Page 1: Republic of Ghana Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC ......African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Ghana was the chair-country of ECOWAS in 2003

Republic of Ghana

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC)

Modernization Plan of Broadcasting Facilities

Feasibility Study Intermediate Report

March, 2010

Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service



Greenwich Standard TimeLine


Burkina Faso



e d’









This work was subsidized by Japan Keirin Association through its Promotion funds from KEIRIN RACE.

Page 2: Republic of Ghana Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC ......African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Ghana was the chair-country of ECOWAS in 2003

Table of Contents

Forward ....................................................................................................................... 1

Part I General Summary

1. Current Situation of TV Broadcasting .............................................................. 3

2. Broadcasting Method for Analogue TV and Allocation of Channel ............... 7

2-1 Broadcasting method for color TV ......................................................................... 7

2-2 Allocation of channel .............................................................................................. 7

Part II General Description of GBC

3. Competent Authority ......................................................................................... 9

4. Organization ....................................................................................................... 9

5. Managerial Plan .................................................................................................11

6. Broadcasting Programs ...................................................................................11

7. Expansion Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting ............................... 12

8. History of GBC ................................................................................................. 12

9. Present Situation of Transmission Network and Covered Areas ................. 13

9-1 Microwave transmission ....................................................................................... 13

9-2 Satellite transmission ........................................................................................... 13

9-3 Outline of transmission equipments ..................................................................... 13

9-4 Covered areas ..................................................................................................... 13

10. Present Situation of Broadcasting Facilities and Equipments .................... 16

10-1 Outline of Facilities for program production ......................................................... 16

10-2 Outline of TV transmitting facilities ....................................................................... 18

10-3 Outline of facilities in Adjangote Transmitting Station .......................................... 20

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Part III Financial Situations of GBC

11. Revenues and Expenses ................................................................................. 22

11-1 Revenue ............................................................................................................... 22

11-2 Expenses ............................................................................................................. 23

Part IV Feasibility Study Results

12. Summary of Study Results ............................................................................. 24

Part V Modernization Plan for GBC's Broadcasting Facilities

13. Outlines of Modernization Plan of Broadcasting Facilities and

the Problems of Present Facilities ................................................................. 25

14. Lists of Broadcasting Facilities and Expenses. ............................................ 25

14-1 Multi-channel station hub (200 million yen) .......................................................... 25

14-2 Post production (200 million yen) ....................................................................... 26

14-3 Transmitting facilities (8,400 million yen) ........................................................... 27

14-4 TV relay cars(3,900 million yen) ......................................................................... 27

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 27

Attachments .............................................................................................................. 28

(1) Details of studio facilities ...................................................................................... 28

(2) List of people we met ........................................................................................... 35

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During 25 years from independence of the country in 1957 to the establishment of Government by Jerry Rawlings in 1981, Ghana had been experiencing frequent changes of governments, including 4 times of coup d’état. From the beginning of 1990’s, democratization was in progress and general elections had been executed peacefully under multiple political party systems in 1992 and 1996, and Ghana had enjoyed a long period of political stability under the leadership of President Rawlings. In accordance with the Constitution, which prohibits the election to the office of President more than twice, President Rawlings had not run for the election and Mr. Kufuor, opposition party leader, was elected as president. He officially took his office as President in January, 2001. This election was quite epoch-making and first in the history of Ghana that enabled peaceful change of government from ruling party to opposition party. In 2004, Presidential election and General Election for National Parliament were executed and Mr. Kufuor was elected as president again. At the expiration of term of President Kufuor, Presidential election was undertaken and Mr. John Atta-Mills of National Democratic Congress was elected as President in December, 2008, after runoff election. As for foreign policy, Ghana has been basically maintaining non-aligned policy, establishing close relationship with neigh-boring countries, meanwhile she has been trying to strengthen ties with developed countries, such as Japan, US, France etc. In addition, Ghana has been making active contributions towards regional peace and stability of Africa as a whole, as an important member of African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Ghana was the chair-country of ECOWAS in 2003 and 2004, chair-country of AU in 2007. On the other hand, Ghana’s economy is based on primary products, relying on agriculture and mining. About 40 % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and about 60 % of total employment comes from agriculture. Top 3 exporting products include cacao, gold and lumber which are subject to international market and weather conditions. Recently, it is reported that the amount of money remitted from Ghana people working overseas has been increasing and such amount may exceed total amount of three major exporting items mentioned above. Since her independence from UK in 1957, Ghana had been trying to lay foundation for national development by constructing major infra-structures projects, such as Akosombo Dam. However, in late 1970’s and early 1980’s when Ghana had undergone economic difficulties, the country had tackled economic re-construction program under restructuring arrangement with the support from World Bank since 1983. As a result of the effort, Ghana had attained 5 % GDP growth on average from late 1980’s and has been highly appraised as honor student in Sub-Sahara African countries. However in 1990’s, Ghana’s economy became deteriorated due to decline in international market prices of gold and cacao, and an upsurge in prices of crude oil which is one of country’s major import items. Under these circumstances, Kufuor government, which started in 2001, had submitted application for debt exemption program under Extended Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiatives in March, 2001 and started new economic reconstruction program based on tight fiscal policy. In its second term starting from 2005, the country has been basically maintaining sound fiscal budget and as a result of this effort, the country attained economic growth of about 6 % in 2007. The Government’s target rate of GDP growth for 2008 is 7 %. The country could not attain targeted rate of inflation of 8 %, which is currently around 10 %. Among major issues the country is currently facing, is deterioration of current account in the international balance of payment due to upsurge in crude oil price, increase of fiscal deficit and shortage of electric power. Under these circumstances, JTEC (Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service) has sent a research commission to Republic of Ghana under the support program of JKA for 2009 and conducted feasibility study, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information, on Ghana Broadcasting Corporation’s modernization plan of broadcasting facilities.

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Members of research commission: Mr. Yasukazu Yokoi, Chief Researcher

(In charge of general plan, managerial plan, research on equipments in studios) Head of Broadcasting Technology Department, Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service

Mr. Kenichi Sato, Researcher

(In charge of study on transmission equipments) Senior Consultant, Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service

Research Schedule:

20 days from October 3rd (Sat) to October 22nd (Thu), 2009 We believe that “broadcasting” should not be regarded just as a hardware system but as important means of communication. It is very important to think what we can transmit to the people and what kind of benefit we can obtain through this hardware system. We hope that the broadcasting by GBC will help enhancing social unity of multiracial nation and work for the foundation of Republic of Ghana and will maintain basic a principle that “every national should be treated equal”. This report will cover General Summary in Part I, Outline of GBC in Part II and Financial position of GBC in Part III, Research results in Part IV and Modernization Plan of Broadcasting Facilities in Part V.

