Page 1: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)


Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd

4/F, Block B, Minlida Industrial Building,

4 Zone Of Honghualing Industrial Park,

Xili Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,

Guangdong, P.R.C.

Tel:86·755·86000151 fax: 86-755-86000159

REPORT Technical Report: (8514)074-0234

Page 1 of 56 MAR 31 I 2014

Thi~ rE!port is. govemad by, ancllncmpori=l.te!i l>y reff.rpnr.o=t, the Conrlilions of Testing '15 poste r! at the rlale of issuance of 11115 report Bl hllp://\' e< rmd Is inlendod for your o xclusivo use. Any copymg or replication olthis re~)Ort to or for flny othor person or ontity, or usc of our name or tr~demark. is p.grmllled only with our pdnr \'nlllem parnu~"'ion. This m port sets Corth oLn findings ~olely with fHSpect to the test ~Aurple~ ide1lhlied l The f esulls sol f01 th in this report arc no l indicatlve or ropre~eniHhVP. nl the quality or th;uar.IAristics of lhe lot from \'/hich a tos! safllple wa~ t.:Jken or ;:my similar 01 ic1Anlical product unl~:;s t'irecificully and expressly noted Our r1-:por1 indudt1s all of thE! II-! sis tHqua.steri hy yoll <lnd the results thereof basP.d u pon tho ln formalion that you pro\tided to us. You have 60 d~ys fmm dalo of lssu~nco of this repor1 to notify us of any materi;}f err01 or outisslon C.<ltJSerl hy our neglrgence; provided, howover, 111~1 such nollce ~hall be in writing ::.nd !:ihrl ll spF.dhe<-JIIy ~ddre~~; th~ issue yotr wish to raise. A failure to r~ic;,A suc:h is.c;11e within lhP pre1-:rlilmd ilrnt-"1 ::.hall cnnslltute you IJnqu~llficd aCJ::oplanco of tho cornplctf.lness Clf this rc-porl , lhH lm>ts conducted amJ thn cmrnctnnss of ltrc report conl enls,

Page 2: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)





SUNNY YU I EAGLE I ZENYI SHIRLEY I WILL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]



SHENZHEN (8514)074-0234

MAR 17, 2014 MAR 24,2014 MAR 31, 2014 I 6 2 OF 56


Sample Description: Manufacturer: Buyer: Country_ of Origin: Color: Re-test: Previous Report No.:




(V16) CPSD- 08003- US




(V9) CPSD- 09067- USA-CAN-MEX



I P.O. No.: OWN NAME Style: CHINA Country of Destination: I SKU Number: Yes: I I No: I X I Charge Vendor:


9522 I USA G 16882

Yes: I X I


No: I I

Page 3: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)



The submitted sample meets below requirement(s):

1. 16 CFR 1303 Lead paint on children products *


1. See enclosed protocol for test result.

(8514)074-0234 Page 3 of 56

2. *This third party report was issued to certify the tested product(s) complied with this rule, ban, standard, or regulation.


NOTE: If there are questions or concerns regarding above report, please contact the appropriate lab persons.

Technical questions & concerns:

General Enquiries:

Mealson Huang I Lester Luo (+86)755-86000151 (Ext 6224/6663) [email protected] Lester .luo@cn. bu reauveritas. com

Ada Zhu/ Annie Luo ( +86}755-86000151 (Ext6265/6238) [email protected] .com Annie .I uo@cn. burea uveritas .com



Page 4: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014 Page 4 of 56



Evnluutlttn Cilntinnl Mclhnd NQ. of Criteria Results Ruling Samples


• CPSI A Requirements CPSD-TY -I'TCL-

08444-US .. Shall meet the applicable requirement as specified.

SEE CPSD -08444-US I

The sample should be reviewed against the requirements of California Proposition 65 to dctcnninc if addit ional testing or labeling is required.

Applicable section from For samples that f.1lt under the scope ofCAProp 65

# Califomia Proposition 65 Protocol CPSD-AN-re<Juirements with testing limit(s) but does not conta in

NA I PTCL-06572-US

appropriate labeling (refer to labeling section for detai l), actual testing wi ll be conducted. Otherwise, acllml testing is not required and report as "Pass" if the sample contains appropriate labeling.

LABELING [Children's Products]

Electrically operated toys labeling 16 CFR 1505.3 .. Shall confonn to the labeling requirements of 16 CFR NA I



Page 5: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 5 of 56


Evoluntion Cilntionl M clhod No. or

Critcrin Results Rating Samples

Applicable to toxic, skin irriHull, eye irritant, corrosive, strong sensitizer, extremely flammable, nammablc, combustible and hazardous substance requiring special labeling according lo 16 CFR I 500.14 (b)(l-5).

Product containing hazardous substances shall confom1 to and be consistent with the labeling requirements as

16CFR defined by 16 CFR 1500.3(b)(l4)(i) and special labeling 1500.3(b)(l4)(i) I 16 rcquircmcnl according lo 16 CFR 1500. 14 (b)(t-5). . Labeling of hazardous substances

CFR 1500.14(b)(l -5)1 -- NA I 16 CFR 1500.121 1 Note: Only labeling review of defined "signal words",

CPSD-013-0861 5.01- "swtement(s)" and "principal hnzmds(s)" are conducted. MTHD Other materials, i.e. generic chemical name, precautionary

measures, first -aid, instructions arc reported as data only. Information not on PDP is not evaluated. The act also provides exemptions for the labeling of hazardous substance according to 16 CFR 1500.83, which is not included in tl1c evaluation of labeling of hazardous substances.



Page 6: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014 Page 6 of 56


Evaluation C itation I ~lothod No. of Crifcrin Hcsulls Unting Samples

To identify the presence of potentia lly hazardous ingredients, all liquid components and liquid-filled items intended or likely to be used by children aged 8 years nnd under shall comply with this requirement and the following chemicals sh<~ll not be present:

a. E1hylene glycol b. Dielhylene glycol c. Melhanol d. Mercury c. Methylene chloride f. Petroleum distillates

16 CFR 1500.23 1 / g. Toluene llazardous liquids- document review CPSD-GB-0000 1- -- h. Xylene NA I

MTIIIJ i. llcnzcnc j. Turpentine

In liell of testing, test report can be submitted if dated within one year.

Nolc: - Liquid is dc·fincd as any material which is free flowing, has no fixed siHlpe <~nd would lake the shape of its container. - This includes liquids that arc scaled in a product and BV cxp•nds to un-sealed liquid (1 6 C FR 1500.14).


Page 7: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Dale: MAR31.2014 Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 7 of 56


Evnluntion C itotion I MNhod No. of

Criteria l!esulls Rating Snnooles

To identify the presence of potentially hazardous ingredients, all liquid components and liquid· filled items designed or intended to be used by individutJis over 8 yenrs old containing substances exceeding the following limits require special labeling:

n. I 0% or more by weight of ethylene glycol b. I 0% or more by weight o f d iethylene glycol c. 4% or more by weight of methanol

16 CFR 1500. 14(a)(l· d. l 0% or more by weight ofpctrolcu1n distillates llnzMdous substances in liquid • 5) I CPSD-GB-0000 I· .. e. S% or more by weight of benzene NA I document review MHID

f. I 0% or more by weight of turpentine g. 10% or more by weight of toluene h. I 0% or more by weight of xylene

Note: - Liquitl is defined ns ~ny material which is free flowing, hns no fixed shape and would take the shape of its container.

In lieu of testing, tcsl report can be submiucd if dated within one ycnr. Products intended for usc by children, including toys and p::ans of toys, must not be loxic, a skin irritant, eye irritant, corrosive, or a strong sensitizer. Toxicity Risk Assessment shall be conducted to substantiate the

16 CFR l500.3(b)(5) compliance of the regulation for the following

Toxicological risk assessment- and 1500.3(b)(7)·(9)/ components:

document review CPSD-GB-0000 I· .. -All liquids, pr~stcs, putties, gels and powders regardless NA I

MTIID of claim -Other materinls bearing a "NON-TOXIC11 claim on samples and/or its packaging In lieu of testing, test report can be submitted if dated within rive years.


Page 8: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV lab Number: (851 4)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 8 of 56


Evnluntiun Cllatiun I ~lcthud Nu.or Criteria Rcsulls Rating Snonplcs

HAZAR OS Children's products opemting from nomioall20·V brnnch . Electrically opcnncd toys 16CFR 1505 ·- circuhs slmll conform to the requirements of 16 CFR NA I 1505. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] [Small ObjeciS]

Small parts 16CFR 1501 -- Items intended for chi ldren under 36 months (3 years) of NA I ngc shall not include removable, liberated components, or frn~ments of toys after usc and abuse that arc s111all enough (without being compressed) to fit entirely withi11 the small oarts cylinder [SAFETY RliQUtREMENTS] [Accessible Edges]

Sharp edges 16 CFR I 500.49 -- Items intended for children under 8 years of age sllilll not M PASS

hove accessible, potentially hazardous slmrp edges before or after usc ond abuse testing [SAFETY REQUlKliMENTS] [Accessible Poinls]

Sharp poiniS 16 CFR 1500.48 .. hems intended for children under 8 years of age shall not M PASS

have accessible, polcnti:llly hazardous sharp points before or afler usc and abuse tcstin!l.


