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Remote Sensing Image Superresolution UsingDeep Residual Channel AttentionJuan Mario Haut , Student Member, IEEE, Ruben Fernandez-Beltran ,

Mercedes E. Paoletti , Student Member, IEEE, Javier Plaza , Senior Member, IEEE,and Antonio Plaza , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— The current trend in remote sensing imagesuperresolution (SR) is to use supervised deep learning modelsto effectively enhance the spatial resolution of airborneand satellite-based optical imagery. Nonetheless, the inherentcomplexity of these architectures/data often makes these methodsvery difficult to train. Despite these recent advances, the hugeamount of network parameters that must be fine-tuned and thelack of suitable high-resolution remotely sensed imagery in actualoperational scenarios still raise some important challenges thatmay become relevant limitations in the existent earth observationdata production environments. To address these problems, wepropose a new remote sensing SR approach that integrates avisual attention mechanism within a residual-based networkdesign in order to allow the SR process to focus on thosefeatures extracted from land-cover components that requiremore computations to be superresolved. As a result, the networktraining process is significantly improved because it aims atlearning the most relevant high-frequency information whilethe proposed architecture allows neglecting the low-frequencyfeatures extracted from spatially uninformative earth surfaceareas by means of several levels of skip connections. Our exper-imental assessment, conducted using the University of Californiaat Merced and GaoFen-2 remote sensing image collections, threescaling factors, and eight different SR methods, demonstrates thatour newly proposed approach exhibits competitive performancein the task of superresolving remotely sensed imagery.

Index Terms— Deep learning, remote sensing, single-imagesuperresolution (SR), visual attention (VA).


OVER the past years, the superresolution (SR) techniqueshave become very helpful due to their great potential to

overcome the physical resolution constraints of remote sensingimaging sensors [1]. As a result, many of the most important

Manuscript received February 2, 2019; revised June 6, 2019; acceptedJune 20, 2019. Date of publication July 23, 2019; date of current ver-sion October 31, 2019. This work was supported in part by SpanishMinistry under Grant FPU14/02012-FPU15/02090), in part by Junta deExtremadura under Grant GR15005, in part by Generalitat Valenciana underGrant APOSTD/2017/007, in part by the MINECO Project under GrantTIN2015-63646-C5-5-R, and in part by European Union under Grant 734541-EOXPOSURE. (Corresponding author: Juan Mario Haut.)

J. M. Haut, M. E. Paoletti, J. Plaza, and A. Plaza are with the HyperspectralComputing Laboratory, Department of Technology of Computers andCommunications, Escuela Politécnica, University of Extremadura,10003 Cáceres, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]).

R. Fernandez-Beltran is with the Institute of New Imaging TechnologiesUniversitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón de la Plana, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2924818

operational satellites are currently focused on providing super-resolved data products, mainly because this kind of technologyis able to generate enhanced remotely sensed imagery whichis very useful to deal with current and future challengesand societal needs [2], [3]. For instance, fine-grained satelliteimage classification [4], [5], hyperspectral remote sensing dataanalysis [6]–[9], remote target identification [10], [11], anddetailed land cover mapping [12]–[14] are some of the mostpopular remote sensing applications in which SR has providedimportant advantages.

Broadly speaking, SR [15]–[17] refers to those algorithmictools aimed at increasing the spatial resolution of remotelysensed data while providing spatial information beyond thesensor resolution, that is, spatial details not present in thelower resolution (LR) image captured by the sensing instru-ment. In the literature, it is possible to distinguish betweentwo different trends that have been successfully adopted tosuperresolve remotely sensed data: multi-image SR [18] andsingle-image SR [19]. Whereas, multi-image techniquesrequire several multi-angular shots within a very short timespan, single-image SR offers a more flexible scheme forremote sensing applications, because the SR process is con-ducted using a single LR image of the target scene. In par-ticular, there are two main factors that make single-image SRmethods particularly attractive in the context of remote sensingapplications. On the one hand, many of the currently opera-tional satellites can only offer a revisiting period of at least sev-eral days [20], which does not allow using the straightforwardmulti-image SR approach because of the existing temporalgap among different earth observations. On the other hand,the single-image SR can be applied without the need of usingany satellite constellation, which eventually results in substan-tial cost savings and provides a good opportunity for smallplatforms, with low resolution and cheap instruments [21].

When focusing on the single-image SR domain [22], it isalso possible to identify two different kinds of techniques,depending on the required training data: unsupervised andsupervised methods. Regarding the unsupervised category,these SR approaches estimate the high-resolution (HR)details present in the superresolved output from the LRinput image itself. One of the simplest unsupervised SRmethods was developed by Irani and Peleg [23], whereseveral back-propagation iterations were applied to graduallyenhance the gradient of the upscaled LR image. Since then,other more advanced unsupervised SR methods have beensuccessfully applied to the remotely sensed data. This is the

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case of the work published in [24], where the authorspresent an innovative self-learning procedure based on theregularized patch-search criteria across scales to generatethe corresponding superresolved result. Another relevantwork is [25], where the authors adopt a generative neuralnetwork to address the SR problem from an unsupervisedperspective. Despite the evident benefits of not using anyexternal training set, the performance of the unsupervisedSR approach typically becomes rather limited under the mostchallenging remote sensing scenarios because of the limitedspatial information present in the LR input image. Note thatremote sensing images are usually fully focused multi-bandshots with plenty of complex spatial details, which makes theSR process particularly challenging [19].

