Page 1: Release Highlights for BluePrint-PCB Product Version 3 · Expanded Adaptive Template™ Support Custom Edits for Component Coordinate Lists and Generic Tables are Retained ... Dimensioning

DownStream Technologies, LLC. Confidential

Release Highlights for BluePrint-PCB Product Version 3.6

New Functionality in V3.6 The following functional enhancements are contained in BluePrint Version 3.6:

Launch BluePrint-PCB Directly from Cadence Allegro

Automated Update of Imported Documents

PCB Copper Hatch Patterns

Board Image Flip Status Labeling for Panel Drawings

Expanded Adaptive Template™ Support

Assembly Variant Filter in PCB View and Process Step Chart

Drill Symbol Sizing in Fabrication Manager

Inspection Dimension Type

Datum Feature Snapping to Dimensions

Aligned Dimensions Orient to Line Segment Angles

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New Functionality Details

Launch BluePrint Directly from Cadence Allegro

Create or Update BluePrint-PCB Documents Directly from Cadence Allegro PCB Design System

You can now create or update existing BluePrint-PCB documents directly from the Cadence Allegro PCB Design System menus*. New BluePrint-PCB documentation is created using the BluePrint-PCB Documentation Wizard that assists you in defining your Assembly and Fabrication Drawings. Existing BluePrint-PCB documentation are updated seamlessly. The EDA data transfer occurs automatically in the background without user intervention.

DownStream Product Installation automatically links the BluePrint-PCB installation to an existing Allegro PCB Design System installation to enable seamless data transfer.

*Note: Currently verified with the Cadence Allegro 16.6 release. Earlier releases not validated, but may be compatible.

BluePrint-PCB menu access from Cadence Allegro

BluePrint-PCB New Document Wizard

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Automated Update of Imported Documents

Outdated Imported Documents are Refreshed with Newer Source

Documents (external files) imported into a BluePrint-PCB file are automatically refreshed with new versions of the file source on file open. Outdated documents that were inserted into a BluePrint document from the Task Pane are presented on file open. Users can select whether or not to update the inserted documents.

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PCB Copper Hatch Patterns

Visibility Enhancement to Display Copper with Hatch Patterns

You can set hatch patterns for copper on PCB CAD layers in a PCB View. Choose from several common hatch patterns when formatting PCB Views.

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Board Image Flip Status Labeling for Panel Drawings

Board Image Labeling Denotes Flip Status for Flip Panel Designs

For Panel Drawings, you can now display IPC standard annotation labels denoting the flip (mirror) status. Boards are identified with an “A” or “B” label that is flipped and/or oriented accordingly.

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Expanded Adaptive Template™ Support

Custom Edits for Component Coordinate Lists and Generic Tables are Retained

Adaptive Template technology has been extended to include additional templates. You can now define adaptive templates for Component Coordinate Lists. In addition, Generic Table Templates can be used as Adaptive Templates. You can make custom edits to expanded tables for Component Coordinate Lists and Generic Table Templates. Custom edits are retained on any ECO Update operation.

Process Steps in PCB View and Process Step Chart

Process Step Charts and PCB Views Show Variants for Process Steps

You can now display a Process Step filtered by an Assembly Variant in an Assembly PCB View or Process Step Chart. Use the settings to display Installed, Uninstalled and/or Substituted part status.

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Drill Symbol Sizing in Fabrication Manager

Drill Symbol Sizing are Adjustable by Hole Size

You can now set Drill Symbol size for each hole size in the Fabrication Manager. Use this to set a Drill Symbol size proportional to the actual hole size, making the Drill Pattern more clear improved correspondence of symbol size to hole size.

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Inspection Dimension Type

Dimension Type for Critical Inspection Annotation

In support of industry standards, a new Inspection dimension type was introduced. Use the Inspection dimension type to add and identify critical inspection dimensions with a rounded rectangle around the dimension value.

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Datum Feature Snapping to Dimensions

Datum Features Lock to Dimensions

Datum Features can now be snapped to any dimension lines in your BluePrint-PCB documentation. This allows you to move a PCB View or dimension and keep the Datum Feature locked to the associated dimension.

Aligned Dimensions Orient to Line Segment Angles

Orientation Support to Line Angles for Aligned Dimensions

The Aligned Dimension drawing elements can now be oriented to the same angle as lines selected for dimensioning. The Aligned Dimension context menu now has a new Snap Preference setting for snapping to either Vertex or Line. Vertex snapping mode works by snapping to any selectable points for snapping. Line snapping mode works by snapping to a line segment or extension and adjusting the Aligned Dimension orientation to match the angle of the selected line segment or extension.

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BluePrint-PCB V3.6 Build Defect Fixes

Project ID Description

Assembly Drawing 56293 Variant List table does not sort by Reference Designator.

Assembly Drawing 56519 Substituted Parts do not show in Variant List table filtered by an Assembly Variant.

Assembly Drawing 56457 Component outlines are not filled for certain component outline geometries.

Assembly Drawing 56595 The Process Step Chart SQL field specification should include the Assembly Variant table fields.

Assembly Drawing 56750 Parts List expansion is incorrect for certain complex Part Type definitions filtered by Assembly Variants.

Assembly Drawing 56752 Parts List expansion does not show alternate parts for certain Part Type definitions filtered by Assembly Variants.

