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    1. It is a comparison showing differences, the opposite of similarity.

    A. Rhythm

    B. Character 

    C. . proportion

    D. Contrast

    2. The most important kind of character in architecture is that which result from the purpose of 

    the building or reason of erection.

    A.  proportion

    B. Contrast

    C. Functional character 

    D.  personal character 

    3. Most elementary means of organizing forms and spaces in architecture.

    A. alance

    B. !"is

    C. #cale

    D. Character 

    4. Characterized by an arrangement where all the part radiate from a center like the spikes in a



    B. Formal

    C. Centralized

    D. $nsymmetrical

    5. It means e%uality.

    A. Rhythm

    B. Contrast

    C. Formal

    D. alance

    6. It gi&es a feeling of grandeur, dignity and monumentality.

    A. Centralized

    B. Radial

    C. #cale

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    D. alance

    7. 'hen lines, planes, and surface treatments are repeated in a regular se%uence.

    A. alance

    B. Rhythm

    C. Contrast

    D. (roportion

    8. ! kind of character that came from the influence of ideas and impressions related to or

    growing out of past e"perience.

    A. !ssociated char.

    B. (ersonal char.

    C. Character 

    D. Functional char.

    9. It is e&ident by a comparison which the eye makes between the size, shape and tone of a

    &arious ob)ect or part of a competition.

    A. (roportion

    B. Rhythm

    C. #cale

    D. alance

    10. *eals with the relationship between the different parts of the whole to the &arious parts.

    A. Relati&e proportion

    B. !bsolute proportion

    C. (roportion

    D. alance

    11. It bears a certain relation to the same attribute to the life of an indi&idual.

    A. Functional char.

    B. Relati&e proportion

    C. (ersonal char.

    D. alance

    12. These systems are based on the dimension and proportion of the human body.

    A. (roportion

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    B. alance

    C. !nthropometric

    D. !nthropomorphic proportion

    13. The size and proportion of an element appear to ha&e relati&e to other elements of known or 

    assumed size.

    A. +isual scale

    B. Mechanical scale

    C. eneric scale

    D. -uman scale

    14. ind of rhythm where e%ually spaced windows are introduced on the broken wall, then

    regular repetition is presented.

    A. !ccented rhythm

    B. $naccented rhythm

    C. Rhythm of motion

    D. Rhythm

    15. The size of a building element or space relati&e to the dimensions and proportion of human


    A. eneric scale

    B. +isual scale

    C. -uman scale

    D. Mechanical scale

    16. The art and science of building design and construction

    A. !rchitecture

    B. theory

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    22. #ubtracting a portion of a forms &olume to create another.

    A. #ubtracting transformation

    B. #ubtracti&e transformation

    C. !dditi&e transformation

    D. *imensional transformation

    23. This refer to the manner in which the surface of a form come together to define its

    A. !rticulation of form

    B. Form

    C. Clustered form

    D. !rchitecture

    24. 'ho said /The will of the epoch translated into space3

    A. !dolf -itler 

    B. 0e Corbusier 

    C. Ching

    D. 4amandri

    25. Composition of linear forms e"tending outward from a central form in a radial manner.

    A. 0inear form

    B. Clustered form

    C. Radial form

    D. Centralized form

    26. !rchitecture is generally concei&ed, designed and realized.

    A. *esign process

    B. !rticulation

    C. Form

    D. Theory

    27. ! number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, centra5percei&e form.

    A. 0inear 

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    B. Clustered

    C. Centralized

    D. rid form

    28. 1ne or more dimension are altered but will retain its identity.

    A. #ubtracti&e

    B. *imensional trans.

    C. !dditi&e trans

    D.  61T!

    29. ! collection of forms grouped together by pro"imity or the sharing of a common &isual trait.

