Page 1: Reincarnation, is it possible
Page 2: Reincarnation, is it possible


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 Photography Cheryl Andiön  


Vellyqueen Communications © Colombia    

Cover  Feeling Safe 

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Page 3: Reincarnation, is it possible

On Valentine’s Day For those Valentine’s that are still alone I like The sadness of a missed love Past Life Regression Healing from the beginning




My life with a teacher How she changed my life Answer: Because I haven't found what I love from them The answer to my sister The Real Concept of Beauty

Vellykids : The Magic Map



Content  February 2011



Page 4: Reincarnation, is it possible


Dear Readers: Extending a nice greeting and thrilled to deliver this edition in which I want to celebrate one year of being with you. It has not been an easy task since for nobody is a secret that directing a magazine involves sacrifices, time and money. But nothing of that has been in vain. Because we are proud of the work that we have carried out, we have grown in a way it wasn’t expected, therefore we have had to run against the clock to be able to deliver to you, my beloved readers, the best of our editions, with articles with no equal, that can hardly be found in other magazines of the same gender. It pleases me to see that the objectives of our mission have been achieved to totality, our task as the teachers has been extended through this YOUR MAGAZINE, that each day wants to complement the knowl-edge that at the school you learn; knowledge that not only is targeted to my students but for which we glimpsed in the board of results, every day more readers that are interested on our topics, qualify them as original, professional but moreover that have been carried with high class, that is something that has not been seen for a while in mass media. This is just the starting point, the beginning of a great future that is not going to stop just because every day has its eager and exhaustion. Eager and exhaustion that can be elevated by the power of teaching and the power of learning, I am a teacher and I feel proud of being, but I feel more proud of having the opportunity to share with all of you all this learnt wisdom and generate new methods that allow you and us to be better day by day. To them, that have done their very best to make us enter into our offices, sit in our working places, to them, that has kept us interested on wanting to share our knowledge, to them for whom this Valen-tines Month I raise my cup and say CHEERS! Celebrating our first year of life as a magazine, to those who turned around to us and say YES, they are good and the ones that will say in the future YES they are the best, THANK YOU! For letting us be a part of your lives, for allowing us to change it in a radical way, although sometimes is just for a small while, for letting us express what in here for you is felt… The best hug because WE LEARN FROM YOU, WITH YOU AND FOR YOU. Happy Valentines Day With all my love Cheryl Andiön Vellyqueen Magazine Director

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By Ahmed Abdelhamid

What’s Love? When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher. In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost. What is important is you know when to hold on and when to let go! You know you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy, even if their happiness means that you're not part of it. Everything happens for the best. If the person you love doesn't love you back, don't be afraid to love someone else you’ll never love a person you love unless you risk for love. Love strives in hurting. If you don't get hurt, you don't learn how to love. Love doesn't hurt all the time. Though the hurting is still there to test you, to help you grow. Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall. You just fall. You can-not finish a book without closing its chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages. Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress. It is a lifetime venture in which we are always learn-ing, discovering, and growing. The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go. We lose someone we love only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than they can love their selves.

To all those who are coming out of that precious thing called love ...

A bad relationship is preparing you for not to screw it when the right person is on front of you… so don't worry, after this, is so near for that soul to

come to you...

For those Valentine’s that are still alone..

On falling out of love, take some time to heal and then get back on the horse. To love is to risk rejection, to live is to risk dying, to hope is to risk failure. But risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is risk nothing! To reach for another is to risk involvement, to expose your feelings is to expose true self; to love is to risk not to be loved in return. Love - isn't how much you can get, but how much you can give; it's not about giving up, but holding on; not about how you say, 'I love you,' but how you show it's true. It is something far more precious, but something far more fragile. Hold on to it too tightly and it will crumble in your fingers. Hold it too loosely and the wind might blow it away and shatter it on the cold ground. Listen to the voice in your heart but be absolutely sure the voice comes from your heart. If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with. It's ok to kiss a fool, it's ok to let a fool kiss you, but NEVER let a kiss fool you....

Page 6: Reincarnation, is it possible

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Page 7: Reincarnation, is it possible

I LIKE…. By Catalina Rojas I like when you wake me up like this… Like this the dawn turns sweeter I like to feel how you hands Open a path in my waist They rush seeking the top of their fantasies… I like to feel how my breasts Wake up within your warm hands… At the south of my body, feel behind me your inspiration By wish and in my neck your kisses That tastes me more like a farewell! I like you to seek The moment of loving one another Of warm each other…but that uncertainty, Of not knowing if it would be the last, Since few is a word, the encounters, That leave a deep print in my heart. This is how the cold mornings Become the most desired for both of us… Is in the dawn that cold put us together And hand in hand we are what we have always been You and Me. We, are two souls Locked in their own fears… But together we are, we are just pure love! Let the winter come And don’t let the gray sky fade So your body will search for comfort in mine And let us love one another without losing like this!

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Past Life Regressions Healing, from the beginnings

Why I feel like I have been here before?

