  • A Remote Control Based Home Appliances

    A Report Submitted

    in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Degree of


    Electronics and Communication Engineering


    Sonal Bansal1133231023

    Under the Guidance of

    Ms. Mridula yadav


    GHAZIABAD 245304, INDIANovember, 2014


    We declare that the work presented in this report ti-

    tled A Remote Control Based Home Appliances, sub-

    mitted to the Electronics and Communication Engineering

    Department, Maharaja Agarsain Institute of Technol-

    ogy, Ghaziabad, for the award of the B.Tech degree inElectronics and Communication Engineering, is our originalwork. We have not plagiarized or submitted the same work for

    the award of any other degree. In case this undertaking is found

    incorrect, We accept that our degree may be unconditionally


    November, 2014


    (Sonal Bansal)



    Certified that the work contained in the report titled ARemote Con-

    trol Based Home Appliances, by Sonal Bansal has been carried out

    under my supervision and that this work has not been submitted else-

    where for a degree.

    November, 2014

    (Ms. Mridula yadav)

    M.A.I.T., Ghaziabad


  • Acknowledgment

    It would not have been possible to write this report without the help and support of

    almighty God and kind people around our, to only some of whom it is possible to give

    particular mention here.

    Above all, We are truly indebted and thankful to our parents and our family for their

    personal support and great patience at all times. Our family has given us their unequivocal

    support throughout, as always, for which our mere expression of thanks does not suffice.

    This report would not have been possible without the help, support and patience of our

    supervisor, Ms. Mridula yadav, professor, department of Electronics and Communication

    Engineering. Her advice and unsurpassed knowledge has been invaluable, for which We

    are extremely grateful. We were privileged to experience a sustained enthusiastic involved

    interest from her side.

    We are grateful to Prof. H.N. Mishra, Head of the Department of Electronics and

    Communication Engineering, for permitting us to make use of the facilities available in

    the department to carry out the project successfully. We are thankful for the valuable

    support and guidance of Mr. Neeraj Sharma. Last, but not the least, I would like to thanks

    everyone who has contributed for the successful completion of our project.

    - Sonal Bansal


  • Abstract

    Traditionally electrical appliances in a home are controlled via switches that regulate the

    electricity to these devices. As the world gets more and more technologically advanced,

    we find new technology coming in deeper and deeper into our personal lives even at home.

    Home automation is becoming more and more popular around the world and is becoming

    a common practice. The process of home automation works by making everything in the

    house automatically controlled using technology to control and do the jobs that we would

    normally do manually. Home automation takes care of a lot of different activities in the


    The main objectie of this project is that we are controlling our home appliances using a

    simple ciruit. That ciruit consist of a IR module.That receive the signal from our TV/VCD

    remote. Output of that sensor goes to the clk of IC4017 that is used to shows the status of

    our home appliances either in on/off state. Output of the IC is given to transistor which

    amplifes the signal and then through a diode.

    The appliance to be controlled is connected between the pole of the relay and neutral

    terminal of mains. It gets connected to live terminal of AC mains via normally opened

    (N/O) contact when the relay energises.


  • Contents

    Acknowledgment iv

    Abstract v

    1 Introduction 1

    2 Design Overview 21 Circuit Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    1.1 Transmitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    1.2 Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    3 Working of the Circuit 40.3 Working of the IR module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    0.4 IC CD4007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    0.5 Diode IN4007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    0.6 Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    4 Implementation of the Circuit 61 Components Required for Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2 Breadboard Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    3 PCB Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    5 Result 8


  • 6 Conclusion 9

    7 Futuristic use of Instrument 11

    8 Data sheet of various components 12

    References 17


  • List of Figures

    1 Circuit diagram for the Remote Control based Home Appliances[1] . . . 2

    2 Transmitor for the Remote Control based Home Appliances . . . . . . . . 3

    3 Receiver for the Remote Control based Home Appliances . . . . . . . . . 3

    4 TSOP 1738 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    5 IC CD4007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    6 5V relay[2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    7 Fig 1:- Shows the Home Appliances is in off state Fig 2:- Shows the Home

    Appliances is in on state[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    8 Fig 1:- Shows the Home Appliances is in off state Fig 2:- Shows the Home

    Appliances is in on state [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    9 Remote Control based Home Appliances is in on state[3] . . . . . . . . . 8

