, even if one is not used to it, or even if one’s personal references doesn’t encourage him to do that. Why? It is because; it’s a recommendation from the Prophet. It doesn’t matter how much you take. It matters that you take something, for Sahur.

So, don’t undermine your Sahur!

6. The Prophet Urged for Sahur to Be Delayed, as Possible

At the time that we are encouraged to be consistent in taking our Sahur, we are also encouraged to delay it to the last minutes, of the time allowed for eating, drinking and having sexual intimacy. Perhaps, this is to allow the body to make use of the energy gained from the food and drink consumed to the maximum.

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said in a Hadeeth, also authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim:

It means, “My Ummah, will remain to be good, so long as they rush for their Iftaar, and delay in taking their Sahur.”

The message? Don’t take your Sahur four hours before Fajr time. You should take it 30 down to 15 minutes before.

وال ج اع م ر ي خ ب يت م أ ال ز ات م ور ح واالس ر خ أ و ار ط ف ال



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7. Let’s Seek Perfection in Our Ramadhan

Fasting is undoubtedly challenging. We gain spiritual strength from fasting, but we lose physical stamina in the process. We develop sense of ‘feeling for the poor and the needy’. We attain the attribute of patience. Most importantly, we become more humble, than we usually think we are.

The fact that one is fasting during the month of Ramadhan, doesn’t give him the ticket to take his duties and responsibilities lightly. Perfection remains an essential requirement in the life of every Muslim, at any point of time.

Observing perfection in all that we do in Ramadhan will significantly reflect on the quality and the genuineness of our fasting.

It means, "Allah loves, when one of you does something, for him to do it well.” ~ Hadeeth.


Ramadhan is an event that is perceived to be annual. In fact, it’s an annual event. However, not everyone gets the opportunity to give it the possible perfection from one’s capacity. In our organizational, social, national, regional and international annual events, we strive to make each year’s event more outstanding that those of all previous years. With the etiquettes outlined in this chapter, we are likely to make every Ramadhan a more outstanding event, than its predecessor.

ل م اع ذ إ ب ح ي ه الل ن إ H ه ن ق ت ي ن أ ال م ع م ك د ح أ



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Only Allah knows if any of us will live to witness the next Ramadhan. This should be an enough motivational factor, for us to present out best of etiquettes to the holy month.

Usually, having consciousness for etiquettes indicates that we have greater consciousness for the Dos and Don’ts in Ramadhan, which are all discussed in this book. See Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

Allah knows best.

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Chapter 8

4 Inspirations From Ramadhan In Ramadhan, everyone strives to fast in the days of the month as perfectly as possible and to carry out other righteous deeds as much as possible.

So, in this chapter, I thought I should share some true inspirational stories, which set me moving during the fasting month of Ramadhan in 2011, in Singapore.

The stories you are about to read are stories I heard, either from the persons involved directly, or them from people who had direct contact with them. I hope that they may refresh us and inspire us to work harder for the remaining days of Ramadhan and perhaps, they may motivate us to prepare well for the next Ramadhan, inhsa Allah.

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Inspiration 1:

It was after Taraweeh when I met a man, whom I came to know since 2008. He was waiting for a bus, at the bus stop. Coincidentally, we boarded the same bus. So, “This is a good opportunity for me to have a meaningful conversation throughout my trip, insha Allah”, I said to myself.

From the 30 minutes conversation we had, I understood that, he chose to come and perform his Taraweeh at Masjid Kampong Siglap (MKS), Singapore, because they perform 20 Raka’ahs at MKS, in which they recite one full 'Juz' a day, which will enable them to fully recite the Qur’an during Taraweeh, by the end of Ramadhan.

My friend believed (and I agree with him) that, the month of Ramadhan is such a great opportunity that a Muslim should seize every moment of it to perform Ramadhan-related ‘ibadah, as possible. In order to achieve that, he took one month leave from his work. 2011 was the eleventh year he took a month-leave from work, for the month of Ramadhan. Furthermore, he needed to take three different buses to reach the mosque.

Unless one has saved enough money to survive on his own, besides depending on Allah, subhanahu wata’aalaa, I, personally, do not encourage anyone to take a month off from his work because of Ramadhan. This is because every work one does with good intension is considered as ‘ibadah. However, I salute the man for his aspirations. No doubt, his sacrifice and determination clearly translate how much love he has for Ramadhan and also indicate how much love he possesses for Allah, Subhanahu wata’aalaa.

Inspiration 2:

Another man, whom I knew since 2007, mentioned in a discussion I had with him that he has promised himself to perform 20 Raka’ahs every night during this Ramadhan

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(2011). Therefore he ensures that he prays in a mosque that performs 20 Raka’ahs. This will help him set a new record, compared to his Ramadhan, the year earlier, when he had performed 8 Raka’ahs in some days. Also, it will motivate him to perform additional Ibadahs, the following year, insha Allah, on top of performing 20 Raka’ahs every night of Taraweeh.

He has made a promise upon himself that, insha Allah, his "that year" was going to be better than his "previous year", and his "following year" should be better than his "that year". To the best of what I know, the man involved in this story never misses his Subuh prayers in the mosque with Jama’ah.

Inspiration 3:

Another man, whom I heard of, wanted to take one month off from his work, but his request was rejected by his employer. So to fulfil his Ramadhan ambition he worked during the month of Ramadhan but decided to distribute whatever money he made that month among the needy, for the sake of Allah, Subhanahu wata’aalaa.

It takes a great courage for one to distribute his whole month salary, to the needy, for Allah’s Sake. No doubt, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, gave his entire wealth, for Allah’s Sake, but no two wise Muslims, will disagree, that Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, had greater faith in Allah, and thus, was very generous in His cause.

