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  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Civil Liberties,

    Justice and Home Affairs I

    Across Europe 11 million homes lie uninhabited and yet 4.1 million people are accounted homeless. Entitled Europes greatest

    scandal, how should the EU address this housing crisis and what steps should be taken towards establishing a common house


    Submitted by: Patrcia Carvalheira, Francisca Madeira, Bianca Petrut, Mariana

    Ferreira, Margarida Travassos, Ana Reis, Gemma Rimbau (ES), Nuno Oliveira (PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Acknowledges that throughout the European Union there are several

    residences uninhabited, which surpass the number of homeless people within

    the Union;

    B. Concerned by the fact that the already existing foundations/organisations

    are not having enough impact, due to lack of number and range;

    C. Profoundly concerned that articles from the Declaration of the Human

    Rights1 are being violated when people live homeless and are not considered

    a part of the society;

    D. Fully alarmed by the fact that 10% of the population of the European Union is

    living under severe deprivation, noting that more than half are youngsters;

    E. Aware that the number of homeless people has been increasing during the

    past few years, due to some specific reasons:

    1 Article 1 - All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with

    reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 25 (1) - Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    i. Globalisation;

    ii. Economic crisis;

    iii. Unemployment;

    iv. Drug addiction;

    v. Lack of proper education.

    F. Expressing its concern that juridical and public health problems are starting

    to emerge in various Member States due to the problem of homelessness not

    being solved;

    G. Stressing that the reintegration programs already existing are not enough in

    number, therefore are not able to provide the needed physical and

    psychological help to homeless people reintegrating the societies;

    H. Keeping in mind that the European Union cannot take a direct stance on the

    matter, leaving the Member States with the autonomy to act for themselves,

    which leads to no cooperation on the solving of this problem.

    1. Calls upon the Member States to create a network between the people who

    own the vacant residencies, the National Governments and the homeless

    people, in which:

    a) The homeless people get a residence and in exchange they will work

    for the Governments, earning the necessary money for self-providing.

    They have a time limit (2-3 years), in which they can live in the vacant

    houses and regain a place in society;

    b) The owners of the vacant houses get tax reductions;

    2. Appeals the social media from each Member State to raise awareness to the

    foundations that are aiding homeless people, in order for them to gain a

    wider reach;

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    3. Encourages the creation of an European Union Group of Volunteers

    (EUGV), which would reinforce the strength of the already existing volunteer

    groups by aiding homeless people;

    4. Endorses the creation of a school campus for homeless youngsters, in order

    for them to escape their harsh reality and at the same time receive

    psychological aid;

    5. Proposes the improvement of the Member States educational systems, in

    order to educate youngsters about drugs and money management,

    preventing them from losing their houses;

    6. Recommends the Member States to also improve the health system, helping

    the homeless people have a better health care and helping the containment

    of difficult to contain diseases;

    7. Proclaims the declaration of two different platforms:

    a) The creation of an infrastructure where homeless people will receive

    physical and psychological help, guidance while they reintegrate the

    society and classes covering different subjects, helping them gain

    skills to live within a society;

    b) A platform where families can sign in, and after a long and deeply

    controlled process, they foster a homeless person

    8. Declares that the Member States shall reunite twice a year and discuss the

    problem of homelessness and housing exclusion, exchanging data and

    possibly creating common policies.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Employment

    and Social Affairs

    The Erasmus Programme although it is one of the most prized European academic programmes, it now faces serious problems.

    From an inefficient administration, to insufficient academic recognition, and even a lack of advantages for job-seekers,

    changes need to take place. How can the EU alter the Erasmus

    current state, in order to uphold its success and quality?

    Submitted by: Susana Costa, Diogo Pereira, Alcia Santos ,Iara Lopes ,Rebecca

    Pilzecker, Michael Machado (DE/PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Affirming that in 2006 only 1% of the European student population

    participated in ERASMUS, EUs expectations for 2020 are that 20% of the European student population will join the program.

    B. Recognising that one of the most important documents that students have to

    fill in and sign is the Learning Agreement (L.A.).

    C. Further noting that universities are not obligated to use a standard form.

    D. Bearing in mind that 19% of people who do not have a valid L.A. say that it

    was not requested, nor needed or provided, while 8.8% say it was a result of

    lack of organization.

    E. Transmits that 15% of the former ERASMUS students claimed problems in

    transferring the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)

    therefore losing them.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    F. Fully aware that only 5.4% of ERASMUS students get full recognition in

    all courses, and 13% get recognition in only some courses.