    10 Datasheet of relay[4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    11 Datasheet of relay[4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    12 Datasheet of IC CD4017[5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    13 Datasheet of Transistor 558[6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    14 Datasheet of Transistor 548[7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


  • Chapter 1Introduction

    The aim of the proposed system is to develop a cost effective solution that will provide

    controlling of home appliances remotely and enable home security against intrusion in the

    absence of homeowner. The home appliances control system with an affordable cost was

    thought to be built that should be providing remote access to the appliances and allowing

    home security. Though devices connected as home and office appliances consume electri-

    cal power. These devices should be controlled as well as turn on/off if required. Most of

    the times it was done manually. Now it is a necessity to control devices more effectively

    and efficiently at anytime from anywhere.

    In this system, we are going to develop a remote control based home/office appliance.

    Remote control for home appliances is an absolute necessity in our fast-paced life. As

    a result, much important has been given to this aspect and a range of remote controls

    are prevalent today. One of the most common is that which makes use of IR radiations

    at particular frequencies. Our product is a Remote Operated Home Appliance or Remote

    controlled Home appliance. The circuit is connected to any of the home appliances (lamp,

    fan, radio, etc) to make the appliance turn on/off from a TV, VCD, VCR, Air Conditioner

    or DVD remote control. The circuit can be activated from up to 10 meters. It is very easy

    to build and can be assembled on a general-purpose PCB.

    For this purpose we mke a circuit that consist of a IR module, CD4017 IC, LEDs to

    indicate the reception of the IR radiations, otherwise indicating the ON/OFF state, relay

    and other components


  • Chapter 2Design Overview

    Our idea comes into the reality by this circuit diagram. The circuit diagram is given


    Figure 1: Circuit diagram for the Remote Control based Home Appliances[1]

    1 Circuit Description

    The circuit consist of two parts:-

    Transmitter Receiver


  • 1.1 Transmitor

    The product consists of a remote which is the transmitter of the IR radiations. The circuit

    diagram is given below:-

    Figure 2: Transmitor for the Remote Control based Home Appliances

    1.2 Receiver

    Which responds to the radiations and switches ON and OFF the appliance.

    Figure 3: Receiver for the Remote Control based Home Appliances


  • Chapter 3Working of the Circuit

    Connect this circuit to any of your home appliances (lamp, fan, radio, etc) to make the ap-

    pliance turn on/off from a TV, VCD or DVD remote control. The circuit can be activated

    from up to 10 metres[1].

    0.3 Working of the IR module

    The 38kHz infrared (IR) rays generated by the remote control are received by IR re-ceiver module TSOP1738 of the circuit. Pin 1 of TSOP1738 is connected to ground,

    pin 2 is connected to the power supply through resistor R5 and the output is taken from

    pin 3.

    Figure 4: TSOP 1738

    The output signal is amplified by transistor T1 (BC558).


  • 0.4 IC CD4007

    The amplified signal is fed to clock pin 14 of decade counter IC CD4017 (IC1). Pin 8of IC1 is grounded, pin 16 is connected to Vcc and pin 3 is connected to LED1 (red),

    which glows to indicate that the appliance is off.

    The output of IC1 is taken from its pin 2. LED2 (green) connected to pin 2 is used toindicate the on state of the appliance[8].

    Figure 5: IC CD4007

    0.5 Diode IN4007

    Diode 1N4007 (D1) acts as a freewheeling diode. A freewheeling diode is put into a circuit to protect the switching device from being

    damaged by the reverse current of an inductive load(relay).

    0.6 Relay

    The appliance to be controlled is connected between the pole of the relay and neutralterminal of mains. It gets connected to live terminal of AC mains via normally opened

    (N/O) contact when the relay energises.

    In short we can say relay is like a switsh which is necessary to control a circuit[9].

    Figure 6: 5V relay[2]


  • Chapter 4Implementation of the Circuit

    List of the component required for the implementation of the circuit:-

    1 Components Required for Circuit

    Resistances:-1. 47 ohm 2. 220 k

    3. 330(2) ohm 4. 1 k

    Capacitances:-1. 100 micro 2. 0.1 micro

    Transistors:-1. BC558 2. BC548

    IR receiver module:- TSOP1738 Decade counter:- IC CD4017 Diode:- IN4007 5V Relay 5V Power supply Leds:- 2 Red, 1 green Breadboard PCB Connecting Probes [1]


  • 2 Breadboard Implementation

    To check the existance of the circuit first of all we have to implement the circuit on the

    breadboard. The two diagram shows how we implement the cicuit on the breadboard.

