Page 1: REQUEST FOR SONPORSHIP OF DE-BUSHING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM … · The NPC has project in the North West with strong partnership with Sibanye Stillwater in Rustenburg ... • Corruption


12 September 2019






PROPOSE REQUEST- Plan – Utilization of existing infrastructure

AMIC is a Non-Profit Company with vast experience and knowledge in crop farming. A registered

NPO, founded by Social entrepreneurs whose driving force is not profits, but empowering and skilling

local communities to be able to establish sustainable businesses, which would in turn create permanent

& self-sustainable quality jobs.

The group is made up of professionals with good qualifications and experience in business

development, Agriculture and technical manufacturing across industries. Most prominent skills in this

team are Degrees and Diplomas in Agriculture, Agricultural Management, Plant Production, Agricultural

science, Environmental science, Sales and Marketing, Natural sciences, Incubation and Governance

as we as Engineering.

Their experience ranges from Farm, Production and Pack house management, horticulture, business

analysis, processing, business advise, 360 degrees business appraisal, financial modelling to

stakeholder engagement. Individual members of the group have worked for and with institutions such

as Limpopo Citrus, DBSA, IDC, SEDA, eGoliBIO, Anchor Yeast, Pioneer Foods, Sasko, Tongat Hullet,

Tiger brands, Local Municipality, Technology Innovation Agency, Rural Development and Land Reform

including the Department of Trade and Industry and National Chamber of Milling (NCM).

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The NPC has project in the North West with strong partnership with Sibanye Stillwater in Rustenburg

operations to implement sustainable agriculture operations in line with Social Labour Plans and

Community Social Investments. AMIC is also a member of SAEOPA.

AMIC have established a regional Essential oil famer in Rustenburg Phatsima and Lapologang. We

are a reputable organisation that formed collaboration partnership with reputable banks and Private

Sector such as LANDBANK and Sibanye Stillwater also engaging with other Private company as


The Expression is to request sponsorship of irrigation system and Garden implements for the

community project worth 900ha. This is a long-term community project with great potential

Amic request the sponsorship to increase the plant production and create employment in these

regions also improvement of poverty alleviation which forms one of the government’s key areas to

address, especially in rural areas where there is a lack of economic activity. Government has

intervened with various anti-poverty and implement the anti-poverty activities and integrate advance

innovative concepts in crop farming to match the local priorities.

Amic’s Agric model will required a strong social mobilisation component of all race farmers, business

entrepreneurs, Government to actively support the operations, furthermore strengthen partnerships

between private sector and international markets.

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Amic’s Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective Projects

Small Business Development Planting of Essential Oil crops, but not limited

Monitoring and evaluation the operation of the

Net shed and the entire value chain of the

farming and agro processing of the area

Investment Promotion and Development Establish Partnerships with Private, Public

sector and International for market access i.e

export markets

Agriculture Development, Promotion and


To establish an agro-processing plant and

packaging house in the Phatsima for all the crop

that are planted

Amic Researched and identified the key areas with crucial elements in Phatsima and Lapologang

and came up with an Agri-Park strategy to benefit the community.

The framework which national and provincial departments, municipalities in the province and community

representatives well as the private sector stakeholders can engage and deliberate to collectively map

ways of improvement for people living in the rural parts of the District.

• Transforming rural nodes into high-potency, catalytic regional rural development anchors and rural

service centres;

• Expanding small-scale farming and supporting small-scale farmers and associated agro -processing;

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Socio-economic Context of Local municipality

Agricultural land use is the largest portion of the region, next to dwelling infrastructure and mining sectors.

it can be seen that there is a large amount of unused land that poses certain advantages and challenges

to development.

opportunities within the agricultural sector. The global food crisis and the need for countries to intensify

agricultural activity should be seen as a priority concern. An important component of the infrastructural

network, is access to security, health and transport. Per 100 000 people in the region, the ratio of access

to health care is 3.95, (private health care is 0.72), the ratio of security is 1.08 and the ratio of access to

rail is 0.72. This indicates that within the region, there is clearly access to some of the more important

state institutions. This is very useful in assisting in reducing the burden created by inequality and

unemployment in the region.

the regional job creation incentives by the Municipality in the period 2017 to 2018.

