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May Recruitment of Volunteer Co-ordinator

June Review of VL role and HPP

SMART planning

July Recruitment of new Volunteer Linguists

August Induction of new VLs

Preparation of promotional posters and CCG Urgent Care information in all languages

September Health Awareness Training for VLs

October Delivery (see below)

December Development of promotional/pledge cards in all languages


Working with people who have language needs

Distribute and promote information about public and community services

Facilitate access and referrals to public and community services

Promote key health messages

Provide additional support e.g. letter reading, form filling, making appointments

Offer opportunities to meet with other service users and reduce isolation

Working with public and community services

Consult on the development of appropriate translated information

Partner with local organisations to work with people who have language needs

Give people with language needs a voice within public service consultations

Working with volunteers

Recruit community members as Volunteer Linguists

Train Volunteer Linguists in Health Promotion

Support Volunteer Linguists to develop new skills and increase confidence

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NB there has been a problem with receiving up to date, accurate feedback due a “Survey Monkey”

problem. These outputs are taken from qualitative feedback received from Volunteer Linguists.

How many posters have you displayed? 50

How many people made self-referrals using the dedicated phone line? 13

How many SIS promotion packs have you given out? 18

How many individuals have you told about HPP? Not known

How many groups or meetings have you attended to promote HPP? 10

How many individuals have you supported with?

GP registration 3

Dentist registration 7

Making appointments 4

Reading correspondence 1

Filling in forms 2

Making referrals 10

How many individuals have you supported with information about

Urgent care 0 (in the SU packs)

Healthy Living 2

Housing 1

Finances 3

Community Safety 2


Domestic Violence 1

Getting connected 1

Service User Consultations. Better information about public and community services

. Additional help/support from SIS

. To have a voice with public services

. Opportunities to meet with other service users

. Full reports at

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Referral through community member via poster campaign

Service Users couple newly arrived in UK, residents of Peacehaven

Needs Action

registration with dentist Support completing forms

Financial management Referred to Moneyworks

English classes Referred to Vision English

National Insurance number applications Support completing forms

Housing benefit claim Referred VANDU advocacy project


Referral directly following VL presentation at St Mary and Abram Coptic Church

Service Users family

Making appointments with GP Made appointments, updated SU phone no.

Registration with dentist Research for NHS dentist with space


Referral directly through community connection

Service Users Iraqi woman, resident in Brighton for 30 years

Support regards domestic violence Suggested referral to BAP Accompanied to RISE


Referral self-referral from SIS service user

Service Users SIS customer for 20 years

Issues regarding Southern Water bills and social security forms

Referred to Moneyworks


Referral self-referral through poster campaign

Service Users Mother and son

Make a complaint about the school Found & explained school complaints policy Suggested writing in Lithuanian Given information about EMAS


Referral self-referral through poster campaign

Service Users Single man

Interpreter at Police interview Adviced to ask police or lawyer Explained impartiality and confidentiality

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1. Recruit a Volunteer Co-ordinator


Dedicated volunteer co-ordinator working 14 hours per week in support of SIS Quality Assurance

Manager to manage recruitment, induction, training and support of volunteers

Maintain enthusiasm and motivation of the volunteers

Ensure monitoring and records are completed regularly

Facilitate monthly support groups

Support new areas of work

Supporting signposting and referrals


Ben Williams started work on HPP on 1st June 2015.

He shadowed the recruitment, induction and training of volunteers in Autumn 2015 and will

conduct the next cycle in Spring 2016.

He liaises regularly with the volunteers by phone and e mail supporting the on-going work

detailed in the report.

He has attended training in support of the role

o Sept 2015 Care Act Training

o Oct 2015 Health Champions

o Oct 2015 RSPH Health Awareness

o Jan 2016 Equalities and Diversity

o Feb 2016 Supporting Volunteers (Action Learning over a few months)

o Mar 2016 Working with Communities


The volunteer co-ordinator’s contracted hours will finish on 31st May 2016.

HPP should be recommissioned for 2016-17 with the volunteer co-ordinator role continuing.

