



U.S. Air Force:

Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson

Master Sergeant Scott Moller

Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez

Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver

U.S. Army:

Private Angelique J. Rosado

Master Sergeant Jill Agront

Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr.

Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus

PFC Zaymery Villalobos

Special Force Kareem Inniss

Spc. Richard Aquilar

Captain Gavin Campbell McMahon

LTC Douglas Boltuc

Sgt. Andrew Gandolfo

PFC Francisco Fuentes Melinium

PFC Stefan Saindoux

PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr.

PFC Betty Piquion

U.S. Marines:

1st Battalion Carlos Fuentes

CPL Daniel C. Monroe

RCT Eric Joel Vazquez

Sergeant W. Jason Ferris

L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez

U.S. Navy:

Airman Herbert J. Alvarado

JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron

Chief Petty Officer John V. Sparkowski

Lt. Joseph A. Baugh

Cpl. Eric Omar Matos

Lt. John R. Esposito

AG2/Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael McGee

Fr. Christopher Costigan, Pastor ........ Ext. 302

Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 301 Parish Assistant

Mrs. Kathy Day ......................................... Ext. 304 Bookkeeper

Mrs. Marlene Jean-Baptiste Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 320

Ms. Barbara Powell Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 321

Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 312 Bulletin Editor

Voice Mail Only: Must Leave a Message

Deacon Hernst Bellevue ............................ Ext. 346 Director of Adult Faith Formation English/Creole Baptismal Program

Mr. Alvin Ingram ....................................... Ext. 347 Liturgy Chairperson

Mr. Tom Gould ......................................... Ext. 348 Plant Manager

Mrs. Dulce Sepulveda ................................ Ext. 349 Spanish Baptism Program

Elissa Hanson ............................................ Ext.350 Choir Director & Organist

Ms. Lisette Joachim .................................... Ext 351 Ministry of Consolation

Deacon Evenou Saint-Louis Parochial Archivist ..................................... Ext. 352


Deacon Trevor Mathurin, Director of Religious Education ........................ Ext. 311 Mrs. Imogene Regan, RCIA Director ................................................. Ext. 314


Christ will come again.” Christ has risen,

“Christ has died,


Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]


~ Resurrection of the Lord Sunday ~

Christos Anesti, Alithos Anesti

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! The Church

around the world today begins our annual celebration of the Lord’s victory of sin and death through His self-

emptying love on the Cross on Good Friday and the empty tomb this Easter Sunday. We began Holy Week

one week ago by hearing, in the beautiful words of Saint Paul, that is by Christ’s humility that the battle is

fought and won. We experienced that as we went through the week: the powerful words of Isaiah during the

early part of the week, the gift of the Eucharist commemorated on Holy Thursday, the total giving of self on

the Cross on Good Friday, the quiet “nothingness” of Holy Saturday, and the first moments of our celebration

of the Resurrection as the first flicker of light began to illuminate the church gathered in darkness late Holy

Saturday evening.

We remember that the events of the Paschal Mystery are lived and experienced through time and space. We

don’t simply commemorate something that happened in the past. Rather, we acknowledge that we are given

by God the gift of entering into a mystery that is eternal.

I would like to welcome to our beautiful church those who are visiting for the weekend as well as those who

may be returning. Bishop Barres challenged each of us to invite someone we love to come with us to Mass.

For those who accepted the invitations of your family and friends, and listened to the quiet prompting of the

Holy Spirit, we are glad you are with us! For those who had the courage to listen to the words of the Bishop,

thank you! We are reminded by Pope Francis that all of us, without exception, are called to be missionary dis-

ciples! We have to go forth from ourselves into the world spreading the Gospel of Jesus and His Resurrection.

As we go through these next 50 Days of the Easter Season, we will see how the power of the Resurrection

changed the disciples. They went from hiding in the Upper Room out of fear to going to the ends of the earth

to spread the Gospel—no matter the earthly consequences. We are given the same Gifts of the Holy Spirit as

they have been given. We have to follow their example—all of us, without exception.