Youth unemployment still remains a concern.

Strategic Objective

Amic Agriculture Development, Promotion and Diversification the purpose of this Strategic Objective is

to coordinate integrated agricultural development within the Local municipality to ensure sustainable food

and health production, improved productivity and viability, as well as improved livelihoods for local






Series 1 Series 2

Youth Unemployment in Phatsima in 2018

Un Employment rate Youth Unemplyment

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The projects Strategic Objectives are:

• Project 1: Develop the Agriculture and Rural Development out grower farm for the Community, and

• Project 2: Revitalise the agriculture and agro-processing value chain in the North West Province and

branch out Nationwide.

The following are ongoing programmes under this Strategic Objective:

• Maintain the database of local Black Farmers,

• Facilitate farmers’ support initiatives, including exposure to markets, food security programmes,

mechanisation support, etc., and

• Strengthen the relationship with Sibanye Steelwater , Municipality and the community at large in the

agricultural sector to promote the use of technology in agriculture

Amic Agri-Parks strategic objectives

Amic’s strategy will adopt the NDP and also align it strategy with Local Municipality as a delivery

vehicle in establish Crop farming out-grower operations in Phatsima and Lapologang kick start the

Rural Economic Transformation for the rural region.

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Amic Agri Park Implementation

Amic Competency

• Agricultural Programme Management – SMART approach,

• Experience Environmental and Agricultural specialist

• Skilled backed – qualified PMO Team drive delivery of the project in scientific approach

• Asset Management – All capital equipment’s centrally managed,

• Capital Raising – Crowd funding capabilities behind the Sibanye seed capital,

• Passion – Bring energy and zeal to the Project,

• Team work – Partnership at work between Municipality Private enties and Government,

• Financial Astuteness – Deliver proper account for every ZAR spent,

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small-scale out grower farming and construction of the Agro Processing Plant

The guidelines as follows

• Skills transfer to the local unemployed potential young famers and mine retrenched threatens

employees on farming and processing.

• Reskilling of those that have been underemployed or retrenched.

• Maximise the use of high-value agricultural land

• Maximise the use of existing support services and industries.

• Support growing towns and the revitalisation of rural towns in the way of economic and population

growth, as well as promote rural-urban linkages

• Promoting Entrepreneurship at work place

• Addressing lack of skills in Agriculture specific related fields (business accounting, 4th Industrial

Revolution skills i.e. use of technology to solve farming challenges.

GAPS identified;

• Lack of Implementation of the Agri-hub Master Plan

• Monitor poor management of the facilities and operate a state of the art out grower farm.

• Good assessment and system for famers that are participating in the Agri hub

• Support employee by promoting entrepreneurial culture to became producers.

• Municipality and participants of the Agri Park to prioritised infrastructure, equipment and tools

allocated to project in order to run a successful business.

• Corruption and looting of the facilities and provide high alert security system and draft a risk plan for

the business.

• Manage the political interference in the operations of the business.

• The role of the Municipality, Private Sector particularly the Mine in the local Agricultural value chain

in the area.

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• Services e.g. planting and extraction process of (Essential Oils) and skills training of staff on Agri-

Sita courses

• Marketing Access and Management

• 80% Practical

• Agri Park utilisation (Shade nettings)

• Farms Mix Farm, tunnels sponsored by the Local Municipality, Private Sector and Government.

• Revive school gardens via AMIC Model

• Develop or support local Rebel Land for Essential Oil

• Extensions

• Park-house

• Agro- processing

• Market secure

• Distribution

• Industrial Manufacturing

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• Prepare and planting of crops, i.e. Essential Oils

• Extraction Plant Structure Installation on site

• Skills Transfer to employees and Incubation Support through the AMIC Group

• An off-take agreement for all produce via central farms,

• Arrange conditional grant for farmers for land preparation and planting of crops through Landbank

and other Private entities in the Agro-processing trade.

• A guaranteed off take agreement for all the Essential produced through own network of buyers

• Crowd fund raising capabilities to grow the capex via additional sources of funding without putting

projects at risk,

• Amic will source further supports from both the ARC, LANDBANK, and CSIR as partners

• As an NPO, Community benefits trumps profits.