Volunteer Linguists group at their Induction Session

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2. Recruit (and train) additional Volunteers


Ensure HPP is sustainable and core languages are all covered

Increase the social capital of HPP through recruitment of community members


27 application forms received from the community

11 new Volunteer Linguist recruited from the community successful in interview

3 new Volunteer Linguists recruited from SIS sessional workers

12 languages covered – Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Hungarian, Spanish, French,

Lithuanian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Italian

All had references checked and are DBS checked

All attended 2 x half day induction and 1 day RSPH Health Awareness Training

Committed 3-4 hours per week to end of March 2016

3 x peer support sessions attended by, on average, 10 volunteers

Survey currently in circulation covering

o Satisfaction

o Role

o Impact

o Activity

3 VLs have subsequently been recruited as Community Interpreters

Future Plans

Cyclical recruitment on a 3 month turnover

January start new cycle of recruitment targeting Bengali, Farsi, Chinese, Russian

February report on Survey

March new VLs ready for work

Measure impact on the VLs (recent Survey Monkey isn’t working correctly) against known

benefits of volunteering

Improve health and well-being

Increase confidence /self esteem

Increase skills and abilities

Improve employment prospects

Reduce isolation through social interaction

Provide meaning and value to life

Work towards the Quality Mark “Investors in Volunteers”

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3. Expanding the remit beyond health


to include promotion for local authorities and voluntary/community sector organisations


18 SUs helped with information about / referral to non NHS organisations

Set up a referral protocol with Moneyworks to enable easy access

Involvement in development of information leaflet about Migrant Rights

Mapped ESOL provision in the city

Promotion of

o women only activities organised by Active for Life

o Arabic speaking Triple P Course for Family Support Service @ City Centre Eductional


o Arabic speaking Shape Up course for Food Partnership

o Bengali speakers IT sessions for Trust for Developing Communities

o Life in the UK courses through Hangelton and Knoll Project

Encourage use of local websites








Future Plans

Set up additional referral protocols with other organisations, for example

o Southdowns Housing Community Connections

o Advice Brighton and Hove


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4. Partnership working


HPP to work with other organisations/projects/initiatives running in the city which have some

overlap in remit and methodology

share resources and information

avoid outreach duplication

attend community groups together


recruitment process informed by work with

o Community Navigators @ Impetus

o Health & Wellbeing Volunteer Visitors @ East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

o Community Champions @ BMECP

VL training and support delivered and informed by work with

o Liz Dean @ Pavilions

o Helen Goss @ Creative Futures

o Matthew Moors @ British Red Cross

Service design ideas and concepts informed by work with

o Community Navigators @ Impetus

o Shouts About Health @ Sussex Community Development Association

o Eastbourne Health Champions @ Action for Change

GP Patient Participation Groups

o All VLs were asked to research and join the PPG at their local surgery

o VLs are PPG members at 11 surgeries

Close working with Bilingual Advocacy Project

o Referrals are triaged by Projects Co-ordinator and allocated to BAP or HPP


Buddy up with other volunteers doing similar work

o Community Navigators @ Impetus

o Health & Wellbeing Volunteer Visitors @ East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

o Health Champions @ Action for Change

o Healthwatch Switchboard

Inviting organisations to attend the SIS drop-in

Work more closely with GP surgeries

o Monitoring of uptake by language at different surgeries

o Match to VL for visit

Liaise with [email protected] re work supporting PPGs

Joint meeting between Bilingual Advocates and Volunteer Linguists

o Increase understanding about each others roles

o Share knowledge and information about services

o Buddy up for shared working practices and ease of referral

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5. Health Campaigning / Promotion Work


increase involvement with promotion of specific NHS campaigns

attending events for the purpose of networking and promotion

continuing to use VLs as a “reference group” sharing their experience and representing their

communities at consultation events


Social Media

VLs are keen to have a Facebook page per language for networking and promotion

Undertaken research into protocols and procedures used by other CVS orgs

Quality Assurance Manager attended training around use of Facebook as a promotional tool

Consulted with VLs around name and use of the site

Stall Holders at SIS AGM

British Red Cross

Friends Centre


Macmillan / Impetus Cancer Advocacy Service

Trust for Developing Communities – BME project

Health Checks Service

Doctors of the World


(a further 20 organisations were invited)

Consultation Events (VL Reference Group)

Date Topic Organisation # VLs

July 2015 Young people's mental health CCG Survey only

September 2015 Unwanted Sexual Contact Mankind Survey only

November 2016 Weight Management CCG 7

December 2016 In Hospital Care TDC Survey only

January 2016 Fairness Commission BHCC 9

January 2016 Support after Cancer Treatment CCG 5

January 2016 Smoking / Cancer TDC tbc

Promotional Events for Service Users

Date Topic Organisation # VLs

October 2015 Black History Month Social BHM 1

October 2015 World Mental Health Day SPFT / Heads On 2

November 2015 Alcohol Awareness Week Pavilions 4

November 2015 InterFaith Event CW partnership 8

February 2016 Chinese New Year Community tbc

April 2016 Many Cultures, One City TDC / HKP tbc

Networking Events for Service Providers

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Date Topic Organisation # VLs