Inspiration 4:

I heard there was one Egyptian Hafiz by the name Shaikh Ali Ahmad Mahmoud Al-Minyawi. Shaikh Al-Miyawi used to lead Taraweeh prayers in Masjid Al-Kaff Kampong Melayu (MAKM), Singapore. He would lead in 20 Raka’ahs for Taraweeh and another 10 for ‘Tahajjud in the last 10 nights

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of Ramadhan each year. To the surprise of those who worked closely with him, he was suffering from cancer. Yet, he kept it secret and maintained his morale up at all times, and led the Taraweeh prayers 20 Raka’ahs or more, reciting one Juz’ each night, alone. This continued for a couple of years.

Shaikh Al-Minyawi passed away a few years ago in the month of Shawwal in the late 1990s, after doing his level best in the month of Ramadhan.

After hearing these stories, I told myself, “What would be your excuse for escaping Taraweeh and other night prayers?” “Would catching your favourite TV show (if there is any) be an acceptable reason for you to escape Taraweeh, especially in a season which only the chosen ones are granted the opportunity to live and witness?”

These stories reminded me of one verse in the Qur’an, in Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:23, in which Allah says:

It means, “Among the believers are men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah. Some of them have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting; and they have not altered in the least.”

Let us ponder on another verse in Surah Al-Ankabout, 29:69, in which Allah says:



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It means, “As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide

them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.”

These stories also give us a true certified examples of the life of Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, who would tight up the wraparound of his pants during the month of Ramadhan, for better performance of ‘ibadah and would wake up his family for night prayers.

Our annual guest (Ramadhan) stays amongst us for only 29 days or 30. Once he departs, he will never return. Any Ramadhan you may live to witness will be a different Ramadhan which will carry a different name, for its arrival will be in a different year. That is, if you would be granted another chance to live, to witness it.

Allah knows best.



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Chapter 9

9 Important Ramadhan-Related Issues This chapter aims to discuss common Ramadhan-related issues, which are easily forgotten and are only referred to, when Ramadhan comes back. I believe significant amount of Muslims fast throughout the year, but the reality is that, the majority of Muslims only fast when Ramadhan arrives. There lie the significance and relevance of this chapter.

The Ramadhan-related issues I’m going to discuss here include, kissing and hugging one’s spouse in Ramadhan, waking up in the state of impurity, or after the finishing of menstruation and postnatal bleeding, releasing semen in the daytime of Ramadhan, using Siwak and toothpastes in Ramadhan, wearing and smelling perfume in Ramadhan, taking injection in Ramadhan, taking blood or making blood

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donation in Ramadhan. The chapter will also highlight on using eye, ear and nose drops, in Ramadhan.

1. The Essence of the All Deeds; Intention

Niyyah or intention is the essence of any successful (rewarded) ‘ibadah, which a Muslim can carry out. Thus, the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has emphasized on its importance.

Sayyiduna Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth which was authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, “Deeds are according to the intentions behind them, and a person will be rewarded according to his intention.”

As far as the importance of intention is concerned, fasting is not exclusive. In fact, fasting without the appropriate intention means a literal hunger, which may lead to dietary, rather than rewards.

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, has said, in a Hadeeth narrated by Sayyidatina Hafsah, radhiya Allahu ‘anha, and reported by Imam Al-Nasa-ee:

ب م اال ع ن م إ إ ن م ا،و الن ي ات ال م ان و ىر ل ك ل ام ئ



ر ؛ الص ي ام ق ب ل ال ف ج ل م ي ب ي ت م ن ي ام ل ه ف الص



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It means, “There’s no [valid] fasting, for the one who did not make intention for it, before Fajr.”

When Should We Make Our Niyyah?

Based on the statement of the Hadeeth above, different

scholars have differed in opinions, on when exactly, should

intention be made? Should it made be once, for the whole

month, or should it be made every other night, throughout

the month?

Based on those differences in opinions, some understood

that it has to be made every night, before Fajr, of the day, for

which one is fasting. This means; for instance, one has to

make intention for fasting for tomorrow, anytime between

Maghrib and the time before Fajr, wihich is the time of

Sahur, and not after Fajr. Failure to decide (make intention)

within that given period means one’s fast is not valid, for the

day. This is the opinion preferred by Imam(s) Abu Hanifah, Al-

Shafi’ee and Ahmad Ibn Hambal.

Others have opined, that one intention, which is made at the

night of the first day (night) of Ramadhan, is enough and can

be maintained for the whole month, provided the person will

fast for the whole month continuously. Should the person

pause, due to voyage, or due to sickness, he will have to re-

establish a new intension, for the rest of the month, once

he’s back to his norm. This is the preferred opinion of Imam


Should the person forget to decide (make intention) to fast

for the whole month, his fasts are not valid (but Nafl) until he

intents. This means, if one fails to make his Niyya from the

first night of Ramadhan, and only remembers after to do

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that, after five days of fasting, his fast starts to be valid from

the day he remembers to make his decision (Niyyah) to fast

the month. He pays those days, in which he forgot to make

his Niyyah.

How Should We Make Our Niyyah?

Intention can be made the moment, one starts activities that

prepares him for fasting. For example, when one wakes up

for Sahur and/or takes Sahur meal, that should be enough

to identify his intention for fasting. One can make his decision

without declaring it verbally. This is because, intentions

(Niyyah/Nawaayaa) are not measured by words, but by

deeds. However, deeds are not necessarily proof of good or

genuine intentions.

Intention is made from the heart, and does not necessarily

have to be pronounced. What’s pronounced may differ from

what’s in one’s heart, especially if the person has no

consciousness when making the Niyyah, or does not

understand the words he recites for that purpose, if it’s in

Arabic Language.