Fla011011ability of solids 16 CFR 1500.3 (c) (6) (vi) /16 CFR 1500.44 - Shnll not exceed the maximum allowable limit or no M PASS

•re:ucr tlmn 0.1 inches per second


Page 9: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Dale: MAR31, 2014

Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 9 of 56


F:\'oluntiun Citation / Method Nu. ur

Crllcrin R\·sults Rating Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C,

16CFK Remark: 1500.3(c)(6Xiii) 1 - For products intended for children aged over 8 years, if . Flash point of combustible liquid 16CFR 1500.43(a) -- the liquid items arc classified as either combustible, NA I

CPSD-GB-00019- flammable or extremely flammable, it shall confonn to the MTUD labeling o f hazardous substances.

· Liquid is defined as rmy material which is free Oowing, has no fixed shnpe and would take the shape of its container.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The infom1alion presented under the "Criterin" of this protocol is for infonm1tion only and docs not replace the content of the stondard. Dct~ils of the requirements should be referred to the original standards.

" ~ M NM NA NT c R

Rating Key; PASS FAIL


Additional Charge For T11is Test Mandatory Requirement By Request Only

Meets Docs Not Meet Not Applicable Not Tested Claimed Recorded

Pass Fa il

Page 10: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014 Page 10 of 56

Jmngc AJlJlCndix '1'-0002 Abuse Test T~sting Parameter Corulitiousw

,l\ge (Months) Abuse Test Conditions

Agr.jJ»g Drop Test 0 to !>1 ~ 4.6 ft. (1 .37 m) 10 drops

>18 to!>36 3ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops >36 to <96 3ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops

Torque Te~t 0 to !>18 2in - lb. (0.23 N- m) >18 to ~36 3 in -lb. (0.34 N- m) >,36 to 596 4 in - lb. (0.45 N - m)

Tension Test 0 to . .S18 10 lb . (44.5 N) >18 to .:SSB 151b. (66.8 N) >36 to 596 151b, (66.8NJ

Compression Test 0 to !>18 20 lb. (89 N) >18 to536 2~ lb. (111.3 N) >~6 to·.s96 30 lb: (133.5 N)

Client Approval: Creation Date: J.ast Revision Date: MARCH 24, 2014 Pricing Review Date: MAY 18,2009 Technical Review Date: MAY 18, 2009


Page 11: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 11 of 56


Page 12: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234 Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31, 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 12 of 56



EvnluaCiou Cilntion I Mclhod No. of

Crill·rla Resu lts R:•tlng Snm1lcs

SCOI'E: T11is protocol app lies to toys, children products and child care article as defined by C PS I A, all furniture, including adult fumiturc, and household paint. LABELING

A pcnnanent nud distinguishing mark or code on the product and its packaging. to the extent pmctic<tble, allows the manufacturer and purchaser to ascertain the name of the manufacturer or private labclcr, location and

Trackiltg labe ls for children 's Consumer Product date of production of the product.

products Safety Improvement "" M PASS

Act of2008 Verified the Presence only. The accuracy oflrncking In bel will nol be verified .

Note: Manuf..1.cturcr or Private Labclcr name can nol be coded.


Page 13: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 13 of 56


Evoluntion Citnlian / Method No. of Criler io Rrsulls Ratin~:: Snmplrs

Consumer rcgislr.llion requirement: Required to provide consumers with a postage-paid consumer registration fomt wi1h each such produc.t unO to pem1tmcntly place the manufacturer name and contnct inforrnntioa,, model name and number, and the dntc of nHutufacturc on each dumble infimt or toddler product.

Requirements for registration fonn: The registration fonn shall (A) include spaces for a consumer to provide the consumer's name, address. telephone number, and e-mail address; (0) include space suOicicntly large to pcnnit easy, legible recording of all desired infonnation; (C) be nllnchcd to the surfocc ofcoch durnblc infant or toddler product so that, as n practical matter, the consumer must notice and handle the fom1 after

Registration for durable nursery CPSIA section 104(d) I purchasing the product; . .. (D) include the m:mufiicturcr's name, model name and NA I

product 16CFR I 130 number for the product, and the date of manufacture; (E) include a message explaining I he purpose of the registmtion and designed to encourage consumers to complete the registration; (F) include an option for consumers to register through the hucrnct; and (G) include a statement that infornmtion provided by the consumer shall not be used for any purpose other than to facilitate n recall of or safety alert regarding that product.

"Durable inf.1111 or toddler product" means full-size cribs nnd nonful l·sizc cribs, toddler beds, higl1 chairs, booster chnirs, hook·on clmirs, bath seats, gates and other enclosures for confining a child, play yards, stationnry nctivity centers, infant carriers, strollers, walkers, swings, bnssincts and cmdles, children's folding chairs, changing tnblcs, bouncers, infmll bath tubs, bed rails nnct infant sling.

Page 14: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (851 4)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31, 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 14 of 56


F.voluntlon Cilntion/ M<lhotl No. or

CTitcrin Rcsulls Rolin& Snmtllrs

ANALYTICAL All ncccssiblc surface coatings, before and afier use nnd abuse testing, on items intended for children ages 12 and under slmll not contnin lend or lead components in which the lead content is in excess of0.009% (90pprn) o f t he weight of the total content.

Consumer Product In cnsc of insufficient coating for testing found on M Safety 11nprovcmc1ll number of samples specified in the protocol, vendor A LL COATING (>4COLOR) . Totn1 lead content in surface co:-~tings

Aet of2008 / 16 CFR .. needs to provide :tdditional component parts (including STICKER PASS

1303/ CPSC-CII· mw materials) for testing. El003-09.1 /CPSD· AlL AN-OOOOt-MTIID Rcpon actual results or include data table within report. 66PPM (0.0066%)

Issue n third p:.ny test rcpon. Component testing is illlowcd. Based on C PSC SOP, will composite up to 3 colors. If nny color in the composite exceeds 80% o f t he limit (72 ppm), based on the lowest weight component, individuill colors will be analyzed.


Page 15: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234 Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR 31 , 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 15 of 56


Evnluntion Citn~ou / Method No. of C rih,>rla Results H.atiug

Snm!llcs All ncccssiblc surface coati1\gs in tl1c assembled state on adult furniture r exempt fttctory npplicd coatings on metal components/parts] and household paint shall not contain lead or lead components in which the lead content is in exceed of0.009% (90ppm) ofthe weight of the tota l content.

Consumer Product In case of insufticicnt coat ing for testing found on Safely Improvement

Act of2008 1 16 CFR number of samples specified in the protocol, vendor . Total lead content in surf..1cc coatings -- needs to provide dipped parts or components/parts for NA I 13031 CPSC-Cl-1-El003-09.1 I CPSD- testing.

AN-0000 1-MTHD Report actual results or include data table within report Issue n program audit report Component testing is allowed Hascd on CPSC SOP, will composite up to 3 colors. If any color in the composite exceeds 80% of the limit (72 ppm), based on the lowest weight component, individual colors will be nnolyzcd. All accessible substmtes, before and after use and abuse testing, on items intended for children ages 12 and under shall not contain load in excess ofO.O I% ( I OOppm) of the

Consumer Product weight of the total content. M Safety Improvement Act of2008 1 C PSC- In case ofi1tsu0icient materit~l for testing found on SILVERY PLASTIC, \VIIITE . Total lead content in substrate CH-ElOOl -08.11 uumbcr ofsmnples specified in the protocol, vendor PAPER STICKER

PASS --materials CPSC-Cli-E 1002-08.1 needs to provide components/parts for testing. STICKER I CPSD-AN-00 185-MTHD I CPS D-AN- Report actual results or include data tab le within report. ALL

00196-MTIHJ Issue a third party test report. < IOPPM (<0.0010%)

Component tes ting is allowed. Compositing up to 3 like mah!ria ls is allowed except metal .


Page 16: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

E\·uluntion Cilntionl ~lcthod

Consumer Product Safety Improvement . Total lead in children's metal jewelry Act of2008/ CPSC-

CII-E IOOI-08.1/ CPSD-AN-00 185·


Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of20081 CPSC· . II II I' I Dill' I DEHI' content C li-C IOOI-09.3

modified I CPSD·AN· 00095-MTHD I CPSD·



C PSD • 08444- US

BV Lab Number:

Technician Name: Test Date; Reviewed By/Dale:


Critrrln Results Snm 1lrs

Any accessible metal component of jewelry intended for children ages 12 and under shall not contain lead in excess ofO.OI% (IOOppm) of the wcisht of the total content.