I was 20 years old and therefore the path to an unknown world was opening in front of my eyes. Life has been difficult and in an age that wasn’t helping at all, to understand the mysteries of life and what it was about to come…

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I went to bed to sleep as usual after an overwhelming day in the university. I had walked for at least one hour trying to get to my office. Exhausted and scared for having to walk, while I did, I wondered why every time I was walking I felt like someone would rape me. It was something that came over my mind every time I had to walk on the streets. It was a baseless fear since I had no memories about something this absurd happening in the past. I’ve always believed in reincarnation and past lives; I’m not going to play the same roll other “Scientifics” play when they want to enhance their credibility by saying “I was skepti-cal”, at the moment they have to tell what they have to tell. Don’t ask me why I believed without living any previous experience, I just knew it existed and I was curious with the topic. That night I recite my prayers just like every night when come to sleep, and I sent a des-perate yell to heaven, asking for a sign that helped me out with that horrible fear. The sig-nal arrived. In a way I wasn’t expecting. I entered in a very deep sleep, and all of a sudden I saw myself dressed in a very strange way. The odd part, was, that it wasn’t that odd at all, I seemed so comfortable in the situation and so conscious about who I was, that I was almost smelling what that environment had. I knew where I was, who I was and the current year, curiously, deep in my heart I knew that wasn’t my real place.

I was 23 years old, Ireland. The year… It started with seventeen hundred or something like that, I was so impressed with the images that I didn’t consider the year so relevant. It was my house, a huge mansion that my parents inherited to me at the day they passed away. My dress was blue with tulle and laces; high heels large tying boots, right below the knees. I saw myself tying them, I was having a hard time doing it, since I had no one to help me, I suppose all my servants where busy attending my guests that were waiting for me to start a huge party. All of a sudden the scene jumped and I saw myself smiling to one of my guests, a young man 25 years old more less, tall, neatly dressed in black, and of course with perfect features. He was intensely looking at me, I smiled back.

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Seemed like my smile showed to him some kind of interest since he turned around and raised his cham-pagne cup, like bowing me. I bended down my head as a gratitude gesture. All of a sudden in a careless moment the man threw himself over me to achieve his goal and he made a pass at me.

However, he didn’t succeed since I had 2 nice weapons in my feet the ones who made a good job after I had a very hard time trying to tie, so bothering again was not something remaining in his list. These kinds of images, surely more than one has been given, however they have had ignored them just like I did 14 years ago. I have to say that this episode helped me to for-get the whole idea of being raped. It was kind of relieving to see those images and fi-nally discover the source of something that was a mystery to me. How? I don’t know, and I was missing all that information. But this is the best healing I’ve ever experienced. And like these, these kinds of episodes had been repeated through years in which I ap-peared every now and then in different situations but, what caught more my attention, was that I reappeared with the same group of souls, the ones in this life I interact with. Time to face what it was happening, arrived. And I decided to travel to New York city that, for some unknown reason, I just dislike, and I still don’t know why I undertook my searching to the teacher of Past lives Regression Dr, Brian Weiss. I enroll in a 4 days workshop. As expected, it was crowded at least 150 people in a very small room. Doc-tors, therapists, patients, well, I can spend a whole page telling you the amount of pro-fessions in there where since his workshops are design for anyone that wants to practice this type of healing and those who want to heal. I didn’t want to be a part of that bunch that was doing whatever to get his attention. I was there just because I wanted to learn how to see what his patients usually see and heal mine.

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During his workshop there were so many emotions in the air since we all know that is due to emotions that a body can heal, be raised or be hurt and ill the mind and the spirit. Fear, pain, love, forgiveness, loneliness among many others that we have in certain moments experienced, what we bring to this existence, the ones we don’t see at the moment of our birth but definitely they take us to emotional states that we, for so many times, don’t understand. By the end of day 4, Dr. Weiss as he used to, asked someone from the audience to play his patient, as you can imagine there was huge line, bigger than the audience itself and my chances to say “ME” were almost none. I remained silence maybe fearing on saying something that might not be proper for the moment or maybe because I knew that in that audience could be someone needing this regres-sion more than I did. Since I didn’t think I was the one with more problems in there and taking the opportunity away from someone that can be seeing life in a ter-minal way, wouldn’t be fair enough for ex-ample; however he turned his eyes to me and asked “Will you help me? “ And I said yes, why not. I relied on the chair and while he ex-plained what it was going to happen, he started his countdown. 10: Your heart and becomes calm, 9: Relax your lower jaw, 8: Your eyes are heavy, 7: Take a deep breath and release it deeply, 6: Go down the spiral stairs,

5: You see it darkening but even though you can see everything, 4: Go deep inside your unconscious, 3: Keep on breathing, 2: When I say one you will be in the origin of your fears, 1: NOW go… “In that last one he was very emphatic and at the same time he gave a small knock in the middle of the eyebrows with his middle and index fingers; according to his ideas and as far as I can proved it, help the con-centration to keep deeper and deeper. And there I was, awaken but in deep con-centration. He asked me” What do you see?” And I told him that I didn’t know if what I was seeing was a blur of my imagi-nation or they were real images; I heard his voice when he said, loose a bit and believe in what you are seeing, doubts will block the registers of your past lives. And so I did, I gave credibility to my eyes and I saw myself barefoot, and dressed with animal skin, playing with it seemed to be a seesaw and my older brother I were play-ing, he pushed the big rock and me on it, with his hands he was pulling it down and up, I was surprised about his strength be-cause the rock was no less than 1 diame-ter long and I knew it was heavy for a 10 year old kid; Dr. Weiss asked me if I rec-ognized my brother and I said no, but when I turned around I saw my parents in that life, who happens to be the same par-ents I have now only that they were to-gether back then. We lived like in tribes, in caves, seemed to be a happy life until I went down the seesaw and started run-ning, to escape from a wild boar. I run and