But pronouncing one’s intention verbally doesn’t nullify the

deed, for which the verbal Niyyah is made, unless the verbal

declaration is made to please other than Allah, subhanahu


2. Kissing and Hugging One’s Spouse

Certainly, we kiss our spouses, and that is one of the best way to assure and reassure our love for them. But can we do that in Ramadhan? What may be the consequences of kissing one’s spouse in Ramadhan?

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In a Hadeeth narrated by Sayyidatuna AIshah, radhiya Allahu ‘anha, and authenticated by Imam Muslim, she said:

It means, “The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, used to kiss (his wives) while he was fasting.”

Kissing during the daytime of Ramadhan is, therefore, permissible between lawfully, righteously married couples. But…

It may be tempting for some men, and even women to do so, in Ramadhan. Please bear in mind, that overdoing it may lead to an extreme consequence. If you release semen in the process, your fast breaks, and you pay, after Ramadhan, insha Allah. If vaginal sexual intercourse occurs, both husband and wife have nullified their fast, and have to pay the day, in addition to fasting 60 days, continuously or feeding 60 poor, if they can’t fast for 60 days continuously.

Newly married couples can easily fall fouls to this, especially for those who wed only a week before Ramadhan…

The bottom line is, if you really want to reassure your love for your spouse, do it in the right time (and of course, at the right place). If you can control yourself, and the other party can also control him/herself, then by all means; enjoy!

3. Waking up in the State of Impurity

Impurity here refers to the state of Janabah, where semen is released, due to sexual intercourse, or when a woman

م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه ىالل ل ص ه الل ول س ر ان ك H م ائ ص و ه و ل ب ق ي



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finishes her menstruation or postnatal bleeding, but has not taken bath (Ghusl). Whichever it is, one has to take the holy bath (Ghusl) before they can perform any obligatory prayer (Solat).

Starting the fasting for a day while in the state of Janabah does not invalidate one’s fasting. This means, so long as one did not have the sexual intercourse After Azan of Fajr, or during the day time, his fasting remains valid. His fasting remains valid even if he goes the whole day without taking his Ghusl. Certainly, taking Ghusl is still necessary because the person will need to pray his obligatory prayers, not because he is fasting. Failure to take Ghusl also means that one can’t read the Qur’an, or even stay in the mosque for a long time.

The Prophet, sometimes, started his fast while he was still in the state of Janabah. He would take his Ghusl, after Azan, and perform his Subh prayers (on time).

Sayyidatuna AIshah and Ummu Salamah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhuma, narrated, in a Hadeeth authenticated by Imam(s) Al-Bukahri and Muslim, that:

It means, “Sometimes, the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, would wake up in the state of Janabah from his wives. He would then take bath (after Fajr) and continue his fast.”

What if one releases during the day time?

Releasing semen during day time can be equally by both genders. It can also be intentionally or unintentionally.

م ن ج ح ب ص ي ان ك ،اع م ج ن با H وم ص ي و ل س ت غ ي م ث



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Examples of intentional release are physical sexual intercourse and masturbation. Unintentional release can be caused by dream or carrying heavy things, or due to sickness.

The one, who releases semen unintentionally, would only have to take bath, so he can offer his obligatory prayers and Qur’an recitations. His fasting remains valid.

Intentional release of semen subjects the doer (whether or not it involves two parties, i.e.: husband and wife) to invalidation of his (or their) fasting for the day. He (or they) will have to re-fast, after Ramadhan, and also fulfil a penalty, by fasting 60 continues days or feeding 60 poor people, if he (or they) can’t afford the former.

4. Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding

What applies when one wakes up in the state of Janabah, and fails to take bath before Fajr, is also applicable to women who finish their menstruation or postnatal bleeding during the night. They can delay taking their holy bath, (Ghusl) until after Fajr. They can therefore fast, with the intention taken (made) before Fajr. This is provided the blood ceases at night.

Now, if a woman is fasting, and half-way in the day (any time between Fajr and Maghrib), her menstruation starts, her fast breaks there. And she pays for that day, after Ramadhan, insha Allah. She can eat and drink as usual.

For the one whose menstruation blood or postnatal blood was still bleeding in the dawn, and as a result she didn’t fast, if the blood stops during the day, she stops eating and drinking at that point of time, although it’s not considered as fasting. And she fasts for that day, after Ramadhan, insha Allah.

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5. Using Siwak… and Toothpastes in Ramadhan

Using Siwak, and cleaning one’s mouth is one of the good habits the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, stressed on, throughout his period of Prophecy. In fact, how he demonstrated it, with consistency is another evidence. Siwak can be used at all times, during Ramadhan or outside Ramadhan, in the morning, afternoon or in the evening.

In fact the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a Hadeeth, narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and authenticated by Imam Al-Bukhari:

It means, “Were it not that it would cause hardship to my Ummah, or to the people, I would have commanded them to use the Siwak for every prayer.”

Sayyiduna ‘Amir Ibn Al-Rabee’, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated, in a Hadeeth reported by Imam Al-Bukhari, that:

It means, “I have seen the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, using Siwak so many times whilst fasting, that I cannot count.”

We are, therefore, allowed to use Siwak or clean our mouths in any fasting day, even if we swallow the saliva that is

أ ل و الأ ن ع ل ىالن اس ش ق ع ل ىأ م ت يأ و ك ل ص الة م ع H ل م ر ت ه م ب الس و اك



-م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه ىالل ل ص -ي ب الن ت ي أ ر م ائ ص و ه و ،ىص ح االي م ك و س ت ي



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generated in the process. But we shouldn’t swallow the substance of the Siwak.

What about Toothpastes and Mouthwashes?

What is applicable to Siwak above, is applicable to toothpastes. But the difference is, when you use Siwak, you can swallow your saliva (not the substance of Siwak) in the process. But when using toothpaste, please don’t swallow your saliva, because by doing so, you are swallowing the toothpaste. Your fast breaks if that happens, and you will have to pay one day, after Ramadhan, insha Allah.

