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Online advertising has come a long way in the past decade. When the Internet was

first breaking out into the mainstream, and becoming accessible to regular consumers and

not just academics and scientists, there was still a lot of doubt about how viable it could

be commercial medium. Many early attempts at online advertising met with limited

success, at best. This was also compounded with the general problem that many

advertisers simply did not understand the online space, and still looked at advertising

from the perspective of the print or television mediums.

Originally, most online advertising was very simple both in terms of the

advertising itself, and the way in which it was sold. Before ad serving and tracking

technology took off, it was common for advertisers to simply pay to have a small banner

ad placed on a website for a given period of time. Reporting was rudimentary, and

advertisers generally had to depend on the website’s visitor statistics to get an idea of

how many people actually saw their ad In those days, online advertising was sold much

like print advertising, based solely on the size of the ad, and priced based on the expected

number of unique website visitors who would see the ad.

Some of the earliest ad serving software (including the first version of Ad

Juggler) debuted in the mid‐90’s, and offered several innovations that paved the way for

today’s advanced ad serving and tracking technologies. This early software allowed

multiple banner ads to be rotated in the same space on a webpage, and made it possible to

keep track of how many impressions of a particular ad were served. Not only that, the

software also made it easier to specify campaign starts and end dates, and limits on the

number of impressions to show. It was also possible to track click through, so advertisers

could find out how many people not only saw their ad but actually clicked on it to get to

their site. These first innovations made it possible to sell online advertising in new ways.

An advertiser could specify that they only wanted to buy 100,000 impressions over the

course of a month, for example. With the capability to rotate banners, publishers also


benefited by being able to sell ad space to multiple advertisers, rather than giving up all

of their advertising space to just one advertiser at a time. Slowly but surely, online

advertising moved away from a simple recreation of the print and television medium, to

something unique that had benefits that couldn’t be realized with other forms of


Online advertising, also called Internet advertising, uses the Internet to deliver

promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search

engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including

web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other advertising media, online

advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its

online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the


publisher's content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies that help

generate and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and

tracks statistics, and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the

advertiser. Online advertising is a large business and is growing rapidly. In 2011, Internet

advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly

exceeded those of broadcast television. In 2012, Internet advertising revenues in the

United States totaled $36.57 billion; a 15.2% increase over the $31.74 billion in revenues

in 2011.4–5 online advertising is widely used across virtually all industry sectors. Despite

its popularity, many common online advertising practices are controversial and

increasingly subject to regulation. Furthermore, online ad revenues may not adequately

replace other publishers' revenue streams. Declining ad revenue has led some publishers

to hide their content behind pay walls.


In early days of the Internet, online advertising wasn't allowed. For example, two

of the predecessor networks to the Internet, ARPANET and NSFNet, had "acceptable use

policies" that banned network "use for commercial activities by for-profit institutions".

The NSFNet began phasing out its commercial use ban in 1991.

Email: The first widely publicized example of online advertising was conducted

via electronic mail. On 3 May 1978, a marketer from DEC (Digital Equipment

Corporation), Gary Thuerk, sent an email to most of the ARPANET's American

west coast users, advertising an open house for a new model of a DEC computer.

Despite the prevailing acceptable use policies, electronic mail marketing rapidly

expanded and eventually became known as “spam.”

The first known large-scale non-commercial spam message was sent on 18 January 1994

by an Andrews University system administrator, by cross-posting a religious message to

all USENET newsgroups. Four months later, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel,

partners in a law firm, broadly promoted their legal services in a USENET posting titled

"Green Card Lottery – Final One?” Canter and Siegel's Green Card USENET spam raised


the profile of online advertising, stimulating widespread interest in advertising via both

Usenet and traditional email. More recently, spam has evolved into a more industrial

operation, where spammers use armies of virus-infected computers (botnets) to send

spam remotely.

Display Ads. Online banner advertising began in the early 1990s as page owners

sought additional revenue streams to support their content. Commercial online

service Prodigy displayed banners at the bottom of the screen to promote Sears

products. The first clickable web ad was sold by Global Network Navigator in

1993 to a Silicon Valley law firm. In 1994, web banner advertising became

mainstream when HotWired, the online component of Wired Magazine, sold

banner ads to AT&T and other companies. The first AT&T ad on HotWired had a

44% click-through rate, and instead of directing clickers to AT&T's website, the

ad linked to an online tour of seven of the world's most acclaimed art museums.

