
How To Create A

Reiki BoxReiki Box Using Your SmartSmart Phone

Step 1

• Turn on your Smart Phone

• Open up your favourite Note Pad App

Step 2

• Create a New Folder

• Name it Reiki Box or Reiki Healing Box

Step 3

• Open the New Reiki Box Folder

• Add a New Note

Step 4

• Create your First Reiki Healing Request Form

• Save & Add Forms for Events, Places, Goals etc

Step 5

• Draw or Beam Reiki Symbols onto Your Phone

• Send Reiki to the Recipients within Reiki Box

What is a Reiki Box?

• A Reiki Box is a Surrogate or a Vessel that you can use to channel Reiki through to People, Places, Things or Events.

The Benefits of Using a Reiki Box

• You can save time by sending Reiki to multiple recipients at once several times a day or on auto-pilot.

Why a Smart Phone is Perfect

• Your phone is with you most of the time so you can Add and Send reiki to multiple recipients with ease 24/7.

55 Simple setSimple set--up up StepsSteps

Example 1Example 1 Example 2Example 2


Quick Writing Tips • Wrap the new Reiki Request within a Reiki Symbol Sandwich. • Write out your reiki intention clearly •Read the new Reiki Request/intention aloud including the symbols three times • Save and Close the Reiki Request Form

A Few Ideas or Uses for Your Reiki Box A Few Ideas or Uses for Your Reiki Box 1. Send Reiki to Family Friends and Pets 2. Send Reiki to War and Disaster Zones 3. Send Reiki to past events or tragedies 4. Send Reiki to your Goals and Dreams 5. Send Reiki to an interview or meeting 6. Send Reiki to your Practice & Workshops 7. Send Reiki to people sick or in hospital 8. Use your Imagination: Think BIG Always Remember: Your Intention is the Key

Cleaning Your Reiki Box •Review your Reiki Intentions on a regular basis; deleting any old or completed healing requests or events to keep your Reiki Box clean, neat and tidy. • As you are about to delete the reiki request imagine yourself cutting the connection you have to that particular form or request. Hand it over to Reiki and its infinite wisdom so it

can continue if necessary for the higher good

An Infographic by