To play safe? Make sure you paste before Fajr, and enjoy swallowing your paste then. Only use Siwak during the day time, and you are safe.

As for mouthwash, it can also be used if one will ensure they don’t swallow the liquid.

Point to note is, the “bad” breath which we produce during fasting days in Ramadhan, is not generated from our mouth. It’s rather from our stomach, due to the emptiness of food in it. That breath only gets away after we breakfast (in the evening, of course!)

As reward for undergoing that experience, which may cause inconvenience to some, Allah Himself appreciates the bad breath which is generated due to fasting. The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a Hadeeth narrated by Sayyidina Abi Hurairah, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, and reported by Imam Al-Bukhari:

ه يب ي د ف ،و ال ذ ين ف س ل خ ل وف الص ائ م م ال م س ك ر يح الل ه م ن ع ن د أ ط ي ب



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It mean, “By the One, in Whose Hand my soul is, the smell of the fasting person’s mouth is better before Allah than the fragrance of musk.”

6. Wearing and Smelling Perfume in Ramadhan

Perfume produces good smell and represents cleanliness. Bad smell represents dirtiness or bad body odour. Using perfume, or encountering the smell of perfume doesn’t invalidate one’s fasting. Just like bad body odour doesn’t invalidate the persons fasting, nor does it invalidate the fasting of anyone who encounters him.

Perfumes here, can be oils and ointment, creams or even spray.

People’s preferences of good smells differ. What you like may not be liked by someone. But it’s not related to validation of either party’s fasting.

7. Injection in Ramadhan

Injection may be taken, for the purpose of nourishment or for medical treatment which doesn’t provide nourishment.

If injection is taken for nourishment, then it nullifies one’s fasting. Examples of injections with nutritional values are those that provide glucose, vitamins and the likes. But injections taken for medical treatment purposes do not nullify one’s fasting. Examples of such injections can be penicillin, insulin, or vaccinations.

It also doesn’t matter whether the injection is taken through the muscle or through the vein.

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8. Taking Out Blood or Making Blood Donation in Ramadhan

Taking out blood either laboratory tests or for donation purpose is allowed in Ramadhan. Blood taken for test are usually in small amount, and may not post any risk on the fasting person. But blood taken for voluntarily donation purpose is allowed on the condition that it doesn’t weaken the person.

However, if blood donation is required urgently to save a life, then, it becomes a compulsory to do so.

The fact that, taking out blood is unlike consuming nutrition makes it permissible. As for blood donation, which is a process that may require big amount of blood; it’s equivalent to blood cupping (Hijamah) which the Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, did while fasting, according to Imam Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Anas Ibn Malik, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu.

9. What About Eye, Ear and Nose Drops?

Applying drops for treatment through the eyes, ears or nose do not break one’s fast, simply because they are neither food nor do they substitute food.


I’ve presented in this chapter, Ramadhan-related issues, which may have different opinions in favour or in opposition. But, what I’ve indicated are what I personally believe and would practise should I encounter them. Therefore, I didn’t find the need to present different opinions.

Allah knows best.

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Part 3

What After Ramadhan

Part 3 aims to empower us, to keep the spirit of Ramadhan extended till the following Ramadhan. It therefore consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 10 Post Ramadhan Reflections… 7 Observations From Ramadhan

Chapter 11 6 Virtues We Should Cherish Until Next Ramadhan Chapter 12 Qiyaamullail in Ramadhan… Lessons & Experiences Chapter 13 Mutual Etiquettes & Values to Make Our Eid Visits Merry

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Chapter 10

Post Ramadhan Reflections...

7 Observations From Ramadhan First and foremost, allow me to wish you an ‘Eid Mubarak, to you and your loved ones (assuming you are reading this after

Ramadhan). May the next ‘Eid bring along more prosperity and

stability to Muslims, wherever they are. Ameen.

It's such a mixture of feelings; the successful completion of Ramadhan is one thing, and fast speed, with which Ramadhan left us, is another. All those seem to have happened in a blink of an eye. Time really flies.. Is it that we are really busy, that caused us not to realize how time flew, until Ramadhan was over? Or is it our time been squeezed... as one of the signs of end of time?

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In this chapter, I'm sharing my observations, which are related to Ramadhan.

This year (2012), unlike my previous Ramadhans for 10 years or so, I was not an Imam for Taraweeh, except for a couple of days (nights). I was therefore, given the opportunity to pray behind other Imams and learn from them, where applicable. As I learnt, I also observed mistakes that are avoidable.

When we determine to observe things around us, every moment is suitable for note taking. In such case, I'm not able to share with you every single thing I've observed in Ramadhan. For, some are really bitter truth.

First Observation

It was such an impressive and heart-warming seeing my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters sacrifice their leisure time; by putting in the effort to attend various congregations during the blessed month of Ramadhan. Most of whom attended 5 times congregations, on a daily basis. One could even observe that the saff (rows) were doubled during Zuhr prayers, in Ramadhan. That was something good, at least, for Ramadhan.

You could see how much effort Muslims put in, in order to make it for Isha’ and Taraweeh prayers, although Isha' prayers in Ramadhan are unusually longer than that outside Ramadhan.

It's even more inspiring when you could see the crowded Jama’ah in the peaceful Subh prayers.

This is something that we, Muslims, deserve praises and applauses for. As for our rewards, as long as we did it for His Sake, Allah will certainly please us. Ameen.

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Second Observation

One of the unique, but disappointing things I observed this Ramadhan is that, almost all the imams have the same voice. I almost became convinced that Allah subhanahu wata’aalaa created all of them the same, but I, thankfully, came to realize that they are the ones who have chosen not to be themselves, but copycats. I've already informed you; some of the observations are bitter; but truth!

