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Director of Research, Glasgow Royal Maternity HospitalsThe Research Department, Glasgow Royal Maternity and Women's Hospital, Rottenrow, Glasgow

FOR several decades now the problem of kidneyfunction in pregnancy has fascinated observers,particularly in relation to the occurrence ofpre-eclampsia. The central position of the kidneyin this condition, early considered as a renaldisease, has been almost proselytized in recentyears. At the same time the apparently inex-plicable changes in salt and water metabolismhave resulted in an enormous literature. Thepresent writer makes no claim to provide ananswer to these problems but rather to review themore important statements in the literature, bringcertain facts into apposition, draw tentative ifperhaps wrong conclusions and hope that bydoing so, someone else may see light and producea complete solution.There are many factors which influence the

composition of the urine and function of thekidneys in pregnancy. It is still to some extent amystery how the kidney manages to deal with theproducts of metabolism and at the same timeregulate the output of fluid and solutes in such away as to allow for the continued growth of theconceptus and expansion of the circulatory space.As a starting point one may consider a normal

pregnancy of say 28 weeks. In such a patient theblood volume might have increased by 20%(Dieckmann and Wegner; i934; Albers, I939;Mull and Bill, 1945; Adams, I954) and the cardiacoutput would have reached its maximum, beingapproximately one-third greater than in thenon-pregnant (Hamilton, 1949; Adams, 1954).The renal plasma flow is therefore greatly increased(Bucht and Werk6, 1953; Sims and Krantz, 1959)from 500 ml./min. to 700 or 800 ml./min.,Similarly, although varying figures are reportedin the literature most observers are agreed that theglomerular filtration rate (GFR) is increased fromapproximately 10-120 ml./min. perhaps to asmuch as 150-180 ml./min. (Bucht and Werk6,1953; Sims and Krantz, I959; Page, 1957;Aubert, Charvet and Creyssel, I955). Thismeans in effect that up to o00 extra litres of fluidmay pass into the renal tubules each day. Assu-ming that the intake of fluid is within normal

limits, the pregnant woman would very quicklylose fluid and solutes and the body fluid volumebe brought back to non-pregnant levels, or evenbelow, if tubular reabsorption were unchanged.As it is there is a slight diminution in the

amount of urine excreted per day, and a reductionin the amount of many of the solutes.

It is apparent from these investigations that therenal tubules must make functional adjustmentsto cope with the increase in glomerular filtrate.Chesley (1943) has calculated that the total gain inextracellular water during pregnancy may amountto 6.3 1. MacGillivray (I960) using 'heavywater' techniques puts the figure at 7.4 1. andshowed that water increased by 6.3% of the bodyweight. McCartney, Pottinger and Harrod(I959) using similar techniques showed that totalbody water increased by 6.5% of the 'lean tissuemass '

Control of Urine VolumeAbundant evidence exists to show that certain

forms of renal tubular activity are altered duringpregnancy. The question of water excretion isintriguing. Reports by several investigators(Dieckmann, i94ib) suggest that there is anincreased reabsorption of fluid by the tubules.Theobald (I934, 1946) states that water-diuresiscurves show that pregnant women are incapableof secreting urine at more than half the normalnon-pregnant rate. Some modification of thisstatement must be made. If it were true onemight expect all pregnant women to becomeprogressively aedematous. Several points are to benoted in assessing the results of these tests.Smirk (I933a, b, c,) has shown that approximatelyone-third of ingested water is distributed to thelower limbs and if the venous pressure in these israised, the fluid becomes trapped (Baldes andSmirk, I934). This can be seen in normal pregnantpatients. Towards the end of pregnancy it iscommon to find patients complaining of swellingof the feet at the end of the day; this is found in66% of all patients (Dexter and Weiss, 1941).The explanation is to be found in the increased

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GOVAN: Renal Function, Water, Electrolytes and (Edema in Pregnancy

venous pressure in the lower half of the bodyproduced by the pressure of the enlarged uteruson the veins, and by the influence of the arterio-venous fistula in the placenta. Almost all of thewater-excretion tests reported have been carriedout in one of two ways. Either a straightforwardwater-diuresis test has been performed with thepatient in the dorsal position, which does nothingto relieve the venous pressure, or conclusions asto water excretion have been drawn from testsperformed using solutions of sodium chloride.Janney and Walker (I932) and Walker, McManusand Janney (1933) compared excretion after awater load in non-pregnant normal patients withthat in normal pregnant patients. In pregnancythe patient only excreted 55% if kept in thedorsal position, 32% if in a sitting position but99% if turned on her side. In other words thereis no evidence to indicate that there is anyspecific alteration in the handling of water by thekidney in normal pregnancy.Sodium MetabolismThe position with regard to sodium metabolism

