Page 1: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious Studies World Religions

Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Page 2: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesLesson 3 – The Promises

Last lesson we looked at rules. How do they link to the promises made by God?

Today you will:

• Find out about miracles God performed to keep his promises

• Watch a visual source• Discuss responses to miracles• Find out about the promises prophets made about a saviour


Page 3: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesPromises to Abraham

Abraham lived 4000 years ago. He worshipped one god. Abraham promised to stay faithful and obey God in everything. God promised in return that Abraham would have land for himself and that he would become the father of a great nation. He was led to Canaan.

‘Now the LORD had said unto Abraham, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will

show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.’

(Genesis 12:1-3)

Page 4: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesPromises to Moses

Hundred of years later, the Jews had become slaves in Egypt. Moses, a descendant of Abraham, was spoken to by God from within an apparently ‘burning bush’. This was the first of a series of miracles that God used to help Moses free the Jews (known as Israelites) from slavery. Moses led his people out of slavery, across the Red sea and back to Canaan (the promised land). In return the Jews promised to keep God’s laws – the 10 Commandments.

‘ Now if ye will obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all the nations you will be my treasured possession … a holy nation.’

(Exodus 19:5-7)

Page 5: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesMoses

Now a visual sourceMoses (Testament)

After watching you will be asked to list the miracles in the story so pay attention

Page 6: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesMoses & Miracles

How many miracles did you list?

There were 10 Plagues:

1. Water to Blood2. Frogs3. Gnats or Lice4. Flies5. Livestock Diseased6. Boils7. Thunder and Hail8. Locusts9. Darkness10. Death of the Firstborn

And of course the parting of the Red Sea

Page 7: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesMiracles?

Today …• many people do not like the idea of miracles – they

say they are just not true …• some people like the idea of the miracles but think

their may be another explanation other than God for why they happen, maybe luck or coincidence …

• others say that miracles happened then, and still happen now …

What do you think?

Page 8: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesProphets & Promises - Task

Throughout Jewish history prophets spoke of a saviour to come - they called him the Messiah. The promises said:

‘He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain’ (Isaiah 53:3)

‘He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy’

(Isaiah 11:3-4)

‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son’ (Isaiah 7:14)

‘Bethlehem … out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel’ (Micah 5:2)

1. Where would the messiah be born?2. Who would the messiah’s mother be?3. What would the messiah be like?4. How would he be treated?

Page 9: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesLesson 3 – The Promises

Today have you:

• Found out about miracles God performed to keep his promises?

• Watched a visual source?• Discussed responses to miracles?• Found out about the promises prophets made

about a saviour (Messiah)?

Page 10: Religious Studies World Religions Lesson 10 – Judaism & Promises

Religious StudiesLesson 3 – The Promises