Third Observation

Ramadhan is The Unique Month of Al-Qur’an. Yet, some 'Imams', for some unknown reasons, had chosen to make Ramadhan the Month of "Alhaakumu Al-Takaathur" until Surah Al-Naas. Some also made it the month of Surah Al-Qadr. Is it Sunnah or is it "highly recommended" in a way or another to do so?!

Why could an Imam still stick to reciting only that portion of the Surahs, in the time that Al-Qur’an learning has far advanced in our communities (Singapore, as an example)?

It's time that our Imams realize that [all] the Ma'moums behind them, even if they seem laymen, take their Solat and Qur’an seriously. Not all of them would prefer to speak their minds the way I'm doing here, but certainly each one of them will comment or react in his own way.

Fourth Observation

One of the disappointing Imams I prayed behind; could pray 20 Raka’ahs in 30 minutes or less. I'm not joking! The reason why he did that? He wanted to deliver his lecture! The righteous Salaf would stop all lectures and focus their time towards Al-Qur’an and Solat! Even if he (our Imam here) wanted to deliver his lecture, he could have prayed 8 Raka’ahs of Taraweeh, instead of 20, in a proper way; in a way, that will leave the impression that one shows respect to

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the position of Solat and that one values the feelings of the Jama’ah.

Fifth Observation

In one instance, I couldn't complete 8 Raka’ahs behind one of the Imams. My Solat has never been heavier before, although I was never sleepy. He recited the Qur’an in the Solat, as if he was in Tarannum competition! The worst was when he broke the Tajweed rules, just to suit his so called Tarannum! I had to offer my tissue papers to one of the Jama’ah beside me, as he was heavily sweating in a relatively cool evening.

Al-Qur’an is read and should be read like Al-Qur’an; following Al-Qur’an rules. Music is never part of Al-Qur’an recitation and we shouldn't be applying it in our Qur’an recitation.

Sixth Observation

One of the things I also observed is that, Singapore (where I first wrote these lines) is able to produce home grown perfect Qur’an reciters. Evidence? Some of the imported Imams (from Egypt, to be specific) were not better reciters than our local imams. In fact, our local imams have proven to be better.

In fact, they will be better, if they are given the trust the opportunity. How can they flourish and shine when they are not given the platform to practise?

Seventh Observation

Erm.. One of the strange things I also observed this Ramadhan is that, the closer one stays to the mosque, the later they go for Taraweeh.

Thanks to my father in-law, my (his) house is 7 minutes walking distance (0.6 km) to the mosque. Unfortunately,

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most of the nights I performed my Taraweeh in the mosque of my neighbourhood, I went late.. That bad? Yes.. Unfortunately; that's the truth. Sometimes, the truth hurts, especially when you have to say it against your own self.

But, anytime I reached the mosque, I find most of the congregators in the last rows (for late comers) are my neighbours. When I turned around behind me, I find those who stay nearer to the mosque that I am, to have come even much later. No offence, my dear neighbours. I love you, for Allah's Sake. :)

Those are true experiences I've observed. Thanks to Allah for allowing me to be a 'Ma-moum' most of the days this Ramadhan, so I could assess Taraweeh from the perspective of a 'Ma-moum'.

If Imams don't find this chapter as a reminder for them to reflect, this chapter will remain one of my constant references for reflections and corrections, as an Imam, insha Allah.

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Chapter 11

6 Virtues We Should Cherish Until Next


This chapter aims to answer the same question, which each one of us asks himself at the end of every Ramadhan “What After Ramadahn?” I hope it answers them effectively, in a way that will keep us moving righteously, until next Ramadhan.

To some, the first day after Ramadhan sends us back to our normal routines. But to the majority, I assume, the days after Ramadhan serve as an extension of Ramadhan, thus, they strive to fill them with rewarding deeds, similar to their strive for rewards in Ramadhan.

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What after Ramadhan? The Fast Continues…

The best person, to whom we can refer, for an answer to the question posed, “What after Ramadhan?” is Rasulullah.

There are numerous Ahaadeeth in which Rasulullah taught us what we are supposed to do, after Ramadhan. One of those Ahaadeeth is the Hadeeth narrated by Abi Ayyoub Al-Ansari, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, reported by Imam Muslim, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, "He who observes fasting in the month of Ramadan, and also observes another six days of fasting, in the month of Shawwal, it is as if he has observed fasting for the whole year.''

These six days of fasting (in Shawwal) can be done continuously. They can also be done separately; as long as they are done within Shawwal.

We can also observe fasting twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays), as part of what Rasulullah used to do. Sayyidatuna Aishah, radhiya Allahu ‘anha, said in a Hadeeth reported by Imam Al-Tirmizhi:

It means, “Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, used to observe fast on Mondays and Thursdays.”

،الو ش ن ام ت س ه ع ب ت أ م ث ان ض م ر ام ص ن م H ر ه الد ام ي ص ك ان ك



م ل س و ه ي ل ع ه ىالل ل ص ه الل ول س ر ان ك يس م الخ و ن ي ن ث ال م و ىص ر ح ت ي



Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



If one is unable to fast twice a week (eight days a month), Rasulullah encouraged him to fast only three days a month, instead. Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘Aas, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, narrated a Hadeeth, reported by Imam(s) Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said:

It means, "Observing fasting for three days every month is equivalent to fasting a full month''.

To emphasize and specify the 3 days referred to, in the Hadeeth above, Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in another Hadeeth narrated by Abi Zharr Al-Ghifaari, radhiya Allahu ‘anhu, reported by Imam Al-Tirmizhi:

It means, "If you want to observe three days of fasting in a month, then fast on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of the (lunar) month.''