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and run but deep inside I knew I was not going to able to make it. And that was it. That wild boar ended up with my life and I entered into desperation. Dr. Weiss said get out of there; remember you can live the experience inside the body or float over the scene. And that’s how I did. I left the scene, all I could see was the ani-mal, and me, floating over that horrible dead. Dr. Weiss told me to take a deep breath, and to move to much happier scene. I started to see a tunnel, or kind of, that it was like travelling through space in an un-countable speed and all of sudden I saw my feet again, golden sandals, white long dress. Do you see the place? Dr. Weiss as-ked. And I said yes, is Egypt. I saw myself very nicely dressed; immediately I unders-tood why I have such a fascination for that ancestral culture… Are you alone? And I said no. I am with my husband, who is hol-ding my left hand and steers at me with a love that I just remember once to have. We couldn’t stop looking at each other. He is my soulmate, now I know. How do you know is him? Dr. Weiss asked. I can only say” I just know it, and that’s it” I see his bo-dy but for some reason I can see his soul too, strange but true. I was shyly looking at him, was like being in clouds or something like this. As far as I can see it was the day of our wedding. Do you recognize the guy Dr. Weiss asked, and I said again yes! ; And in this life he was my true love too. For obvious reasons I am not going to reveal his name, but now that I recognized him,

I know destiny gave this opportunity to love in the same intensity I did in the past not only once but many times and even though we are not together now, this regression gave me the understand-ing of not feeling desperation for not having true love now and be grateful for the lived moments. Gave me the pa-tience and the great relief that he has been mine, and he will be in some other life. Is just a matter of waiting and let us live the destinies we chose for this exis-tence. That explains why when we were together, one day he went out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and another one in his head just like King Tut, and the impact of seeing him so Ancestral and so known has no ex-planation. It only occurs to me and say,” You look so Egyptian” Even though I felt it, I didn’t give much importance to the thing, as usual. And, ¿ what do you feel now that you know that your soul mate has been in your path? I don’t know, my feelings are blended; I’m glad to know it or better to confirm it, although he was in grieve for a past relationship, almost cry-ing every time he played her song,

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, it wasn’t going to work out, I had to make so much to get his attention, I felt him obligated and I just left him. I guess he didn’t even noticed about who I was. I have never been a left over woman; I got used to be people’s number 1, still is, what can I say… Dr. Weiss asked me, you want to come out of it? I said, no, I’m feeling the love I have for him. What is your name? It is pronounced like Yessenia, but I know how to write it, Ye-sse-ni-yah. How do you know it? Dr. Weiss asked. And again, I don’t know, I just know it and I know is right. His name starts with a “C” I just don’t know how to pronounce it. Surprisingly and without Dr. Weiss asking to, I changed the scene. From one moment to another I was in front of a man that was holding my two hands and was comforting me and me claiming him for something. I was asking him but I wasn’t able to understand the conversation. What year are you in? , Dr. Weiss asked. There’s a war, 1819 (When I got back to the hotel I surfed the web searching for the years of the war, and was surprised with the numbers although they were up side down the real year 1918 and I, as usual, due to my dyslexia, turned the date around.) My name is Marie, and his is Jeffrey, I know because his name is written in his uniform. He belongs to the army. Do you recognize him? Dr. Weiss said, yes, and the place.. England. Happens to be a man that I met 5 years ago in the most unlikely and absurd way that some-one can meet another someone. I remember I trusted him immediately; I don’t know why but felt confident talking to him. We tried to have a relationship but now I can see it, wasn’t meant to be. He lives in London nowadays and by chance his name starts by J in this time-line. Dr. Weiss called me back to the beginnings of that same existence, I didn’t know how I did that but I did it, I saw myself with 12 years old arguing with J because he had hurt my other best friend’s feelings. And where is your other best friend? Dr. asked, he is seated behind the trees, he is very an-gry. They pushed each other but for some reason I was defending the other one. Get near the other friend do you know him? And I said yes, that’s my soul mate. Do you know why are they fighting? He asked. Yeah we were playing and J is always trying to separate me from my soul mate they started to push each other, one of them extremely angry and pas-sionally arguing and the other extremely calm trying to put an end to this argue. So it was a friendship that transcended through time? Dr. Weiss asked. I said, “I think so” I don’t know. Ok progress that same life again some years forward just a bit until the day you married. OK, I said. I found hard to do such a thing, I saw we couldn’t go to the places we want but finally I got there.

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Maybe is because that is ex-actly what I have to heal. We don’t know. Again in the altar with the biggest blessing a hu-man being can have, marrying the true love. Is beautiful to see him again, and he is handsome too, or maybe I was blinded by love? I know I was extremely happy the days I lived with him, he was murdered one year

