Page 1: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

REMINDERS Winter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga


School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm

School Fair Sub Committee Meeting -

Tuesday, May 13th - 6.00pm

School Cross Country - Friday, May 16th

(combining with St. Francis) Parents’ Club Meeting - Tuesday, May 20th - 9.30am

May 1st, 2014

‘Learning for Life”

Telephone: 03 58662677

Principal: Vicki McManus

Holders of Nathalia’s educational history since 1878

Dear Families and School Community,

Ms. McManus is still on sick leave and as yet I am unsure

when she will return. We wish her a speedy recovery.


I w o u l d l i k e t o

congratulate our School

Captains, Adam, Gavin, Madelon

and Evie on representing our

school at the dawn service on

ANZAC Day. I would like to thank

their parents for the early

morning start they had to ensure Nathalia Primary School was

represented at the service.


Week Ending 25.04.2014

P/W Cameron

BUT Maddison

HIL Elgin

JOH Darcy

RIN Kaleb



The Year 3 and 5 students will be completing the NAPLAN tests this month. The Writing and Spelling

and Grammar will be done on Tuesday 13th may, Reading on Wednesday 14th May and Numeracy on 15th

May. We are preparing the children at the moment by showing them examples of past tests, giving them

strategies and suggestions and completing practice questions. The students are being encouraged to make

best use of their time, not to rush and to double check their answers. NAPLAN data is used by the school

and the department in lots of ways and it is a way to check a child’s progress against other students and

an accountability tool for our school. Whilst make up times can be arranged, we ask that appointments be

avoided on these days and that every effort is made for the students to complete the tests on these days.

Further information will be sent home next week.


This week has seen some of our students try out for zone netball and football teams. I would like to

congratulate Holly, Madelon and Evie on trying out for the netball team and Woody for the football team. A

great experience for them to have.

Congratulations to Woody who has made it to the next round of trials in Benalla on Monday, May

12th and to Evie who made it to the final round and only just missed out on selection.


Please note:

The School Council meeting

has been changed to

Tuesday, May 13th.

Page 2: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

Page 2 Nathalia Primary School


Week ending



“For always helping others when

they need it, and for always being


S tudent Learning Journals

Learning Journals for Term One have been sent

home with students on Monday,

Parents are asked to look through these

and to return the folders by Monday, May 5th.

C ross Country

The students are currently training for the

cross country. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we are

running first thing in the morning instead of our

buddy reading. Students from Grades 3 to 6 are

running around the block and the students from

Prep to Grade 2 are running around the oval.

Please ensure appropriate footwear is either worn

or sent to school on these days.

M other’s Day

Don’t forget to send back your invitation to

the Mother’s Day morning tea. It will be great to

catch up with you over a cuppa.

S chool Council -

Change of dates for Meetings.

The date for the next School Council meeting has

been changed from the 20th May to the 13th May.

This means that our Fair subcommittee meeting

will also be changed to the 13th.

The Grounds Committee are looking to run a WOOD

RAFFLE during Term Two and are requesting the

assistance of any families who are able to provide

access to a supply of wood. A working bee will be

organised to cut, load and remove any unwanted

wood on your property.

S chool Fair


Whilst you are preparing your garden for

winter and then again in spring please take

cuttings and pot up any spare plants to sell at our

school fair in November

Debbie Inglis

Acting Principal.

D epartment of Education Somers Camp

A nine day residential outdoor and

environmental experience for Year 5 & 6 students

A Comprehensive Personal Development Program.

О Challenge O Self Esteem

О Tolerance O Awareness

In July/August grade 5/6 students will have

the opportunity to participate in the “Somers Camp”

at a cost of $185.00 per student.

Students from our school have been invited

to engage in this unforgettable experience.

Any families interested in sending their child

are asked to contact the school for more


T he Arts

Due to a number of considerations, we will no

longer be staging a school production.

As of this year we’ll be reverting to our

annual concert format to be held on Thursday,

September 11th.

Karen King-Jones

Page 3: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

Parents’ Club News Mother’s Day Morning Tea

Nathalia Primary School will be celebrating Mother’s Day on Friday 9th May, 2014,

from 10 – 11.30 am with a morning tea for Mothers, Grandmothers & Special Friends.

Your support is always appreciated so please join others in our school community on this morning.

We will also be running a small raffle.

Tickets have been attached to the invitation and will also be available at the morning tea.

RSVP by Monday 5th May, 2014 for catering.

Thank you,

Julie Lindsay.

