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Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra for electrons in solids

Akio Kotani and Shik Shin

Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa,Chiba 277-8581, Japan

(Published 27 February 2001)

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) has recently been a subject of remarkable progress due tothe advent of high-brilliance synchrotron radiation sources. The authors present a review of bothexperimental and theoretical investigations of electrons in solids using this second-order opticalprocess, in which there is coherent absorption and emission of x rays at resonance with electronicexcitations. The review starts with some of the fundamental aspects of RIXS, after which arepresented typical experimental data and their theoretical interpretation for various materials. The firstclass of materials considered is semiconductors and insulators (Si, C, and BN), which are typicalsystems with weak electron correlation, and the data are interpreted based on electronic statesdescribed by an energy-band model. Effects of symmetry of electronic states and electron momentumconservation are discussed. At the opposite extreme are rare-earth systems (metals and oxides), inwhich the 4f electrons are almost localized with strong electron correlation. The observations areinterpreted based on the effects of intra-atomic multiplet coupling and weak interatomic electrontransfer, which are well described with an Anderson impurity model or a cluster model. In this contexta narrowing of spectral width in the excitation spectrum, polarization dependence, and the magneticcircular dichroism in ferromagnetic materials are discussed. The authors then considertransition-metal compounds, materials with electron correlation strengths intermediate betweensemiconductors and rare-earth systems. In these interesting cases there is an interplay of intra-atomicand interatomic electronic interactions that leads to limitations of both the band model and theAnderson impurity model. Finally, other topics in resonant x-ray emission studies of solids aredescribed briefly.


I. Introduction 203II. Fundamental Aspects of Resonant Inelastic X-ray

Scattering 205A. Basic description of RIXS 205B. Experimental measurements 206C. Theoretical models 208

1. Energy-band model 2082. Anderson impurity model 2083. Momentum selection rule 2104. Normal XES 210

III. RIXS in Semiconductors and Insulators 211A. Experimental data 211B. Silicon and graphite 211C. Effects of core exciton and phonon relaxation 213

IV. Rare-Earth Systems 217A. Experimental data for rare-earth metals and

compounds 217B. Effect of intra-atomic multiplet coupling 218C. Effect of interatomic hybridization 221D. Narrowing of spectral width in the excitation

spectrum 223E. Polarization dependence and magnetic circular

dichroism 225V. Transition-Metal Compounds 228

A. Crystal-field level excitation and charge-transferexcitation in copper oxide systems 228

B. Multiplet coupling effect and spin-dependentexcitation spectra in Mn compounds 230

C. Early transition-metal compounds and the effectof carrier doping 232

D. Limitations of the band model and theAnderson impurity model 235

0034-6861/2001/73(1)/203(44)/$23.80 203

VI. Other Topics 238A. Simple metals 238B. Transition metals 239C. Oxygen 1s x-ray emission in oxide systems 239D. Molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces 240E. Interface and buried layers 241

VII. Concluding Remarks 241Acknowledgments 242References 242


Spectroscopic measurements are powerful tools inmodern physics, and the interaction between light andmatter is one of the primary experimental areas forprobing the properties of solids. Especially importantfor studying electronic properties is light in the range ofsoft x rays and the vacuum ultraviolet, which interactswith electrons in solids, with strength that varies withthe photon energy. Such techniques as photoemissionspectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy are nowstandard tools for studying the electronic structure ofmaterials (see, for instance, Kanamori and Kotani, 1988;Fujimori and Tokura, 1995; Hufner, 1995; Rehr and Al-bers, 2000). The application of these techniques and theinterpretation of the results are especially important inthe studies of exciting new materials, including stronglycorrelated electron systems, new superconductors, or-ganic materials, and complex systems.

Recently, technological advances have made possiblea third generation of synchrotron radiation sources, giveextremely high-brilliance light in the vacuum ultraviolet,soft-x-ray, and hard-x-ray regions. The brilliance of this

©2001 The American Physical Society

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synchrotron radiation light is almost comparable withthat produced by lasers. It has been found quite useful instudying the electronic structure of solids via x-ray emis-sion spectroscopy (XES) and especially resonant inelas-tic x-ray scattering (RIXS). XES has a long history insolid-state physics, but it has made remarkable progressonly very recently [see, for instance, Materlik et al.(1994), Ederer amd McGuire (1996), Nordgren and Kur-maev (2000)]; the recent interest in RIXS is sometimescalled a ‘‘renaissance’’ in x-ray physics. It is the purposeof this article to review the present status of this renais-sance.

XES is a spectroscopy of second-order optical pro-cesses, in which a core electron is excited by an incidentx-ray photon and then this excited state decays by emit-ting an x-ray photon to fill the core hole. If the coreelectron is resonantly excited to the absorption thresh-old by the incident photon (as in the process of x-rayabsorption spectroscopy), the resulting emission spec-trum depends strongly on the incident-photon energy V,and we denote this type of XES as resonant x-ray emis-sion spectroscopy (RXES). On the other hand, if thecore electron is excited to the high-energy continuumwell above the absorption threshold (as in the process ofx-ray photoemission spectroscopy), we denote this typeof XES as normal x-ray emission spectroscopy (NXES),where the spectral shape does not depend on V. BothRXES and NXES are second-order optical processes.The intermediate state of RXES is the same as the finalstate of x-ray absorption, whereas that of NXES is thesame as the final state of x-ray photoemission. Resonantx-ray emission spectra are classified into two categories:when the emitted-photon energy v is the same as that ofthe incident-photon energy V, the spectrum is called‘‘Rayleigh scattering’’ or ‘‘resonant elastic x-ray scatter-ing,’’ while for vÞV it is called ‘‘resonant inelastic x-rayscattering (RIXS).’’

Since RXES and NXES include absorption and pho-toemission as excitation processes and further includeinformation on radiative decay, the information given bythem is much greater than that given by the first-orderoptical processes of x-ray absorption or photoemission.RIXS especially is one of the most powerful tools avail-able for the study of electronic states in solids. Weshould stress that RIXS provides us with bulk-sensitiveand site-selective information. Furthermore, it is aphoton-in and photon-out process, so that this techniqueis equally applicable to metals and insulators and can beperformed in applied electric or magnetic fields, as wellas in applied high pressure. However, the intensity ofthe signal in a second-order optical process is muchweaker than that of a first-order optical process becausethe efficiency of x-ray emission is quite low. In order toobtain precise experimental data, we need state-of-the-art experimental instrumentation. The recent implemen-tation of undulator radiation at high-brilliance synchro-tron light sources, as well as highly efficient detectors,were major contributors to the development of RIXSexperiments. Since synchrotron radiation is tunable, it isquite useful for the measurements of RIXS, by which we

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can obtain selected information connected directly witha specific intermediate state to which the incident-photon energy is tuned. Further progress in RIXS canbe expected with the use of higher-brilliance synchro-tron sources.

The characteristic features of RIXS depend on mate-rials. In semiconductors and insulators (Si, C, and BN),which are typical systems with weak electron correla-tion, the experimental RIXS data are interpreted basedon electronic states described by an energy-band model.The effect of electron momentum conservation in theRIXS process determines the spectral features, whichreflect the energy band dispersion of conduction and va-lence electrons (Ma et al., 1992; Ma, 1994; Carlisle, Shir-ley, et al., 1995; Shin et al., 1996). At the opposite ex-treme, RIXS in rare-earth systems (metals and oxides),where the 4f electrons are almost localized with strongelectron correlation, is interpreted based on an Ander-son impurity model (or an atomic model), in which theeffects of intra-atomic multiplet coupling and weak (orvanishing) interatomic electron transfer are taken intoaccount (Hamalainen et al., 1991; Krisch et al., 1995; Bu-torin, Mancini, et al., 1996). As materials with electroncorrelation strength intermediate between semiconduc-tors and rare-earth systems, transition-metal compoundsprovide an interesting regime to study the interplay be-tween the local and itinerant character of 3d electrons(Hill et al., 1998; Jimenez-Mier et al., 1999). In any case,RIXS for f and d electron systems gives us importantinformation on the electronic states, such as the intra-atomic multiplet coupling, electron correlation, and in-teratomic hybridization [see, for instance, the short re-view papers by Kotani (1997,1998,1999)].

A word about terminology is in order here. RIXS issometimes called ‘‘resonant x-ray fluorescence spectros-copy’’ or ‘‘resonant x-ray Raman spectroscopy.’’ NXESis also sometimes called ‘‘x-ray fluorescence spectros-copy’’ or ‘‘x-ray luminescence spectroscopy.’’ The terms‘‘fluorescence’’ and ‘‘luminescence’’ originally meant theemission from fully relaxed excited states. However,normal x-ray emission is not necessarily from fully re-laxed states but from excitations well above the thresh-old. Since the electronic relaxation time is, in general,longer than the core-hole lifetime in the x-ray region,the excited states are not fully relaxed in NXES.

In this article, we present a review of both experimen-tal and theoretical investigations of RIXS in solids,mainly in semiconductors, rare-earth systems, andtransition-metal compounds. Our main interest is RIXSin the soft-x-ray region, but some interesting results inthe hard-x-ray region are also included, which are asso-ciated with the 2p core level of rare-earth elements andthe 1s core level of transition-metal elements. In Sec. II,we describe fundamental aspects of RIXS, including abasic description of RIXS, experimental measurements,and theoretical models. We discuss the RIXS of semi-conductors and ionic crystals in Sec. III, rare-earth sys-tems in Sec. IV, and transition-metal compounds in Sec.V. Sections VI and VII are devoted to other topics andconcluding remarks.

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A. Basic description of RIXS

Let us consider the x-ray scattering process in whichan x-ray photon with energy V (wave vector k1) is inci-dent on a material and then an x-ray photon with energyv (wave vector k2) is emitted as a result of the electron-photon interaction in the material. We take into accountthe electron-photon interaction of the form@e2/(2mc2)#(nA(rn)2 by the lowest-order perturbation,and that of @e/(mc)#(npn•A(rn) by the second-orderperturbation, where A(r) is the vector potential of aphoton. Then the differential scattering cross section(with respect to the solid angle Vk2

and energy v of thescattered photon) is expressed as (Kramers and Heisen-berg, 1925; Heitler, 1944)




c4 S 12p D 3

W12 , (1)

where the transition rate W12 is given by



Vv S e2

m D 2


3UF ^jurk12k2ug&~h1•h2!

11m (

iS ^jup~k2!•h2ui&^iup~2k1!•h1ug&



Ei2Eg1v D GU2

. (2)

Here, ug&, ui&, and uj& are initial, intermediate, and finalstates of the material system, respectively, Eg , Ei , andEj are their energies, and h1 and h2 are polarizationdirections (unit vectors) of incident and emitted pho-tons. We have used units of \51 for simplicity, andp(k) and rk are defined by p(k)5(npn exp(2ik•rn),and rk5(n exp(2ik•rn). The three terms in the squarebracket of W12 are shown in Fig. 1 as a diagram repre-sentation. The first term comes from a first-order pertur-bation of an A2-type interaction, and this x-ray scatter-ing is called Thompson scattering. If we take intoaccount only the Thompson scattering, the scatteringcross section is rewritten as the standard expression




V S e2

mc2D 2

~h1•h2!2S~k12k2 ,V2v!, (3)

where S(k,n) is the dynamical structure factor definedby

FIG. 1. Schematic representation of three scattering terms.

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 1, January 2001


2p E2`


dt exp~ int !^gurk~ t !r2kug&. (4)

Therefore Thompson scattering gives us direct informa-tion on the elementary excitation caused by charge fluc-tuation in materials.

When the incident-photon energy is close to or abovethe core electron excitation threshold, as in the case ofRIXS, the contribution of the second term becomesdominant. Above the threshold the denominator Ei2Eg2V vanishes, so that the second-order perturbationcalculation breaks down. However, if we take into ac-count that the intermediate state has a finite lifetimet i(5\/G i) because of the lifetime of a core hole, thenthe energy Ei is replaced by a complex number Ei1iG i and the divergence is removed (see, for instance,Sakurai, 1967; Tulkki and Åberg, 1980). Removing un-important factors in Eq. (2), we can then describe theessential part of the RIXS spectrum in the form

F~V ,v!5(jU(


^juTui&^iuTug&Eg1V2Ei2iG i


3d~Eg1V2Ej2v!, (5)

where the operator T represents the radiative transition,and G i represents spectral broadening due to the core-hole lifetime in the intermediate state. If we consider theoptical dipole transition (long-wavelength limit of thephoton), T is given by T5p(0)•h . The quantity G i is aresult of the Auger and radiative decays of the core holeand, in most cases, it can be taken approximately to beconstant, independent of the index i .

As can be seen from the expression of F(V ,v), RIXSis the coherent second-order process consisting of thex-ray absorption from ug& to ui& and the x-ray emissionfrom ui& to uj&. If the final state uj& is the same as theinitial state ui& , then the spectrum of Eq. (5) describesresonant elastic x-ray scattering, while if uj& is not thesame as ui&, it gives the RIXS spectrum. When bothcases are combined, F(V ,v) of Eq. (5) is called theresonant x-ray emission spectrum. As in the case ofThompson scattering, RIXS provides us with importantinformation on the charge excitations in material sys-tems. Further, RIXS is much more useful than Thomp-son scattering: Usually Thompson scattering is too weakto obtain precise information about electronic excita-tions, but the intensity of RIXS is stronger because ofthe resonance effect. Thompson scattering depends onV and v only through V2v , but RIXS depends on bothof them independently. Therefore we can obtain moredetailed information about the electronic excitations bytuning V to different intermediate states. Since the in-termediate states are different for different atomic spe-cies, the information given by RIXS depends on theatomic species.

Before closing this subsection, let us mention brieflytwo pioneering works in RIXS. Sparks (1974) observedresonant scattering of Cu Ka x rays incident on varioustarget metals, Ni, Cu, Zn, and so on. In the intermediatestate of this experiment a 1s electron was excited virtu-

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ally above the Fermi level «F , and in the final state a 2pelectron made a radiative transition to the 1s state.Therefore the emitted photon was observed at v;V2(«F2«L), where «F2«L corresponds to the bindingenergy of the 2p electron. It was found that the intensityof this emission was consistent with the resonant en-hancement factor produced for each material.

Eisenberger et al. (1976a, 1976b) carried out the firstRIXS experiment utilizing synchrotron radiation. Theirexperiment was performed for Cu metal. A schematicrepresentation of the energy-level scheme of this experi-ment is given in Fig. 2. They changed the incident-photon energy V continuously around («F2«K) and ob-served the emitted photon in the neighborhood of v;(«L2«K), where «K and «L are the Cu 1s and 2p corelevels (more exactly, 2p3/2 in their experiments). Theexperimental result was consistent with what is expectedfrom the second-order optical formula F(V ,v) given byEq. (5). If we disregard electron-electron interactions,F(V ,v) is written, apart from unimportant factors, as

F~V ,v!; (k(k.kF)

U 1V2«k1«K2iGK



5H r/@~DE0!21GK2 # ~DE0<DER!

0 ~DE0.DER!,(6)


DER5V2~«F2«K!, (7)

DE05v2~«L2«K!. (8)

Here GK and r are, respectively, the lifetime broadeningof the 1s core level and the density of states of the con-duction band. In the above expression for F(V ,v) theeffect of the lifetime broadening of the 2p core level(GL) is disregarded for simplicity, but if it is taken intoaccount, the discontinuity at DE05DER will be blurred

FIG. 2. Schematic representation of RIXS in Cu metal.

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 1, January 2001

out by the width GL . In any case, the above calculationshows that for DER,0 the peak of F(V ,v) occurs atDE05DER but for DER.0 it occurs at DE050. Fur-thermore, the half width at the half maximum of thepeak should be minimized for DER50. The experimen-tal data of Eisenberger et al. were well explained bythese facts.

B. Experimental measurements

In spite of the long history of x-ray emission spectros-copy in solid-state physics, it is only recently that thestudy of XES in the soft-x-ray region has made muchprogress. This is because emission efficiency is quite lowin the soft-x-ray region. Figure 3 shows the fluorescenceand Auger yields for 1s (K) and 2p3/2 (L3) subshells ofdifferent atoms. For light atoms, the Auger yield islarger than the fluorescence yield. The Auger yield de-creases while the fluorescence yield increases, as theatomic number Z increases. There is a crossing aroundZn for the K shell. The fluorescence efficiency is lessthan a few percent for light atoms. Furthermore, theextremely low optical reflectivity in the soft-x-ray regionrequires the grazing incidence configuration of the spec-trometer, so that the solid angle that catches the emittedx rays becomes extremely small. Thus the developmentof XES is closely connected to that of state-of-the-artexperimental instruments. In particular, it is tied to useof the recently developed brilliant undulator lightsources as well as to use of a highly efficient detector.

A high-efficiency modern XES system has been devel-oped by the Nordgren group (Nordgren, 1994) in Swe-den and the Callcott and Ederer group (Callcott et al.,1986; Ederer et al., 1994) in the United States. Severalgroups in Japan (Shin et al., 1995), Germany, and Francehave made similar types of experimental systems. Atypical experimental system is shown in Fig. 4. Rowlandmount-type grazing-incidence spectrometers are used.The typical spherical grating radii are from 3 to 10 mwith a groove density from 300 to 2400 lines per mm.

FIG. 3. Efficiencies of x-ray emission (fluorescence) comparedto the Auger yield in a series of ions having S , L , and Mangular momenta, based on the table by Krause (1979).

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Variable-pitched grating spectrometers have also beenproposed instead of normal grating spectrometers(Callcott et al., 1992; Muramatsu et al., 1993). In eachsystem, a slit is set just after the sample irradiated by theexcitation x ray. The combination of slit width and dis-

FIG. 4. Schematic illustration of the experimental setup forRIXS measurements.

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persion of the grating, as well as optical distortion,mainly determine the resolution of the system. Thehighest-resolution E/DE so far has been about 1500. Asmall spot size is necessary for high resolution, and ahigh-brilliance light source is necessary in order to get asmall spot size.

A highly sensitive detector is also important. For ex-ample, a two-dimensional position-sensitive detectorwith microchannel plates, usually 20–40 mm long. Largeone-dimensional position-sensitive detectors have alsobeen used. The thermal background has been dimin-ished by the photon counting method. Usually the de-tector is used at grazing incidence, and the efficiency andposition sensitivity of the microchannel plates is furtherenhanced by coating the photocathode with CsI and in-stalling electron-retarding wires.

The photon energy calibrations of the beamlinemonochromator and the XES spectrometer are very im-portant. In most cases, the spectrometer is calibrated bymeasuring the elastic x-ray scattering. Sometimes elasticscattering cannot be observed in the soft-x-ray region. Inthis case, NXES spectra of some metals, whose peakenergy is listed in Bearden’s table (Bearden, 1967), areused as the standard materials.

RIXS is a two-photon coherent optical process, sothat it is thought that the polarization dependence of theincident and emitted x rays gives valuable informationabout the electronic structure (Guo, Wassdahl, et al.,1995; Harada et al., 1998). Figure 5 shows a front view ofa spectrometer configured to measure the polarizationdependence of RIXS. The analyzer chamber can be ro-tated by 90° together with the spectrometer around theaxis of the incident-photon beam, where the center ofrotation is located at the sample position. In the beam-line, the electric field of the incident photon is polarizedin the horizontal plane. When the RIXS is measured bythe configuration shown in Fig. 5(a) (labeled ‘‘depolar-ized configuration’’) the polarization of the emitted x

FIG. 5. Front view of spectrom-eter for polarized RIXS mea-surements. From Harada et al.,1998.

