


Plants are _______________, which means they can make their own food using energy from the sun


The first stage of photosynthesis, the light harvestings steps are called……

The light dependent reactions

These reactions take place in the …...

Thylakoid membrane

The light reactions occur in two stages, the first collection of proteins and pigments is called….

Photosystem II

Within PSII, the reaction center contains a series of pigments and a special molecule of ____________________ which transfers excited electrons to the primary electron acceptor.

Chlorophyll a

Chlorophyll is green because it ________or __________ green light.

Reflects or transmits

An absorption spectrum for chlorophyll and the action spectrum for photosynthesis are not exactly the same. WHY?

Plants generally have more than one type of pigment.

The energy of the energized electrons from reaction center II are used to ….

Pump H+ from the stroma to the lumen.

These energy depleted electrons are used to replace electrons lost in …….

reaction center I of PSI.

Energized electrons in PSI are passed to a chlorophyll a, then to a primary electron acceptor and then to an electron transport chain. Eventually they are used to ___________NADP+ to form NADPH


Electrons lost by PSII are replaced by electrons removed from _____________.


Complete the equation…H2O ½ O2 + ___e- + __H+

H2O ½ O2 + _2_e- + _2_H+

H+ pumped to the lumen diffuses through a _____________ to causes the formation of __________ from ________.

ATP synthase ATPADP + Pi

The products of the light reactions are 1.2.3.

1. NADPH2. ATP3 Oxygen

The second Part of Photosynthesis that does not require light is called…

The “Light independent reactions”The Dark ReactionsThe Calvin Cycle

_______________is the enzyme that combines Carbon dioxide with a five carbon molcule called ribulose bis-phosphate to form a 6 carbon molecule.


Cyclic electron flow is used to generate more _________ because the Calvin cycle needs mor of this energy molecule .


Variations of photosynthesis occur in plants that are sometimes in low carbon dioxide environments where they fix CO2 temporarily in 4 carbon compounds, this type of plant is called a _____ plant.


A second variation of photosynthesis occurs in plants that exist in dry environments where somata are closed during most of the day. These plants are called ______________

CAM Plants

The products of the Calvin cycle are

NADP+, ADP + Pi, and 3 carbon compounds.

The 3 carbon compounds that exit the calvin cycle can be truned into ………..

Moleucles like glucose, polymers like starch and cellulose or other materials need by the cell.

The overall equation for photosynthesis is….

6CO2 and 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

The reactions of the calvin cycle take place specifically in this area of the chloroplast.