In this sense, supervised methods are able to provide amore robust SR scheme by learning the relationships betweenLR and HR image domains by means of an external trainingset. One of the most popular supervised SR methods wasintroduced by Yang et al. [26], and it was later adaptedto remote sensing problems in [27]. These approaches takeadvantage of the fact that natural images tend to be sparsewhen they are represented as a linear combination of smallpatches. Therefore, it is possible to learn an SR mapping byforcing the LR and HR training images to share the samesparse codes. Alternative works, such as [28]–[30], follow asimilar idea but using different image characterization spacesthat are able to provide specific advantages. Nonetheless,convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent certainly oneof the most important paradigms within the supervised SR fielddue to their great potential to uncover high-level features fromthe optical data. Hence, multiple authors have successfullypresented different methods based on CNNs. For instance,Dong et al. [31] proposed a deep learning architecture to super-resolve LR images. More specifically, this method initiallyupscales the input LR patches by means of a bi-cubic (BC)interpolation, and then uses a 3-layer CNN to learn themapping between the LR and HR image domains. Otherauthors have introduced additional improvements over thisbaseline work in order to achieve superior results. For instance,a relevant extension is presented in [32], where the authorsdefine a deeper architecture that reduces the input feature space(and also removes the initial interpolation step) by providingan actual end-to-end mapping. Another important work is theone described in [33], where Kim et al. [33] propose a 20-layerCNN architecture that considers image residuals together withdata augmenting and multi-scaling learning schemes. Despitethe remarkable performance achieved by all these methodswhen considering standard images, the special complexity ofairborne and space-borne optical data usually limits their SRperformance in several remote sensing tasks.

Consequently, other CNN-based SR methods have beendesigned to specifically manage remotely sensed imagery. Forinstance, Lei et al. [34] define a multi-level CNN architec-ture able to capture multi-scale features, which allow thenetwork to simultaneously take into account local and globalimage features when introducing new spatial details in theSR process. Another relevant work was presented in [35],where the authors introduce several improvements on the

network design in order to effectively superresolve remotelysensed data. Specifically, residual units and skip connectionswere adopted to uncover more relevant features on both localand global image areas. In addition, the superresolved imagereconstruction process was conducted using a network-in-network architecture [36], which improved model discrim-inability for different image features. In spite of all the effortsdirected to designing highly accurate CNN-based SR modelsfor remotely sensed data, many of the existing approachesstill face challenges related to the convergence of networkparameters, which eventually leaves room for improvement,especially when dealing with challenging remotely senseddata. Note that the most advanced deep learning SR mod-els are very difficult to train because of their own com-plexity and also because of the lack of significant trainingdata [37], which may become an important limitation in somepreoperational airborne and space-borne optical acquisitionscenarios.

With all these considerations in mind, this paper presentsa new supervised SR network architecture that is especiallydesigned to effectively superresolve remotely sensed imagery.Some of the most recent CNN-based SR methods used inremote sensing applications assume that all the featuresextracted from the LR input image are equally important[34], [35]. This fact is fundamentally due to the behaviorof the convolutional kernel itself, where a sliding weightwindow (defined by the receptive field) is equally appliedto the entire volume of data. However, this assumption mayresult in a lack of flexibility when analyzing different kindsof features that are typically present in aerial shots. Whilethe features extracted from smoother areas in the surface ofthe earth are not expected to incorporate many HR spatialdetails, the SR process itself is mainly focused on enhancingthe most textured areas, where the corresponding features areexpected to introduce new high-frequency information. In thisscenario, our newly proposed SR approach adopts a visualattention (VA) mechanism [38]–[40] that guides the networktraining process toward the most informative features, thusfocusing the attention of the model on those earth surfacefeatures related to structural components that require finer HRdetails. Note that convolutional kernels are able to capturespecific land-cover features from the input data. As a result,the considered attention mechanism can provide competitiveadvantages to superresolve remote sensing data, since thenetwork filters are able to inherently involve multiple relatedspatial locations over the surface of the earth. In addition,in order to take full advantage of the information containedin the hierarchical features obtained from the LR-image, ournewly proposed approach incorporates several residual unitsassociated with multiple levels of skip connections that allowthe network architecture to neglect low-frequency features,which correspond to spatially irrelevant areas on the surfaceof the earth. Our experimental assessment, conducted usingthe University of California at Merced (UC Merced) andGaoFen-2 remote sensing image collections, three scalingfactors, and eight different single-image SR methods, revealsthat the proposed approach exhibits competitive advantageswhen compared to other state-of-the-art SR methods.

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The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section IIdescribes some related works. Section III describes our newlyproposed architecture to superresolve remotely sensed data.Section IV describes our experimental assessment, whereeight different SR methods were tested using two differentremote sensing image collections in order to thoroughly dis-cuss and validate the performance of our newly developedapproach. Finally, Section V concludes this paper with someremarks and hints at plausible future research lines.


A. CNNs as Feature Extractors

The CNN model has been widely used in a large range ofremote sensing applications (including object detection [41],image classification [42], [43], segmentation [44], andSR [45]) due to its great potential for extracting highlydiscriminative mid- and high-level abstract features fromraw remote sensing data, without involving the hand-craftedselection of these features [46], [47].

As any deep neural network (DNN), the CNN’s goal is toapproximate a function of the form f : X → Y throughthe hierarchical concatenation of transformation blocks. In thisway, and focusing on the SR problem, the basic performanceof a CNN used for SR purposes relies on the sequential andsuccessive transformation of the input LR data, which can bedenoted as X = X ∈ R

n1×n2×n3 , obtaining a highly abstractand discriminative output representation composed by neuronactivation values, to which a final mapping is applied in orderto obtain the desired HR image Y = Y ∈ R

m1×m2×m3 , beingn1 < m1, n2 < m2 and n3 = m3.

However, instead of adopting a standard fully con-nected (FC) architecture, the CNN model applies the conceptof local receptive field to connect the neurons in the lthlayer to local smaller windows of each input data X(l). Thisidea is inspired by the working mechanism of visual cortexneurons, which are excited by certain stimuli in their receptivearea, producing a neural response of higher or lower inten-sity depending on the stimulus, an effect know as neuronaltuning [48]. That is, these neuronal cells are able to look forspecific characteristics. Moreover, the neural tuning processbecomes more complex as we delve higher into visual areas.In fact, it can be seen as a hierarchical structure, wherethe visual information is stored in sequences of increasinglycomplex patterns (feature representations) in sequential orderalong the visual stream [49]. For instance, neurons in theprimary visual cortex (V1) usually respond to simple stimuli,such as edges and shapes, while neurons in higher level visualrespond to more complex stimuli, such as familiar faces.