Dr. Adam Imoro (GBC Counterpart)

Mdm. Hon. Zita Okaikoi (Minister of Information)

Mr. Yasukazu Yokoi (Researcher, JTEC)

Mr. Kenichi Sato (Researcher, JTEC)

Mr. Seth Akotua (GBC Counterpart)

Mr. Kawabena Sarpong-Anane (GBC Deputy Director)

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Part I General Summary

1. Current Situation of TV Broadcasting

Currently in Republic of Ghana, TV broadcasting is accessible from almost all parts of the country, including Accra, the capital of the country, as well as from all of the region capitals. As of January, 2009, the number of authorized and registered TV stations (terrestrial broadcasting, satellite broadcasting and cable TV) is shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1

Number of TV stations authorized and registered in Ghana (As of January, 2009)

Name of Regions No. of TV stations Reference

1 Greater Accra Region 17

2 Central Region 7

3 Eastern Region 3

4 Western Region 4

5 Volta Region 2

6 Ashanti Region 7

7 Brong Ahafo Region 3

8 Northern Region 2

9 Upper West Region 2

10 Upper East Region 2

Total (Some of the stations are authorized and registered

by several regions)


The breakdown of the 49 stations shown above is as follows.

Independent station ................................ 24 Free broadcasting ................................... 18 (out of this, 9 stations are in operation) Pay broadcasting ...................................... 5 Broadcasting for research & study ............ 1

List of TV transmitting stations operated by GBC (including FM transmitting station) is shown in Table1-2, and list of private TV stations in Table 1-3, and list of satellite TV stations and cable TV stations are shown Table 1-4 respectively.

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Table 1-2 List of TV transmitting stations operated by GBC (including FM transmission stations)

No. Region’s

Name Station’s




(MHz) Transmitter Power (kW)

ChannelTransmitter Power (kW)

1 Greater Accra

Accra Studio Site

(DTV Pilot Station)

22 0.25 UHF


2 Adjangote 95.7


5 (Accra)

5 (Tema)

9 10 VHF

3 Ashanti Kumasi 91.2 5 12 5 VHF

4 Jamasi 89.9 10 5 10 VHF

5 Obasi 94.3

6 Ejura

7 Western Sekondi 94.7 2.5 5 5 VHF

8 Tarkwa 88.1 10 8 5 VHF

9 Half Assini 6 1 VHF

10 Oseikojokrom 95.1 2.5 9 5 VHF

11 Enchi 94.9 2.5 12 1 VHF

12 Sefwi-Wiaso 101.1 10 10 5 VHF

13 Axim UHF/TP

14 Central Cape Coast 92.5 2.5

15 Kissi 11 10 VHF

16 Assin Foso 91.3 10 7 10 VHF

17 Dunkwa-on-Offin

39 0.1 UHF/TP

18 Ajumako Bisease

65 0.2 UHF/TP

19 Apam

20 Swedru

21 Eastern Koforidua/ Obiritabir

106.7 5 32 0.2/5 UHF

22 Mpraeso/


102.1 6 5 VHF

23 Akim Oda 31 0.2 UHF/TP

24 Akosombo 0.1 UHF/TP

25 Somanyo 42 0.1 UHF/TP

26 Asamankese UHF/TP

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27 Brong-


Sunyani 93.5 5 7 10 VHF

28 Kintampo 96.3 10 9 10 VHF

29 Atebubu 95.3 5 11 10 VHF

30 New Drobo 26 0.1 UHF/TP

31 Dormaa Ahenkro

39 0.1 UHF/TP

32 Northern Tamale 91.3 5 8 10 VHF

33 Yendi 92.9 5 11 10 VHF

34 Bimbilla 88.5 5 6 5 VHF

35 Damongo 92.7 10 5 10 VHF

36 Gambaga 90.3 5 10 VHF

37 Salaga 88.9 5 7 5 VHF

38 Bole 93.1 5 10 5 VHF

39 Volta Amedzofe 91.1 5 10 10 VHF

40 Akatsi 97.7 1 6 5 VHF

41 Kete Krachi 95.5








42 Ho 52 0.1 UHF/TP

43 Upper East

Bolgatanga 89.7 5 6 5 VHF

44 Bawku 24 0.1 UHF/TP

45 Upper West

Wa 90.1 2.5 8 5 VHF

46 Han 93.9 5 11 5 VHF

Table 1-3 Private TV stations

Name of Station

Year of Operation Start

Frequency band

Service type


Greater Accra Region

1 TV 3 1997 VHF Free In addition to Accra, it provides services in Kumasi, Takoradi (Secondi), Sunyani.

2 TV Africa 2003 VHF Free

3 Metro TV 1998 VHF Free Providing services in every capital of all regions

4 Net 2 2004 UHF Free

5 Viasat 2008 UHF Free In addition to Accra, it provides services in Kumasi, Takoradi (Secondi), Cape Coast, Tema, Tamale.

6 Fon TV Pay

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Central Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

2 TV 3 1997 VHF Free

3 Coastal TV 2007 UHF Free

Eastern Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

2 TV 3 1997 VHF Free

Ashanti Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

2 TV 3 1997 VHF Free

3 TV Africa 2003 VHF Free

Western Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

2 TV 3 1997 VHF Free

Northern Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free Tamale

Brong Ahafo Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free Sunyani

Volta Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free Ho

Upper East Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

Upper West Region

1 Metro TV 2004 VHF Free

Table 1-4

Satellite TV and cable TV stations

Name of Station Year of

Operation Start Frequency

band Service

type Reference

1 DTH Satellite TV

2007 Satellite TV

Pay TV Throughout Ghana

2 DTH Satellite Network

1999 Satellite TV

Pay TV Throughout Ghana

3 Crystal TV Satellite TV Pay TV Kumasi

4 MMDS Cable Cable TV Cable Pay TV Accra, Tema

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2. Broadcasting Method for Analogue TV and Allocation of Channel

2-1 Broadcasting method for color TV

Method of color TV is PAL-B.