Search Ads. (renamed Overture in 2001, and acquired by Yahoo! in

2003) created the first search advertising keyword auction in 1998.:119 Google

launched its "AdWords" search advertising program in 2000 and introduced

quality-based ranking allocation in 2002, which sorts search advertisements by a

combination of bid price and searchers' likeliness to click on the ads.:123

Recent Trends. More recently, companies have sought to merge their advertising

messages into editorial content or valuable services. Examples include Red Bull's

Red Bull Media House streaming Felix Baumgartner's jump from space online,

Coca-Cola's online magazines, and Nike's free applications for performance

tracking. Advertisers are also embracing social media and mobile advertising;

mobile ad spending has grown 90% each year from 2010 to 2013.

Online advertising is a mass media based on traditional advertising but its own

unique place created by itself in the advertising history. Online advertising is one of the

recent trends that have emerged in the contemporary advertising world. Online


advertising is typically in the forms of displays or blinks, or pop-ups or roadblocks during

transitions in the form of text, logos, images etc. on the webpage via websites, email, ad-

supported software and Internet-enabled smart phones. There are different types of online

advertisements like contextual ads, banner ads, rich media ads, social networking

advertising, and interstitial ads. The main objective of these advertisements is to draw the

attention of the customers. Online advertising is target focused to reach their

predetermined target customer group. The number of online customers is sprouting

aggressively day by day because of number internet users being multiplied in size in the

recent days. Even though there is an attrition problem in measuring impact of online

advertisements, the advertisers still prefer to use the mode of online advertising

opportunities to reach their target customers.

Increase of electronic goods in the market has facilitated Indian customers to

access Internet through cell phone and tabloids etc. like electronic instruments that have

led to major emergence of online advertisements and even the Government authorities’

are converting their public services into online services where a common man has to visit

the website compulsorily for all general documentation to be completed online to get

benefits of the government public announcements. That is where the success arrived in

the arms of the online advertisers equally par with traditional offline advertisements. This

research studies about how students behave with different online advertisements.

Hyderabad, one of the largest cities in India, which is an ethno-centric metro city with

approximately eighty lakhs population in its arms, has been sampled for this study.

The connections you and your business make are of paramount importance today.

Developing strategic relationships via networking events has been the traditional means

of making new business contacts.


Advertising has faithfully served the print industry for 200 years, and was applied to the Internet

with every expectation of success. Web advertising began with Center and Siegel’s in famous Green

Card Lottery message on the Usenet site in April 1994 and was followed in October by advertising


placements for AT&T, MCI, Sprint, and Volvo on Hot-wired and finally the idea caught on. The

Advertisement grew in sophistication, and today there are Static, rotating, scrolling, animated, flash and

interstitial banner ads all which are designed to generate traffic, increase brand awareness and generate

leads and sales. Internet companies were founded on advertising revenues, and for some years the

companies prospered. Rate depended on: -

i. The Type of advertisement

ii. Where it appeared on the Web Pages.

iii. How it integrated with content.

iv. How well it matched the advertiser’s target audience

Online advertising began in 1994 when Hot Wired sold the first banner ads to

several advertisers. Revenue in the United States grew to an estimated $7.1 billion in

2001 or about 3.1 percent of overall advertising spending. The dot-com bust destroyed or

weakened many of the early online advertising industry players and reduced the demand

for online advertising and related services.

Businesses began to move their advertising efforts into areas by making wide use

of social media from 2009.The social media includes social networking tools such as

Facebook, Twitter, Hi-5, social news tools such as Reddit, Digg, Propeller, social photo

& video sharing tools such as Photobucket, Flickr, YouTube and social bookmarking

tools such as Flickr, YouTube and social bookmarking tools such as and Simpy. One of the advantages of social media advertising is proper

targeting of market through the use of the users’ demographic information provided.

Competitive advantage over traditional advertising: One major benefit of online

advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by

geography or time. The emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges

for advertisers who have until now adopted an interruptive strategy.


Another benefit is the efficiency of the advertiser’s investment. Online advertising

allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites.

For example, Ad Word, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Google Ad Sense enable ads to be

shown on relevant web pages or alongside search results.

The internet has become an ongoing emerging source that tends to expand more

and more. The growth of this particular medium attracts the attention of advertisers as a

more productive source to bring in consumers. A clear advantage consumers have with

online advertisement is the control they have over the product, choosing whether to check

it out or not.

Online advertisements may also offer various forms of animation. In its most common

use, the term "online advertising" comprises all sorts of banner, e-mail, in-game, and

keyword advertising, including on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

Web-related advertising has a variety of ways to publicize and reach a niche audience to

focus its attention to a specific group reach a niche audience to focus its attention to a

specific group. Research has proven that online advertising has given results and is

growing business revenue. Jupiter Research predicted $34.5billion in US online

advertising spending.