    A. rid form

    B. Clustered form

    C. Radial form

    D. 0inear form

    30. Can be regular or irregular, primary characteristic that identifies.

    A. #ize

    B. Color 

    C. 1rientation

    D. #hap


    Is the most famous for the eye catching tower he constructed in (aris for the e"positionuni&ersally of 7889 work of :iffel tower.

    A. !le"andre usta& :iffel

    B. !le"ander usta& :iffel

    C. !le" usta& :iffel

    32.1ne of the pioneers of the modern mo&ement in !merican architecture. 'ork auditorium building, $.#.

    A. *aniel urnham

    B. 0ouis -enry #ulli&an

    C. 'illiam 0e aron 4enney

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    33. 1ne of the pioneers of the modern mo&ement in !merican architecture. 'ork

    auditorium building, $.#.

    A. *aniel urnham

    B. 0ouis -enry #ulli&an

    C. 'illiam 0e aron 4enney

    34. !rch of the famous Twin Tower 'orld Trade Center 

    A. ;amasaki and Roth

    B. I.M. (ei

    C. runelleschi

    35. 1ne of the most sublime painters and sculpture and one of the most influential architect and

    draft man.

    A. Michael !ngelo

    B. (alazzo *ucale

    C. Richard ipling

    36. #cottish architect and designer who was prominent in the arts and crafts mo&ement in

    reat ritain.

    A. Charles Mackintosh

    B. . Robert !dam

    C. (eter ehrens

    D. Mies +an de Rohe

    37. Recei&ed the /(atnubay ng #ining at alinanagan /award for the city of manila, who is the


    A. (hilip Recto

    B. Tomas Mapua

    C. 4uan 6akpil

    D. !ntonio Toledo

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    38. In 7989 he recei&ed the prtzker prize commonly referred to as /The 6oble of

    !rchitecture= the loftiest recognition. It is a lifetime achie&ement award granted to

    li&ing architect whose body of work represents a superlati&e contribution to the field.

    A. Minoru ;amasaki

    B. Renzo (iano

    C. Frank ehry

    D. enzo Tange

    39. -is first designs were drawings of fantastic architectural &isions in steel and glass as well

    as costume and poster design.

    A.  6orman Foster 

    B. Frank ehry

    C. . Ieoh Ming (ei

    D. :rich Mendelsohn

    40. Much of his works has been described as post modern, since he re)ected the e"cessi&e

    abstractionism of architects such as 0e Corbusier and stro&e instead to incorporate the

    &alid elements of older style.

    A. ahn, 0ouis

    B. Ma"well, Fry

    C. Ieoh Ming (ei

    D. Marcel reuer 

    41. #panish architects, one of the most creati&e practitioners of his art in modern times. -is style

    is often described as a blend of neo5gothic and art nou&eau, but is also has surrealist and

    cubist elements.

    A. Marcel reuer 

    B. !ntonio audi

    C. !dolf 0oos

    D. 0ucio Costa

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    42. 1ne of the world3s 7st futurist and global thinkers. -is 79>? decision to work always and only

    for all humanity led him to address the largest global problems of po&erty, disease and


    A. . enzo Tange

    B. *aniel urnham

    C. uckminster Fuller 

    D. Frank ehry

    43. In his practice he e"plores the use of indigenous materials infused with current technological

    trends to bring a new dimension in designs

    A. Tomas Mapua

    B. 0eandro 0ocsin

    C. 4uan 6akpil

    D. Francisco Manosa

    44. !fterwards became deeply in&ol&ed in the design and building of French railways and

     bridges. -e worked on structures such as bridge across the aronne Ri&er, train stations at

    Toulouse and again in France.

    A. usta&e :iffel

    B.  6orman Foster 

    C. Ieoh Ming (ei

    D. !l&ar !alto

    45. -e has acti&ely promoted the use of nati&e architectural forms and indigenous nationals such

    as bamboo and thatch, in the creation of a distincti&ely Filipino architecture.