Common Elements 56742 Groups with Nomenclature classes do not automatically snap to corner locations on a sheet.

Common Elements 56718 BluePrint-PCB stops when unchecking underline hyperlink option in Tools > Options > General.

Common Elements 56719 Copper outlines not drawn for voids.

Common Elements 56668 For certain board outlines, the Board Side View does not show protrusion marks.

Customization 53278 Customize > Tools path specifications do not support environment variables.

Panel 56287 Cannot ungroup Panel drawing with its dimensions

Panel 56286 Web route graphics incorrect on file load after file save and reopen

Dimensioning 56137 GD&T Datum Target should snap to any dimension or dimension extension.

Dimensioning 54929 Dimensions cannot snap to an arc center or a circle center that is outside of the extents of the board profile.

Dimensioning 56262 Undo of edit operations after creating and editing a basic dimension causes the basic dimension text to shift position.

Dimensioning 56259 Aligned Dimension do not snap and orient to the line direction for line at any angle, for example 45 degrees.

Dimensioning 56534 Radius dimension does not snap to panel corners that have round chamfers.

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Edit 56261 Cut and Paste of callout drawing element incorrectly adds punctuation to numbers in Note Blocks.

Edit 56530 GD&T auto-sizing is incorrect for triangle balloons that are placed around note indices in a Note Block.

Export 56275 Board Outline does on clip for board outline with arcs on PDF export

Export 56276 Shifting of Side View for PDF Export

Export 56277 DXF export of Note Blocks is incorrect for English and Japanese fonts.

Export 55714 The Watermark rotation is dropped on Export PDF

Export 56715 For Coordinate dimensions, reference dimensions are output with extra brackets on PDF Export

Export 56625 PDF Export drops copper hatch for certain hatched shapes.

Export 56673 PDF Export does not correctly output reference designator visibility for certain Exploded Views.

Fabrication Drawing 56596 The default drill symbol gallery name (“Drill Symbol Gallery”) must remain unchanged; the user should not be able to change it.

File 56597 On File Open of BPD file with IPC-2581 CAD Data, refresh CAD Data browse dialog looks for ODB++ instead of IPC-2581 data.

File 56749 File Open of BPD file fails to complete for drawings with certain Process Step charts with added rows.

Import 56283 Drill Tolerances incorrect PADS ASCII import problem

Import 56284 BluePrint Crash on ODB++ file - Bad Expedition output

Import 56455 Expedition ODB++ import incorrect Drill Tolerances

Import 56518 BSXE ODB++ support for feature files without component outlines.

Import 56292 Import CSV as Variant does not support Part Types with multiple fields.

Import 56520 Import of Altium ODB++ file fails to complete.

Import 56236 PADS ASCII import results in wrong copper size for polygon outlines with large width.

Import 56741 PADS ASCII import does not update component attributes that do not match owning part type attributes.

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Import 56716 Panel dimensions jump after new ODB++ CAD data is imported

Import 56622 ODB++ import from CAM350 ODB++ file does not handle rotated images.

Import 56682 ODB++ Import fails to complete for certain Zuken ODB++ files

Import 56626 PADS Import incorrectly offsets Stroke Font

Import 56623 PADS Import results in certain Unused pads not being correctly removed.

Import 56664 PADS Import results in wrong drill symbol size for certain designs.

Import 56624 Gerber Import drops copper voids for certain configurations of flashed pads.

Import 56621 Part Names from CSV import that override CAD data Part Names are not used for Component Coordinate List.

Import 56751 Altium ODB++ import drops polygon islands that are inside polygon voids for certain CAD designs.

Installation 56615 Certain wireless adapters cause the license installation to hang.

Installation 56614 RSS feed option is not properly set when ALL USERS context is used for silent installation.

Macros/Scripting 56717 During macro playback, reference designators shift position on visibility change.

Macros/Scripting 56620 Process Step Creation support is needed for Automation API.

Macros/Scripting 56660 Macro playback is incorrect for scripts that delete Imported Files.

Templates 56273 Drill chart – second execution data shifts columns for Adaptive Template

Templates 56274 Parts List - Adaptive Template Columns shift

Templates 56456 Parts List - Crash on Adaptive Template expansion

User Interface 56669 For automated Allegro Integration, there is no method to retain the ODB++ file for PCB Fabrication.

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Patent, Copyrights, and Trademarks



At least one other patent pending.


Copyright© 2005-2013 by DownStream Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.

This information is copyrighted; all rights are reserved by DownStream Technologies, LLC. This information may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without the express written permission of DownStream Technologies, LLC.

DownStream Technologies, LLC., 225 Cedar Hill Street, Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752


BluePrint , BluePrint-PCB , BluePrint for Printed Circuit Boards , and CAM350 are registered trademarks of DownStream Technologies, LLC. Adaptive Templates™ is a trademark of DownStream Technologies, LLC. Adobe, Adobe PDF Library, Adobe logo, Acrobat, PostScript, and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. The Postscript language is copyrighted by Adobe Systems Incorporated. DXF and Autodesk are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. FLEXlm is a registered trademark of Macrovison Corporation. Omnify is a registered trademark of Omnify Software. Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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We have done our best to ensure that the material found in this publication is both useful and accurate. However, please be aware that errors may exist in this publication, and that neither the authors nor DownStream Technologies, LLC. make any guarantees concerning the accuracy of the information found here or in the use to which it may be put.
