Page 1: Report on first European-wide Masterclasses „Hands on Particle Physics“ 7.3.-19.3.2005  Michael Kobel Bonn University Germany

Report on first European-wide MasterclassesReport on first European-wide Masterclasses„Hands on Particle Physics“„Hands on Particle Physics“

7.3.-19.3.20057.3.-19.3.2005 http://wyp.teilchenphysik.org

Michael KobelBonn University


EPOG outreach meeting, Valencia, 9.4.2004

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EPOG masterclasses „Hands on ParticleEPOG masterclasses „Hands on Particle Physics“ Physics“

Particle Physics Masterclass (MC), idea from UKStudents (16-18 year olds) spend 1 day at research institutelisten to lectures (introduction to particle physics)work like real scientists: Exercises with real data

European EPOG event for WYP 2005One or more MCs in each country (20 to 80 students per day)About 60 institutes from 18 countries participatingabout 3000 students participating (incl. 500 at RAL)Whole activity w/in 2 weeks: March 7 to March 19, 2005~ 6 masterclasses joined in video conference at the end of the day

Discuss results and differencesCombine results (better accuracy)questions to scientists

All information at

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Exercise translations:Hands-on-CERN: 4 14 languages (2 older versions)

Identifying Particles: 2 5 languages (2 partially)

Keyhole: 2 4 languages (2 partially)


all contributing institutes (impressive work!)

Christian Helzel for putting all together

Schedule:58 institutes from 18 countries evenly distributed on 12 datesworked very well, (thanks to German Science-on-Stage office)

Example Lectures:proved useful for „newcomers“

happy to still add *your* talk on „wyp“ web page

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Video ConferencesVideo Conferences

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Technical PreparationTechnical Preparation

Tool used: VRVS ( based, just needs PC (windows or LINUX(?)) and Webcam

easy to include existing H.323 video conference systems

possible to share one desktop with all participants

Preparationsinstructions on and

continuous support from Slovak group of CALTECH VRVS team

indispensible central support from CERN (Mick Draper, Joao Fernandes)

TEST I: 17.-19.1.: all 58 institutes, full 3-day test row in groups of 6.

7.+11.+16.2.: second try for 8 institutes

Technical Issues: many institutes tried VRVS for the first time

absolutely crucial to test with *real* equipment

main issues: audio (microphones, echoes), firewalls, …

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Web pages and CDWeb pages and CD

Institute Pages:European wide collection of institute descriptions

very useful for local outreach

most difficult part to obtain completely, most difficult part to obtain completely, finally successful

National Links:invitation to further reading

Imprint:introduces and stresses EPOG role

Physics:much more than just masterclass exercises

Impressive Work by Christian Helzel (5h/week) collected material, kept Web up to date, designed CDrom

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CD-romCD-rom10 Websystems with exercises in 16 languages on totalonline at physicsoffline on masterclass CDrom (6000 pieces printed)distributed to all studentswill stay a very useful give-away for public and schoolswill stay a very useful give-away for public and schools

•What are the fundamental building blocks of matter? •How can I identify them? •Which forces hold them together? •How do these forces work? •How far have forces and matter been understood? Find the answers to these and other questions by browsing, reading, and working through the Web systems collected on this CDrom in 16 languages. Most of the material contains interactive elements, some even real particle physics events for making your own measurements. System requirements: Web Browser, Java, Shockwave and Media Player

•Hands-On-CERN (Ca, Cz, Dk, En, Fr, Ga, Gr, Hu, It, No, Pt, Sk, Sp, Sv)Erik Johansson et al., Stockholm •A Keyhole To The Birth Of Time (En, It, Pl, Sp)

James Gillies, Richard Jacobsson, et al CERN

•Identifying Particles (En, De, Gr, It, Sk) Terry Wyatt, Univ Manchester •BaBar Particle Physics Teaching Package (En)