is much more confused. The earlier literatureseemed to indicate that an enormous retention ofsalt occurred in normal pregnancy (Coons, Coonsand Schiefelbusch, 1934). Reported estimates ofsodium retention vary from 4.8 mEq. to 55 mEq.per 24 hours, and of potassium from 0.26 36.5 mEq. per 24 hours. Hummel, Hunscher,Bates, Bonner and Macy (1937) in a balancestudy extending over 145 days found a retentionof 207 g. potassium and 8i g. of sodium. Chesley(I944) summarised the findings of authors in theliterature prior to I944. These all showed aremarkable retention of sodium varying from i.6to 8.8 g. per week, which, if it were osmoticallyactive, would lead to enormous water retention.More recent studies have questioned the

validity of these statements. Chesley, Valentiand Uichanco (i959) studied the output of waterand sodium in the early puerperium. On the basisof their findings they came to the conclusion thatpregnancy is not accompanied by any significanthydration of the tissues or by storage of osmoticallyactive sodium. McCartney, Pottinger and Harrod(I959) demonstrated that the percentage of totalbody water did not alter during pregnancy, andthe exchangeable sodium in terms of mEq./Kg.bodyweight was somewhat reduced. Plentl andGray (I959) calculated that the increase in totalsodium could be accounted for by the productsof gestation and increase in blood volume.MacGillivray (1960) in careful experiments withdeuterium oxide and radio-active cations provedthat although there is an absolute increase inexchangeable sodium and chloride in normal

pregnancy the amount per litre of the total bodywater is the same as in the non-pregnant female.Although, therefore, there is no evidence ofstorage of osmotically-active sodium duringpregnancy, the total amount is increased and it isnatural to assume that this is achieved by anactive renal retention. Since the glomerularfiltration rate is increased, the process must be oneof increased tubular reabsorption. It is however,difficult to prove this from results reported in theliterature.Most of the investigations have taken the form

of balance studies without any specific test of theability of the kidney to handle sodium. In additionthey have been concerned with a comparison ofnormal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies, and pro-vide no base-line for non-pregnant patients.One of the few communications which does givefigures for non-pregnant as well as pregnantsubjects is that of Smith, Hendrick and Miller(I957). With the same diet non-pregnant subjectsexcreted 174 to 218 mEq. of sodium in 24 hourswhereas normal pregnant individuals only excretedI35 mEq. We have observed similar results inpatients under what may be termed basal condi-tions. The patients are maintained on a standarddiet of known sodium intake. On the day priorto the test no fluids are allowed from 7 p.m. At7 a.m. in the morning the bladder is emptied andthis urine is discarded. For the next three hoursthe urine is collected and the sodium contentmeasured. Under these conditions it is found thatthe patient in the last trimester of pregnancy onlyexcretes 80% of the total found in the urine of thenon-pregnant subject. If these patients are thensubjected to a loading test by injecting io g. ofsalt intravenously and collecting the urine for thefollowing three hours, the comparative result isthe same. Under these conditions the non-pregnant subject will excrete 58 mEq. of sodiumcompared to the 48 mEq. by the normal pregnantpatient. The difference is even more marked ifthese tests are carried out on patients during thefirst two trimesters of pregnancy. This is alsoapparent from the results of a careful study madeby Thomson and Pommerenke (1939) on a 28year-old primigravid patient whose pregnancywas entirely normal. Estimates of sodiummetabolism were made at the fourth month ofgestation and again in the eighth and ninthmonths. During the fourth month the averagedaily retention of sodium was found to be I9.3mEq. with an intake of 158 mEq. In the eighthand ninth months the average retention haddeclined to II.6 and 13.2 mEq. respectively. Thisstudy was very carefully carried out, attentionbeing paid to details such as the limitation ofexertion in order to avoid sweating and thus

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prevent excessive loss of sodium chloride in thismanner.

It would appear, therefore, that during normalpregnancy the renal tubular cells have an increasedavidity for the reabsorption of sodium. Themechanism is at present unknown but sometentative suggestions may be made. Sodium isreabsorbed from the tubule at four levels at least.According to Windhager, Whittenbury, Oken,Schatzmann and Solomon (1959) approximately80 to 85% of the sodium is reabsorbed in the firstconvoluted tubule. The factors controlling thisprocess are at present unknown. A furtherproportion of the sodium is reabsorbed in theascending loop of Henle. This is the basis of thecounter-current mechanism. (Gottschalk andMylle, I959). In the distal convoluted tubulesodium is exchanged for potassium, which isexcreted. This mechanism is probably mediatedthrough the action of aldosterone (Berliner,Kennedy and Orloff, I95i). Finally sodium isreabsorbed in the collecting tubules where itis exchanged for ammonium ions (Ullrich,I960).With the increase in GFR a greater volume of