Any area of a web page that can be viewed without visitors having to scroll. Ad

space in this area tends to have a higher value than that located elsewhere on the page.

Ad flight:

The total length of an advertising campaign.

Ad network:

An advertising company that brokers deals between online publishers and

advertisers. Bigger ad networks aggregate sites into general categories so that they can

offer advertisers targeted markets. Ad networks are responsible for selling and serving

the majority of Internet advertising.


Ad server:

Normally operated by a third party, an ad server delivers and tracks ads on

websites .Ad servers perform a useful role in building trust between advertisers and

publishers since the statistics they supply are likely to be free of spin.

Ad space:

The area on a web page set aside for the display of ads.

Ad units:

These refer to the different types of ads which appear online, including banners, interstitials, pop-ups, skyscrapers and text links.


An advertisement designed to blend in with the appearance and tone of the editorial content it runs alongside.

Affiliate marketing:

An advertising system based on the CPA (Cost per Action) payment method, where

websites display advertisers’ banners for free but receive payment when registrations or

sales result from click through. In its purest form, affiliate marketing simply describes the

use of one website to drive traffic to another.

Affinity marketing:

This is an umbrella term for any marketing approach that extrapolates possible

future purchases from past ones, e.g. Amazon’s customers who bought items like this

also bought...’ recommendations.


A company that provides advertising-related services to their clients



A simple marketing acronym that describes the supposed path to successful

selling. The following responses should be provoked in this order:

A = attention I = interest D = desire A = action


A major advantage of the web is the ability to target very specific groups of individuals with a

minimum of waste coverage. In the consumer market. Through personalization and other targeting

techniques, sites are becoming more tailored to meet once need and want.

Message Tailoring

As a result of precise targeting, messages can be designed to appeal to the specific needs and

wants of the target audience. The interactive capability of the net makes it possible to carry on one-to-one

marketing with increased success in both the business and the consumer markets

Interactive Capabilities

The interactive nature of the web leads to a degree of customer involvement. Site visitors are

already interested enough in the company and/ or products to visit.

Information access

Perhaps the greatest advantage of the Internet is its availability as an information source. Internet

users can find a plethora of information about almost any topic of merely by conducting search through

one of the search engines. Once they have visited a particular site, uses can garner a wealth of information

regarding product specification, costs, purchase information, and so on. Links will direct them to even

more information if it is desired.


Creatively design sites can enhance company's image leading to repeat visits, and positively

position the company or organization in the consumer's mind.



For many seller companies with limited budget the www (World Wide Web) enables them to

gain exposure to potential customers that heretofore would have been impossible. For a function of the

investment that would be required using traditional media, companies can gain national and even

international exposure in a timely manner.


For those requiring information on a company, its products, and /or its service offerings, the

Internet is the quickest means of acquiring this information.


Measurement problem

One the greatest disadvantage of the net is the lack of reliability of the research numbers generate.

A Quick review of forecasts, audience profiles, and other statistics offered by research providers will

demonstrate a great deal of variance leading to a serious lack of validity and reliability. One of the

industry's largest and most sited trade publication has written an expose of a heavily sited Internet research

company, referring to the number it provides as "scary" feathers have stressed concern over the fact that

most sites figures or not audited, which mainly to rampant cheating in the respect of the number reported.

Audience characteristic

Due imparts to the accelerating growth of the net, audience characteristic change quickly.

Numbers reported may be completed quickly and are often vary from one provided to the next.

Web Snarl

At times, downloading information from the net takes a long time. When there are a number of

users, the time increasing and some Sites may be inaccessible due to too many visitors. For many users

who expect speed, this is a major disadvantage.



The cost of doing business on the MAT continues to increase. While it is possible to establish a

site in expensively, establishing a good side and maintaining it is becoming more and more costly. As

noted earlier, Levi’s for the cost of maintaining a site is considered "world-Class” was prohibitive and one

of the reason for abandoning its E-commerce efforts.

Limited production quality

Although it is improving, net advertising does not offer the capability of many competitive

media for a production standpoint. While the advent of advanced technologies and rich medium is

narrowing the gap, the net still lags behind some areas.

Poor reach

While the Internet numbers are growing in leaps and bounds, its six is still far behind that of

television. As a result, interest companies have turned to traditional medium to achieve reach and

awareness goals. In addition statistics says that only a small percentage of sites on the Internet are captured

and that the top 50 sites listed account for95 percent of the site visited.


If I am selling the goods through the media the buyer prefer to get the information of the

products or services with his own language but the advertiser has no option than to advertise in one single

language which is a major disadvantage.