    G. Conscious that 4% of students did not get course recognition due to

    language problems.

    H. Deeply concerned that ERASMUS budget is 14% below what Education,

    Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) purposed, which means

    that around 700,000 people will miss out on an experience abroad under


    I. Aware that the amount of scholarship received by each student is calculated

    every year by European commission according to the duration of the stay

    and host country.

    1. Appeals to the creation of a standard mandatory Learning Agreement (L.A.).

    2. Further recommends that every student must have the L.A. completely filled

    out and signed by his home and foreign university, before taking part in

    ERASMUS program.

    3. Emphasizes the reformulation of the ECTS, in order to uniform them in EU, so

    that the same courses have the same number of ECTS in all universities in


    4. Supports the creation of a new folder in the International ERASMUS Student

    Networks (IESN) website where students that want to enroll in ERASMUS can communicate with students that already had been in ERASMUS, and are

    alerted about informative sessions where the former students will

    participate and give them advice and help them surpass their obstacles.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    5. Proposes that some of the former ERASMUS students make a small video

    presenting the university they were at, including frequent difficulties and

    first impressions about the program and the city.

    6. Suggest the creation of interviews where students that apply to ERASMUS

    can evaluate their English, giving them the possibility of having free classes

    to improve language skills.

    7. Supports and urges the ERASMUS administration to change scholarships rules by adding family income to the criteria.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Culture and Education

    Political illiteracy: The lack of interest and knowledge of the EUs political environment and EUs operative methods in general may

    lead to an increase of European skepticism and democratic deficit. What realistic steps can the EU take to tackle these concerns

    whilst making sure that these problems will have less impact in

    future generations?

    Submitted by: Carolina Trigo, Filipa Simo, Guilherme Portugal, Sofia Geraldo, Geny

    Sukhov (RU/PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Concerned about the lack of recognition of the importance in voting, which has

    led to the lowest turnout ever (42,61%) in 2014s European Elections;

    B. Stating that nearly 2/3 of people are not well informed on European Union

    matters; with a portion of them not wanting to be aware of the EUs polices;

    C. Acknowledging with deep concern the European Unions inefficiency to inform its

    citizens about the unions operative methods.

    D. Fully alarmed that 46% of Europeans do not believe in the European Union level

    of decision, therefore not wanting to increase the power level of European


    E. Believing the European Union is failing to deliver the means to educate younger

    generations to acquire a political perspective and find their own representative


  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    F. Aware of the European Unions inability to deal with the current economic

    crisis, leading people to lose trust in European institutions and increasing the

    negative perception of the EU;

    G. Observing with deep concern the increase of Euroscepticism, and the rise of

    some extreme political ideologies in some EU member states such as Hungary.

    H. Taking into account the lack of representation of different age groups and range

    of views in the European Union;

    I. Recognising that although women participation in the EU politics has been

    increasing, gender equality is yet to be reached;

    1. Calls upon an increase of the investment made in non-formal education

    initiatives to promote active citizenship among the youth.

    2. Welcomes the introduction of political notions to the European youth in their

    respective teaching facilities, in order to prevent further rising of political


    3. Requests, in the case of 2/3 votes in favour by the European Parliament

    deputies, the right to dismiss the European Commission as a whole, not giving

    the possibility to dismiss or reject individual Commissioners.

    4. Urges for the right to directly elect the European Commissions president

    alongside the European Parliament by its citizens at the European Elections.

    5. Encourages the implementation of age range quotas in the European Parliament

    in order to promote inter-generational dialogue.

    6. Trusts the Member States to educate school communities towards gender

    equality, in order to get women more involved in political life;

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    7. Supports national political parties to further emphasise the distinction between

    their national and European aims in order to avoid rivalries between political

    parties at a European level.

    8. Emphasises the need to invest more in media campaigns and advertisement on

    the European Union structure and operative methods on informatics platforms

    such as YouTube, in order to gain more public awareness.

    9. Further recommends the following improvements on the European Unions

    informatics platforms:

    a. Constant innovation of the EUs official website interface,

    b. An increase in the regularity of updates about the European institutions


    c. Creation of an official EU forum with moderators.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Industry, Research and


    From linear to circular The worlds sustainability has been compromised, with all the resources produced by Earth in one year having been consumed by August this year, in similarity to previous

    years. What actions can the EU take in order to promote a

    progressive shift towards a circular economy, so as to ensure a sustainable and efficient industry, as well as ensure resource

    availability in the future?