fluid is offered to the renal tubule. Under thesecircumstances proximal reabsorption of sodiumtends to be limited, leaving more sodium to bedealt with lower down. Our knowledge of thesemechanisms in pregnancy is very limited but fromthe available reports it appears that there is agreat increase in the secretion of aldosterone(Venning, Primrose, Caligaris and DyrenfurthI957; Koczorek, Wolff and Beer, 1957; Martinand Mills, 1956; Rinsler and Rigby, I957; Jonesand others, 1959; Kumar, Feltham and Cornell,I959). The values reported vary to some extent,probably due to different methods of estimation,but the results of Venning and others (i957),Koczorek and others (1957) and Rinsler andRigby (1957) agree fairly well. According to thesewriters the output of aldosterone rises from anon-pregnant level of 6 [Jg. per 24 hours to valuesranging from I6 vg. to over Ioo jg. per 24 hoursaccording to the stage of pregnancy.

In addition to these reports of increasedexcretion of aldosterone there is some indirectevidence that this substance is active duringpregnancy. Both Rinsler and Rigby (i957) andde Alvarez, Bratvold and Harding (1959) haveshown that the ratio of sodium to potassium in theurine is decreased during pregnancy and that thisdecrease runs parallel with the increase inaldosterone output. Further evidence is suppliedby Kumar and others (I959) who have shown thatsalt restriction in normal pregnancy results in anincreased output of aldosterone, and by Barnesand Buckingham (1958) who found that after

administering an aldosterone antagonist theoutput of sodium was greatly increased.The question arises as to the reason for the

increased output and activity of aldosterone duringpregnancy. The simple answer is that moresodium is required for the expansion of the bloodvolume, the growth of the foetus and increase ofthe amniotic fluid. Yet increased aldosteronesecretion in the presence of an increased quantityof body sodium and a raised blood volume doesseem a paradox. Usually aldosterone secretion isreduced in these circumstances. In the normalindividual it has been demonstrated that theimmediate factors stimulating aldosterone secretionare a decrease in whole blood volume or effectiveblood volume (Bartter, Biglieri, Pronove andDelsa, 1957), a decrease in extra-cellular fluidvolume, including blood volume, or a decrease intotal body water (Strauss and Papper, I959). Soalso the converse, diminution in aldosteroneproduction, may be brought about by increase inextra-cellular fluid or total body water but not byincrease in blood volume alone. Luetscher andLieberman (1958) report that aldosterone secretionis also increased if there is a diminution in thesodium and therefore of the Na/K ratio of bodyfluids. In pregnancy the blood volume is increased,sodium is retained, and still aldosterone secretionnot only is high but goes on increasing throughoutpregnancy. Three mechanisms may be at work:even with a continually expanding vascular spacethere may be a constant deficit of effective bloodvolume; secondly, there is a drain of sodium andfluid to the conceptus; and lastly, it is clear thatit is not an overall volume change which influencesaldosterone secretion and sodium metabolism.Pooling of blood in the limbs will increase aldo-sterone output and sodium reabsorption. Epstein(1957) has shown that the same occurs when anarterio-venous fistula is opened. The placentalcirculation is in a sense an arterio-venous fistula.In addition, it would be reasonable to suppose thatthere are receptors in that area engaged in regula-ting maternal blood volume and so maintainingplacental blood supply.

Venning, Simpson and Singer (1954) andothers have produced some evidence to suggestthat the secretion of other salt-retaining factorsin addition to aldosterone, possibly of placentalorigin, are increased in pregnancy. The resultsof pharmacological tests are interesting in thisrespect. Drugs, such as chlorothiazide andacetazoleamide which inhibit tubular carbonic-anhydrase and thus produce an acidosis have beenadministered to normal pregnant women. Thebody, in ridding itself of accumulated acids, usessodium as a base and the sodium output is thusincreased. Reports show however (Assali, 1960;

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GOVAN: Renal Function, Water, Electrolytes and (Edema in Pregnancy

Afonso, de Alvarez and Bratvold, I960) thatwithin a few days the activity of these drugs islost. There may therefore be an over-ridingcontrol of sodium affecting more than one part ofthe renal tubule in normal pregnancy.With the available evidence it would appear that

the regulation of fluid exchange is achieved bycontrol of the renal excretion of sodium. Waterretention is geared to sodium reabsorption,perhaps passively or by interplay between sodiumretaining steroids and anti-diuretic hormone.

Compartmental DistributionBefore proceeding to a discussion of sodium and

water metabolism in abnormal pregnancy noticemust be taken of certain changes reported to takeplace towards term which, if confirmed, may alterour outlook on these matters. In addition thequestion of cedema in normal pregnancy must beconsidered.