Chart 2-1-1

Frequency bandwidth for PAL-B

2-2 Allocation of channel

Allocation of channels is shown in Table 2-2-1.

Table 2-2-1

Allocation of channel

Frequency (MHz) Channel Remarks

Band I –TV (Analogue )

40-47 1

47-54 2

Band II- Radio FM

87.5-108 MHz

Band III –TV (Analogue and TDMB)

1 174-181 5

2 181-188 6

3 188-195 7

4 195-202 8

5 202-209 9

6 209-216 10 Black Star TDMB

11 216-223 11

12 223-230 12

Band IV- TV (Analogue and Digital DVB-T)

13 470-478 21

14 478-486 22 GBC(GTV) DVB-T





-0.7 MHz

Channel bandwidth7(B)&8(G)MHz




fv : Vision carrier frequency

fs : Color sub-carrier frequency


fa : Sound carrier frequency

(=fv+5.5 MHz)


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15 486-494 23

16 494-502 24

17 502-582 25-34

Band V TV (Analogue and Digital)

18 606-614 38

19 614-622 39

20 622-630 40 Sky DVB-T (Private)

21 630-638 41

22 638-790 42-60

Microwave band

Band Frequency (GHz)

L 1-2

S 2-4

C 4-8

X 8-12

Ku 12-18

K 18-27

Ka 27-40

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Part II General Description of GBC

3. Competent Authority

GBC is under the direct control of The Ministry of Information. The Ministry of Communication is responsible for allocating frequency band for broadcasting through The National Communication Authority. The TV program contents of GBC are supervised by The National Media Commission.

4. Organization

Organization chart will be shown in Chart 4 and number of staff in Table 4. Chairman, Member, Director-General, and Deputy Director-General of GBC are appointed by The National Media Commission. Management staff is appointed by Board of Directors. Board of Directors consists of 8 members including Chairman. Board of Directors is responsible for management policy of GBC and daily operations are under the management of director of each department. Regional directors are appointed for 10 Regions and are responsible for daily operations of respective region.

Photo 4

A part of GBC Building

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Chart 4 Organization Chart


Mr. William Ampem-Darko

Deputy Director-general

Mr. Kwabena Salpong-Anane

Chairman: Prof. J.B.K. Aheto

Member: Mr. Edward B. Asare

Member: Mr. Yaw wiredu Peprah

Member: Mrs. Vicky wereko andoh

Member: Mr. Gayheart Mensah

Member: Mr. Abdulai Dramani

Member: Madam Dphelia

Member: Mr. Kwaku mensa-Bonsu

Director-General and Member:

Mr. William Ampem-Darko

Secretary to the Board and its Committees:

Alhaji Hamidu Chodi

Board of Directors (10 people)

National Media Commission (NMC)

Legal Department

Internal Audit

Special Assistant to

The Director-General

Strategic Business Co-odinator

Mr. D. D. Asare

Director of Television Mr. Moses Gyapong

Director of Finance

Mr. Kwabena-Adjei Johnson

Director of Corporate Affairs

Ms. Doris A. Kuwornu

Director of Engineering

Mr. Augustus A. Yamson

Director of Administration Alhaji Hamidu B. Chodi

Director of Technical Production

Mr. Oscar Nchor

Director of Radio

Mr. Yaw Owusu Addo

Regional Directors

One director for every 10 region Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, Western

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Table 4 Number of employees (As of December 31, 2008)

Number of employees Contract staff

Department Name Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Total

Engineering Dept. 178 1 179 41 1 42 221

Administration Dept. 111 138 249 45 11 56 305

Radio Dept. 140 91 231 23 18 41 272

Television Dept. 169 49 218 83 67 150 368

Corporate Affairs Dept. 21 58 79 4 10 14 93

Finance Dept. 56 25 81 22 15 37 118

Strategic Business Co-ordinator

28 7 35 12 10 22 57

Technical Production Dept.

240 18 258 42 2 44 302

Total 943 387 1330 272 134 406 1736

5. Managerial Plan

GBC has drawn up 3-years managerial plan from 2009 to 2011 as shown below. GBC will try to contribute to the country by supporting to enhance national identity and to obtain benefit in determining national policy in the cultural, educational, informational and entertainment areas. Broadcasting will be conducted not only in English, which is an official language of the country, but in Ghana’s major tribal languages or in other foreign languages. GBC will also try to carry out digitalization of TV broadcasting and modernization of studio systems in order to bring about benefit to society. By doing so, GBC will make useful contribution to broadcasting and telecommunication industries by creating attractive and cultural programs.

6. Broadcasting Programs

Followings are the contents of broadcasting programs, length of their broadcasting time and its percentage.

Table-6 Broadcasting hours for Each Program

Program Contents Broadcasting hours %

News and information 556.32 8

Educational programs 904.02 13

Domestic entertainment programs 1,251.72 18

Overseas entertainment programs 486.78 7

Commercials 1,063.96 15.3

Religious program 549.37 7.9

Sports program 521.55 7.5

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Programs for children/females 173.85 2.5

DW/ VOA/M NET 528.50 7.6

Others 917.93 13.2

Total 6,954 100

DW: Germany’s international program “Deutche Welle” VOA: America’s international program “Voice of America” M NET: M NET of South Africa

7. Expansion Plan for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting

GBC has started terrestrial digital broadcasting (European method of DVB-T) from November, 2008 on a trial basis in the capital city of Accra. Followings are the outline of the plan, which includes the trial broadcasting started since 2008. Trial broadcasting: It is broadcasted by 250W transmitter (manufactured by Linear Brazil)

(Total of 6 programs produced by GBC and 5 by private companies)

Phase-1: ~ Up to the end of 2009 (2 locations) Accra, Kumasi

Phase-2: ~ Up to the end of 2010 (18 locations) Koforidua, Mpraeso, Jamasi, Obuasi, Sunyani, Kimtampo, Atebubu, Sekondi, Tarkwa, Sefwi Wiawso, Enchi, Half Assini, Osei Kojokrom, Capecoast, Assin Foso, Amedzofe, Akatsi, Kete Krachi

Phase-3: ~ Up to the middle of 2011 (10 locations) Tamale, Gambaga,Yendi, Bimbila, Salaga, Belo, Damango, Bolgatanga, Wa, Han

Phase-4: ~ Up to the end of 2012 (10 locations) Akim Oda, Somanya, Akosombo, Asamankese, Dunkwa, Axim Dormma Ahenkro, New Drobo, Banso, Dadieso

Termination of analogue broadcasting: By the end of 2013

8. History of GBC

July 31st , 1935 Radio ZOY was established.