Heather Lang, David Kirk, Univ Manchester (George Lafferty) •Lancaster Particle Physics Package (En) F. Foster et al., Lancaster Univ (Andre Sopczak) •KworkQuark (De) DESY (Dirk Rathje, Marc Hermann) •Teilchentour I: Reise durch die Welt der Teilchen (De) Dagmar Schmitz, Univ Bonn (Michael Kobel) •Teilchentour II: Anwendungen in Kosmologie u. Medizin (De) Alexandra Petri, Univ Bonn (Michael Kobel) •Grundlagen der Teilchenphysik (De)German Hacker, Univ Erlangen •Le Monde des Particules (Fr)

Gwendoline de Hemptinne, Guillaume Leibenguth, Damien Bertrand, Univ Louvain

Hands on Particle Physics

Interactive educational material on Particle Physics in 16 languages

The material on this CDrom was The material on this CDrom was collected and translated by the collected and translated by the European Particle Physics Outreach European Particle Physics Outreach Group EPOG for the occasion of theGroup EPOG for the occasion of the

First European-wide First European-wide Particle Physics MasterclassesParticle Physics Masterclasses


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ExercisesExercises3 central mandatory exercises: Z branching ratios:(one picked by each institute):

„Identifying Particles“ (T.Wyatt, Manchester)mandatory: Z BR‘s from OPAL (UK,GR,D,I,SK)

optional: WW pairs, 4f events „Hands on CERN“ (E.Johannsson et al, Stockholm)

mandatory: Z BR‘s from DELPHI (UK,SE,I,F,DK,HU,E(x3),NO,CZ,SK,GR,PT)

optional: WW pairs, alpha_s „Keyhole to the birth of Time“ (J.Gillies, R.Jacobsson, CERN)

mandatory: Z BR‘s from DELPHI (UK,PL,E,I)optional: alpha_s

other teaching systems (some better for home)BABAR (English) relativistic kinematics, Eigentime, K0‘sLancaster (English) laws of collisions, momentum measurementKworkquark (German) DESY‘s introduction to particle physicsBonn I+II (German) bubble chamber pictures, cosmologyErlangen (German) quiz and animationsLouvain (French) Z mass, lineshape

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The actual eventThe actual eventcomplete evaluation currently being done by IPN Kiel

< 500 questionnaires received back. (expected more…)

will report on results at next EPOG meeting

local specialitiesvideo linkup from schools, setup by students (Lodz, Warsaw)

competition during video conference (19.3., Lodz and Belgium)

German Quiz for participation at DESY(HH+Zeuthen) and CERN

particle physics show at Bonn (30 of 500 students continuing w/ MC)

common componentslectures


video linkupvideo linkup

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Group Electrons Myons Taus QuarksA(1-70) 3 4 2 61B(71-140) 1 3 2 64C(141-210) 17 21 14 17D(211-280) 1 4 0 65E(281-350) 2 4 2 62F(351-420) 2 6 2 60G(421-490) 4 4 6 56H(491-560) 2 4 3 61I(561-630) 3 1 3 63J(631-700) 1 4 6 59K(701-770) 2 3 3 62L(771-840) 2 2 4 62M(841-910) 1 0 4 65N(911-1000) 3 1 3 85

Sum all Sum e Sum Sum Sum q1001 44 61 54 842Sum corr Sum e corr Sum Sum Sum q1027,4 70,4 61,0 54,0 842,0Stat. Uncertainty 10,6 7,8 7,3 29,0

Fract. of Visible e / all / all / all q / all q / ((e)/3)0,069 0,059 0,053 0,820 13,6

Stat. Uncertainty 0,010 0,007 0,007 0,012 1,3

Theory 0,04212 0,04212 0,04212 0,8736 20,74

LEP Result 0,04200 0,04204 0,04208 0,8738 20,77Uncertainty 0,00005 0,00008 0,00010 0,0012 0,03

ExercisesExercisesDone *very* seriously by studentsDone *very* seriously by studentsdifferent speed

fast groups went on with WWmost problematic

eventsdiscuss physics and statistics

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Video LinkupVideo LinkupAn international collaboration of students!