Congratulations to 4/5/6 RIN Students:

Daniel, Caleb, Darcy, Teagan, and Taline

For their perfect attendance during Term One.

Bronze: Maddy & Joel Gold: Tash

Student Wellbeing How time flies! We are now two

weeks into term two and the students

may be starting to get a little tired.

It can be a difficult term with

coughs, colds, head lice and other bugs.

So please continue to ensure that your

children are getting enough sleep and

some fun and recreation to enhance

their sense of wellbeing.

If at any time you have concerns

regarding your child, please contact the

school and speak to myself or Cameron

(School Chaplain). I am at the school on

Tuesday and Wednesday and Cameron

is in on Monday and Thursday. We may

be able to assist with the issue that is of

concern to you or your child; however if

we are not able to, we will certainly

make a referral to an appropriate


Glenda Harding

Primary Welfare Officer

H ead Lice Alert There have been recent notifications of head lice

within the school.

Please be vigilant and check your child’s hair on

a regular basis and treat where necessary.

Page 4: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

4/5/6 J

Currently in 4/5/6J we are focused on Place

Value in Maths and exploring Narratives and

Persuasive writing.

All the students have returned to school

buzzing with energy. We began our inquiry project

into famous Explorers yesterday and each person has

a different explorer to learn about this term.

We are exited for winter sports in 2 weeks and

the cross country will be a lot of fun after that!

don't forget to play!

Aaron Johnson

Grade 4/5/6, Sports & ICT Coordinator


This term in 4/5/6R we have a

very busy term with a lot of winter

sport events happening. Also the

Grade 5’s will be completing the

NAPLAN tests during the term.

This term in “Inquiry” we are

learning about different explorers with

the students completing a different

task each week to be handed in and

marked for assessment.

The students are also getting to

interact with 4/5/6J for reading and

maths as the students have been

mixed into different groups.

Monique Ringin

Grade 1/2/3H

In Grade 1/2/3H we have been

reading all the books about Grug.

Grug is a grassy creature whose friends

are Cara the snake and Snoot the

echidna. He goes on lots of

adventures. We are now writing our

own stories about Grug, and going to

make them into books.

In Maths this week we are

learning about the place value of

numerals. We have been reading

numbers up to 100,000.

Two mornings a week we have

started running around the oval in

practice for our cross country day

coming up.

Jeanette Hill

Page 5: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

Grade 1/2/3 B

This once again will be a busy term with

lots of learning happening in the “Beautiful


Grade 3s will be looking forward to

completing the NAPLAN tests later this


We are learning about ‘Heroes,’ this term

which fits in with ANZAC Day. We will be

looking at lots of different heroes including

Superheroes. We will learn about what

makes a hero and we will distinguish a

hero from someone we admire for other

reasons, such as our favourite football

player. (Mrs Butler loves Lenny Hayes)

We will compete in the school cross

country and everyone will have fun that


Later in the term we will be learning about

Australia and all its stories.

Leanne Butler

This term in the Arts.

During this term in the art room all children

will be completing painting and printmaking

tasks. They will be learning about colour

theory, painting techniques and effects. It

would be a good idea to make sure your child

has some sort of art shirt to protect their

clothing...saves on the washing! Music lessons

will focus on rhythm, pitch and tempo

activities. We will also attend a performance of

Cinderella on June 5th. Our choir has had a

slow start this year due to a number of other

school activities clashing with rehearsal time.

I’m hoping this term, we can get in some

regular rehearsal time and community


Karen King-Jones


This term in Science we have a variety of Stick in-

sects to observe.

The Preps, grade 1/2/3s are busy planting differ-

ent seeds both in the garden and in different ex-

periments inside. The 1/2/3s are experimenting

with balloons and they will be making balloon

rockets or cars.

The students in Grade 4/5/6 have put the finishing

touches to their Broken Creek Projects and I am

looking forward to reading them in the coming

weeks. They will be moving onto new activities

including looking at the parts of a flower, investi-

gating chemical reactions in different ways and

building on from the experiments we did last year.

I would like to thank Courtney Brown for stepping

in and working in the Science room whilst I am in

the office.

Debbie Inglis

Prep White

A big hello and welcome to term

two in the Foundation room. We are

settling into routine quickly and have many

things we are learning about over the

coming weeks.

Our enquiry topic this term is Fairy

Tales and Nursery Rhymes. We are

investigating stories such as Snow White,

The Three Little Pigs and many other


“You’ve got brains in your head and feet in

your shoes. You can steer yourself any

direction you choose.”