June 2015 Volunteer Celebrations Volunteer Bureau 2

November 2015 Food Partnership AGM Food Partnership 1

December 2015 Health Engagement Showcase CCG 2

February 2016 Community Health Network CCG / PH tbc

February 2016 Know My Neighbour Connecting Our City


Future Plans

Use the “calendar of event” to ensure we are aware of upcoming events and campaigns

Complete SIS protocols and procedures for Facebook (and other social media)

Undertake briefing / training with VLs about using Facebook

Top: Hungarian / Spanish VL @ Interfaith Event

Centre: SIS Quality Assurance Manager @ Health Engagement Show Case

Bottom: Polish VL @ Alcohol Awareness Event

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6. Facilitate access to translated information


Build an on-line translation library and encouraging local services to translate key information which

Service Users and Service Providers use to support sign-posting, networking and information giving.


On-line library of translated health information in 14 languages

All “market place” stall holders at the SIS AGM brought translated information

Identified key health promotion material (in English) for distribution to Service Users

Created Service User information packs containing

o SIS promotional material

o CCG Urgent Care Campaign

o Translated Resources Information Sheet

o Key Health Promotion Material

Future Plans

Use of Facebook to promote health materials

Consult with Service Users about what materials they would like in transation

Use the “new” SIS website to have a bigger translation library


On line Resources – Russian

Интернет-ресурсы на русском языке

Please go to to find the live version of this

document. Please use weblinks in the central column to find the information you need.

Воспользуйтесь ссылкой , чтобы найти интерактивную версию этого документа. Воспользуйтесь ссылками в центральной колонке, чтобы найти необходимую Вам информацию.

Алкоголь - наш любимый наркотик

Alcohol our favourite drug Royal College of Psychiatrists

Антидепрессанты - Ключевые факты

Antidepressants - Key Facts Royal College of Psychiatrists

Тревога, паника и фобии- Ключевые факты

Anxiety, Panic and Phobias - Key Facts Royal College of Psychiatrists

Расстройства Аутистического Спектра - брошюра для молодежи

Autism Spectrum Disorders - booklet

for young people

Scottish Collegiate Guidelines


Расстройства Аутистического Спектра - брошюра для родителей и ухаживающих

Autism Spectrum Disorders: booklet

for parents and carers.

Scottish Collegiate Guidelines


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7. Outreach to existing community groups


Presentations to existing language/ethnicity specific community groups

more productive use of volunteer time by reaching a wider audience

increased chances of cascading information by word of mouth


Research and mapping of groups – compiling database of 70+

10 groups visited by SIS VLs for promotion

Used database to distribute invitations to SIS AGM

Future Plans

Continue to visit with a focus on the SIS “Drop In” (see next item)

8. Create a “Drop In” information service


SIS create a regular informal drop in opportunity (staffed by VLs) for SUs to bring these issues to us

rather than VLs having to go out and find SUs in need. The drop in would serve to;

support empowerment and self-advocacy by demonstrating “how to”

identify individuals that should be referred on to the Bilingual Advocates

provide a physical place for access to translated material

build trust / rapport and provide a starting point for potential community development

reduce isolation by providing a safe space to find other people in similar circumstances

provide a space for Service Providers to meet with Service Users and/or offer “surgeries”

about their services


Research and mapping of existing drop-ins which are targeted at SIS Service Users

Research of Service User needs via the SIS AGM

Initial contact and/or VL visit to some of the drop ins and community groups

Formal involvement in Doctors of the World drop in

Future Plans

Jan create schedule of SIS outreach to drop ins and groups

early Feb First formal visit – introduce SIS services, use pledge cards, promote facebook

early Mar Second formal visit – follow up on pledge cards, consult re SIS drop in

April Delivery of SIS drop ins (fortnightly)

end May Evaluate success of first three drop in events

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9. Support a Market Place Event to further the well-being of BME Service Users.

SIS is working with TDC and HKP on the Many Cultures, One City event in April 2016

10. Support accessibility to local services by offering consultation via “mystery shoppers” and an

“accessibility prescription”.

11. Community development especially for language groups for which there are no existing support

Potential development out of “drop in”

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Working with people who have language needs

Distribute and promote information about public and community services

Facilitate access and referrals to public and community services

Promote key health messages

Provide additional support e.g. letter reading, form filling, making appointments

Offer opportunities to meet with other service users and reduce isolation

Working with public and community services

Consult on the development of appropriate translated information

Partner with local organisations to work with people who have language needs

Give people with language needs a voice within public service consultations

Working with volunteers

Recruit community members as Volunteer Linguists

Train Volunteer Linguists in Health Promotion

Support Volunteer Linguists to develop new skills and increase confidence


June Activity Report 2 (covering Jan 2016 – May 2016)

July Evaluation of Year 1

September Evaluation of Drop-In Pilot

December Activity Report 3 (covering June 2016 – November 2016)

June Activity Report 4 (covering December 2016 – May 2017)

July Evaluation of Year 2

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1. Recruit a Volunteer Co-ordinator

Recommissioning for 2016-17 confirmed.