learn about discussing physics

(systematic differences, questions to scientists)

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Learning conferencingLearning conferencing

Marvellous Job by moderators: Silvia Schuh and Dave Barney

Good to have a LEP scientist on Board at CERN each day:Pippa Wells‚ Mike Lamont, Michael Hauschild, Frederic Teubert,

Richard Jacobsson, Alain Blondel‚ Tatsuo Kawamoto learning curve in technical and moderation issues

one institute with bad audio spoils whole conference

shared desktop becoming reliable after initial problems

moderation increasingly efficient

1.5h still (too?) long after a 7h long day?less institutes/day?

keep students awake! (competition?)

Still, students liked the ideahaving fun, reporting results, asking questions

liked contact to other sites

English language no (big) obstacle

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All sites:Masterclass CDrom

CERN: Comic World of Particles

DESY: HERA Brochure

Participation Certificate

local gimmicks (AT: T-shirt, DE: Kworkquark card game, …)

small problemssomewhat too few CERN and DESY brochures (~10%)(student number increase 2500 3000)rest of CERN comics sent out in April

parcel delivery to few institutes delayed or failed

VERY well received by studentsVERY well received by students

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Some first look at QuestionnairesSome first look at Questionnaires(Bonn+Berlin, 70 students total)(Bonn+Berlin, 70 students total)

How did you like the particle physics masterclass?

What did you like most?

1: very much 2 3 4 5: not at all

28 (42%) 28 (42%) 9 (13%) 2 (3%) 0

Lectures Exercises Video linkup

Berlin 12 9 9

Bonn I 8 13 5

Bonn II 9 9 1

TOTAL 29 31 15

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The level of the masterclass was

After attending my interest in physics in general is

1: too easy 2 3:just right 4 5: too difficult

Berlin 3 9 12 2 0

Bonn I 0 3 17 3 1

Bonn II 0 8 10 1 0

TOTAL 3 (4%) 20 (29%) 39 (57%) 6 (9%) 1 (1%)

1: smaller 2 3:unchanged 4 5: bigger

0 0 32 (46%) 26 (38%) 11 (16%)

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Some citationsSome citationsThe quality of the video link was absolutely desastrous (Bonn I)

The video linkup had good quality and good interaction between universities (Bonn II)

The technical quality of the video link was far from excellent (Bonn II)

The video linkup was better than expected and had a high entertainment value (BonnII)

I learned a new method of scientific work and that I could apply this myself in the I learned a new method of scientific work and that I could apply this myself in the exercises (Bonn II)exercises (Bonn II)

The exercises were fun. The tutors were friendly and helpful (Bonn II)

I liked that the data came from a renowned institute and have an relation to real research (MK), but the exercise was too easy/boring (Bonn II)

The lectures assumed that we never heard the term „physics“ before….. which prohibited dealing with complex themes (Bonn II)

The lectures were complicated, lacking to explain basic knowledge (Bonn II)

It was „cool“ to compare our own results with those from other countries and other It was „cool“ to compare our own results with those from other countries and other experiments (Bonn II)experiments (Bonn II)

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Very interesting to ask scientists from CERN, tried to answer every question, really goodGot the feeling that I do sth. which physicists do every day in their experiments,Got the feeling that I do sth. which physicists do every day in their experiments,

I felt involvedI felt involvedThe Lectures were very interesting, the exercises much fun, the scientists and the tutors very friendly, I learned very much

I liked the idea of contacting other pupils and discussing our results. It is sad that the technology is not perfectly developed (Berlin)liked, that video linkup was something new w.r.t normal schoolworkinteresting to learn how physical information is exchanged around the globeinteresting to learn how physical information is exchanged around the globe

The exercises were too easy, after 2 min You understand it, and then it was boring (Bonn II)exercises a bit difficult to understand, but very much and good help, (Berlin)

I liked the funny guys at CERN (Berlin)enough and good foodAll was great!!!

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To all of You making this event a success!

Should we continue?


(including video linkup?, personpower? finances?)