after our wedding. This is when the two scenes join, I saw myself claiming J about why des-tiny took him away from me. Even though scenes are in disorder, there is a clear path that takes us from one scene to another. J was helping me with my grief. I saw both of us wal-king along the streets of England. And the scene jumped onto the day that J and I were to-gether as husband and wife with 3 children. Suddenly J felt bad, and he was in bed, with his face turned blue, I was crying by his side, aside the bed, knowing that there was nothing to do and that he was going to leave me. And that night he passed away with 30 years old. “So you became a widow twice in the same life?” Dr. Weiss asked. I said yes, and you can’t imagine how painful this is. So that explains why you abandon mates before you are aban-doned, you told me that is a pattern you repeat over and over, Dr. Weiss said…. Dr. Is something I can’t control, is beyond myself, maybe tired of so much pain, so when I see them turning their eyes to another woman, or trying to leave me I do it first, so I will avoid the bad moment and I make my best for not seeing them ever again… I just think that is useless to waste my time if finally they are leaving. I just don’t want to feel, no more. My Dad abandoned us at 9 in this life time, but as a second thought I ask myself if he ever was a part of our lives…my husband left me not once or twice, so many times, there’s always someone to blame for, but after this regression I see that I haven’t learned anything from other lives since I have repeated the same pattern once again. What is important is for you to learn something from now and on…. Dr. Weiss declare. Now I know, I have to squeeze every moment with the people I love; that even though the time with them is limited no mat-ter if it is long or short, the days that they are with me do my best to make it special. That I don’t have to attach myself to them since we have the chance to re-encounter over and over, and that if they are not with me right now is because the time for them to be, is gone. And now I know that loneliness is just a state of mind, because we are never alone. And I will never be.

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Cheryl Andiön

Dr. Weiss asked me emphatically, “I feel myself committed to take you back to that old regression you had, 14 years ago.” I just said, Dr. and how am I supposed to do that? You know we never choose the place. You need to recognize who that man was and make the necessary arrangements for the day he appears, if he does; and free yourself once and forever. He said. I’m scared Dr. Weiss, I’m not so sure if I want to recognize him… This is it, you have to confront him for you to keep him away at the right moment, usually this kinds of re-lationships come back in new existences bringing too much pain….. 5: You go deeper, 4: travel now, 3: Take a deep breath, 2, 1 … Go now! You there? I said yes. The same party, Just exactly the same, I’m freaked out, and this time is for real. Float over the scene don’t live it. Dr. Said. “There he is”. Do you recognize him? YES.

Page 16: Reincarnation, is it possible

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Page 17: Reincarnation, is it possible

My life with a Teacher Fragment of a Spiritual Diary By Ishwara Leon Prologue Before I decided to change my life, I had a moment of truth. I was in my office in Bogota, from where I had a view of all my city; it was 9 o clock at night, and all of a sudden I felt a strong pain in my chest. I thought it was a stroke and anxiety came over, even though I’m not even 30 years old during 10 years of life I dedicated my life to study, work and stayed up all night with no rest. I took a deep breath and tried to practice a meditation that I had learned a few ago, and the pain decreased the in-tensity but it was followed by an inconsolably crying. With suit and tie I sat in the floor and cried like a little kid with apparently no reason; the only idea that was surrounding my head was, “I am dying inside”. I had dedicated my life to study humanities, I taught my first class in the university at 24, I offered training on more than 50 companies and I edited and corrected books for so many editorials and was the director of my own company. I shared my life during 2 years with an exceptional woman and we had, in the eyes of society a perfect family. At the same time I was taking courses of Yoga, meditated had assisted to well know psychologists, therapists and alternative doctors to “ know me better and be a better spiritual being” For my parents and friends everything was fine and “he has a wonderful future”, but that night, I felt that all what I created gave no meaning to my life.

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The Encounter What had happened that night no one got to know, I kept my routine and thought that forgetting was the best way to heal those emotions. That week I spoke to a friend, that was working in transpersonal therapy, and talked to me about his experience in a very spiritual way. That very moment, the skepticism invaded me, since in the last years a huge demand of “MASTERS” people that had taken advantage of the desperation and emptiness to get to feed their egos and sometimes their pockets. Nevertheless I found incredible the way he spoke about that teacher. This curiosity to meet this teacher and the need to escape for a while away from that life made me fill the registration form of her spiritual retirement. I had done catholic retirements before, meditation, Buddhist, Tao, transpersonal, and silence, so I knew what I had to deal with. When I arrived to the point of encounter I felt something very special, even though my intellect was in denial, I felt how her eyes entered into my soul and I experienced a wonderful inner peace. She started to talk and my critical thought tried to find any kind of incoherence or arrogance, but it couldn’t find anything; I could only find forcefulness, love and humility.

The teacher and her linage Lakshmi Devi was born in England. At 22 she departed to India, and after 6 months she found her Guru Preman-anda Deva, in the Himalayas. She served to her master and lived with him for 15 years, and she received all his teachings that came from a illumi-nated disciples chain that started in west with Master Ananda Devi that was iniciated by Ramana Maharishi y Sri Aurobindo, 2 exceptional souls from India. One of the deepest rela-tionships in learning in the “master-disciple” bond. This tradition is almost unknown in west, but compounds the essence of so many spiritual practices.

