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Page 1: Representaion of woman

Representation of woman in a horror trailerTucker dale vs. evil.

Page 2: Representaion of woman

In the opening the young girl says ‘Did you see the way those guys were looking at us’ this tells the audience already how the woman are represented in the film; as objects. Her blonde hair and voice also give connotations of quite a

stupid ditsy character which also objectifies women in this film.

Page 3: Representaion of woman

This mid shot of the girl shows she has a very low cut pink top which draws males attention from the audience at her physical features. She's also smoking which is morally bad which often means she will be the victim in the horror


Page 4: Representaion of woman

In this scene the guy says ‘ this isn't work for a pretty girl like you’ this is implying that men don’t think women should work hard as there pretty and objects in their eyes. The girl also has a belly top on which is showing off her physical features, this is representing women as sexual objects in male

eyes. The girl then says ‘I grew up on a farm’ which challenges the stereotypes and shows she is not just an object.

Page 5: Representaion of woman

This mid shot of the girl in her underwear represents woman as objects for men to look at in the film. Her clothing is skimpy as she is swimming and the

camera focuses on that. There is also quite rock/masculine music playing which also makes the scene look more aimed for men to watch.