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Zinc supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality in very-lowbirth-weight preterm neonates: a hospital-based randomized, placebo-controlled trial in an industrialized countryGianluca Terrin, Roberto Berni Canani, Annalisa Passariello, Francesco Messina, Maria Giulia Conti, Stefano Caoci, Antonella Smaldore, Enrico Bertino, and Mario De Curtis



aimed to investigate the efficacy of high zinc doses to reduce morbidity and mortality and promote growth in preterm neonates

SUBJECTS AND METHODSGroup 1Group 2zinc group : multivitamin product containing zinc (Previtamin 0; DUPI)Placebo control group : similar multivitamin preparationwithout zinc (Previtamin; DUPI)

bronchopulmonary dysplasia, periventricular leucomalacia, retinopathy of prematurity


TABLE 1Composition of the multivitamin preparations used in the study

FIGURE 1. Study design

Data mengenai usia kehamilan, berat badan saat lahir, cara persalinan, beberapa lahir, jenis kelamin, skor Apgar, Indeks Risiko Kritis untuk Bayi skor (20), adanya sindrom gangguan pernapasan, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), modus, dan durasi mekanik ventilasi, mulai dari makanan enteral, waktu untuk mencapai enteral penuh makan, penggunaan ASI, kehadiran dan durasi vaskular sentral akses, waktu-ke-discharge, terjadinya akhir-onset sepsis, NEC, BPD, PVL, perdarahan intraventrikular, dan ROP adalah dikumpulkan oleh peneliti tidak bertanggung jawab atas manajemen klinis peserta. Diagnosis akhir-onset sepsis, NEC, BPD, PVL, dan ROP dilakukan sesuai dengan kriteria standar (21-25) oleh dokter menyadari desain penelitian dan tujuan. Discharge diputuskan oleh dokter yang sama dengan penggunaan Kriteria yang ditunjukkan oleh American Academy of Pediatrics (26). Kursus belajar pasien dilaporkan pada Gambar 1.6

TABLE 2Daily doses of vitamins and zinc in the 2 study populations


FIGURE 2. Flow of neonates through the study. Mean (6SD) age at discharge: group 1, 59 6 31 d; group 2, 49 6 35 d.malformations, early-onset sepsis, and corioamnionitis


TABLE 3Main demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population

TABLE 4Neonatal morbidities observed in the 2 study groupsRESULT

CONCLUSIONA high zinc intake could be considered a safe and useful nutritional intervention in early life. Further studies should be performed to shed light on the mechanisms underlying the effects observed