It has been known for some time that theplasma volume tends to fall during the last fewweeks of pregnancy (Cope, 1958). Associatedwith this is a fall in the amount of total exchange-able sodium (Davey, O'Sullivan and McClureBrown, I96I). In I949, however, Caton, Roby,Reid and Gibson, while reporting this samebiphasic change in plasma volume, also notedalterations in the relationship between plasmavolume and extravascular fluid. They found thatwhile the plasma volume increased progressivelyuntil near term, when it fell, the extravascularfluid volume increased right up to term. In earlypregnancy the rate of increase of the plasmavolume greatly exceeded that of the extravascularfluid, but during the third trimester this ratio wasreversed and when the plasma volume fell in thelast month of pregnancy the relative size of theextravascular compartment was greatly increased.Confirmation of these findings would be ofconsiderable interest.

Posture and CEdemaThe significance of cedema in pregnancy is not

clear, particularly when the patient is otherwisenormal. Dexter and Weiss (1941) reported a66% incidence of cedema in normal pregnancy.Even when overt oedema is not present mostpregnant women will complain of shoes becomingtight-fitting and wedding rings being impossibleto move, particularly at the end of the day. Thefindings of Janney and Walker (I932) quotedabove suggest an explanation, and the process isinitiated by means which are largely mechanical.McLennan (i943) has shown that the femoralvenous pressure rises from 91 mm. H0O in earlypregnancy to 244 mm. in late pregnancy. Theseobservations were made with the patient supine.

Previously, Rona (I935) had noted that with thepatient standing the venous pressure varied from792 to 1230 mm. H20. The maximum pressurenoted by McLennan is not far short of theosmotic pressure of the plasma proteins inpregnancy, and the figures quoted by Rona arefar in excess. In addition Payling Wright,Osborne and Edmonds (1950) found that duringpregnancy there is a progressive slowing of venousflow in the lower limbs as pregnancy advanced,and McCausland, Hyman, Winsor and Trotter(I96I) have demonstrated that there is a I50%increase in venous distensibility during pregnancy.These changes alone would lead to retention

of fluid in the limbs, but alterations in renalfunction take place which, under certain circum-stances, would tend to make the fluid retentionmore or less permanent. Barger, Liebowitz andMuldowney (1959) dealing with non-pregnant'patients have found that in the erect positionsympathetic activity is increased and the rate ofsodium and water excretion is 25 to 50% lowerthan that found when the patient is reclining.Assali, Dignam and Dasgupta (1959) reportsimilar findings in pregnancy. In addition theyshowed that when the patient was erect there wasa fall in the GFR and RPF. The aldosteroneoutput rose markedly. The sequence of eventswould seem to be that fluid is trapped in thelower limbs and leaks into the interstitial tissues.The circulating volume is thereby reduced andaldosterone secretion is stimulated. This, alongwith the reduction in GFR and RPF results inretention of sodium and water in order to restorethe blood volume. With most normal women theprocess is reversed on retiring to bed. The venouspressure is relieved, and as Theobald and Verney(1935) reported, the volume of night urine comesto equal that passed during the day. In somewomen, however, the process is more active, thefluid accumulates in the tissue spaces and the bodymay ignore it. This is particularly apt to happenif the patient is kept in the supine position. Wehave recently observed something of this kind ina patient admitted to hospital with cedema but nohypertension or albuminuria. Given a water-loading test she only managed to pass 24 % in thesupine position. Repeating the test the followingday with the patient on her side resulted in anoutput of I12%. Her cedema improved quicklywith postural treatment of this kind.Even in non-cedematous patients we have noted

that, although they will excrete o0o% or more of awater load while lying on their sides, the percentageoutput falls to around 50% when in the dorsalposition and if made to stand or move aboutgently there is a further decrease to 30% or less.The importance of this type of cedema in the

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limbs cannot be over-emphasized if a properappreciation of pre-eclampsia is ever to beattained. Many of the conflicting results reportedin studies of renal function may well be due tothis mechanism.

Pre-eclampsia(Edema in pre-eclampsia tends to have a

general distribution, although always more markedin the limbs and confined to that site in the earlystage.

For long, problems of methodology havebedevilled the investigation of renal function andcedema in pre-eclampsia. Many of these problemshave been overcome in recent years and we arenow able to make a tentative evaluation althoughmuch remains to be done before the mechanismsare fully understood.

Clinically we are faced with two facts, albumi-nuria and oliguria in severe cases. The oneargues for increased permeability of the glomeru-lus, the other for reduced permeability orincreased tubular activity.