    A. (hilip Recto

    B.Francisco Manosa

    C. 4uan 6akpil

    D. !ntonio Toledo

    46. French5born, razilian architect and urban planner.

    A. *aniel urnham

    B. 1scar 6iemeyer 

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    C. Marcel reuer 

    D. !l&ar !alto

    52. -is insistence on the importance of design and formal e"pression in our li&es, and his adept

    handling of materials, light and space, e"plained why he is one of the great architects of the

    >Ath century.

    A. !l&ar !alto

    B. Robert !dam

    C. Richard Meier 

    D. Renzo (iano

    53. -e was called /Masters master= where his students are architects like ropius, reuer and

    +an de Rohe.

    A. :ric Mendelsohn

    B. (eter ehrens

    C. Frank 0loyd 'right

    D. +itru&ius

    54. ! erman architect who uses more representational styles which has been called

    /#crapped Classicism

    A. Robert !dam

    B. *aniel urnham

    C. (eter ehrens

    D. !l&ar !alto

    55. !rchitect of the /Reliance uilding= in Chicago.

    A. :ero #aarinen

    B. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    C. :liel #aarinen

    D. *aniel urnham

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    56. This famous dictum, /I am neither a capitalist nor a socialist, I am not a religious or an

    atheist= belongs to.

    A. 0ucio Costa

    B. uckminster Fuller 

    C. (ier 0uigi 6er&i

    D. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    57. !rchitect who leads the de&elopment of the Duezon Memorial Circle= in Duezon City.

    A. 4uan 6akpil

    B. Froilan -ong

    C. Francisco Manosa

    D. (hilip Recto

    58. :iffeltower I (aris stands

    A. 98> ft.

    B. 982 ft.

    C. 98E ft.

    D. 98 ft.

    59. #tarting with holes= belongs to architect

    A. Mies &an de Rohe


    1scar 6iemeyer C. Renzo (iano

    D. uckminster Fuller 

    60. ! house is a machine to li&e in= philosophy belongs to

    A. 0e Corbusier 

    B. (eter ehrens

    C. Frank 0loyd 'right

    D. 0ouis #ulli&an

    61. -e paid great attention to the detailing of the structure, which he attributed to his father3s

    teachings about craftsmanship

    A. Robert !dams

    B. Mies &an de Rohe

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    C. !ntonio audi

    D. Frank ehry

    62. 1ne of his stylish choice which are circles and s%uares were used in his design solutions.

    A. uckminster Fuller 

    B. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    C. Richard Meier 

    D. (ier 0uigi 6er&i

    63. Contributions where the ad&ocacy of the idea of planning rooms by &olume.

    A. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    B. 0ucio Costa

    C. Marcel reuer 

    D. !dolf 0oos

    64. -is solutions to building problem were always direct, transmitting to the ground by the

    shortest path the stresses de&eloped within the structures.

    A.  6er&i, (ier 0uigi

    B. Candela, Feli"

    C. !l&ar, !alto

    D. Mackintosh, Charles

    65. Father of modern architectural mo&ement in razil

    A. Feli" Candela

    B. 0ucio Costa

    C. 1scar 6iemey

    D. !dolf 0oos

    66. . /! city is sub)ected to growth, delay and rebuilt= belongs to,

    A. *aniel urnham

    B. enzo Tange

    C. Renzo (iano

    D. Frank ehry

    67. !n architect who is deeply concerned with architectural details and the craftsmanship that

    goes into them. :mphasis is often laid on the repetition of industrialized /modular units= in

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    his work.

    A. Renzo (iano

    B. Frank ehry

    C. #ir 6orman Foster 

    D. Michael ro&es

    c68. !rchitect of the /Reichstag= in erlin G Frankfort commerce bank buildingH

    A. uckminster Fuller 

    B. 0udwig &an de Rohe

    C.  6orman Foster 

    D. Frank ehry

    69. !pproach each building as a sculptural ob)ect, a spatial container, a space with light and

    air, a response to conte"t and appropriateness of feeling and spirit.