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Nowadays, people that have made some educational courses, man and woman with some knowledge in metaphysical knowledge or charismatic leaders that dare to give advice to others called themselves MASTERS. Just like Guru Premananda Deva used to say, in western world people want to be Masters before they can get to understand disciples by being a real disciple. Master Lakshmi Devi lived everyday with her Teacher and Master; received the emotional and mental purification; he saw her duality (ego and the real one); she learned to receive her teachings and grace through her masters silence, and observed and learned all the se-crets of deep self knowledge, This way Lakshmi Devi entered into her Atman (soul), ex-perienced a state of super conscious and reached all what eastern traditions call “illumination”. This state means, on teacher’s words, “total freedom” the constant union with the sacred universal essence. This form of initiation received by the teacher has a fundamental issue the process of purification. In here, the teacher, through multiple processes, proves the deliver, sincerity and disciple’s dedication. During the initiation, this last one has to show total availability to the discovery of other worlds and achievement of different states of mind. The difference that makes the difference. During the retirement we practiced Hatha-Yoga, and Tibetan yoga, we listened references of sacred Indian readings and heard the experiences of our teacher, but she didn’t seem an exceptional woman. The hour of the meditation finally came. During 8 years I had practiced some techniques and I knew that deep calm states can reached but I had never experienced something similar to what I felt that day. Before we started the teacher asked us to concentrate in deliverance and with sincerity and the heart of a child I gave my life to divinity. I remembered my crying and opened my heart and then I felt that the teacher was touching my chest, I felt that a light went out of my heart and my body expanded, while my spirit was feeling a total bliss. Neither the skepticism nor the fear over the unknown, and not even the doubts made me stop to deliver to this experience and at the same time that a smile covered my face, I was crying for letting myself to surrender into this experience during my whole life.

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At that moment I had the evidence. It wasn’t about nice words, or faith. It was about the need to knock the walls down; see the fear and suffer inside me; heal the wounds; and as-sume the responsibility of understanding me, take someone’s hand who had the power of healing me, for the simple reason that she was healthy and lived in peace. Without even noticing, I had taken the decision of searching the ultimate sense of my life, that thing that fills with truth, happiness and beauty my existence. I had decided because I felt the kindness and purity of a teacher that had lowed down from her level just to heal and transform with compassion. That teacher didn’t want money or a follower, her reasons where merely to guide all human to the end of suffering.

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The decision After the retirement, many of the assis-tants kept in touch with the teacher and every week we were receiving emails with inspiring words about our process. I felt better in my life, but each time I found less sense to what I was doing here. Al-ways looking for reasons to runaway; went out the city working extra hours to keep my mind distracted and sleeping over time for the same reason, just to avoid facing myself. One day I received an invitation from my Teacher from her teaching center in Santa Marta Colombia. In less than 15 days I was in this beautiful city, the one I hadn’t visited since my childhood. With no doubt I have to say that they were the best days of my life. The success program-ming, prestige and money with my life in Bogota had no sense in this place, where humility. Love and compassion were the right values. I found a Teacher totally de-livered to her disciples, which have under-stood in each act to be further from tastes and troubles. I spent 4 days in Santa Marta and before I left I told my teacher that I wanted to be her disciple. When I arrived to the airport my parents were waiting for me and without telling any-thing they noticed the happiness in my face. Right there I told them my decision and a month later I started my life as a disciple. In a life with a Master every minute has a meaning. Silence, the spoken word, the ac-tions, thoughts and emotions are a sign for the teacher of the state of our minds.

Here I got my second birth and I started to live different. With no fanaticism or beliefs, just with the decision of healing and the will to encounter sense, the teacher started to put order in my house. Gradually the attachments have lost meaning in my life, to advance into a un-ion with my deepest reality. Yoga, Meditation and Eastern Studies are in this life, but our teacher has taught us on not to get confused in the differ-ence between the technique and the goal. Is more important to recover the inno-cence that we lost by the passing of the years, meet again with the happiness of the small things, feel freedom and the childhood love, burn the falseness that live inside us and live in this permanent state, with no alteration. Extra sensorial perceptions constantly come and I have felt experiences beyond my body with expecting them. Beyond the state of mind, my Teacher has ex-plained that my initiation not only heals my mind, body and emotions but opens my most subtle states of conscious. This is a life full of magic where every minute is an opportunity to be in contact with the divine heritage of the world. Teacher Lakshmi Devi has offered heal-ings, conferences and interviews in Asia, Europe, Africa, USA and South America where she has spoken about the secrets of Yoga from the physical to metaphysi-cal; personal transformation, to relax our minds and find our real beings.

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With her Teacher they founded The New Future Society with centers in France, In-dia, USA and Colombia. They met presidents from numberless nations, political fig-ures and all kinds of members of so many societies, just delivering the message of in-tegration, of wisdom of ancient world into the modern world. Lakshmi Devi Publications The Illumined Mind of Ananda Devi (1997), Spiritual Revolution (2002), Revolución espiritual (2005), Light of the Future (2008), among others. Now she lives in Santa Marta Colombia. Disciples from all parts of the world arrive every week to work in her center. Any further information email [email protected]

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Based on all the experiences I have lived for 6 years, what in my diaries I have written more important the nice result and the lessons that I have learn. Remember, Is clever the one who learns from his own mistakes, but wiser is to learn from others mistakes, if I al-ready did the mistakes and is written here… do I have to say Be Wise? From the Book: Answer: Because I haven’t found what I love from them (from men) 6 years have passed since the day I decided to sit down and write this book. Seems fi-nally I have finished. Practically is in edition, pride is a part of what at the end of it you feel. I want to share from the beginning, this investigation that became the most beautiful experience ever lived, not only for the risks I had to pass through, but for the experiences and mistakes made, that took me to write this work, the one that has been in more than one’s mouth, but also, has been honored. It all started in the simplicity of the computer of my office, where I was “supposed” to be working in my past PR Company…