All investigators are of the opinion that theinulin clearance rate, which is normally supposedto measure GFR, is reduced in pre-eclampsia(Corcoran and Page, I941; Dill, Isenhour,Cadden and Schaffer, 1942; Wellen, Welsh andTaylor, 1942; de Alvarez, 1950). The valuesquoted vary, but on average there is a fall fromaround I20 ml./min. in the non-pregnant stateto 85-90 ml./min. in pre-eclampsia. Our ownfindings are similar. The results have beeninterpreted in several ways. For instance,Corcoran and Page (1941), from a considerationof histological findings, came to the conclusionthat the glomerular membrane was less permeablein pre-eclampsia, but there are a number ofarguments against this. For instance, the clinicalfinding of albuminuria might indicate increasedpermeability. In addition, Wellen, Welsh andTaylor (I942) compared the excretion of inulinwith that of mannitol and sorbitol, both very muchsmaller molecules. In all three cases the clearancerates were identical. It is difficult to conceive thatthere is any hindrance to the passage of inulinin these circumstances and one must conclude thatthe clearance of this substance is a true measureof GFR. The view has also been put forward thatthe reduced filtration is due to spasm of theafferent arteriole, which would have to be ofconsiderable magnitude in view of the hyperten-sion. Again the pallor of the kidney at post-mortem in fatal cases of eclampsia lends somesupport to this argument. Unfortunately,investigations of renal blood flow do not supportthis idea of renal ischaemia. On the contrary allof the authors quoted above have found that the

effective renal blood flow is either normal orincreased, and the kidney would therefore appearto be slightly hyperaemic.

It still remains to resolve the problem of reducedfiltration in the presence of hypertension, andalbuminuria. The filtration rate is the resultantof two main forces, the hydrostatic pressure in theglomerulus and the osmotic pressure of the blood.The pressure within the glomerulus is itselfregulated by two factors, the pressure at theafferent end of the circulation and the tone of theefferent vessel. In pre-eclampsia the bloodpressure is increased, the plasma proteins arediminished and one might therefore expect anincreased filtration rate. One is forced to conclude,in the absence of any direct evidence of intenseafferent spasm, that the reduced GFR is theresult of a decreased hydrostatic pressure withinthe glomerulus achieved by relaxation of theefferent vessel. This has nothing to do withpermeability, for the capillaries of the glomerulusmight still leak protein although the filtration rateof water is reduced. This is an attractive hypothesisfor if true it assures an adequate blood supply tothe kidney, protects the glomerulus to a greatextent from damage by high blood pressure andallows very effective reabsorption from thereduced filtrate which may be necessary.Albuminuria remains a vexed question, but it is

to be noted that the amount of protein passed bythe kidney varies not only from day to day butfrom hour to hour during any one day. There isno doubt that arteriolar and glomerular damagedoes occur in the most severe cases and it seemslikely that this is related to the high blood pressure(Govan, I96I). Pre-eclampsia is not a staticcondition and it seems to me possible that in theearly stages of the disease the haemodynamicchanges may not be sufficient to protect theglomerulus at all times. In the late stages it is mybelief that the picture in most cases is dominatedby the rising blood pressure and in these circum-stances spasm of the afferent arteriole may play agreater part in the pathology of the disease.

In addition to finding a normal or increasedrenal blood flow Wellen, Welsh and Taylor (1942)and others have reported that the tubular excretorymass is normal, indicating that there is no reductionin tubular activity.

In summary, therefore, it would appear thatapart from a moderate reduction in GFR thefunctional capacity of the kidney in toxemia isnormal. This does not mean that the renalfunction is qualitatively the same as in normalpregnancy and it remains to relate if possible theurinary findings with what is known of water andelectrolyte balance in pre-eclampsia.

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GOVAN: Renal Function, Water, Electrolytes and (Edema in Pregnancy

Volume ControlIt has always been assumed in view of the

accompanying aedema that water metabolism isupset in pre-eclampsia and for the past 30-40years this has been linked with changes in sodiummetabolism (Dieckmann, I935). It is difficult todecide which factor, water or sodium, is the moreimportant, and up to the present, impossible todetermine whether these changes are of primaryimportance in the etiology of pre-eclampsia ormerely secondary.

