

RESEARCH PROPOSALAttendance Behavior of College

Students in Relation to their Self-esteem and Locus of Control

Presented by: Sani Muhammad M. A.

(Education) Roll No:


Supervisor: Dr. Ananda Padhan

Associate Professor


PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Introduction of the problem a. Significance of the study b. statement of the problem c. operational definition 2. Review of related literature 3. Methodology of the study a. Objectives of the study b. Hypotheses of the study c. Delimitation of the study 4. References


Introduction of the problem Education aims at the holistic development of a

person. Every society want its students to get a good quality education.

The building blocks for a good quality education begin with students attending to educational institutions each and every day physically as well as mentally.

Participation in the various activities of the school helps students to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in their community.

Intro. of the problem Maintaining good attendance is essential

for achieving the success of any organization/ institution (school, college or university). Therefore, in every school, attendance has vital importance in order to maximizing the academic achievement of their students.

Regular attendance of students helps the educational organization to achieve its aims and objectives.

Attending educational institutions regularly helps in formation of solid base for future success in life.

Attendance Behavior Attendance behavior in school and college life is

also related to the value of punctuality, which is universally acclaimed as a good quality in human being.

On the other hand, it is very likely that poor attendance would predict low grades, dropping out of the school, chronic absenteeism from classes that can result in other negative consequences for students and school. Students who are not in class have fewer opportunities to learn the material that makes them to perform poorly in school.

Attendance The word attendance is derived from the old

French word atendance which means “attention, wait, hope, or expectation".

Attendance is the act or fact of attending/marking presence in any event or occasion.

The frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events represents the attendance behavior of the person concerned.

Attendance Attendance is also used to define the number of

persons present on a particular day at work. A record of how often a person is present at a

scheduled place, event or occasion reveals his or her attendance.

The attendance behavior of a college students reflects how many scheduled classes (including makeup classes, extra classes, and remedial classes) a student has attended in a day, week, month, semester or year out of the total scheduled classes. It can well be expressed through percentages also.


The term self-esteem comes from a Greek word meaning “reverence of self”. The ‘self’ part of self-esteem pertains to the value, beliefs and attitudes that we hold about ourselves. The ‘esteem’ part of self-esteem describes the value and worth that one gives to oneself. Therefore, in simple terms, self-esteem is the acceptance of ourselves for who and what we are at any given time in our lives.

SELF-ESTEEMSelf-esteem can be equated to self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, self-love, and self- integrity are all the same things. Rosenberg (1969), in his a social learning theory defined self-esteem in terms of a stable sense of personal worth or worthiness.

Self-esteem Self-esteem can be apply specifically to a

particular dimension. It has two level, Low self-esteem and High self-esteem.

Low self-esteem comes from a poor self-image. You have low self-esteem when you think that your overall rating is too bad and also when you feel unworthy, incapable, unable and incompetent and without having reason to change it.

Higher self-esteem is completely opposite of the above

Locus of control Locus of control is a term in psychology which

refers to a person’s belief about what causes the good or bad results in his/her life either in general or a specific area such as health or academic.

Locus of control: the extent to which people believe they have power over events in their lives.

Locus of control derived from Latin word means ‘place’ or ‘location’.

It can be internal or external locus of control.

Internal locus of control and External locus of control

Internal locus of control is more likely to work for achievement to tolerate delays in rewards and to plan for long term goals.

External locus of control is the behavior of a person who attributes his success to luck or fate, will be less likely to make efforts needed to learn.

Significance of the study As discussed above, we know that being

regular in the classroom is of vital importance. Regularly attending the classroom activities helps the students in improving their academic achievement.

The researcher would like to find whether the attendance behavior is influenced by the certain attributes like the self-esteem and locus of control.


The problem is titled as Attendance

behavior of college students in relation

to their self-esteem and locus of



College studentsThe college is a higher education institution.

College students are the post-senior secondary

students (i.e. after class XII) studying in

colleges/universities in any graduate degree

program. This does not include post graduate and

doctoral students.

Attendance Behavior Attendance behavior is the regularity of students in taking

scheduled classes in their program of study. This includes

their marked attendance in register or the digital attendance

recoded by the course teachers. This means that the

student’s attendance behavior is the summation of his/ her

attendance taken in different courses in a semester

expressed as an average percentage.


Self-esteem encompasses beliefs and emotions

such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. Self-

esteem can apply specifically to a particular

dimension. Self-esteem is a stable sense of personal

worth or worthiness, the experience of being

competent to cope with the basic challenges of life.

Locus of control Locus of Control is related to what a person believes

regarding his/her current or future experiences. According

to Rotter, (1966) locus of control is a personality trait

involving the extent to which individuals believe that they

can control the outcomes of a particular event. He

categories the locus of control into external and internal

locus of control.

According to the Rotter a person with an external locus of control believes that particular experiences are under the control of a powerful being or occur by chance.

People with an internal locus of control believe that they can control the outcomes of a particular experience.


Moldabayey et al, (2013) indicated a strong positive correlation between overall semester GPA and overall student attendance. Blerkom, (1992) studied the class attendance in undergraduate courses, and reported that there ware moderate correlation between attendance and course grades among 17 sections of undergraduate psychology courses.

Immerman (1982) investigated the relationship between attendance and performance in a remedial mathematics program with American Indian adults. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attendance and performance for adult American Indian students.

SELF-ESTEEM Marsh (2006) investigated the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in Mathematic and English among High School students in Kenya. The research revealed that students who perform well in academic tasks as well as co-curricular activities have high self esteem.

SELF-ESTEEM Elbahnasawy, & Elnagar (2015) examined psychological impact of nocturnal enuresis on self-esteem of school children. The results of the study showed that there were no significant difference between gender and their positive self-esteem. In addition, there were no significant difference between psychological problems of the children and their positive self-esteem.

Locus of control

Abdallah (1989) Investigated the relationship between locus of control and self-esteem the studied has revealed that there was significant relation between self-esteem and locus of control on the dimension of control ideology, system-blame and self-blame, and suggesting that self-esteem associated with internal locus of control.

Nwankwo et al (2012) investigated the relationship between self-esteem and locus of control among well-functioning adolescents in the South Eastern Nigeria. The result showed that a significant positive relationship existed between high self-esteem and internal locus of control among well-functioning adolescents.

METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY METHODOLOGY The descriptive method of research is to be used in the study. Descriptive studies are more than just a collection of data but it involve measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation of data.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of the study are:

1. To find the attendance behavior of college students from their class attendance records.

2.To measure the attributes of self-esteem and locus of control of self-esteem of college students.

3. To study the inter-relationship among the attendance behavior, self- esteem and locus of control of college students.


The following hypotheses are formulated in the study:

1.There is no significant relationship between attendance behavior and

self-esteem of college students.

2.There is no significant relationship between attendance behavior and

locus of control of college students.

3.There is no significant relationship between self-esteem and locus of control of colleges’ students.

4. There is no significant relationship between attendance behavior and

internal locus of control of college students.

Hypotheses continue…..5. There is no significant relationship between attendance behavior

and external locus of control of college students.

6. There is no significant difference in the attendance behavior of the

college students having high and low self-esteem.

7. There is no significant difference in the attendance behavior of the

college students having internal and external locus of control.

8. There is no significant difference in the self-esteem of college students with high and low attendance behavior.

SampleThe population of this study comprises the final year under-

graduate students of the colleges/universities of the Gurgaon

District of Haryana.

A sample of about 200 students will be selected randomly from the Apeejay

Stya University and two other colleges/universities in Gurgaon district (if

they are likely to share the data on the attendance behavior of their


Data collection and analysis The data related to the attendance behavior of college students shall be obtained from the office of the Deputy Registrar (Academics) of ASU. It will be explored to get similar data from two more colleges/universities (provided the college/university authorities are willing to share the data).

The data will be analyzed through statistical techniques of

Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation.

Tools for collecting data The following tools to be use to collect the data

1. Coopersmith self-esteem inventory (1967)

2. Levenson’s scale for locus of control (1973)

Coopersmith self-esteem inventory (1967)

Coopersmith self-esteem inventory constructed by Stanley coopersmith (1967). It was administered to measure the level of self-esteem. The inventory consisted of 25 statement in which the participant were requested to tick against one of two options. Scoring The score on upper quartile (75-100) indicating the higher self-esteem and score on lower quartile (0-25) indicating the lower self-esteem.

The test retest reliability and concurrent validity of the short form of coopersmith inventory. The subjects were 140 children from seven classes in fourth through seventh grades. The criterion measures for validity include sociometric questions, teachers’ ranking for popularity and teachers’ rating for self-esteem. It was found the test retest validity coefficient over two moth period for seven classes ranged from 0.75 to 0.85, all indices being significant at the 0.01 level. Eleven out of 24 validity coefficients with the criterion measures were statistically significant.

Levenson’s scale for Locus of control

Levenson’s scale for Locus of control it was constructed by Sanjay Vohra. It was first proposed by Rotter (1966). The scale consist 24 statements which is contain powerful others, chance of control and individual control. The scale are multiple choice responses. The opinion are strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. The weight of the respond are from 5 to 1

Validity the scale was validated by correlating it with Rotter’s locus of control scale. This was done by giving both scale one after another with very little time interval in between scores of both the scale when they correlated with each other. The correlation was found to be 0.54 (N=220) Reliability The split half method scale was used. It was divided into two parts of 12 statements each. Each part contains 4 statements each for powerful others, chance control, individual control. The split half reliability of scale with N=380, was found to be 0.72 for P, 0.79 for C, 0.65 for I,

DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study is limited to the students pursuing under-graduation programmes in Apeejay Stya University, and two or more collages/university, In Gurgaon district of Haryana, (India). If the college/university authorities are willing to share the data on students’ attendance behavior.


REFERENCESAbdallah, T.M. (1989). ‘‘Self-Esteem and Loss of Control of College Men in Saudi Arabia.’’ Psychological Reports65:1323–26.

Coopersmith, S. A. (1981). The antecedents of self-esteem. San Francisco Freeman. Elbahnasawy Hanan T., Mona A. Elnagar (2015) Psychological Impact of Nocturnal Enuresis on Self-esteem of School Children. American Journal of Nursing Research. 2015; 3(1):14-20. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-3-1-4.

Immerman M. A. The relationship between attendance and performance in a remedial mathematics program with American Indian adults. ERIC document reproduction service No. ED216811. 1982.

REFERNCES Marsh Maniacci, & Carlson, J., Watts, R. E., (2006). Adlerian personality theory and psychotherapy. In Adlerian therapy: Theory and practice (pp. 43-62). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Moldabayev, D., Menicucci, J. A., Al-Zubaidy, S. & Abdulaziz, N. (2013) 'Attendance, performance and culture: experience of the School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University - an update', IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2013, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 28-33.

Nwankwo E. Balogun. Chukwudi C. Ibeme (2012). self-esteem and locus of control as correlates of adolescents well-functioning, Department of Psychology, Caritas University, Amorji-Nike, Enugu, Nigeria. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences ISSN: 2046-9578, Vol.9 No. II (2012) British Journal Publishing, Inc. 2012 214.

REFERENCES Levenson, H. (1981). Differentiating among internality, powerful others, and chance. In J. Lefcourt (Ed.), Research with the locus of control construct (pp. 15-63). New York: Academic Press

Rotter, J. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcements. Psychological monographs, 80, 609-629. doi: 10.1037/h0092976.

Rosenberg, Morris and Leonard I. Pearlin (1969) "Social Class and Self-Esteem among Children and Adults." American Journal of Sociology 84:53-77.

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