The Book

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I received a call from my sister, which I wasn’t speaking for more than a month since her busy life wasn’t giving her much time; I was seated in my desk and in the middle of the conversation she asked me: “ Hey, Don’t you have the intention on find-ing a boyfriend? ” Laughter is not a word for what happened there. I was carrying a solitary life, maybe like any other woman’s life that by being left, gets separated also from the idea of having a partner and decides to deliver life to sons and job. It was a very relaxing life, with the normal ups and downs, 32 years old, what didn’t make me feel old or some-thing pushy to run for anything since I was already divorced, independent and with a 5 year old kid, what made me have advan-tage over so many others in the same age, I guess that is why feeling alone was not exactly my feeling. Following her question my sister says: “You know, my friend Patricia is in a friend’s website or some-thing like that, well I don’t know exactly what that is, but I know she has met some people there”. Neither her nor me were interested on those kinds of pages but seemed she was really worried about me, but for sure I was-n’t interested in the idea of waving flags this way. However she managed to open me an account and then she told me: “Done you’re in. Go ahead, here’s your password and start surfing your site. And yes, there I was, inside, belonging to something I had no idea how to manage or how to eat it. The only thing I knew was the name: Hi5.

The idea of being exposed is not exactly my idea of making friends, I’ve always thought that being in internet is like going out to a park, full of people at the end of a concert in which if I start yelling “I need a boyfriend” whatever thing can fall. But well, there I was. One day in the middle of a wasting time lounge, because for sure you need a lot of time to hang out in these kinds of social pages and dedicate so much time if neces-sary; I sign in and I saw how crowded that was, and how many countries there were in social networks like that. All of them dedicated to post the best pictures, the best slogans and telling everything about their lives in a park of that size. Without any picture of me in my profile, I started to receive mails and friend requests in the site’s inbox that still today I don’t under-stand why without any kind of approach, people were writing to me. In here, I dis-covered that I have found the best tool to generate data and analyze each one of those “Masculine” Behavior, the ones that opened the path to this book. The question that my sister did back then and the mas-culine urge for sex opened the path to what I called: “ANSWER: BECAUSE I HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I LOVE FROM THEM” With this book I hope I have answered to that question that once my sister did, but moreover the reasons why is better to take some time to enter to the unknown, the dating world. I don’t think I am the only case; this is the case of billions, since I have seen in my patients and students of all levels the same story being repeated.

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For this, I had to take so many risks, I mean, expose myself from one way or another to ridicu-lous, mocking, bad feelings of so many jealous woman on the net, bad feelings of those man that, when they didn’t get what they wanted, started to hack my accounts and my pages and to the insults of both genders, to stealing and the worst of all risks: Falling in love with one of them. All of these feelings were confirmed by each one of the cases in which I was the guest star; like I said is not only me the one that has lived all this experiences since internet is a wonderful tool that help encounters and also disagreements. The names of my heroes and heroines have been replaced to give them the deserved respect to their privacy, although I have to declare that they gave me the permission to tell their stories and have been the best helping me out with concepts and ways of thinking since they belong to very different cultures. To them, the ones that have waited patiently for so long the reflection of their souls in this book I dedicate each of the pages and to my sister the one that prompt the right question in the right moment, the one that started all this riot I got in, the biggest hug I sent from the exile.

April 13 2005 I opened my explorer; I see my home-page and a huge hi5 ad appeared as if that was telling me that I had to go there to see what was going on at that mo-ment. The page was plain, all in white, looked bad moreover because I’m an Ad-vertiser and PR Consultant, I can not conceive life without color personality and style. I saw my messages and I no-

the page was receiving friend requests. The question was, why? I decided to observe others profiles; maybe something occurred to me, to see if I could get from them “something” I didn’t know yet, I was too first starter on this affairs. I was so scared on uploading any picture or in-formation about me; I didn’t know how people around me could react since, on those days, people’s idea and image about me was so important and was a huge part of my life. Braver, I decided to put some of my information to generate confidence, it was fake for sure, so I posted in a very far away country, also to hit the target group I was interested in. They won’t ask anything about it and I embark in a very nice adventure the best of my life. I put a picture and immediately I noticed it was attractive to the target group and my inbox be-came unstoppable and I started to make my job. Little by little I kept on decorating the site to attract more public, as if it is on sale. Thus I was managing to have more than 1000 friends in this site.

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I had a goal; investigate at least 1000 cases, for obvious reasons I can not write about all of the cases but for sure, I will give the most relevant for us to know a bit more from other cultures, tastes and personalities. I saw a window that I never saw before, I got in and I saw that it was an internal chat to make friends in other countries. Obviously I panic I was clear on not look-ing for what I haven’t lost. My friends mock on me, they were making com-ments like: “Are you crazy, something can happen to you” ,

“ You are getting into to much risk, those adventures with me, NO SIR!” But at the same time, they were over my laptop gossiping, and even one of them ended up in a relationship with one of the guys and now she has been happily married for 3 years. After a month, I entered into the so ignored chat. They show me a map where I had to choose the country that I want to chat to. Of course Latin America wasn’t. I was so bored of the Latin personality, the typical “Latin lover” that knows that is hot blooded, and conquers stiff woman easily that makes no effort on anything, no job, no study and think that the world will be theirs forever. I wanted to try other worlds, and I got into TURKEY. Why Turkey?, I have no idea, a country that in this side doesn’t sound much. There I was, waiting to know how that page worked, when Hakan made his great entrance. Of course the chat conversations are translated, but I wanted to keep the authenticity leaving them with all the mistakes in order to con-serve a special lineage. I could have amend them but had no meaning to take away from you the chance to connect to their vibration the way I did at the moment of the conversation. Hakan Dice: Hi Cheryl Dice: Hey Hakan Dice: Where from you? Cheryl Dice: UK Hakan Dice: I Turkey, Istanbul. Cheryl Dice: Nice to meet you Hakan Dice: Me too, You so pretty Cheryl Dice: (Silence) Thx (A little intimidated) Hakan Dice: What be frinds? Cheryl Dice: Yeah. Sure. Welcome Hakan Dice: UK? , And why are you Turkey? We so far. Cheryl Dice: I was bored of my country, so I chose another one for a change. Hakan Dice: hmmm…

