
Renal Histology

1. Start by selecting a good slide. Several of our slides are of whole kidneys (smallmammal), they are the best to use.

Without putting the slide under the microscope, hold the slide up to the light. You cansee the cortex, medulla, papillae.

Top arrow = Capsule

Middle arrow = Cortex

Lower arrow = Medulla withpapillae at the bottom

2. View the Cortical layer and the RenalCorpuscles

Begin with slide on low power.

The cortex is the outer region, the medulla isthe deeper one. The cortex has large numbersof renal corpuscles, discernible as roundstructures containing small blood vessels.

The medulla, deep to the cortex, has no renalcorpuscles, only tubules.

Go up to the next magnification (10X) in the cortex.

The somewhat higher magnification image below is a section of the cortex only. Notethat although there are many corpuscles in the cortex, the bulk of its substance iscomposed of the various types of renal tubules(convoluted tubules).

Now, go up to the next highest power (40X) and look at a Renal Corpuscle.

The renal corpuscle has two components. The round, hollow Bowman’s Capsule(glomerular capsule) has a parietal layer of squamous epithelium, and inside that shellis found a capillary complex, the glomerulus. The intra-corpuscular space is calledBowman's space.

3. The medulla and papillae.

Lastly, go back to the middle power (10X) or the lowest power (4X). Move down to themedullary region.

The medulla or inner region of the kidney contains the loops of Henle and collectingducts where water reabsorption occurs. Note the even appearance of these structures.

From the side From the top, looking down

If you move the view to the bottom of themedulla, you’ll make out where the papillae(the tip of the renal pyramid) is being cuppedwithin the pelvis.