It involves the usage of the Internet to market and sell goods or services. In this

thesis I wished to seek answers for the following questions with the help of secondary

data obtained from the News Papers, Business Magazines, Online articles along with

web, email surveys and e-questionnaires taking into consideration consumer perspective,

and see if they are moved by the internet marketing done by the companies or not, and if

they are then up to what extent. The survey results helped me in predicting the trends in

Internet marketing.


In 2008, if you’re not on a social networking site, you’re not on the Internet. It’s

as true for advertisers as it is for consumers. Social networking is the ultimate

manifestation of user generated content, and as such, holds more potential for growth

than any other form of content on the Web today. User Generated Content (UGC) and

Social Networks are transforming the media ecosystem. Gone are the days when power

rested in the hands of a few content creators and media distributors. Gone are the days

when marketers controlled the communication and path between advertisement and

consumer. Today’s model is collaborative, collective, customized and shared. It’s a world

in which the consumer is the creator, consumer and distributor of content. Today there

are over a billion content creators and hundreds of millions of distributors. The

proliferation of quality, affordable technology during the past 5 years, one of the most

profound social effects of the Internet has been the democratization of media. Nowadays,

anybody with a computer and an Internet connection is ready to start broadcasting to the

whole world, for free. Online tools such as the well-known Blogger make publishing on

the Internet extremely easy and accessible to people with hardly any technical


7 P'S Of Online Advertisement

The four P's - Product, Price, Place and Promotion have long been associated with

marketing, but things have changed on the Internet. So along with a change in the nature

of the four P’s there are three new P’s which are relevant to the internet marketer:

Presentation, Processes and Personalization.


Product on the Internet usually changes form online, and the user experiences it

electronically, in the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are usually

presented in the form of a detailed online catalogue that the customer can browse

through. Technology allows the user to virtually touch and feel the product on the

Internet - rotate it, zoom in or zoom out and even visualize the product in different

configurations and combination. Content and software are two avatars of digitized

products that can be even distributed over the Internet. On the Internet, E-marketing will


be based more on the product qualities rather than on the price. Every company will be

able to bring down the cost of its products and hence competition will not be on price. It

will rather be on the uniqueness of the product. To be able to attract the customers and

retain them, the company will have to provide nouvelle and distinct products that forces

the net users to purchase and come back for more.

2. Price

Price has been drastically changed over the Internet. It lets the buyer decides the price.

Also it gives the buyers information about multiple sellers selling the same product. It

leads to best possible deal for the buyers in terms of price. Pricing is dynamic over the


3. Place

Place revolves around setting up of a marketing channel to reach the customer. Internet

serves as a direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the customer

directly. The elimination of the intermediate channel allows the producer to pass the

reduced distribution cost to the customer in the form of discounts.

4. Promotion

Promotion is extremely necessary to entice the customer to its website, as there are

currently more than one billion web pages. Promoting a website includes both online and

offline strategies. Online strategies include search engine optimization, banner ads,

multiple points of entry, viral marketing, strategic partnership and affiliate marketing.

Presently, the cyberspace is already cluttered with thousands of sites probably selling

similar products. For the customers to know of the Company’s existence and to garner

information on the kind of products or services that the company is offering, promotion

has to be carried out. There can be traded links or banner advertisements for the same.

Also the traditional mediums like print, outdoor advertising and television can be used to

spread awareness.

5. Presentation


The presentation of the online business needs to have an easy to use navigation. The look

and the feel of the web site should be based on corporate logos and standards. About 80%

of the people read only 20% of the web page. Therefore, the web page should not be

cluttered with a lot of information. Also, simple but powerful navigational aids on all web

pages like search engines make it easy for customer to find their way around.

6. Processes

Customer supports needs to be integrated into the online web site. A sales service that

will be able to answer the questions of their customers fast and in a reliable manner is

necessary. To further enhance after sales service, customers must be able to find out

about their order status after the sale has been made.

7. Personalization

Using the latest software it is possible to customize the entire web site for every single

user, without any additional costs. The mass customization allows the company to create

web pages products and services that suit the requirement of the user. A customized web

page does not only include the preferred layout of the customer but also a pre selection of

goods the customer may be interested in.


Growth of New Media Advertising in IndiaIn recent years various big and notable changes have been witnessed in the field of

communication and media. Many new concepts popped up and new media advertising

is one of them. India is pretty new to new media advertising but this concept has been

around for quite a long time now. Going by the latest trend you will come to know that

new media advertising is the emerging and hottest medium of advertisement.