Two fundamental aspects are drawn from the way the visualcortex operates: 1) the hierarchical extraction of higher levelabstraction features in a stacked-layer architecture and 2) thelocal connectivity of neurons to small areas of the inputdata. Regarding the first aspect, the CNN model simulates thehierarchical transformations of the visual stream by applyinga deep architecture, composed by a stack of trainable featureextraction stages, while the application of these stages to thedata is performed by following a local connectivity design.

Fig. 1. Graphical visualization of the lth 2-D convolutional layer of ourmodel, denoted by C(l) and composed by K (l) filters. Each filter is definedby the receptive field of the layer, with dimensions k(l)×k(l), creating a smallwindow that slides over the input volume X(l) with stride s(l). In each filter,the convolution of the window over the input patches generates a feature,and the collection of features extracted by a filter comprise its feature map.Finally, after applying the activation function and the pooling (omitted forclarity), the resulting collection of feature maps generate the output volumeof the layer, X(l+1).

Usually, each feature extraction stage is composed of threemain steps, indicated by (1): 1) the convolutional layer;2) the nonlinear layer; and 3) the downsampling or poolinglayer. The first one is the basic feature extractor of theCNN model. It is defined by a kernel of weights, whosedimensions determine the receptive field of the layer. In thissense, the convolutional layer acts as a traditional sliding-window algorithm, where the linear kernel convolves (∗) itsweights W(l) and bias b(l) on local patches of the inputdata by sliding and overlapping the filter over the input.At every location, the convolutional layer applies an affinetransformation between the kernel’s weights and the currentinput data location, obtaining an output volume (set of featuremaps), as shown by the first part of the following equation:

O(l+1) = W(l) ∗ X(l) + b(l)

O(l+1) = H(O(l+1))

X(l+1) = Pk×k(O(l+1)). (1)

Fig. 1 graphically illustrates the performance of a 2-Dconvolutional layer, denoted as C(l). This layer receives

X(l) ∈ Rn(l−1)

1 ×n(l−1)2 ×K (l−1)

as the input volume. Such volumeis characterized by two spatial dimensions, i.e., the volume’sheight and width n(l−1)

1 × n(l−1)2 , and by one spectral dimen-

sion, given by the number of filters computed by the previouslayer K (l−1). It must be noted that, for C(1) (i.e., the firstlayer), the number of channels of the input image is givenby K (0) = n3. The convolutional layer applies its K (l) filterson the input volume X(l), with the receptive field defined byk(l) × k(l). As it can be observed, those kernels are slid overthe input, using a stride value s(l) (which usually performs asubsampling of the input volume). Each application of thosekernels performs a linear elementwise multiplication betweenthe kernel’s weights and the current input data location, sum-ming up the obtained results in order to obtain the final feature,which is allocated into the corresponding filter position of theoutput volume. Equation (2) gives the mathematical expression

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of the obtained feature a(l)zi, j at the (i, j)th position of the zth

filter in the lth convolutional layer

a(l)zi, j = (W(l) ∗ X(l) + b(l))i, j

a(l)zi, j =





x (l)(i·s(l)+i),( j ·s(l)+ j )

· w(l)i , j

+ b(l). (2)

Following the second part of (1), the obtained outputvolume is passed through the nonlinear layer, which appliesan elementwise nonlinear activation function H(·) in orderto obtain an activity volume that encodes nonlinear internalstructures and relationships that are hidden in the data. Usually,H(·) is implemented as the rectified linear unit (ReLU) [50].

Finally, at the end of the feature extraction stage, a down-sampling step, performed by a pooling layer Pk×k(·) with akernel of dimensions k × k, is added in order to comprise theobtained features in the output volume X(l+1) ∈ R

n(l)1 ×n(l)

2 ×K (l),

and to provide some kind of invariance to small translationsof the data.

B. Limitations of CNNs in Remote Sensing Image SR

The application of CNNs to feature extraction fromremotely sensed data, in general, and to single-image SR,in particular, has been explored by plenty of works [51],demonstrating very good performance. However, CNN modelsstill face two main limitations in this context. The first one isthe fact that there is a direct relationship between the model’sdepth (i.e., the level of abstraction of data representations),and the quality of the SR method [52], [53]. In this sense,(very) deep CNNs are difficult to train due to the vanishinggradient [54] and data degradation [55] problems, not tomention the intrinsic complexity associated with the task ofoptimizing a nonconvex problem by means of fine-tuning themodel’s parameters, which can be hampered by the presenceof multiple local minima.

Residual learning [55] represents an important evolutionin the state-of-the-art DNNs, as it introduces an identitymapping between groups of feature extraction stages, denotedas residual units, whose operation on the input data is indicatedas F(·) and is affected by the weights W and biases B of thoseconvolutional layers that compose the unit, as the followingequation:

O(l+1) = F(W, X(l),B) + X(l)

X(l+1) = H(O(l+1)). (3)

Direct data propagation through residual and skip connec-tions can alleviate the data degradation problem, thus leadingto the development of very deep models for single-imageSR [52], [56]. However, despite the fact that connectionmechanisms improve information propagation across layers,these CNNs still suffer from a second limitation, related tothe intrinsic characteristics of remote sensing images and theinternal operation of the convolutional kernel. In particular,remotely sensed image data suffer from certain degradationsduring their acquisition process due to atmospheric interferersand sensor noise (among other factors). This often introduces

an important amount of noise and variability in the data(in addition to abundant low-frequency information [57]).An optimal feature extractor would be able to discard suchirrelevant (or even damaging) information in order to enhancethe system’s performance. However, the convolutional kerneltreats all image content equally, without making any distinc-tions between relevant and/or useless information, which inthe end can hinder the whole SR procedure.