    A. 0ouis #ulli&an

    B.  6orman Foster 

    C. Frank ehry

    D. Frank 0loyd 'right

    70. !rchitect of the /Rockwell center=

    A. *aniel urnham


    Francisco ManosaC. Felino (alafo"

    D. 0eandro 0ocsin

    71. 'hose famous dictumJ philosophy is this /! house is a machine for li&ing=

    A. !l&ar !alto

    B. Frank 0loyd 'right

    C. 0e Corbusier 

    D. Robert +enturi

    72. 'hose famous dictum is this, /$nity disguised as chaos,comple"ity K contradiction are

    often what make works of art both e"citing and profound.=

    A. Renzo (iano

    B.  6orman Foster 

    C. enzo Tange

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    D. 0ouis ahn

    73. !rchitect of the 0ondon3s /#tansteed airport= which seem like a celebration of flight itself.

    A. Renzo (iano

    B. 0ucio Costa

    C.  6orman Foster 

    D. Frank ehry

    c74. !rchitect of the Centre (ompidou= in (aris.

    A. Richard Rogers

    B. enzo Tange

    C. Renzo (iano

    D. Frank ehry

    75. The world3s largest entertainment shopping center at !lberta, Canada. -as 7>? acre with a

     floor area of .> million s%. meters. It also ha more than 8AA stores and 77 ma)or department


    A. Megamall

    B. #hanghai Comple" Mall

    C. 'est :dmonton Mall

    D. 1klahoma 6ew #tare mall


    !rchitect of the /(-I+10C#= building in C.(. arcia !&e., *iliman, Duezon CityA. 'illliam Coscolluela

    B. Francisco Manosa

    C. Froilan -ong

    D. Felino (alafo"

    77. Finnish architect, who by preser&ing a rigor from !rt 6ou&eau and ne&er %uite succumbing

      to the full sentiment, produced e"tracting structures and restraint

    A. Candela, Feli"

    B. Costa. 0ucio

    C. #aarinen, :liel

    D. Ma"well, Fry

    78. !rchitect at the / 1ne #an Miguel !&enue=

    A. . 0eandro 0ocsi

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    B. Francisco Manosa

    C. (hilip Recto

    D. Froilan -ong

    79. (re5occupied with the notion of an industrialized /plug5in= city, he has de&ised schemes in

    which mobile residence pods are plugged into a steel frame which connects to mechanical

    and electrical ser&ices.

    A. *aniel urnham

    B. (ier 0uigi 6er&i

    C. (aul Rudolph

    D. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    80. razil3s best known and most important modern architect. From 79@ to 79@E he designed

      the ma)or buildings for rasilia the futuristic new capital of razil.

    A. Richard Meier 

    B. !dolf 0oos

    C. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    D. (ier 6er&i 0uigi

    81. *isco&ered new facilities in the interplay of &olumes, planes, le&els and better relationship of 

      the light and &iew which is one his style in design.

    A.Feli" Candela

    B. !dolf 0oos

    C. 1scar 6iemeyer 

    D. 0ouis #ulli&an

    82. Fre%uently works on a large scale and is renowned for his sharp, geometric designs.

    A. Renzo (iano

    B. Frank ehr 

    C. Ieoh Ming (ei

    D. :liel #aarinen

    83. !rchitect of the first sky scraper in Italy, The (irelli uilding. G79H in Milan, a

     collaborati&e design.

    A. enzo Tange

    B. Feli" Candela

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    C. (ier 0uigi 6e

    D. (aul Rudolph

    84. !rchitect who contributed the use of reinforcement concrete flames and large areas of 

     glazing GglassH where we applied today.

    A. Fry Ma"well

    B.  6orman Foster 

    C. !dolf 0oos

    D. Feli" Candela

    85. !lmost is nothing= philosophy of architect<

    A. (eter ehrens

    B. !dolf 0oos

    C. Mies &an de Rohe

    D. Fry Ma"well

    86. -is work was with simple forms, the distillation from history and the order of industrial

    techni%ues, this designs of bold, pure, simple forms offered both architectural integrity and

     structural honesty.