• Accredited training for all employees through the relevant SETA’s,

• Amic offers Incubation Support through the AMIC Group Davion, creating a Cosmetic Incubator.


• An off-take agreement for all produce via central farms, continuous hand-holding of farmers from start

up through to the ploughing process, up until market access.

• Creation of the model farm (Central Commercial Centre),

• Ensures continuous on the job training and skills transfer,

• Secures access to market and new business development for farming,

• Creates a corporate governance structured farms with support structures,

• Investment management and growth through structured plan

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Continued - VALUE ADD

• Creation of beneficiaries individual and independent projects

• Capital raising to grow and sustain the initial investment.

• Monitoring and evaluation of the projects.

• Quarterly reporting to Stakeholders

• Stakeholder management

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Marketing assessment and plans

A market assessment is a study conducted to gather information on the intended market to which the

product or services will be provided to. This study should be able to give a view as to what the needs of

the market and whether the product/ service will be able to meet the much-required solution to the

problem. The 4Ps (Place, Product/Service, Price and Promotion) of marketing make up the majority of

the assessment. The following issues are addressed in a market assessment:

Market monitoring

After having introduced the product to the market, it is crucial to follow a

systematic approach to monitoring performance, customer profiles and marketing


Key activities

• Determine areas for market growth.

• Assess customer and distributor satisfaction.

• Refine product features.

Product/output of the activity

Confirmation or modifications of the marketing strategy assumptions.

Funding sources

Venture capitalists (early stage).

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Trademark registration

The registration process results in a registration certificate which has legal status, allowing the owner of

the registered trade mark to have the exclusive right on the mark. This is aimed at communities that need

to engage in Innovation of their product and cosmetic labels.

Bar coding

In order to sell a product or service, in retail globally, the company needs to be registered with (Global

standard) GS1 South Africa to obtain a bank of numbers. This will be for companies that will be taking

their products to retail with cosmetic lines.


Commercialization is the process where new products are introduced into the market. During this stage,

Amic will be in the possession of a well-documented and bankable business plan as well as a viable

marketing strategy plan that provides the entirely researched documents including the promotion

materials, sales materials and venue at which the launching will take place. Since most money will be

spent on advertising, sales promotion and the suitable venue for launching, the AMIC will raise funds

from LANDBANK also other funding agencies in order to introduce the new product to the market.

Fund Raising

Note: The ‘development stage’ of the planting crops AMIC will verify the core ideas functionality and

feasible, before going further. This helps to ascertain viability, technical issues, and overall direction, as

well as providing feedback for budgeting and other form of commercial discussion and control. .

Should the project want full large-scale plant or piloting AMIC will source venture capital (VC) through

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other funding institutions that are affiliated to the DTI and DAFF. Note that we need to build a case before

we approach such venture companies as this will assist in speeding up the application process.

Governance of the Farm

Each sustainable Farm Net will require a sustainable model with good debt to equity ratio as Farming is

a medium-term investment.

5 Year AMIC Plan

• Farmer development plan

• Farmer Contract

will be for 5 years with conditions and renewable.

• Based on agricultural usage based on a set plans of essential oils

Farm Product plan

• Nursery will be managed by OPS Manager and supply Identified markets

• Amic sourcing of implements and usage

• Identification of Strategic Partners and Collaboration Agreements

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Net Shed at the Agri park is basically created as a mother block, naturally ventilated climate controlled

to suite variety of applications, Amici’s growing of Essential Oils crop for export market and local markets.

This Net Shed Agri Park structure that is Pre-galvanized channel cum tubular structure/ Tubular

Structure wherein crops can grow under a favourable controlled environment and other conditions viz.

temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil media, disease control, irrigation, Fertigation and other

agronomical practices throughout the season irrespective of the natural conditions outside.

In Amics experience from current project is that the Essential crops are being grown cultivated in the

open field under natural conditions where the crops are more susceptible to sudden changes in climate

i.e. temperature, humidity, light intensity, photo period and other conditions due to which the quality, yield

of a particular crop can get affected and may be decreased.