A word of thanks to all who put in so much effort over these past weeks: our liturgy committee, office staff,

maintenance staff, musicians, servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, sacristans,

and all who worked behind the scenes to make these most important liturgies beautiful and prayerful.

Fr. Chris


Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]


~ Resurrection of the Lord Sunday ~

Christos Anesti, Alithos Anesti

Este es el día que hizo el Señor; regocijémonos y alegrémonos! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! Él ha resucitado! La

Iglesia en todo el mundo hoy en día empieza nuestra celebración anual de la victoria del Señor del pecado y la

muerte por su amor incondicional en la cruz el Viernes Santo y la tumba vacía este Domingo de Pascua. Co-

menzamos la Semana Santa hace una semana por el oír, en las hermosas palabras de San Pablo, que es por la

humildad de Cristo que la batalla se luchó y ganó. Hemos experimentado que a medida que avanzamos a tra-

vés de la semana: las poderosas palabras de Isaías en la primera parte de la semana, el don de la Eucaristía

conmemora el Jueves Santo, la entrega total de sí mismo en la cruz el Viernes Santo, el tranquilo “nada” del

sábado Santo, y los primeros momentos de la celebración de la resurrección como el primer destello de luz que

comenzó a iluminar la iglesia reuniéndose en la oscuridad del Sábado Santo por la noche.

Recordemos que los acontecimientos del misterio pascual se vivieron y experimentaron a través del tiempo y

el espacio. No nos limitamos a conmemorar algo que sucedió en el pasado. Por el contrario, reconocemos que

se nos da por Dios el don de entrar en un misterio que es eterno.

Me gustaría dar la bienvenida a nuestra hermosa iglesia a los que están de visita este fin de semana, así como

aquellos que pueden estar regresando. El Obispo Barres nos desafió a cada uno de nosotros para invitar a al-

guien que le gustaría venir con nosotros a la misa. Para aquellos que aceptaron las invitaciones de su familia y

amigos, y escuchó el silencio impulsivo del Espíritu Santo, nos alegramos de que esté con nosotros! Para los

que tuvieron el valor de escuchar las palabras del Obispo, gracias! El Papa Francisco nos ha recordado a todos

nosotros, sin excepción, estamos llamados a ser discípulos misioneros! Tenemos que salir nosotros mismos a

el mundo difundiendo el Evangelio de Jesús y su resurrección.

A medida que avanzamos a través de estos próximos 50 días de la temporada de Pascua, vamos a ver cómo el

poder de la resurrección cambió a los discípulos. Pasaron de esconderse en el Cenáculo por miedo, a ir hasta

los confines de la tierra para difundir el Evangelio, sin importar las consecuencias terrenales. Los mismos

dones del Espíritu Santo que les fueron otorgados a ellos , nos los han dado a nosotros también. Tenemos que

seguir su ejemplo, todos nosotros, sin excepción.

Una palabra de agradecimiento a todos los que ponen tanto esfuerzo durante estas últimas semanas: nuestro

comité de liturgia, personal de oficina, personal de mantenimiento, los músicos, los servidores, lectores, minis-

tros extraordinarios de la Comunión, sacristanes, y todos los que trabajaba detrás de las escenas para hacer es-

tas liturgias tan importantes hermosa y orantes.

