

Desayuno típico / “Gallo pinto” with cheese and egg U$ 3.15

Huevos con salsa ranchera / Eggs with tomato sauce U$ 3.15

Omelete con jamón o queso / Ham or cheese omelette U$ 3.15

Omelete vegetariano / Vegetarian omelette U$ 3.15

Panqueque con fruta / Pancakes with fruit U$ 3.15

Plato de fruta con yogur / Fruit and yoghurt U$ 3.70


Alitas de pollo picantes / Spicy chicken wings with tostones U$ 4.70

Tostones mixtos / Tostones in different ways U$ 4.00

Tostones con queso / Tostones with cheese U$ 3.70

Tostones con carne / Tostones with meat U$ 4.00

Churro de pollo / Chicken fingers U$ 5.15

Churro de pescado / Fish sticks U$ 5.15

Ceviche de pescado/ Fish “ceviche” U$ 4.70 Coctel de Camaron U$ 6.30


Ensalada con pollo / Chicken salad with lettuce and tomato U$ 5.00

Ensalada de pescado / Fish salad U$ 5.00

Ensalada de brócoli / Brocolí Salad and mix vegetables U$ 6.30

Ensalada Mixta/ Mix vegetables U$ 5.80


Pollo a la plancha con salsa jalapeña / Grilled chicken with U$ 5.25 jalapeña sauce, rice, salad and tostones

Pollo frito con salsa rosada / Fried chicken with tomato U$ 5.25 sauce, rice and tostones

Brocheta de pollo / Chicken skewers with rice and salad U$ 5.25

Fajitas de pollo / Chicken fajitas (strips) with rice U$ 5.25 Tortillas and salad

Pollo con salsa al vino / Chicken with wine sauce, U$ 5.25 with rice and tostones

Fajita mixta de pollo y res / Mixed chicken and beef fajitas U$ 5.80


Cerdo a la plancha / Grilled pork with rice, salad U$ 5.80

and tostones

Cerdo asado / Roasted pork with rice, salad U$ 5.80 and tostones

Fajita de cerdo a la plancha / Grilled pork fajitas (strips) U$ 5.80


Carne de res a la plancha con salsa jalapeña / Grilled beef U$ 5.80

with jalapeño sauce, rice, salad and tostones

Carne de res con salsa chimichurri / Grilled beef with U$ 5.80 “chimichurri” sauce, rice, salad and tostones

Brocheta de res / Beef skewers with rice, salad and tostones U$ 5.80

Brocheta mixta (res, pollo, salchicha) / Mixed skewers U$ 5.80 (beef, chicken, sausage)

Bisteck encebollado o entomatado / Grilled beef with U$ 5.80

tomato or onion sauce with rice. salad, and tostones

Fajitas de res / Beef fajitas (strips) U$ 5.80

Carne de res con salsa de hongos / Beef with mushroom U$ 5.80



Pescado frito con salsa de tomate / Fried fish U$ 6.50 - 8.60

with tomato sauce, rice and tostones

Pescado al ajillo / Fried fish with garlic sauce, U$ 6.50 - 8.60 rice, and tostones

Pescado al vapor / Steamed fish with rice and tostones U$ 6.80 - 8.60

Filete de pescado al ajillo y salsa de tomate / Fish fillet U$ 6.80 with garlic and tomato sauce

Camarones empanizados o al ajillo / Shrimps U$ 8.40

(breaded or with garlic) Brocheta de camaron y pescado/ Fish and fish skewers U$ 8.40


Hamburguesa / Hamburger with fries U$ 4.00

Bocadillo de pollo / Chicken sandwich with fries U$ 4.00 and tomato sauce

Plato vegetariano / Vegetarian dish U$ 4.00

(carrots, rice, beans, lettuce, onions)

Club sandwich U$ 4.00


Tallarínes con salsa a la boloñesa / Spagghetti bolognese U$ 4.20

Tallarínes con salsa al pesto / Pasta with pesto sauce U$ 4.20

Tallarínes con salsa pomodoro / Pasta with tomato sauce U$ 4.20

Tallarines a la primavera / Pasta “primavera” U$ 4.20

Tallarines con salsa Alfredo / Pasta “Alfredo” (white sauce) U$ 4.20 PLATO FAMILIAR / Fish, meat, chicken wings with tostones U$ 21.00

PLATO DE BOQUITAS/ Variaties of appetizers U$ 15.75


Precios no incluyen IVA / Prices do not include tax