2. Recruit and Train Volunteers Linguists

A. Cyclical recruitment twice per year

o January June survey existing VLs to identify need

o February July advertise recruitment targeting gaps

o March August interviews

o April September induction and training

o May October new VLs ready to start work

Report on

o Number of applications by language

o Number interviewed

o Number recruited

o Satisfaction levels

o Number retained beyond initial 6 month period

o Progression made by VLs to other employment

B. Evaluate Health Promotions training delivered by Liz Dean to inform changes

o Continue with RSPH accredited course OR change to bespoke

C. Consider CCG Health Champions training for VLs

o presentation @ Peer Support Sessions or bespoke training

D. Continue with Peer Support Sessions (PSS) every six weeks

o evaluate (PSS) at regular intervals to ensure needs are being met

E. Measure impact of volunteering against known benefits using an empowerment web

o Improve health and well-being

o Increase confidence /self esteem

o Increase skills and abilities

o Improve employment prospects

o Reduce isolation through social interaction

o Provide meaning and value to life

F. Research re Employment and Skills targets (BMECP)

G. Work towards the Quality Mark “Investors in Volunteers” include application costs in

2016/17 budget (£2100 + vat)

o June introductory workshop

o July self-assessment

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o Aug development

o Oct site assessment

3. Expanding the remit beyond health

A. Set up referral protocols with organisations in the areas of

o Housing

o Advice

o Domestic Violence

o Community Safety


o Citizenship / Immigration

o Education

o Employment

Report on

o Number individuals supported with information

o Number of individuals supported with referrals

o Outcome of referrals (if information is available)

Monitor any continued barriers to referrals

4. Partnership working

A. Continue promoting “Urgent Care Campaign”

Report on

o GP and dental registrations

B. Share experience with and potentially buddy up VLs with other volunteers doing similar

work at

o Community Navigators @ Impetus

o Health & Wellbeing Volunteer Visitors @ East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

o Health Champions @ Action for Change

o Healthwatch Switchboard

o Age UK home visiting programme

o Healthy Pharmacies

o Know My Neighbour

C. Work more closely with GP surgeries and clusters

o Monitoring of uptake by language at different surgeries (JL give intro letter)

o Match VL to surgery for promotional visits

translation library resources for GPs to access

displaying posters and other materials (in appropriate languages)

ensuring referral pathways are clear re VLs and BAs

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D. Liaise with [email protected] re work supporting PPGs

o Get feedback about PPG activities

E. Facilitate joined up working between Bilingual Advocates and Volunteer Linguists

o Increase understanding about roles

o Share knowledge and information about services

o Buddy up for shared working practices and ease of referral between staff

Report on

o specific achievements

5. Health Campaigning / Promotion Work

A. Continue to use the “calendar of event” to ensure

o awareness and promotion of upcoming events and campaigns

o enable opportunities to liaise and organise joint working

o facilitate SU voice in public service consultation

Report on attendance at

o Consultation Events (VL Reference Group)

o Promotional Events for Service Users

o Networking Events for Service Providers

Number of VLs attending

Specific outcomes / achievements

B. Complete SIS protocols and procedures for Facebook (and other social media)

o Undertake briefing / training with VLs about using Facebook

Report on

o Number of likes

o Number and nature of postings

o Degree of engagement

personal messages / comments etc

visitor posts

C. Complete SIS promotional/pledge cards

Report on

o Number of cards distributed

o Number of cards returned

o Nature of information requested

o Number of referrals made as a result

o Nature of pledges made

o Follow up on pledges made

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6. Facilitate access to translated information

A. Use of Facebook to promote health materials

B. Consult at Drop In with Service Users about what materials they would like in translation

o Discuss / negotiate with public/community services re meeting requests/needs

C. Use the “new” SIS website to have a bigger translation library

D. Go through translation work done by SIS to pull out local information

E. Cost up specific local leaflets e.g.

o 5 ways to Wellbeing

o Cancer booklet

7. Outreach to existing community groups

A. VLs to make regular visits to local groups

o focus on promotion of the SIS “Drop In”

8. Create a “Drop In” information service

February create schedule of SIS outreach to existing drop ins and groups

March/April First formal visit – introduce SIS services

April/May Second formal visit - use pledge cards, promote facebook

May - July Delivery of SIS drop ins (fortnightly) @ BMECP on Tuesdays 10am – 12pm

Starting 3rd May 2016

September Evaluation report on Drop In