1940 New broadcasting building (BH2) was opened with monetary support from British Government and broadcasting for Ghana territory. West African regions stated.

1946 GBC was managed by Government’s information department.

1953 Department of broadcasting system was established.

1956 Research Department for listeners was established.

1956 News Department was established.

1958 New broadcasting building (BH-3) was completed.

July 31st, 1965 Opening of Ghana TV station and start of broadcasting

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1965 Broadcasting started in local areas.

February 1st, 1967 Short-wave radio broadcasting was newly started.

1971 Public Relation department was established.

1985 Broadcasting of color TV was started.

1986 Accra FM Station was opened

November, 2008 Trial of terrestrial digital TV broadcasting was started.

9. Present Situation of Transmission Network and Covered Areas

9-1 Microwave transmission

Transmission of programs is currently conducted only from the studio center in Accra to Adiangote transmit station, which provides service to Accra area. (Satellite transmission lines are also available as a backup for microwave transmission lines) Program transmissions by all stations except this Adiangote station are conducted through satellite lines using Ku-Band.

9-2 Satellite transmission

All programs produced in TV studio in Accra are transmitted by using satellite (Ku band) to 31 TV & FM transmission stations located throughout the nation and to about 10 TV relay stations, from where they are transmitted to everybody’s home by VHF or UHF waves.

9-3 Outline of transmission equipments

As shown in Table 10-2-1, most of the equipments in transmitting stations were installed between 2004 and 2005 by Rohde & Schwarz with fund support by German Hermes.

9-4 Covered areas

More than 90 % of the nation is covered by TV and FM broadcasting. (Please refer to Chart 9-4-1, Chart 9-4-2 and Chart 9-4-3.)

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Chart 9-4-1 Location of GBC’s TV / FM Stations (Region capitals are shown with red towers)

No. Site Name FM TV1 Accra ○2 Adjangote ○ ○3 Kumasi ○ ○4 Jamasi ○ ○5 Obuasi ○6 Ejura7 Sekondi ○ ○8 Tarkwa ○ ○9 Half Assini ○10 Osei Kojokrom ○ ○11 Enchi ○ ○12 Sefwi Wiawso ○ ○13 Axim14 Cape Coast ○15 Kissi ○16 Assin Foso ○ ○


18 Ajumako ○19 Apam20 Swedru


tabir○ ○


23 Akim Oda ○24 Akosombo ○25 Somanyo ○26 Asamankese27 Sunyani ○28 Kintampo ○ ○29 Atebubu ○ ○30 New Drobo ○


32 Tamale ○ ○33 Yendi ○ ○34 Bimbilla ○ ○35 Damongo ○ ○36 Gambaga ○ ○37 Salaga ○ ○38 Bole ○ ○39 Amedzofe ○ ○40 Akatsi ○ ○41 Ketekarachi ○ ○42 Ho ○43 Bolgatanga ○ ○44 Bawku ○45 Wa ○ ○46 Han ○ ○

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Chart 9-4-2 TV covered areas

Chart 9-4-3

FM covered areas

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10. Present Situation of Broadcasting Facilities and Equipments

10-1 Outline of facilities for program production

Studios are available in the broadcasting station in the capital city of Accra and not in the local stations. There are several reporters stationed regularly in local stations, sending collected information to the headquarters in Accra. In 1984, GBC purchased studio facilities by its own funds from Japan (NEC). However, due to insufficient maintenance, they are practically not available for now. Then in 2006, GBC purchased digital equipments for studio from Sony by its own money, and currently, about 80 % of its equipments are digitalized. The outline of studio facilities is shown in Table 10-1-1.

Table 10-1-1

Outline of studio facilities

Studio facilities

Amount Details of


Year of manufacture/ Manufacturer

Operating situation

News room 1

No specific equipments are available but about 35 are now engaged in the jobs.

The room will move to new studio building by the end of the year.

Production studio 2

Both two studios are digitalized. Each studio floor has an area of about 150 ㎡. 3 cameras.

2006 / Sony Good

Multi-purpose studio

1 Everything is digitalized. 2006 / Sony Good

Editing room 10 Some are analogue but almost all equipments are digitalized.

2006 / Sony

3 of them are under repair but remaining rooms are in good condition.

Master Control Room

1 All equipments are digitalized

2006 / Sony Good

Post production 1 All are digitalized

Non-linear 2006 / Sony Good

Post production 1 Analogue 2000 / Sony

Use of some equipment is suspended but others are in use.

System transfer room

1 10 DVD players are installed and are in operation.

2006 / Sony Good

TV relay car 2

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Photo 10-1-1

Sub adjustment room for TV studio Photo10-1-2

Large-size relay car and power supply car

Photo 10-1-3 Editing room

Photo10-1-4 Transmitting room for pictures and related materials

Currently, new studio facilities are under construction and are not in operation yet. Details of such facilities are shown in Table 10-1-2. But all equipments were already purchased from Sony and are currently under installation works.

Table 10-1-2 New studio facilities under construction

Studio facility Amount Details Year of construction /

Manufacturing country Operating situation

Editing room 4 All digitalized 2008 / Sony Currently under


News studio 1 All digitalized 2008 / Sony Currently under


Photo 10-1-5 New studio under construction

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10-2 Outline of TV transmitting facilities

The outline of GBC transmitting facilities are shown in Table 10-2-1. Due to tight schedule for this feasibility study, we only visited Adjangote transmitting station which provides service to the capital city of Accra.

Table 10-2-1

Outline of GBC’s transmitting facilities

Region name

Station name

Height of

steel tower


Channel (CH)



Manufac- turers name

Antena composition,

○ Step x ○Dimension

Operating situation Reference

1 Great Accra

Accra GBC H.Q.