.. Report actual results or include data table wilhin report NA

Issue a third party test report Compositing is not allowed Component testing is allowed Actua l testing would be cond ucted o n a ll accessible p lasti cs materials (including natural and synthetic mbbcr) , plasticizer print, scmpablc surface coatings, decals, polymeric coated materials (unscrapable), adhesives and sealants (exclude adhesive for st ickers), toy nail polish, reusable packaging, electrical plug and cables.

Vendor shall be responsible for the complirmcc of all other accessible materials.

Children's toys and childcarc articles, before and aficr usc NA nnd abuse test ing, shall not contnin conccntmtions of more tlwn 0.1 % BDP, DBP or DElli', individually.

In case of insuOicient mnterial for testing found on numbcrofsmnplcs specified in the protocol, vendor needs to provide components/parts for testing.

Report actunl results or include dnta tnble within report. Issue a third party test report. Component testing is allowed. Compositing up to 3 like materials is allowed.


PETER MAR31,2014


Page 16 of 56




Page 17: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Dale: MAR31, 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 17 of 56


Evnluntion Cilntion I Method No. of

Critt•rin l!c.mlts Rnflng Samples

Actual testing would be conducted on all accessible plastics materials (including naluml and synthetic ntbbcr), plasticizer print, sc rapnble surf.1cc coatings, decals, polymeric coated materia ls (unscrapable), Rdhesivcs and sealants (exclude adhesive for stickers), toy nail polish, reusable packaging, electrical plug and cable-s.

Consumer Product Vendor shall be respons ib le for the compliance of all

Safety Improvement other accessible materials.

Act of2008/ CPSC-Chi ldren's toys that can be p laced in the mouth or . DNOP I DtNP I DID!' content C H-C IOOI-09.3 - NA I

modified I C PSD-AN· childcarc articles, before nnd afler use and abuse testing.

00095-MTIID I CPSD· shall not conta in concentrations of more than 0 .1%

AN-00143-MTHD lJINP, D llJP or DnOP, individually .

In case ofinsufficicnt material for testing found on number of samples specified in the protocol. vendor needs to provide components/parts for testing.

Repo rt acrual results or include data table w ithin report . Issue a third party test report. Component tes ting is allowed. Compositing up to 3 like rnnterials is a llowed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information presented under the "Critcria11 of this protocol is for informat ion only and does not replace the content of the standard. Details of the requirements should be referred to the original s trmdards.


Page 18: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

Jlli; . ••

Result Key· c R M NM NA NT

Rating Key: PASS FAIL


Additional Charge For 'l 'his 't'cst M~mdatory Requirement By Request Only

Claimed Recorded Meets Docs Not Meet Not Applicable Not Tested

Pass Fail

BV Lab Number: Technician Name:

Test Dale: Reviewed By/Date:

Client Approval: Creation Date: last Revision Date: Pricing Review Date: Technical Review Date:


PETER MAR 31,2014 PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 18 of 56

MAY 19,2009 MARCII I4, 2013 JUNE 02, 2009 AUGUST 26, 2009

Page 19: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

l!:l·nlunllon Citnlioo/Mcthod


# Californin l'roposition 65 CI'SD-AN-I'TCL-


'Children product CPSD-TY -PTCL-08001-US

• Child Appealing Feature Applicable Scclion from Protocol


•Non-CPSIA Requirements CPSD-GR-PTCL-08443-US

'Packaging nnd labeling CPSD-BL-PTCL-09067-requirements CN-MX-US


Usc Labeling Visual


BV Lab Number: (8514 )074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014



No. Criteria


- The sample should be reviewed ag~linst the requirements of California Proposition 65 to determine if additional testing or lnbcling is required.

for sumplcs thai fllllunder the scope ofCAProp 65 requirements with test ing limil(s) but docs not contain approprintc labeling (refer to labeling section for delioil),

achml testing will be conducted. Otherwise, acltml tcsting is not required and report as "Pass" if the samolc contains aoruooriatc labeling,

- All samples shall be rc\'iewcd against the requirements of children's product protocol to determine if additional testing

or I nbc tina is required.

I The sample shall be reviewed against the requirements of Child Appealing Feature lo detem1inc if additional testing or lnbclin~ is required.

All samples sh31l be reviewed against the requirements of Non-CPSlA Requirements supplemental protocol to determine if additional testing or labeling is required.

- The sample shall meet npplicablc packaging and lnbeling requirements in the supplcmcnlal protocol.

I Usc I care instructions thnt nrc clear and understandable shall be provided in language appropriate to destination countries.

Page 19 of 56

llesulls Rnllng







Page 20: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

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E\•nlunlion Citntion/i\lcthod No. Critcrin Rt•SIIIIS Rnllng Sum 1les

Claim verification ·lcvcl 2 CPSD-GB-08612- All Examine the retail packaging (or submitted artwork). NO CLAIM I MTHIJ

Record eoch objective (factual) claim which can be substnutiatctl by the testing within the protocols and rotc accordingly.

Record testing that extend beyond existing net qu::mtity I dimensionnltesting on this protocol.

Record ni l other objective (factual) and subjective (opinion) cl:tims ns 11NT" and rate as "DATA".

Record infOrfTh1tion evaluated between the graphic imagery and the product.

Kceord disclaimers on datasheet.


• Oro I Toxicity Fomllllation Review By I Mus t be non·loxic, based on definition o f 16 CFR 1500. NA I {If Adhesh•e Is Intended To flc Toxicologist

Licked) • PVC FTIR I No PVC in children's products intended to be mouthed no NA I

rVC in tOyS nnd childCilre articles for iofants under 36

months. • Aculc Toxicity fonnulation Review by I Must be nontoxic based on definition of 16 CFR 1500 NA I - Skin (Adhesive) Toxicologist



Page 21: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

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Technician Name: PETER Tesl Dale: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31,2014 Page 21 of 56

C PSD-5025.1-US


F:vuluutlon Citnllon!Mclhod No. Crilrrln llcsnlls Roling Sn11111ks

Dimensions (L x W x II) (ln.) Standard measure I I Report ovcroll dimensions; shall meet label claims C: 9.9inx7.87in PASS CPSD-IIL-01056- (lfnpplicnblc) (-0% / -15%). R: 9.9inx7.87in (M)


Weight (Lbs.) Standard measure I I Report Ol'emll weight; shall mcctlabcl claims C:/ I CPSD-HL-01056- (If opplicablc) (-0% I +5%). R: 0.04561b I SHEET


Color Visuol/ CPSD-HL- All As claimed C:/ I 01057-MTIID R: MULTI-COLOR

Material Type Visual / CPSD-IIL- I As cl::timcd C:/ I 01057-MTIID R: PAPER

Number of Pieces I Stickers Visual/ CPSD-IIL- I Sholl meet label claims. C:/ I 01057-MTIID R: A: 25, B: 16, C: 29, D: 37, E: 14,

f: 20, 0: IS, II: 21, 1:34, J: 13, K: 19


Slmrp Points I Edges 16CFR All Sholl hni'C no sharp points I edges, other than those required M PASS I 500.48/1500.49 for function.


Defects Visual / CPSD-HI.- All Sh<'ll have no disccmiblc surface dcgrndation, including M PASS 01057-MTIID crazing, shivering, denting, bubbles, cmcks, stains,

ctcfonnations, chips, fractures, heavy lines, waves, shear m:trks, scratches. scuff marks, indentations, or blisters.

Workmanship Visual / CPSD-J-IL- All Sh~lllmvc no components missing. malfonncd, and I or M PASS 01057-MTIID frocturcd.

rrint Quality Visual / CPSD-HL- All No major defects (Uniform print) M PASS 01057-MTIID



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E\'aluntion C itntion/Mcthod No. C rlf('rin Hesulls Rating Sumpks

Ftttlctionality Actual usc I CPSD-HI.- All Shall function as intended. Report detai ls of evaluation M PASS 01058-MTHD {Materials used I Features tested I Consumablcs I Method I


Adhesion Strength CPSD-IIL-O I040- 3 I Lbs. l ln. minimum NA I (Lbs. / In.) (Original) MTI-IIJ

Adhesion Strength CPSD-IIL-01040- 3 I Lbs.l ln. minitnutn NA I (Cold treated, 4 hrs.) MTHD

Adhesion Strcnsth CPSD-IIL-01040- 3 I Lbs.l lu. rnitl imum NA I (Heat-treated, 4 hrs.) MTHD

EflCcts of extreme tcmpcmturc CPSD-IIL-OIOI2- I Shall have no visual changes, functionality failure. structural M PASS clumge MTHD failure nnd /or permanent dcfonnation after 4 hours @ 0 de g. F

and I20 de'.!'.


*Colorf..'lstncss to rotary crocking AATCC I I6-IO I [One color included] NA I

Dry: Grade 4.0 Minimum Wet: Grade 3.0 Minimum

Additional Charge For This Test Mandatory Requirement


Page 23: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV lab Number:

Technician Name: Test Date:

Reviewed By/Date:

Creal ion Oatc: Editorial Revision Dote:

Pricing KC\'icw Date: Technical Review 03te:



PETER MAR31,2014

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December 29, 2004

MARCH 08,2013

October 2S, 2006

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E\·nluntiun Cllalion I M<fhod No. of

Critcrln RcsuUs ltatiog Sa moles

LABELING NOTE: Font size requirements will not be evalunted based on a PDF, photo, or printout ofmtwork. Final retail packaging is required for font size evaluations.