New media advertising is synonym of online advertising and has taken web media with

a stride. Now people instead of going for traditional advertising tend to give more

weight-age to online advertising. This is mainly due to the fact that it is more targeted

maximum exposure. According to various media gurus’ new media advertising has got

a bright future and they also predict that within few years new media advertising will


experience a boom in India and around the world.

The biggest advantage of new media advertising is that many other medium too fall in

same bracket and the latest to join the bandwagon is cellular phones. Cellular phones

have recently entered into the scope of new media advertising and are predicted to

flourish in the coming time. New media advertising’s main highlight is that it can be

done via various means such as banner ads, pop-up advertisements, and interstitial and

even pop-under advertisements.

The biggest advantage of new media advertising is that it is relatively cheaper in

comparison to other media and can also be done in an attractive manner. Moreover,

various small and upcoming businesses can easily go for new media advertising. In

other words, you can say that it is very attractive in nature and simultaneously entices

customers too. Going for new media advertising is the wisest choices as it gives the

surfer both visual and graphic treat.

From being a small scale industry, advertising is India has evolved into a

significant domain both in terms of revenue generated as well as number of people

employed. Today, marketing has graduated into a quintessential aspect in a product’s

success, be it a good or a service. Starting from brand image to that of brand identity,

everything gets fostered through one’s advertising efforts for any particular product.

Keeping this aspect in mind, one needs to keep in mind that over the period of years,

online medium has developed as a prospective means of communication. Advertising

industry has caught on the proposition well and diverted some of their scheme of

activities towards online medium. Online advertising in India is riding on the back of

enhanced Internet penetration and with active users heading northward, the sector is only

poised to grow even further.



To examine behavior of students towards online advertisements during browsing


To know element in the online advertisements influence these students and


To test whether there is any influence of ad size and type of display ad in drawing

attention of the customers.


The present study has been confined to know the consumer perception with

regards to online advertisement. For this purpose students and profession employees have

been interviewed and detailed analyses of their views are conducted. The survey has been

restricted to the students and professional employees of KITM, Kurukshetra have

randomly been approached with a schedule to garner their views.


In the present study the use of primary as well as secondary data has been made.

In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives the required primary data have been

collected with the help of structured questionnaires addressed to the students and

employees. To get the insight regarding the perception of students and employees on

online advertisement, 40 students and 35 employees have been approached.

In order to see the concept and overall growth of online advertisement the secondary data

have been collected through Journals, magazines and related websites.


In the study various statistical techniques like, Tabulation, Percentage and

Average method have been used with the help of Excel Sheet and formula’s.


The actual consumer perception has been depicted by mean scores which have varied

between 1 to 5.

1≤ mean< 2 Very Poor Perception

2≤ mean < Poor Perception

Mean = 3 Average Perception

3< mean< 4 Good Perception

4≤ mean < Very Good Perception

5≤ mean Excellent Perception


Online advertising is the key element of any company to be part of competition in

a market. Now a days marketers are preparing online advertisement to get the advantage

of various means of communication i.e Youtube, Facebook, Twitter etc. to keep in touch

with the customers 24 hours. As online advertising is the 24 hours medium of

promotional tool. The present study makes an attempt to identify and analyze the

consumer perception and the impact of online advertisement on them. The marketers are

now preparing special advertisement to have a great attraction of their perspective and

potential customers towards their offerings, which seems to be helpful in great extent.

The study gives the idea regarding the various issues of online advertisement

attractiveness to the marketers.


1. The responses of the consumers have been taken from a single area. Thus, their

views may not be generalized.

2. Technicalities involved in various questions related to the online advertisement

had jeopardized the appropriateness of conclusion.

3. Since it is a research project, the study was faced with problems of time and




Online advertising is escalating rapidly to its peak (Gaurav Bhakshi, 2013) due to

additional assistant devices to Internet like mobiles and televisions and changes in rapid

technological move. Since June 1836, when French newspaper La Presse launched its

first paid advertising, many advertisers have shown character in its quick adoption. Just

in about 1840, Volney B. Palmer founded modern day advertising agency in

Philadelphia. Late in 19th century N.W. Ayer & son ad agency was launched. By 1900 the

ad agency had become vital in ad planning. Wireless Internet (Bigne) is creating trend

setting in the modern Internet advertising era. It facilitated Internet as the handbill in the

mobiles of customers. Internet collaboration (Buelligen, 2004) with other mediums such

as television, mobile etc., has risen the future of online advertising. The use of internet by

customers has grown for many purposes like product search, price search, order

placement, payments and delivery information etc. (sinha, 2010). Internet (Sylke, 2002)

has become an important medium that is available 24 hours. AIMC, 2005 study (Hung)

revealed that 37.8% of internet users have laptops and 95% of laptops owners have

mobile phones, 45.6% of them have webcam and 16% have PDAs. Men usually are

independent in making decisions and women are more socially relationship builders