Padre Chris


Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]


~ Resurrection of the Lord Sunday ~

Christos Anesti, Alithos Anesti

Voici le jour que le Seigneur a fait; réjouissons-nous et soyons heureux! Le Christ est Ressuscité! Il est vrai-

ment ressuscité! Aujourd’hui, l'Eglise dans le monde entier commence la célébration annuelle de la victoire du

Seigneur sur le péché et sur la mort, par son amour et son dépouillement total sur la Croix le Vendredi Saint,

jusqu’au tombeau vide le Dimanche de Pâques. Il y a une semaine, nous avons débuté la Semaine Sainte en

écoutant les belles paroles de Saint Paul, que la bataille a été gagnée par l’humilité du Christ. Nous en avons

fait l’expérience pendant cette semaine: les parole édifiantes d’Isaïe au début de la semaine, le don de l’Eucha-

ristie célébré le Jeudi Saint, le don total de soi sur la Croix le Vendredi Saint, le calme et le «néant » du

Samedi Saint, et les premiers moments de notre célébration de la Résurrection, quand la première lueur a

éclairé l’église où nous étions réunis dans l’obscurité le soir du Samedi Saint.

Nous nous souvenons que les événements du Mystère Pascal sont vécus et connus à travers le temps et l’e-

space. Nous ne commémorons pas des faits qui font partie du passé. Nous reconnaissons plutôt que nous

recevons de Dieu le don de pénétrer dans un mystère qui est éternel.

Je voudrais souhaiter la bienvenue dans notre belle église à ceux et celles qui nous visitent pour le week-end,

ainsi qu’à ceux qui sont peut-être de retour parmi nous. Mgr. Barres a demandé à chacun d'entre nous d’invit-

er quelqu'un que nous aimons à venir avec nous à la messe. Pour ceux qui ont accepté l’invitation d’un parent

ou d’un ami et répondu à l’instigation de l’Esprit Saint, nous sommes heureux que vous soyez avec nous!

Pour ceux qui ont eu le courage d’écouter les mots de l’évêque, Merci! Le Pape Francis nous rappelle que

nous sommes tous, sans exception, appelés à être des disciples missionnaires! Nous devons sortir de nous-

mêmes et aller dans le monde pour répandre l’Évangile de Jésus et sa Résurrection.

Pendant les prochains 50 Jours du Temps de Pâques, nous allons voir comment la puissance de la Résurrection

a changé les disciples. Après s’être cachés dans la salle haute par peur, ils ont pu aller jusqu’aux extrémités de

la terre pour répandre l’Evangile – sans se soucier des conséquences terrestres. Nous aussi, nous avons reçu les

mêmes Dons du Saint Esprit. Nous devons suivre leur exemple, nous tous, sans exception.

Un mot de remerciement à tous ceux et celles qui ont fait tant d’efforts ces dernières semaines: notre comité de

liturgie, notre personnel de bureau, le personnel de l’entretien, les musiciens, les serveurs, les lecteurs, les min-

istres extraordinaires de la Sainte Communion, les huissiers, les sacristains et tous ceux qui ont travaillé dans

les coulisses pour que ces liturgies importantes soient belles et recueillies.

Pere Chris



The Hope of Easter

We, like Peter and the women, cannot discover life by

being sad, bereft of hope. Let us not stay imprisoned

within ourselves, but let us break open our sealed

tombs to the Lord—each of us knows what they are—

so that he may enter and grant us life. Let us give him

the stones of our rancor and the boulders of our past,

those heavy burdens of our weaknesses and falls.

Christ wants to come and take us by the hand to bring

us out of our anguish. This is the first stone to be

moved aside this night: the lack of hope which impris-

ons us within ourselves. May the Lord free us from this

trap, from being Christians without hope, who live as if

the Lord were not risen, as if our problems were the

center of our lives.

We see and will continue to see problems both within

and without. They will always be there. But today it is

important to shed the light of the Risen Lord upon our

problems, and, in a certain sense, to “evangelize” them.

To evangelize our problems. Let us not allow darkness

and fear to distract us and control us; we must cry out

to them: the Lord is not here, but has risen! (Lk 24:6).

He is our greatest joy; he is always at our side and will

never let us down.