Farming process use by Amic

Amic loosening the soil, seeding, special watering, moving plants when they grow bigger, and harvesting,

among others. The main steps for agricultural practices include preparation of soil, sowing, adding

manure and fertilizers, irrigation, harvesting and storage

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Essential oils are liquid products of steam or water distillation of plant parts (leaves, stems, bark, seeds,

fruits, roots and plant exudates). Expression is used exclusively for the extraction of citrus oil from the

fruit peel, because the chemical components of the oil are easily damaged by heat. Citrus oil production

is now a major by-product process of the juice industry. An essential oil may contain up to several

hundred chemical compounds and this complex mixture of compounds gives the oil its characteristic

fragrance and flavour.

An essential oil may also be fractioned and sold as individual natural components. Other processing

options can also produce further products that can be sold alongside essential oils. The plant parts can

be extracted with organic solvents to produce oleoresins, concretes and absolutes or extracted with a

near or supercritical solvent such as carbon dioxide to produce very high-quality extracts.

These oleoresins and extracts contain not only the volatile essential oil but also the concentrated non-

volatile flavour components and these have wide application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

The solvent extraction processes are more difficult and complex than steam distillation and will normally

be beyond the financial resources of most small-scale processors, but supplying the raw materials to

these extraction plants can be a market option.

The growth markets for uses of essential oils are predicted to be in the rapidly developing countries

(dominated by China and India), Eastern Europe and Russia and less developed countries. Long-term,

the amounts consumed in these growing markets is predicted to exceed the current consumption of the

industrialised countries. Demand is predicted to be greatest for low-value fragrance oils used in soaps,

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detergents and related products with smaller growth in the flavour oils, mainly for nonalcoholic beverages

(citrus and spice oils) and oral care products (mint oils). A growth in use of flavour oils in the processed

food industries will be confined mainly to developing countries with growing middle-class populations.



• An advert will be issued for five (5) farmers first phase Farm operators,

• The first intake Amic will train them on soft skills and advance technology in agro processing.

• Each structure shall have a manager responsible for operations

Years Amic



Total job


Years Amic



Total job


Year 1 5 5 Year 1 5 5

Year 2 5 10 Year 2 5 10

Year 3 5 15 Year 3 5 15

Year 4 5 20 Year 4 5 20

Year 5 10 30 Year 5 10 30

Total 30 Total 30

This will be implemented at PHATSIMA and LAPOLOGANG

Crop Farming Approach

• Active Community members in Farming

• Persons CV’s

• Interviews will be held to identify Agricultural employees,

• On success the appointments will be affected,

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• The successful 5 agri- community famers went go through gap analysis and attended to be filled-

they will occupy supervisory positions and get mentored,

Extraction of essential oils

The extraction of essential oils from plant material can be achieved by a number of different methods

and these are shown in the generalised). There are five main methods of extraction:

• Expression

• Hydro- or water-distillation.

• Water and steam distillation

• Steam distillation

• Solvent extraction

For each method there may be many variations and refinements and the extraction may be conducted

under reduced pressure (vacuum), ambient pressure or excess pressure. The choice of extraction

method will depend on the nature of the material, the stability of the chemical components and the

specification of the targeted product. Flowers are generally solvent-extracted and not steam distilled with

the exception of rose. In some applications an isolate or essential

Illustration and demonstrated upon request on the presentation slide.

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Eseential Oils


Food & Beverages





Tobacco Industry





Personal Care

Cosmetics & Toiletries

Perfumes, Colognes


Cream, Powder

Soap, Shampoos



Mouth wash




Soap & Detegents





Anti Bacteria





Pesticides Industries




Motor Industry\

Polishes , Clenaers


Paper & print

Crayond , inks

Labels, wrapers, papers

Rubber & Plastic


Rubber , Plastics

Textile Industry


Apholstoery Material

Finishing Material

Paints & Adhesive

Coments & Glues

Paints , removes

Cleaner , Aiirfreshner

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Amic’s strategy is to tackle many of the current food and health challenges, a new form of agricultural

cultivation is becoming more important and attracting much attention and research: Indoor Vertical

Farming, based on a plant-factory system with artificial lighting and controlled environment, for a super-

efficient production of food crops.

One solution to our need for more space and more food might be found in the abandoned warehouses

in our cities, or in new buildings built on environmentally damaged lands and even in used shipping

containers from ocean transports.

