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Sequence of shots in a scene are organised by the editor and it will traditionally be determined by the genre.

If we are talking about drama, the editor may start with a wide shot, concentrating on proxemics, for instance the distance between two individuals who have become emotionally repelled from each other. On the off chance that the dramatic beat of the scene has been determined as the most explosive moment in a following argument, by using medium coverage the editor allows the audience to encounter the building pressure that the characters themselves are feeling. Ultimately, closer coverage is used to highlight the scope of feelings and emotions- anger, resentment, hatred- coursing through the characters. This is achieved by focusing on the detail of the characters’ facial expressions.

In an action adventure film, the editor would tend to exchange between wider shots of the action and closer scope specifying the reactions/responses of characters. When looking at a chase scene, a scope of wide production value shots will regularly be intercut with closer scope of the characters, this includes responding to the changing strategy, dynamics and stakes of the chase.

When editing a horror film, the editor may choose to remain wide on the action to isolate a defenceless, vulnerable character. The editor may utilize a long take, opposing the choice of cutting to new angle, waiting on the action in a similar shot size keeping in mind the end goal to create the sense of stillness. Relationship to genre is clear through the encoding – stillness with horror speaks the quiet, calmness that goes before snapshots of violence and terror.