    Submitted by: Leonardo Duarte, Beatriz Travassos, Ana Luzeiro, Isadora Campos,

    Sofia Coelho, Joo Videira, Laura Teixeira (PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Emphasizing that the linear economy model relies on the use of finite natural

    resources, with the BP Statistical Review of World Energy concluding that,

    should global production continue at the current rate, oil reservoir will end in

    46,2 years.

    B. Deeply concerned with the increasing EU dependence on energy imported from

    non-member states, having risen from 47,7% in 2001 to 53,3% in 2012.

    C. Aware of the wide disparity between renewable energies' targets in different

    Member States, with Sweden establishing a 49% target for 2020, in comparison

    with Malta's 10% target.

    D. Taking into account that only 20,5% of the energy sources of the EU are


    E. Fully aware that current waste management strategies lead to environment

    damage through the use of techniques such as incineration and waste disposal

    in landfills.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    F. Deeply disturbed with the scarcity of financial and mediatic endorsement

    regarding the application of the circular economy model.

    G. Observing that in 2014 investment on alternative energies advanced less than

    1%, mirroring a growing default in interested investors.

    H. Further noting that the current prevailing product design promotes a

    consumerist mentality through inconvenient repairing, upgrading and recycling

    of products.

    1. Calls upon universities to hold lectures destined to both students and

    companies, in order to raise awareness to the circular economy model.

    2. Has resolved to design and create an indicator to measure production efficiency

    in companies that follow the circular economy model.

    3. Further resolves to create a symbol that will be present in products designed,

    produced and augmented according to the circular economy model.

    4. Encourages Member States to provide tax benefits to companies which reduce

    their waste production in a previously determined time frame.

    5. Trusts the Member States with a renewable energies' fund, aiming to increase

    investment in renewable energies' research and related infrastructures.

    a) Noting that the funds money will be obtained through redirection of the EU taxes

    on waste whose range includes all the Member States.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    6. Congratulates and endorses projects such as ARA.

    7. Proposes to issue directives for companies to follow in order to promote a

    progressive, gradual transition from the linear to the circular economy model.

    a) These directives would encompass standardized guidelines ensuring product

    design in a modular way, and the usage of standardized components and high quality


    8. Calls for an increase in the monitoring of illegal waste disposal in Member


  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Civil Liberties,

    Justice and Home Affairs II

    In light of recent events, the EU has yet to find a definite answer to immigration from third countries, especially with respect to

    asylum seekers. This problem regards both the country of origins problem, the way asylum seekers are welcomed, and what happens

    once they are classified as refugees. What realistic measures

    should the EU implement to provide solutions to this problem?

    Submitted by: Mariana Oliveira, Ins Queirs, Madalena Simes, Tiago Faria, Toms

    Freire, Miguel Silva (PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Recognizing the inherent difficulties of facing a humanitarian crisis while

    recovering from a recession;

    B. Noting with deep concern the lack of technical support and humanitarian aid

    at the European Mediterranean shore;

    C. Deeply disturbed by the increase in protests and public unrest towards

    refugees (islamophobia);

    D. Alarmed by the possibility of an increase in terrorist acts due to the

    difficulty in monitoring and controlling the enormous number of refugees

    arriving on European shores;

    E. Having examined that, due to the Dublin Regulation2, several countries

    recovering from the economic crisis of 08 find themselves overburdened by

    an immense number of refugees;

    2 The aim of the Dublin Regulation is to prevent asylum seekers from applying for the refugee status in

    several countries. For this to happen, refugees have to stay in the country on which they have arrived.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    F. Declaring the necessity of a fair and comprehensive common

    European asylum policy;

    1. Endorses the creation of a monetary program financed by a percentage of the

    EU budget, aiming at the construction and maintenance of temporary refugee

    camps at coastal countries, which are overwhelmed by the influx of asylum


    a) Further suggests that, In the future, this program is to be financed by the

    UN, with decreasing percentages each year, in order to guarantee that the

    EU is prepared to face future humanitarian crisis.

