
8/12/2019 Rens Ville, July 11th, 1858 1/1


Letters –  Ranger Family

Rens Ville July 11

th /58

Dear son

yours of 7 instant has come to hand we are verry glad to hear from you, we have

had a great deal of anxiety for Agness & are glad to hear that she is doing well  –  I supose you are

disapointed in its not being a son but it is all for the best no dought, I hope it will live to be a

comfort to you as ours has been to us. Josaphine has got her wish she wisht it to be a girl she

wants to know how any dresses it has got we hope Adness will get smart soon we know she is in

good hands & hope Libby will stay with her as long as she can Mary & Jo are proud enough to

think they have got to be Aunts at last – 

 in the street they cald John Henry Uncle John & he said

Osha –  write soon & let us know how Agnes gets a long write every week give our love to all

from your Father

D V Evens