In order to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings,certain efforts have been made to equip DNN models withVA mechanisms, allowing them to focus selectively on themost relevant features [38], [39], [58], [59]. These mechanismsare again inspired by the human visual cortex, where the eyetracks those objects or regions in the scene that stand outfrom the visual field, following two main components [60]:1) bottom-up components, which are stimulus-driven featuresextracted from raw data in an automatical and involuntaryway, i.e., without the understanding of the scene’s contextinformation and 2) top-down components, which are task-driven or goal-oriented features extracted through voluntaryattention to some scene characteristics, which implies theexplicit understanding of the scene’s context.

Usually, VA has been included into DNNs by adding amask or gating mechanism, computed from the original dataand applied to the features obtained by the network in orderto single out the most relevant ones. In fact, VA mechanismsallow to recalibrate and refine the feature maps obtained bythe CNN model, leading to a more effective training stage.The use of VA mechanisms directed to spatial componentsof the image has been extensively studied, along with othermechanisms to improve the spatial encoding of data [61].However, no significant attention has been given as of yetto the spectral component of the data, resulting in the factthat there is currently a lack of methods able to exploitchannel relationships [62]. This greatly limits the convolution’sflexibility and its representational capacity [63].



In this section, we introduce a new convolutional-basedneural network for remote sensing image SR that employsresidual and skip connections to devise a very deep archi-tecture, transferring the information processed at differentlevels of abstraction and alleviating data degradation problems.At the same time, the internal feature extraction stages in ournetwork have been equipped with VA mechanisms in orderto efficiently take the advantage of this kind of techniques,which have demonstrated to be very useful in many differ-ent high-level tasks related to a wide range of applicationdomains [64], such as natural image classification tasks [63].Inspired by the squeeze-and-excitation (SE) building blocksof [63], our proposal integrates the attention technique intoa deep-learning-based architecture, adapting it to perform theSR of remote-sensing images. In particular, channel attentionblocks (see Fig. 2) have been developed in order to learnand recover high-frequency information, paying attention tochannelwise feature responses and reducing the computations

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Fig. 2. Graphical visualization of the lth channel attention block of ourmodel, allocated in the llth residual group, B(ll)

l . It comprises the firstand second SC levels.

related to low-frequency information. Specifically, our newlydeveloped network relies on improving the obtained deepdata representations by modeling the relationships betweenthe channels of the convolved feature maps for each layer,applying a VA gating mechanism over them to extract relevantand high-frequency information. In this context, four levelsof skip connections have been included into the proposedarchitecture in order to enforce different feature levels acrossdifferent groups of attention blocks, reinforcing also the spatialdetails not captured in the LR domain by the remote imagingsensor, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Following other deeplearning-based SR approaches [25], [35], our newly developednetwork is composed by three main parts: 1) the network’shead; 2) the feature processing body; and iii) the network’stail.

1) Network’s Head: The architecture of the proposed net-work starts with a first convolutional layer C(1) that transformsthe original LR input data X ∈ R

n1×n2×n3 into a first-levelfeature representation, in order to prepare the information thatwill be fed to the subsequent parts of the network.

2) Network’s Feature Processing Body: This can be con-sidered as the main architectural body of the network, as itencodes its main structure. In this section, the data flowsthrough different levels of shortcut connections (SCs) in orderto facilitate the forward propagation of the feature maps result-ing from each block. These SCs provide a direct and effectiveway to combine low- and high-level features, improving thenetwork’s performance and enhancing its computational effi-ciency [65]. In fact, the network’s body has been developedunder a residual paradigm, following a so-called ResNet ofResNets (RoR) architecture [66] that creates four levels ofSCs to improve the optimization ability of residual units.In this sense, each SC level groups the network’s layers intodifferent structural blocks, creating an architecture of relativelysimple blocks embedded into more complex ones, as depictedin Figs. 2 and 3.

From the “internal” or simple structures to the more“external” and complex ones, the network implements the firstand second SC levels, circumscribing the basic building blockof our SR model, denoted as channel attention block. Thisblock performs two steps: 1) a feature extraction step and 2) achannel attention step. In mathematical terms, we denote theinput volume of the feature extraction step in the lth channelattention block as X(l). Similarly, we denote the input andoutput volumes of the channel attention step as X(l)

FE and X(l)CA,

respectively. Finally, we denote the output of the channelattention block as X(l+1). Fig. 2 shows a graphical overview ofthese blocks. It can be observed that the feature extraction stepis performed by two convolutional layers, C(l)

1 and C(l)2 , which

are connected through a nonlinear layer. Each layer extractsmore refined features from X(l), while the nonlinear layerapplies the ReLU function to obtain the activation values. As aresult, the X(l)

FE ∈ Rn(l)

1 ×n(l)2 ×K (l)

contains the K (l) feature maps

extracted by C(l)2 . These feature maps are sent to the channel

attention step to be recalibrated. A first average pooling layeris then applied over the spatial dimensions in order to squeezethe spatial information, reducing the collection of feature mapsto a channel descriptor denoted as d ∈ R

K (l)[63]. This vector

collects the global spatial information, where each vectorelement dz is obtained by the following equation:

dz = 1

n(l)1 · n(l)







x (l)FE(i, j )

, with z = 1, . . . , K (l). (4)

After the squeeze step, an excitation process is adoptedto fully capture the internal relationships and dependenciesbetween the feature channels. In this way, a gating mechanismis implemented by a spectral encoder–decoder architecture,where the encoder layer, C(l)

3 , performs a channel down-scaling step followed by a ReLU function, and the decoderlayer, C(l)

4 , recovers the spectral dimension, performing achannel upscaling step (both layers comprise 1 × 1 kernels).Finally, the sigmoid function is employed to obtain a scaledchannel descriptor d whose values lie in the interval [0, 1].The following equation gives a mathematical expression forthe aforementioned excitation and scaling procedures

d = Hσ





3 (d))))

. (5)

The channelwise statistics contained in d act as a traditionalVA mask, scaling the feature maps that comprise the volumeX(l)