This is the foundation of our hope, which is not mere

optimism, nor a psychological attitude or desire to be

courageous. Christian hope is a gift that God gives us if

we come out of ourselves and open our hearts to

him…. Today is the celebration of our hope, the cele-

bration of this truth: nothing and no one will ever be

able to separate us from his love (cf. Rom 8:39).

The Lord is alive and wants to be sought among the

living. After having found him, each person is sent out

by him to announce the Easter message, to awaken and

resurrect hope in hearts burdened by sadness, in those

who struggle to find meaning in life. This is so neces-

sary today.

Remember the words of Jesus, remember all that he

has done in our lives. Let us not forget his words and

his works, otherwise we will lose hope and become

“hopeless” Christians. Let us instead remember the

Lord, his goodness, and his life-giving words which

have touched us. Let us remember them and make

them ours, to be sentinels of the morning who know

how to help others see the signs of the Risen Lord.


“So they set out at once” The true height and fulfillment of the Easter night lies over and beyond the world of time in the rising of the last day and the dawn of eternity.

And that must be the victory of the feast for us: the unshakable cer-tainty that we are beyond time, in eternity, that we have passed over to our home above. The pain of this time cannot reach the deep plac-es in us any longer; it can only touch what is already dead in us. We have nothing more to do with sin; we have died to it. We have only to do with God, for our life is hidden in him. Our life in Christ must take its stamp from the night of Easter; then it will have its roots above; we shall not be shaken here, but hold fast and bear fruit.

The celebration of this night began at the tomb. But now we know: the tomb is empty. The angel has appeared, and announced the Resurrection. The offering is done. We have eaten the flesh of the Paschal lamb; we have gone across. There is only one things left for us to do: obey the angel. We are to tell the seekers, the doubters, those who have no belief: He is not here. He is risen, as he said. Seek the things above where Christ sits at God’s right hand. Have a mind for the things that are above, not for those on earth. SISTER AEMILIANA LOHR, O.S.B. (+1972) was a German Benedictine nun who wrote about the liturgy.



7:30AM - Lector: Joanne Williams

Eucharistic Ministers: Martha Ann Brady, Virginia Costello, Maria Gonzalez

Ushers: Jim Capriotti, Carmen Charles, Anton Brown, Genevieve Charles, Joseph Gedeon, Alex Apresa

11:00AM - Lector: Karleine Graham

Altar Servers: Nia Johnson, Gesni Vilfort

Eucharistic Minister: Mary Bediako, Winston Delpesh, Beverly Gray, Karen Hart,

If thou love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, thou shall serve Him well.

4-16-2017 - Resurrection of the Lord Sunday


April 23, 2017

Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24

1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31

Thank you for your generosity to St. Martha’s Parish!

April 9, 2017

5:00 PM Mass .................................................................... $1,047.00 7:30 AM Mass .................................................................... $1,546.00 8:45 AM Mass .................................................................... $4,190.00 11:00 AM Mass .................................................................. $3,266.00 12:30 PM Mass .................................................................. $1,803.00 Poor Box ................................................................................. $86.00

(Does not reflect donations made by Faith Direct)

This information does not reflect the Faith Direct weekly/monthly deposits.

This is NOT a substitute for your schedule! Please refer to the schedule

you received from the head of your ministry!

April 16, 2017

Monday April 17

8:30 AM ............. Ernie McGee

Tuesday April 18

8:30 AM ............. Henry Robert Bien-Aime

Wednesday April 19 8:30 AM Ernie McGee

Thursday April 20 8:30 AM ............. Murat Farul

Friday April 21 8:30 AM ............. Morning Prayer Service

Saturday April 22 5:00 AM ............. John Hearn & Family

Sunday April 23

7:30 AM ............. George Leonard, Jr.