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ray is perpendicular to the polarization of the incident xray. On the other hand, when the RIXS is measured bythe configuration shown in Fig. 5(b) (labeled ‘‘polarizedconfiguration’’), the polarization of the emitted x ray isthe same as that of the incident x ray. Some aspects ofthe polarization dependence in RIXS will be discussedin Secs. IV.E and V.C.

C. Theoretical models

In general there are two opposing approaches to de-scribing electronic states in solids, the spatially extendedmodel and the local model. The former treats an infinitenumber of atoms forming a periodic lattice with use ofthe energy-band theory (the band model). It is appropri-ate for application to s , p , and sometimes d electronsystems with weak correlation. On the other hand, thelatter treats a single atom or a cluster consisting of asmall number of atoms (the free-atom or cluster model),and it is appropriate for application to f and d electronsystems, which are relatively localized with strong corre-lation.

1. Energy-band model

Energy-band calculations commonly use the Kohn-Sham equation (Kohn and Sham, 1965) of density-functional theory (Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964):

H 2\2

2m¹21Vp~r!J f i~r!5« if i~r!, (9)

with the periodic potential given by

Vp~r!5v ion~r!1e2E dr8n~r8!

ur2r8u2 1dExc@n~r!#

dn~r!, (10)

where the electron density is represented by the eigen-functions of the Kohn-Sham equation in the form


uf i~r!u2. (11)

Here, Exc@n(r)# is the exchange-correlation energy, andv ion(r) is the potential of the ion lattice, which does notinclude the potential of the electrons under consider-ation. In order to obtain the expression for Exc@n(r)# ,one often uses a local-density-functional approximation(LDA), in which Exc@n(r)# is approximated by an elec-tron gas whose density is the same as the local density ofthe system. However, the eigenenergies of the Kohn-Sham equation « i are not reliable as single-electron en-ergies, so that, strictly speaking, we cannot use « i in theanalysis of x-ray absorption or emission spectra. Thedensity-functional theory is a powerful method for ob-taining ground-state properties, but it is generally lessaccurate for excitations and for systems with stronglycorrelated electrons.

For systems with weak electron correlation, the Kohn-Sham equation reduces to the usual one-electron Schro-dinger equation, so that its eigenenergy is useful as the

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single-electron energy, while its eigenfunction is usefulas the single-electron wave function. Then Eq. (5) is re-duced to

F~V ,v!5(i ,j


^fcutuf i&^f jutufc&«c1V2« j2iG U2

d~« i1V2« j2v!,


where the summations are taken over the core states c ,occupied valence states i , and unoccupied valence statesj (all in the one-electron description), and t is a one-electron operator of the optical transition. If we assumefurther that (i) the optical transition matrix element isconstant and (ii) the selection rule due to momentumconservation can be disregarded, then Eq. (12) is simpli-fied to

F~V ,v!}E der~«!r8~«1V2v!

~«2«L2v!21G2 , (13)

where r and r8 are the partial densities of states foroccupied and unoccupied states, respectively, and eachhas the symmetry allowed in the optical transition(Jimenez-Mier et al., 1999). We can say that band theoryis applicable to the analysis of x-ray absorption andemission for semiconductors and ionic insulators, but forf and d electron systems it has not often been used suc-cessfully in RIXS analysis.

2. Anderson impurity model

The cluster model or the so-called ‘‘Anderson impu-rity model’’ (which is also called the ‘‘impurity Ander-son model’’) has been widely used for core-level spec-troscopy, x-ray absorption and photoemissionspectroscopy, and RIXS, of f and d electron systems.Especially for the analysis of the first-order optical pro-cesses, x-ray absorption and photoemission, the Ander-son impurity model has been very successful (see, forinstance, Kanamori and Kotani, 1988; Kotani, 1996). Inthis model, we consider only a single atom with f or dstates, but at the same time the other more extendedelectrons such as conduction or valence electrons aredescribed with the band model, and the hybridizationbetween the localized f (or d) states and extended con-duction (or valence) electron states is taken into ac-count. The Anderson impurity model was originally pro-posed by Anderson (1961) in order to discuss themagnetic moment of an impurity atom of a 3d transitionelement in nonmagnetic host metals. Kotani and Toy-ozawa (1973a, 1973b, 1974) first analyzed x-ray photo-emission and absorption of La metal by combining thismodel with the core-hole potential exerted on the 4felectrons in the final states of absorption and photoemis-sion. After that, this model was extended to the analysisof x-ray absorption and photoemission spectra of mixed-valence Ce compounds by Gunnarsson and Schonham-mer (1983). The Anderson impurity model can also beapplied to insulating compounds with f or d electrons byreplacing a conduction band with a completely filled va-lence band. For instance, Sawatzky and co-workers(Zaanen et al., 1986) analyzed systematically the core-

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level spectra of insulating 3d transition-metal com-pounds, and Kotani and co-workers (Kotani et al., 1985;Kotani and Ogasawara, 1992) analyzed the core-levelspectra of insulating rare-earth compounds.

The Hamiltonian of the model combined with thecore-hole potential is described, for instance for rare-earth oxides, by

H5(k ,n

ekakn† akn1e f(


† afn1ecac†ac


AN(k ,n

~afn† akn1akn

† afn!

1Uff (n.n8

afn† afnafn8

† afn8


afn† afn~12ac

†ac!, (14)

where, ek , e f , and ec are the energies of the oxygen 2pvalence band, the rare-earth 4f level, and the rare-earthcore level, respectively. The index k denotes the energylevel (k51;N) in the valence band, and n representsthe combined indices for spin and orbital quantum num-bers of the f symmetric state. It should be noted that thebasis state of the valence band can approximately betaken as (k ,n) by an appropriate linear combination ofBloch states, as shown by Gunnarsson and Schonham-mer (1983). The interactions V , Uff , and 2Ufc , respec-tively, are the hybridization between 4f and valence-band states, the Coulomb interaction between 4felectrons, and the core-hole potential acting on the 4felectron. This model has been further extended by in-cluding the intra-atomic multiplet coupling originatingfrom multipole Coulomb interactions between 4f states,as well as between the 4f and core states, and the spin-orbit interaction of the 4f states and the core states.

In the case of transition-metal compounds, the 3dwave function of a transition metal is more extendedthan the 4f wave function of a rare earth, so that the 3dstate is more sensitive to the local atomic arrangementaround the transition-metal element. It is necessary totake into account the 3d energy level (including crystal-field splitting), which depends on the irreducible repre-sentation G of the local point-group symmetry, and alsothe hybridization strength V(G) depending on G. There-fore the Hamiltonian of the Anderson impurity modelfor transition-metal compounds, for instance fortransition-metal oxides, is

H5 (G ,k ,s

«GkaGks† aGks1(

G ,s«dG adGs

† adGs


«papm† apm1 (

G ,k ,sV~Gk !~adGs

† aGks1aGks† adGs!

1Udd ((G ,s)Þ(G8,s8)

adGs† adGs adG8s8

† adG8s8

2Udc (G ,s ,m

adGs† adGs~12apm

† apm!

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 1, January 2001

112 (

n1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4

gdd~n1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4!adn1

† adn2adn3

† adn4

1 (n1 ,n2 ,m1 ,m2

gpd~n1 ,n2 ,m1 ,m2!adn1

† adn2apm1

† apm2

1zd (n1 ,n2

~ l•s!n1n2adn1

† adn2

1zp (m1 ,m2

~ l•s!m1m2apm1

† apm2. (15)

Here «Gk , «dG , and «p are energies of the oxygen 2pvalence band, the transition-metal 3d state and a corelevel (with p symmetry), respectively. n denotes thecombined indices representing the spin (s) and orbital(G) states, and m is the spin and orbital states of the corelevel. gpd represents the multipole components of theCoulomb interaction between 3d and core states, andgdd that between 3d states, with both including theSlater integrals in their explicit forms. zd and zp are thespin-orbit coupling constants.

In the calculation of x-ray absorption, photoemission,and inelastic scattering spectra, for instance for rare-earth oxides in the nominally fn ground state, the Hamil-tonian is diagonalized taking into account the inter-atomic configuration interaction with a sufficientnumber of configurations, f n, f n11LI , f n12LI 2, where LIrepresents a hole in the oxygen 2p valence band. A simi-lar calculation is also made for the final states of x-rayabsorption and photoemission, as well as for the inter-mediate states of RIXS, which include a core hole. Themain parameters of the Anderson impurity model areV , Uff , Ufc , and the charge-transfer energy defined by

D[E~f n11LI !2E~f n!,

where E(f n) is the energy averaged over multipletterms of the f n configuration. The Slater integrals andspin-orbit interaction constants, which describe theintra-atomic multiplet coupling, are obtained from astandard Hartree-Fock program (for instance, the pro-gram by Cowan, 1981).

For most rare-earth compounds and transition-metalcompounds the Anderson impurity model has been suc-cessfully applied to the analysis of x-ray absorption andphotoemission. However, its applicability to RIXS hasnot been well established. The first theoretical studies ofXES and RIXS using this model were calculations ofNXES for La compounds (Kayanuma and Kotani, 1988)and Ce compounds (Tanaka et al., 1988, 1989), followedby studies of NXES and RIXS for Cu oxide systems(Tanaka, Okada, and Kotani, 1989, 1991), and RIXS forCe oxides (Tanaka et al., 1990). Only during the pastseveral years has it become possible to obtain preciseexperimental RIXS data to compare with the theoreticalpredictions. The applicability of the Anderson impuritymodel to RIXS has been confirmed for many f electronsystems. However, for d electron systems it has turnedout that the model is not as applicable as it is for thedescription of x-ray absorption and photoemission. One

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limitation is that, if the hybridization strength V is large,we have to take into account many configurations, dn,dn11LI , dn12LI 2, . . . , for the calculated results to con-verge. A more serious limitation in this case would bethat the single metal-ion approximation breaks down,and we have to take into account the periodic arrange-ment of the metal ions, using an Anderson periodicmodel or a large cluster model including many metalions.

3. Momentum selection rule

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering is governed by sev-eral selection rules, one having to do with the electronwave vectors (the momentum selection rule) and an-other concerned with electron angular momentum (thedipole selection rule). To derive the momentum selec-tion rule with the energy-band model, let us consider thesituation in which the incident-photon energy is tuned tothe excitation of a core electron to a conduction-electron state with energy ec(kc), that is,

V5ec~kc!2ecore~kcore!, (16)

where kcore is the crystal momentum (wave vector) ofthe core electron. It is to be noted that the core electronstate at each atomic site is degenerate, and we take theirlinear combination to construct the Bloch statefcore ,kcore

(r) with momentum kcore . Then we obtain,from the dipole transition-matrix element [T.p(0)•h1in Eq. (5)]

^iuTug&.E drfc ,kc* ~r!p~0 !•h1fcore ,kcore

~r!, (17)

where the momentum conservation is represented by

kc5kcore . (18)

Note that the wave vector of the incident photon is neg-ligibly small in the soft-x-ray region. The emitted-photon energy is expressed as the energy difference be-tween a valence electron and the core level:

v5ev~kv!2ecore~kcore8 !, (19)

and momentum conservation gives

kv5kcore . (20)

Taking into account that RIXS is a coherent second-order process as described by Eq. (5), we find thatkcore5kcore8 , so that we obtain finally from Eqs. (18) and(20)

kc5kv . (21)

Therefore inelastic x-ray scattering excites the electron-hole pair with vanishing total momentum. Equation (21)can be derived more directly from the total momentumconservation between the initial and final states, but theabove argument is necessary to establish the value of kcand also to discuss some relaxation effects in the inter-mediate state.

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4. Normal XES

Equation (5) describes resonant x-ray scattering, butif we take V to be well above the x-ray absorptionthreshold, it can also describe normal x-ray emission.With sufficiently large V, a core electron is excited bythe incident photon to a high-energy continuum (photo-electron state) ufe& with energy e, which can be treatedas independent of other electrons. Then we put

ui&5ufe&ui8&, Ei5Ei81e , (22)

uj&5ufe&uj8&, Ej5Ej81e , (23)

into Eq. (5) and obtain

F~V ,v!5(j8

E der~e!t2U(i8

^j8uTui8&^i8uacug&Eg1V2Ei82e2iG i8


3d~Eg1V2Ej82e2v!, (24)

where t (; constant) is the dipole transition amplitudefrom a core state to the photoelectron state, ac is theannihilation operator of the core electron, and r(e) isthe density of states (DOS) of the photoelectron. Per-forming the integration over e and settingr(e);constant, we obtain

F~V ,v!5rt2(j8


^j8uTui8&^i8uacug&Ej82Ei82v2iG i8


. (25)

It is found that F(V ,v) of NXES does not depend onV. Actually rt2 might depend on V, but the spectralshape of NXES is independent of V. Also, it is to bestressed that NXES is still a coherent second-order op-tical process, in which core-hole creation (i.e., the pho-toelectron excitation process) is correlated, in general,with the x-ray emission process (Tanaka et al., 1989;Tanaka and Kotani, 1992). If we assume that the systemis well described by a one-electron approximation (forinstance, with the band model), then the effect of coher-ence is negligible. In this case, Eq. (25) reduces to

F~V ,v!5rt2(i

occ u^fcutuf i&u2

~v2e i1ec!21G i2 . (26)

Therefore, if we assume that u^fcutuf i&u2;constant andG i is infinitesimally small, the NXES spectrum is propor-tional to the DOS of the occupied states i . Actually theNXES spectrum gives the partial DOS, which issymmetry-selected by the dipole transition u^fcutuf i&u2

and broadened by the lifetime broadening G i of the in-termediate state.

If the incident-photon energy V is decreased down tothe x-ray absorption threshold, t is no longer a constantand the excited electron couples with other electrons.Then F(V ,v) depends strongly on V, and this is nothingbut RXES (or RIXS). Thus RXES and NXES are twodifferent aspects of the XES spectrum F(V ,v), whichare caused by the different characters of the intermedi-ate states due to different choices of V. In betweenRXES and NXES, it is sometimes possible to observe an‘‘NXES-like’’ spectrum, where the spectral shape of

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F(V ,v) is almost independent of V but depends on itslightly (see Secs. V.C and V.D).

The situation mentioned above is very similar to thatfound in Auger electron spectroscopy, the intermediatestate of which is the same as that of XES, but the decaychannel is the emission of an Auger electron rather thanan x ray. Depending on whether V is near the thresholdof XAS or well above the threshold, Auger electronspectroscopy is referred to as resonant (RAES) or nor-mal (NAES), respectively, which are the counterparts ofRXES and NXES. The kinetic energy of the Auger elec-tron strongly depends on the incident-photon energy Vfor RAES, whereas it is independent of V for NAES.Some aspects of Auger electron spectroscopy are analo-gous to RXES (or RIXS) and NXES, which are dis-cussed in the present paper.


A. Experimental data

RIXS in semiconductors has recently been measuredextensively using synchrotron radiation, and it has givenvaluable information about the electronic structures.The site and symmetry selectivity, as well as the surfaceinsensitivity, are especially distinctive properties of thespectroscopy. The RIXS transition is caused mainlywithin the same atomic species, because the core hole isstrongly localized, so that information obtained viaRIXS is mainly connected with a specific atomic species.

Inelastic scattering spectra for semiconductors and in-sulators have been obtained especially for the light ele-ments, such as B, C, N, O, Si, S, Al, Mg, and P. So far,resonant (and normal) emission spectra have been ana-lyzed for graphite (Carlisle, Shirley, et al., 1995, 1999;Skytt et al., 1994), Si (Rubensson et al., 1990; Ma et al.,1993; Miyano et al., 1993; Eisebit et al., 1996; Shin et al.,1996), MgO, Al2O3, and SiO2 (O’Brien, Jia, Callcott,Rubensson, et al., 1991; O’Brien, Jia, Dong, Callcott,Mueller, et al., 1991; O’Brien et al. 1992, 1993a, 1993b,1993), B2O3 and silicides (Jia et al., 1991, 1992), Li ha-lides (Tsang et al., 1987), cBN (Agui et al., 1997; Hana-mura et al., 1997), hBN (Muramatsu et al., 1993; Jiaet al., 1996), CdS and ZnS (Zhou et al., 1997), diamond(Ma et al., 1992), CaF2 (Rubensson et al., 1994a, 1994b;Jia et al., 1998), CaSix (Jia et al., 1995), AlxGa12xAs(Dong et al., 1992), AlxGa12xN (Duda, Stagarescu,et al., 1998), C60 (Luo et al., 1995; Guo, Glans, et al.,1995), Y2O3 (Mueller et al., 1996), and GaN (Stagarescuet al., 1996).

In this section, the RIXS of several semiconductorsand insulators is discussed in order to clarify its mecha-nism. Since the electron correlation in semiconductors isweaker than in 3d and 4f compounds, RIXS is inter-preted, on the basis of the energy-band model, in theindependent-electron approximation. The energy eigen-value of the Kohn-Sham Eq. (9) is regarded as the one-electron excitation energy, and the effects of exciton for-mation or electron-phonon interaction are incorporatedin the band model, if necessary.

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B. Silicon and graphite

Let us consider RIXS in Si as an example. Beforediscussing RIXS, we show in Fig. 6 experimental NXESdata on Si 2p , which are closely related to the inelasticscattering spectra to be considered later. Here solidcircles show the normal x-ray emission measured withV5145.0 eV (Shin et al., 1996), while the total electronyield spectrum (which corresponds to Si 2p x-ray ab-sorption) is plotted with open circles, in comparison withthe total density of states (DOS) of valence and conduc-tion bands (solid curves) obtained by energy-band cal-culations (Chelikowsky and Cohen, 1976). For the DOSof the valence band, it is known that the Si 3s compo-nent is dominant at lower energies, while the 3p compo-nent is dominant at higher energies. Since the 2p normalemission spectrum reflects the s and d partial DOSaround a Si atom, it is reasonable that the observedNXES is relatively stronger than the calculated totalDOS for v585–95 eV, but relatively weaker for v595–100 eV. The difference between the observed totalyield and the calculated DOS of the conduction bandoriginates mainly from the core exciton effect.

Experimental RIXS results at the Si 2p threshold areshown in Fig. 7 (Shin et al., 1996), together with theenergy-band dispersion curves calculated by Che-likowsky and Cohen (1976). The energy of the band dis-persion curve is adjusted so that the valence-band maxi-mum coincides with that of the RIXS spectrum. Theincident-photon energies are taken at V599.70 and101.46 eV, respectively, as shown with the arrows, whichare located near the bottom of the conduction band (seethe Si 2p total yield spectrum shown here again). ForV599.70 eV, which corresponds to the bottom of theconduction band, the conduction electron at the X point(with X1 symmetry) is selectively excited. Then, due tothe momentum conservation rule, Eq. (21), the valenceelectron that makes a radiative transition to the corelevel should also be located at the X point. The twoscattering peaks observed at v591.1 and 96.0 eV corre-spond to the X1 and X4 states of the valence band. Onthe other hand, for V5101.46 eV, the conduction elec-tron at the L point (L1 symmetry) is resonantly excited,and the observed three RIXS peaks at v590.2, 92.5, and

FIG. 6. Normal x-ray emission (NXES) spectrum of siliconmeasured at V5145.0 eV and the total electron yield (TY)spectrum in comparison with the total DOS curve. From Shinet al., 1996.

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97.3 eV correspond to the L28 , L1 , and L38 states of thevalence band. In this way, the RIXS spectra stronglyreflect the energy dispersion of the valence and conduc-tion bands.