Internet advertising (Priyanka Shrivastava, 2012) is turning more aggressive like

television advertising and even better than that. The term “online advertising” comprising

all sorts of banner, email, in game, and keyword advertising, on platform such as face

book, Twitter or MySpace has received increased relevance. According to S H H Kazmi

(2012), the estimated value of online ads is about Rs. 100 crore. But still clients are used

to this type of advertising. Fayu Zheng (2006) says that products online attract people to

change their behavior. Internet helps consumers to search for their products in the form of

images, sound and text (Moon, 2004). Internet shopping provides convenience to the

customers (Jarvanpaa and Todd, 1997). It helps in searching for good qualitative products


(lee and Chung, 2000). According to UCLA Centre for Communication Policy (2001),

Internet shopping has become the third most popular Internet activities , immediately

following email using and web surfing (Li and Zhang, 2002). Online customers are

different from office customers because online customer focuses on purchasing process

and buying factors (Guttman, 1999). Bellman and his colleagues in 1999, who studied the

predictors of online behavior, found that there are two main reasons of internet buyer

behavior. First, customers normally use the internet as a part of their lifestyles. Second,

customers do not have much time to spend for the traditional ways of shopping.



The following data have been interpreted with the help tabulations, and cell chi square





1. Age group:

Table 1.

Age Group Students Employee Percentage>20 2 2.620-25 37 4 54.625-30 21 28Above 30 11 14.6Total 39 36

It is clear from table 1.that 2.6% of the respondents are from less than 20 years of

age, 54.6% are from the age group of 20-25, 28% between the age group of 25-30 and

14% are of the above 30 years of age.

2. Do you surf the net

Table 2.


73 2


Table 2. Shows that the 73 respondents are surfing the internet and are aware of

online advertising.


3. On an average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet per day

Table 3

No. of Hours Spent

Students Employee Students % usage

Employee % usage

0-1 15 14 37.5 402-3 13 11 32.5 31.424-5 6 4 15 11.426-7 3 4 7.5 11.42More than 8 5 1 12.5 2.85Total 40 35

It is indicated by the table 3. That 37. 5% of the students and 40 % respondents

spending 0-1 hour on the internet per day respectively. 32.5% of the students and 31. %

of the employee spent 2-3 hours in a day. Similarly, 15 % of students and 11.42 % of

employee spent 4-5 hours as per responses. There is less % of time spent by the students

and employees in the category of 6-7 hours.

So it is observed that the maximum % of students and employees spent 2-3 hours in a day.

4. Are you aware of Online Advertisement?

Table. 4

Students EmployeesYes 34 33No 6 2

Total 40 35

Table 4. Indicates that 34 students are aware of online advertisement out of 40

and 33 employee are aware of the same out of 35 respondents


5. Do you check the Online Ads while browsing?

Table. 5

Students EmployeesYes 30 30No 10 5

Total 40 35

It is clear from the Table .5 that 30 students and 30 employees have been checked

the online advertisements while browsing

6. Ads relating to which product are you interested in?

Table. 6

Parameter Students Employee Students % Interest

Employee % Interest

Purchasing 6 5 15 14.28Jobs 7 10 17.5 20Entertainment 10 5 25 14.28Academics 11 4 27.5 11.42Others 6 11 15 31.42Total 40 35

Table. 6 revealed that 15 % of students and 14.28 % of employee are in the

interest of watching online advertisement related to purchasing. On the other hand 17.5%

of students and 20% of employee are interested to watch jobs related advertisements.

Academics has the maximum percentage of viewer’s choice in the case of students

consist of 27.5% followed by entertainment of 25%. It has been observed that Academics

and jobs in the case of students and purchasing and Entertainment in the case of

employees are more prevalent as per the study.


7. Which sites consist of more ads?

Table .7

Sites Students Employee Opinion on % of More ads(Students)

Opinion on % of More ads(Employee)

Gmail 5 4 12.5 11.42Facebook 6 15 0Youtube 24 11 60 31.42Yahoo 0 1 0 2.85Others 5 14 12.5 40Total 40 35

As per table 7. The maximum scores of percentage on the maximum numbers of

advertisement displayed by the various sites available has been given to Youtube both by

the students and employees 60% and 31.42 percent followed by Gmail, Facebook and

Yahoo respectively.