High technology Vertical Farming will be utilize in future and will involve growing crops stacked vertically

in controlled indoor environments, with precise light, nutrients, and temperatures. The growing plants are

stacked in layers that may reach several stories tall

Amic will envisaged in Vertical Structure start producing food and herbs. Vertical Farming is definitely

becoming part of the urban scenario in many countries, Amic also will take the opportunity to expand its

farming operation to the vertical planting process.

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1. Rose Geranium Seed 200000 2,80 560,000.00

2. Irrigation System 1 300000 300,000.00

3. Shovel 100 90,00 9,000.00




1. Almond Seed 200000 2,80 560,000.00

2. Debushing 1 300000 300.000.00

3. Shovel 100 90,00 9,000.00

4. Rake 100 90,00 9,000.00


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1. Pepper 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

2. Cabbage 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

3. Tomatoes 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

4. Onions 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

5. Spinach 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

6. Water-Melon 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00

7. Carrot 100 pkt 1,000 100,000.00




1. Cutlass 100 45,00 4,500.00

2. Rake 100 90,00 9,000.00

3. Pipe 100 90,00 9,000.00

4. Shovel 100 90,00 9,000.00

5. Wheel Barrow 100 250.00 25,000.00

6. Basket 100 50,00 5,000.00

7. Watering Can 100 80 ,00 8,000.00

8. Measuring Line 50 pieces 20,00 1,000.00

9. Hats /work suits 150 370,00 55,500.00

10. Spraying Can (Anti-Fungal) 100 175,00 17,500.00

11. Chemical for Spray 100 105,00 10,500.00


TOTAL COST OF 2,601,000,00

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AMIC Testimony and Current Project in Rustenburg

1. Brief scope of work summary

Amic has been contracted to support 2 X SLP project for planting of essential oils at Lapologang

and Phatsima as well as look at potential investment for land near Rustenburg dumping site for

a different crop.

Fig above shows Phatsima condition and de-bushing needs. The farm was neglected and

remaining five members of the coop were just coming to babysit the site with no work evident.

The site needed to be cleared of long grass and the proposed new site be cleared/de-bushed to

make way for crop production.

The nursery was to be converted into a nursery to supply all farm needs to new farmers. You can

see behind the number of trees that needs to be plugged out and soil to be turned outside the


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The above figure is from Lapologang proposed site. The site has no electricity and there are

about 7 X boreholes that have no pumps nor electricity on site. The Lapologang site has no

nursery, farm implements and security is a concern as even the houses get vandalized in from of

security gourds hired by the mine. More upfront funding will be needed here.

Work done to date

The team has concluded the stakeholder engagements and potential participants will all be

concluded beginning of September 2019.Amic has started with setting up a nursery in Phatsima

as well as identifying potential farmers at Lapologang. Farmers at Phatsima will only be finalized:

Before May 2019

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After July 2019

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Current Activity

Activities Sub-Activities Outcome Date


Establish a


Capacitate the

Production Teams


Ownership by

Individual Farm


July 2019 100%

Farm Preparations

1. Conclude

Equipment and

plant leases,

2. Purchase



Prepare farms for

planting seasons two



July 2019 10%

Farm Planting As per plan Awaiting funds September


Awaiting funds

and seedling


Socio Economic


These are to be

performed in

conjunctions with the

implementation plan.

- It’s a 3month




To be submitted

once site is fully

established. First

order fulfilled.

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These are on-going

meetings that will have

dates finalised in

discussions with the


- First month

travel and meet

1. Beneficiaries

or Target


2. Local

Authority -


3. Regional

Authority –


4. Provincial

Authority -


Achieve Buy-in and

Recognition of the


1. Ensure




2. Discussions

on the




of similar


Met with all




Identification of


Gather all identified and

targeted beneficiaries.