Recent work with ' heavy water' indicates thatthere tend to be changes in total body water.McCartney, Pottinger and Harrod (I959) founda rise in total water from 78.9% of the lean bodymass in normal pregnancy at 37 to 39 weeks to8I.3% in pre-eclampsia in a pregnancy of thesame duration. MacGillivray (1960) related hisfigures to the total body weight and showed thatin mild pre-eclampsia there was a slight but notsignificant increase in total body water. In severepre-eclampsia the increase was greater but still notstatistically significant. Plentl and Gray (I959) onthe other hand found little difference betweennormal and pre-eclamptic patients.The difference in these reported views may well

be due to variation in clinical material, such as thestage of the disease, and obesity of the patient.There is a fallacy, as MacGillivray has pointedout, in relating body water to body weight sinceit is impossible to determine the proportion of theweight which is fat. Chesley and Chesley (I943)showed that the amount of water, as measured bythe thiocyanate method, may actually increasealthough the subject is losing weight. Clinicallythe disease is usually characterized by cedema,gain in weight and oliguria, therefore it seemsreasonable to assume that the amount of bodyfluid is increased.The occurrence of oliguria would suggest that

the retention of fluid is of renal origin and thereis some evidence to suggest that this may be so.Dieckmann (i935) and others have reported thatthere is a delay in excreting water. Our ownstudies support this idea. As noted above, anormal pregnant woman, will, when given awater-loading test, excrete at least Ioo% of thetest dose in 3 hours provided she lies on her side.The same test carried out on a pre-eclampticpatient, with hypertension, albuminuria andcedema yields very different results. As in normalpregnancy, the output of water is reduced,frequently to 20%, when supine but repeating thetest with the patient lying on the side may notincrease the return to more than 50%.

This reduction in fluid output might beattributed to the fall in GFR but the decrease

reported in the latter is insufficient to account forwater retention. The alternative is a specificreabsorption of water by the tubules, whichwould rather suggest anti-diuretic hormone(ADH) activity. This has long been a matter forcontention among investigators. Anselmino,Hoffman and Kennedy (1932) were among thefirst to report an increase of posterior pituitarysubstance in pre-eclampsia. Indirect support forthis idea is found in the work of Dieckmann andMichel (I937) who showed that pituitrin causeda rise in both systolic and diastolic pressures inpre-eclamptic patients. De Valera and Kellar(1938) also demonstrated that pre-eclampticsubjects were more sensitive to pitressin thannormal. It has been shown that the serum ofnormal pregnant women contains an enzymewhich inactivates posterior pituitary hormone invitro (Barnes and Sawyer, 1960) and this enzymeis said to be diminished or absent in pre-eclampsia(Hawker, I956). Assali, Dignam and Longo(1960) claim that whereas the GFR and RPF arenot altered by pitressin in the non-pregnant theyare diminished by this hormone in pregnancy.They could find no evidence for inactivation ofthe hormone in vivo. The controversy overposterior pituitary hormone has continued overthe past two decades with an almost equal amountof evidence for and against its activity in thisdisease. In I953, Arneil and Wilson reported thediscovery of a polypeptide, isolated by chromato-graphic methods, in the urine of patients sufferingfrom oliguria due to renal disease. This polypep-tide appeared to have the same chemical com-position as ADH. Paterson (1954) working in thisdepartment and using this technique, found thesame substance present in the urine of pre-eclamptic and eclamptic patients. A further study(Paterson, I960) demonstrated its presence in bothplasma and urine, and a relationship between itsoccurrence and the presence of cedema. In thislatter communication it is to be noted that inseven out of 86 cases of pre-eclampsia no poly-peptide was found in the urine and these patientshad only traces of cedema. This of itself tends tomake one question the primary position of ADHin the etiology of pre-eclampsia. In addition, ifADH were operative from the beginning of theprocess any increase in available water would beby addition to the body stores and one wouldexpect a gain in weight. Chesley and Chesley(1943) have shown that available water, measuredby the thiocyanate method, is increased beforeany gain in weight is registered in patients whobecome pre-eclamptic. In other words a re-distribution of fluid takes place prior to the onsetof typical signs. If this is true then it is doubtfulif posterior pituitary substance plays a part in the

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genesis of the syndrome, although it may be ofimportance in the established disease.

Sodium MetabolismControversy has raged in a similar fashion in

the field of sodium metabolism. The number ofcommunications is vast. In the early years mostof them dealt with balance studies which purportedto demonstrate retention of salt in pre-eclampsia(Taylor, Warner and Welsh, 1939). Similarly,Dieckmann, Smitter, Horner, Pottinger, Rynkie-wicz and Lundquist (I95I) reported that the oraladministration of salt increased the severity oftoxaemic symptoms in approximately 30% ofpre-eclamptic patients. It is to be noted that inthese patients there was apparently no restrictionof fluid intake. Intravenous injections of largeamounts of sodium chloride (Dieckmann, Pottingerand Rynkiewicz, I952) produced marked increasesin weight, oedema, hypertension and albuminuria.