FE. As a result, the channel-attention output volume X(l)CA

is obtained by performing the first SC level, as the followingequation:

X(l)CA = d · X(l)

FE. (6)

The channel attention block ends with the aggregation ofthe original input volume X(l) and the channel-attentionvolume X(l)

CA through the second SC level, given by thefollowing equation. This allows to improve the block’s inputfeatures, thanks to the enhancement made by (6):

X(l+1) = X(l)CA + X(l). (7)

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Fig. 3. Architecture of the proposed residual channel attention-based neural network model for remotely sensed image SR. Three different parts of theimplemented network can be clearly differentiated in the figure: 1) a first convolutional layer C(1) that processes the original LR image X ∈ R

n1×n2×n3 toextract an initial output volume composed of K (1) feature maps, which feeds 2) five residual groups (R(ll) with ll = 1, . . . , 5) that are composed by tenchannel attention blocks (B(ll)

l with l = 1, . . . , 10) and one final convolution layer, C(ll)1 . SCs of second and third levels are applied in order to exploit low-

and high-level features that enhance the network’s performance. The output volume of R(5) is processed by the C(2) convolutional layer to perform featureextraction before adding the fourth skip connection level, complementing the information extracted by the previous residual groups with the original features.This information is finally 3) upsampled and processed by C(3) to obtain the HR image Y ∈ R

m1×m2×m3 , with n1 < m1, n2 < m2 and n3 = m3.

The third SC level groups several channel attention blocksinto a complex structure, denoted as residual group: R(ll).As we can observe in Fig. 3, each R(ll) is composed byten channel attention blocks B(ll)

l that perform the deepfeature extraction stage of the network. A final convolu-tional layer, C(ll)

1 , is added before conducting the aggregationbetween the residual group’s input volume and the C(ll)

1 outputfeature maps.

Finally, the network implements a fourth SC level thatdirectly connects the output of the network’s head with theinput of the network’s tail by means of an aggregation func-tion, circumscribing the network’s body. This allows us toreuse the low-level features extracted by the first convolutionallayer, C(1), without any additional computational cost, and themore abstract features obtained by the five implemented resid-ual blocks that are processed by the body’s final convolutionallayer, C(2), before the final aggregation.

3) Network’s Tail: After the body of the network has beenexecuted, an output volume composed by very deep featuremaps is obtained. Inside, each channel has been recalibratedby the aforementioned channel attention mechanism, creatinga volume of highly informative data. Based on this, upsam-pling of the data cube is now carried out, expanding thevolume’s spatial dimensions to those of the target HR image,i.e., Y ∈ R

m1×m2×m3 . In this sense, the upsampling procedureconsists of several pairs of convolution and pixel-shufflelayers, denoted as Ui layers, whose number and associatedparameters depend on the considered scaling factor. Finally,at the end of the network, the C(3) convolutional layer extractsthe necessary information—already scaled—to generate thedesired HR image Y.

The details of the network’s parameters are listed in Table I.The architectural design of the proposed SR-network hasbeen inspired by some recent convolutional models devel-oped for image SR and available in the remote sensing







literature [34], [35], where convolutional filters of size 3 × 3have proven to be large enough to take advantage of the spatialinformation contained in neighborhood windows without los-ing the level of detail. Moreover, the proposed architecture hasbeen designed to maintain the size of the input volume untilreaching the upscaling step, being the layers of each channelattention block the ones that reduce and recover the spatialdimensions of the data volume. For instance, giving an inputLR image X ∈ R

24×24×3, the network’s head prepares theinput, elongating the spectral information from 3 to 64 chan-nels and keeping constant the spatial dimension by includingzero-padding, obtaining a volume of 24 × 24 × 64. In thisregard, each channel attention block B(ll)

l compacts the spatialinformation to a single element through the average poolinglayer. As shown in Fig. 2, the volume X(l)

F E keeps the originalsize of 24 × 24 × 64, and then the average pooling obtains a

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Fig. 4. Examples of the land-use classes present in the UC Merced remote sensing image collection: (a) agricultural, (b) airplane, (c) baseball diamond,(d) beach, (e) buildings, (f) chaparral, (g) dense residential, (h) forest, (i) freeway, (j) golf course, (k) harbor, (l) intersection, (m) medium residential,(n) mobile-home-park, (o) overpass, (p) parking lot, (q) river, (r) runway, (s) sparse residential, (t) storage tanks, and (u) tennis court.

spectral vector of size 1 × 1 × 64, which is processed by C(l)3

and C(l)4 to obtain the channel descriptor d ∈ R

1×1×64. Themultiplication of the volume X(l)

F E by the channel descriptor dgives as a result the feature volume X(l)

C A ∈ R24×24×64,

recovering the original spatial dimensions. This process isrepeated by each block B(ll)

l . At the end, the size of the inputand output volumes of the network’s body is kept constantuntil reaching the upscaling layer Ui∗, which scales the spatialdimensions of the feature volume depending on a scale factor.For instance, if the scale factor is 2×, the obtained volumewill be of size 48 × 48 × 64. Finally, the last convolutionallayer C(3) reduces the spectral dimension to 3 channels, givingas a result the output volume Y� ∈ R

48×48×3.In addition, the proposed network is trained to minimize the

error between the desired HR image, Y, and the obtained one,Y�, as follows:

E = |Y − Y�|. (8)

The ADAM optimizer [67] has been adopted to minimize (8),using 100 epochs with a learning rate lr = 2e−4 and a learningdecay of 10.

In Section IV, a set of experiments has been conductedto evaluate the performance of the proposed network in SRproblems involving remotely sensed imagery collected fromspaceborne and airborne instruments.


A. Data Sets

The experimental part of this work has been conductedusing two different remote sensing image collections asfollows.