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Cheryl Dice: And you, what do you do for a living? Hakan Dice: Im sailor. Cheryl Dice: So interesting, and what do you do exactly? Hakan Dice: I travel all year, soon i will go Greece and united kindom Cheryl Dice: (almost fall over the chair when i heard that), Nice, what do you do in the times you travel? Hakan Dice: I know all ships, in charge of keeping passengers good. Cheryl Dice: Nice job. What did you study? Hakan Dice: Nothing, just this. Im 23 and i have to mantain my family. Cheryl Dice: That's so nice, what time is it there? Hakan Dice: 4 am, do you want to see the dawn with me? Cheryl Dice: (Smile) So sweet, of course I will. And we spoke for hours. Although my time was 8 pm, I spent hours trying to communicate with him since his English was really rusty, but in the meantime we were advancing in the conversation I got to see him improving in gigantic steps. For some reason he told me his story. He was in love with a girl that lived in the same city I did. They had been together for a year and a half already, by chat, but due to being so young and the lack of resources, they hadn’t met the dream of facing each other. They were so in love and suffering, that’s why Hakan made me feel so confident on talking to him, because a man that speaks so good about a woman, deserves the trust of any of them. I knew there was no other intention than talking a little bit and that was exactly what I was looking for. My fears started to vanish just having the most innocent of the encounters with someone that was miles away and could help me with what I had started. When he asked me what I do for a living I answered him with honesty and also I told him what I was doing there; this way I let him decide if he wanted to remain in the conversation or go for good. I had to do it since is ethics making a call. Contrary to expectations, he thought this was so interest-ing and told me to save a copy to keep it in his memories. The more I talked to him the sweeter my idea about him became and I was amazingly surprised of the time he was spending with me, with no reason. He was telling me his things with Alejandra, his girlfriend, and I found so sweet that my theories about men were vanishing with Hakan.

One morning, the surprise of the century. Hakan sent me an email telling me that he wasn’t going to write to me anymore; his girl-friend was so jealous, he had the “brilliant” idea on putting me in “pole position” in his group of favorite friends and that untied the fury in Alejandra. What a shameful situation when he told me that, just exactly in the mo-ment when we were building one those friendships that could have lasted forever. “And that’s why you have to stop talking to me? “ I asked him.

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He told me that he didn’t want to lose me but neither her. “Is not going to happen” I said. “And I will solve it right away” And so we did. I asked him to invite me to his conversation with her, although she refused for more than an hour, she confessed on feeling shame for making a bad comment about me, since when she saw my disposition to solve the situation she freaked out and felt bad for making and scandal with no reason. Even so, I insisted on talking to her and so I did. I ended up with 3 windows; one with Hakan, another one with Alejandra and me, and another with the 3 of us chatting. All these just to have “privacy in the middle of the situation” when Hakan did-n’t want Alejandra to see, in his and my win-dow, also same situation with Alejandra, thank God I never wrote in the wrong window but anyway, the results were good, he was ok with her, she was relaxed with me as a friend of both and I, happy because I didn’t split a cou-ple that was trying to find love for the first time. I knew this when Hakan copied and pasted what she was saying in the conversation: “Shit, now I can see why were you so sticky on this girl, she is the coolest, besides, so honest, I’m so sorry baby.” Coolest or not they were ok, so I could breath. With the dilemma in the past, Hakan asked me a favor, one of those we never know how to take. He told me if I could meet his girlfriend in his name. He said that he felt that, through me, he could know more about the woman of his dreams. The only answer that crossed my mind was: “Definitely, you like troubles Hakan” “Don’t you see that if I do that she would think that I will take the gossip directly into your hands? Gos-sip and all of that when Alejandra knew that the cities where the same and how near we were, she had the same curiosity I had; the middle ground between both, which was Hakan, the one that appeared in a strange city, and me in the wrong chat, was about to be shortened

, at last it was like picking and another inves-tor, or like when we make negotiations by phone and we work in PR, she was a 22 year old Sheffield’s girl, what bad could happen. Same risks we take when we make business abroad. She was thrilled about the idea. I picked her up in the university we went to the nearest café. Since we had spoken already the connection became really easy. She was happy because it was the first time for both of us to meet internet people. Outgoing, clever this is how I described her to “her Hakan”, the way she used to call him, she confessed on feeling jealous about me, although she was curious about who I was, she wanted to know what “kind of trumpets I was playing to Hakan” coming in her own words. I explained what I was doing, about the research, showed my notes and she immediately saw that my real intentions where nothing different from writing a book. We became very good friends; still we are after so long. After she saw my profes-sional intentions, I guaranteed to her that the love of that Turkish guy was all hers and no one else’s. I became this couple’s cupid. And now more trusty, since my first internet encounter was so benign I carried on my investigation. Both of them so young, so full of doubts, me , not that mature but for sure, more “lived” seeing how this two were attaching to me day by day like their fairy, feeling that if they didn’t have me near their love will end up. I witnessed their fights, their come back’s, I witnessed the pret-tiest love ever, since it was the first time I saw a man loving his woman this way in 21 cen-tury. Just then, I knew what I was searching in a man’s love, of course with a man with no owner. I got stuck in finding what I love from them. Next Stop: Greece. Cheryl A