It has been accepted for many years that theurine of pre-eclamptic patients contains lesssodium chloride than that of normal subjects,although Chesley (I939) was inclined to believethat this might be the consequence of a salt-freediet. Dieckmann, Pottinger and Rynkiewicz(I952) showed that after a sodium chloride loadpre-eclamptic patients only excreted 50% ofthe output of normal pregnant women. This wasconfirmed by Willson, Williams and Hayashi(1957). Using somewhat similar methodsHalmAgyi and Zelenka (I949) and Govan andMacGillivray (1954) reported similar findings andsuggested that they were due to active tubularreabsorption of sodium. Subsequently, Chesley,Valenti and Rein (1958) repeated this work andcarried out inulin clearances simultaneously withthe infusion of sodium chloride. They found thatalthough both fluid and sodium outputs wereaugmented, the increase in sodium output did notrun parallel with the rise in GFR indicating thattubular reabsorption of sodium occurred. Indirectevidence of tubular activity is found in theresults of hydrochlorothiazide therapy. Assali(I960) reported that the increased output ofsodium was achieved without altering the GFRor RPF. It would appear then that the functionof the renal tubule is changed as in normalpregnancy but possibly to a greater degree.

This result is peculiar in view of recent studiesof aldosterone excretion in this disease. Martinand Mills (1956) reported that the amountsexcreted in pre-eclampsia were within the normalrange for pregnancy. On the other hand Rinslerand Rigby (1957), Koczorek, Wolff and Beer(1957) and Kumar, Feltham and Gornall (i959)have all found values lower than normal inpre-eclampsia.

This seems at odds both with an increased renalavidity for sodium and with the findings relatingto blood volume. As long ago as 1918 Freis andKenny pointed out that the blood volume is lowin pre-eclampsia. Additional evidence wassupplied by study of haematocrit readings (Skajaa,1929; Crawford, 1940; Botella-Llusia and Arranz,1941). Recently it has been confirmed using moremodern methods by Rottger (1954) and Mac-Gillivray (I960). It will be remembered that themain mechanisms in stimulating aldosteronesecretion are a change in sodium/potassium ratioor changes in body fluid volumes, especiallyeffective blood volume. One might conclude thatthe vascular system is well-filled in toxaemiaalthough the blood volume is small. Althoughaldosterone output may be low compared withnormal pregnancy it is still, according to Koczorekand others (1957) well above the non-pregnantrange, and could be responsible for increasedrenal tubular absorption of sodium. NeverthelessBarnes and Buckingham (1958) found thatanti-aldosterone substances had no influence onsodium output in pre-eclampsia.Whatever the explanation of these findings may

be, there is some doubt despite the increasedreabsorptive capacity of the renal tubule forsodium, whether there is a true retention ofsodium in pre-eclampsia. Recent work withradiosodium has yielded conflicting results.McCartney, Pottinger and Harrod (1959) founda marked increase of exchangeable sodium inpre-eclamptic patients. Plentl and Gray (1959)have reported similar findings. MacGillivray andBuchanan (1958) however, found the value fortotal exchangeable sodium in pre-eclampsia to besimilar to that for normal pregnancy. LaterMacGillivray (I960) by estimating body watersimultaneously with sodium found that theratio of sodium to body water was less than innormal pregnancy, indicating that water is retainedwithout sodium chloride. Davey, O'Sullivan andMcClure Browne (1961) agree with MacGillivray,but in addition, by repeated observations onpatients throughout pregnancy they haveuncovered some interesting facts. Patients whosubsequently developed pre-eclampsia showed anexcessive increase in total exchangeable sodiumbetween the sixteenth and twenty-sixth weeks,but by the time pre-eclampsia became overt thetotal sodium showed a diminution compared tonormals. This may explain to some extent thevarying results reported by other authors.

Compartmental DistributionEven more interesting than measurement of

total sodium and water are the studies of compart-mental distribution of these substances. Rossen-

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GOVAN: Renal Function, Water, Electrolytes and (Edema in Pregnancy