(Studio Site)




22 0.25 NGB, but transmitter is made in


1 x 3

Terrestrial digital DVB-T

Pilot station

2 Adjangote 130 9 10 R/S ○ Providing service to the capital

city of Accra

3 Ashanti Kumasi 120 12 5 R/S 3 x 3 ○

4 Jamasi 61 5 10 R/S ○

5 Obuasi - - TP

6 Ejura TP

7 Western Sekondi 45 5 5 4 x 2 ○

8 Tarkwa 148 8 5 ○

9 Half Assini 57 6 1 2 x 3 ○

10 Oseikojokrom 45 9 5 R/S 2 x 2 ○

11 Enchi 45 12 1 2 x 3 ○

12 Sefwi-Wiaso 148 10 5 4 x 3 ○

13 Axim TP

14 Central

Cape Coast 52 - -

15 Kissi 80 11 10 ○

16 Assin Foso 100 7 10 R/S 2 x 3 ○

17 Dunkwa-on-


39 0.1 ○ TP

18 Ajumako Bisease

65 0.2 ○ TP

19 Apam TP

20 Swedru TP

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33 32 0.2/5 R/S ○

22 Mpraeso/ Obiritabir

137 6 5 R/S 2 x 4 ○

23 Akim Oda 30 31 0.2 ○ TP

24 Akosombo 0.1 ○ TP

25 Somanyo 42 0.1 ○ TP

26 Asamankese TP

27 Brong- Afaho

Sunyani 150 7 10 4 x 4 ○

28 Kintampo 100 9 10 R/S 2 x 3 ○

29 Atebubu 45 11 10 R/S 2 x 3 ○

30 New Drobo 45 26 0.1 ○ TP

31 Dormaa Ahenkro

40 39 0.1 ○ TP

32 Northern

Tamale 150 8 10 9 x 4 ○

33 Yendi 76 11 10 R/S 2 x 3 ○

34 Bimbilla 45 6 5 R/S 2 x 2 ○

35 Damongo 150 5 10 R/S 4 x 2 ○

36 Gambaga 100 10 5 R/S 4 x 2 ○

37 Salaga 147 7 5 R/S 2 x 4 ○

38 Bole 102 10 5 R/S 2 x 2 ○

39 Volta Amedzofe 70 10 10 ○

40 Akatsi 125 6 5 ○

41 Kete Krachi 150 12 10 R/S

6 x 3 ○

42 Ho 52 0.1 ○ TP

43 Upper East

Bolgatanga 150 6 5 ○

44 Bawku 24 0.1 ○ TP

45 Upper West

Wa 91 8 5 R/S 4 x 2 ○

46 Han 150 11 5 ○

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10-3 Outline of facilities in Adjangote Transmitting Station

Adjangote Transmitting Station, one of the most important stations of the country, covers country’s capital Accra and is located about 15 km north from the center of Accra. Due to exceedingly poor traffic conditions on the way, it takes about 2 hours to go there although it is relatively near. TV transmitter: GBC

Broadcasting hours: 20 hours/day 10kw, made in German (R/W), Installed in 2005, One unit only which is currently used. 10kw, made in Japan (NEC), installed in 1986, Two units (one currently used and one for spare). They had been used until 2008 but right now, they cannot be used due to unavailability of transmission tubes.

TV transmitter: Private companies

TV Africa: 2.5kw, made in Italy (Eltronica), Installed in 2006, Broadcasting hours: 20 hours/day

Metro TV: Manufactured by Acrodyne, Installed in 1997, Currently operations are suspended due to machine failure.

FM transmitter: GBC

5kw, Made in Germany (R/W), Installed in 2005 which is currently used, Broadcasting hours: 21 hours/day Unique FM, Made in USA (Harris), Installed in 1995 which is currently used, Broadcasting hours: 24 hours/day

FM transmitter: Private companies

BBC 2kw made in UK (Edstone), Installed in 2008, Broadcasting hours: 24 hours/day Made in France 2kw, Made in Italy (Itelco)

Electric Power facilities

Electricity receiving facility: 11kV to 400 V, 3-phase, Receiving transformer capacity: 100kVA Diesel Engine Generator (DEG)

200kVA, combination of French and British ones, Installed in 2004 150kVA Made in England, Installed in 2007 50kVA, Made in England, Installed in 2006, To be used for TV Africa

Operations & Maintenances

There are 17 staffs working in transmitting station. (7 engineers, 3 in charge of electric power facilities, 3 janitors, 2 operators, 2 gatekeepers) Transmitting station is well cleaned and in good order and all facilities seemed to be used in a careful manner.

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Photo 10-3-1 Transmitting facilities in Adjangote Transmitting Station and steel tower

Photo 10-3-2

Transmitting facilities in Adjangote Transmitting Station and Operation & Maintenance staff

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Part III Financial Situations of GBC

11. Revenues and Expenses

Revenues and expenses during past 5 years are shown in Table 11-1. Due to its important position as public broadcasting company, Ghana government has been supporting GBC by providing subsidies for major operational and personnel expenses. Annual budget is to be submitted to Parliament through competent authority, The Ministry of Information, and to be approved by it.

Table 11-1 Revenues and Expenses during past 5 years

(Unit: Ghana Cedi)

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Revenues 7,285,447.20 7,451,873.50 14,964,563.20 13,470,723.13 16,237,387.24

Expenses 7,214,999.00 7,041,226.80 13,289,711.20 11,638,178.08 15,869,956.68

Balance 70,448.20 410,646.70 1,674,852.00 1,832,545.05 367,430.56

11-1 Revenue

Revenues during past five years are shown in Table 11-1-1. Percentages of revenues per categories are, 22.8 % from broadcasting service, 43.7 % from government subsidies, 22.4 % from commercial fees, 1.5 % from subscription fee, and 9 % from other sources (such as rental fees from facilities, and sales of CD etc.)

Table 11-1-1 Revenues during past 5 years

(Unit: Ghana Cedi)

Revenue 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1. Operating revenues

1.1 Broadcasting service 2,397,910.98 1,981,056.60 2,906,944.37 2,047,608.31 3,703,988.14

1.2 Subscription fee 62,607.50 81,774.70 284,073.60 109,693.25 243,552.45

1.3 Commercials 1,598,607.32 1,320,704.40 2,378,409.03 5,125,026.02 3,634,111.58

2. Subsidies

2.1 Subsidies from government 2,938,433.10 3,750,767.00 5,319,204.50 4,716,762.14 7,091,547.53

3. Others

3.1 Rental fees from facilities, sales of CD etc

287,888.30 317,570.80 4,075,931.70 1,471,633.41 1,564,187.54

Total 7,285,447.20 7,451,873.50 14,964,563.20 13,470,723.13 16,237,387.24

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11-2 Expenses

Expenses during past 5 years are shown in Table 11-2-1. Government subsidies have been used for major operational and personnel expenses and other operational expenses have been borne by GBC.