What after Ramadhan? Remain Attached to the Qur’an…

In Ramadhan, many of us selflessly relate to the Qur’an, and read it almost all the time. Our continuity of establishing better relationship with Al-Qur’an, through reading, contemplations, reflections, studies and other righteous deeds broaden our minds, as Muslims who seek light and

ر ه ش ل ك ن م ام ي أ ة ث ال ث م و ص H ه ل ك ر ه الد م و ص



ث ال ث م ص ف ثا ال ث ر ه الش ن م ت م اص ذ إ H ة ر ش ع س م خ و ة ر ش ع ع ب ر أ و ة ر ش ع



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guidance towards Allah in the light of the Qur’an [and Sunnah].

What after Ramadhan? Maintain the


It was noticeable how Muslims sacrifice their sleeping time, in order to perform Qiyaam or Tahajjud. Tahajjud, as Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, did very often in Ramadhan, he, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, was also frequent in doing it outside Ramadhan.

The Prophet, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, did that to set a good example for us, and also to set a benchmark for us. So let's keep up the tradition of Rasulillah salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam.

What after Ramadhan? Don’t Forget the Less


It's heart-warming to see that the welfare of the poor and the needy are taken care of, by those who are well-off, amongst us. However, the moment Ramadhan departs, the kind-hearted among us do depart, too. Strange indeed! I'm still searching to find out; where do they go to, for 11 months?

Let's work to ensure the poor amongst us, whose condition became better due to the generosity of the rich among us, continue to feel they are cared for. To achieve that, the rich among us should continue to take care of their needs.

Let's imagine; if Allah was to bestow His Mercy and Blessings upon us only in the month of Ramadhan, what would have happened to us? Similarly, let us not forget our needy brothers and sisters in Islam, once Ramadhan is over.

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We don't have to do it, only in the presence of media. Allah's media is the best media, and Allah's media covers our good deeds round the clock, although it remains unseen.

What after Ramadhan? Let’s Keep the Mosques

As Lively…

Many of us have certainly strived to make it, to perform their prescribed prayers in the mosques. Let's continue to keep up the same level of effort in making it, to filling the mosques during all prayers.

If we could fill the mosques during Isya' in Ramadhan, when we had to pray 15 Raka’ahs (4 Isha' + 8 Taraweeh + 3 Witr), or 27 Raka’ahs (4 Isha' + 20 Taraweeh + 3 Witr) all together, I don't see why we can't continue to make it, to the mosques where only 4 Raka’ahs will be performed. What's applicable to Isha' is also applicable to Subh, Zuhr, Asr and Maghrib prayers.

What after Ramadhan? Cherish the Patience,

the Strive and the Sacrifice…

Masha Allah! Muslims are very conscious of Allah during the fasting month of Ramadhan. The level of musabarah (patience), mujahadah (strive), tadhiyah (sacrifice) shown, the tears shed, to mention a few, all indicate that, we are entitled to doing better than what we've done in Ramadhan.

Let's continue to benefit from the great blessings of Allah, which are abundantly provided and distributed in Ramadhan and outside Ramadhan alike.


Ramadhan, likewise any other months, is a season which is guaranteed significance by Allah. Our pleasure for the opportunity of Ramadhan should come in a form of appreciation to Allah, thus, our appreciation to Allah should

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be timeless, since He never fails to bestow His Blessings upon us, whether in Ramadhan or outside Ramadhan.

The patience and the perseverance we have shown in Ramadhan are an indication that we can fight our egos, our desire, and put Iblis at shame, insha Allah.

So let's strive to make our lives after Ramadhan an extension from the highly spiritually productive life which we enjoyed in Ramadhan.

Let's make our life after Ramadhan an extension of our life from the Ramadhan we're bidding a farewell, for only Allah knows; whether or not, we'll live to see the next Ramadhan.

Even if we are granted another opportunity to see another Ramadhan, only Allah knows; whether we'll be in a promising physical condition as we are in, today.

Allah knows best.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 12

Qiyaamullail in Ramadhan...

Lessons & Experiences...

This chapter was written as part of living the Ramadhan spirit till the next Ramadhan. Here, sharing with you, my experience in the Qiyaam(s) I was honoured to enjoy, together with the Jama’ah (congregation) who selflessly joined us in Masjid Al Abdul Razak, at Jalan Ismail, Singapore.

The beginning.. Being humble at the wrong time...

It didn't take me long, nor difficult time, to accept the offer of Ustaz Amirullah to lead the Qiyaam in Masjid Al Abdul Razak. It could be easier to be "humble"; by simply declining the offer and "keep low profile" at the wrong time. But I 'quick-thought' it was wise to come forward and accept the offer. If I declined, there're many who could have come forward, but I

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couldn't have had any right to give negative feedback or comments, even if it's an honest one, if the person(s) were incompetent in delivering. I could better blamed myself, should that had happened by saying to myself "You declined the offer, and hence, it's [just] wise to keep your input (negative feedback and comments) to yourself.

The first two mornings of the Qiyaam

Although I’ve been leading in Taraweeh prayers for 10 years or so, this (2012) was my first time to lead Qiyaamullail in a mosque (since I became a Hafiz). Therefore, I thought everyone does Qiyaamullail the way I do it, or the way (I thought) I know it's righteously done. I didn’t know that some of the Jama’ah expected to perform things like Solatul Hajah, or Solatul Tasabeeh and the likes, during their Qiyaamullail instead of the standard Tahajjud.

So, after a brother (Brother Zainal) announced the beginning of the Qiyaam by saying, “Solatul Qiyaami; Jaami’atan Rahimakumullah!” I led them in 8 Raka’ahs, two after another, followed by Shaf’ and Witr. All summed up to 11 Raka’ahs, performed in one and a half hours. The Ruku’s were obviously, longer than usual. The same thing happened to the Sujuds and all the other forms of the prayers.