[For Canada]

(Packaging "Copy'' Or Artwork Request Fonn May Be Substituted) Manufhcturcr or distributor's name & address {City & Postal Code). Minimum 1.6 mm type size. Placed anywhere except bottom - English or French.

Where a prepackaged product is wholly manufactured or produced iu a country other than Canadn, the marking shall consist of one of the following: -The name and address of a Canadian dealer preceded by

The consumer the words "imported by .. ("importC par") or "imported

packaging and labeling for" (" importC pour .. ); or . Consumer packaging and labeling -The statement of geographic origin located immediately .. ret,'Uiations

act, R.S. 1985, C. C-38 --adjacent to the name and address of a Canadian dealer; or

NA I und regul;uions,

-The name and ~1ddress of the dealer outside Canada C.R.C., C.417

J>roducr Net Quantity Ucclarntion must be in English and French, metric units, oo PDP, bold, type size based on PUP size Principal Display Panel Minimum Type <32 em' (5 Jn') 1.6 mm(I/J61n) >32 em' but <258 em' (40 In ') 3.2 nnn (l/81n) >258 em' but < 645 em' (100 In') 6.4 nnn (1/4 In) >645 em' but <25.8 dm' (400 In' ) 9.5 mm (318 In) >25.8 dm' (400 In') 12.7 mm (112 In)

Product Identification shall be English and French, on PDJ> and in bold with 1.6 mm minimum lYtle size.


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Evnluntion Citntinn I Mctl10d Nu. or Criteria H.l'Sults Rating Snmplos

l For Canada]

Every inscription on a product, on its container or on its . L"beling - Chartcroi'Frcnch Quebec, R.S.Q., c. C-wrapping, or on a document or object supplied with it. .. Lmtguage II

-- including the directions for use and the warrnnty NA I ccrti tkutes, must be drnfled in French. 'I he French inscription may be accompanied with n translation or translations, but no inscription in nnother language may be nivcn ~realer prominence than that in French [For Canada]

a) hnported goods shall indicate country of origin. b) Must be legible a nd suflicicntly pcnnanentto remain

Mnrking o f Imported on the goods until it reaches the purchaser. Goods Memo D l t-3-1 c) For goods from NAFTA countries, the language may . I Cnnada Customs be English1 French or Sp<mish. .. Labeling review - country of origin Tarin; Marking o f -- d) for goods frorn non-NAFTA co untries, language may NA I

Imported Goods be English or f rench and marking should appear on Regulations, SOR-94- individual articles.

10 e) 1ft he packaging conceals the Country of Origin rnark, then the paclmging must al so be nmrkcd. f) There is a provision to mark only the container providing that certain cond itions are met, such that the uhin1atc purchaser will sec the marked conta iner.


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Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 26of 56


Kvnluntion Citation I M cthod No. or Crllcrln H.('sults Jlntlng Samples


11tc foll owing infonnntion is required on product labels:

The tr.~dcmark, name and/or company name <md address of mnnufacturcr or importe r. font Size: l.Smm minimum

For products whose principal exhibited surthce is equal or less than 32 cm1 , the printed infonnation must be at least 1 nun in height.

Mexican Official Standard NOM - 050 - The nnmc or generic denomin<~t ion of the product. . Labeling - packaging - packaging SC FI - 2004 1 .. copy o r artwork request form may be. Commercial I A quantity designation accord ing to NOM~OJO-SCFI, NA I

substituted information - General "Declaration of qu:mtity in label specifications." regulations required for

products A message indicating the country of orig in.

Risk wamings, if appropri3le.

Instructions for usc and wamings, where ilppJicable, nre to be included in a manual. The label shall read: "SEE MANUAL", or "OPERATION MANUAL." or equivalenl.

An expiration date or preferred consumption date, if applicable. {only applicable fo r items such as food o r similar)


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F.voluntion C itation / Method Nu. uf

Crltcrln Results Rating SOIIIIIICS


Infominlion contained in labels shall : Ac in Spanish witho ut precluding presentat ion in other languages. lnfo mmtion presented in other languages shou ld also be in Spanish in at least the same font size.

Mex ican Official Be expressed in leg ible and understandable tcnns that arc

Stanoaro NOM • 050 -clear to consumers.

SCI' I· 20 04 / Comply with NOM -008-SCFI, Gencml system of

• measurement units" and NOM - 030-SCFI, ''Dechuation .. Language and Terms Commercial I of quantity in label specifications", without precluding NA I information - Gcncrnl

reguhllions requ ired for o ther systems. lnfommtion expressed in a din'crcnt

produc ts system should also have the same font size. Be includ ed on n label that remains with the item unti l the moment o f usc by the consumer. llc p laced on the principal d isplay panel .

No te: Translated te xt w ill only be evaluated for presence nnd prominence; evalmuion will not include spelling, grammar Hnd accumcy.


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Reviewed By/Date: PETERIMAR 31, 2014 Page 28 of 56


F.vnluntion Citnfinn I Mcthnd Nu.of' Crit<'ria llcsutts Rat ing Snmplcs


Manuals should be written in Spanish according to the General System of Measurement Units without precluding the addition of other unit systems. lnfonnnlion expressed in other units should also appear in Spanish with the same font size. They shall be issued

Mexican Onicial without additional charge to the consumer. Manuals Standard NOM • 050 • should clearly and precisely indicate conditions for . SCFI • 2004/ nom1al use, handling, and assembly and include .. Operation and Direction Manuals Commercial . appropriate wamings relative to the safe and re liable NA I information- General handling of the product. 1ltey shall include:

regulations required for products The name or trademark of the producer or importer;

Identification of the product Procedures to install, connect, assemble or maintain the product for adequate functioning.

Note : Translated text will only be evaluated for presence and prominence; evaluation will not include spell ing, •rnnunar and accuracy.


Page 29: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

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Eynluntion Citntion / Method No. of

Criteria Results Rnting Snmllcs


The wording content, Net Content and Oroincd Weight is required on product and/or packagi11g. This standard does not apply to products sold in bulk or products comprised of a single unit or if the product is entirely visible through the packaging.

[Applicable when the product express the declaration of net quantity by numerical count or length]

Mexican Official l11e quantitative dnta (number) ami unit measurement . Standord NOM-030-.. Statement of quantity SCFI-2006, "Statement I must fall in one of the categories given below: NA I

of Quantity on Labels" (Sec corresponding Table T-0106A at the end of this protocol)

[Applicable for products express the decimation of net quantity in magnitudes of1nass or volume)

The qmmtitativc data (number) and unit measurement must faJI in one ofthc categories given below:

{ Sec corresponding Table T-O 1069 at the end of this protocol}

One time usc products - fair packaging F.P. and L. Act (16 [For US] . and labeling act- or all other products CFR 500) I NIST

•• - unifonn pnckaging and labeling Uniform Laws nud I Manuf.1cturcr, packer, or distributor's name & address M PASS

regulations Regulations J lamlbook (City, State & Zip Code)


One time usc products - fair packaging F.P. and L. Act (16 [For US) . and labeling act - or all other products CFR 500) I NIST .. - unifonn packaging and labeling Uniform Laws and I Product ldcnti lkation M PASS

regulations Regulations Handbook



Page 30: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Dale: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31,2014 Page 30 of 56


Evaluation Citation I ~lcthod No. of Criteria Results ll.afing Snmplcs

F.P. and L. Act ( 16 [for US]

One time usc products · fair packaging CFR 500) I NIST . and l;abeling act ~ or all other products Net quantity of contents shall be expressed in terms of .. - un ifonn packaging and Jnbcling Unifomt Laws and I

weight or mass, measure, numerical count, or M PASS

rcgulrttions Regulations Handbook

combination so as to give accurate information to 130

facil itate consumer comparison (U.S. and metric units). [for US]

• Shall ind icate country o f origin legibly, pcrmancmly, and .. Country of origin marking 19 CFR 134 I in compnmblc size and close proximity to any mention of M PASS country other than count!)' in which the art icle was rmmufacture:d or produced. Must be visible at point of purchase.


Page 31: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234 Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 31 of 56


F:\•aluntfon Cilollon/ Method No. of Criteria ltosutts Rallng

SUIII)It<> Vendor shall provide a completed and approved s.1mplc declaration fonn if wood is present in the product. Sections/\, 13 :::md 0 shall always be completed.

A Iobei review is only rccruired if composite wood (except curved or bent plywood) is present in the sample, as stated under section B under the sample declnrntion form.

If composite wood is present, - Section C shalt be completed.

Tille 17, CA Code of ·An acceptable label must be present on the product

Regul<1tions section and/or the outer packaging. fai l if no label is present.