1) UC Merced [68]: This data set is one of the most popularimage collections within the remote sensing community.It contains a total of 2100 images of the surface of theearth, which are uniformly distributed in 21 differentland-use classes [see Fig. 4: (a) agricultural, (b) airplane,(c) baseball diamond, (d) beach, (e) buildings,(f) chaparral, (g) dense residential, (h) forest, (i) freeway,(j) golf course, (k) harbor, (l) intersection, (m) mediumresidential, (n) mobile-home-park, (o) overpass,(p) parking lot, (q) river, (r) runway, (s) sparseresidential, (t) storage tanks, and (u) tennis court].In particular, these images were originally downloadedfrom the United States Geological Survey (USGS)National Map of different US regions, and they consistof aerial RGB orthoimagery with a size of 256 ×256 pixels and spatial resolution of one foot per pixel.

2) GaoFen-2 [34]: This data set consists of two differentremotely sensed multi-spectral data products acquiredby the GaoFen-2 satellite over a region in China.Specifically, both scenes have nominal spatial resolutionof 3.2 m/pixel and only the RGB channels from thevisible spectrum have been considered for theexperiments. These data have been provided in [34]and will be used for qualitative assessment purposes.

B. Experimental Settings

In order to test the performance of the proposed remotesensing SR model, two kinds of experiments have beenconducted on the UC Merced and GaoFen-2 data sets,using the following supervised single-image SR meth-ods available in the literature: SC [26], SR convolutionalneural network (SRCNN) [31], fast SR convolutional neural

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network (FSRCNN) [32], CNN-7 [34], LGCNet [34], and deepcompendium model (DCM) [35]. It should be also mentionedthat the BC interpolation algorithm is provided as the baselineresult.

On the one hand, the UC Merced collection has been usedto train and test the proposed network, taking into account thehigh variety of classes and samples present in this data set.Specifically, the UC Merced data collection has been randomlysplit into two balanced halves to generate equitable trainingand test partitions with 1050 samples each. In addition, 20% ofthe available training data (i.e., 10 images per class) is used forvalidation purposes to set the hyperparameters of the proposedapproach and the other tested SR methods. Regarding theexperimental protocol of the testing phase, the original UCMerced HR images have been downsampled according tothree different scaling factors: 2×, 3× and 4×, using theBC interpolation kernel to generate the corresponding LRcounterparts. Moreover, five different Monte Carlo runs havebeen conducted for each test image, which makes a total of9450 runs per SR method.

On the other hand, the GaoFen-2 data set has been employedto validate the generalization ability of the proposed approachwhen considering a completely external test image collection.In particular, the 3× and 4× scaling factors used for UCMerced training have been adopted to superresolve the twoadditional GaoFen-2 data products, with the ultimate goalof assessing the performance of SR methods in the task oftransferring the knowledge learned from the UC Merced dataset to a different remote sensing image collection.

Regarding the assessment protocol, two different full-reference image metrics have been used to quantitativelyevaluate the obtained SR results: the peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) [69] and the structural similarity index (SSIM) [70].Finally, the hardware and software environments used for theexperiments are made up of the following components: anIntel Core i7-6700K processor, a graphics processing unitNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, 40 GB of DDR4 RAM, a 2TB Toshiba DT01ACA HDD, an ASUS Z170 motherboard,Ubuntu 18.04.1 × 64 as operating system, and Pytorch0.4.1 with CUDA 9.

C. Results

Table II presents the PSNR (dB) and SSIM quantitativeassessment for the SR experiments carried out over the testset of the UC Merced collection. In particular, the consideredscaling factors are presented in rows, whereas different SRmethods and metrics are provided in columns. In addition,Table III details the average PSNR (dB) metric results perclass, when considering a 3× upscaling factor. We emphasizethat each table contains the average values after five Monte



Fig. 5. Qualitative assessment of the UC Merced airplane test imageconsidering a 3× scaling factor.

Carlo runs of the corresponding SR methods, and the bestmetric results are highlighted using a bold font.

For qualitative purposes, Figs. 5 and 6 display the corre-sponding superresolved outputs of the considered SR methodswhen considering two test images of the UC Merced airplaneand road classes, and 3× and 4× scaling factors, respectively.

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Fig. 6. Qualitative assessment of the UC Merced road test image consideringa 4× scaling factor.

In addition, Figs. 7 and 8 show the output results whensuperresolving the GaoFen-2 airport and factory test images,respectively, using the UC Merced training information for the3× and 4× scaling factors.

D. Discussion

According to the quantitative results reportedin Tables II and III, there are some relevant points thatneed to be emphasized. The first important aspect concernsthe impact of the scaling factor on the final performance ofthe tested SR methods. In this sense, Table II reveals thatboth PSNR and SSIM metrics decrease when consideringhigher scaling factors. This is because the amount of availablevisual information logically diminishes with the LR inputimage size. However, it is also possible to observe that theproposed approach provides quantitative improvements withrespect to the other considered methods. When consideringthe PSNR metric, the proposed architecture achieves thebest average result, which is substantially higher than theone obtained by any other SR method. More specifically,the gains obtained by the proposed method with regards tothe other ones in terms of average PSNR are as follows:+0.71dB (DCM), +0.91dB (LGCNet), +1.10dB (FSRCNN),+1.16dB (CNN-7), +1.41dB (SRCNN), +1.66dB (SC), and+2.88dB when compared to the BC interpolation baseline.In the case of the SSIM metric, the proposed approach alsooutperforms, on average, DCM (+0.010 units), LGCNet(+0.023), FSRCNN (+0.029), CNN-7 (+0.030), SRCNN(+0.037), SC (+0.041), and the BC interpolation (+0.079).

This initial quantitative comparison shows that the mostrecent deep learning SR methods in the literature (DCM,LGCNet, and FSRCNN) provide the best results for allthe considered scaling factors. Nonetheless, the proposedapproach is able to obtain superior average PSNR and SSIMresults, especially when considering the highest scaling fac-tors, i.e., 3× and 4×. Note that the remote sensing SR problembecomes particularly challenging as the scaling ratio increasesbecause less visual information is available for the SR processitself. In this context, the novel attention mechanism integratedwithin our newly presented architecture allows the proposedapproach to exploit better those LR image regions that requiremore computations to effectively introduce additional HRspatial details, and which cannot be easily recovered froma global deep learning SR perspective (in which all imagefeatures are equally relevant).