    A. (eter ehrens

    B. !dolf 0oos

    C. Mies &an de Rohe

    D. Fry Ma"well

    87. !rchitecture is decorated construction not constructed decoration= is an architect philosophy


    A. Fry Ma"well

    B. !dolf 0oos

    C. Mackintosh Charles

    D.. Mies &an de Rohe

    88. !rchitect of / *e la #alle $ni&ersity building= on Taft !&enue.

    A. !ntonio Toledo

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    B. 4uan +illegas

    C. Tomas Mapua

    D. (hillip Recto

    89. !rchitecture seizes upon space encompasses space and is space itself3 belongs to,

    A. usta&e :iffel

    B. 'alter ropius

    C. :rich Mendelsohn

    D. Robert !dam

    90. !rchitect of / #alt Institute for iological #tudies, in 0a 4olla, California

    A. Robert !dam

    B. (eter ehrens

    C. 0ouis ahn

    D. Fry Ma"well

    91. /*esign #cience= is a philosophy of architect<

    A. !l&ar !alto

    B. (aul Rudolph

    C. uckminster Fuller 

    D. . Mies &an de Rohe

    92. !rchitect of /1ur 0ady= at :*#! shrine of the 798@ Filipino Re&olution.

    A. (hilip Recto

    B. 'illiam Coscoll

    C. Francisco Manosa

    D. 'illiam (arsons

    93./:&erything started with the 6ipa -ut= belongs to

    A. . 0eandro 0ocsin

    B. Remigio :sguerra

    C. Francisco Manosa

    D. Froilan -ong

    94. -is ability to select and use motifs from the classical anti%ue in an original way led to his

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    success, and his interior designs are one of the finest e"pressions of 78 th century artistic


    A. (eter ehrens

    B. Mies &an de Rohe

    C. !lberti 0ean attista

    D. Robert !dam

    95. Transformed the renaissance tradition of the uni&ersal artist5genius into the style which came

      to be known as aro%ue5 a fusion of the arts of archre, sculpture and painting to create

    new forms which abo&e all created a dramatic impact and in&ol&ed the spectator.

    A. orromini Fransesco

    B. artning 1tto

    C. . ernini io&anni 0orenzo

    D. Robert !dam

    96. The youngest of the pioneer modernists, was instrumental in shifting the bias of the

      auhaus from the !rts and Crafts= to !rt and technology.

    A. (eter ehrens

    B. Marcel reuer 

    C. Robert !dam

    D.!l&ar !alto

    97. !rchitect, sculptor and engineer who was the main initiator of stylistic changes in

      Renaissance archer. The engineering feat represented by the cupola of Florence cathedral

      staggered by his contemporaries.

    A. runelleschi Fillippo

    B. orromini Fransesco

    C. ernini 0orenzo

    D. !ntonio audi

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    98. !rchitect of the $6:#C1 building in (aris which the striking feature of this comple" is the

    enormous /;= shaped office and conference room block.

    A. Cass ilbert

    B. Robert !dam

    C. . !l&ar !alto

    D. Marcel reuer 

    B99. !rchitect and painter, one of the personalities of Italian renaissance archer. !lready in his

    early works he changed con&entional archer space by inserting illusionist features more

      typical of painting and storage settings.

    A. runelleschi Fillippo

    B. 0eonardo da +inci

    C. ramante *onato

    D. ernini 0orenzo

    100. 6icknamed /The #hell builder= because of his e"tensi&e e"ploration of the structural

     possibilities of lightweight concrete roof construction, often using comple" cur&e forms to

      e"ploit the tensile strengths within this &ersatile material.

    A. Frank 0loyd 'right

    B. Feli" Candela

    C. (ier 0uigi 6er&i

    D. :liel #aarinen