CA RA fonnaldchyde document and 93 t20.7(d) Fabricator - lfalnbcl is present, it shall consist of a stamp. tag, or . . sticker and be in English. A bar code cannot replace the NA I lllbcl review label Requirement/ label infonnation. T11e label shall include:

CPSD·Gil-0861 6- - Name of fabricator or responsible party, MTIID - Date of production for the finished good,

- a statement of compliance which includes identification of the state ("Califomia", "CA", Calif.", ''CARB", or equivalent) seclion code 93120 for fonnaldehyde

-(If Applicable) Has no added fonnaldehydc based resins (NAF) or ultra low emitting fonnaldehyde based resins (ULllF) - lf Phase 1 Emissions Limit is selected under Section C, vendor must complete Declaration of Purchasing Date of Composilc Wood Puncls section. Fail if Phase 1 is selected but no dcclaration is made.


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~ . •• #

~ c I(


Hating Key: VASS FAIL


Addilional Charge For TI1is TcSI Mandatory Requirement Uy RcqucSI Only

Claimed Recorded Mccls Docs Nol Mccl Nol Applicable Nol TeSied

Pass Fail

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234 Technician Name: PETER Test Dale: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

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Page 33: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

lnonoc Anncndlx TnblcT-OJ06A.doc PDP in square centimeters


Until 32 More than 32 until 161

More than 161 until 645 More than 645 until 2580

More than 2580 TnbkT-0106ll .doc Net content

Until 50g or mL More than 50g or mi. until 200~ or mL More limn 200g or mL until 750~ or mL

More than 750!• or mL unti l I kg or L More than lkr or L until 5 kg or L

More than 5 kg or L


Minimum hciglu ofnum~crs and letters in millimeters nun) 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 12.0

Minimum height ofnum~crs and letters in millimeters mm) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0 6.0

BV Lab Number: Technician Name: Tesl Dale:

Reviewed By/Dale:

Client Approval: Creation Date: Last Revision Date: Pricing Rc,•icw Date: Tcchnicnlltcvic w Otuc:


PETER MAR31.2014 PETER/MAR 31.2014 Page 33 of 56

I DECEMUER 09,2010 AUGUST 06,2013 JANUARY 30,2013 JANUARY 24,2013

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BY Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

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CPST>-0800 I -US


Evnlu:ttion Citotion/ No. Critcrln RcsuUs Hating Mcthucl Soon >lo

SCOPE protocol cover product 1hnt is designed or intended primnrily for use for children 12 years old or younger as per Interpretation of"Childrcn's Product"- I 6 CfR Part 1200, General Usc Product nrc not considered as Children's Product and will not be covered under th is protocol. This protocol docs not cover npparcls ::md fumiturc.

SUPPLEMENTAL PHOTOCOLS . Electronic products CPSD-4999.9- -- Electronic products shall comply with the requirements oft he NA I NA FCC part 15 FCC Part 15 protocol. Acceptable documentation supporting FCC I JC eleclronic Verification or Declaration ofConfom1ity shal l be provided by the

products submitter. . CPSIA Re< uirements CPSD-8444-US Shall meet the applicable requirement as ~p~cificd . SEE CPSD-&444-US I • Children's Jewelry CPSD-TY- - Shalt meet the npplicuble requirement as specified. NA I

PTCJ.-02050.09-US . Food's requirements CPSD-98XX- - TeSIIo supplemenlmy prolocol ofCI'SD-98XX-US. NA I

us . Cosmetics' requirements CPSD-7XXX- - Tes11o supplemenlmy prolocol ofCPSD-7XXX-US. NA I us


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E.w1lunflon Citation/ No. Criteria Resulls U.nting Mel hod Sample

# Califomia Proposit ion 65 CPS D-AN- 11te sample should be reviewed against the requirements of NA I PTCL-06572- Califomia Proposition 65 to dctcnninc if additional testing or us

l<lbcling is required.

For samples that f.1ll under the scope ofCAProp 65 requ irements

with testing limit{s) but docs not contain appropriate labeling

(refer to labeling section for deta il), actual test in£ wi ll be


Otherwise, actual testing is not required and report as "Pass" if the

sample contains appropriate labeling. LAllELING

One Time Use Products~ Fair Packaging and F.P. And L. Act -- [Packaging and Labeling Evaluation] M PASS Labeling Act - or a ll other products - (16 CFR 500)

Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulat ions ORNIST - Shall be labeled with product identification.

Uniform Laws - Shall be labeled with the manufacturer, packer, or distributor's

and Regulations name and address (city, state mtd ZIP).

Handbook 130 - Net quantity of contents shall be on PDP and be expressed in tem1s of weight or mass, measure, numerical count, or

combination so as to give accurate infonnation to l11ci litate

consumer comparison (English und metric units). - Glue and Adhesives sold with the product shall comply with the

labeling requirements of 16 CFR 500, "Regulations under section

4oft he Fair Packaging and Labeling Act"

Parts Labeling CPSD-JJL- -- [Packaging and Labeling Evaluation] NA I 01057-MHIIJ /

Visual Parts l abeling slmll nmtch the actlml content if present


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C PS0 -08001-US


E\•nluntlon Cltnlion/ No. Criteria Rosulls lin ling Mel hod Sample

Accurncy or adequacy of instmctions CPSD-llL· .. (l'ncknging and Labeling Evaluation] NOT I'KOVIDED I 01057-MTI-ID /

Visual lnsln1ctions shnll be legible and easy to understand; instntctions shall be consistent with sample pcrfonnancc

Country Of Origin 19 CFK 134 .. [rncknging nnd LHbeling Evaluation] M PASS

Shall indicate country ofori~in legibly, permanently, and in compnmble size and close proximity to any mention of country other than country in which the article was manufactured or produced. Must be visible m point of purchase.

Age Grading CPSCAgc All products shall be tested according to either the appropriate age Label Age Grode: I Detennination gmde, ns detcnnincd by BVCPS, or the labeled age gmde if it is AGES4+

Guidelines/ more stringent. In the event the sample is not age htbclcd, HVCPS Tested Age Grade:

16CFR Part will dctem1inc the appropriate age grnde and test accordingly ClULUIUlN 1200 PKODUCTS, OVER - 3 YEARS OF AGil

Appropriate Age



16 CFR 1500.130 Pressurized Container 16CI'K .. Self-pressurized containers sh.,ll conform to the labeling NA I lube ling 1500.130 rtquircmcuts as defined by 16 CFR 1500.130

LI-IAMA cvalmuion in art matcriill 16CFR - Shall conform to the labeling requirements as defined by 16 CFR NA I 1500.14 (b)(S)/ 1500.14 (LIIAMA)/ASTM D 4236

ASTM 04236


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l!\·nlttntion Citntion/ No. Cr iteria Results n oting i\lcthud Stun tie

Clock or watch -special markings 19CFR 152.11/ .. All imported merchandise simi I comply with the classificntion of NA I Hannonizcd the llormonizcd Tariff Schedule. UndcrChapter91 ofthc

tariO' schedule IJ;umonizcd TilriO'Schcdulc watch mmrements, clock movements US chapter 91 and watch cases shnll comply with the following marking

requirements: • Watch movements shall be marked on the top plates or bridges with the country of manufhcturc, the name of manufacturer or purclmscr and the number of jewels (if any}, severing a mechanical purpose os ffictiozml bearings. ·Watchcases shall be marked on the inside or outside of t he back

wilh the country of mauufhcturc and the narne of manufacturer or purchaser. • Wntchbands shall be marked conspicuously and indelibly with the country of manufacture. Watches with opto-electronic displays (LCD and LED) arc excepted from these requirements.

Labeling review: fiber 16 CFR 300 / .. Shall have a label securely affixed thai contains: NA I 303 • T11e name and manufacrurcr or other marketing or registration

number • The country of origin • The generic name and percentage of all fibers in the product

Lnbcling review: Ci-lrC 16 CFR 423 -· Shnll ha,•c a label securely affixed that contains regular care M PASS (customm)' and routine) information.


Page 38: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

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F.voluullon Cllntlunl No. Crllorla Rnulls HoHng Molhud Snmplc

• Labeling ofhn>.ardous substances 16CFR - Applicable to toxic. skin irritant, eye irritant, corrosive, strong NA I lsoo.3(bJ(14Xil sensitizer, extremely flanm1nblc, flamm:tblc, combustible nnd

1 16CFR lurznrdous substance requiring special labeling according 10 16

I 500.14(b)( l-5) CFR I 500.14 (b)( l -5).

I 16CfR Product containing hnznrdous substances shall confonn to nnd be 1500.121 I consistent with the lnbeling requirements as defined by 16 CFR

CPSD-GB- 1500.3(b)(14)(i) and special labeling requirement oceording to 16

08615.01- CFR 1500.14 (b)(l-5).