Table 11-2-1

Expenses during past 5 years (Unit: Ghana Cedi)

Expenses 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1. Expenses for program production

294,725.60 314,801.60 357,148.80 356,579.40 542,823.45

2. Administrative expenses

2.1 Personnel expenses 3,910,246.10 4,313,562.70 4,924,476.30 5,510,775.77 7,611,599.50

2.2 Operation and maintenance expenses

2,688,993.70 2,161,082.40 6,675,925.60 4,353,880.25 7,016,184.43

3. Capital expenditure 321,033.60 251,780.10 1,332,160.50 1,416,942.66 699,349.30

Total 7,214,999.00 7,041,226.80 13,289,711.20 11,638,178.08 15,869,956.68

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Part IV Feasibility Study Results

12. Summary of Study Results

We have conducted feasibility study on GBC’s Modernization Plan of Broadcasting facilities by utilizing subsidies from “JKA for the Purpose of Promoting Machinery Industries such as Bicycle Manufacturing Industry”.

Our proposals to GBC are based on the following assumptions which have been stipulated in 3-year managerial plan from 2009 to 2011.

1. GBC should help establishing national identities in the cultural, educational, informational and entertainment areas and should make contributions to the country by providing useful effects on national policy makings.

2. Broadcasting should be conducted not only in English, which is an official language of the country, but Ghana’s other major tribal languages or other foreign languages.

3. GBC should try to carry out digitalization of terrestrial TV broadcasting and modernization of studio systems in order to bring about benefit to our society and, in doing so GBC will useful contribution to broadcasting and telecommunication industries by creating attractive and cultural programs.

Our purposes of study are:

1. Improvement of program quality

2. Increase of number of programs.

3. Curtailing operating expenses etc.

As a result of our study, we found that:

1. Insufficient efforts to cope with future digital TV broadcasting

2. Insufficient efforts to introduce new technologies

Under these circumstances, our study team has come to conclusion that modernization of broadcasting facilities of GBC should be realized.

In this connection, we have been strongly requested by The Minister of Information, Mdm Hon. Zita Okaikoi and Deputy Director-general of GBC, Mr. Kawabena Sarpong-Anane concerning following 3 points. We assume that Ghana government will officially make requests to Japanese government in due course.

1. Financial assistance

2. Assistance concerning facilities

3. Technical assistance (Sending specialists on long-term and short term basis)

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Part V Modernization Plan for GBC’s Broadcasting Facilities

13. Outlines of Modernization Plan of Broadcasting Facilities and the Problems of Present Facilities

Outlines of modernization plan of GBC’s broadcasting facilities are as follows.

1. How to cope with terrestrial digital broadcasting in future.

2. Accepting specialists (those specialists in transmission technologies and in program production)

There are two technical problems concerning TV broadcasting facilities now.

1. It is impossible for GBC to cope with future terrestrial digital broadcasting, by utilizing current facilities. Furthermore, it is also necessary to newly construct GBC buildings and steel towers, which seem to become too old. Current facilities cannot be utilized for terrestrial digital broadcasting, since analogue broadcasting is to be continued concurrently with them.

2. Currently, present facilities are quite inappropriate and insufficient for producing such programs as emergency disaster broadcasting, bilingual broadcasting and animations programs. Furthermore, those facilities are also inappropriate for exchanging overseas high-definition TV programs or for delivering to IP networks.

Based on the reasons mentioned above, our feasibility study team hereby strongly recommend that GBC should modernize its broadcasting facilities.

14. Lists of Broadcasting Facilities and Expenses

Details of expenses are, 200 million yen for multi-channel station hub, 200 million yen for post production equipments, 8,400 million yen for transmitting facilities, and 3,900 million yen for TV relay car. Accordingly, total amount of expenses will be 12,700 million yen.

14-1 Multi-channel station hub (200 million yen)













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14-2 Post production (200 million yen)












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14-3 Transmitting facilities (8,400 million yen)


1 All solid State Main/Standby CODFM 30w to 3kwTV Transmitter with provision for carrying 5 TV Channels of about 20Mb/s MPEG 4 stream.

Total 40 sets

2 PIE (Program Input and Monitoring Equipment) 40 Sets

3 Measuring Equipment (including Field Strength Meter) 2 Sets

4 AVR 40 Sets

5 Transmission Antenna system 40 sets

6 Spare Parts 40 lots

7 Installation Materials 40 lots

8 Generator 40 Sets

9 Ku-Band Up-Link 1 Set

10 Ku-Band TVRO 40 Sets

11 Installation works for all stations 1 Lot

14-4 TV relay cars (3,900 million yen)


1 16-CAMERA OB VAN(SD/HD) 2 pcs

2 6–CAMERA OB VAN 4 pcs


It is our great pleasure to say that this study was successfully concluded with various support and cooperation from many staff in broadcasting sites, and people with whom we have had honor of meeting. We are very happy to have lots of contacts with many capable technical staff of GBC and are proud of having worked with excellent GBC technical staff. We sincerely hope that this report will contribute to the development of Ghana’s broadcasting and education and that GBC will continue contribute to enhance social unity and children’s education of Republic of Ghana.