beck (I931) found, on analyses of eclamptictissues that the sodium content was raised and thepotassium diminished. Parviainen, Soiva andEhrnrooth (I950) have made similar claims. Thesefindings, however, may not be of etiologicalsignificance. Post-mortem findings representterminal changes and histologically there isevidence of massive effusion of blood constituentsinto the tissues which would upset the chemicalstate in these cases (Govan, I96I). Nevertheless,Mukherjee and Govan (1950) and Tatum (I954)have both found the concentration of sodium tobe higher in cedema fluid than in serum. On theother hand MacGillivray (I960) reported lesssodium per litre of body water than normal. Thisrefers to total body water and does not necessarilyinvalidate a compartmental distribution of sodium.There also seems to be a compartmental distribu-tion of water. Reference has been made alreadyto the low blood volume in these cases. It seemsvery doubtful if this lowering of blood volume canbe the result of vaso-constriction. MacGillivray's(I960) results with thiocyanate, bromine andsodium indicate that the extracellular fluid isthe same as in normal pregnancy. Since the totalbody water may be somewhat greater than innormal pregnancy this suggests that fluid isretained within cells, whereas Dieckmann (1941)had the view that there was a shift of fluid fromthe cells to the extracellular space, an opinionalso held by McPhail (1939). Chesley andChesley (I943) found that prior to the appearanceof the classical triad of pre-eclampsia a gain inextra-cellular water was recorded without a gainin weight, again suggesting a movement fromintra-cellular to extra-cellular fluid. Thesereports are interesting when one recalls thatCaton and others (I949) have found evidence forsomewhat similar changes in the last month ofnormal pregnancy. The changes occurring at thisperiod of normal pregnancy would repay investiga-tion and might well help to explain the complicatedand apparently paradoxical volume changes inpre-eclampsia.Although these changes in fluid volume and

electrolyte concentration occur one must assumethat the isotonicity of the body fluids is maintainedand that, as in the normal, this is the main reasonfor changes in renal function. In this respect it isinteresting to glance at the results of therapyinvolving manipulation of fluid and salt. Turnerand Fair (1953) subject their pre-eclampticpatients to hydration therapy, involving theingestion of almost 6,000 ml. of water daily. Alow calorie diet containing 0.6 g. sodium chlorideis given. This results in a water diuresis, but theexcretion of sodium is diminished. First of all,these results indicate that the absorption of

water is normal, that the kidneys, in view of thediuresis are essentially normal, and that thecentres for ADH control are sensitive andrespond to a water load. With regard to theabsence of a sodium diuresis, this is to be expected.Its retention is an indication of the body's attemptto maintain isotonicity, and of the fact that thekidney is carrying out its normal function in thisrespect. Similarly, with a salt-free diet, sodiumdisappears from the urine although a mild waterdiuresis may occur. Again the same process is atwork. With a high-salt diet (de Alvarez, I950) theexcretion of sodium rises, but oliguria tends tooccur, so that some of the salt is retained inisotonic solution and cedema will increase. Tatum(I955) found that the administration of varioussolutions to pregnant women produced a net gainin body water provided the solutions wereisotonic. The changes were more marked inpre-eclamptic subjects.

It is at this point one comes to a full stop.Further speculation can only be of a very generalnature. (Edema in the vast majority of cases isnot markedly progressive. It is as if the fluid,having been retained for some purpose and thatpurpose being attained, the body ignores it. Onegains the impression that these powers of thekidney to reabsorb sodium and water are largelypotential, to be brought into operation whenthere is a threat to the isotonicity and electrolytebalance of the body fluids, as if the kidney isdoing its best to maintain normal conditions inface of changes which are extra-renal. Thereseems to be a metabolic instability in pre-eclampsia and the co-ordination of salt and watermetabolism and volume control is easily upset.This is implied in reports of hyponatraemia withcontinuing cedema following treatment withchlorothiazide (Miller, I960). The apparentcompartmental changes, if proved to exist, wouldtend to indicate an underlying fault in cellularmetabolism. I have not considered the position ofthe plasma proteins in relation to cedema. Quiteapart from the physical effect of their markeddiminution in pre-eclampsia which must tend tocreate cedema, changes occur in the relative andabsolute proportions of the various proteins,which probably indicate alterations in metabolism.It is known that peculiar changes occur incarbohydrate (Govan, Mukherjee, Hewitt andHarper, 195 ) and nitrogen metabolism (Mukher-jee and Govan, 195i) and that the glycogen storesof the liver are depleted (Mukherjee 1952).

Equally, I have not touched upon the possibilityof altered adreno-cortical activity, as distinct fromaldosterone, in relation to cedema. Adreno-cortical extracts are said to be diuretic and accord-ing to most observers the production of corticoids

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is diminished in pre-eclampsia. A fact which maybe relevant in this respect is that I have found theadrenals to be smaller than normal in fatal casesof eclampsia. It is interesting to note that asomewhat comparable situation in general medicineis met with in certain forms of cardiac failure.In these cases there is oedema with retention oflarge amounts of sodium but an even greaterretention of water (Strauss and Papper, I959). Ithas been suggested that there may be an elementof adrenal failure in these patients.

Before a final assessment of cedema in pre-eclampsia can be made further information on theearly changes prior to the onset of symptoms andsigns is necessary. The factors involving volumecontrol, even in late normal pregnancy, requireinvestigation, and in all tests care will have to betaken that the methods of the investigator such assimple change in the patient's posture do notinvalidate results, and that any results obtainedare not related to prior manipulation of salt andwater in the diet.

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