MTIID Note: Only labeling review of defined "signal words", "statcrncnt(s)" mtd 11principal hazards(s)" arc conducted. Other materials, i.e. generic chemical name, precautionary mei"lsurcs, first -nid, instructions arc reported tts data only. lnfonnation not on PDP is not evaluated. The act also provides c.xcmptions for the labeling of hazardous substance according to 16 CFR I 500.83, which is not included in the evaluation of labeling ofhi"l:zardous substances.

Califon1in tableware safety programs- ccmmic California -- [Marking] NA I or pewter or enamel mcl<~lware llcahh nnd

Safety Code All tableware items distributed in the State of California with lead Section I 08870 or cadmium intentionally added or which arc unintcntionnlly

contaminated must be pennanently :md indelibly n);trkcd with the nnmc, or if the item is too small, 11 registered trademark, of the manuf.1cturcr or importer. . Sofety Agency Listing Verification CPSD-IJL- - [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I

0 1090-MTHDI Verification Verify Client Acccptnble S;:1fety Agency listing by contacting procedure Listing Agency with the sample's Listing Number, Manufacturer,

Model Number, nnd/or Agency Contro1 Number. Shall be verified.


Page 39: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETERIMAR 31,2014

Page 39 of 56



E\•nluntion Cllntionl No. Crllcr lo n rsulls llnting Method Snmt>le

• Lnbeling review: Cilre t6 CFR 423 .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I

For wearing apparel covered by 16 CFR 423:

With care lnbcl: Conduct laundry test according to the lnbcled core instruction. Evaluate for general appearance as acceptance critcrin. \Vithout care label: Fnilcd for labeling requirement. No sonline test will be conducted.

For wearing apparel not covered by 16 CFR 423; With care label: Conduct laundry test according to the labeled care instruclion. Evaluate for general appearance as acceptance criteria. Without care label: No soflline test is required.

llnttery-opcrntcd products ·compartment ASTM F963-l l .. Non-replaceable batteries that arc accessible with the usc of coin, NA I mnrkings section 4.25.1 screwdriver or other common household tool shall bear a

modified statement thot the bnuery is not replaceable.


Total mercury content in batteries Mercury- .. llnttcrics shall comply with one of the following requirements: NA I Containing and Rechargeable (i) Alkaline-manganese button cell shall contain less than 2S mg

llattcry Hg/cell. Management (ii) Alkaline-manganese battery nod Zinc carbon battery shnll . Act U.S. Pub. L. contain no intentionally added mercury (BV reporting limit is 4

t04-142 Title ll msJkg). / CPSD-AN· (iii) No Mercuric-oxide button cell or battery is allowed.

00078-MTII L> Actunl testing would be conducted on button cell hnttcl'll•s. It Is the vendor's responsibility for the conformity to this requirement for other bnttcrks.


Page 40: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Numbe r: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31, 2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 3 1.2014

Page 40 of 56

C PSD-08001-US


Evnlunlion Citation/ No. Crllrrta l!rsults llnting Mrlhod Snnoplc

Total mercury content in button cell batteries Various US - Button cell baltc:ry shall not contain any detectable levels of NA I . Stale Laws/ CI'SD-AN-

mercury (BV reporting limit is 4 mg/kg).


2 t CFR 170.39 Food contact (metal) - doc 21 CFR 170.39 .. Allmctnl components of cups. mugs or other food cont:.1ct nrticles NA I shall be constmcted of an FDA recognized grade of stainless steel. Stainless Steel Grndes: 302, 304, 3041', 3 16, 32 1, 410, 4 16, 420 (cutlcrv onlv), 440, 440A, 440C, 904L, A-36 nnd CF-1018.

• Astrn el086-94 mel'-'' composition and grns 21 CFR 170.39 ·- For any other grade of stainless steel or other metal, vendor need NA I evaluat ion to provide the list of compositions or will have the mau~rinl

cvnlu:tted which shall be submitted to the FDA for review ond approval for use in food contact articles. (Vendor shall be respons ible for the accuracy of infonnation provided)

• Extmctable Pb &amp; Cd (interior) FDA FDA CPG - [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I 7 117.06 & [Ceramic lmerior]

7 11 7.07 I California Children products made of ceramic intended or likely to hold food Tableware sh311 confonn to the applicable requirements of the FDCA,

Safely Law I Seclion402 (a)(2)(c) and FDA Compliance Policy Guides

AOAC973.32 (2000) I ASTM

C738-94 (R20ll)/



Page 41: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234 Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31, 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETERIMAR31, 2014

Page 41 of 56



E\•nluulion C itation/ No. Criteria Results R11llng Method Sample

• Extractable lead and cadmium from ceramic CPSO-AN- .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I food contact product 00011-MTIID [Prop 65 lead/cod]

[ 12 pes]

Children products made of ceramic intended or likely to hold food slmll confonnlo lhc applicable requirements of the slate of Califomira . . Extmctablc lead and cadmium from ceramic Cali fomia .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I

food contact product Health and (lead nnd cadmium] Safely Code

I 08860 I CPSD· Toys mode of ceramic intended or likely 10 hold food shall AN-00011· confonn to the applicable requirements of the state of Cnl ifomia.

MTHD . Exlraclable Pb & Cd (lip & rim) SGCD ASTM C927-80 .. Exterior decorations applied within 20 rnm oft he rim of cups, NA I (2004) I CPSD- mugs, glasses or other vessels shall confonn to the applicable

AN-00011- requirements as defined by the standards MTHD

Toxics in pnckaging ('fllCI I) ~ documentation Model Toxics in .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I review Packaging

Legislation of This environmentally motivated legislat ion regulates the amount the Taxies in of lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium and mercury allowed in

Pockaging packaging materials. It is the vendor's rcsponsibilily for the Clenrin~house conformity of this requircmmt.


Page 42: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31, 2014 Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page42 of 56

C I'SD-08001-US


f:valuutinn Citatiou/ No. Criteria Rcsulls ltnfing Mel hod Snmplc

LHAMA evaluation in m1 materials· l6CFR I The fonnulation(s) of an art material intended for use by children, NA I document review 1500.14(b}(8) I including toys and parts of toys, shall not pose any chronic

ASTMD4236- adverse health cffeet(s). 94(R2011 ) /

CI'SD-GB· The evnlualion shall be done by a toxicologist, who is certified by 00001-MTIID a nationally recognized certification board.

In lieu of testing, test report can be submitted if dated within live •enrs.

Toxicological risk assessment- document 16CFR Products intended for use by children, including toys and parts of NA I review 1500.3(bX5l toys, must not be tuxic, a skin irritant, eye irrit:mt, corrosive, or a

and strong sens it izer. Toxicity Risk Assessment shall be conducted to

1500.3(b)(7)·(9) substantiate the complinncc of the regu lation for the following ICPSD-GB- components:

00001-MTHD ~The fol lowing high risk materials: l iquids, pastes, putties, gels

and powders regardless of claim ~ Other materials bearing a 11NON-TOXIC" claim on samples

mHIIor its packaging

In lieu of testing, test report can be submitted if dated within five



Page 43: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31 2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETERJMAR 31, 2014 Page 43 of 56



E\•uluutlon Cilntion/ No. Criteria Resulh: Ruling Mel hod Snmplc

Nitrosnmines in mbbcr pacifier-document ASTMFI313- -- Rubber nipple on pacifier shall comply wilh following NA I review 90(1{2011)/ rcquirCIUCiliS:


00001-MTHD a. Shnll not contain more than I 0 ppb in each of three aliquots of nny one nitrosamine, b. Shall not contnin more than 20ppb of total nitrosamincs.

In lieu of testing, test report can be submitted if dntcd within one ycnr.

Nitros11mhtes in n1bbcr baby boule nipples - FDA CPO -- Rubber baby bottle nipples shall comply with following NA I document review Section 500.450 requirements:

/CPSD-GB-00001-MTIID n. Shall not contain more than 10 ppb in each of three nliquots of

any one nitrosamine, b. The identity oft he nitrosamine that exceeds the I Oppb level is con finned by g.1s chromatography mass spectrometry.

In lieu of testing, test report can be submitted if dated wilhin one year.


Page 44: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31 2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014 Page 44 of 56



E\•nluution Cltnlion/ No. C rlt(lria llosulls Roling Mot hod Snuoplo

• Bispheuol A contenr Various state I ,IJlC OIIOWIIl~~!:_~_ucts S 1311 not contam arc; CICICCl3biC ICVCIS OJ NA I Uisrhcnoi-A I PA) (BV reporting limir is mg/kg): laws (e.g. CT · lnfhm formu 3l baby food plastic container.~;;u or can

Public Act # 09- - All reusable food or beverage containers inc uding lids {if any)

103 ond MN - OnbY. boule liners - Puc1fiers

Clmpler 40 SF - Straws

#247) 121 CFR "Infant fonnula .. me<~ns a commercial~ available milk based or 177. 1580 I soy based powder, concentrated liqui or ready·to-fccd substitute

for hurmm breast milk that is intended for infimt consumption. CPSD-AN- "Baby food" menns a commercially available ~rcparcd solid food

00169-MTHD consiSting of a sofi paste or un e<1s11y chewed ood that is intended for conS\IInfction bb children two years of age or younger. "Reusable ood or cvcmge contt1iner" means il receptacle for storing food or bc\'cragcs, includinft, but not limited to, baby boulest spill-proof cups, sports bott cs and thcnnoscs i.Htd c.xcludu1g containers mtended for disposlll after initiai usc.