8. What kind of ads do you like to see?

Table. 8

Students Employee Students Likings %

Employee Likings %

One that pop-ups

10 12 25 34.29

one which has a questionnaire

2 0 5 0

On that Flashes 16 13 40 37.14

one that runs on the top & bottoms

12 10 30 28.57

Total 40 35


It is clear from the table 8 that 40% of students and 37.14% of employees liked

the ads which flashes immediately on the screen followed by 30% and 28.57% that runs

on the top and bottom of the screen both by the students as well as employee

respectively. On the other hand 25% and 34.29% has been liked one those pop-ups both

by the students and employees.

9. Have you Responded or participated in any ads?

Table. 9

Students EmployeesYes 30 30No 10 5

Total 40 35

It is observed from the table 9. 30 students and 30 employees have been

participated the ads which displays on the popups, flashes on the screen etc.

10. Does the Online Ads interfere in your work while browsing

Table. 10

Students EmployeesYes 36 28No 4 7

Total 40 35

Table. 10 indicate that 36 students out of 40 and 28 Employee out of 35 have been

responded that the online ads interfering their work while they browse the internet. As a

whole only 4 students and 7 employees have their repercussion regarding the interference

while browsing.


11. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements

Students & Employee AnalysisTable.11

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

Information on the Internet regarding brand is easy to find

4.56 4.37

Table 11 indicates that both the students and employees are having almost same

perception on the Information on the internet regarding brand easy to find through only

advertisement with the average mean score of 4.56 and 4.37 respectively given on this


12. If I find a video that I enjoy, but it is also an advertisement or has a product plug,

Students & Employee AnalysisTable. 12

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

I will stillExchange itWith friends &Colleagues

3.475 3


Advertisements are the rich source of information and entertainment now a days,

as the marketer are finding the ways to become their advertisement more entertaining,

humorous, serious, positive, glamorous, graceful, full of scenic beauties, well-furnished

homes etc. to attract the customers attention. Consequently, as per observations in the

table 12. The students and employees are sharing and exchanging the advertisement

through social media with their colleagues and friends with a average mean score of

3.475 and 3 respectively.

13. If I find Online Advertising to be appropriate.

Students & Employee AnalysisTable. 13

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

Only when I receive free Online services

3.675 3.74

The free online advertising is the new phenomena with the growing promotional

competition in the market. Marketers are finding the ways and means by giving free

online services to their prospective and existing customers. The above table shows that

the students are having more apprehension on the part of free online services with a mean

score of 3.675 as compare to employees with a mean score of 3.74.

14. When a video advertisement plays before the viewing of a free video , I choose to watch, I

Students & Employee AnalysisTable 14.

Parameter Average


Students(40) Employees(35)

Open another programme window & ignore it

3.65 3.88

Table 14 indicates that the students had more apprehension regarding a video

advertisement plays before the viewing of a free video, they stuck to open another

programme window and ignore it with average mean score of 3.65 as compare to the

employee with a average mean score of 3.88

15. When an online pop-up video advertisement pops-up, I

Students & Employee AnalysisTable 15.

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

View it briefly to see what it is

3.225 3.775

Pop-up ads or pop-ups are often forms of online advertising on the World Wide

Web intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. Pop-ups are generally new

web browser windows to display advertisements. The pop-up window containing an

advertisement is usually generated by JavaScript using cross-site scripting (XSS),

sometimes with a secondary payload using Adobe Flash, but can also be generated by

other vulnerabilities/security holes in browser security. A variation on the pop-up

window is the pop-under advertisement, which opens a new browser window hidden

under the active window. Pop-unders do not interrupt the user immediately and are not

seen until the covering window is closed, making it more difficult to determine which


web site opened them. Again on this front the students have some apprehensions with a

mean score of 3.225 only as compare to Employees with a mean score of 3.775

16. I find that interactive online video advertising Students & Employee Analysis

Table 16.

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

Is easy to view and interact with successfully

3.65 3.68

Interactive advertising uses online or offline interactive media to communicate

with consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and public service

announcements, corporate or political groups. Interactive advertising as the "paid and

unpaid presentation and promotion of products, services and ideas by an identified

sponsor through mediated means involving mutual action between consumers and

producers." This is most commonly performed through the internet; often through the use

of an ad server that can deliver a variety of interactive advertising units. Table 16

indicated that both the students and employees have almost similar responses on the front

of interactive advertising that these are easy to view and interact with successfully with a

mean score of 3.65 and 3.68 respectively.

17. I find interactive online advertising to be.Students & Employee Analysis

Table 17.


Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

Useful to me in some way

3.6 3.88

Table 17 indicated that the students again have some apprehension regarding the

interactive advertising is useful to them as compare to employees with a mean score of

3.6 and 3.88 respectively.