October, 2009 Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service

Mr. Yasukazu Yokoi, Head of Broadcasting Department

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(1) Details of studio facilities

Table 1: Studio One (Note: IGC: In good Condition, NGC: Not in Good Condition)

Description Quantity Status Manafacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 Digital sound mixer Yamaha 02R96 Digital Mixing Console

1 IGC Yamashita National 2006

2 Tascam CD-RW 2000 Professional CD-RW Recorder

3 IGC Tascam UK


3 Tascam MD 350 3 IGC Tascam UK 2006

4 Interface Unit PFV-L10 3 IGC Sony 2006

5 RayCom RTB4211 Full Duplex Base Station

1 IGC Ray Com UK 2006


Pixel Power Clarity 100 –Broadcast Graphics Solution –PC for Graphics

1 IGC Broadcast Graphics

Solution, UK 2006

7 ADB Mentor Lighting Technologies

1 IGC ADB Mentor, UK 2006

8 Sony Interface Unit PFV-L10

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

9 Sony Under Monitor Display System Controller SC11

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

10 Sony Production Switcher Processor DVS9000SP

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

11 Sony Professional Disc Recorder PDW 1500

2 IGC Sony UK 2006

Table 2: Digital Editing Room

Description Quantity Status Manufacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remark

1 Xpri Editing Digital Media Workstation

4 IGC Sony, UK 2006

2 Tannoy Speakers 8 IGC Tannoy UK 2006

3 LCD Monitor Model LMD -1420

4 IGC Sony Taiwan 2006

4 LCD Monitor Model H-S95P

8 IGC Sony, China 2006

5 Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model –PDW 1500

4 IGC Sony 2006

6 Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW-V1

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

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Table 3: Editing Rooms (News Room)

Description Quantity Status Manufacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 Sony Betacam VTR Model PVW 2800

4 IGC Sony 2000

2 Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW 1500

3 IGC Sony 2006

3 Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW-V1

1 IGC Sony 2006

4 Sony Monitors PVM-14420M

6 IGC Sony 2000

5 LCD Monitor Model H-S95P

1 IGC Sony, China 2006

Table 4: Post Production Editing Suite

Description Quantity Status Manufacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 Sony Betacam VTR Model PVW 2800

2 IGC Sony 2000

2 Sony Betacam VTR Model 2650

1 NGC Sony 2000

3 Sony Vision Mixer DFS 500

1 NGC Sony 2000

4 Sony Digital Audio Mixer Model SRP-V-200

1 IGC Sony 2000

5 Sony Monitor PVM -14420 M

6 IGC Sony 2000

6 Tascam Cassette Player Model -122MK III

1 IGC Tascam, UK 2000

7 Sony Compact Disc Player Model CDP-D11

1 IGC Sony 2000

8 Sony Multi Effect Processor DPS-V77

1 IGC Sony 2006

9 Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW-1500

1 IGC Sony 2006

10 Sony Professional Disc Model PDW V1

1 IGC Sony 2006

11 Graphics Machine AVS Manuscript 2000

1 NGC AVS, UK 2000

12 Quantel PaintBox 1 NGC Quantel, UK 1993

13 Sony Speaker Model SMS –IP

2 IGC Sony, UK 2000

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Table 5: Master Control Room

Description Quantity ConditionManufacturer/


Year of Installation

(YOI) Remarks


GPS –Time Code Master Generator Model 5010 GPS II -evertz

1 IGC Next Generation, UK 2006

2 Trilogy Digital SPG/TSG

1 IGC Mentor, UK

3 Leitch Digital Processing Signal Synchronizer DPS 575

1 IGC Leitch Digital, UK 2006

4 Digital Video Processor SP.110 (Kramer (K)

1 IGC Cramer (K), UK 2006

5 Miranda Imagestore 1 IGC Miranda, UK 2006

6 Taylor Bandswitching Presets TV Demodulator 802-03-1

1 IGC Taylor, UK 2006

7 Bluebell opticom PS65 1 IGC Blue Bell, OPticom

Ltd, UK 2006

8 Intercom System –RTS KP-32

1 IGC Sony, UK 2006

9 Blue Bell Opticom Limited PS65

1 IGC Blue Bell Opticom

Ltd, UK 2006

10 Fiber Optic System Linkage

1 IGC Blue Bell Opticom Ltd 2006

Table 6: Digital Receiving/Transmitting Systems (Master Control Room)

Description Quantity ConditionManufacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remarks

DSTV –Equipment

1 Harmonic Multichannel Encoder – Divicon Ion T-VIPS C Processor

2 IGC Harmonic, UK 2009

2 DVB Azimuth Satellite Modulator – Newtex

3 IGC Newtec, UK 2009

3 Harmonic Proview PVR 6000 Professional IRD

1 IGC Harmonic UK 2009

4 Fiber optic Foxcom Receiver

1 IGC Foxcom UK 2009

5 Fiber optic Foxcom Transmitter 7225HT

2 IGC Foxcom UK 2009

6 Power Supply 700IP 2 IGC UK 2009

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Table 7: Digital Transmitter –MCR DVB-T

Description Quantity ConditionManufacturer/

Source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 DVBro-T/H Digital TV 250 W Linear Transmitter DV7250

1 IGC Linear Brazil 2008


DVB-T/H Modulator PT5780 Linear SPT 4653X –Strong Receiver

1 IGC Linear Brazil 2008

3 NetGear, ProfSafe 24 port 10/100 Smart Switch

1 IGC NetGear UK 2008

4 Model FS726T Next Generation Broadcasting

1 IGC Next Generation Broadcasting, UK


5 MPEG -2 Encoder Cable World


Cable World UK


6 TLDC -3 Encoder Next Generation Broadcasting

1 IGC Next Generation Broadcasting, UK


7 DVB-Demultiplexer TRS180/TNS 180 CA

1 IGC Cable World UK 2008


Suma Vision Scrambler 10K571 – Next Generation Broadcasting

1 IGC Suma Vision UK 2008

9 Switched Rack PDU-APC

1 IGC Sony UK 2008

10 Interface Unit PFV – L10

3 IGC Sony 2008

11 Xenon Router Quartz 1 IGC Quartz UK 2008

12 APC Symmetra UPS System

1 IGC APC Symmetra UK 2008

Table 8: Presentation Studio

Description Quantity State Manufacturer/

source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 Yamaha 02R96 Digital Mixing Console

1 IGC Japan 2006

2 Professional Digital Tascam CD-RW 2000 Recorder

2 IGC Tascam UK 2006

3 Tascam MD350 2 IGC Tascam UK 2006

4 Interface Unit PFV-L10 2 IGC Sony 2006

5 RayCom RTB4211 Full Duplex Base Station

1 IGC Raycom UK 2006

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Pixel Power Clarity 100 –Broadcast Graphics Solution P. C. for Graphic

