
Results of check of the claims concerning the supposed air strikes

against civil objects on the territory of Syria

Recently a number of foreign media have published “sensational” messages

on alleged facts concerning the airstrikes of the Russian warplanes against civil

infrastructural objects on the territory of Syria.

The reports of the leading foreign TV-channels and web-publications

demonstrated videos of consequences of those strikes.

The Russian Defence Ministry carried out a thorough check of the

presented “facts”, which confirmed the complete invalidity of the published “video

evidence” allegedly confirming the air strikes on the hospital in Sarmin settlement

(Idlib province).

Thus, the CNN channel showed a video featuring the ruins of an unknown

building, which, as it had been stated, was the hospital in Sarmin settlement:

The check showed that actually the hospital in Sarmin remains still


The confirmation of reference of the aerophoto to the building defined as

the hospital in Sarmin settlement is the video featuring the construction of this

hospital in February 2014, which shows specific visual reference points:

The hospital can be clearly seen on the photos, it is situated near a dome-

shaped building. As one can see, the building, where the hospital is situated,

remains absolutely undamaged. Moreover, the street has suffered no damage – in

contrast to the videos published in the western media.