The remaining mornings of the Qiyaam

Just before the Qiyaam of the third morning was about to start, the brother hinted to me; if I could explain to the Jama’ah what they could expect to pray. Some need to make special intentions. I was pleased to announce to the Jama’ah the following:

Dear Blessed Jama’ah,

Our Solat this morning is going to be like the usual Tahajjud, which Rasulullah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, did. It will be 8 Raka’ahs, two after another, followed by Witr (2+1). The

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Ruku’ and Sujud will be slightly longer than the usual Ruku’ and Sujud. In addition to the respective du’as which we recite in our Ruku’ and Sujud, one can repeatedly say the du’a which Rasulullah taught Sayyidatuna AIshah (since we were in Ramadhan) to recite in case she coincides with Lailatul-Qadr:

It means, "O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, You love forgiveness; so forgive me.''

I also added, “In addition to that, one can present their needs before Allah, while being in the “long” Ruku’ or Sujud.”

When I explained it that way to the congregation, the psychological pressure on them dropped, I assume. One could see how comfortable the Jama’ah became after the whole prayers was over.

So, I made it a point to repeat the same announcement every other morning, before the Qiyaam started.

When it came to the Qunout, I would say to them (right from the first morning) just before the last Raka’ah (Witr), the following:

Dear Blessed Jama’ah:

The Qunout will be 10-15 minutes long. In case anyone is unable to stand for that period, due to sickness or some personal reasons, they may simply be seated, and carry on with their Solat. It's permissible to do so.

Despite giving the Jama’ah this option, I remember, it was only at one time, that I saw one of the (male) Jama’ah seated during the Qunout.

ين ع ف اع ف و ف الع ب ح ت و ف ع ك ن إ م ه الل This is Du’a… Don’t forget to memorize it!

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Those were the experience. Keep reading to know the lessons.

The lessons

One of the many good things about Ramadhan is that, it brings along different lessons for us to learn from; and such lessons are lifetime relevant. Here, I highlight some of the lessons I've learnt from the Qiyaam.

Lesson 1

Unless we explain to them, beforehand, the step by step (how-to-do) of what we are doing or going to do, some people won't understand them, automatically. They perhaps will never understand, even after seeing us doing it, or even after joining us in doing it.

So, it's important, when we lead people, be it in the mosque or outside the mosque (in religious and non-religious activities) to make it clear to the followers what we are doing and what they are expected to do.

Lesson 2

On average, the amount of attendance in the first two nights, compared to the remaining eight nights were the same, but the Jama’ah have developed, in a way or another, the feeling that, they are always in the mind of the Imam, starting from the morning I started to explain what we were doing. They had the feeling that they were treated with respect. This is although they didn't dictate what the Imam should do, as far as the entire Qiyaam is concerned.

Lesson 3

The announcement I made before every Qiyaam (from the 3rd morning onwards, thanks to the feedback), had helped to create a new and a better perception of Qiyaamullail in the knowledgebase of some of the congregation. Every

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announcement on any other morning had made the Jama’ah who joined us for the first time, felt comfortable. As for the regular Jama’ah of the Qiyaam, it created a re-enforcement of what they already knew, with regards to Qiyaamullail.

Lesson 4

The Qunout used to be 10 minutes long (or longer). I was, concerned about the Jama’ah finding it long (and indeed, it was, based on the Singapore "context"), but apparently, I was pleased to know that (some of the) Jama’ah were looking forward to the longer Qunout. This mindset was developed, after they were psychologically prepared for longer Qunout.

Lesson 5

In return for the longer Qunout, we had a very short du'a (less than a minute) after the Qiyaam was over. Usually, it "culturally" takes 10-15 minutes for the Imam to make du'a after the Qiyaam or Taraweeh, whilst spending 1 minute or less in the Qunout.


Thanks to Ustaz Amirullah and Brother Zainal; I was able to learn more lessons from this Ramadhan (2012). All that came additionally to the allowance I earned for leading the Qiyaam.

Allah knows best.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Chapter 13

Mutual Etiquettes and Values to Make Our

Eid Visits Merry

This chapter was written as a list post to outline the general etiquettes (adaab), which most of us (starting with myself) tend to overlook in our visits, during Eid seasons. I would like to maintain it here as “List Post” chapter, but with the expectations, that readers will spend of their time to contemplate on the message it carries.

Please feel free to create your own, or add some to those I’m presenting here.

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When we are the Host...

1. We should make our guests feel comfortable.

2. We should entertain our guests. They are here because of us.

3. We should not overdo things. Be yourself!

4. We should seek our guest’s permission first, before offering sweets (or gifts) to their kids.

5. We shouldn't be offended if our host or guest says ‘no’ to any of our offer. "Think Positive."

6. We should only kiss kids when we are sure we have no flu, runny nose, or any infections, which we are aware of.

7. We should send our guest(s) to the gate, when they are leaving.

8. It will be wise to send them to their vehicle or the bus stop (if it’s not far), especially if the person is alone.

9. Let them feel their visit is appreciated and looked forward to.

10. It’s always best to “Speak only kind words, or to remain silent”.

When we are Visitor...

1. We should make our visit for the Sake of Allah.

2. It's wise to make an appointment in advance. So, we should avoid making instant appointments: We may plan our visit in advance.

3. We should select the appropriate day for our visit.

4. We should select the right time for our visit.

5. After ‘Isya is not an appropriate time for visit, unless there’s an appointment in advance.

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6. We should not knock our host’s door ahead of the scheduled time. Instead, we should wait.

7. We should not knock our host’s door later than the scheduled time (we must be punctual).

8. We should knock the door gently (or ring the bell).

9. We may offer our 'salam' when it can be heard.

10. We should value the time of our host. 30 minutes is just a moderate (more than enough) duration to spend at our host's place.