    Figure 7: Fig 1:- Shows the Home Appliances is in off stateFig 2:- Shows the Home Appliances is in on state[3]

    3 PCB Implementation

    After the breadboard implementation we implement the circuit on general purpose PCB.

    Figure 8: Fig 1:- Shows the Home Appliances is in off stateFig 2:- Shows the Home Appliances is in on state [3]


  • Chapter 5Result

    To control the home appliances system connected with the receiver system wirelesslyis designed and implemented successfully for devices and worked well for the trans-

    mission and receiving approximately 10 meters range with the operating frequency of


    The instrument is designed and implemented successfully in physical existence andready to use.

    Figure 9: Remote Control based Home Appliances is in on state[3]


  • Chapter 6Conclusion

    The power line devices to control from the radio waves was a unique study, which concen-

    trated on finding out how a smart home we have considered would function in everyday

    life and what kinds of functionality it should provide to its users. This practical study

    revealed results that have been discovered in theoretical laboratory tests successfully. It

    would seem that the most desirable functions of a smart home are indeed various user

    interfaces that allow more flexible control of the home. The home should also contain

    learning and adaptive functions,which would gradually allow users to leave some func-

    tions to the Home Controller.

    However as long as there are no compatible devices in the market it seems that there isa long way to go before smart homes really become commonplace. After this study the

    smart home instrument still continues at the university laboratory for development. In

    this paper work the power line devices are controlled from wireless technology.

    Such intelligent instruments are very much helpful for the old and disabled persons. Italso helps to minimize the energy consumption. Another important application of this

    instrument is it can control appliances from anywhere around the 10 meter periphery

    and very much compatible and easy to handle by any age persons.

    However there are limits on what each interface can do and usually some functionsremain unavailable. Another practical obstacle becomes obvious when installing net-

    works and devices in older buildings. Even wireless networks require power cabling

    and equipment need their own installation space. In cases like these it is advantageous


  • to use existing cabling (phone and power lines, cable ducts etc.) as much as possible.


  • Chapter 7Futuristic use of Instrument

    This is a very smart and intelligent instrument useful for all the age groups and hasa variety of uses in almost all the areas where instruments need to be automated and

    controlled as per the human need and enhance facility.

    This instrument is basically to regulate and overcome all the obstacles for control overthe instrument.

    This instrument is basically to regulate and overcome all the obstacles for control overthe instrument. It is possible that the operating range and the instrument operability in

    terms of number of instruments can be increased.

    It can be used in the case of a number of devices and applications such as TV, VCR,camera, CD speller, radio, lamp, fan, music system or even tasks such as simply open-

    ing a door.

    A single remote control can be made to operate at different frequencies, each cor-responding to a particular task to be performed by the appliance, for example tele-

    vision. This is a further application where a compact device can perform multiple



  • Chapter 8Data sheet of various components


  • Figure 10: Datasheet of relay[4]


  • Figure 11: Datasheet of relay[4]


  • Figure 12: Datasheet of IC CD4017[5]


  • Figure 13: Datasheet of Transistor 558[6]


  • Figure 14: Datasheet of Transistor 548[7]


  • References

    [1] electronicsforu




    [2] gstatic


    [3] Electrical lab, mait, ghaziabad, November 2014.

    [4] datasheet of relay


    [5] datasheet of cd4017


    [6] datasheet of 558


    [7] datasheet of 548


    [8] gstatic



    [9] EngineersGarage DPDTRelaySwitch|DoublePoleDoubleThrowRelay-EngineersGarage.


  • [10] Prashant Chakole, Dr. Pradip B. Dahikar, RF Remote Control of Power Line De-

    vices Using, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technol-

    ogy (IJESIT), 3, May 2013.


    AcknowledgmentAbstractIntroductionDesign OverviewCircuit DescriptionTransmitorReceiver

    Working of the CircuitWorking of the IR moduleIC CD4007Diode IN4007Relay

    Implementation of the CircuitComponents Required for CircuitBreadboard ImplementationPCB Implementation

    ResultConclusionFuturistic use of InstrumentData sheet of various componentsReferences