Another important point is related to the consistency ofthe proposed approach regarding the obtained quantitativeresults per class (Table III). As it is possible to observe,the proposed remote sensing SR architecture obtains the bestPSNR results in 15 of the 21 UC Merced categories whenconsidering a 3× scaling factor, which certainly indicates thatour approach exhibits a great potential to manage a broaderrange of remotely sensed imagery. Despite the fact that otherrecent deep learning models, such as DCM and LGCNet, alsoexhibit a good overall SR performance, the PSNR results perclass reported in Table III reveal that our method is particularlyeffective when dealing with classes that contain spatiallydetailed structures mixed with relatively invariant land-coversurfaces, which is a typical scenario in remotely sensedimages. The PSNR performance improvements obtained insome classes, such as harbor, mobile-home-park or parking lot,indicate that the implemented attention mechanism is able toeffectively focus the network computations toward the imagecomponents that require most of the HR details, for example,boats, houses, or cars, providing competitive advantages (froma remote sensing standpoint) with regard to other SR methods.

The effectiveness of the proposed approach is also supportedby the qualitative results displayed in Figs. 5–8. Specifically,Figs. 5 and 6 show the superresolved output of two UC Mercedtest images, i.e., airplane and road, considering two differentscaling factors, i.e. 3× and 4×, respectively. As shown invisual results, each specific SR model encourages a particularkind of feature on the superresolved output. Whereas, SCand SRCNN methods appear to very sensitive to aliasingand moire effects, because they are unable to distinguishbetween the relevant high-frequency image components andthe upscaling noise, the most recent deep learning approaches,i.e., FSRCNN, CNN-7, LGCNet, DCM, and the proposedapproach can effectively attenuate these undesirable anom-alies. This is because these methods use deeper architectures,which allows them to recover more precise HR image pat-terns. A clear example of this is shown in the airplane wingin Fig. 5, where BC, SC, and SRCNN introduce a significantaliasing effect, while the other methods are able to generate asuperresolved result with higher quality.

Despite the fact that FSRCNN, CNN-7, LGCNet, and DCMare generally able to provide satisfactory SR performance, it is

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Fig. 7. Qualitative assessment of the GaoFen-2 airport test image considering a 3× scaling factor.

Fig. 8. Qualitative assessment of the GaoFen-2 factory test image considering a 4× scaling factor.

Fig. 9. Average PSNR evolution (per epoch) for the UC Merced validation set when considering 2× (left), 3× (center), and 4× (right) scaling factors.

possible to appreciate some important advantages of the pro-posed architecture in the task of superresolving remote sensingdata by analyzing the visual results in more detail. Specifically,according to Fig. 6, the proposed approach certainly providesthe sharpest edges and the most similar output with regards tothe corresponding groundtruth HR counterpart. In fact, thereis a main factor that differentiates the result obtained by theproposed approach result from the other results: the imageblur, and also the noise reduction. As it is possible to observein Fig. 5, the proposed method is the most effective one whenreducing the noise present in the airplane wing. In addition,Fig. 6 shows that the proposed approach is able to producethe clearest road lines and the most homogeneous concretesurface. In addition to all these observations, the qualitative SRresults presented in Figs. 7 and 8 also suggest the robustnessof the proposed approach in the task of transferring the knowl-edge acquired from the UC Merced collection to the GaoFen-2data set, in spite of the existing spatial resolution differences.More specifically, it is possible to see that the proposed methodis able to reduce blur and ringing artifacts, eventually leadingto a better visual quality in the superresolved output.

At this point, it is important to emphasize that the mostrecent deep learning-based SR methods, i.e., [33]–[35], aimto enhance remotely sensed optical data by using deeperarchitectures, which allows them to uncover more repre-sentative convolutional features and introduce additional HRcomponents in the superresolved result. Nonetheless, these

architectures often become very difficult to train because oftheir large number of hidden layers and parameters, whicheventually leads to a poor propagation of activations andgradients in the back-propagation process, i.e., the so-calledvanishing gradient problem [37]. Precisely, these undesirableeffects, together with the special complexity of remotelysensed imagery, generate a degradation of the convolutionalfeatures that may introduce blur and noise artifacts in the finalresult. The proposed remote sensing SR approach mitigatesthese problems by implementing a novel attention mechanismover a residual block architecture, which allows the networkto focus on those image components that require more com-putations to be superresolved. Note that this aspect takes onspecial importance when dealing with remote sensing databecause earth surface acquisitions are rather complex aerialcaptures in which different image regions typically demanddifferent processing levels. A clear example of this fact can beobserved in Fig. 6, where the concrete surface does not requiresubstantial changes (unlike the road lines, which need to becompletely recovered at a 4× scale). In this sense, the pro-posed approach intelligently discards the low-frequency imagecomponents through the network in order to focus on themost spatially relevant earth surface areas and, consequently,improve the network convergence. Specifically, Fig. 9 showsthe average PSNR evolution per epoch for the UC Mercedvalidation set, in order to illustrate the fast and consistentconvergence of our newly proposed architecture. As it is

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possible to observe, the network is able to converge after30 epochs for the three considered scaling factors, i.e., 2×,3× and 4×. Accordingly, the improvements introduced bythe proposed approach lead to higher remote sensing SRperformance when compared to other state-of-the-art methods.


This paper presents a new single-image SR approach thathas been especially designed for dealing with the particularcomplexity of remotely sensed imagery. Specifically,the proposed deep learning architecture incorporates a newattention mechanism into a residual-based network design.Such mechanism allows our method to focus the SR processon those earth surface components that require more compu-tations to be superresolved. In this way, the less informativelow-frequency features (that is, visual characteristics extractedfrom spatially irrelevant Earth surface areas) are intelligentlydiscarded by means of four different levels of skip connections.Consequently, the performance of the proposed SR approachimproves significantly, since the network convergence isdriven by the most relevant high-frequency information. Ourexperiments, conducted using the UC Merced and GaoFen-2remote sensing image collections, three scaling factors, andeight different single-image SR methods, reveal that theproposed approach offers the state-of-the-art performancewhen superresolving remotely sensed optical data.