In the lower panel of Fig. 8 we show another exampleof RIXS measured for highly oriented pyrolytic graph-ite, a semimetal with a layered structure (Carlisle, Shir-ley, et al., 1995). A carbon 1s electron is excited to thep* band above the Fermi energy and an electron in thep and s bands below the Fermi level makes a radiativetransition to the 1s level. The upper panel is the graph-ite band structure with the energy axis matched to theemitted-photon energy of the RIXS data. The dispersivefeatures labeled 1–7 in the spectrum are associated withthe positions 1–7 of the band dispersion indicated by thedashed lines and arrows in the upper panel. Since theenergy-band dispersion changes sharply near the Fermilevel at the K point, the observed RIXS shape changesdrastically with a small change in the incident-photonenergy V around 284 eV. For V5400 eV, the observedspectrum corresponds to normal x-ray emission.

It is interesting to separate the contributions from pand s bands by changing the direction of the emittedphoton. In Fig. 8 the takeoff angle a of the emitted pho-ton is near grazing (a525°), where a is defined by thecomplementary angle between the emitted-photon di-

FIG. 7. RIXS spectra of Si measured at V5101.46 and 99.70eV and the total electron yield (TY) spectrum in comparisonwith energy band dispersion curves. From Shin et al., 1996.

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 1, January 2001

rection and the sample surface normal. Since the p or-bital (the pz orbital) extends in the direction normal tothe sample surface, x-ray emission from the p orbital isforbidden for a normal emission angle (a590°), whileemission from both p and s orbitals is allowed for agrazing emission angle. In Fig. 9(a), the RIXS spectraobserved for near-grazing (a525°) and near-normal(a570°) emission angles are shown. It can be clearlyseen that the bands near the Fermi level are the pbands, and the s bands are lower in energy. This is con-sistent with the fact that the hopping integral of the porbitals is much smaller than that of the s orbitals. Car-lisle et al. also calculated the RIXS spectra based on abinitio energy-band calculations, and a comparison of Fig.9(b) with Fig. 9(a) shows good agreement between theexperimental and theoretical results. Two points are tobe remarked here. (i) Since the p and p* wave functionshave opposite phase relations regarding their amplitudeson the two C atoms in the graphite unit cell, the strong pemission intensity observed near the threshold (p* ex-citation) cannot be explained by a simple theory. In thecalculation given in Fig. 9(b), the inequivalence of thetwo C atoms is assumed to reproduce the experimentalintensity. (ii) The calculation is made using the coherent

FIG. 8. RIXS spectra (fluorescence) of graphite and theenergy-band dispersion curves. From Carlisle, Shirley et al.,1995.

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second-order optical formula, Eq. (5), but Fig. 9(b) isobtained by adding a small fraction (0.2–0.4) of the in-coherent spectrum (with a spectral shape similar to thatof NXES) to the calculated coherent spectra. Without

FIG. 9. Comparison between (a) experimental and (b) calcu-lated results of RIXS for graphite. From Carlisle, Shirley et al.,1995.

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the incoherent spectrum, the intensity at 276 eV is muchsmaller than the experimental one. This point will bediscussed briefly in the next subsection.

In the rest of this subsection, we discuss the selectionrules pertaining to RIXS and to interband optical ab-sorption (Shin et al., 1997). Figures 10(a) and (b) com-pare the RIXS spectrum of Si and the imaginary part ofthe dielectric function «2 , calculated by Phillipp andEhrenreich (1959), which is proportional to the inter-band optical absorption. The abscissa of the RIXS spec-trum represents the energy loss V2v (Raman shift),which is compared with the absorbed photon energy inthe «2 spectrum. The transition from the X1 valenceband to the lowest X1 conduction band is observedaround 8.5 eV in resonant inelastic scattering, but it isnot found in the «2 spectrum, while the strong X4 struc-ture around 4 eV is found in the «2 spectrum, but it isvery weak in RIXS. These facts suggest that the RIXSand «2 spectra in Si have different selection rules.

On the other hand, the RIXS and «2 spectra are verysimilar in cBN. Figures 10(c) and (d) compare the RIXSspectra excited at the conduction-band threshold andthe «2 spectrum (Yokohama et al., 1989). The strongeststructure is located around 11.5 eV and is assigned to beX5 (Agui et al., 1997). The structures around 9 and 16eV are also seen in both spectra. Thus we can see amarked contrast between Si and cBN when we compareRIXS and «2 spectra.

Here, one should remember that the selection rulesfor Raman scattering and the absorption spectrum havebeen studied for a long time by ordinary laser Ramanscattering in the visible-light region. The situation inRIXS is essentially the same as in Raman scattering.The centrosymmetry of the crystal gives important andbasic information on the selection rule. In the case ofcentrosymmetric crystals, the dipole mode is the unger-ade mode and the Raman mode is the gerade mode. Thedipole and Raman modes are complementary to eachother. In fact, the transition from the X1 valence band tothe X1 conduction band in Si is Raman active. On theother hand, the transition from the X4 valence band tothe X1 conduction band is dipole allowed but is not Ra-man active. The X4 band is observed weakly in RIXS,but it disappears when the incident-photon energy iswell below the threshold, where the Raman selectionrule is applicable more strictly. It is well known that theRaman selection rule is often broken in the resonantRaman process.

C. Effects of core exciton and phonon relaxation

In the theoretical calculation of Carlisle, Shirley, et al.(1995), which is displayed in Fig. 9(b), the effect of thecore exciton in the intermediate state is disregarded. vanVeenendaal and Carra (1997) theoretically studied thecore exciton effect on the RIXS spectra of graphite,where they took into account a local core-hole potentialU acting on the excited conduction electron and thevalue of U was taken as an adjustable parameter. Forthe energy band of graphite, they used the Slater-Koster

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FIG. 10. Comparison between (a) RIXS and(b) «2 spectra of Si, and that between (c)RIXS and (d) «2 spectra of cBN. From Shinet al., 1997.

tight-binding parametrization scheme. According totheir results, the core exciton effect modifies the RIXSspectrum so as to enhance the intensity of the 276-eVpeak in Fig. 9(a), so that the experimental results arereproducible without adding the incoherent contribu-tion. It is to be noted that the core-hole potential existsonly in the intermediate state, so that momentum con-servation between the initial and final states [Eq. (21)]still holds, but the resonance condition [Eq. (16)] is nowmodified by the core exciton effect. Therefore, if thecore hole potential is strong enough, the RIXS spectracan be affected significantly.

After van Veenendaal and Carra, Shirley (1998)treated the same problem by performing an ab initioenergy-band calculation and by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation (in the Tamm-Dancoff approxima-tion) for the electron/core-hole scattering (the core ex-citon effect). The result of Shirley is in strong contrastwith that of van Veenendaal and Carra: (i) In the ab-sence of the core-hole effect, Shirley obtained a smallRIXS peak at v;276 eV (for V;285 eV) due to the sband emission, and its intensity was enhanced by the p*band resonance around the M point for V;286 eV (seethe band structure shown in Fig. 8). On the other hand,the energy of the s band around the M point of vanVeenendaal and Carra is considerably higher than thatof Shirley, so that there is no RIXS peak at v;276 eV inthe absence of the core hole. (ii) Shirley showed that theRIXS spectra with the core exciton effect are almost thesame as those without the core exciton effect, thoughthe x-ray absorption is strongly modified by the corehole in the manner shown by van Veenendaal andCarra. On the other hand, the core exciton effectcaused, in the calculation by van Veenendaal and Carra,a strong enhancement of the RIXS intensity at 276 eV,as mentioned before.

Therefore the problem has not been resolved com-pletely. The quantitative result of the core exciton effect

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on RIXS so far discussed depends on the model and theapproximation used. A model RIXS calculation was alsocarried out by Minami (1998) taking into account bothcore exciton and valence exciton effects, but the resultsare qualitative and not useful in judging whether theseeffects are quantitatively important in the RIXS ofgraphite.

More recently, Carlisle et al. (1999) have made a morecomplete study of RIXS for graphite, as well as forhBN, both experimentally and theoretically. Their the-oretical result is essentially the same as that of Shirley(1998), for V in the same energy range (p* resonanceregion) as that in Fig. 8. However, in the higher energyregion of V (s* resonance region) the core exciton ef-fect contributes significantly to RIXS. So long as theRIXS spectrum is at v;276 eV, we can say, from com-parison of their experimental and theoretical results,that in order to reproduce the experimental RIXS spec-tra it is necessary to superpose some fraction of theNXES-like (incoherent) spectrum on the calculated co-herent RIXS spectrum as shown in Fig. 9 (the situationis somewhat complicated because the intensity of the276-eV peak comes from both the s emission at the Mpoint and the NXES). Therefore it is interesting to dis-cuss what causes the incoherent contribution (NXES-like spectrum). A possible origin is the phonon relax-ation effect. If the momenta kc and kcore of theconduction electron and the core hole [in Eq. (18)] inthe intermediate state are changed by interaction withphonons (by emitting or absorbing phonons), then con-servation of the electron momentum [Eq. (21)] breaksdown. If the electron (or hole) momentum distributionis relaxed sufficiently by electron-phonon scattering,then the RIXS spectrum tends to the partial DOS of thevalence band, which has the same spectral shape as thenormal x-ray emission spectrum. This is essentially thesame as the ‘‘dephasing relaxation,’’ a well-knownsecond-order optical process in the visible region (Toy-

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ozawa, 1976; Takagawara et al., 1977; Toyozawa et al.,1977), in which a coherent Raman scattering spectrum ischanged into an incoherent luminescence spectrum bythe electron-phonon interaction.

There has been no quantitative calculation of phononrelaxation effects on the RIXS of graphite (or any real-istic system), but a model calculation has been made byMinami and Nasu (1998). Their model is shown sche-matically in Fig. 11. They consider a conduction bandand a valence band, both of which are represented bytight-binding s bands in the simple cubic lattice, and adispersionless core band. In the intermediate state, theytake into account the core-hole/phonon interactiongiven by the following site-diagonal linear coupling:


VqSq1/2eiq•lc l

†c l~Bq†1B2q!, (27)

where N is the number of lattice sites and Vq is thephonon energy with wave vector q. If the lifetime of thecore hole is much shorter than the phonon relaxationtime, the spectrum is given by the RIXS indicated by‘‘Raman’’ in Fig. 11. On the other hand, if the lifetime ismuch longer than the relaxation time, the memory ofthe core-hole momentum is lost by phonon scattering, sothat the spectrum tends to the DOS of the valence bandas indicated by ‘‘luminescence.’’ An example of the nu-merical calculation of RIXS spectra is given in Fig. 12,where the core-hole/phonon coupling constantS(5N21(qSq) is taken as 1.5 (weak-coupling regime),and the core-hole lifetime is taken to be almost compa-rable with the phonon relaxation time. The incident-photon energies are shown with solid arrows, and thespecially outlined large arrow indicates the resonanceenergy with the lowest edge of the conduction band.When the incident-photon energy is below theconduction-band threshold, we have only the ‘‘Raman’’spectra with virtual intermediate states. For incident-

FIG. 11. Schematic model representing the effect of phononrelaxation in RIXS (left portion). The spectra of ‘‘Raman scat-tering’’ and ‘‘luminescence’’ are shown in the right portion.From Minami and Nasu, 1998.

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photon energy above the threshold, a Raman peak withno phonon relaxation and a broad luminescence coexistwith comparable intensity. The luminescence spectrumreflects, more or less, the DOS of the valence band,which is depicted as the shaded curve at the top.

In the case of graphite, the lattice relaxation energy,which is represented in Minami and Nasu’s model by


SqVq , (28)

is too small to be observed in the RIXS spectra. In thecase of diamond, the lattice relaxation around a corehole is large, and this gives rise to a characteristic spec-trum. Ma et al. (1993) observed resonant inelastic scat-tering in diamond just at the C 1s core exciton located atthe absorption edge. In Fig. 13(a), their RIXS data areshown, where curves 1 and 2 are emission spectra withincident-photon energies at 289.6 eV (core excitonpeak) and 294.5 eV (conduction band), respectively (seethe C 1s x-ray absorption shown with the dotted curve).For spectrum 2, we see a band gap of about 6 eV, whilefor spectrum 1 we find an additional spectrum peakingat 289 eV and a long tail which fills the whole band-gapregion. The absorption and emission spectra (for spec-trum 1) in the band-gap region are shown by open andfilled diamonds, respectively, in Fig. 13(b), where theresults of their simple calculation are also shown by solidand dotted curves. Ma et al. interpreted these spectra asarising from phonon relaxation [Jahn-Teller distortionin the (111) direction] of the core exciton, and they cal-culated the intensity of phonon structures in the RIXSspectrum by the Franck-Condon factors

U E Xm~Q !Xn8~Q2Q0!dQU2

, (29)

where Xn is the nth vibrational function of a harmonicpotential and Q is the C-C stretching coordinate, usingQ050.2 Å, n58, and m50 –30.

A more interesting calculation of these spectra wasmade by Tanaka and Kayanuma (1996). They used asmall cluster model consisting of five C atoms with the

FIG. 12. Calculated RIXS for various positions (indicated bythe arrows) of the incident photon. The shaded curve is theDOS. From Minami and Nasu, 1998.

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core excited atom at the center. For simplicity, they tookinto account the displacement of only the central atomin the (111) direction, which belongs to the T2 irreduc-ible representation of the Td symmetry of the cluster. Inthe ground state the Hamiltonian is given by

H05 (i5x ,y ,z



2!, (30)

where Qi denotes the coordinate for the T2 local cou-pling mode and Pi means the momentum conjugate withQi . The x , y , and z directions are taken in the cubicaxes of the diamond.

In the intermediate state, a C 1s electron in the cen-tral atom is excited to the antibonding orbitals betweenthe sp3 orbitals on the central and neighboring C atoms.If we consider only the four antibonding orbitals, theHamiltonian is written as

FIG. 13. Experimental and calculated C 1s spectra of dia-mond: (a) x-ray absorption (XAS) compared to RIXS spectrameasured with excitation energies of 289.6 eV (curve 1) and294.5 eV (curve 2); (b) XAS and RIXS spectra in the band-gapregion; filled diamonds, experimental RIXS; open diamonds,XAS spectra; solid curve, the calculated Franck-Condon pho-non spectra for RIXS; dashed curve, the calculated phonon-broadened absorption spectrum. From Ma et al., 1993.

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He5S «s aQx aQy aQz

aQx «p 2bQz 2bQy

aQy 2bQz «p 2bQx

aQz 2bQy 2bQx «p

D 1H0 , (31)

where «s and «p are the core exciton energy with s andp symmetries, respectively, and a and b are the exciton-phonon coupling constants for the s and p symmetricstates. The RIXS calculation is made by diagonalizingexactly the Hamiltonians H0 and He , taking into ac-count the vibronic effect. The results are shown in Fig.14, where the incident-photon energy is taken at thecore exciton peak of the x-ray absorption spectrum, and(a) and (b) are the spectra for two independent polar-ization components (x ,x) and (y ,x). These spectrashow a conspicuous low-energy tail, similar to that of theexperimental data. The origin of the tail is the so-calledhot luminescence, which occurs just after the core exci-ton excitation, when the central C atom starts to dis-place in the (111) direction, and an x ray is emitted inthe course of this displacement. In the calculation ofTanaka and Kayanuma the dissipation of the phononenergy is not explicitly taken into account, but since thecore-hole lifetime is comparable with the dissipationtime, the essential behavior of the resonant inelasticscattering spectrum will not be changed seriously by dis-sipation. They also calculated the x-ray absorption spec-trum and showed that the width of the core exciton peakis as small as the experimental result, whereas the calcu-lated width is smaller than the result of Ma et al. (seeFig. 13). This narrowing of the absorption peak can beexplained by the vibronic effect for finite «p2«s , that is,the dynamical pseudo Jahn-Teller effect.

Phonon relaxation effects have also been found fornormal x-ray emission in the wide-gap insulators, such as

FIG. 14. Calculated RIXS spectra of diamond with theincident-photon energy at the core exciton peak. Two indepen-dent components, (x ,x) and (y ,x), are shown in (a) and (b).From Tanaka and Kayanuma, 1996.

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Al2O3, SiO2, and MgO, by O’Brien et al. (1993a). Theyobserved the valence-band structure from normal x-rayemission and compared it with the valence-band photo-emission spectra. Figure 15 compares the Mg 2p NXESand photoemission for MgO. Both spectra show thesame valence-band structure, and there are two struc-tures with a good correspondence, though the differencein intensities is due to the difference in cross sections.However, one can find some energy shift between thetwo spectra. This shift (about 0.5 eV) seems to be due tophonon relaxation around a core hole and is known as aStokes shift. Large Stokes shifts are also observed inAl2O3 (0.9 eV) and SiO2 (1.2 eV), but no shift is ob-served in the Mg and Al metals or Si.


A. Experimental data for rare-earth metals andcompounds

In this subsection we show some typical examples ofRIXS experimental data on rare-earth systems. In Figs.16 and 17 (the curves indicated by ‘‘exp’’) are shown theRIXS spectra from the excitation Ce 3d→4f→3d ofCeF3 and CeO2, respectively (Butorin, Mancini, et al.,1996; Nakazawa et al., 1996). In these data, the upper-most curve represents the Ce 3d x-ray absorption spec-trum, where we see two prominent features which cor-respond to the Ce 3d3/2 and 3d5/2 core levels, and somefine structures in each feature. Then, the incident-photon energy V is tuned to the x-ray absorption struc-tures A, B, and C, for CeF3 for instance, and the ob-served RIXS spectra are depicted by the curves A, B,and C, respectively, in the lower panel as a function ofthe emitted photon energy v. For CeF3, the observedspectrum consists of a single peak at v5V , correspond-ing to elastic x-ray scattering. For CeO2, on the otherhand, the spectrum consists of two peaks, correspondingto elastic and inelastic scattering. In this sense, theseRIXS spectra of CeF3 and CeO2 are more appropriateby called resonant x-ray emession spectra.

FIG. 15. Comparison of normal emission for soft x rays (SXE)and photoemission (PES) spectra of MgO. From O’Brienet al., 1993a.

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As another example, we show in Fig. 18 the Tm 3dx-ray absorption spectrum and the fluorescence yield ofthe 3d→4f→3d RIXS in Tm metal (Pompa et al., 1997;Nakazawa et al., 1998). The fluorescence yield is the in-tensity of resonant x-ray emission (both elastic and in-elastic x-ray scattering spectra) integrated over theemitted-photon energy and then measured as a functionof the incident-photon energy. The observed fluores-cence yield is similar to x-ray absorption, but we recog-nize a clear difference between them; the Tm 3d5/2 x-rayabsorption spectrum shows three-peak structure, but thelowest energy peak is almost missing from the fluores-cence yield.

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering has also been mea-sured for the rare-earth 4d and 2p core levels. Figure 19shows the difference between the Nd 4d→4f→4d (up-per panel) and 3d→4f→3d transition for Nd2O3

FIG. 16. Experimental and calculated results of Ce 3d absorp-tion (XAS) and 3d→4f→3d RIXS for CeF3. The RIXS re-sults A, B, and C are obtained by tuning the incident-photonenergy to A, B, and C of the absorption spectrum. From Na-kazawa et al., 1996.

FIG. 17. Experimental and calculated results of Ce in CeO2analogous to Fig. 16. The RIXS results A and B are obtainedby tuning the incident-photon energy to A and B of the ab-sorption spectrum. From Nakazawa et al., 1996.

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(Moewes et al., 1999). The abscissa is the energy loss,which is defined here as the difference between theemitted-photon and incident-photon energies. In eachpanel the upper curve is the experimental result, wherethe incident-photon energy is taken to be 133.5 eV (forthe 4d excitation) and 1002.4 eV (for the 3d excitation).It is to be noted that the final states of these RIXS pro-cesses are common but the observed spectra are differ-ent because of the difference in the intermediate states.Figure 20 displays the Dy 4d absorption spectrum (up-permost panel) and the Dy 4d→4f→4d RIXS spectraof DyF3 for the incident-photon energies a–m (Butorin,Guo, et al., 1997; Kotani, 1999). Figures 21(a)–(c) areconcerned with the Dy 2p core excitation of Dy(NO3)3(Hamalainen et al., 1991). In Fig. 21(a) the experimental

FIG. 18. Experimental and calculated x-ray absorption spectra(XAS) of Tm 3d5/2 and the corresponding total fluorescenceyield (TY) of Tm metal. From Nakazawa et al., 1998.

FIG. 19. Experimental and calculated resonant spectra for theNd transitions 4d→4f→4d (upper panel) and 3d→4f→3d(lower panel) in Nd2O3. From Moewes et al., 1999.

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Dy fluorescence for the transition 3d5/2→2p3/2 is shown,where a Dy 2p3/2 core electron is excited to the high-energy continuum, and then a Dy 3d5/2 electron makes aradiative transition to the 2p3/2 level. In this case, theemitted-photon energy is fixed at the maximum positionof the normal emission spectrum with a high analyzerresolution (as high as 0.3 eV), as shown with the dottedcurve, and the change in emitted-photon intensity is ob-served as a function of the incident-photon energy nearthe 2p3/2 threshold. The observed excitation spectrum isshown in Fig. 21(b) together with the Dy 2p absorptionspectrum measured by the transmission method. As canbe seen, the spectral width of the excitation spectrum issmaller than that of the absorption spectrum, and someweak structures are observed in the pre-edge region,which are invisible in conventional XAS. The observedpre-edge structure of the excitation spectrum is shown inFig. 21(c) with an enhanced scale.

These experimental data indicate, as discussed in thefollowing subsections, the importance of intra-atomicmultiplet coupling, as well as of interatomic hybridiza-tion, in RIXS.

B. Effect of intra-atomic multiplet coupling

We consider first the case in which the system is welldescribed by the atomic Hamiltonian, and the solid-stateeffect can be disregarded. One of the simplest examplesis the Ce 3d absorption and 3d→4f→3d resonant emis-sion of CeF3 (Fig. 16), where Ce is well described by anisolated Ce31 free ion and the process of resonant x-rayemission is described by the transitions 3d104f1

→3d94f2→3d104f1.We show in Fig. 16 the calculated absorption and

emission results (Nakazawa et al., 1996) and compare

FIG. 20. Experimental spectra of Dy 4d absorption and 4d→4f→4d RIXS for DyF3. From Butorin, Guo, et al., 1997.

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them with the experimental data. The 3d absorptionspectrum shows the multiplet structure characteristic ofthe atomic 3d94f2 configuration, for both the 3d3/2 andthe 3d5/2 core levels. On the other hand, the emissionspectra always show a single peak. This peak corre-sponds to elastic x-ray scattering without any inelasticx-ray scattering. This is because the final state 2F in the4f1 configuration is the same as the initial state (notethat there is no multiplet splitting for the single-electron4f1 configuration). More exactly, the initial state is the2F5/2 ground state, while the final state includes a 2F7/2excited state in addition to the ground state. However,the energy difference between the 2F5/2 and 2F7/2 statesis about 0.3 eV (4f spin-orbit splitting), which is toosmall (much smaller than the experimental resolution)to be resolved as an inelastic x-ray scattering spectrum.

As an example of the atomic multiplet effect in reso-nant x-ray emission, we consider Tm 3d absorption andemission in the 3d→4f→3d transition of Tm metal,where, again, Tm is well approximated by a free Tm31

ion. We show in Fig. 22 the calculated results of Tm 3dx-ray absorption and 3d→4f→3d resonant emission(Nakazawa et al., 1998). The ground state of Tm31 (with4f12 configuration) is the 3H6 state. The Tm 3d absorp-tion spectrum shows four peaks, A, B, C, and D, whichcorrespond to the multiplet terms of the 3d94f13 con-figuration; peak A corresponds to a pure 3H6 term,peak B mainly to a 3G5 term, while peaks C and Dcorrespond to strongly mixed states between 3H5 and1H5 terms due to the spin-orbit interaction. The reso-nant x-ray emission spectra with the incident-photon en-ergy tuned to A, B, C, and D are shown in the lowerpanel of Fig. 22. It is found that for A and B the spectraare given mostly by an elastic x-ray scattering peak,where the final state is the same multiplet term 3H6 asthe ground state, while for C and D we have a stronginelastic x-ray scattering peak corresponding to a spinflip excited state 1I6 , in addition to the elastic scatteringpeak. This is because the x-ray absorption final states Cand D are mixed states between 1H5 and 3H5 , and thenthe 1H5 component decays to the 1I6 final state, whilethe 3H5 component decays to the 3H6 final state.

There has been no direct experimental observation ofthese resonant emission spectra in Tm31, but the fluo-rescence yield data shown in Fig. 18 strongly supportthis RXES process. The calculated fluorescence yield,which is obtained by integrating the calculated resonantx-ray emission (both elastic and inelastic x-ray scatteringspectra; Fig. 22) over the emitted-photon energy, is ingood agreement with the experimental result, as shownin Fig. 18. From this calculation it becomes clear why thelowest absorption peak A is missing from the fluores-cence yield. If we take into account only the elastic x-rayscattering, we have a single dominant peak B in the fluo-rescence yield, because the intensity ratio of the threefluorescence yield peaks for the elastic x-ray scattering isroughly the square of that of that for the three absorp-tion peaks. Then the contribution from the inelasticx-ray scattering to the fluorescence yield gives a peak atposition C, but no peak at A because of almost vanish-

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ing inelastic x-ray scattering. In other words, the differ-ence between the fluorescence yield and the absorptionspectra comes from the fact that the radiative decay rateis not constant but depends on each intermediate state,

FIG. 21. Experimental results on dysprosium in Dy (NO3)3:(a) Dy normal x-ray emission (fluorescence) for the transition3d5/2→2p3/2 ; (b) Dy 2p3/2 absorption near-edge structure(XANES) and the corresponding excitation spectrum; (c) theenlarged pre-edge structure of the excitation spectrum. FromHamalainen et al., 1991. X-ray absorption near edge structure(XANES) is a common nomenclature for x-ray absorption(XAS) for energies close to the absorption edge.

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as discussed by de Groot, Arrio, et al. (1994) for differ-ent systems. van Veenendaal and Benoist (1998) calcu-lated and compared 3d x-ray absorption spectra andfluorescence yield of 3d→4f→3d resonant emission oftrivalent rare-earth ions from Ce to Yb, as well as theirmagnetic circular dichroism.

The RIXS of Nd2O3 shown in Fig. 19 can also be ex-plained by the atomic multiplet effect. The ground stateof a Nd31 ion is in the 4I9/2 state of the 4f3 configuration,and the final inelastic scattering states are 4G , 2H ,2G¯ states. The results of atomic calculations are alsoshown in Fig. 19 with the line spectra, as well as with thecontinuous spectra which are obtained by broadeningthe line spectra by 0.45 eV for the transition 4d→4f→4d and by 3.3 eV for the transition 3d→4f→3d (notethat the resolution of the former is better than that ofthe latter because of the shallower core level). The dif-ference between the 4d and 3d excitation spectra is dueto the difference in the intermediate states. The 4G finalstate is observed in both cases, because it is a spin-allowed transition, but 2H and 2G final states are spinforbidden, so their intensities are much stronger in the3d excitation than in the 4d excitation because of themuch stronger spin-orbit interaction in the 3d excitedintermediate state.

In order to analyze precisely the inelastic scatteringfrom the transition 4d→4f→4d in rare-earth systems,as in Fig. 20, it is necessary to take into account the Fanoeffect (Fano, 1961). Let us assume that the ground stateug& is in the 4d104f n configuration. This state can beexcited by the incident photon to the 4d94f n11 configu-ration (written hereafter as the state ua&) by the 4d→4f dipole transition T1 , as well as to the 4f n21e con-figuration (ukb& , where k denotes the electron excitedto the ionization continuum e and b represents the4f n21 configuration) by the 4f→e dipole transition T2 .The excited states ua& and ukb& are coupled by the super

FIG. 22. Calculated results on 3d absorption and 3d→4f→3d RIXS for a Tm31 ion. The RIXS spectra A, B, C, and Dare obtained by tuning the incident-photon energy to A, B, C,and D of the absorption spectrum. From Nakazawa et al.,1998.

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Coster-Kronig transition TA . X-ray emission occursfrom ua& to uf& (the 4f n configuration) by the 4f→4ddipole transition T3 .

The RIXS spectrum is given by

F~V ,v!5(f

U (a ,a8

^fuT3ua8&^a8uGua&^auTeffug& U2

3d~Eg1V2Ef2v!, (32)



Eg1V2H02Sua&. (33)

Here H0 is the atomic Hamiltonian without the transi-tion TA , and the self-energy operator S is defined by




with h→10. The operator Teff represents the effectivetransition operator from ug& to ua&:



3^kbuT2ug&d~Eg1V2Ekb!. (35)

The calculated result for Dy31 resonant emission viathe 4d→4f→4d channel (Butorin, Guo, et al., 1997; Na-kazawa, 1998; Kotani, 1999), which corresponds to theexperimental RIXS spectra in Fig. 20, is shown in Fig. 23(for the calculated Dy 4d absorption spectrum, seeOgasawara and Kotani, 1995). In each emission spec-trum from a to m, the sharp peak at the highest emitted-photon energy corresponds to elastic x-ray scattering,while the structures on the lower-energy side are inelas-tic x-ray scattering spectra, caused by the atomic multip-let excitation. The calculated result is in good agreementwith the experimental data. Similar experimental RIXSmeasurements of the transition 4d→4f→4d have also

FIG. 23. Calculated 4d→4f→4d RIXS of a Dy31 ion. FromNakazawa, 1998.

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been made for Gd31 in (Y,Gd)2O3 by Moewes, Eskild-son, et al. (1998). On the other hand, Gallet et al. (1996)have measured the Gd 5p→4d emission at the 4d→4fexcitation threshold of Gd metal [see also similar RIXSmeasurements for BaF2 by Rubensson et al. (1995)].

It should be mentioned that the atomic multiplet cou-pling and the Fano effect are important in explaining the4d→4f→4d RIXS spectrum of rare-earth compounds,while the Fano effect is not important in 3d XAS and3d→4f→3d RIXS spectra because the transition TA isweak.

C. Effect of interatomic hybridization

In contrast to CeF3, the Ce 4f state in CeO2 isstrongly mixed with the O 2p states by covalency hy-bridization (Kotani et al., 1985, 1988). Therefore, in thecalculation of the Ce 3d x-ray absorption spectrum andRIXS of CeO2, it is essential to use the Anderson impu-rity model instead of the free-atom model. The experi-mental result (Fig. 17; Butorin, Mancini, et al., 1996) hasbeen analyzed theoretically by Nakazawa et al. (1996)with the Anderson impurity model. The calculated spec-tra are also shown in Fig. 17, and good agreement can beseen between the calculated and experimental results.

The total energy-level scheme of CeO2 is shown sche-matically in Fig. 24. The ground state is a bonding statebetween 4f0 and 4f1LI configurations (LI being a hole inthe valence band), and the intermediate states are bond-ing, antibonding, and nonbonding states between the3d94f1 and 3d94f2LI configurations. The main peak Band the satellite A of the 3d absorption spectrum corre-spond to the transitions to bonding and antibondingstates, respectively, while the transition to the nonbond-ing state is almost forbidden. The final states of the 3d→4f→3d resonant emission spectrum have the sameconfiguration as the initial one, and it is possible to makea transition to both nonbonding and antibonding states,in addition to the bonding state (i.e., the ground state)which corresponds to elastic x-ray scattering. When V isfixed at the main peak position, which corresponds toselecting the bonding state in the intermediate state, wehave a strong transition to the bonding state, a some-what weaker transition to the nonbonding state, and aweak transition to the antibonding state in the finalstate. When V is fixed at the satellite peak position,

FIG. 24. Schematic energy-level diagram of the resonant 3d→4f→3d elastic and inelastic transitions for Ce in CeO2.

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which corresponds to the antibonding state in the inter-mediate state, we have a strong transition to the anti-bonding state and a weak transition to the bonding state.This is the reason why the spectrum in CeO2 has a two-peak structure. The difference in the relative intensity ofthe two peaks for different V originates from the differ-ent character of the intermediate states.

When the incident-photon energy is tuned to the sat-ellite peak A of the 3d x-ray absorption spectrum ofCeO2, the antibonding state between 3d94f1 and3d94f 2LI configurations is selectively excited as the in-termediate state. If this intermediate state decays to theground state (bonding state between 4f 0 and 4f1LI con-figurations), we have an elastic x-ray scattering peak,while if it decays to the excited state (antibonding statebetween 4f 0 and 4f1LI configurations), we have anRIXS peak. The ratio between the elastic and inelasticx-ray scattering peaks depends on the intermediatestate, reflecting the different character of the intermedi-ate states.

It can be clearly seen from the x-ray absorption andresonant emission (curve A in Fig. 17) that the energydifference of the two absorption peaks is smaller thanthat of the peaks in the resonant emission spectrum.Therefore the energy difference between the antibond-ing and bonding states with a core hole is smaller thanthat without a core hole. It is to be noted that theseenergy differences are mainly determined by covalencyhybridization. Therefore the covalency hybridizationstrength V is smaller with a core hole than without acore hole. This is because the 4f wave function is con-tracted by the attractive potential of the core hole. Wedefine the reduction factor Rc by

V~with core hole!5Rc3V~without core hole!.

The value of Rc , as well as the other parameters of theAnderson impurity model, can be estimated by analyz-ing the resonant x-ray emission (and absorption) spec-tra. The estimated values are Rc50.6, V(without core hole)51.0 eV, D52.0 eV, Uff59.0 eV,and Ufc512.6 eV (Butorin, Mancini, et al., 1996; Naka-zawa et al., 1996).

There have been many experimental data for x-rayabsorption and x-ray photoemission associated withvarious core levels in CeO2, and most of them were suc-cessfully reproduced by theoretical calculations usingthe Anderson impurity model with Rc51.0 (the otherparameters are V50.76 eV, D51.6 eV, Uff510.5 eV,and Ufc512.5 eV; Kotani et al., 1988; Kotani andOgasawara, 1992). The only exception is the analysis ofvalence x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (VXPS) andbremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS). Accord-ing to the experimental results of VXPS and BIS forCeO2 (Wuilloud et al., 1984), the energy difference be-tween the lowest affinity state and the first ionizationstate is about 4.5 eV, which corresponds to the insulatingenergy gap of CeO2. A previous calculation (Nakanoet al., 1987) of VXPS and BIS with Rc51.0 gave an in-sulating gap (about 2.0 eV) much smaller than the ex-perimental value. Then Nakazawa et al. (1996) calcu-

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lated the valence photoemission and bremsstrahlungisochromat spectra with their new parameters with Rc50.6, and found that the experimental value of the in-sulating energy gap was well reproduced by their calcu-lation. It was also checked that the other experimentaldata, the Ce 3d x-ray photoemission, 4d absorption, and4d photoemission spectra for CeO2, were well repro-duced by the new parameter values. In this way, theresonant emission spectroscopy gives us important infor-mation on the hybridization strength in both the ground-state configuration and the core electron excited state.

More recently Butorin, Duda, et al. (1997) measured asimilar inelastic scattering spectrum for PrO2, and ana-lyzed the result with the Andersion impurity model. Theexperimental and theoretical results are shown in Figs.25 and 26, respectively. The ground state of PrO2 is abonding state between 4f1 and 4f 2LI configurations, andthe final state of the Pr 3d x-ray absorption consists ofbonding and antibonding states between 3d94f 2 and3d94f 3LI configurations. The main peak in the region A,B, and C (and also E, F, and G) is the bonding state withsome multiplet structure, and the satellite D (and H)corresponds to the antibonding state. The resonant in-elastic scattering spectra A–H are obtained by tuningthe incident-photon energy to the absorption spectra po-sitions A–H, and the calculated results are in fair agree-ment with the experimental ones. The parameter valuesused are V50.8, D50.5, and Ufc2Uff55.0 (in units ofeV), and the reduction factor Rc50.7 is essential in re-producing the experimental results. It is to be stressedthat the interplay between the interatomic hybridizationand the intra-atomic multiplet coupling plays an essen-tial role in the RIXS of PrO2, while the latter is lessimportant in CeO2.

It is well known that some intermetallic compounds of

FIG. 25. Experimental spectrum of Pr 3d absorption and Pr3d→4f→3d RIXS in PrO2. In the RIXS results A–H, theincident-photon energy is tuned to the energy positions A–Hin the absorption spectrum. From Butorin et al., 1997b.

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Ce, as well as those of Yb, exhibit anomalous physicalproperties such as mixed valence (or valence fluctua-tion), heavy fermions, Kondo insulators, and other be-haviors (Bickers et al., 1985; Lawrence et al., 1985;Susaki et al., 1996). In order to explain these properties,the Anderson impurity model, as well as a periodicAnderson model, has been widely used. Especially forthe study of mixed-valence states in intermetallic Cecompounds, Anderson impurity model analysis for x-rayphotoemission and absorption data has played an essen-tial role. For instance, Gunnarsson and Schonhammer(1983) analyzed x-ray photoemission data of various Cecompounds with the Anderson impurity model by usingthe 1/Nf expansion method, in which the spectral inten-sity is expanded in a power series of 1/Nf , where Nf isthe degeneracy number of the 4f state (Gunnarsson andSchonhammer, 1983; Allen et al., 1986). From the analy-sis, they could estimate the average 4f electron numbernf in the ground state of various mixed-valence Ce com-pounds and revealed that the value nf is almost alwayslarger than about 0.7, ranging mainly between 0.8 and1.0. More recently, however, it has been found that sur-face Ce states give a different contribution to the x-rayphotoemission from that of the bulk Ce states (Laub-schat et al., 1990; Braicovich, Brookes, et al., 1997), sothat we need to take into account the surface contribu-tion in the analysis of x-ray photoemission.

It is to be noted that the RIXS is free from surfacecontributions. Therefore it is very useful to apply theRIXS technique to studying the electronic states of me-tallic Ce compounds. So far, only a small number of suchexperiments have been performed with almost no theo-retical analysis. As an example, we show in Fig. 27 theresonant emission spectra for the transition 4d→4f→4d of CeB6 (Butorin et al., 1999). The upper panelshows the total fluorescence yield, and the RIXS spectraare displayed in the lower panel for the incident-photonenergy indicated by arrows in the upper panel. The low-est inelastic-scattering structure has an energy loss ofabout 3.7 eV, the origin of which is interpreted as the

FIG. 26. Calculated RIXS spectra for the Pr 3d→4f→3d tran-sition in PrO2. From Butorin, Duda, et al., 1997.

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excitation of the f2 configuration in the final state in amore recent paper by Magnuson et al. (2001). Anotherexample of RIXS in mixed-valence Ce systems has beenmeasured for multilayer samples. Figure 28 shows theCe 3d→2p RIXS under the 2p→5d resonant excitationfor a [(5 Å) La/(10 Å) Ce/(5 Å) La/(30 Å) Fe]3nmultilayer (Mariot et al., 1999). The upper panel showsthe Ce 2p→5d x-ray absorption spectrum, which exhib-its a double-peak structure characteristic of the mixed-valence Ce systems. The observed transfer energy of theRIXS peak depends strongly on the incident-photon en-ergy, and Mariot et al. interpreted the transfer energy ofabout 884 eV as corresponding to the Ce 4f1 configura-tion and that of about 895 eV as corresponding to the Ce4f 0 configuration. The Ce 3d→4f→3d resonant inelas-tic scattering spectrum for a [(10 Å) Ce/(30 Å) Fe]3nmultilayer has also been measured by Journel et al.(1999).

FIG. 27. Experimental RIXS spectra for the Ce 4d→4f→4dtransition in CeB6. The elastic peak is set at 0 eV. The excita-tion energies used to obtain these spectra are indicated by ar-rows on the total fluorescence spectrum at the 4d edge shownin the upper panel. From Butorin et al., 1999.

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In mixed-valence systems hybridization between 4f n

and 4f n11 configurations (n50 for Ce) occurs in theground state. It is to be noted that even in some integralvalence systems, hybridization between 4f ncI and 4f n11cIconfigurations can occur in the intermediate state ofnormal x-ray emission (i.e., the final state of x-ray pho-toemission). This is well known in the photoemissionspectroscopy of various rare-earth oxides (see Kotaniand Ogasawara, 1992). For these systems therefore acharge-transfer excitation due to hybridization may beobserved in NXES. Moewes, Stadler, et al. (1998) mea-sured this type of charge-transfer excitation in NXES bythe 3d core excitation of Nd2O3 and LaAlO2, and founda charge-transfer energy of 2.3 eV for Nd2O3 and 7.5 eVfor LaAlO2.

It is highly desirable that high-resolution RIXS mea-surements be performed for other mixed-valence sys-tems, heavy-fermion systems, and Kondo insulators, andalso that they be analyzed theoretically in the future.

D. Narrowing of spectral width in the excitation spectrum

In the conventional 2p3/2(L3) absorption spectros-copy of rare earths, in general, the spectrum is broad-ened by a short lifetime of the 2p core hole, so that fine

FIG. 28. Experimental RIXS data on the Ce 3d5/2→2p3/2 tran-sition at the Ce 2p3/2 excitation threshold of a [(5 Å) La/(10 Å)Ce/(5 Å) La/(30 Å) Fe]3n multilayer. The incident-photonenergies are indicated by arrows on the Ce 2p3/2 absorptionspectrum in the upper panel. From Mariot et al., 1999.

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structures in 2p absorption spectra are often smearedout. However, Hamalainen et al. (1991) attained a dra-matic improvement in resolution far beyond the limitimposed by the 2p3/2 core hole lifetime in the excitationspectrum of Dy 3d5/2 → 2p3/2 RIXS for Dy(NO3)3 inthe region of the Dy 3d5/2→2p3/2 absorption edge. Withthis technique, they revealed a fine pre-edge structure ofDy 2p3/2 edge which is invisible using the conventionalx-ray absorption spectroscopy technique, and inter-preted this structure as originating from the 2p3/2→4foptical quadrupole transition.

Theoretical analysis of these experimental data wasmade by Tanaka et al. (1994) in the pre-edge region ofDy 2p3/2 x-ray absorption for the Dy31 system. With theincident- and emitted-photon energies V and v, respec-tively, the excitation spectrum is given, from Eq. (5), by

F~V ,v!5(jU(




3GM /p

~Ej1v2Eg2V!21GM2 , (36)

where T1 represents both the 2p3/2→4f quadrupoletransition and the 2p3/2→5d dipole transition, T2 repre-sents the 3d5/2→2p3/2 dipole transition, and GL and GMrepresent the lifetime broadening of the 2p3/2 and 3d5/2core holes, respectively. The values of GL and GM aretaken to be 2.1 and 0.7 eV, respectively. The intra-atomic multiplet coupling between 4f electrons, that be-tween 4f electrons and 2p hole (in the intermediatestate), and that between 4f electrons and 3d hole (in thefinal state) are fully taken into account.

The calculated excitation spectrum in the 2p3/2 pre-edge region is shown in Fig. 29 (Kotani, 1993; Tanakaet al., 1994) by the solid curve, where the energy v isfixed at the peak position of the normal x-ray emissionspectrum for the transition 3d5/2→2p3/2 under x-ray ex-citation well above the 2p3/2 absorption edge. The spec-trum consists of the two contributions: the quadrupoleexcitation (dot-dashed curve) and the low-energy tail ofthe 2p3/2→5d dipole excitation (long-dashed curve).

FIG. 29. Calculated excitation spectrum in the pre-edge regionof L3 for a Dy31 system. The total spectrum (solid curve) con-sists of the quadrupole (dot-dashed curve) and dipole (long-dashed curve) contributions. In the inset, the calculated exci-tation spectrum (solid curve) is compared with the theoreticalresult of the conventional XAS (short-dashed curve). FromKotani, 1993.

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The dipole excitation is calculated by assuming that thedensity of states of the Dy 5d conduction band is givenby a semielliptic shape, for simplicity. The conventionalabsorption spectrum is also calculated with the samemodel, and the result is shown in the inset of Fig. 29 withthe short-dashed curve and compared with the excita-tion spectrum (solid curve). The pre-edge structurewhich can be clearly seen in the excitation spectrum isinvisible in the conventional absorption spectrum. Theseresults are in good agreement with the experimental re-sults of Hamalainen et al. [1991; Figs. 21(b) and (c)]. Thecalculated excitation spectrum corresponds to a fictitiousx-ray absorption spectrum with a spectral width smallerthan the conventional one.

A similar calculation was also made by Carra et al.(1995). In Fig. 30 their result is shown, where the RIXSintensity due to the 2p3/2→4f quadrupole excitation and3d5/2→2p3/2 dipole x-ray emission is displayed as a func-tion of incident-photon energy V (written as \vk in thefigure) and the transferred photon energy V2v (writtenas D\v). The values of GL and GM are taken as 2 and0.15 eV, respectively. As can be seen from Eq. (36), par-allel to the V2v axis, the final-state structure is scannedwith the resolution GM , while parallel to the V axis it isscanned with the resolution GL . Keeping v fixed, whilevarying V, as performed by Hamalainen et al. (1991),amounts to moving along the 45° line in the V and V2v plane of Fig. 30. In this case, if the condition GL@GM is satisfied, the spectral broadening is controlledby GM . As shown by Tanaka et al., the observed excita-tion spectrum tends to the Dy 2p3/2 absorption spectrumsimply with a smaller spectral width GM , when the fol-lowing three conditions are fulfilled: (a) The multipletcoupling between the core hole (both 2p3/2 and of 3d5/2)and the 4f electrons is much smaller than that between4f electrons. (b) GM is much smaller than GL . (c) Thex-ray emission energy v is taken as the difference of the

FIG. 30. Calculated RIXS result for the 3d5/2→2p3/2 transitionin the 2p3/2→4f excitation due to the quadrupole transition ofa free Dy31 ion. The intensity of the inelastic scattering isshown as a function of the incident and transferred photonenergies. From Carra et al., 1995.

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binding energies between 2p3/2 and 3d5/2 core levels.In actual Dy31 compounds, conditions (a) and (b) are

satisfied approximately, although they are not satisfiedexactly. Therefore the structure of the excitation spec-trum does not coincide with that of the narrower absorp-tion spectrum in the strict sense, but there is a goodcorrespondence between them. As a matter of fact,Loeffen et al. (1996) compared a similar excitation spec-trum observed for Ho(NO3)3 with a deconvolved Ho2p3/2 absorption spectrum of the same material, andfound that the excitation spectrum reproduced broadlythe deconvolved spectrum, but lacked some structure onthe higher-energy side of the white line. Moreover thepre-edge feature of the excitation spectrum (by thequadrupole transition) was weaker and offset by about1.7 eV.

Another way to separate the quadrupole and dipoleexcitations in 2p absorption spectra of rare-earth sys-tems is to measure RIXS as a function of V with a fixedenergy transfer V2v . An example is given in Fig. 31 forGd in Gd3Ga5O12 garnet as measured by Krisch et al.(1995). Figure 31(a) shows the experimental x-ray ab-sorption of the Gd 2p3/2 spectrum, and Fig. 31(b) showsthe RIXS for Gd 3d5/2→2p3/2 , where the incident-photon energy is fixed to various values [positionsshown with bars in Fig. 31(a)]. A and B in Fig. 31(b)represent the RIXS originating from the Gd 2p3/2→4fquadrupole excitation and the Gd 2p3/2→5d dipole ex-citation, respectively, and they are separately observed

FIG. 31. Experimental results: (a) Gd 2p3/2 x-ray absorption inGd3Ga5O12 garnet, (b) RIXS in the transition Gd 3d5/2→2p3/2 with various incident-photon energies, and (c) inten-sity of RIXS for the structures A, B, B* , and C as a function ofthe incident-photon energy. From Krisch et al., 1995.

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because of the large difference in their final-state ener-gies. Then, by taking the energy transfer at A and B, theRIXS intensity is shown as a function of V in Fig. 31(c).The maxima of the curves A and B in Fig. 31(c) corre-spond to the intensity maxima of the absorption spec-trum due to the quadrupole and dipole transitions, re-spectively. We cannot see the quadrupole contributionin Fig. 31(a), but we can estimate the intensity and en-ergy position of the quadrupole transition from Fig.31(c). It should be mentioned that the structure B* is anexchange satellite of B, so that the relative intensity be-tween B* and B are almost constant with the change inincident-photon energy in Fig. 31(c). The structure Cbehaves as normal x-ray emission, where v is constantinstead of V2v , because the incident-photon energy isin the high-energy continuum of the x-ray absorptionspectrum. More recently, Iwazumi et al. (1998) madesimilar measurements for Gd in the ferrimagneticGd-Co compounds, and Krisch et al. (1996) and Iwa-zumi et al. (1998) observed the dependence of RIXS inGd on circularly polarized incident photons.

Systematic measurements in a manner similar to thatleading to curves A and B, in Fig. 31(c) have been madeby Bartolome et al. (1997) for the rare earths R5Nd,Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm in R2Fe14B. They de-termined the quadrupole and dipole excitation energiesin the 2p3/2 absorption, and compared them with thestructures observed in magnetic circular dichroism(MCD) of the XAS. It is interesting that they could ob-serve a double-peak structure in the quadrupole transi-tion of the light rare-earth systems Nd and Sm, whichcorrespond to the spin-up and spin-down transition withrespect to the ground-state spin direction. A similar ex-periment was also made by Gallet et al. (1999) for Smmetal. In the magnetic circular dichroism of rare-earth2p absorption, the assignment of the observed structures(including the dipole and quadrupole contributions) hasnot been well established, so that the information givenby RIXS is very important.

E. Polarization dependence and magnetic circulardichroism

In all the calculations (except for the case of Tm)given in Sec. IV, the polarization dependence of reso-nant x-ray emission (both elastic and inelastic scattering)is disregarded for simplicity by taking the average of theemission spectra over all polarization directions, x , y ,and z for both incident and emitted photons. In actualexperiments, it is not easy to measure the polarization ofthe emitted photon as well as the dependence of theresonant emission spectrum on the angle betweenincident- and emitted-photon propagation directions. Ingeneral, the emission spectrum depends, more or less,on the polarization direction and the scattering angle.

The fluorescence yield in Tm (Fig. 18) was measuredwith the geometrical arrangement shown in Fig. 32. Thepolarization of the incident photon is in the z direction,and the scattering angle u is 90°. If we assume theincident-photon polarization in the z direction and take

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a general scattering angle u, the resonant emission spec-trum is expressed as (Nakazawa et al., 1998)

F~V ,v!5(q




(1)ug&Eg1V2Ei2iG i


3Aq~u!d~Eg1V2Ej2v!, (37)

where Cq(k) is defined by

Cq(k)5A 4p

2k11Ykq (38)

with the spherical harmonics Ykq , and the angle-dependent factor Aq(u) is given by

Aq~u!5H 12

~11sin2 u! q51,21,

cos2 u q50.(39)

The intensity of the fluorescence yield is given by inte-grating the emission spectrum F(V ,v) over the emitted-photon energy v:

FFY~V!5E dvF~V ,v!5(q

fq~V!Aq~u!, (40)





(1)ug&Eg1V2Ei2iG i


. (41)

The calculated fluorescence yield and RIXS withthese expressions (u590°) were shown in Figs. 18 and22. According to the experiments of Pompa et al. (1997),the u dependence of the fluorescence yield is very smallfor Tm31, but considerably larger for Sm31. The experi-mental and theoretical u dependence of the fluorescenceyield (for the 3d5/2 core level) of Sm are compared inFig. 33. Nakazawa et al. (1998) observed that as a gen-eral trend the difference between f0 and f61 is large forrare-earth elements with the 4f shell less than half filledand small for those that are more than half filled. Theircalculated results for Tm31 and Sm31 show that the rela-tive weights of f0 and f61 depend on u, thus explainingthe observations of differing fluorescence yield for Tm31

and Sm31.Polarization dependence is one of the most important

and useful aspects of RIXS. Since it is a coherentsecond-order process, there are selection rules involvingboth incident and outgoing photons, analogous to thoseof Raman scattering. The observed polarization depen-

FIG. 32. Geometrical arrangement of RIXS.

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dences of the scattering can be used to sort out the sym-metries of the excitations and mechanism for electron-light and electron-electron coupling. Examples includethe excitation of the Ce 4f electrons in CeO2 and Ti 3delectrons in TiO2 (see Sec. V.C), where the polarizationdependence was used to make predictions and compari-sons with experiment on resonent x-ray emission (bothelastic and inelastic scattering spectra) and x-ray absorp-tion. Let us discuss the difference in the emission spectraof CeO2 with the polarized and depolarized configura-tions introduced in Sec. II.B. We consider the geometryshown in Fig. 32 with u590°. The incident-photon po-larization is in the y direction for the polarized and inthe z direction for the depolarized configuration. Theexperimental results in Fig. 17 were observed with thepolarized configuration, but what happens if we use thedepolarized configuration? From Eqs. (37) and (39),F(V ,v) is written, for the depolarized configuration, as

F~V ,v!5 (q561




(1)ug&Eg1V2Ei2iG i


3d~Eg1V2Ej2v!. (42)

Then the elastic scattering spectrum is found to be for-bidden, because the total angular momentum J50 (sothat Jz50) in ug& of CeO2 and uj&5ug& for elastic x-rayscattering. Note that in order to obtain a finite RIXSintensity in Eq. (42) the Jz of uj& should be 1 or 21.Since the antibonding state between 4f0 and 4f1LI con-figurations (i.e., the final state of the inelastic scatteringin curve A of Fig. 17) is also the state with J5Jz50, thispeak disappears in the depolarized configuration. Onthe other hand, the nonbonding states (the main part ofinelastic scattering in curve B) do not disappear becausethey have finite values of Jz including 61 (see, for fur-ther details, a recent paper by Nakazawa et al., 2000).Very recent experimental measurements of resonantemission in CeO2 with the depolarized configuration areconsistent with this expectation (Watanabe et al., 2000)

FIG. 33. Experimental and calculated scattering angle depen-dence of the fluorescence yield for Sm. From Nakazawa et al.,1998.

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and give strong support for the present interpretation ofresonant emission using the Anderson impurite model,although the result has not as yet been published.

Another interesting phenomenon that has some bear-ing on the polarization dependence of XES is magneticcircular dichroism (MCD) in ferromagnetic systems.Pioneering work in this field was done by Hague andco-workers. The first experimental observation of MCDin XES was made by Hague et al. (1993) for the 2p edgeof Fe metal, and the result was compared with calcula-tions using the fully relativistic local spin-density ap-proximation (LSDA). This work will be described ingreater detail in Sec. VI.B.

de Groot et al. (1997) considered the situation inwhich a photon with circular polarization (1 or 2 helic-ity) is incident on the sample with the angle w from thesample surface normal, and the emitted photon is de-tected with the angle u from the surface normal withoutanalyzing the polarization, where the surface normal isperpendicular to the magnetization of the sample, andall the directions of incident and emitted photons, sur-face normal and the magnetization are in the sameplane. Then they showed that the MCD of RIXS, i.e.,the difference of RIXS for the incident photons with 1and 2 helicities, is given by

DFMCD~V ,v!5212

sin w@~11sin2 u!~F1211F2121

2F112F211!12 cos2 u~F0212F01!# ,


where Fq8q is defined by





Eg1V2Ei2iG iU2

3G j /p

~Eg1v2Ej!21G j

2 (44)

with the polar axis (for Cq(1)) taken in the direction of

the magnetization.An example is shown in Fig. 34. Here, the experimen-

tal data (dots; Krisch et al., 1996; de Groot et al., 1997)are shown for the x-ray emission and its MCD for ferro-magnetic Gd metal, where a 2p3/2 core electron is ex-cited to the high-energy continuum and a 3d5/2 electronmakes a radiative transition to the 2p3/2 state. Theangles w and u are taken as 60 and 30°, respectively. Thecalculated results (de Groot et al., 1997) with a Gd31 ionmodel are also shown with the solid curves. The agree-ment with the experimental results is good. As foundfrom Eq. (43), the spectral shape of the magnetic circu-lar dichroism does not change with the change of w (onlywith the change of MCD amplitude), but it depends onthe angle u. An example of the u dependence was calcu-lated by de Groot et al. (1997) for Gd. Experiments andcalculations similar to Fig. 34 but for the 4d core level(instead of the 3d level) were also made by Krisch et al.(1996) and by de Groot et al. (1997). Similar NXES cal-

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culations were made by Jo and Tanaka (1998) both for3d and 4d core levels of Nd31, Gd31, and Dy31 ions.

In deriving Eq. (43), an approximation has beenmade, in which some interference terms are disregardedfor simplicity. The interference terms are negligiblysmall in the calculation shown in Fig. 34 (where w560°), but in the case of normal incidence (w50°) anda nonzero takeoff angle u they can give a finite contri-bution to the magnetic circular dichroism. This is in con-trast to the situation in XAS, where the MCD as well asDFMCD(V ,v) of Eq. (43) vanishes for w50°. Very re-cently, Braicovich et al. (1999) succeeded in measuringsuch MCD spectra (for w50°) for the Ni 3s→2p RIXSof NiFe2O4 and the Co 3s→2p RIXS of Co metal underthe 2p→3d excitation. The physical mechanism of thisphenomenon is explained by two antagonistic effects:One is that the spin-orbit interaction prefers the core-hole orbital moment in the intermediate state to alignalong the magnetization (spin) direction, and the otheris that the selection rules for optical excitation result in apreferred alignment of the orbital moment parallel tothe helicity vector of the circularly polarized light. As aresult, the core-hole orbital moment direction is asym-metric with respect to the emitted-photon direction forthe 1 and 2 helicities of the incident photon, and wehave a finite magnetic circular dichroism in the RIXS.

As mentioned in the preceding subsection, Krischet al. (1996) and Iwazumi et al. (1997) observed theMCD of Gd 3d5/2→2p3/2 RIXS in the 2p3/2 excitationthreshold. Compared with the MCD of NXES in Fig. 34,RIXS has similar global features, but some fine struc-

FIG. 34. Gd 4f→3d x-ray emission spectrum (upper curve)and its magnetic circular dichroism (lower curve) under theexcitation of a 3d core electron to the high-energy continuumby circular polarized incident x rays. Solid curves and dotsrepresent theoretical and experimental results, respectively.From de Groot et al., 1997.

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tures change with the incident-photon energy. The cal-culation of the MCD for RIXS is more difficult than fornormal emission in which the electron excited to thecontinuum can be treated as free, and detailed theoret-ical calculations are left for future investigations. It iswell known that the MCD of XAS and its sum rules(Thole et al., 1992; Carra et al., 1993) are very useful inthe study of orbital and spin magnetism of the groundstate, but the information given by MCD on inelasticscattering has not been well understood. RIXS can pro-vide us with information on both the ground state andthe intermediate state, hence giving much more infor-mation than XAS. How to derive effectively informationon magnetic properties from the MCD of RIXS remainsan open problem.

It should be mentioned here that van Veenendaalet al. (1996) discussed whether the sum rules of MCD inXAS could be applied to the MCD of the total fluores-cence yield of RIXS. As we have discussed before, fluo-rescence yield does not necessarily coincide with x-rayabsorption, but they showed that the integrated MCDintensity of fluorescence yield is useful, through the sumrules, for obtaining ground-state expectation values ofLz and Sz in the situation where no intermediate stateswith high LS purity are reached. Since fluorescenceyield has the advantage over electron yield (which isoften used in MCD observations) that it is less surfacesensitive and free from magnetic-field problems, we ex-pect that fluorescence yield will become more and moreuseful in MCD analysis of ferromagnetic systems.


In general the 3d wave function of transition-metalcompounds is more localized than s and p wave func-tions of semiconductors, but more extended than the 4fwave function of rare-earth systems. Therefore the elec-tron correlation effect in RIXS of transition-metal com-pounds is intermediate between that of semiconductors,discussed in Sec. III, and that of rare-earth systems, dis-cussed in Sec. IV. It is most interesting to study the in-terplay between the intra-atomic Coulomb interactionand interatomic hopping motion of 3d electrons in theRIXS of transition-metal compounds. Theoretical calcu-lations of RIXS in transition-metal compounds have sofar been made mainly with the Anderson impuritymodel (or small-cluster model), but it is desirable to gobeyond the impurity model.

A. Crystal-field level excitation and charge-transferexcitation in copper oxide systems

In order to calculate the RIXS of transition-metalcompounds, we have to take into account the anisotropyof the hybridization between the transition-metal 3dstate and the ligand state. For instance, we consider theRIXS for Cu in the transition channel 2p→3d→2p inLa2CuO4, a high-Tc cuprate. The local symmetry aroundthe Cu ion in La2CuO4 is D4h , and the hybridizationstrength V(G) depends on the irreducible representa-

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tion G5b1g , a1g , eg , and b2g . The ground state is astrongly mixed state (bonding state) between 3d9(G)and 3d10LI (G) configurations with G5b1g (we take thecoordinate axes so that the z axis is perpendicular to theCuO2 plane and the b1g orbit is represented by dx22y2),and the weight of the 3d9(b1g) configuration is about60% (see, for instance, Kotani and Okada, 1990). Abovethe ground state there are bonding states with other ir-reducible representations (denoted by crystal-field lev-els) and nonbonding and antibonding states (denoted bycharge-transfer states). The energy-level scheme isshown in Fig. 35(a). The intermediate state of thepresent RIXS (which is the same as the final state of Cu2p x-ray absorption) is in the single configuration of2p53d10, and the incident-photon energy is tuned to theenergy of this intermediate-state excitation. If the2p53d10 intermediate state decays to the ground state,we have an elastic x-ray scattering peak, while if it de-cays to some excited states above the ground state wehave inelastic x-ray scattering structures.

A theoretical calculation of the Cu 2p3/2→3d→2p3/2RIXS for La2CuO4 was made with the Anderson impu-ring model by Tanaka and Kotani (1993). Their resultsare shown in Figs. 35(b) and (c). Here, the polarizationdependence of the resonant emission is studied, and theRIXS spectra Sxx and Szx are shown to exhibit differentfeatures, when the incident-photon polarization is takenin the x direction, perpendicular to the crystalline c axis(i z), and that of the emitted photon is in the x (for Sxx)and z (for Szx) directions. In these figures, the origin ofthe emitted-photon energy is at the threshold for elasticscattering, and it can be seen that the inelastic scatteringspectrum exhibits strong crystal-field level excitationsfor 0 ,Dv, 2.0 eV, where Dv is the energy loss (Ra-man shift), while for Dv.2.0 eV it shows weak andbroad RIXS features due to the charge-transfer excita-tion. From this calculation, Tanaka and Kotani showedthat the polarization dependence of the inelastic scatter-ing provides us with important information on the sym-metry of electronic states. However, a direct experimen-

FIG. 35. (a) Energy-level diagram of crystal-field levels andcharge-transfer continuum in La2CuO4, (b) calculated RIXSspectra for Cu 2p3/2→3d→2p3/2 in La2CuO4 with the incident-and emitted-photon polarizations in the x direction, and (c)the same as (b) but with the incident- and emitted- photonpolarizations in the x and z directions, respectively. From Ko-tani, 1998.

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tal measurement of the polarization dependence ofRIXS is very difficult because of the problem of detect-ing the polarization of the emitted photon.

A few years after the theoretical calculation, theRIXS of La2CuO4, including its polarization depen-dence, was observed experimentally by using a sophisti-cated geometrical arrangement in which a spectrometercould be rotated around the incident beam axis and asample could also be rotated around its surface normal(Duda, 1996; Duda, Stagarescu, et al., 1998). The result(Duda, 1996) is shown in Fig. 36, where the open circlesand dots are the experimental data corresponding to Sxxand Szx , respectively. Unfortunately, the resolution isnot very good. In order to compare the data with thetheoretical results, Sxx and Szx in Figs. 35(b) and (c) arebroadened and plotted in Fig. 36 with solid curves. Theexperimental and theoretical results are in fair agree-ment, although the intensity of the charge-transfer exci-tation is weaker in the experimental data. If the experi-mental resolution is improved, polarization-dependentRIXS will become a powerful tool in the study ofelectronic-state symmetry in various materials in future.

The polarization dependence of RIXS has also beenmeasured by Kuiper et al. (1998) for the Cu 3p→3d→3p transition in Sr2CuO2Cl2. They observed RIXS bychanging the angle between the x-ray emission directionand the sample normal (z axis), while keeping scatteringangle to 90° and the polarization direction of the inci-dent photon always in the xy plane. Then, the relativeintensity of various crystal-field level excitations changewith the angle, which made it possible for them to esti-mate the crystal-field excitation energies. For instance,the eg(dyz ,dxz) to b2g(dxy) intensity ratio in RIXS in-creases when the angle changes from nearly grazingemission to nearly vertical emission. Kuiper et al. esti-mated that the transition from the b1g(dx22y2) groundstate to the b2g state occurs at 1.35 eV and that to the egstate at 1.7 eV. They also made some calculations tocompare with the experimental data and obtained theresult that the a1g(d3z22r2) orbital energy is at 1.5 eVand the a1g transition is accompanied by a local spin-flipexcitation (see also de Groot et al., 1998).

FIG. 36. Experimental data on polarization dependence inRIXS of La2CuO4. The open and closed circles are Sxx andSzx , respectively. Calculated results are also shown with thesolid curves, which are broadened versions of Figs. 34(b) and(c). From Duda, 1996.

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Another interesting topic on divalent Cu oxides is theCu 4p→1s emission in response to the Cu 1s→4p reso-nant excitation in Nd2CuO4. Hill et al. (1998) measuredthe Cu 1s→4pp→1s RIXS, where a Cu 1s electron isexcited to the Cu 4pp conduction band by an incidentphoton with nearly z polarization, and then the Cu 4pp

electron makes a radiative transition to the 1s level. Thelocal electronic structure around the Cu ion in Nd2CuO4is almost the same as that in La2CuO4. The intermediatestate of the present RIXS consists of two configurations:1s13d10LI 4pp (main peak of the Cu 1s absorption spec-trum) and 1s13d94pp (satellite), where the former isabout 7 eV lower in energy than the latter. The experi-mental absorption spectrum (open circles) of the Cu 1s→4p excitation is shown in Fig. 37(a), where the spec-tral features A and B correspond to 1s13d10LI 4pp and1s13d94pp configurations. According to these experi-ments, the inelastic-scattering spectra show a broadpeak at about 6 eV from the elastic-scattering energy asshown in Fig. 38. The intensity of the 6-eV peak isstrongly enhanced at the absorption feature B but dis-plays almost no resonance at A. The observed intensityof the 6-eV peak is shown as a function of the incident-photon energy with the open circles in Fig. 37(b).

Theoretical analysis of this RIXS data has been madewith the Anderson impurity model, and the 6-eV excita-tion assigned to the charge-transfer excitation [more ex-actly, the transition from the ground state to the anti-bonding state between 3d9(b1g) and 3d10LI (b1g)configurations]. The calculated result is shown with thesolid curve in Fig. 37(b). Within the Anderson impuritymodel, however, resonance enhancement occurs forboth the main peak and the satellite. As a possible rea-son for the suppression of the resonance at the mainpeak, the effect of nonlocal screening in the intermedi-

FIG. 37. Experimental data (open circles) and calculated re-sults (solid curves) for (a) the Cu 1s x-ray absorption and (b)the intensity of the 6-eV feature of the Cu 1s→4pp→1s RIXSin Nd2CuO4. Experimental absorption spectrum of the Cu 1sedge in Cu metal is also shown with the dashed curve. FromHill et al., 1998.

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ate state was proposed. This will be discussed later inthis section.

It should be mentioned that a similar measurement of1s→4p→1s scattering has been made for NiO by Kaoet al. (1996). The observed RIXS spectra were morecomplicated than those of Nd2CuO4, and two peakswere found at 4.9 and 7.8 eV, the relative intensity ofwhich change with incident-photon energy. These peakswere considered to originate from charge-transfer exci-tations, but no detailed theoretical analysis was made.

B. Multiplet coupling effect and spin-dependentexcitation spectra in Mn compounds

In the case of high-spin Mn21 compounds, the Mn 3dshell is filled by five parallel-spin electrons to form astable state, so that the hybridization effect between the3d and ligand states is not very important. Therefore theso-called crystal-field model, in which only the effects ofintra-atomic multiplet coupling and the electrostaticcrystal field are taken into account (disregarding the hy-bridization effect), can describe the electronic statesfairly well (see, for instance, de Groot, 1994). In Fig. 39,we show experimental results for the Mn 2p x-ray ab-sorption (upper panel) and the Mn 2p→3d→2p RIXS(dots) of MnO, as well as the calculated RIXS results(solid curve) with the crystal-field model (Butorin, Guo,et al., 1996). The RIXS structures within 7 eV from theelastic scattering peak (the origin of the abscissa) arereproduced fairly well by the calculation, and these

FIG. 38. Experimental RIXS data for the Cu 1s→4pp→1stransition in Nd2CuO4 shown as a function of energy loss. Dataare offset vertically for clarity and the solid curves are guidesto the eye. From Hill et al., 1998.

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structures originate from the atomic multiplet term ex-citations modified by the crystal field (the so-called d-dexcitation). According to the calculation, taking into ac-count the hybridization effect, a charge-transfer satelliteis found around 10 eV from the elastic scattering peak,but its intensity is small (Taguchi, 1998).

It should be mentioned that, for Mn31 (as well asMn3.51) compounds, the effect of interatomic hybridiza-

FIG. 39. Experimental results (dots) for the Mn 2p→3d→2p RIXS of MnO compared with calculated ones (solidcurves) with the crystal-field model. The incident-photon ener-gies a–h are taken at the positions shown in the Mn 2p ab-sorption spectrum in the uppermost panel. From Butorin,Guo, et al., 1996.

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tion is much more important. Kurmaev et al. (1999)measured the Mn 2p→3d→2p RIXS and the O 1s→2p→1s RIXS in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3. From these data (aswell as x-ray photoemission) and LSDA band-structurecalculations, they concluded that the valence electronicstructure of this compound consists mainly of Mn 3dand O 2p states which are hybridized over the wholevalence band.

Spin-dependent excitation spectra in Mn compoundsoffer another interesting example of RIXS. Let us con-sider the situation in which a Mn 1s electron in MnF2 isexcited to a Mn 4p conduction band by the incident xray, and then a Mn 3p electron makes a transition to the1s state by emitting an x-ray photon. If we consider thecase in which the excited Mn 1s electron has a down-spin (here the down-spin means that the spin direction isantiparallel to the 3d spin direction in the same atomicsite), then the net spin of the 3p state in the final state isparallel to the 3d spin, and the RIXS spectrum (notshown here) exhibits a high-energy main peak 7P be-cause of the gain in the 3p-3d exchange interaction. Onthe other hand, if the excited Mn 1s electron has anup-spin, then the net Mn 3p spin is antiparallel to the 3dspin and we have a low-energy satellite with 5P in theinelastic scattering spectrum. Therefore, if one fixes theemitted-photon energy at the main peak and measurethe change in the inelastic scattering intensity by chang-ing the incident-photon energy near the threshold of theMn 1s absorption spectrum, then the excited Mn 1selectron has necessarily a down-spin, and the observedexcitation spectrum is expected to reflect the partialdensity of states of the conduction band with down-spin.Conversely, if one fixes the emitted-photon energy atthe satellite, the excited Mn 1s electron will have anup-spin and the observed spectrum should reflect thepartial DOS of a conduction hand with up-spin.

Such experiments have been carried out by Ha-malainen et al. (1992) for MnF2 and MnO, and the re-sults for MnF2 are shown in the inset of Fig. 40. Thespin-down and spin-up curves correspond to the excita-tion spectra at the main peak and the satellite, respec-tively. These spectra were found not to agree well withthe spin-dependent density of states of the Mn 4p con-duction band of MnF2, calculated by the spin-dependent

FIG. 40. Calculated spin-dependent excitation spectra forMnF2, compared with experimental ones in the inset. FromTaguchi, 1998.

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linearized augmented plane-wave method (Dufek et al.,1992). In order to explain the mechanism of these spin-dependent excitation spectra, Taguchi et al. (1997) cal-culated the excitation spectra with a MnF6 cluster model(local ligand-state version of the Anderson impuritymodel) using the second-order optical formula, in whicha model of the spin-dependent Mn 4p density of stateswas taken from energy-band calculations. In the calcula-tion of the excitation spectra, they took into account thefollowing effects: (i) core-hole potential acting on theconduction-band states, (ii) term-dependent lifetimebroadening of the Mn 3p core hole, (iii) spin-flip effectby the 3d-3d exchange interaction, and (iv) covalencyhybridization between Mn 3d and F 2p states. They ob-tained the excitation spectra shown in Fig. 40, which arein good agreement with the experimental data. Fromthis analysis, it is concluded that the effects of the core-hole potential and term-dependent lifetime broadeningare very important in explaining the difference betweenthe excitation spectra and the density of states.

After the measurements by Hamalainen et al. (1992),similar spin-dependent excitation spectra were observedfor Fe compounds (Peng et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1995)and Ni compounds (de Groot, Fontaine, et al., 1994;Wang et al., 1997). In some of these studies, measure-ments of spin-dependent excitation spectra for 2p→1sinelastic scattering (instead of 3p→1s inelastic scatter-ing) were also reported. In the case of 2p→1s , the spindependence comes mainly from the spin-orbit interac-tion of the 2p state, whereas it comes mainly from the3p-3d exchange interaction in the 3p→1s transition, asmentioned before. As another example of exchangesplitting in RIXS, Braicovich et al. (1997) measured theNi 3s→2p RIXS of NiO at the Ni 2p→3d excitationthreshold. In this case the 3s-3d exchange interactionplays an essential role in the final state, instead of the3p-3d exchange interaction.

In Fig. 40 a weak pre-edge peak is found below theabsorption threshold of the spin-down spectrum, but nopre-edge peak for the spin-up spectrum. This pre-edgepeak originates from the Mn 1s-3d quadrupole excita-tion. For Mn21 the 3d majority spin states are com-pletely filled, so that the quadrupole transition is forbid-den for the spin-up spectrum. Recently, Mn 3p-1sscattering in MnF2 has been measured by tuning theincident-photon energy to the pre-edge peak excitation,and the results have been analyzed theoretically with thecluster model by Taguchi et al. (2000). The results areshown in Fig. 41. The structures A and B of the pre-edgepeak of XAS experiments, which are shown in the insetof Fig. 41, correspond to crystal-field splitting of the Mn3d state, and the experimental Mn 3p-1s RIXS spectrawith the incident-photon energy tuned to A and B areshown with the dotted curves A and B, respectively, inFig. 41. The dotted curve of the normal x-ray emission isobserved for the incident-photon energy well above theabsorption edge. The solid curves in Fig. 41 are the cal-culated results, and we find a good agreement betweenthe theoretical and experimental results. The RIXS dueto the 1s-3d pre-edge-peak excitation was also mea-

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sured by Caliebe et al. (1998) for the Fe 2p→1s transi-tion in a-Fe2O3. Those authors also made a theoreticalanalysis of the RIXS data.

Although the quadrupole transition is much weakerthan the dipole transition, RIXS with a quadrupole ex-citation (or quadrupole deexcitation) is becoming an in-teresting research subject with third-generation synchro-tron radiation.

C. Early transition-metal compounds and the effect ofcarrier doping

It is known that the late transition-metal compoundsbelong to charge-transfer-type systems, where thecharge-transfer energy D is smaller than the Coulombinteraction energy Udd . On the other hand, earlytransition-metal compounds belong to Mott-Hubbard-type systems, where Udd is smaller than D. Furthermore,as a general trend, the hybridization strength betweenthe 3d and ligand states increases with decreasingatomic number, so that the 3d state in early transition-metal compounds is more itinerant than that in latetransition-metal compounds. Recently, experimental

FIG. 41. Experimental data on a pre-edge peak of the Mn 1sabsorption spectrum (inset) and Mn 3p-1s RIXS (dashed line)in MnF2. The calculated RIXS results are shown with the solidcurves. (A) and (B) of RIXS correspond to the incident pho-ton energies A and B in XAS, respectively, while NXES isobtained for the incident photon energy well above the ab-sorption threshold. From Taguchi et al., 2000.

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studies of RIXS have been carried out for several earlytransition-metal compounds, such as TiO2, VO2,FeTiO3, and SrVO3, and it is interesting to studywhether the band model or the Anderson impuritymodel (local model) can better explain the RIXS data ofearly transition-metal compounds.

As typical cases of early transition-metal compounds,let us consider nominally d0 compounds. RIXS of nomi-nally d0 compounds, SrTiO3, BaTiO3 (Jimenez-Mieret al., 1999), TiO2 (Tezuka et al., 1996; Jimenez-Mieret al., 1999), Sc compounds, V2O5 (Shin et al., 1998), andKMnO4 (Butorin, Guo, Magnuson, and Nordgren, 1997)have been measured so far. Figure 42 shows an exampleof RIXS in V2O5. A peak is observed at around 6.2 eVfrom the elastic scattering line, as indicated by verticalbars. This peak can be explained by the charge transferexcitation. If we use the Anderson impurity model, thecharacter of the charge-transfer excitation in the d0 sys-tems is very similar to that of the f 0 systems, such asCeO2, although the value of the charge-transfer excita-tion energy and the relative intensity between inelasticand elastic scattering peaks are different for d0 and f 0

systems. On the other hand, a prominent inelastic scat-

FIG. 42. Experimental data on the V 2p RIXS in V2O5. Thelower panel shows the total electron yield (TY) spectrum. Thevertical bars in the lower panel correspond to the photon en-ergies where the RIXS spectra were measured. From Shinet al., 1998.

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tering peak appears at about v5510.5 eV for theincident-photon energy V larger than 515.9 eV (thresh-old of V 2p x-ray absorption). The peak energy is closeto that of NXES, which is obtained for V well above thethreshold, but the peak energy, as well as the spectralshape, changes slightly (but significantly) with thechange of V in the threshold region. Therefore we de-note this peak as the ‘‘NXES-like’’ peak, to discriminatefrom the true NXES peak. This NXES-like peak is ab-sent from the RIXS of CeO2 (see Fig. 17), and it cannotbe explained by the Anderson impurity model.

Recently Jimenez-Mier et al. (1999) measured theRIXS of the nominally d0 systems BaTiO3 and TiO2 andanalyzed the spectra based on the energy-band model.The resonant inelastic scattering in these d0 systems isqualitatively the same as that in V2O5. The observedtotal electron yield (TY) and RIXS spectra for TiO2 areshown in Figs. 43(a) and (b), respectively, where theRIXS spectrum is displayed as a function of the emitted-photon energy. A peak is observed at 7.8 eV from theelastic scattering line (indicated by E) and a prominentNXES-like peak (indicated by 3) at v ;451 eV.

In order to analyze the RIXS spectra, Jimenez-Mieret al. made the energy-band calculation with the LMTOmethod and within the local-density approximation forExc@n(r)# in Eq. (10). Then they calculated the RIXSspectra using Eq. (13). In this case, the quantities r andr8 in Eq. (13) are the d-symmetric partial densities ofstates of the valence and conduction bands, respectively.They published the calculated results only for V near theabsorption threshold; these are displayed in Fig. 44(b) incomparison with the corresponding experimental data[Fig. 44(a)]. The calculated results are in good agree-ment with the experimental ones below the threshold(for V,459 eV). The main inelastic scattering peak (in-dicated by 3) originates from the excitation of a valenceelectron to the conduction band, which is a band-modelversion of the charge-transfer excitation in the Ander-son impurity model. However, if we look carefully at theresult for V5461.1 eV, we find a difference between thecalculated and experimental spectra. The calculatedpeak 3 is still an inelastic scattering peak, which shiftsparallel with the elastic scattering peak, but the experi-mentally observed peak 3 is not a simple inelastic scat-tering peak but the NXES-like peak, and the inelasticpeak corresponding to the calculated one is seen as ashoulder on the higher-energy side of peak 3. If theincident-photon energy is increased further, the inelasticscattering peak and the NXES-like peak should formtwo prominent peaks as found in Fig. 43(b).

It is to be remarked that Jimenez-Mier et al. disre-garded the core-hole effect (in the intermediate state),which is much more important in this case than in graph-ite (see Sec. III.C) because the Ti 3d state is more lo-calized than the C 2p state. If the core-hole potentialUdc is included in the calculation, the Coulomb interac-tion Udd between 3d electrons should also be taken intoaccount (otherwise, the core-hole potential is over-screened by the 3d electrons). Probably, theindependent-particle approximation breaks down in de-

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scribing the core level spectra including RIXS intransition-metal compounds even for the nominally d0

systems. In this connection, it should be mentioned thatthe Anderson impurity model (or small-cluster model)can well describe 2p photoemission and 2p absorptionof nominally d0 systems (Okada and Kotani, 1993; deGroot, 1994), but there has been no report (to the au-thors’ knowledge) that these spectra are well repro-duced by the energy-band model. Nevertheless, theAnderson impurity model also fails in describing theNXES-like spectra, as mentioned before.

More recently, Finkelstein et al. (1999) have madesimilar calculations of RIXS in TiO2 but with a restrictedjoint density-of-states model, taking into account the ef-fect of momentum conservation. However, their resultsdid not reproduce the coexistence of the two prominentpeaks, the inelastic scattering and NXES-like peaks, in

FIG. 43. Experimental data on (a) Ti 2p total electron yieldand (b) Ti 2p RIXS in TiO2. From Jimenez-Mier et al., 1999.

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the experimental data. In the next subsection some at-tention will be devoted to an approach that goes beyondthe band model and Anderson impurity model.

In Fig. 43(a), the four main peaks of the Ti 2p XAS inTiO2 are due to the spin-orbit splitting of the 2p level(L2 and L3) and the crystal-field splitting of the 3d state(A and B), but we can see weak satellite peaks about 13eV from the main peak. According to the cluster-modelcalculation, these satellites are interpreted as the excita-tion of the antibonding state between 3d0 and 3d1LIconfigurations (i.e., the charge-transfer excitation), simi-larly to the satellites in CeO2. However, another inter-pretation has also been proposed by van der Laan(1990), namely, that these satellites originate from a‘‘polaronic’’ effect. The polarization dependence of theRIXS will give important information on the mechanismof the satellite. The situation is essentially the same asthat for the nominally f 0 systems such as CeO2 (see Sec.IV.E). The results in Fig. 43(b) were observed with thedepolarized configuration. From the analogy with theRIXS of CeO2 (except for the existence of an NXES-like peak), we expect that if the cluster model calcula-tion is applicable, a strong RIXS peak corresponding toexcitation of the antibonding state occurs when theincident-photon energy is tuned to the satellite positionof the x-ray absorption spectrum with the polarized con-figuration. The RIXS peak at 7.8 eV corresponds to ex-citation of the nonbonding state, and the peak corre-sponding to the antibonding state (which is absent fromthe depolarized configuration) is estimated to occur atabout 14 eV with the cluster model (Matsubara et al.,2000). An experimental observation of RIXS in TiO2has also been made very recently with both polarizedand depolarized configurations (Harada et al., 2000),and the result is just as expected here; it strongly sup-ports the charge-transfer mechanism of the XAS satel-lite. As mentioned before in this subsection, the small-

FIG. 44. Comparison of (a) experimental data and (b) calcu-lated RIXS for the Ti 2p→3d→2p transition for incident-photon energies at and below the threshold. From Jimenez-Mier et al., 1999.

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cluster model fails in reproducing the NXES-likespectrum, which includes a spatially extended electronicstate, but can describe quite well the charge-transfer ex-citation, which is rather localized, and also the charge-transfer satellite in the absorption spectrum.

Next we consider the more interesting but more com-plicated systems with carrier doping. SrTiO3 is an insu-lator with nominally d0 configuration, but when Sr ispartially substituted for La the system becomes metallicwith carriers doped in the 3d conduction band. The 3dband is split into t2g and eg subbands by the crystal-fieldeffect, and the carriers are in the t2g band. Figure 45shows the RIXS spectra of metallic La0.10Sr0.90TiO3(Higuchi et al., 1999), where the incident-photon ener-gies are taken at a– l and shown in the top panel (total-yield spectrum) and the emitted-photon energy (ab-scissa) is measured with the elastic scattering energypeak as origin, i.e., the abscissa is the Raman shift. We

FIG. 45. Ti 2p RIXS spectra of Sr0.90La0.10TiO3 excited atincident-photon energies a– l, which are indicated in the Ti 2pabsorption spectrum in the top panel. For comparison, the op-tical conductivity spectrum is also shown in the bottom panel.From Higuchi et al., 1999.

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see strong NXES-like spectra, shown with vertical bars,where the emitted-photon energy is nearly constant, butat the same time some inelastic scattering peaks areshown with a;d . It is interesting to compare the inelas-tic scattering spectra with the experimental data on op-tical conductivity (Fujishima et al., 1993), which is shownin the bottom panel, because both of them represent thesame elementary excitations in the final state, althoughthe selection rule is different. The optical conductivityshows a Drude-type photoresponse below 1.5 eV due tothe charge carriers and interband transitions above 3 eV.The interband transition at 5.2 eV corresponds to a inRIXS, and it is interpreted as the transition from the O2p band to the Ti t2g subband. The energy differencebetween a and b corresponds to that between the t2gand eg subbands, so that the b peak is interpreted as thetransition from the O 2p to the Ti eg subband, althoughthe structure b is not seen clearly in the optical conduc-tivity. The origin of the second peak (g) in the opticalconductivity is not clear, and the intensity of g for RIXSis very small. The peak d is seen only in RIXS, probablybecause it originates from a transition within the d states(locally forbidden in the optical conductivity). It will beshown below that the peak d is sensitive to carrier dop-ing. It should be mentioned that the Drude-type contri-bution can also be observed, in principle, as a quasielas-tic component in RIXS. However, the width of theelastic scattering peak is too large in the present experi-ment to separate the quasielastic and elastic scatteringspectra. If the resolution is improved in future, it will bevery interesting to study the Drude-type quasielasticscattering spectrum separately from the elastic scatter-ing peak.

Figure 46 shows the doping dependence of the RIXSspectra for LaxSr12xTiO3 (x50,0.05,0.10), where theincident-photon energy is taken at d of Fig. 45 (Higuchiet al., 1999). Comparing each spectrum, one can find thatthe intensity of the d peak becomes stronger with an

FIG. 46. Comparison of the Ti 2p RIXS spectra ofLaxSr12xTiO3 for X50, 0.05, 0.10. From Higuchi et al., 1999.

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increase in La doping. One possible interpretation isthat this peak comes from the t2g to eg excitation, i.e.,the crystal-field level excitation, which is absent in nomi-nally d0 systems and becomes stronger with increasingt2g electron occupation number. Another interpretationis that this originates from the correlation effect of themetallic carriers. According to the Fermi-liquid theory,the conduction-electron state near the Fermi level isrenormalized by the electron correlation effect into aquasiparticle state (called the coherent part) with an ap-propriate mass renormalization. The spectral weight ofthe quasiparticle (with momentum k) is reduced to Zk ,where Zk is the quasiparticle pole strength, and the re-maining weight 12Zk forms a broad high-energy spec-trum, called the incoherent part. As shown in the inset ofFig. 46, the RIXS peak d could be interpreted as theexcitation of a coherent-electron/incoherent-hole pair inthe Ti t2g conduction band. The doping effect is an in-teresting problem for more detailed study in the nearfuture. A theoretical study of RIXS with the Hubbardmodel has recently been made by Okada and Kotani(2000), including the effects of carrier doping.

D. Limitations of the band model and the Andersonimpurity model

As mentioned in Sec. II.C, the energy-band model ismore appropriate for the calculation of ground-stateproperties than for the excitation spectra, and is moreappropriate to describe systems with weak correlationthan those with strong correlation. In the analysis ofcore-level spectroscopy, the band model has been ap-plied successfully to semiconductors and ionic insulators,but not very successfully to f and d electron systems.Especially in the final state of core level spectra of rare-earth compounds and transition-metal compounds, the fand d electron states are more localized by the effect ofthe attractive core-hole potential (if the core hole is onthe rare-earth or transition-metal site), and then theintra-atomic electron correlation and the multiplet cou-pling effect, which cannot be described well by the bandmodel, become more important. Even in the earlytransition-metal compounds, such as CaF2 and TiO2,where the 3d wave function is expected to be more ex-tended than in other transition-metal compounds, x-rayabsorption and photoemission are known to be de-scribed well by the cluster model or Anderson impuritymodel (Okada and Kotani, 1993; de Groot, 1994) butthe band model seems to break down.

Let us discuss the applicability of the local model(cluster model or Anderson impurity model) to RIXS inf and d electron systems. The spatial extension of thetransition-metal 3d wave function is larger than that ofthe rare-earth 4f wave function. Therefore it is expectedthat the RIXS of transition-metal compounds will bemore sensitive to cluster size. We have shown that theRIXS of CeO2 can be well analyzed with the Andersonimpurity model, but the applicability of such a model tothe analysis of RIXS in TiO2 is questionable (note thatCeO2 and TiO2 are nominally 4f0 and 3d0 systems, re-

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spectively, with some similarity in their electronic struc-ture). As discussed in the preceding subsection, neitherthe Anderson impurity model nor the band model canreproduce well the experimental results of the Ti 2p→3d→2p RIXS in TiO2 (shown in Fig. 43) by Jimenez-Mier et al. (1999), especially for NXES-like spectra.Therefore it is interesting to study the effect of clustersize on the RIXS of CeO2 and TiO2 .

It is also interesting to compare the cluster size depen-dence of RIXS with that of XAS. The cluster size de-pendence is expected to be different for the second-order optical process of RIXS and the first-order opticalprocesses of photoemission and absorption, becauseRIXS is sensitive to the electron dynamics (whichshould depend on the cluster size) in the intermediatestate. As is well known, the experimental results of XPSand XAS for both CeO2 and TiO2 can be quite wellreproduced by the Anderson impurity model or small-cluster model.

In order to study these points, Ide and Kotani (1998)made a model calculation using the following one-dimensional (1D) d-p Hamiltonian as a model of TiO2 :

H5(l ,s

@~D1«p! dls† dls1«p pls

† pls#

1(^i ,j&


@v dis† pjs1v* pjs

† dis#

2Udc (l

S (s

dls† dlsD S (


† D1Udd(


† dl↑dl↓† dl↓1(

l ,s«c cls

† cls . (45)

Here, dls† (pls

† ) is a creation operator of a s spin elec-tron on the d (p) site in the lth unit cell, D is the charge-transfer energy between d and p orbitals, v is thenearest-neighbor d-p hopping, Udd is the on-site d-dCoulomb interaction, and Udc is the intra-atomic core-hole potential. cls

† (cls) is a creation or annihilation op-erator of the core electrons, and «c is the core electronenergy. The effect of orbital degeneracy is disregarded,for simplicity.

The geometry of the system is shown at the top ofFigs. 47 and 48. The d1p2 cluster with the open bound-ary condition (Fig. 47) is used as a reference system rep-resenting the smallest cluster with a single metal ion,and the effect of larger clusters is studied using thedNpN clusters with the periodic boundary condition (Fig.48). The number of valence electrons in the ground stateis taken as 2N for dMpN system.

Although orbital degeneracy is not considered in thismodel, its effect on d-p hopping can partly be taken intoaccount by putting v5A@2V(eg)213V(t2g)2#/2, whereV(eg) and V(t2g) are hybridization strengths of eg andt2g states of the TiO6 cluster model. Using the param-eter values V(eg)53.0 and V(t2g)521.5 (in units ofeV) after Okada and Kotani (1993), one obtains v53.5 eV. Other parameters are chosen to be D54.0,

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Udd54.0, and Udc56.0 (in eV). These will be referredto as ‘‘TiO2-like’’ parameters. The present model canalso be used for the RIXS calculation of the Ce 3d→4f→3d transition in a ‘‘CeO2-like’’ system by regard-ing d , p , and c as Ce 4f , O 2p , and Ce 3d orbitals,respectively, and by taking appropriate values for themodel parameters.

The RIXS spectrum is calculated using the coherentsecond-order optical formula [Eq. (5)]. The operator Tof the optical dipole transition is now written as T5( l ,s(dls

† cls1cls† dls). It is essential to take the summa-

tion over all l sites in T in order to take into account theeffect of wave-vector conservation in RIXS.

Figures 47 and 48 show the absorption and inelasticscattering spectra for the TiO2-like parameters in d1p2and d6p6 clusters, respectively. It can be seen that de-pendence of x-ray absorption on cluster size is small.With an increase in the cluster size, only a small amountof absorption fine structure appears on the high-energy

FIG. 47. Calculated x-ray absorption (XAS) and RIXS spectra(here termed RXES following the original reference) forTiO2-like parameters in a d1p2 cluster, the geometry of whichis shown in the inset. From Ide and Kotani, 1998.

FIG. 48. Calculated spectra like those in the previous figureexcept using a d6p6 cluster, the geometry of which is shown inthe inset. From Ide and Kotani, 1998.

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tail of the main peak. This small modification of the ab-sorption spectrum with cluster size, however, causes avery drastic change in RIXS, as shown in these figures.Here the calculated RIXS are shown with the incident-photon energy V tuned to the XAS energy positions 1,2, 3, and so on. In this calculation, the main interest isconfined to the study of inelastic scattering spectra, andfor the elastic scattering component (v5V) only theemitted-photon energy is shown with the arrow in theRIXS spectrum.

In the case of the d1p2 system, RIXS peaks are causedby the local charge-transfer excitation, and the emitted-photon energy v moves in parallel with the incident-photon energy V. The first RIXS peak corresponds to asingle-electron transfer excitation (to the antibondingstate between d0 and d1pI configurations), while the sec-ond one corresponds mainly to a two-electrons transferexcitation. For the d6p6 cluster, on the other hand, theenergy v of the strongest peak does not follow V but israther constant; more precisely, it oscillates with thechange of V. Thus the cluster size effect is very impor-tant for RIXS.

Similar calculations have been made for a CeO2-likesystem (Ide and Kotani, 1998), although the result is notshown here. It was found that the cluster size depen-dence of XAS and RIXS for the CeO2-like system wasmuch smaller than that for the TiO2-like system, and thesmall-cluster model worked well in describing both XASand RIXS.

These results suggest that the Anderson impuritymodel well describes XAS for both TiO2 and CeO2 andjustify previous theoretical analyses of Ti 2p absorptionin TiO2 and Ce 3d absorption in CeO2 . For RIXS, onthe other hand, the cluster size dependence is very im-portant for a TiO2-like system, while the Anderson im-purity model works fairly well for a CeO2-like system.According to the Ti 2p→3d→2p RIXS spectra mea-sured experimentally by Jimenez-Mier et al. (1999),strong NXES-like spectra whose energy v did not followthe change of V were observed. These spectra werequalitatively consistent with the results of the d6p6 clus-ter. The theory by Ide and Kotani has also been ex-tended to the system with orbital degeneracy (Ide andKotani, 2000a).

Another example in which a model beyond the small-cluster model plays an important role is the Cu 1s→4pp→1s RIXS in Nd2CuO4 . As mentioned in Sec.V.A, Hill et al. (1998) observed the resonant enhance-ment of the 6-eV intensity at the absorption feature B,whereas the calculation with the Anderson impuritymodel shows the resonance both at A and B. A possiblereason for this discrepancy is the effect of nonlocalscreening in the intermediate state. As first pointed outby van Veenendaal et al. (1993), nonlocal, solid-state, ef-fects play an important role in the final state of Cu 2pphotoemission in systems with a linear chain of CuO4plaquettes. These authors showed that while a 3d10LIstate was required to screen the 2p core hole, thelowest-energy state was one in which the LI hole, re-pelled by the 2p hole, moved onto another CuO4

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plaquette. This effect was stabilized by the formation ofa Zhang-Rice singlet state (Zhang and Rice, 1988) onthe second plaquette. Recent calculations have extendedsuch conclusions to 2D clusters (Okada and Kotani,1997). The Cu 2p photoemission final state is thought ofas analogous to the Cu 2p-4pp resonant intermediatestate, and hence the lowest edge of the Cu 2p-4pp ab-sorption spectrum corresponds to a state with a Zhang-Rice singlet on the second plaquette. However, the 6-eVfinal state is a state without the Zhang-Rice singlet (evenin large-cluster systems), so that the transition probabil-ity from the lowest XAS edge to the 6-eV feature shouldbe suppressed. This idea is supported by a model calcu-lation of RIXS in a Cu5O16 cluster by Ide and Kotani(1999, 2000b).