1. Assess the

capabilities and

2. identify gaps,

3. Group according

to the


Form High

performance Leaders

and Teams for



Covered –


June 15th –

Moved to 2



50% - farmers

Identified but no

employees yet.


finalised with


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development &

Business Plan

Off take agreements,

business expansion,


partnership, Market


Due Nov


In process




Looking at also

additional fund-

raising initiatives.


support and


Monthly Team Cost Maintenance of

production standards

Ongoing In process,

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Managing Director-

Kenny Masobe

Stakeholders Director -Nosipo Mkumatela

Operations Director -Tshegofatso














HDSA BSc Agric Graduate






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• Kenny E. Masobe: Dip Chem Eng, Dip MAP, Dip Incub & Govern, MBA

• Kenny is currently CEO of eGoliBIO since 2011, after being at SEDA technology as a Regional

Incubation Officer for all science related incubators in mining, chemical, biotechnology and ICT


• Kenny brings extensive experience in managing incubators i.e. eGoliBIO (Bio Science), Chemin

(Chemical), SNII (ICT), Zenzele (Mining), the CSIR BIDC and The Innovation Hub, Gauteng BIO-


• He is an accredited business advisor for growth wheel (Licensed) and an extensive experience

in 360 degrees business upraising.

• Kenny has extensive fund-raising experience through the Local and International institutions

(both State and Privately owned),

• Kenny started his early career from Plant Technician and rose to Group Project Manager over a

period of 10yrs. In Senior Management he spent time at Pioneer Foods as a Group Project

Manager (M&A) and as Distribution Manager for the SASKO division in Gauteng until he left to

Consult for the PBMR project doing detail designing,

• Kenny is currently Chairman of BioPower Corporation Pty Ltd. A Water & Sanitation and a

Renewable energy company, Chair the Gauteng Bio-Park Biosciences incubator for Gauteng,

Secretary of SABTIA (South African Business Incubator Associat ion) a steering committee

member of BIDC and Director of HOA @ The Hills Wildlife Estate.

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Nosipho A. Mkumatela – Project Management,

• Nosipho has extensive experience in the management of multi-disciplinary stakeholders to

achieve alignment and delivery of the set goals within budget and on time.

• Nosipho specialises in Project/Programme Leadership and Stakeholder Management,

• Her experience ranges through industries i.e. engineering and construction,

• Worked for NAMAC and SEDA for 6 years advising SMME’s

• Worked with Humans Settlements Mpumalanga Province on Land transfer and Tittle Deeds

• She has perfected the auditable project delivery value chain in SMME space to achieve

sustainable outcomes,

• Key to the delivery mechanism is the ensuring certifiable programme with supporting


• Works with National Chamber of Milling (NCM) facilitation of Technical committee and


• Her career spans in the Incubation and SMME space for more than 10 yrs.

Tshego Motsoenyane - B.SC Geology Degree

• holds a B.SC Geology degree from the University of the Free State, short courses in Post

Mining Impact Rehabilitation with the University of Pretoria, and a Basic Management Diploma

with Damelin.

Previously she worked at Mintails, Mogale Gold operations for 3 years as an Environmental Scientist

where she was responsible for the implementation of the mine’s rehabilitation plan. Prior to Mintails

Tshego Motsoenyane worked at the Council for Geoscience (CGS) for 2 years where she worked on a

project called Derelict and Ownerless mines, the project was given to the CGS by the Department of

Mineral Resources to locate previously mined areas that could be earmarked for rehabilitation.

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The Joint effort of Amic, Municipality and other Private Partners to be dedicated to creating sustainable

economic opportunities for the community of Lapologang and Phatsima and positively influence other

Region and South Africa as a whole. These agricultural opportunities will be a success on collaboration

of all Stakeholders,

The farm will establish a minimum of 60 Jobs utilizing the existing Net Shed and the Vertical Structure

on the Essential oils and leave crops.

Amic is not new in the Agricultural field, its current project has motivated the community to venture in

agricultural project. This was through Amic as a vehicle in empowering emerging famers to maintain the

positive spirit in Farming.

AMIC request sponsorship to accelerate the growth of the famers and to achieve its plan and contribute

to job creation as it is a key area in these reigns as well as to provide shared skills that are managed

under the leadership of LED and other key Private key stakeholders on the Community Agricultural


Exit Strategy

Upon our contract term we will ensure that communities and employees of the projects will benefit

to the Agri Park for capacity building in Agric Advance Skills training through AMIC’s Incubation

Programme Division.

All required agreement will be made transparent on inception and all parties involved will be

inducted. [email protected]

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