    2. Proposes the addition of the area of expertise or specialty as a new criterion

    when deciding the hosting country, during refugee redistribution;

    3. Encourages the EU to, in order to tackle xenophobia and islamophobia:

    a) Create media campaigns;

    b) Hold press conferences;

    c) Share real testimonies of refugee families on the official channels of social


    4. Calls for the Member States action towards the creation of school sessions to

    provide real, unbiased facts about the refugee crisis and the consequences of

    welcoming them in Europe;

    5. Accepts the concept of a military intervention in Syria and Libya, helping restore

    stability and peace in said countries:

    a) These interventions wouldnt be composed of direct confrontation, but

    rather by flash attacks, guaranteeing strategic accuracy, with as little

    civilian casualties as possible.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    6. Further encourages the creation of an EU organization with the aim of

    ensuring equal and fair treatment of refugees in all Member States, with three

    main domains:

    a) Management of temporary refugee camps;

    b) Coordination of independent charity organization;

    c) Registration and relocation of refugees.

    7. Further requests the implementation of a new, fairer and quicker registration

    process for asylum seekers, with the following procedures:

    a) Pre-registration on the country of arrival;

    b) Allocation on temporary refugee camp, on the country of arrival;

    c) Relocation of a portion of the refugees to other countries, in order to

    achieve a fairer distribution;

    d) Permanent relocation to other countries according to the agreed quotas.

    8. Urges the amendment of the Dublin Regulation in which the asylum seekers will

    not all be a responsibility of the country of arrival, but of the country assigned

    to them after the pre-registration;

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    Resolution by the Committee on Environment, Public Health

    and Food Safety

    An estimated 1 billion tonnes of food one third of the worlds production is wasted on a yearly basis, enough to eradicate

    hunger in the whole world. Although several measures have been

    taken to diminish this number, what additional steps can the EU take to ensure the reduction of food waste?

    Submitted by: Beatriz Horta, Brbara Vieira, Beatriz Braga, Beatriz Grilo, Maria

    Vaz, Rita Figueiredo, Christos Graikos (GR), Pedro Sousa (PT)

    The European Parliament Recreation

    A. Aware that it is more profitable for corporations to dispose food, rather

    than donating it towards charity organizations;

    B. Grieved by the quantity of food squandered on a yearly basis within the

    European Union as it amounts to 100 (one hundred) million tons, enough to

    prevent 200 (two hundred) million people from starvation;

    C. Alarmed by the realization that the expiration dates on perishable goods

    labels are often arbitrarily set by both the producers and manufacturers,

    not reflecting the actual edibility of said products, leading to malpractice;

    D. Largely disapproving the existing aesthetic standards used for the sorting

    and categorizing of fruit and vegetables, which leads a vast waste of fresh


    E. Noting with regret that the food supply chains technological and technical

    inefficiencies contribute to the loss of food by means of rotting and over

    exposure to adverse conditions;

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    F. Sad to inform that the misinformation and lack of awareness

    regarding the topic of food loss is leading to the worsening of the food


    G. Reporting that the landfills where food is pilled create conditions for

    anaerobic decomposition, thereby generating over 3,3 billion tons of

    methane (CH4), which is a greenhouse gas, adding to four times the effect of

    a carbon dioxide (CO2) particle on the atmosphere.

    1. Calls for the analysis of the demands of individual countrys regions, so as

    CAPs quotas can be adjusted on a case by case basis in order to better

    ensure proper and equal annual and per capita distribution of goods;

    2. Endorses Buy local, Think global programmes, which allows the skipping of

    some supply chains steps, therefore preventing food loss on the way, by the

    application of:

    a) Incentives to the expansion of market share of SMEs;

    b) Community funds towards the creation of local businesses so as to

    push forward development at that level, increasing regional GDP,

    reinforcing the growth of member states economies;

    3. Urges for the passing of legislation that will allow retail surfaces to sell

    perishable goods within a 3-day time limit to their expiration using discount

    models to give flow to products that otherwise would be thrown away.

    4. Further recommends the implementation of a tax penalty for retailers who

    squander more than 20% of all produce acquired;

    5. Calls upon the grant of a fixed annual tax relief to all those, corporation or

    institution that donate food to those in need of it;

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October

    6. Strongly advices the establishment of a wide reaching web media program

    to raise awareness, especially within the youth, to the periling situation of

    wasting and scarce food resources;

    7. Requests the enhancement of labels of GMFs, such as the mandatory

    labelling of GMO bi-products (products derived from GMO crops) and the

    traceability of origin of all GMFs to better ensure both health and capacity of

    choice of European citizens;

    8. Emphasises the need for Member States to come up with a fast effective

    legal response to the pressing issue of whether or not GMOs can be

    produced, packed and sold within national borders.

  • EPR3-Coimbra General Assembly

    7th to 9th of October