More recently Hamalainen et al. (2000) measured asimilar 6-eV peak with an ab polarized (perpendicularto the c axis) incident photon. Now the Cu 1s electron isexcited to the Cu 4ps band, whose energy is about 10eV higher than the Cu 4pp band. Figure 49 shows theexperimental data for the Cu transition 1s-4ps (toppanel) and the intensity of the 6-eV RIXS peak (lowerpanel) with the open circles. A theoretical calculationhas also been made with a Cu5O16 cluster, in which fiveCuO4 plaquettes are arranged in the ab plain with D4hsymmetry. The calculated result of the 6-eV intensity is

FIG. 49. Experimental spectra and theoretical interpretationfor Cu 1s spectra in Nd2CuO4: top panel, x-ray absorptionwith the incident-photon polarization in the ab plane; lowerpanel, experimental result (open circles) for the 6-eV intensityof the Cu 1s→4ps→1s RIXS, and the calculated 6-eV inten-sity shown with the solid (Cu5O16) and dotted (CuO256)curves. From Hamalainen et al., 2000.

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shown with the solid curve (lower panel), and the agree-ment with experiments is good. For comparison the6-eV intensity calculated with the Anderson impuritymodel (Cu1O256 cluster) is also shown with the dashedcurve, and it is found that the resonance enhancement atthe lower XAS feature (denoted by A in the figure) isstrongly suppressed with the Anderson impurity modelin the case of the Cu5O16 cluster. It is confirmed in thiscalculation that the reason for suppression of the reso-nance in the lower XAS feature is the formation of aZhang-Rice singlet in the intermediate state.

It should be mentioned that Abbamonte et al. (1999)recently made similar RIXS measurements of the Cu1s→4p→1s transition in La2CuO4 and Sr2CuO2Cl2. Aresult for La2CuO4 is shown in Fig. 50, where theincident-photon polarization is in the ab plane and themomentum transfer k12k2 is 1.27 Å21 parallel to the caxis. It is interesting to see that the RIXS peak energydepends strongly on the incident-photon energy, in con-trast with the result in Nd2CuO4 of Hill et al. (1998) andHamalainen et al. (2000). Abbamonte et al. explainedthis behavior in terms of a shakeup picture in third-order perturbation theory which exhibits both incomingand outgoing resonances. In their calculation the Cu 1s

FIG. 50. Experimental RIXS for the Cu transition 1s→4p→1s in La2CuO4. The upper panel shows the raw spectra plot-ted as a function of the transferred energy. In the lower panelthe open and filled circles are the inelastic peak height andposition, respectively, plotted as a function of the incident-photon energy, and the solid curve is the fluorescent yield.From Abbamonte et al., 1999.

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core-hole potential acting on the 4p electron is treatedas a lowest-order perturbation but the potential actingon the 3d electron is not taken into account, so that therole of the Zhang-Rice singlet state in the intermediatestate is disregarded. The electronic excitation in the finalstate is suggested to be an a1g excitonic state. This physi-cal picture is different from that of Ide and Kotani(1999) and also from that of Hamalainen et al. (2000). Itwould be interesting to compare the two pictures andcheck their validity. Abbamonte et al. (1999) also madean interesting measurement of the RIXS momentum-transfer dependence in Sr2CuO2Cl2, and found that afeature at 2 eV (corresponding to a charge-transfer gap)changes its shape and shifts with changes in k12k2 .


There are many other interesting topics relating toRIXS, which we have not discussed so far in this article.Here we give only brief descriptions of some of thembecause of limited space.

A. Simple metals

The Fermi edge singularity in x-ray absorption andemission of simple metals originates from the many-body screening effect by conduction electrons around acore hole. Since Mahan (1967) and Nozieres and De Do-minicis (1969) studied this effect theoretically about 30years ago, extensive experimental investigations havebeen made. The measurements have been made mainlyfor normal x-ray emission with electron-beam excitationof a core electron, but the quality of NXES withsynchrotron-radiation excitation is not very good be-cause of the small fluorescence yield, and almost noRIXS data have been reported. One of the central issuesof NXES study (Callcott et al., 1978) is the comparisonof a singularity exponent with an absorption exponent.The exponents observed in NXES of various materialsare often different from those in XAS, though thetheory (Nozieres and De Dominicis, 1969) predicts thatthey should be the same. However, the estimated valueof the exponent depends on the quality of experimentaldata and the method of data analysis, so that it is desir-able to measure NXES and RIXS systematically withhigh resolution, using high-brilliance synchrotron radia-tion, in future.

In this connection, it should be mentioned that a high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering experiment has re-cently been carried out by Krisch et al. (1997) for Li 1selectron excitation using synchrotron radiation. This ex-periment is concerned not with RIXS but rather withThomson scattering, the cross section of which is pro-portional to the dynamical structure factor S(k,V2v),as shown in Eq. (3), where k(5k12k2) is the momen-tum transfer. As proposed by Doniach et al. (1971), it isvery useful in the study of the Fermi edge singularity tomeasure the k dependence of inelastic x-ray scattering,because S(k,V2v) is, in the limit of small k, essentiallythe same as the x-ray absorption by the dipole transi-

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tion, but with increasing k the contribution from that bythe monopole, quadrupole, and higher-order transitionsincreases. Krisch et al. measured the inelastic x-ray scat-tering spectra of the Li 1s edge for two values of k, ineach of which the dipole and monopole transitions weredominant, and determined the singularity exponents ofthe dipole transition (a150.05) and monopole transi-tion (a0520.18). The values do not agree with thoseobtained so far from other experiments, but are in goodagreement with the theoretical values of Girvin andHopfield (1976), taking into account both Coulomb andexchange interactions between the core hole and con-duction electrons.

B. Transition metals

For transition metals, the 2p→3d→2p inelastic scat-tering was measured for Ni metal (Weinelt et al., 1996),the magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of NXES for Fe(Hague et al., 1993), and the MCD of RIXS for Fe, Co,and Ni (Duda et al., 1994). Weinelt et al. focused theirinterest on the change in character of RIXS from ‘‘Ra-man scattering’’ to NXES near the Ni 2p3/2 threshold.They also measured the resonant x-ray photoemissionnear the same Ni 2p3/2 threshold (Weinelt et al., 1997),and found a change in character from ‘‘photoemission’’to ‘‘Auger’’ through a narrow transition region at thethreshold. It should be noted that the resonant emissionand photoemission correspond to two different decaychannels from a common intermediate state. Althoughno detailed analysis of the experimental results has beenmade, the spectrum in the transition region is nothingbut the NXES-like spectrum discussed in Secs. V.B andV.C., and the spectrum reflects the interplay betweenthe local and itinerant characters of the 3d state of Ni.

The magnetic circular dichroism of x-ray emission wasfirst measured by Hague et al. (1993) for the 2p coreshell in ferromagnetic Fe metal using an effectivelywhite beam of incident radiation. The 2p x-ray emissionof ferromagnetic Fe metal with a threshold excitationwas theoretically predicted from band-structure calcula-tions by Strange et al. (1991, 1993), and the experimentalresult was compared with this theoretical calculation.Even in x-ray emission with white incident radiation, thememory of the circular polarization of the incident pho-ton is left in the core-hole state with strong spin-orbitinteraction, so that the Fe 3d→2p emission is expectedto exhibit a characteristic MCD signal which reflects thespin polarization of the 3d band. In Fig. 51, the experi-mental MCD is shown by the data points, and comparedwith the theoretical prediction (upper curve). Since theexperimental spectral resolution is not very good, theoriginal emission spectrum (which is not shown here)has a broad peak with no structure, but the MCD of theemission clearly shows the dip structure predicted by thetheoretical calculation. The good correspondence be-tween experimental (white beam) and theoretical(threshold) excitation results suggests that even with thewhite incident beam the threshold excitation plays adominant role in x-ray emission. The MCD of x-ray

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emission in Co-Rh based alloys and Co-Fe multilayers,as well as a Coster-Kronig contribution to the emissionMCD of in Fe metal, were also measured by Hague andco-workers (Hague et al., 1995, 1997; Gallet et al. 1997,1998).

Duda et al. (1994) measured the MCD of 2p→3d→2p RIXS of Fe, Co, and Ni. The observed features ofthe MCD spectra change in both intensity and sign witha change in the incident-photon energy from below the2p3/2 to above the 2p1/2 excitation thresholds. There hasbeen no energy-band calculation to compare with theseexperimental results, but Jo and Parlebas (1999) haveshown that the most essential features (relative intensityand sign of MCD) can be understood from an atomicmodel in which the solid-state effect is taken into ac-count only as the average 3d electron occupation ineach atomic orbital. The present experimental resolu-tion is not very good, so that no fine structure originat-ing from the band density of states or from many-bodyeffects is observed. More precise measurements withhigher resolution and more detailed calculation withsolid-state effects are desirable in the future.

C. Oxygen 1s x-ray emission in oxide systems

Oxygen 1s x-ray emission is very useful for studyingthe electronic structure of transition-metal oxides(Tsang, 1988; Zhang, 1989; Guo, 1994; Butorin, 1995;Duda, 1997; Kurmaev, 1998). Tunable excitation usingsynchrotron radiation is important for the site-selectiveexcitation. There are some inequivalent oxygen sites inmany oxide crystals. For example, there are in-plane andapical oxygen sites for layered perovskite oxides.

Figure 52 shows O 1s absorption spectra inLa22xSrxCuO4 for various values of x (Guo, 1994), andthe O 1s→2p→1s emission spectra for x50.07 are dis-

FIG. 51. Normalized magnetic circular dichroism of the emis-sion spectrum with 2p3/2 core excitation in ferromagnetic Femetal: upper curve, the theoretical result for the incident-photon energy at the threshold energy; lower panel, the ex-perimental result (the continuous line serves as a guide for theeye). From Hague et al., 1993.

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played in Fig. 53 for the incident-photon energies indi-cated by the arrows in Fig. 52. When V is tuned to thepre-edge peak at 528.5 eV, the emission spectrum exhib-its a double-peak shape, while for V5532.8 eV it showsa much narrower and nearly symmetric peak. With fur-ther increase in V the spectral width increases. Accord-ing to the LDA band-structure calculation by Redinger

FIG. 52. Experimental data on the O 1s x-ray absorption inLa22xSrxCuO4 (x50, 0.02, 0.07, and 0.15). From Guo et al.,1994.

FIG. 53. Experimental data on the O 1s→2p→1s emissionspectrum in La22xSrxCuO4 (x50.07) for various values of theincident-photon energy. From Guo et al., 1994.

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et al. (1987), the local O 2p density of states at the apicaloxygen site has a double-peak structure, while that atthe in-plane site exhibits a much narrower single peak.This is interpreted as evidence that the 528.5-eV excita-tion resonates with the O 2p state at the apical site, andthe 532.8-eV excitation resonates with that at the in-plane site, while the 556.5-eV excitation detects bothapical and in-plane O 2p states. It would be desirable toperform a theoretical analysis of these data using thecoherent second-order optical formula and taking intoaccount the electron correlation on the Cu site (notethat the O 2p state is strongly hybridized with the Cu 3dstate).

D. Molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces

The chemical bonding between an adsorbed moleculeand a metal surface has been one of the main subjects ofsurface science. Recently, XES has been found to be apowerful experimental technique compared with photo-emission spectroscopy, which has been the common ex-perimental technique up to now, because new informa-tion on chemical bonding is obtained by XES. When weuse the chemical shift of a core level in the excitation ofx-ray emission, we can obtain information on the elec-tronic states of a specific chemical bond, and further-more their symmetries can be resolved by using theangle dependence and polarization dependence of thespectra. X-ray emission spectra have been applied to thestudy of various adsorbates on metal surfaces, such asmolecular CO on Ni and Cu (Wassdahl et al., 1992; Nils-son, Bennich, et al., 1995), benzene and ethylene on Niand Cu (Weinelt et al., 1998; Triguero et al., 1999), N2 onNi (Nilsson et al., 1997; Bennich et al., 1998), and atomicoxygen on Ni and Cu (Tillborg et al., 1993).

Figures 54(a) and (b) show the N 1s absorption andemission spectra of an adsorbed N2 molecule on Nimetal (Bennich et al., 1998). It is known that the N2 mo-lecular axis is perpendicular to the surface plane. The N1s absorption spectrum comes mainly from the transi-tion from the N 1s to the 2pp* states, and it is deconvo-luted to two bands, which correspond to the contribu-tions from the outer- and inner-N atoms, as shown withthe solid curves in Fig. 54(a). By choosing the resonantexcitation energy for each N atom, the RIXS spectracould be resolved into the outer- and inner-N atomicspectra. Furthermore, these spectra were measured bytwo experimental configurations using a rotating spec-trometer. If we measure the emission spectrum in a con-figuration where the emitted x ray goes out normal tothe surface, the spectra are related to the occupied mo-lecular orbitals with the p symmetry of the N2 molecule.On the other hand, if we measure the emission spectrain a configuration with grazing emission, they reflectboth s and p symmetries of N2 molecular orbitals. Fourdeconvoluted emission spectra corresponding to the sand p bands for the outer- and inner-N atoms were ob-tained by Bennich et al., as shown in Fig. 54(b).

One can see that the intensity ratio of the two s peaksis quite different for the outer- and inner-N atoms. This

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FIG. 54. Spectra involving N 1sstates for N2 molecules ad-sorbed on the Ni (100) surface:(a) x-ray absorption spectrashowing the experimental re-sults (dotted) and the deconvo-lution into contributions fromthe outer- and inner-N atoms(solid curves); (b) x-ray emis-sion spectra of an N2 moleculeon the Ni (100) surface. Thefour curves correspond to thespectra of s and p bands for theouter- and inner-N atoms.From Bennich et al., 1998.

fact indicates that the s bands of the N2 molecule arestrongly polarized in order to minimize Pauli repulsionwith the Ni 4sp states in the substrate. In the case of pstates, there is a band near the Fermi level. The p statenear the Fermi level is found to be a nonbonding statewith respect to the Np-Ni3d orbitals. These experimen-tal results are in conflict with the traditional picture,which is based on a s donation combined with a back-donation into the p* level.

E. Interface and buried layers

The penetration depth of an x ray is much longer thanthat of an electron. Therefore XES is a useful methodfor probing the interfaces of the multilayers and the bur-ied layers in bulk systems. Such experiments have beencarried out for semiconductors (Perera, et al., 1989; Car-lisle, Terminello, et al., 1995; Nilsson, Kanski, et al.,1995; Ederer et al., 1996; Agui et al., 1999) and metals(Duda et al., 1996; Nilsson et al., 1996).

Figure 55 shows the Si 2p normal emission spectra ofbulk Si, one monolayer (ML), and three ML’s of Si em-bedded deep below a GaAs (001) surface (Nilsson, Kan-ski, et al., 1995). For the 3-ML spectrum, a 0.26-eV shiftof the high-energy edge is found, as compared with thebulk Si spectrum. Nilsson et al. interpreted the shift asoriginating from the Si chemical core-level shift due tothe neighboring As atoms. For the 1-ML spectrum, anew peak appears around 86 eV, which is interpreted asa hybridization effect between the Si s states and the Ass states. Interface states of BN (Perera, et al., 1989) andAlAs layers (Agui et al., 1999) have also been observedby NXES in addition to the bulk states. In the case of asuperlattice of metals, (Duda et al., 1996; Nilsson et al.),

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the 3d band becomes narrow and the spectra are consis-tent with the band calculation.


We have reviewed recent developments in the studyof RIXS for semiconductors, insulators, and f and delectron systems. For semiconductors and insulators,such as Si, graphite, and diamond, the RIXS spectra re-flect the energy-band dispersion through momentumconservation. For f and d electron systems, the effects ofelectron correlation are important, and the RIXS spec-tra reflect the multiplet excitation, the charge-transferexcitation, the crystal-field level excitation, and so on.The interplay between the intra-atomic Coulomb inter-action and interatomic hybridization is taken into ac-count theoretically by the Anderson impurity model orcluster models. The limitations of the band model andAnderson impurity model are also discussed in describ-ing the RIXS of transition-metal compounds.

The effects of phonon relaxation have been discussedfor semiconductors and insulators formed from light el-ements, but not for f and d electron systems. Usually,the phonon relaxation effect is not important in rela-tively heavy elements, because the core-hole lifetime isshorter than the phonon relaxation time. For instance,the lifetime broadening of the C 1s core level is of theorder of 0.1 eV, which is comparable with the electron-phonon coupling energy, but the lifetime broadening ofthe 2p level of rare-earth elements is of the order of1–10 eV, which is larger than the electron-phonon cou-pling energy. So, in most RIXS of f and d electron sys-tems, the relaxation by the electron-electron interaction,which is comparable with the core-level lifetime width, ismuch more important than the electron-phonon interac-

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tion. However, we expect that the phonon relaxationeffect could also be observed in high-resolution RIXSmeasurements for some shallow core levels of f and delectron systems.

Let us note the important differences between RIXSin the soft-x-ray and hard-x-ray regions. In the soft-x-rayregion, we can take the long-wavelength limit for theincident and emitted photons (i.e., k1;k2;0), but inthe hard-x-ray region we have to take into account thatk1 and k2 are finite. One of the effects of the finite pho-ton wave vector is the occurrence of electric quadrupoletransitions in addition to electric dipole transitions. Thecontribution of quadrupole transitions in the optical ex-citation process has been discussed in Secs. IV.D andV.B for the 2p→4f transition in rare earths and the 1s→3d transition in transition-metal elements. It wouldalso be interesting to study the contribution of the quad-rupole transition in the deexcitation process, althoughno detailed research has been carried out so far.

Another effect of finite k1 and k2 is their contributionto momentum conservation. If we assume theindependent-electron approximation, the momentumconservation rule Eq. (21) is now changed into

kc5kv1~k12k2!1G (46)

where G is a reciprocal-lattice vector. The importance ofthis effect has been reported in the RIXS literature withrespect to the Si 1s core electron excitation (Ma et al.,1995). More generally (beyond the independent-electron approximation), the RIXS spectrum (5) is ex-pressed as a function of V, v, and k12k2 . Themomentum-transfer dependence of the spectra gives im-portant information on the dispersion of the electronicexcitations, as discussed by Platzman and Isaacs (1998),

FIG. 55. Experimental normal emission spectra (NXES) of Si2p in bulk Si, compared with 1- and 3-monolayer Si/GaAsheterostructure spectra. From Nilsson, Kanski, et al., 1995.

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who measured the momentum dependence of RIXS in-volving states in NiS1.5Se0.5 that originated from charge-transfer excitations. It is interesting to study the momen-tum dependence of the charge-transfer excitation of Cuoxide systems. If the resolution of RIXS is improved, itwill also be interesting to measure the dispersion of thecollective orbital excitation (orbital wave) by RIXS inthe orbital ordered perovskite manganites, which arematerials of current interest exhibiting colossal magne-toresistance. Theoretical predictions of the momentum-dependent RIXS are given for the charge-transfer exci-tation of cuprates by Tsutsui et al. (1999) and for theorbital wave of perovskite manganites by Ishihara andMaekawa (1999).

The study of RIXS will be advanced further with thedevelopment of the third and fourth generations of syn-chrotron radiation sources in the future.


The authors would like to thank A. Agui, S. M. Bu-torin, T. A. Callcott, F. M. F. de Groot, L. C. Duda, D.L. Ederer, M. Fujisawa, K. Fukui, K. Hamalainen, C.Hague, I. Harada, Y. Harada, J. P. Hill, T. Ide, Y. Kay-anuma, C.-C. Kao, P. Lagarde, J.-M. Mariot, M. Matsub-ara, M. Nakazawa, J. Nordgren, H. Ogasawara, K.Okada, J. C. Parlebas, R. C. C. Perera, M. Pompa, M.Taguchi, S. Tanaka, T. Uozumi, and M. Watanabe, forcollaborations and discussions. This work was partiallysupported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Researchfrom the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture andSports in Japan.


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