11. We should be specific in our timing. Thus; we shouldn't use ‘After Asr’ or ‘After Zuhr’ in our schedule: Because 30 minutes “Before Maghrib” is part of “After Asr”. And 30 minutes “After Zuhr” is part of “Before Asr’. We've agreed to avoid visits "After Isha", right?

12. If we know we will be an hour late, it will be wise to postpone our visit.

13. “It’s OK” doesn’t necessarily mean “You are warmly welcome”.

14. We should watch our words when we are at our host's place.

15. We should be responsible for our child[ren]’s behaviour. We can't discipline our children in public (other's place). "Discipline (character) begins at home."

16. We should be sensitive; if our host is reporting duty (working) the next day.

17. If our host is not working the next day, it doesn’t mean they have plentiful time to waste.

18. We should respect the privacy and territories of our host.

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19. We should not smoke in our host’s house, even if they say "It's OK!"

20. We should accept any kind of food or drinks offered by your host, unless there is variety of choices. Or unless we are allergic to certain kinds of foods and drinks.

21. We should make our host feel we like their offer: So make sure you take something, rather than leaving everything.

22. Let's refrain from asking (“inviting”) our host to visit us. They will do so, at their time of convenience.

23. We may take photos only after seeking the permission of our host. I mean their approval.

24. We must seek our host’s permission first, before offering sweets (or gifts) to their kids.

25. We shouldn't be offended if our host says ‘no’ to any of our offer. "Think positive."

26. It’ll be wise to postpone our visit if we are suffering from flu, runny nose or any sickness. This is even more necessary, if our host has child[ren].

27. We should go offline while at our host’s place. So to say; we should avoid from being engaged with our mobile phones.

28. It won't be nice to play with the belongings of our host.

29. It’s not wise to use their phone. If the need really be, then it should be desperately.

Things we should avoid by all means

1. Have you heard of the guest who spent 12 hours at his host’s place (1300 – 0100)? It happens! Never join this club!

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2. Do you know the one who knocks others’ door after 2300hrs to visit them? Don’t be the one!


Different countries and cultures have different ways of celebrating Eid. What I've outlined here is an attempt to indicate what are common, wherever one goes.

What are the adaab (values and good manners) you have listed in your own list to observe, in this year's Eid and hoping to apply in subsequent Eids?

Finally, may I seize the opportunity to say, "Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones” (assuming you are reading this after Eid).

Allah knows best.

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



Feedback, Comments and

Suggestions are Welcome...

I would like to invite you to the blog, GSalam.Net, on which the content of this book was initially posted.

I would also like to invite you to suggest ideas and topics, which you would like to read on GSalam.Net.

Your feedback has been, and shall remain important. Feel free to send them to: [email protected].

Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadhan



About the Author

Alhamdulillah; all praises are due to Allah. All thanks are for Allah. All good are in the Good Hands of Allah. All affairs shall be returned to Allah. No god deserves to be worshiped but Allah. We seek His Forgiveness, and to Him, alone, we repent. May His Peace and Blessings, be upon the Master of creation, Habibi Muhammad, his family members, his companions and all those who follow his guided path, till the Day of Judgment.

Abdul-Salam [Bin] Abdul-Hameed was born in Ghana in 1983. He earned his elementary and secondary education in Ghana. In 1998, he went to Tunisia to complete his Qur’an memorization at Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Qur’anic School. In the year 2000 he went to Damascus, Syria, where he took his undergraduate studies, and was awarded with B.A. Degree in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies from the Islamic Call

College ( الس المية ال دعوة كلي ة ) in Shaikh Ahmad Kuftaro

Complex (Abu Nour). During his stay at Damascus, he was honoured with ‘Sanad’ (linkage) to Rasulillah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, when he successfully, separately, read the entire Qur’an (Khatmah) before Shaikh Maher Al-Munajjid and Shaikh Muhammad Al-Kull (Riwayah of Hafs), both of whom were certified and given Ijazah by the late Shaikh Muhammad Taha Sukkar.

Abdul-Salam was the first foreigner to win the first place in the Annual National Qur’an Competition of Tunisia, 1999. He also won the first prize in the Qur’an Memorization Competition organized by Shaikh Ahmad Kuftaro Complex, Damascus, Syria, 2001. In the year 2002 he represented Ghana in the King Abdul-Aziz International Qur’an Competition, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Abdul-Salam was a part-time Qur’an teacher to Arab and non-Arab students at the Shaikh Ahmad Kuftaro Complex in the period between 2002 and 2004.

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In 2006, Abdul-Salam moved to Singapore and was offered to join Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah as an Arabic Language Specialist where he taught Secondary and Pre-University levels. After two and a half years, he moved to Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah, where he taught Arabic Language and Qur’an; and developed resources for the Arabic Language. He left Madrasah Al-Irsyad in October 2011.

Abdul-Salam was given the privilege to contribute in Sekolah Ugama Radin Mas (SURM), which is one of the educational branches of the Religious & Educational League of Radin Mas (BAPA). Tahfeez (memorizing the Qur’an) is the core curriculum of SURM. He looked and examined the Tahfeez curriculum, for better performance of students.

Currently, Abdul-Salam is pursuing his sought for knowledge. He’s doing Master’s Degree (MeD) specializing in Instructional Technology in the International Islamic University Malaysia.

Abdul-Salam enjoys writing. He posts most of his writings on his blog site: www.GSalam.Net. In fact, this book (Reviving The Spirit of Ramadhan), is a compilation of articles he wrote on the blog site.

Allahu Hafiz

Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed GSalam Writer

Email: [email protected] Website: www.GSalam.Net Facebook: Twitter:
