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Page 1: Research into zombie movies

Research into Zombie Movies.A2 Media.

Page 2: Research into zombie movies

Codes and Conventions of a Zombie Movie. Most of the time, the protagonists in the movie generally have a good

relationship with each other. For example, Shaun of the Dead. They are usually friends and are close knit at some point through out the movie, for example, Zombieland, the characters do not all appear to get on until the last couple of scenes.

Another reoccurring theme in zombie movies is the settings. The setting is usually desolate and dirty, many of the buildings will be abandoned or in a state of ruin.

The characters do not necessarily attempt to assassinate the zombie just try to survive, but there is an obvious divide between good and bad.

There is more than likely to be weapons lying around ready for the humans to use.

Typical close knit group Usually seen ruins of a building

Page 3: Research into zombie movies

Zombie casting and characters. As with many movies, there is always what is considered to be a ‘dumb blonde’. This

can be seen in a range of genre’s from girly movies, such as ‘House Bunny’ to funny movies such as ‘Scary Movie’. In a zombie movie, it is likely that the blonde will die first.

There is often a sporty person, however this is not just particularly in just Zombie films. The sporty person often is seen as arrogant but more often than not paired up with the lead female/male but either typically dies early on due to their arrogance or doesn’t die.

The lead female is often intelligent and attractive but self absorbed. Generally similar to the sporty character.

In many movies, there is typically an ‘idiot’ character. This character provides the laughs and tends to be the running joke through out a movie. However in a zombie movie or a horror movie, they often out live the other characters due to their obliviness to the danger surrounding them, For example, although not a zombie movie, ‘Cabin in the Woods’ features a idiot in the shape of a stoner that lasts towards the end.

Dumb blonde Person involved in sport The idiot

Page 4: Research into zombie movies

The aim of a zombie movie Zombie are generally low budget anyway, so it does not

necessarily have the funds to make it as serious as other films, hinting why many zombie films are also comedy and horror together. For example, Zombieland and Fido are comedies as well.

Zombie and Comedy films are often referred to as Zomedies. This genre of movie is not nesseceraily believable as it uses many

special effects that use money that some companies don’t have. Zombie movies often aim to freak you or make you jump as they

are almost a sub-section of horror films, such as the Deadgirl. The most expensive zombie movie to be realeased is the recent

World War Z.

Zombie movies like these tend to be funny rather than serious.