18. When a Non-pop-up online advertisement shows up on the peripherals of a web page I am viewing , I

Students & Employee AnalysisTable 18.

Parameter Average

Students(40) Employees(35)

View it briefly 2.65 3.14

It is clear from the above table that a non-pop up online advertisement shows up

on the peripherals of a web page briefly by the students is very poor as compare to

employee with a mean score of 2.65 and 3.14 respectively.



1. The age group between the 20-25 both in the case of students and employees are

using internet as per study

2. The maximum time spend by the students as well as by the employees is 2-3

hours as per study.

3. Both students as well as employees check the online ads while browsing

4. The students are more interested to watch ads related to academics and


5. The employees are more interested to watch ads related to purchase and


6. As per findings the Youtube has more options of advertisement related to


7. The ads on which has a questionnaire don’t like much by both the students and


8. The ads that flashes are more liked by both the students and employees

9. The ads that run on the top and bottoms are also liked by the respondents.

10. The ads related to brands are easy to find

11. The students are more likely to exchange video ads with their friends.

12. Interactive online video advertising are easy to view are rated well both by the

students as well as employees.

13. Employees have very good perception related to interactive online advertising



1. It is suggested to target employees more on online advertising

2. Keep appropriate boards

3. More free online advertisements should be displayed

4. Gmail, Yahoo and facebook should enhance the no. of ads on their boards

5. More video ads will be uploaded by the marketer to have maximum visibility



Online advertisements play a major role in drawing attention of Internet users. It is found

that all students and employees are turning to be regular customers of Internet. The

students are turning to the core internet browsers for academics and entertainment. Flash

ads, pop-ups and video are becoming very attractive to the customers and are successful

in drawing the attention of customers especially students who pose their eye towards

flash ads. Placing the advertisements in right place on the webpage is another key area

where advertisers need to focus on since most of the students and employees have special

focus of their favourite webpage. Ultimately it is found that the online advertisements are

creating greater opportunities for advertisers to promote their products to their targeted




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Bellmann,S., Lohse, G.L. & Johnson, E. J.(1999). Predictors of online buying behavior. Communication of the ACM, 42(12), 32-38

Bakshi, G & Gupta, S.K (2013). Online advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. International Journal of Research in Finance & Marketing, February, 3(1), 21. Retrieved from

Hung, S.Y., Ku, C.Y & Chang, C.M (2003). Critical factors of WAP services adoption: An empirical study. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2(1), 42-60

Jarvanpaa, S.L. & Todd, P.A (1997). Consumer reactions to electronic shopping on the World Wide Web. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1(2), 59-88

Kazmi, S. H. H & Batra, S.K. Advertising and Sales Promotion(2nded). Pp.320, ISBN 81-7446-394-1.

Schumann, D.W. & Thorson, E.(2007). Internet Advertising- Theory and Research. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc.





Please Tick the Relevance


GENDER: Male: Female:

1. Age group :Below 20 20-25

25- 30

Above 30

2. Do you surf the net

Yes No

3. On an average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet per day






More than 8

4. Are you aware of Online Advertisement

Yes No

5. Do you check the Online Ads while browsing

Yes No

6. Ads relating to which product are you interested in

Purchasing Entertainment

Jobs Academic


7. Which sites consist of more ads

Gmail Facebook

Youtube Yahoo



8. What kind of ads do you like to see

One that pop-ups one which has a questionnaire

On that Flashes one that runs on the top & bottoms

9. Have you Responded or participated in any ads

Yes No

10. Does the Online Ads interfere in your work while browsing

Yes No

11. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements

Strongly disagree(1)


Partially agree(3)

Somewhat agree(4)

Strongly agree(5)

Information on the Internet regarding brand is easy to find

12. If I find a video that I enjoy, but it is also an advertisement or has a product plug,

Very often(5)





I will stillExchange itWith friends



13. If I find Online Advertising to be appropriate.

Very often(5)




Very rarely(1)

Only when I receive free Online services

14. When a video advertisement plays before the viewing of a free video , I choose to watch, I

Very often(5)




Very Rarely(1)

Open another programme window & ignore it

15. When an online pop-up video advertisement pops-up, I

Very often(5)




Very rarely(1)

View it briefly to see what it is

16. I find that interactive online video advertising

Very often(5)




Very rarely(1)


Is easy to view and interact with successfully

17. I find interactive online advertising to be.

Very often(5)




Very rarely(1)

Useful to me in some way\

18. When a Non-pop-up online advertisement shows up on the peripherals of a web page I am viewing , I

Very often(5)




Very rarely(1)

View it briefly