Page 1: Resist the Temptation to Cut Corners in Your Career

Resist Temptation To Cut Corners In Your Career

Page 2: Resist the Temptation to Cut Corners in Your Career

If You Look At A Document Prepared By A Top Level Lawyer, You Will Find Almost Zero Typos

•The argument will be solid.

• It will be very well thought out.

• It will show that someone has taken the time to make sure that there were zero errors in any aspect of it.

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The Lower One Goes Down The Levels Of Lawyers, Say From Partner To Associate, The More Errors One Will Find…

•The more the argument will falter.

• Many possible angles will have been overlooked.

• The attorney preparing the document probably just wanted to get the piece done, and was not too concerned with mistakes or quality.

Page 4: Resist the Temptation to Cut Corners in Your Career

These Kinds Of Differences Are Everywhere

For example, one can see these differences in house painters.

• A better painter will not miss any spots.

• He may wash his brush more often.

• He may even use a better quality of paint.

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The Same Idea Goes For Manufacturers

•The better products take longer to make

• They are of a higher quality

And ultimately, and perhaps most importantly, we are willing to pay more for them.

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I Am Very Concerned With The Idea Of Somebody Doing Something They Should Not Be Doing

Whether it is smoking, overeating, eating too fatty of food, etc. We are all subject to many temptations each day. There are multiple voices in our heads, at any given moment, telling us to do many things.

There is always one that tells you to cut corners, and there is always one who tell you not to.

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Your Success In Life Is Directly Correlated To Your Ability To Follow The Correct Voice!

•Get up earlier, so you can get to work early.

• Do not tell yourself you are too tired to go to the gym after work.

• Do not smoke cigarettes.

You must listen to the voice that is looking out for your best interest. You probably know which one that is.

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This Is The Power Of Your Will Being Tested.

•It is within your control whether or not to put in an extra hour or two into something to make it perfect.

• It is within your control to not overeat at dinner and to make healthy responsible food choices.

• It is within your control to put down that cigarette.

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More Than One Time Each Month, Someone Will Come Up To Me And Say “I Know I Probably Shouldn’t Say This, But…”

•That person is not listening to the proper voice. They know they should not say what they are about to say, but they say it anyway. This is just like somebody who knows they should not eat two desserts, or smoke cigarettes, but does these things anyway.

You must listen to the correct voice!

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Essentially We All Have Two Different Brains That Are At Odds With Each Other.

One feeds us good advice on what to do, such as to exercise for a half an hour after work each day.

The other feeds us the bad advice and tells us we are too tired after work to exercise.

We must learn to listen to the former, and never listen to the latter. This will add more quality to your life.

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Any Self-Defeating Act, Or Thing We Know We Shouldn’t Do, Is Being Supported By The Bad Voice.

If we want to quit smoking, this voice might sound like this:

You can’t quit now. You are under to much pressure. You can just cut down for now.

Any time you listen to the voice that encourages questionable behavior, you are listening to this voice.

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This Voice Is Also Known As The Ego

Most of us are controlled by what the ego wants every minute of every day.

It is only when we ignore the part of the ego that is telling us to do something, like smoke cigarettes, or skip work, that we can overcome its power.

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It Is The Difference Between Good Work And Bad Work.

It is the difference between good health and bad health.

It is the difference between taking care of oneself and not taking care of oneself.

It is the difference between making the extra effort and not making the effort.

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When We Learn How To Overcome This Self-Destructive Ego, We Can Truly Transform Our Lives

In any company, there are people known for doing things the correct way, and those who do them in a half-assed way.

To really have a successful career, you must not be the latter.

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Work That Requires More Time Is Appreciated.

•My strongest advice to you in your career is:

Do not cut corners. You are only cutting yourself.