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The Real Concept of Beauty What is Beauty … Does it really exist? Or is how mass media say, that is a manipulation to create ideas of what is beauty to generate high intakes… So many articles have been written and in so many of them we can see falseness, in some others we can recover the correct idea. Is being said that a few centuries ago, consisted on have near a chubby woman that was symbol of wealth; some other age, those who have a mole in their faces; in early nineties and 2000 anorexia was a yell of fash-ion, it was so attached to society that this idea of beauty was killing our most sensitive part of society, our teenagers and I can keep on say-ing a list of what beauty meant by then but is not necessary to repeat is it? In my personal opinion there is only one con-cept of real beauty and the rest are just the right manipulation from ancestral high society call it stars, politicians that are the ones that lead the parade in fashion since they are the ones carrying the load of being in the middle of the hurricane eye in a moment where a low parameters society could hold. To me beauty is just one and is set in perfec-tion. There is Masculine and Feminine perfec-tion. Perfection is pattern repeated in so many forms in the whole universe and is commonly present in what we see in our day by day in nature, and is called PHI NUMBER OR FIBO-NACCI SERIE.

PHI = 1.618033988747

Everything in nature evolves based in this number, therefore, the snail form prevails in everyhting. When beauty is evident, is be-cause it keeps this secuence.

A symbol where the expansion idea is pre-sent in every structure of the nature, if we analyze this in detail this proportion exists and is visible in the development and growth of plants, food, fruits, vegetables etc… it is been seen as follows:

1+1 = 2; adding the first numbers 2+1 = 3; adding the result plus the first

one 3+2 = 5; adding the last 2 results

5+3 = 8; and so on adding the last 2 results indefinitely

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It is repeated a along our environment, the whole universe is born and grows under this basic geometrical formula that manages to give beauty to our world. Here’s where the curious thing comes. Something is not pretty or ugly, it is proportional or dispro-portional. When something is proportional means that this something has the parameter PHI Geo-metric. It is when something is really pretty and we get to analyze the geometrical figures that with which this something has been built we will find perfection according to PHI. This parameter is seen and repeated in the whole universe, Milky Way for example, the sense how flowers grow, such as:

Even humans are included here if we get to see in detail the parts of our body we can see this pa-rameter present also just like this..

Also if we look a car that we are going to buy, there is a clear idea about what is this proportion, some cars are ugly some others no, and is all about respecting this proportion and for sure there will be lots of sells. Of course not everyone is ready to understand this type of beauty, so that why there are so few of those that can recognize real beauty, there are some people that like what is not proportional but this choice depends more on the evolution of the spirit, that means that the more evolved this human is better taste will have. . It comes from how clear the idea of beauty is to be in the high standard and accept in a way that can be sedated by the real beauty. These are the dis-tances that all humans have to travel between one another and why everyone likes something different and how ready those

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eyes are to detect the real deepness of beauty that is no other thing than the right proportions. And this is what advertisers are taking advantage of, such is the case of Marlboro they have the Fi-bonacci Series present in this campaign; Is ex-actly how we see our famous people when they are in public, make up artists and photoshoppers that claim to be good are good because they know how to manage proportions and they en-hance stars beauty by simulating a fake beauty. Numerous studies in USA conclude that there is a pattern in some famous artists for example; they took 10 different artists that through the public opinion without any make up they really look good, and after they analyze every line of their faces they found out that this symmetry had a PHI correspondence. From now on we should change the phrase and say “WOW how proportional you look today” ;) and so it happens with human body also. In de-fense on mass media, those who have done their best to influence mass minds on what fashion and beauty is, since our ancestors where chubby girls where the best thing ever, where slim and long Ancient Egyptian models of beauty, where ano-rexic styles like the ones so famous 5 to 10 years ago and that thanks to J Lo this chain of decadent beauty has stopped already opening the doors to that real curvy woman, and bellylicious Pierce Brosnan he who carries this class and lordship that really represents what is one of those human beings that we call normal but with the perfect PHI thing in all through their bodies and with PERFECT FLAWS WITH THE AMAZING PHI PROPORTION. \ Thank you Mr. Fibonacci. Questions? I guess all of them…. Arianna SanPedro Vellyqueen Staff

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Vellyqueen Magazine wants our kids to be a part of this learning process. For this, we hired a new member whose in charge of this, our new section. 10 year old Danakin joint our crew and will be creating games, use-ful not only for playing but also for learning. Always think-ing in our slogan “learning while playing”

Vellykids Section

For the first time !

Thank you for this welcome we hope we can fulfill children’s

expectations !


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Complete the parts of the map and play!

On each page you will have a part of Giza Valley map.

Giza is called the place where the Pyra-mids have been for more than 8000


Tell your mom to print the parts from internet. Cut them in the exact part so your map will fit exactly like a puzzle.

Paste it and analyze what you have in

your hands. Take figures from other games or

search internet for Egyptian figures and start playing!!!!

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