8:45 AM ............. Parishioners of St. Martha

11:00 AM ........... In Thanksgiving for the

Bediako & Glasu Family

12:30 PM ............ In Thanksgiving for Jeff & Monica Josma



Scripture Readings

April 17—April 22

Monday, April 17 Acts 2 :14, 22 -33

Psalm 16 Mat thew 28:8 -15

Tuesday, April 18 Acts 2 :36-41

Psalm 33 John 20:11-18

Wednesday, April 19 Acts 3 :1 -10 Psalm 105

Luke 24:13-35

Thursday, April 20 Acts 3 :11-26

Psalm 8 Luke 24:35-48

Friday, April 21 Acts 4 :1 -12 Psalm 118

John 21:1 -14

Saturday , Apr i l 22 Acts 4 :13-21

Psalm 118 Mark 16:9 -15

Vocation Prayer

Merciful Father, you sent your Son into the world to free us from the power of sin and evil. Grant that, through the intercession of

the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Mercy, many young men will respond to your call to give of themselves in imitation of Christ the Redeemer. Fill them with the light of your Holy Spirit that they may renounce the power of the world, proclaim truth and freedom, and bring consolation and relief to oppressed Chris-tians. Bless our family of Mercy with numerous holy priests and brothers who will offer our world the testimony of your faith and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

Golden Wedding Liturgy

This spring, couples that have been married fifty

years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday,

April 30th at the Church of St. James in Seaford at

2:30 PM. Registration forms and complete instruc-

tions can be obtained at St. Martha’s parish center.

Registration must be received by the Office of Wor-

ship by April 21st. If you have any questions, please

contact the parish center at (516) 481-2550, Ext.


Bulletin Reflection

Very early in the morning after the Sabbath, Mary

Magdalene went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with

precious oils. The reward for this good and conscientious

steward was to be the first to know that Jesus had been

raised from the dead. Alleluia!

Living Stewardship

We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish

who share the “Good News” - that Christ is risen,

victorious over sin and death - wherever and whenever

they can!



E-mail: [email protected] - Cada martes, de 7:30PM a 10:30PM en el Centro Parroquial, al cos-

tado de la Iglesia, el Padre Miguel se encuentra disponible para dirección espiritual y confesiones. Consul-

ten con el Padre después de la misa..

GRUPO DE ORACION: Miércoles, 7:00 PM, en el gimnasio.

ULTREYA: Domingo, 11:00 AM en la Capilla.

JUVENTUD SIN FRONTERAS: Jueves, 7:30 PM, Salón Betania.

CORO HISPANO: Ensayo en la iglesia, los viernes a las 8:00 PM.

MINISTERIO DE ACOGIDA: Son los que extienden la bienvenida y entregan

las hojas de canto a los que llegan a la Misa.

MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CATÓLICO: Se reúne cada 15 días. Para informarse,

llamar al 516- 554-4503 o al 965-7311..

CENACULO DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Primer martes, 7:00 PM en la Capilla.

MISA DE NIÑOS Y JOVENES: Cada segundo domingo del mes.

LOS NIÑOS: Cada domingo los niños se reúnen en el Salón Betania para escuchar y compartir las lecturas


ESCUELA DE LA PALABRA: Cada martes, a las 7:30 PM en San Ladislaus.


domingos del mes.

EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: El tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 2:30 PM en la iglesia. Los

interesados consulten con la Sra. Dulce Sepúlveda después de la Misa.


En el día de la Pascua de Resurrección celebramos como Iglesia que también nosotros hemos resucitado con

Cristo; así nos lo recuerda san Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy. De hecho, la liturgia del día incluye la reno-

vación de las promesas bautismales y la aspersión con el agua bendita de la Vigilia , indicando así el impacto

que el Resucitado ejerce sobre todos sus discípulos. El relato del Evangelio según san Juan nos inspira a ser

testigos de la vida nueva del Resucitado, tal y como la primera lectura del libro de los Hechos narra el testimo-

nio de los primeros cristianos. Esta alegría de la Pascua – reflejada por los cantos, el despliegue hermoso de

flores y otros símbolos ambientales y la gran participación de fieles – exige un compromiso de fidelidad a la fe

que proclama la vida en Jesús Resucitado y que nos llama a ser sus discípulos en el mundo.