Report actual results or include data table within report.

Note: - Actualtcstin_g will be conducted on all accessible polycarbonate and epoxy resm materials only, including both coatmgs and substrates -Vendors shall provide documentation or a bill of materials for material idcnlificntion. If they cannot pro\'ide surf.1ce coating or substrate material infonnalion, all coatings (except lacquer and paint) and aCplicablc subsorarcs will be tested. - Vendors s mil be responsible for the compliance of all other mntcrials. - Tcsring will not be conducrcd on food contnct gol~carbonntc resins in infant feeding bottles (baby bottles) an spi ll-proof cups including their closures and lids, designed to help trnin babies and toddlers to drink from cogs (sit;/')' cups), because food contact ~~~1~\l'gnatc resins are anne '" rhcsc producls by 21 em - Comoositc all colors ofsurf.tcc coat i!m__lo ncrfom1 one test.


Page 45: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Dale: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 31,201 4 Page 45 of 56


CliLLUitt::N'S l'ltOUUC.TS (NON-TOYS) (V69l

Evnlunlion Cilotiun/ No. Crileri:t ltuulls Roling

Mclho~ Stun 1lc

• Fr>A FSS"21 CFit 175-177 21 CFit 170-189 -- [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I /CPSD-AN- [21 CFR 175-177 Solvent extract (general)]

00002-MTIID [21 CFR 181.32 Acrylonitrile copolymers and resins]

Product intended to be used in contact with food shall confonn to the opplicablc rcqnircmcnts of the Food, Dnog, and Cosmetic Aet

(FDCA), specifocnlly 2 1 CFR 170 through 189. All testing will be conducted on the finn) product. It is the vendor's responsibility to pro\lidc nccurntc identification of all polymers used. For food contact items contnining PVC, PETG, Styrene Block Polymers, Polyester Elastomers or ABS (Acrylonitrile > 30%), it is oeccptnblc for the vendor to submit either o test report or n lcner

of compliance (dated within one year) indicotiug the only food grade materials were used in 1hc manufacturing process.


Page 46: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR 31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 46 of 56

c r s o -osoot-us


E\'Uiuullon Cila tion/ No. co·llorln Results Roling Method Sum Jlc

Hazardous subslilnccs in liquid- document 16CFR To identify the presence of potentially ha1.ardous ingrediellls, all NA I review 1500.14(a)(t -5) liquid components nnd liquid-filled items designed or intended to

ICPSD-GB- be used by individuals over 8 years old containing substances 00001-MTIIU exceeding 1hc following limits require special labeling:

a. I 0% or more by weight of ethylene glycol b. I 0% or more by weight of diethylene glycol

c. 4% or more by weight of metlumol

d. 10% or more by weight of petroleum distillates c. 5% or more by weight of benzene

f. I 0% or more by weight of turpentine

g. I 0% or more by weight of toluene

h. 10% or more by weight of xylene

Note: - Liquid is defined as any material which is free flowing, has no

fixed shape and would take the shape of its container.

In lieu of tes ting, test report can be submitted if dated w ithin one



Page 47: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Dale: MAR 31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 47 of 56



Evuluution Citation/ No. Criteria n.csults Rating Method SOilllliC

Hazn.rdous liquids · document review 16CFK -- To identify the presence of potentially lm7.ardous ingredients, all NA I 1500.23 1 / liquid components nnd liqu id-fi lled items intended or likely to be CPSD-GB- used by children aged 8 ycnrs and under shall comply with this

0000 1-MTII D requirement mtd the following chemicals shall not be present:

n. Ethylene glycol b. Diethylene glycol

c. Methnnol d. Mercury c. Methylene chloride f. Petroleum distillates g. Toluene h. Xylene

i. Benzene j. Turpentine

In lieu of test ing, lest report can be submitted if dated within one yenr.

Note: - Liquid is defined as any material which is free flowing, has no fixed shape and would take the shape of ils container. - This includes liquids thai arc scaled in a producl and BV expands to un-sealed liquid (16 CFR 1500.14).


Page 48: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR 31 ,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 48 of 56

CPS D-08001- US


Evnlunllon Citntion/ No. Criteria Results llullng Mol hod Snmplc

All polyurethane foam and textile upholstery for polyurethane NA I foa m in residential upholstered furniture rmd child care products shall not contain any detectable level ofTris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) , Tris(2-ehloro-l-mcthylethyl)

phosphatc(TCPP) and Tris(l ,3-diehloro-2-propyl) phosphnte (TDCPP).

Various state (IJV reporting limits arc 5 mg/kg)

laws (e.g. NY,

Flume retardant content in upholstered MD, etc)/ 2gpcr Report actual rcsuhs or include. data table within report.

• CPSD-AN- componc furniture and child care products

00051-MTIJD I nt Note:

CI'SD-AN- -Child cnre products include but are not limited to toys, car scats, 001 76-MTHD nursing pillows, crib mattresses, high chairs and strol lers for

children under 3 years of age. -Vendors shall provide documentat ion or a bill of materials for material identification of polyurethane foam.lf thcy cannot provide this infonnation. all foam materials will be lcsted. - Vendors shall be responsible for the compliance of all other materials.

HAZA IWS Mechanical h:-~zards- children's products 16 CFl! 1500 I -- [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] M PASS

1501 [Except Food contact llems]

Shall meet the requirements specified in the standard.


Page 49: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31, 2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31, 2014

Page 49 of 56

C PSI)-0800 I· US


Evnluulion Cllafiun/ No. Criteria ltosnlls Roling Mdhod Sample

16 CFR I 500 Mechanical ha1.ards (Food t6 CFR 1500 I .. (SAFETY llliQUIRiiMENTS) NA I cont:~ct hems only) 16CFR 1501 (Client's Requirement]


Shall meet the requirements specified in tl1c standard. Food contact items made in glass or ceramic materials are exempted for Mcchnnicalllazard testing.

Mod. - expanded scope.

Mcchnnicnl hnznrds - infhnt cushion 16 CFR .. Any article known as nn .. infhnt cushion" or "inflmt pillow,'' and NA I 1500. 18(aXJ6) any other similar article, which has all of the following

choroctcristics: (A) has a flexible fi1bric covering. (B) is loosely filled with a granular materia l, including but not limited to, polystyrene beads or pellets. (C) is easily flattened. (D) is capable of confom1ing to the body or face of an infant. (E) is intended or promoted for usc by children under one yenr of age.

Tite supply of these goods is banned.

• Kite String - Electric Resistivity ASTM F963-l l .. All kite string is r<(Juired to meet section 4.14.4 of ASTM F963· NA I Section 4.14.4 II . Pacifiers 16CFR 1511 .. (SAFETY RliQUJJtEMENTS] NA I

Snmplcs shall meet the safety requirements as specified in 16 Cf'R 15 1 I.


Page 50: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV La b Number: (8514)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER

Tes l Dale: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Dale: PETER/MAR 3 1, 2014

Page 50 of 56



I::vnluntion Cilntion/ No. Critcrin I{('! UitS Ruling

Mel hod Stoonplc

• Pyrottchnic Composition Ptuty poppers (also known as champagne pm1y poppers nnd party NA I 16 CFR 1507.11 surprise poppers) and Christmas crackers shflll contain uo more

Modified - tlmn 0.25 grnins ( 16.2 mg) of pyrotechnic material.

Modification: cxpnnd the scope to include Christmas crackers . Hemispheric-shaped objects ASTM F963 -- Cup·, bowl-, or onc~ha lfcgg-shaped objects hnving a round, oval, NA I modified or el lipt ical opening with the minor and major inner dimensions

between 2.5 in. (64 mm) and 4.0 in. ( 102 nnn), a volume of less than 6.0 oz ( 177 mL), a depth greater than 0.5 in. (13 mm), nnd intended for children under 3 years of age shall meet the requirement of hemispheric-shaped objects of ASTM F963.

Modification - expand scope to children products.

• Rattcry-opcrntcd products - compartm~nt ASTM F963· 11 -- Sholl be marked permanently on bnlle<y compartment or NA I markings section 4.25.1 immediately adj::~.ccnt to the battery compartment 10 show the

modified correct polarity using symbols"+" and "-". Addilional markings must indicate the correct battery size and voltuge. These markings arc not required for button cell, non-replaceable baucri~s or rechargeable bontery packs that, by design, can only be inserted corrcclly. . Uallc<y - opcrotcd ASTM 1'963-11 -- Shall be designed so that it is not possible 10 charge any non- NA I

section 4.25.3 rechorgcable balle<y. This requirement docs not apply to bullon

modified cell type batteries or circuits having one or two non-rechargeable batteries as the on I • source of power. . Bnlle<y-opcrntcd product ASTM f 963-l l -- U3Ucrics that fit completely within the smnll pans test cylinder NA I

section 4.25.5 shall not be accessible. before or after abuse testing, without the modified usc of a coin, screwdriver, or other common household tool.