One of the most important conclusions that arises fromthis paper is the importance of adopting an effective attentionmechanism within the network design when superresolvingairborne and space-borne optical data with deep learningmodels. Whereas, the current trends in CNN-based SR ofremotely sensed data, see [34], [35], do not identify the mostimportant convolutional features from the input acquisitioninstrument, the qualitative and quantitative SR resultsobtained by our newly proposed approach reveal that guidingthe network training process toward the most informative high-frequency features leads to very competitive performancewith respect to other state-of-the-art remote sensing SRmodels. Despite the fact that the proposed approach exhibitsremarkable potential, our future work will be directed towardthe following improvements: 1) adapting the proposedarchitecture to the unsupervised self-learning SR paradigm;2) extending the model cost function to simultaneously assessmultiple image quality metrics; and 3) expanding the networkformulation to intersensor tandem platforms.


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Juan Mario Haut (S’17) received the B.Sc.and M.Sc. degrees in computer engineering fromthe University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain,in 2011 and 2014, respectively, where he is cur-rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the UniversityTeacher Training Programme, Spanish Ministry ofEducation.

He is currently a member of the HyperspectralComputing Laboratory, Department of Computersand Communications, University of Extremadura.His research interests include remote sensing and

analysis of very high spectral resolution with the current focus on deeplearning and cloud computing.

Mr. Haut was a recipient of the recognition of Best Reviewers of IEEEGEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS in 2019.

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Ruben Fernandez-Beltran received the in computer science, the M.Sc. degree inintelligent systems, and the Ph.D. degree in com-puter science from Universitat Jaume I, Castellónde la Plana, Spain, in 2007, 2011, and 2016,respectively.

He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher withthe Computer Vision Group, Universitat Jaume I,where he was member of the Institute of NewImaging Technologies. He has been a Visiting Sci-entist with the University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.

Since 2017, he has been a Visiting Post-Doctoral Researcher with theHyperspectral Computing Laboratory, University of Extremadura, Cáceres,Spain. He is member of the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition andImage Analysis (AERFAI), which is a part of the International Associationfor Pattern Recognition (IAPR). His research interests include multimediaretrieval, spatio–spectral image analysis, and pattern recognition techniquesapplied to image processing and remote sensing.

Dr. Fernandez-Beltran was awarded with the Outstanding Ph.D. DissertationAward at Universitat Jaume I in 2017.

Mercedes E. Paoletti (S’17) received the B.Sc.and M.Sc. degrees in computer engineering fromthe University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain,in 2014 and 2016, respectively, where she iscurrently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with UniversityTeacher Training Programme, Spanish Ministry ofEducation.

She is currently a member of the HyperspectralComputing Laboratory, Department of Technologyof Computers and Communications, University ofExtremadura. Her research interests include remote

sensing and analysis of very high spectral resolution with the current focuson deep learning and high-performance computing.

Javier Plaza (M’09–SM’15) received the M.Sc.and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering fromthe University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain,in 2004 and 2008, respectively.

He is currently a member of the HyperspectralComputing Laboratory, Department of Technologyof Computers and Communications, University ofExtremadura. He has authored more than 150 pub-lications, including over 50 JCR journal papers,10 book chapters, and 90 peer-reviewed conferenceproceeding papers. He has guest edited four special

issues on hyperspectral remote sensing for different journals. His researchinterests comprise hyperspectral data processing and parallel computing ofremote sensing data.

Dr. Plaza was a recipient of the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award atthe University of Extremadura in 2008. He was also a recipient of the BestColumn Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in 2015, the mosthighly cited paper from 2005 to 2010 in the Journal of Parallel andDistributed Computing, and the best paper awards at the IEEE InternationalConference on Space Technology and the IEEE Symposium on SignalProcessing and Information Technology. He is an Associate Editor for IEEEGEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS and the IEEE RemoteSensing Code Library.

Antonio Plaza (M’05–SM’07–F’15) received theM.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineeringfrom the University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain,in 1999 and 2002, respectively.

He is currently the Head of the HyperspectralComputing Laboratory, Department of Technologyof Computers and Communications, Universityof Extremadura. He has authored more than600 publications, including over 200 JCR journalpapers (over 160 in IEEE journals), 23 book chap-ters, and around 300 peer-reviewed conference pro-

ceeding papers. He has guest edited 10 special issues on hyperspectral remotesensing for different journals. His research interests include hyperspectral dataprocessing and parallel computing of remote sensing data.

Dr. Plaza was a member of the steering committee of the IEEE Journal ofSelected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)and a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Geoscience and RemoteSensing Newsletter from 2011 to 2012 and the IEEE Geoscience and RemoteSensing Magazine in 2013. He is a fellow of the IEEE for contributionsto hyperspectral data processing and parallel computing of earth observationdata. He was a recipient of the Recognition of Best Reviewers of the IEEEGEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS in 2009 and the Recognitionof Best Reviewers of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND

REMOTE SENSING in 2010, for which he served as an Associate Editor from2007 to 2012. He was also a recipient of the Best Column Award of theIEEE Signal Processing Magazine in 2015, the 2013 Best Paper Award ofthe JSTARS journal, the most highly cited paper from 2005 to 2010 in theJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,and the best paper awardsat the IEEE International Conference on Space Technology and the IEEESymposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology. He served asthe Director for Education Activities for the IEEE Geoscience and RemoteSensing Society (GRSS) from 2011 to 2012 and as a President for the SpanishChapter of IEEE GRSS from 2012 to 2016. He has reviewed more than500 manuscripts for over 50 different journals. He served as an Editor-in-Chieffor the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING from2013 to 2017. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS (receiving arecognition as outstanding Associate Editor of the journal in 2017).