1 IGC Broadcast Solutions

UK 2006

7 Professional Disc Recorder PDW –V1

1 IGC Sony-UK 2006

8 Professional Disc Recorder PDW-1500

6 IGC Sony 2006

9 Professional Cart System Model PDJ-C1080

1 IGC Sony 2006

System requires

computer to be fully


10 Production Switch Professor DFS 2000

IGC Sony 2006

Table 9: Up link Room

Description Quantity State Manufacturer/

source Year of

Installation Remarks

1 Digital Video Production

2 IGC Sony R&S

2 Azimuth DVB Satellite Modulator

2 IGC Newtec UK 2004

3 Control Unit HCS Hiltron GmBH Telecom Equipment

4 IGC Hilton GmBH UK 2004

4 Continum DVP Encoder D9030

4 IGC Continum UK 2004

5 Audio Distribution Amplifier ADA -201-NEC

1 IGC Sony 2004

6 Power Vu Programme Receiver D9850

2 IGC Scientific Atlantic, UK 2004

7 Taindberg Receiver TT1222

2 IGC Taindberg UK 2004

Table 10: Studio One

Description Quantity State Manufacturer/

source Year of

Installation Remarks


1 Studio Camera BVP-E30P

3 IGC Sony 2006

2 Cannon Digit Super Lens 25x5xJ25x6.8B 1E 6.8-170mm 1.1.5

3 IGC Ikegami 2006

Control Room

1 Digital Sound Mixer Yamaha 02R96

1 IGC Yamashita, Japan 2006

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2 Tascam CD-RW 2000 Professional CD-RW

1 IGC Tascam, UK 2006

3 Tascam MD350 1 IGC Tascam, UK 2006

4 Sony Interface Unit PFV-L10

1 IGC Sony, UK 2006

5 RayCom RTB4211, Full Duplex Base Station 1 IGC RayCom, UK 2006

6 Pixel Power Clarify 100 –Broadcast Graphics 1 IGC Clarity BGS, UK 2006

7 Vision Mixer DVS 9000SP

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

8 Sony Professional Disc Recorder PDW 1500

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

9 ADB Mentor, lighting Technologies

1 IGC ADB Mentor UK 2006

10 Sony LCD Monitors LCD-1420

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

Table 11: Studio Two

Description Quantity State Manufacturer/

source Year of

Installation Remarks


Studio Camera BVP-E30P

3 IGC Sony 2006

Cannon Digit Super Lens 25x5xJ25x6.8B 1E 6.8-170mm 1.1.5

3 IGC Ikegami 2006

Lighting System

Control Room

Tascam CD-RW 2000 Professional CD-RW

1 IGC Tascam, UK 2006

Tascam MD350 1 IGC Tascam, UK 2006

Sony Interface Unit PFV-L10

1 IGC Sony, UK 2006

RayCom RTB4211, Full Duplex Base Station 1 IGC RayCom, UK 2006

Pixel Power Clarify 100 –Broadcast Graphics 1 IGC Clarity BGS, UK 2006

Vision Mixer DVS 9000SP

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

Sony Professional Disc Recorder PDW 1500 1 IGC Sony UK 2006

ADB Mentor, lighting Technologies

1 IGC ADB Mentor UK 2006

Sony LCD Monitors LCD-1420

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

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Table 12: TV News Room Editing Equipment

Description Quantity Status Manufacturer/

Country of Origin Year of

Installation Remarks

Sony Betacam VTR Model PVW 2800

4 IGC Sony Japan 2000

Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW 1500

3 IGC Sony Japan 2006

Sony Professional Disc Recorder Model PDW-V1

1 IGC Sony Japan 2006

Monitors ? Sony PVM-14420M

6 IGC Sony 2000

LCD Monitor Model H-S95P

1 Sony China 2006

Table 13: Converter Room and Graphics Studio

Description Quantity Status Manufacturer/

Country of Origin Year of

Installation Remarks

Convertor Room

1 DVD Recorder RDR-GXD310

10 IGC Sony UK 2006

2 Digital Betacam SP J-30SDI

1 IGC Sony UK 2006

3 Sony Professional Disc Recorder –PDW1500 3 IGC Sony UK 2006

4 JVC Video Cassette Player BR-D350E

1 IGC JVC, Japan 2006

5 Sony DVCAM Recorder DSR-2000AP 1 IGC Sony, Japan 2006

6 Sony Betacam Recorder DNW-A75P

1 IGC Sony, Japan 2006

7 Tannoy speaker 2 IGC Tannoy, UK 2006

8 Canford speaker 2 IGC Canford, UK 2006

9 Duplication Mon 2 IGC Sony, UK 2006

Graphics Room

10 Sony cas MTX GFX 8 Bus

1 IGC Quartz 2006

11 Sony MEU-WX2 1 IGC Sony UK 2006

12 Sony Professional Disc Recorder PDW 1500 1 IGC 2006

13 HP Workstation XW 6200 Base Unit

4 IGC USA, Taxas 2006

14 Sony LCD Monitors SDM-S950

4 IGC Sony China 2006

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(2) List of people we met

1. Ministry of Information

Mdm. HON. ZITA OKAIKOI Minister Tel.021-230672 Mdm. Juliana Oduro Assistant Director and Special Assistant to Minister of Information Tel. 020-5639657 Mr. G.B.L. Siilo Director of Finance & Administration Tel. 024-4929679 Mr. Issah Mahami Asst. Director Tel.024-6801045, 026-5089513 Mr. Wahid Advisor Tel.024-0295948

2. Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC)

Mr. Kawabena Sarpong-Anane Deputy Director-General Tel. 027-7323212 Mr. Oscar Nchor Director of Technical Production Tel. 021-783806 Mr. Alhaji Alhassan Alfa Asst. Director of Corporate Affairs Tel. 021-771245 Mr. Seth Akotua Technical Co-ordinator Tel. 024-4255507 Dr. Adam Imoro Chief Engineer (Training) Tel. 024-3616202 / 020-8158189 Mr. Victor Tettey Acting Head of Transmission (Planning/Installation) Tel. 024-4665658 / 021-330079 Mr. Eric Odonkor Chief Engineer of Transmission Tel. 024-4643374 Mr. Kwabena-Adjei Johnson Director of Finance Tel. 021-786567 Mr. Joshua K. Mensah Officer in Charge TV/FM Transmitter (Adjangote Station)

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3. Japanese Embassy

Mr. Toshonobu Mochizuki Counsellor

Mr. Yuki Tamura Second Secretary

Mr Shinya Shigemori Consul

Mr. Hiroyasu Kagawa First Secretary and Medical Attache

4. JICA Ghana Office

Mr. Hitoshi Sato Deputy Representative of Ghana Office

Mr. Ichiro Fukuhara Group leader