Modification • Hxpandcd Scope to all children's products.


Page 51: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31, 2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014 Page 51 of 56



Evaluution Citation/ No. Crlroria Results l!nting ~let hod Snm1IC

• Battery - operated ASTM F963-l i .. Batteries of diOCrent types or capacities sh <tll not be mixed within NA I section 4.25.6 nny single circuit.

modified . Battery- operated ASTM F963-ll .. The surface of the batteries shall not achieve temperatures NA I section 4.25.7-g exceeding 71"'C or present a combustion lmzard before and ilflcr

modified usc and abuse testing. If the cxtcmalmoving pans that are mechanically linked to a motor c;.m be stttlled by the user, test for a stalled motor condition to determine conformance with this requirement. . Eiectricn lly Ope,.ted Toys 16 CFR 1505 .. Children's products operating from nominal 120-V branch circuits NA I slmll confom1 to the requirements ofl6 CFR 1505.

Lenses - impact resistance - documentation 2 1 CFR 801.410 .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I review

Shall be fitted with impact-res istant lenses to protect the consumer from potential eye injuries. Lenses shall meet an AQL of 6.5 as specified in 21 CFR 801.410 when subjected to fDA using MIL· STD lOSE or FDA approved stmistical sampling plan. ln lieu of test ing, test report can be submitted if dated within one year. It is the vendor-s responsibi lity to assure the manufacturer is registered under the FDA.


Flanunability of solids 16 CFR 1500.3 [SAfETY REQUIREMENTS] M PASS (c) (6) (vi)/16 CFR 1500.44 Shall not exceed the maximum allowable limit of no greater

than 0.1 inches Jer second


Page 52: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31 ,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 52 of 56



E\•n lunlion Cltaliun/ No. Criteria I Hcsnlls noting

Method SAmple . Flosh point of combustible liquid 16 CFR 1500.3 - All liquid items for children aged 8 years nnd under shall NA I (c)(6)(i ii) 116 have nash point gf('8(Cf than 150 °F Qf 65.6 °C.

C FR 1500.43(a)

/CPSD-GB· Rem11rk: 00019-MTI ID • For products intended for cllildrc11 aged over 8 years, if the

liquid items arc clnssified 8S either combustible, flmmnablc

or extremely flammable, it shall confonn to the labeling of

hazardous substances. ·Liquid is defined as nny material which is free flowing, has no fixed shape and would take the shape of its container.

Fl~unmabi lity of self-pressurized containers 16 CFR 1500.3 ·- Self-pressurized contniner for children aged 8 years and NA I (c)(6)(vii i)l16 under sltnll not be flammable when tested in according to 16

CFR 1500.45 C I'R I 500.45.

Remark: I' or products intended for children aged over 8

years. if the contents of lite sclf·prcssurizcd containers are

cl3ssificd as either flammable or extremely fh.unn~t1ble, it slmll conform to the labclin~ of hazardous substances.

CPAI-75 Flnmmability (Sleeping Uags) · doc CPAI-75 - (SAFhTY REQUIREMENTS] NA I rc\•iew

Materials shall comply with the requirements as defined. In

lieu of testing. test report can be submitted if dated within

one year.

Cnmping tcmagc mntcrinl flammability CPAI-84 .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS) NA I

~·latcrinls shall comply with the requirements as defined. In

lieu of testing, test report can be submiltcd if dated within

one year.



Page 53: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31 , 2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 53 of 56

CI'S0-0800 1-US


E\•nluntion Citntiouf No. Criteria I ltr•ulls Ruling Method Suonolc . TransmiWmcc properties for sunglasses and ANSI Z80.3- Non-prc.scription sunglasses and fashion cycwcar shall NA I

cycwcors 2010 clause comply with the requirements. 4.6. 1 to 4.6.3, Sungl:lssrs contnlnin~ n UVA/UVU protrction, Traffic 4.6.5, 4.7.3 to .. slgnnl recognition nnd/or other ANSI Z80.3 clulm will be 4.7.4 and 4.8 / tested to suhstnutintc such claims.



• UL Testing UL Standard .. [SAFETY REQUIREMENTS] NA I [For electrically operated product]

Item will be nuditcd to verify compliance with the selected sections of the applicable and/or labeled UL standard. . AATCC 20A Qunnt itntive 16 CFR303 -- Shall be tested to substantiate fiber content. Shall not exceed NA I a deviation of +/- 3% from the label as allowed for blends and no deviation for items labeled 100% o f a fiber.

Aclunl use - functionality- not covered by CPSD-HL- -- Sltnll function as intended M PASS other lcsts 01058-MTHD I

Actual Usc

• Air Leakage For lnOatnblc Pool Items Per Criterin -- Inflatable pool items (e.g. inflatable pool, swinm1ing rings, NA I etc.) which are intended to bear the mass of children shall be evaluated for nir lc:akagc for duration of one hour.

• Dishwasher clnim vcrirication CPSD-IlL- -- Items cont:1in ing a dishwasher safe cl~im shall exhibit no NA I 01014-MTIID surface dcgmd<~tion such as crncks, color f.1ding, scratches, or

(modified) defomuuion such as warping ilflcr 5 cycles.

Modification: modify the scope to items containing n dishwnsher safe claim only


Page 54: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074·0234

Technician Name: PETER

Test Date: MAR31,2014

Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31 , 2014

Page 54 of 56

C PSn-08001-US


F.\'oluolion Cilnlion/ No. Cr iteri11 I Resulls nnling Method Snmplc . M icrowovc claim vcrincation CPSO·HL· .. Items cont:mung a nucrowavc sale c!tum sh~!l w1thstn~u:~. test NA I with no distortion, mclling, surface dcfonnation or staining

01024-MTIJD afienhe1es1. (modified) Sample is ~!need in condition room nl 59 - 86 degree f ( 15 -

30 degree C) for Ill leas! 2 hourS before I he test Aller rcmovmg the sample from condition room. Filled the. test 1tem with 75% water according to different types of item.

Microwave the sam~le for 5 minutes with power of the microwave al 1000 V (or cquivalenl energy i.e. 300 kJ.).

For sample with handle. The tenffcrnhlrc of the gripping area shall no t exceed 140 degree (60 degree C) and record the results as uoatn Only."

Modification: modify the scope to items containing a microwave safe claim only

• Freezer claim verification CPSD-l lL· .. hems cont:.ining a freezer safe claim shaH exhibit no visual NA I 01008-MTIID changes, functionality fililure, structural fa ilure and /or

(modified) pennnncnt dcfomlation after a 4 hour exposure in a freezer

chilled 10 o•r. Record (if any) changes aficr removal from

freezer and /or after the sample reaches equilibrium with lab


Modilica1ion: modify the scope to items containing a freezer

safe c laim only

IMPORTANT NOTE:·I11c infonnation presented under the "Criteria" of this protocol is for information only ;md docs not replace the content of the slnndnrd. Details of the requirements should be

referred 10 the original slandards.


Page 55: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)




Additional Chnrgc For This Test Mnndotory Requirement By Rcqncst Only

Results Key: M Meets NA Not Applicable NM Docs Not Meet NT Not Tested c R

Claimed Recorded

~: P3SS.

Foil .

BV Lab Number: Technician Name: Test Date:

Reviewed By/Date:


PETER MAR31, 2014

PETER/MAR 31, 2014 Page 55 of 56

Page 56: REPORT - · Snnt •lcs A Illiquid items for children aged S years and under shall have flash point greater than 150 °F or 65.6 °C, 16CFK Remark: . 1500.3(c)(6Xiii)

BV Lab Number: (8514)074-0234

Technician Name: PETER Test Date: MAR31,2014 Reviewed By/Date: PETER/MAR 31,2014

Page 56 of 56

Image Appcndh

T-0002 Abuse Test Testing Parameter Age (Months) Abuse Test Conditions Conditions w Agc.jpg Drop Test 0 to·!>1 8 4.5 ft. (1.37 m) 10 drops

>18 to·!>36 3 ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops >36 to !>96 3ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops

Torque Te~t 0 to !>1 8 2 in - lb. (0.23 N- m) >18 to536 3 in -lb. (0.34 N-'m) >38 to . .:596 4 in- lb. (0:45 N- m)

Tension Test 0 to .:518 10 lb. (44.5 N) >18 to .:536 15 1b. (66.8 N) >36 to·.:59B 151b. (66.8 N)

Compression Test 0 to .:518 20 lb. (89 N) >18 to .:536 25 1b. (1 11.3 N) >q6 to .:596 30 lb. \ 133.5 N)

