  • Resistant starch, food structure and the gut microbiota: new insights Dr. Fred Warren, Research Leader

  • What is starch? And what makes it resistant?

    • Starch is a key component in the human diet, and our main source of energy

    • It is a complex carbohydrate , which is broken down during digestion to release glucose

  • What is starch? And what makes it resistant?

    • A proportion escapes digestion a reaches the colon, where it is available to be fermented by gut bacteria

    • Bacterial fermentation of carbohydrate has many health benefits

    • Not all of the starch that we eat gets digested in our small intestine

  • Why the resurgence of interest in resistant starch?

    • Technological advances in the last ~5 years have shed new light on the importance of microbes in our gut

  • Do we know what makes starch resistant?

    RS type 1: Entrapped starch

    Edwards et al. Food & Function 2015

  • Do we know what makes starch resistant?

    RS type 2: Native starch

    Roder et al. Food Chemistry 2009

  • Do we know what makes starch resistant?

    RS type 3: Retrograded starch

    Roder et al. Food Chemistry 2009

  • Do we know what makes starch resistant?

    RS type 4: Chemically modified starch Chen et al. RSC advances 2015

  • Resistant starch as an ingredient isn’t always the best idea…

  • How much resistant starch is there in my food?

    • Labelling of resistant starch is a major challenge

    • In the UK resistant starch isn’t included in labelling, in the US it is included as dietary fibre

  • Measuring resistant starch is a major challenge

    • For labelling, we need a standardised, reliable method to measure resistant starch

    • Unfortunately, measuring resistant starch is a moving target

  • A combination of lab based assays and ileostomy patients offers possibilities

  • How can we manipulate food structure to increase resistant starch?

    Edwards et al. AJCN 2015

    • Exploiting natural plant food structures

  • How can we manipulate food structure to increase resistant starch?

    Edwards et al. AJCN 2015

    • Exploiting natural plant food structures

  • How can we manipulate food structure to increase resistant starch?

    • Manipulating starch structure at the molecular level

  • Are all resistant starches fermented in the same way in our large intestines?

  • Are all resistant starches fermented in the same way in our large intestines?

  • Are all resistant starches fermented in the same way in our large intestines?

  • Are all resistant starches fermented in the same way in our large intestines?

  • Are all resistant starches fermented in the same way in our large intestines?

  • Conclusions

    • Measuring, and even defining, resistant starch is a huge challenge

    • Resistant starch exists in many foods, and can be increased with small tweaks to processing/ingredients

    • Not all resistant starches have the same effects in our colons- and this is an area we are only just beginning to understand