-Dr. Seuss-

Rachael White

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School Leaders - 2014


2nd - Division Basketball Trials

5th .- Region Soccer Trials ( Shepparton )

6th - Region Netball Trials (Benalla )

7th - School Cross Country + St. Francis

9th - 5/6 Winter Sport @ Katunga

12th - Region Football Trials (Benalla )

13th - School Council Meeting

- Fair Sub-Committee Meeting

19th - Pupil Free Day - Staff PD

20th - Parents ’ Club meeting

23rd - Division Cross Country

- 5/6 Winter Sport @ Nathalia

30th - Report Writing Day



5th - Visiting Performance - “ Cinderella ”

6th - 5/6 Winter Sport @ Nathalia

9th - Queens Birthday Holiday

10th - School Photographs

13th - SRC - Black Friday Dress up Day

16th - Responsible Pet Program Visit

17th - School Council Meeting

- Parents ’ Club Meeting

18th - Region Cross Country (Broadford )

20th - 5/6 Winter Sport

27th - Term Two concludes


14th - Term Three commences

15th- Parents ’ Club Meeting

17th - State Cross Country

25th - 5/6 Winter Sport

- Division Football/Netball/Soccer/




1st - Lightning Premiership ( Cobram )

8th - Regional Football/Netball/ Soccer/

Teeball C/Ships

19th- School Council meeting

- Parents ’ Club meeting


5th - SRC - Footy Colours Day

8th - Division Golf Championship

11th - School Concert

16th - School Council meeting

- Parents ’ Club Meeting

19th - Term Three concludes


6th - Term Four commences

10th - Inter-school Athletic Sports

13th - Division Athletics Carnival

( S hepparton )

17th - Region Athletic Championship

( S hepparton )

21st - School Council Meeting

- Parents ’ Club Meeting

27th - State Athletics Championships


5th - Melbourne Cup Day

7th- Region Basketball & Softball

( S hepp )

11th - Remembrance Day

17th - Region Golf Championships

( Benalla )

18th - School Council meeting

- Parents ’ Club meeting


16th - School Council Meeting

- Parents ’ Club Meeting

19th- Term Four concludes

TBA - Grade Six Graduation

- Water Safety Program

- Pool Day

- Infant Camp & Activity Day

January 2015

January 28th -Term One commences

Page 7: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

Coughs, Colds and Asthma Coughs, colds and the flu are one of the most common triggers of asthma. The common cold is caused by an upper

respiratory tract infection and is a common illness for children and adults in Australia. As we approach the colder

months, here are some tips to keep in mind to prevent and reduce the spread of coughs, colds and the flu:

Avoid coughing and sneezing on or near others and wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of


If your child is not feeling well, it is recommended that they stay home and rest, to reduce the spread of in-

fections and to speed up their recovery process.

Everyone should have the annual flu vaccination to ensure they are protected from this disease. You or your

child may be eligible for the free flu vaccination. Details about who is eligible can be found here and can also

be determined by your doctor.

Prior to purchasing any medications or herbal and natural remedies’, you should seek the advice of your doc-

tor or pharmacist as some medications can react with asthma medications. Such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen/

Naproxen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications), Beta Blockers tablet and eye drops (used for high

blood pressure and glaucoma), and ACE inhibitors (used to control blood pressure).

Stay warm this winter!

For more information, please contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or

Parent and Carer Asthma Information Sessions

The Asthma Foundation of Victoria is funded by the Federal Department of Health to provide free asthma education

sessions to groups of parents and carers. These sessions can take place at the school or at a location of your choice.

The session runs for approximately one hour and covers:

Asthma triggers

Signs and symptoms

Asthma action plans

Asthma medication

Asthma First Aid

If you are interested in attending a parent and carer asthma information session, please contact The Asthma Foun-

dation of Victoria to arrange a session on 1800-ASTHMA or [email protected]

For more information, please contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or

Page 8: REMINDERS V’s Katunga at KatungaWinter Sport - Friday, May 9th - V’s Katunga at Katunga PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATES: School Council Meeting - Tuesday, May 13th - 7.00pm School

Positive Parenting Telephone Service

This Program is offered to parents, grandparents & carers of children aged 2 – 10 years

Our ten week program aims to assist you to: *Develop a stronger and more positive relationship with your child/children *Manage everyday behaviour problems *Set rules & limits *Teach new skills *Developing behaviour strategies

Through our service you will receive a workbook and weekly phone calls with a parent educator and all this can do done from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you.


For more information or to enroll phone

FREECALL 1800 880 660


Start now and make a positive start last a lifetime

This service is funded by Department of Human Services Victoria