The Mass Intentions Book...

is now open until the end of July. 2017


The Bread and Wine Calendar...

is now open until the end of Dec. 2017

he list of names that will appear under this column will reflect ONLY those who are CRITICALLY ILL. The

individual or family member must contact the Parish Cen-ter in order to be placed on the Sick List. Please note the new email address the Parish Center at [email protected] (“PRAY FOR THE SICK” MUST APPEAR IN YOUR EMAIL’S SUBJECT LINE); or come by the Parish Center with your request in writing, no later than Monday. This list will be updated on a monthly basis.

Omnipotent and Eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy pitying mercy, that, with their bodily health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Helen Zeiser Edith Lucchi

Mary Barbarito Frank Brown

Carolyn Maffettone

John Mueller

Sophia Kyriakaksis

Julienne Jacques

Mercia Edwards

Leopold Johnson

Marie Therese Ferdinand Hilaire Louis .................... +March 24, 2017

Veronique Toulon ..................................................... +March 28, 2017

Marie Dominique Hilaire ................................................ +April 1, 2017

Marianne Erne ............................................................... +April 1, 2017

Ernie McGee .................................................................. +April 5, 2017

For everything you need to know in faith formation,


Memorialize a loved one with a leaf on

our parish’s Tree of Life, located in

the Church Lobby. If you would like more infor-mation about this lovely memorial, please contact the

Parish Office at (516) 481-2550 Ext 301

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my medical fund thus far. I found out my initial campaign (not run by me) has been shut down for an unknown reason. The first campaign helped cover my household bills from missed work, as well as smaller hospital bills. This new campaign is set up in hopes of paying back some of the $90k+ I owe as of now. (This is only one of the two surgeries I have had so far.) It is very possible I will have to claim bankruptcy if I can-not make a good dent. That is a very frightening thought as a single parent. For those of you who either have donated already, or cannot afford to, please do not feel obligated. I ask for prayers for myself and for my family. It has been a very rough couple of months. The new link is You can also leave donations at the Parish Center. Every little bit helps, and has helped. God bless and thank you so much. St. Martha’s has been incredible with your generosity.

~Elissa Hanson, Music Director

Dear Lord, As my life declines and my energies decrease,

more than ever hold me by

Your Power, that I may not offend You, but daily increase in Your Love.

Give me strength to work in Your Service till the last day of my life.

Help me to ever have an increasing dread of venial sin,

or whatever would cause the

slightest withdrawal of Your Love; all day long,

and at night keep me close to Your Heart; and should I die, ere the morning breaks,

may I go rejoicing

in that vision of Your entrancing beauty, never to be separated from You. Amen.



Social Ministry/Outreach Office Hours

Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10:00AM—2:00PM (516) 292-1603 or (516) 481-2550, Ext. 320


Give us our daily bread

FREE FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEED: For further information and income guidelines please call:

631-491-4166 in Suffolk or 516-623-4568 in Nassau

BABY ITEMS NEEDED: Diapers, diaper wipes, strollers and car seats that meet current standards.

ITEMS NEEDED: individual boxed milk (i.e., Parma-lat); toilet tissue, paper towels, personal care

items, gift certificates.


We are currently in need of volunteers, who can as-

sist with in-takes and in the kitchen/food pantry. If

you feel you can donate some of your time to either

one of these positions, between the hours of 10:00

AM and 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday (except on

Tuesdays), please contact the Outreach office at

(516) 481-2550, Ext. 320 (Marlene Jean Baptiste) or

Ext. 321 (Barbara Powell) or call (516) 292-1603.

Representatives from Island Harvest will be at St.

Martha’s to assist with SNAP program (Food

Stamps) registration on the following days:

April 6, April 13, May 4, May 18, June 8, June 22
