Download pptx - Review Chapter #1 RISK Game


Converge or Diverge Game

Review Chapter #1RISK Game

Remember:* Bets must be AT MOST half of what you currently have* Bets are made in $50 increments* You may bet $0 only ONCE* Your work will be handed in for participation pointsA small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: What is the minimum number of votes required to pass a bill?PLACEYOUR BETA small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: What is the minimum number of votes required to pass a bill?ANSWER:6Given the scenario previously mentioned, how many coalitions are possible?PLACEYOUR BET

Given the scenario previously mentioned, how many coalitions are possible?Given the same scenario, list all possible coalitions with voting bodies A, B, C and D.Be sure to include their point totals!Try and do this in an orderly fashion!PLACEYOUR BET

Given the same scenario, list all possible coalitions with voting bodies A, B, C and D.Be sure to include their point totals!

Try and do this in an orderly fashion!{ }AB;5ABC;6ABCD;10A;3AC;4ABD;9B;2AD;7ACD;8C;1BC;3BCD;7D;4BD;6 CD;5 A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: What are the winning coalitions?Write you answers like { A,B,D;10}PLACEYOUR BET

A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: What are the winning coalitions?Write you answers like { A,B,D;10}ANSWER:{ A,B,C;6}{A,B,C,D;10}{B,C,D;7}{A,C,D;8}{A,B,D;9}{B,D;6}{A,D;7}A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: Find the power index for each province.PLACEYOUR BET

A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: Find the power index for each province.ANSWER:A = 3B = 3C = 1D = 5What % of the vote does D have?What % of the power does D have? PLACEYOUR BET

What % of the vote does D have?What % of the power does D have?What % of the vote does D have?What % of the power does D have?A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: Name the dummies and/or dictators.PLACEYOUR BET

A small country has 4 provinces A, B, C and D. Each province contains 30%, 20%, 10% and 40% of the population in the country, respectively. The number of votes assigned to each province is: A 3B 2C 1D 4Under the current legislative process, a bill can pass by a simple majority vote.

Q: Name the dummies and/or dictators.ANSWER:There are no dummies or dictatorsDetermine whether any voter is a dictator and whether any is a dummy.A 10 votesB 8 votesC 6 votesD 3 votes20 votes are needed to pass an issuePlace your bet!Determine whether any voter is a dictator and whether any is a dummy.A 10 votesB 8 votesC 6 votesD 3 votes20 votes are needed to pass an issueNo one is a dictator because no one has 20 or more votes ANDNo dummies because each voter is essential in at least one winning coalitionDetermine whether any voter is a dictator and whether any is a dummy.A 20 votesB 10 votesC 8 votesD 1 votes20 votes are needed to pass an issuePlace your bet!Determine whether any voter is a dictator and whether any is a dummy.A 20 votesB 10 votesC 8 votesD 1 votes20 votes are needed to pass an issueA is a dictator because it has 20 votes and 20 votes are needed to pass the issue ANDB, C and D dummies because they dont have enough points to pass and issueA corporation has 4 shareholders and a total of 60 shares. Each share is worth one vote. The # of votes needed to pass an issue is a simple majority. The # of shares are as follows: A 27 B - 15 C - 12 and D - 6 The winning coalitions are[A,B; 42] [A,B,C; 54] [A,B,C,D; 60][A,C; 39] [A,B,D; 48][A,D; 33] [A,C,D; 45] [B,C,D; 33] The power indexes are as follows: A = 6 B = 2 C = 2 D = 2B owns 25% of the shares. What fraction of the power does B have?Place your bet!A corporation has 4 shareholders and a total of 60 shares. Each share is worth one vote. The # of votes needed to pass an issue is a simple majority. The # of shares are as follows: A 27 B - 15 C - 12 and D - 6The winning coalitions are[A,B; 42] [A,B,C; 54] [A,B,C,D; 60][A,C; 39] [A,B,D; 48][A,D; 33] [A,C,D; 45] [B,C,D; 33]The power indexes are as follows:A = 6 B = 2 C = 2 D = 2B owns 25% of the shares. What fraction of the power does B have?2/12 = 1/6Question #:Place your bet!If each person approves of their first 3 choices, who is the winner using the approval method?If each person approves of their first 3 choices, who is the winner using the approval method?